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Clean chrome car parts - various ways to restore the appearance at home. How to remove chrome from plastic at home: features and effective methods How to wash chrome table legs

Clean chrome car parts - various ways to restore the appearance at home.  How to remove chrome from plastic at home: features and effective methods How to wash chrome table legs

In everyday life, we often encounter the appearance of rust on various types of metal objects. Chrome-plated products, such as bathroom fixtures, are also susceptible to this problem. Although there is an opinion that chrome coating is the most resistant to corrosion, this is far from the case. Under certain circumstances, when chrome is affected by several unfavorable factors at once, products may become covered with red spots. In this article we will tell you how to remove rust from a chrome surface and how to avoid this problem in the future.

Chrome plating is a special technology of applying a thin layer of chromium to metal products. Today, galvanic chrome plating is most often used. The process involves the deposition of chromium using an electrolytic solution onto a metal surface directly under the pressure of electrical charges.

The popularity of this operation is due to the fact that the chrome-plated part acquires improved technical and operational characteristics: strength, resistance to negative environmental factors. All this allows the metal to be used not only for finishing, but also for decorative purposes.

Chrome elements are widely used in mechanical engineering; electrical and plumbing equipment is created, which can be seen in almost every bathroom.

The disadvantages of this type of surface undoubtedly include low resistance to mechanical stress - small scratches, holes and chips appear on the coating quite quickly. If the material is used for external finishing work, then under the influence of oxygen (oxidation reaction) rust may also appear.

Causes of rusty plaque

The main cause of corrosion on the surface of chrome-plated products is excessive force and mechanical loads. They lead to the appearance of small scratches and cracking of the surface layer of the material. This happens as follows: the metal is covered with chromium, it oxidizes due to the negative influence of oxygen and other organic substances. This is how rust appears.

It is also worth noting that metal household appliances are constantly exposed to the aggressive effects of chemical reagents (soap suds, detergents, dust formations, mold). The feeling of cleanliness and comfort is lost - the coating becomes cloudy and loses its original natural shine.

Rust removers

Removing rust from metal surfaces can be done both with the help of specialized chemical compounds and with the use of folk remedies. It all depends on your personal preferences and financial capabilities.

Specialized compounds

Currently, the market offers a wide selection of compounds for effectively eliminating corrosion and rust stains. When choosing, you should be guided by the labeling, indicating the possibility of using the product specifically for cleansing. Among such products is WD-40.

To prevent the subsequent occurrence of this problem, it would be a good idea to use a protective polish for chrome. Professionals clean metal products with Doctor Wax and Autosol metal polish. Such polishing pastes help reduce wear on nickel-plated and other metal surfaces.

To clean chrome plating, you can also use multifunctional cleaning products, for example, Mister Muscle for plaque and rust.

On video: comparative test of polishes for chrome.

Available means

If you want to save on this process, then the means at hand will come to your aid. To combat corrosion you can use:

  • toothpaste and an unnecessary piece of soft cloth;

  • metal sponge (in advanced cases);

  • tin foil.

When removing rust from a nickel-plated surface yourself, it is important to use the appropriate material with which you will apply the cleaning agent. Experts recommend not using sandpaper, as it can cause new scratches.

How to clean chrome using folk remedies?

Since ancient times, our ancestors have faced the problem of rust on metal objects. Therefore, today there are many folk methods that will help remove rust from chrome surfaces. Before cleaning household appliances from rust stains using specialized compounds, try using the products described below.

Using Vinegar

Vinegar is considered the most effective anti-rust agent. Pour the solution into a plastic bag, then place the rusty parts in it for several hours. Small-sized items can be completely immersed in the solution, but large items will have to be attached to a bag using an elastic band or clothespin. After two to three hours, the corrosion stains will disappear, all that remains is to dry the surface and wipe with a clean cloth.

Chrome parts appeared with the first cars and are used today. They give the car sophistication and beauty, but, unfortunately, they cannot resist time and the aggressive external environment. It is sometimes difficult to restore chrome parts to their former beauty, but it is possible.

1 Plaque - how to restore the original appearance

The first signs of rust are noticeable as a coating on a shiny surface. Before they turn into strong hot spots, you should clean the chrome parts of your car. Practitioners do not recommend using household chemicals for this purpose, which give a matte and dull appearance. It is better to take ordinary substances that everyone can find at home. The effect will be no worse than the most expensive cleaners. What to choose is up to you.

