
Why don't people like redheads? Red-haired lefties are a fairly common occurrence.

Why don't people like redheads?  Red-haired lefties are a fairly common occurrence.

Atlantico: A simple Google search for “redheads” is enough to demonstrate that prejudice exists. Why are redheads still the targets of ridicule and prejudice?

Valerie Andre: This is a fairly simple phenomenon, which, moreover, has practically not changed over time. This ancient prejudice has taken such deep roots in our collective consciousness that we no longer even think about its nature. Each of us has more than once heard jokes and caustic remarks about redheads, read about them in books or seen them on TV. All this forms a certain habit.

Prejudice against redheads has existed for many centuries and goes back to Antiquity. For example, redheads were often considered aggressive, cruel and prone to fits of anger... But if a person constantly hears such ridicule addressed to him, he adopts a sacrificial behavior in order to protect himself in advance.

This situation gives rise to a very common dynamic: a minority evokes in the majority around it an extremely ambiguous feeling of attraction or rejection. In the case of redheads, the negative context usually comes first.

Red color represents just one biological feature of a certain group of people that stands out for a number of special traits. We are talking about differences in the content of a pigment substance called melanin, which determines the color of a person's hair. This hair color is characteristic of the 3% of the population without red-haired ancestors. That is, if we consider the situation as a whole, we are dealing with a kind of “anomaly”.

At the same time, we also have a certain attraction to redheads. IN last years red-haired women attract great attention, and therefore a whole series of hair dyes, special shampoos, etc. are produced. Moreover, sometimes this is due to prejudices, such as, for example, the sensuality of red-haired women. That is, the situation is very, very ambiguous.

— Do we have discrimination against redheads or just prejudice?

“We can actually talk about the existence of a certain discrimination against redheads or even racism, because it concerns similar mental processes. The only difference from racism is that there is no red-haired nationality or ethnic group that has such a characteristic.

As a result, all this only makes prejudices more persistent and makes many people not pay attention to them special attention so that ridicule of redheads is still considered politically correct. However, if all the ridicule of redheads were directed at one ethnic group, then it would definitely be a case of racism. And such statements are punishable by law. But, of course, not when it comes to redheads, because they are not a separate ethnic group.

— What could such a widespread ridicule of redheads lead to?

“The consequences are very, very serious, because redheads suffer from this one by one.” This suffering is all the greater because the rise of social media has given impetus to the trend. The network promotes speech that would not normally pass self-censorship, making ridicule of redheads commonplace.

A number of actions aimed against redheads have emerged on social networks. And one of them ended badly: in 2008, “International Kick Redheads Day” in Canada caused several incidents that were investigated by the police. In France, in February 2013, one schoolboy even hanged himself because bullying because of his hair color became truly unbearable. That is, the problem is completely real. Of course, it would be absurd to equate hatred of redheads with anti-Semitism or other forms of racism, but it is still real discrimination and can create conditions for radical behavior.

— In such conditions, an artificial formation of a certain community is observed among redheads. This desire to belong to a group is inextricably linked to a sense of otherness: if you feel like you are in the minority, you try to get closer to those who are similar to you.

Increased media attention (compared to previous years) to discrimination against redheads also contributes to their unification and solidarity, which is a simple reaction to the behavior of groups of “redheads” that has emerged in recent years.

— How have redheads become victims of prejudice and attacks throughout history? What do we really know?

“Redheads have been the victims of all sorts of prejudices and punishments throughout history, but it hasn’t happened nearly as often as we think.” Red-haired women were indeed considered witches in the 16th century, but if you look at the descriptions compiled by the inquisitors during the witch hunts, you will not see the red color as a distinguishing physical feature. We are rather dealing with a certain idea that was developed later, but does not exactly correspond to the realities of those times. However, there are many red-haired witches in books and in various images.

Likewise, the idea that Judas was red-haired became widespread in the collective imagination. Until the 1920s, the expression “red as Judas” was often found in the works of such famous writers as Emile Zola and Honore de Balzac. Moreover, in the Gospel there is not a word about the color of Judas’s hair. Therefore, the basis for this idea was the idea formed in society. It is difficult to say whether the redheads suffered from Judas' bad reputation among Christians.

In addition, in 19th-century literature, prostitutes are often depicted as having red hair. This is a very common moment in the works of Emile Zola and Guy de Maupassant, although we do not have the slightest evidence of such a fact. Mary Magdalene is also often described as a red-haired woman, although there is not the slightest hint of this in the biblical texts.

Whether this character is real or not, red-haired or not... That's not the point. The problem lies in the idea that is formed in society in the form of a myth or misconception and takes deeper roots over time.

Valerie André, lecturer in literary history at the Free University of Brussels

I fucking hate these natural red, red-copper-fiery walking torches!

Damn, they are red everywhere, everywhere in general, you can imagine the red hair on their arms - they have it! And they also have red hair on their legs, hello to epilators, real red hair on their legs, Indian Squaw-Red-Legs, I fucking hate it!

