
Why do many people love spring? Essay on the topic “Why I love spring. Bright colors all around

Why do many people love spring?  Essay on the topic “Why I love spring.  Bright colors all around

Of all the seasons, I like spring the most.
In spring, most flowers bloom, trees and grass turn green. The long-awaited warm days are coming, there is less and less rain, and they are getting warmer and warmer.
Mom hides winter clothes in the closet, and dad takes out camping supplies from a box in the garage. I’m preparing my bike, because soon the puddles will dry up and I’ll be able to race around the yard, merrily ringing the bell for the unwary kids. A wonderful time - spring!
At the very beginning of spring, we give our mothers, grandmothers and sisters flowers and gifts. Holiday 8

Martha is one of the most beloved by the people.
And at the end of spring, schoolchildren have another holiday - Last Bell. This is my favorite holiday because after it the holidays begin.
Option 2
I love spring. I love the smell of flowers, swollen buds on the trees, warm spring puddles, the cheerful chirping of sparrows.
In spring, nature looks like a washed beauty primping herself in front of the mirror. And the mirror is blue skies with white fluffy clouds running across them.
In the spring, birds arrive and begin to build their nests. And it’s easier for starlings because people prepare their houses in advance. Therefore, starlings will set up birdhouses and immediately begin to work - clearing the fields of pests that have awakened after winter. Rooks also work, although people do not build houses for them.
Spring is a wonderful time of year also because it is the morning of nature, its awakening from winter hibernation.

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Why I love spring


Of all the seasons, I like spring the most.

In spring, most flowers bloom, trees and grass turn green. The long-awaited warm days are coming, there is less and less rain, and they are getting warmer and warmer.

Mom hides winter clothes in the closet, and dad takes out camping supplies from a box in the garage. I’m getting my bike ready, because soon the puddles will dry up and I’ll be able to ride around the yard, cheerfully ringing the bell of the gape children. A wonderful time - spring!

At the very beginning of spring, we give our mothers, grandmothers and sisters flowers and gifts. The holiday of March 8 is one of the most beloved among the people.

And at the end of spring, schoolchildren have another holiday - Last Bell. This is my favorite holiday because after it the holidays begin.
Option 2

I love spring. I love the smell of flowers, swollen buds on trees, warm spring puddles, the cheerful chirping of sparrows.

In spring, nature looks like a washed beauty primping herself in front of the mirror. And the mirror is blue skies, along which white fluffy clouds run.

In the spring, birds arrive and begin to build their nests. And it’s easier for starlings because people prepare their houses in advance. Therefore, starlings will set up birdhouses and immediately begin to work - clearing the fields of pests that have awakened after winter. Rooks also work, although people do not build houses for them.

Spring is a wonderful time of year also because it is the morning of nature, its awakening from winter hibernation.

I love spring for the expanse of the steppe,
For the blue of the sky, for the bird whistle,
Lilac bush, I appreciate the blue one,
Resinous poplar leaf.

I love open spaces
Wheat fields and ponds.
Bird cherry fragrant smell,
Gardens blooming in spring.

I love you with all my heart and soul
Our Tekin places.
Especially when the show is running
Green-eyed spring

And spring reigns in the air,
Such a wonderful scent.
And now she has come,
I see this wondrous look.

I love spring, why be silent?
I love you for these evenings
I love, trying to describe,
I like how it's time for spring.

Such a pleasant gentle air,
Which adds warmth.
It's very difficult when you're walking,
Don't notice the beauty of spring.

I'm waiting for spring, like a new chapter in life,
She will come and hug me again,
I'll be known as a crazy girl again,
God will not take away the enthusiasm in spring.
And the sparkle in the eyes that is shackled with icy peace,
It will play again, tan,
And I will burn and revel again, again,
It hurts my soul to live differently.
No, it doesn’t hurt, but languishes in white boredom,
The snake falls into its suspended animation,
And cries, cries in this winter torment,
And frost, like crystal, from these tears.

I'm waiting for spring, my soul will rise again
Under the sun that will bring...

How I love spring, as a girl at the beginning,
the bottomless vault of the sky is calico-blue.
On these holy days there is no sadness for me,
even when I’m alone, I’m still with you.

I'm still with you, even without knowing where you are,
even assuming that at the ends of the earth.
Western winds and corvette clouds
They brought me news from you again.

News from you - a sprig of white willow.
The world will be overturned again by a simple miracle - spring.
You will tremble with love, even if you didn’t want to,
with thoughts of me you will wander without sleep.

Will you...

The sun rises in the clouds,
Painting the sky with bright colors.
And the sky is in miracle towers,
They rush into the distance, driven by the wind.

The earth breathed a new world,
A wave of heat washed over everything.
She gave me melt water to drink,
It's time for new games.

The birds are hurrying home,
Their echo of joy urges them on.
Their heart remembers their home,
And their home embraces them.

Waiting for the songs of new nightingales, -
They come with the smell of lilac.
The buds of the branches are swollen,
And soon the pipes will sound.

Spread over the forest crowns,
And the sound of leaves will awaken summer.

Nature comes alive in spring -
Grasses, trees, flowers...
Spring is very beautiful
But I don't like spring!

Spring awakens feelings
The best that we have been given.
Spring is so poetic
But I don't like spring.

Spring is that period of life
Which has no price.
Spring is magnificent!
But I don't like spring.

Spring is just a moment
The illusion that we are strong
That life will be long and clear,
I don't like spring!

Everything in life is simple, real -
And the paths are very clear,
Summer autumn...

I love you, I kiss you, I admire you!
You are my passion and inspiration!
All our meetings are dear to me!
Hours, minutes and moments!

Your words are dear to me!
Your smile, your mood!
And it’s still winter outside!
And there’s a drop of spring in my soul!

I love you, I kiss you, I admire you!
I love your eyes!
I miss you so much!
I miss you very much!

I love you, kiss you! Be with me!
You are my passion and admiration!
And outside the window, it’s already dripping!
And the mood is spring!

Spring is the most extraordinary time of the year. In spring nature comes to life. In spring, the snow melts and the first green grass appears. In spring you can hear the birds singing. In spring, the sun shines and your mood immediately improves.

I love watching how nature transforms. I like to walk down the street when the smell of spring can already be heard and the warm wind blows in my face. Each new spring is different from the previous spring. I would like your life to be transformed with the onset of spring.

My favorite time is late spring, when the trees are blooming and the grass is a lush green hue. I love taking pictures against the backdrop of flowering trees. When trees bloom, they resemble brides. And the aroma they emit is simply intoxicating.

I love spring even from my first trips to the forest. In the forest you can pick the first meadow flowers, warm your hands by the fire and sing songs. I like to go to the forest with my parents and friends. I like to eat in nature.

I also love spring because summer comes after it. Summer is the best time of the year when you don't have to stay at home. In the summer you want to walk, relax and travel. Therefore, spring is the real path to summer, a path along which you walk with pleasure and greet every day with love.

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