A very popular cleaning product is Coca-Cola and foil. They easily cope with rust on chrome. First, clean the part from dust with a soft cloth and wash it with warm water. We take ordinary food foil, crumple it into a ball, moisten it with Coca-Cola and three places with traces of plaque and rust. After processing, polish using felt or a soft cloth.

To use the method, you need foil, not a rag: the method is based on the exchange of electrons between metals and reversing the rusting process.

You can clean it with fine abrasive substances, each separately: soda, crushed chalk or tooth powder, fine salt and lemon juice. We make a paste of water and a fine abrasive (for salt - lemon juice), apply it to a flannel cloth and process the part. To remove residual product and rust, wipe with a damp cloth and wipe dry until shiny.

2 Rust on chrome parts - how to remove

We remove obvious traces of corrosion using methods, the use of which depends on the degree of damage. We remove rust that covers a large area with GOI paste. We apply it to a piece of felt and process the part, then wipe it, removing any remaining paste and rust. The paste has quite strong abrasive properties and should be used carefully.

A good effect from using chemicals prepared at home. We take a small bag of copper sulfate (sold in 200 g packets) and 50 ml of hydrochloric acid, dilute it in 1 liter of water. We put on rubber gloves - we work with acid - and dip a swab into the solution. Wipe off the rust and let it sit for a few minutes. Neutralize the acid with a weak soda solution and wipe dry.

Severe corrosion, when nothing else helps, we remove it with the well-known product WD-40. Spray it on the rust spots and leave it for a while. A minimum of 15 minutes is required, but the best effect is achieved after an hour of exposure. Wipe well with a soft dry cloth.

The listed methods are good if corrosion has not damaged the metal to a great depth. Otherwise, more radical measures will be needed. We use hand tools or power tools. We use metal brushes, sandpaper, hard drill bits and even a grinder to remove heavy rust. Clean until pure metal appears. Remains of rust in the recesses can be removed with anti-rust.

Of course, after such stringent measures, the part must be restored. We use putty if the depth of the damaged area is small, or even welding in case of significant damage, including through ones. Only after giving the part a flat, smooth surface do we proceed to restoring the chrome coating.

3 Polishing - the use of industrial and folk remedies

When the chrome on parts simply fades and loses its shine, it is not difficult to return it to its original appearance. The chrome layer is very thin, so care must be taken when cleaning and polishing.

We choose one of the cleaning products, apply it to a napkin and wipe the chrome surfaces. Wash off the residue with water and wipe dry. When it is noticeable that the chrome has tarnished, cut the lemon, leaving only the skin, which we use to wipe the part. Rinse again with water, dry and rub with a soft cloth until shiny.

Let's start polishing. GOI paste gives a good effect - it not only restores the shiny surface, but also removes minor scratches. Depending on the size of the abrasive, it is produced under different numbers:

  • 4 – the roughest, removes oxides, polishes deep scratches;
  • 3 – medium, gives the surface a smooth matte finish;
  • 1.2 – finishing, returns original quality.

To restore chrome on a car, numbers 3, 2, 1 in that order are enough. For convenient work, use a few drops of oil. The bumper, radiator grille and other external parts, except door handles, are not cleaned of oil after polishing. Its thin layer will create a good protective film, invisible to the eye, and protect against salt on the roads in winter.

You can use special polishes for chrome. We manually polish with a cotton cloth or microfiber with an applied compound, wiping until shiny. High-quality polishing is carried out using a polishing machine or polishing wheels using an electric drill. We carry it out in two stages. First, we use a felt circle and turn on the tool at medium speed. For final processing we use a felt or foam rubber circle, the speed is also medium.

It is important not to overheat the parts! We do not linger in one place; we moisten the part with water.

4 Vinyl film - gluing technology

In some cases, restoration of the chrome coating is impossible - the damage to the surface is too great. You can restore the original appearance by using vinyl film, or rather, one of its varieties: chrome-plated. Decorating with regular film is easier than with chrome-look film. It has its own characteristics, the process is not so difficult as it requires accuracy.

We remove the part from the car, remove the entire layer of chrome and clean the metal. Next is cleaning: wash thoroughly and degrease with an aqueous solution of white spirit. We apply the film to the part without tearing off the backing. We choose a placement and outline the boundaries, trim off the excess, but with a margin. We definitely invite an assistant - we can’t cope further alone.