What's going on in their pubic area - it's a complete star, you spread your legs - and there's some kind of fucking fire! Well, if he shaves a little - the fire is so smoldering, the coals are ripe, it’s time to skewer! Fucking brazier! Everything is fucking red!! And it’s even scary to insert a penis into this decay, the temperature there is off the charts, redheads are hot and wet, like a cold beaver. They are the wettest of all. They have enough lubricant for a regiment of young hussars! Hot and wet! I fucking hate flu beavers!

Redheads have thin and velvety skin. You say, what's wrong with that? Yes, because she is also freckled! Did you think that red-haired-freckled is only about boys in the cartoon?! HA! Redheads are always freckled! They have freckles, damn it! Red freckles, damn! Some on the nose, some all over the face, and some on the tits, damn! Can you imagine freckled tits, damn!? It’s as if someone unsuccessfully sneezed red snot on them! I hate, I hate red snot on velvet thin skin tits, fuck!

Redheads don't have nipples. Well, that is, they are there, but to find it, you need to lick in the intended area of ​​the nipple and if you hit it successfully, you will see the pimples out of the blue. You ask me why is this? Yes, because, fuck, their nipples are almost the same color as the skin of their tits, and if there are also freckles, and in the twilight by candlelight - everything, star, is cooler than sniper camouflage, there are stupidly no nipples!! I hate tits without nipples, damn it, and fucking freckled ones too!!! And then, a little later, the boobs become flabby! The skin is thin, stretches, the tits sag and dry out before anyone else, damn it! Flabby freckled tits without nipples, fuck, I hate, fuck!!

Redheads are clumsy. I don't know how this has anything to do with hair color, but all redheads have some kind of crooked legs, which is why they constantly stumble when walking. No, they are not crooked, maybe slightly bent, but the clubfoot effect is permanent, damn it. Teddy bear, red-haired, freckled, clubfooted, clubfooted, fuck!! I fucking hate clumsy walking torches! I fucking hate bears!!!

Redheads are passionate. Again, you say, what's wrong with that? But this is just some kind of insatiable star, they are ready to give themselves up to everything possible places, and in any position. They have some kind of lowered pain threshold and increased sensitivity, damn it. Their entire freckled skin is solid erogenous zone and to get a redhead you don’t have to work hard, these aren’t fucking blondes. And for a redhead to cum, you don’t have to work a damn thing either, these aren’t blondes. There is a feeling that they come at all, regardless of whether they have a dick inside them, damn it. Some kind of insatiably lustful fire-in-the-hole, fuck, I hate insatiability, fuck, I hate redheads, fuck!!!

I hate, I hate, I hate redheads, fuck, damn, they're my Achilles heel, my weakness, my weakness, I hate my weakness and redheads, fuck, I hate, I hate, I hate, fuck!!!

According to statistics, approximately 1-2% of the world's population has naturally red hair. However, bright curls and freckles are not the only thing that unites these people. Scientists note that genetic differences can manifest themselves in everything from pain threshold to sensitivity to cold.

Experts at the American Chemical Society explain that redheads get their hair color and pale skin because of the genetic variant MC1R, which causes their cells to actively produce a reddish type of melanin called pheomelanin. Red-haired people have high levels of pheomelanin but relatively little eumelanin, a black-brown pigment.

The genetic variant responsible for red hair is recessive: that is, for a child to be born red, both parents must be carriers of the genetic variant (25% chance), one parent must be red and the other a carrier of the variant (50% chance), or both parents were red-haired (100% probability).

All of the above makes “fire” people unique both outside and inside. This material contains five facts about redheads that will surprise you.

Red hair and blue eyes are rare

Despite the abundance of mesmerizing pictures on the Internet, the combination of red curls and blue eyes is rare. Mostly because blue eye color is also a recessive trait. In other words, both parents must be carriers of the gene for a child to be born with blue eyes. And if it seems to you that there are quite a lot of blue-eyed people in the world, then you are mistaken. According to statistics, approximately 17% of the world's population have Blue eyes. At the same time, most red-haired people have brown or green eyes.

Redheads are sensitive to pain...

There is evidence that redheads may require slightly stronger anesthesia during surgery than blondes and brunettes. A 2004 study cited by Medical Daily found that red-haired patients required 20 to 30 percent more anesthetic to achieve optimal levels of sedation (a state of light sleep). The same experiment was replicated in mice, where animals with the MC1R mutation also required more pain medication. Scientists speculate this is because the genetic mutation may affect the activity of endorphins, known as the body's natural painkillers.

...And also hot and cold

Redheads are likely to be more sensitive to cold and hot sensations than people with other hair colors. Researchers at the University of Louisville found that redheads not only need extra doses of anesthetic during surgery, they are also more susceptible to pain at temperatures of 6 degrees or higher. According to the researchers, this may be because MC1R activates a temperature-detecting gene, so that the body temperature of redheads is, on average, slightly lower than that of blondes and brunettes.

Redheads get bruises more often

Redheads are also more prone to bruises. At the same time they have normal indicators blood tests, but a 2006 study showed they bruise more often and require less effort. Scientists explain that this is completely normal if you have already visited a doctor with your problem and he has not noticed anything unusual. Well, if not, then for your own peace of mind it would be better to make an appointment.