Spray the part with soapy water, sparing it. Remove the backing from the film and apply it to the part, fixing it with your fingers in the corners. We heat the film with a hair dryer, while simultaneously running the squeegee from the middle to the edges. We ensure that the film adheres tightly to the part, following its contours.

The film must be heated to an almost critical temperature - up to 200 °. If you heat it up at one point for more than 10 seconds, the film will not shine in that place.

Use a squeegee to squeeze out air bubbles and soap solution. We trim the film with a margin of 5 mm. For gluing we use special glue Primer 94, follow the instructions for use. Wipe with a napkin and leave to dry. It takes a week for it to dry completely. It is important at this time to maintain the temperature that was during pasting, without washing. The film is very thin; further washing should be done carefully with a soft, damp cloth.

5 Imitation chrome – paint application

Truly chrome plating using electroplating at home is very difficult and impractical, and seeking services from specialized workshops is expensive. The solution could be painting that imitates chrome plating. Even with high-quality paints, light reflection does not exceed 95%; the protective properties are also incomparable with galvanic coating. But, nevertheless, such a budget option has the right to life.

Paints with a chrome plating effect belong to one of the categories: in cans and cans. It seems like there is no difference, but in fact it is significant. The contents of the cans are more expensive, after application they do not have a high-quality reflective effect; they vaguely resemble chrome. In cans, the paint is intended for professionals, aesthetically closer to chrome surfaces.

Metallic paints are available in one- and two-component versions. The latter have an acrylic or epoxy base. Preparing for use will take time - we mix the base with the hardener, but the quality will be high.

Dyeing technology:

  • Apply several layers of black primer to the carefully prepared, degreased part;
  • after drying, apply a layer of ceramic varnish, dry for one hour at 60°;
  • keep for three days at normal temperature, then paint with chrome paint in 4 layers;
  • dry for 24 hours at 20° or 1 hour at 60°;
  • cover with protective varnish.

After drying, the part should be polished, and we get, although not real chrome plating, but a better look than with a damaged coating.

Chrome parts are in demand among car enthusiasts - they make the car shine and make it stand out in traffic. Chrome is an expensive material that corrodes, like other modern metals. It is characterized by consistent tarnishing and brittleness, and chrome parts must be carefully maintained.

Expensive cleaning products are not financially accessible to everyone, and cheap, low-quality analogues contain aggressive chemicals that accelerate the destruction of the material. This article will discuss the process of answering the question “how to remove rust from a chrome part” using available tools.

The problem of destruction of chrome, along with paintwork, is an eternal problem for car owners. The appearance of rust is irreversible, but the period of its formation depends on the care of the car. The main reasons for the rapid formation of corrosion:

  • Harsh road conditions (dirt, temperature changes);
  • Mechanical damage to the coating (scratches and cracks from gravel or poor parking);
  • Inappropriate care (washing with strong substances, using rough materials), which creates microcracks.

Due to the presence of these factors, the material deteriorates faster, which contributes to the accelerated appearance of plaque and rust.

A chrome surface has a number of characteristics that clearly indicate a loss of the original qualities of the material:

  • Fading of color;
  • Multi-colored stains;
  • Strong sticking of dirt, unusual for the material.

Even a well-polished and varnished part after six months loses its external shine and stands out as an element of dull color against the background of the bright color of the car.

If one of the described signs is found, there is a high probability that rust has formed behind the dirt and grease, especially in hard-to-reach places. To remove it, you will need to carry out a series of measures to clean the surface of foreign substances, and then restore the lost qualities.

Preparing to remove rust from a chrome part

The task is complicated by the fact that chrome is a thin material, and a local area of ​​rust has a destructive effect on the rest of the surface of the part. Moreover, the scale of the spread of rust is difficult to assess without cleaning it from dirt and grease, behind the layers of which it may be hidden. To begin removing rust, you must follow several rules that relate to the properties of chromium:

  • Sudden changes in temperature are prohibited, because it promotes accelerated destruction of the material;
  • Do not use salt-containing products;
  • The use of cleaning cloths with a rough surface is strictly prohibited.

If the rust has not completely destroyed the layer and has not begun to spread through the metal behind the coating, it will not require much effort to remove.

Cleaning from dirt

Before the main work, it is necessary to free the surface from dirt and grease that has accumulated during the operation of the car. You need to prepare warm water or gasoline and rinse the surface of the chrome part down to the base, performing the procedure several times. Ideally, it is better to remove dirt with a garden hose. The next task is to wipe the part dry with foil or a soft cloth. If plaque or dirt remains in hard-to-reach places, clean with a toothbrush.


When rust is present, you cannot do without protective equipment. It was mentioned above that corrosion causes damage to the adjacent area, to prevent which the surface will need to be varnished. During removal, you can use wax or polish. After the localization procedure, you should immediately begin removing rust.


Rust can be successfully cleaned with both improvised means and specialized cleaning materials. If the part is in a publicly accessible place, use chalk or washing powder, which will remove foreign substances for a long time but reliably. The materials do not have a destructive effect on the chrome surface and are safe. Use a dry cloth to carefully rub along the edges of the rust, without touching the entire surface. When it has spread to a hard-to-reach area, use a toothbrush to clean it. This will qualitatively remove a small layer of rust.

If corrosion has completely destroyed the layer to the base, you can safely use aggressive agents - chlorine and soda. These materials remove plaque faster, but require precision and great rubbing force, because... negatively affect the chrome surface. To facilitate the process and reduce time, it is recommended to use WD-40 aerosol, which copes with plaque in hard-to-reach places.

Purification of substances used

To explain correctly, rust is not removed, but softened, and traces of it and the cleaning materials that need to be removed remain on the cleaned surface. If dry reagents were used to remove plaque, you can clean the surface with a toothbrush (a new one that has not been used to remove rust).

Restoring the destroyed layer

To give a smooth shape to the part and eliminate irregularities caused by corrosion, special ceramic-based pastes are used. This material serves as a substitute for a chrome surface and goes well with natural materials. The material is easy to apply and restores the appearance of the part throughout the day. The soil properties of ceramic paste make it possible to fill large areas of destruction several millimeters thick. It can be purchased at any automobile store.

When the original quality of a chrome plated part is restored, good protection is required. To use a cheap temporary remedy, varnish products will serve, which will protect the coating from reagents and temperature changes for a month, and also restore the shine of the part. Over time, you will need to choose a reliable rust protection product, which is described below.

Ways to Prevent Corrosion

The occurrence of rust is theoretically impossible to predict; it can only be detected by its presence. Corrosion is a natural problem of any materials, from which it is impossible to escape. The only way to prevent rust is to avoid it.

Two methods are used as protective measures that repeatedly extend the life of the chrome part:

  1. The chrome surface must be covered with a protective vinyl film. In addition to the formation of corrosion, it will protect the part from mechanical damage and scratches, which also contribute to the formation of rust. The glued part needs to be washed frequently, and the film must be replaced every four months with a new layer.
  2. An alternative is to polish and varnish the chrome surface. These substances more effectively protect the coating from aggressive substances and temperature changes, but are not able to protect against gravel and dust.

Which of the following methods is better is the choice of the car enthusiast. In urban conditions, the quality of roads is higher; gravel is excluded. In this case, the road surface is often treated with reagents; the choice of protecting the surface from corrosion is obvious. In rural areas the situation is reversed and the correct solution would be to apply vinyl film.

It is necessary to take into account the operation and location of the chrome part. For example, the fender liners and bumpers located below are subject to wear and tear more than the door handles and car brand emblem. It is recommended to change protective equipment after a few months. First you will need to remove the old layer and remaining traces of glue and varnish. Thoroughly polish the freed surface and apply a new coating to all chrome parts.

Chrome plating is the application of a thin layer of chromium to a metal or plastic surface in order to give it a more attractive appearance, enhance the strength of the metal and increase its resistance to corrosion. However, with use, the chrome coating occurs, which is why it loses its aesthetics, so many people think about how to remove chrome from plastic at home. Today, there are several main ways to do this, each of which involves the use of certain equipment, special solutions or other available means. Regardless of which method of removing chrome plating you choose, you must follow certain rules and precautions.

Removing chrome plating using specialized equipment

If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to remove chrome from plastic, then the easiest and most common way is to use specialized equipment. In this case, there is no need to use various chemical solutions and come into contact with them, however, you must understand that such equipment is quite expensive.