Red-haired lefties are a fairly common occurrence.

There is a limited quantity scientific research regarding how often red-haired people are left-handed. And yet it seems to be a fairly common occurrence. As with red hair, left-handedness is a recessive trait. According to various estimates, 10-12% of the world's population actively use their left hand. However, there is evidence that recessive traits tend to occur in pairs: this explains the fact that it is not so difficult to meet a left-handed redhead.

Atlantico: A simple Google search for “redheads” is enough to demonstrate that prejudice exists. Why are redheads still the targets of ridicule and prejudice?

Valerie Andre: This is a fairly simple phenomenon, which, moreover, has practically not changed over time. This ancient prejudice has taken such deep roots in our collective consciousness that we no longer even think about its nature. Each of us has more than once heard jokes and caustic remarks about redheads, read about them in books or seen them on TV. All this forms a certain habit.

Prejudice against redheads has existed for many centuries and goes back to Antiquity. For example, redheads were often considered aggressive, cruel and prone to fits of anger... But if a person constantly hears such ridicule addressed to him, he adopts a sacrificial behavior in order to protect himself in advance.

This situation gives rise to a very common dynamic: a minority evokes in the majority around it an extremely ambiguous feeling of attraction or rejection. In the case of redheads, the negative context usually comes first.

Red color represents just one biological feature of a certain group of people that stands out for a number of special traits. We are talking about differences in the content of a pigment substance called melanin, which determines the color of a person's hair. This hair color is characteristic of the 3% of the population without red-haired ancestors. That is, if we consider the situation as a whole, we are dealing with a kind of “anomaly”.

At the same time, we also have a certain attraction to redheads. In recent years, red-haired women have attracted great attention, and therefore a whole series of hair dyes, special shampoos, etc. are being produced. Moreover, sometimes this is due to prejudices, such as, for example, the sensuality of red-haired women. That is, the situation is very, very ambiguous.

— Do we have discrimination against redheads or just prejudice?

“We can actually talk about the existence of a certain discrimination against redheads or even racism, because it concerns similar mental processes. The only difference from racism is that there is no red-haired nationality or ethnic group that has such a characteristic.

As a result, all this does is make prejudices more persistent and make many people not pay much attention to them, so that ridicule of redheads is still considered politically correct. However, if all the ridicule of redheads were directed at one ethnic group, then it would definitely be a case of racism. And such statements are punishable by law. But, of course, not when it comes to redheads, because they are not a separate ethnic group.

— What could such a widespread ridicule of redheads lead to?

“The consequences are very, very serious, because redheads suffer from this one by one.” This suffering is all the greater because the rise of social media has given impetus to the trend. The network promotes speech that would not normally pass self-censorship, making ridicule of redheads commonplace.

A number of actions aimed against redheads have emerged on social networks. And one of them ended badly: in 2008, “International Kick Redheads Day” in Canada caused several incidents that were investigated by the police. In France, in February 2013, one schoolboy even hanged himself because bullying because of his hair color became truly unbearable. That is, the problem is completely real. Of course, it would be absurd to equate hatred of redheads with anti-Semitism or other forms of racism, but it is still real discrimination and can create conditions for radical behavior.

— In such conditions, an artificial formation of a certain community is observed among redheads. This desire to belong to a group is inextricably linked to a sense of otherness: if you feel like you are in the minority, you try to get closer to those who are similar to you.

Increased media attention (compared to previous years) to discrimination against redheads also contributes to their unification and solidarity, which is a simple reaction to the behavior of groups of “redheads” that has emerged in recent years.

— How have redheads become victims of prejudice and attacks throughout history? What do we really know?

“Redheads have been the victims of all sorts of prejudices and punishments throughout history, but it hasn’t happened nearly as often as we think.” Red-haired women were indeed considered witches in the 16th century, but if you look at the descriptions compiled by the inquisitors during the witch hunts, you will not see the red color as a distinguishing physical feature. We are rather dealing with a certain idea that was developed later, but does not exactly correspond to the realities of those times. However, there are many red-haired witches in books and in various images.

Likewise, the idea that Judas was red-haired became widespread in the collective imagination. Until the 1920s, the expression “red as Judas” was often found in the works of such famous writers as Emile Zola and Honore de Balzac. Moreover, in the Gospel there is not a word about the color of Judas’s hair. Therefore, the basis for this idea was the idea formed in society. It is difficult to say whether the redheads suffered from Judas' bad reputation among Christians.

In addition, in 19th-century literature, prostitutes are often depicted as having red hair. This is a very common moment in the works of Emile Zola and Guy de Maupassant, although we do not have the slightest evidence of such a fact. Mary Magdalene is also often described as a red-haired woman, although there is not the slightest hint of this in the biblical texts.

Whether this character is real or not, red-haired or not... That's not the point. The problem lies in the idea that is formed in society in the form of a myth or misconception and takes deeper roots over time.