Such equipment includes:

  • abrasive unit;
  • ultrasonic cleaner.

Using an abrasive unit

An abrasive unit is equipment that uses a special powder. Under the influence of high air pressure, this powder gradually erases the chrome coating. Similar installations can be found in specialized stores or at many enterprises whose activities are related to construction.

Depending on the thickness of the layer, a powder with a certain grain size is selected. When working with the installation, it is recommended to use face and respiratory protection, since small particles of chromium that enter the air are dangerous to human health.

Modern ultrasonic cleaners

How can I remove chrome from a plastic part using other methods? Other equipment is ultrasonic cleaners. They remove the chromium layer by exposure to sound waves. The chrome-plated part is placed in a basket, which is lowered into a special solvent that enhances the effect of ultrasonic waves on the chrome. Further cleaning of the part is carried out in full accordance with the instructions for the equipment.

Use of chemicals

If you are interested in how to remove chrome from plastic very quickly, then in this case you should resort to the help of special chemical solutions. They are very powerful and effective and are capable of removing even the thickest and highest quality layer of chrome plating. However, when working with such products, you must be extremely careful and follow all safety precautions, since they are very toxic.

Chemicals include:

  • hydrochloric acid;
  • sulfuric acid
  • sodium hydroxide.

How to remove chrome from plastic using hydrochloric acid? You will need to make a 40 percent acid solution. To do this, dilute hydrochloric acid in water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Ready-made solutions are also available for sale, the instructions for which tell you how to remove chrome from plastic. "Mole" is one of such means.

The chrome-plated part is placed in until the chrome coating is completely removed, after which it is thoroughly washed under running water and soap and sent to dry.

The principle of using sulfuric acid to remove chrome plating is completely identical to that with hydrochloric acid.

Chrome from plastic using sodium hydroxide?" - you ask. In the same way as described above. However, there is one important nuance here. When working with this substance, you should exclude its contact with water and aluminum, since when sodium hydroxide reacts with them releases toxic and flammable gas.

To prepare the solution, you will need a plastic container in which you need to mix 8 to 12 ounces of sodium hydroxide and add 3.8 liters of water. Next, the chrome plated part is placed in the solution until the spraying is completely behind. It’s worth noting right away that this can take quite a long period of time. After completing the removal process, the part is also washed thoroughly in clean water and soap.

Some experts recommend one piece of advice on how to quickly and efficiently remove chrome. It involves reversing the galvanization process. This method is very effective, but it is not recommended to use it yourself at home, since it is based on the use of electric current, and in the process of removing the binding of chromium elements to the metal, some very dangerous and toxic substances are released. Therefore, if you are looking for a way to remove chrome from plastic, then you should not experiment with this, but rather choose another method described above, or seek help from a qualified specialist.

Removing a thin layer of chrome using improvised means

Before we talk about how to remove chrome from plastic using improvised means, it is immediately worth noting that the methods discussed below will only help in the case of a very thin layer of chrome plating, and in many cases they will be extremely ineffective. Most of these methods are based on the personal experiments of some innovators, so they may not be useful in your particular case. In most cases, they will help in removing fake chrome from plastic parts.

Removing chrome using improvised means

How can you remove chrome from plastic at home? An excellent option would be to use an abrasive. You can make it from ordinary baking soda or cleaning powder, which must be diluted a little with water to a paste-like state and then rubbed into the chrome coating until it begins to peel off. This method will only work if you are dealing with a very thin coating. When doing this, you should be very careful not to damage the base material.

Another chrome stripper that everyone probably has in their home is an aerosol stove cleaner. It has excellent degreasing properties, so it can help quickly remove light chrome plating from plastic. Such products are applied to the part for ten minutes, after which they are simply wiped off with a rag along with the coating itself. It is worth noting that some cleaners can have a negative effect on the base material, so it is recommended to remove chromium using them in several stages at short intervals. When working with household chemicals, be very careful and do not allow it to come into contact with your skin, eyes or respiratory tract.

Chrome bleaching

Another effective method is to soak the part to be desprayed in bleach. The part is completely immersed in the solution for approximately 24 hours. The removal process may take longer. It all depends on the thickness of the layer and the quality of the spraying. The advantage of using bleach is that it only affects the chrome plating without causing any harm to the base material. An important nuance: the bleach in which the chrome part was soaked must not be reused, since it will contain chromium, which is toxic to humans.

Removing chrome plating using brake fluid

The last method of removing a layer of chrome is perfect for car enthusiasts. Because it is based on the use of brake fluid. The thing is that it has a similar effect on light chrome plating as a solvent on paint, so brake fluid can help remove the chrome coating from a plastic part. However, it is immediately worth noting that this method cannot be called fast, since the process lasts several days.

The chrome part is wiped with brake fluid and left for 10 minutes, after which it is washed under running water. It is not recommended to leave the liquid on the part for a long time, since it can dissolve not only the chrome, but also the base material. Repeat this procedure until the chrome plating is completely removed.

Over time, tiny depressions appear on the surface of the metal, which are not visible to the naked eye, but due to which chrome rust forms. They expose the material under the chromium to oxygen, oxidation occurs and, as a result, rust appears on the surface. Other factors that prevent chrome from shining in all its glory are soap scum, mold on plumbing fixtures, dust and dirt in any form. Fortunately, chrome can almost always be cleaned, restored to its original condition, and protected from further damage easily and inexpensively. Read on to learn how to clean chrome and remove rust without resorting to expensive cleaners.


1. Train yourself to regularly wash, maintain the shine and proper condition of chrome surfaces. For these purposes, use inexpensive multi-functional cleaners or glass cleaning liquids (Mr. Muscle, Help, Clin, etc.). Rub the chrome with a soft cloth. Natural alternatives to ready-made products include baking soda and carbonated water.

2. It is recommended to remove soap scum from chrome-plated parts of plumbing fixtures using used antistatic wipes or cooking spray. Spray cooking spray onto the soap-stained surface and wipe with a soft cloth.

3. Mix baking soda and water to form a paste. Apply it to the surface and leave for a few minutes to allow the soap scum to go away. Wipe with a soft damp cloth.

4. Fill a plastic bag or sandwich bag with vinegar. Secure the bag over the chrome fixtures with a rubber band. If the parts are small, throw them inside the bag. Leave for several hours or overnight. Remove the bag and wipe down the chrome.

5. Wash and polish chrome parts with metal cleaner. In principle, any product for metal surfaces that says “clean, protect and polish” will do. For example, Doctor Wax or Metal Polish. An expensive product will last for a long time - with it you will not have to repeat cleaning more than once a week. When using your chosen product, make sure the area is well ventilated and keep the cleaner away from children and animals.

6. To clean chrome and remove light marks rust , mix salt and lemon juice in equal proportions.

7. Dip aluminum foil in cola. Wipe chrome surfaces with foil to remove rust.

8. Try any household products that contain acid to remove rust. Vinegar, lemon juice and cola are a few examples. To remove rust, use a rag or steel wool.

9. Use steel wool to remove stubborn rust stains without damaging the surface. Metal wool alone will not do the job, but it can be combined with store-bought or homemade cleaning products for particularly stubborn rust.

10. To avoid damaging the metal, carefully choose what you will use to apply the cleanser. A rag and metal wool work best. Sandpaper (any grit) cannot be used - it will leave scratches. Do not attempt to clean chrome with abrasive products. Each new scratch will only increase the access of oxygen, which will strengthenrusting process.

11. Apply a protective coat of chrome polish, anti-rust spray or deep penetrating lubricant like NANOPROTECH, Nordtech, Prolong, etc. Although you will spend more money buying these products, it will be more beneficial in the long run as it will significantly reduce wear on surfaces and will save you from expensive rust removal procedures.

12. If all your attempts fail, consult with professionals on how you can remove rust without the help of expensive products. If the chrome parts cannot be replaced, a specialist can advise you on products that fit your budget.

13. Paint chrome that cannot be restored with a rust-preventing spray paint such as Rust-Oleum. Spray paint can be purchased at an affordable price at home improvement stores, hardware stores, or markets. This paint comes in a variety of shades, including the ability to imitate a metal coating. By covering the surface with paint, you will prevent it from further rusting.

ATTENTION!!! This article is for informational purposes only and does not serve as instructions for use.

What you will need

Soft rags
Metal wool (steel wool)
Baking soda
sparkling water
Acidic substances: lemon juice, cola, vinegar
Metal cleaner
Chrome protective spray or deep penetrating lubricant
Spray paint “Rust-Oleum”
Lemon juice
Tin foil