
Preschooler's portfolio. Sample. Portfolio for a preschooler sample Portfolio for kindergarten my family

Preschooler's portfolio.  Sample.  Portfolio for a preschooler sample Portfolio for kindergarten my family

Example of filling for kindergarten:

1 page - Title page
Photo - choose together with your child
Date of Birth-

Page 2 - Let's get acquainted - it's me
photo of the child.

Page 3 - My name

It may be named after a relative, this can be indicated.
You can find the meaning of the name on the Internet.
For example:
A name is the personal name a person is given at birth. Each name has its own interpretation. This is what my name means:
Mark comes from the Greek name Markos, which in turn comes from the Latin word "marcus" - hammer. There is also a second version of the origin of this name, that it comes from the god of war Mars. Shortened versions: Markusha, Marik, Markusya, Masya.

The patronymic name did not appear in Rus' right away; only people who deserved the tsar’s trust were allowed to have it. Now everyone has a middle name and it is given according to the personal name of the father.
My patronymic is Andreevich

Surnames have long been the privilege of people with position, and for ordinary people a surname was an “unaffordable luxury.” A person's surname is an inherited family name.
My last name----

Page 4 - My family
Here you can tell the names of your mother, father, brothers, sisters, and grandparents
Here you can talk about family members (what are the names of mom, dad, etc.), or write a story about your family
To fill out the template, write down the composition of the family, you can take one general photo + a general story about the family
or a photo of each on a separate page + a short story about each family member (we write together with the child - for example, dad goes fishing with me, mom cooks delicious food and does homework with me, sister plays)

Page 5 - My friends
photos of friends, information about their interests and hobbies.
A photo shared with friends or each individual with a story.

This is Kolya. I became friends with him when I went to the pool.

This is Alyosha. He lives on the next street. He and I are very good friends.

This is Misha. I've been friends with him since childhood. He comes to his grandmother and we play there.

This is Andrey. I've been friends with him for a very long time. We love to play football.

Page 6 - My city (or my little homeland - for a private house)
A photo of the city and write a few lines with your child about what is remarkable about your city

Page 7 - My favorite books
List 1-2 titles and authors of children's books that the child likes + photo illustration (can be found on the Internet)

Page 8 - I can (My hobbies)
For example: photo - a child draws, plays on the computer, plays sports, assembles Legos, etc.
Photo + signature (I can draw, play, play sports)

Page 9 - My teachers
Photo + full name of teachers

Page 10 - “My impressions” or “The world around us”
Information about visiting a theater, exhibition, museum, school holiday, hike, excursion.
Photo + short description

Page 11 - “My kindergarten” or “My group”
Photo of the kindergarten or group (signature - kindergarten number or group name)

Page 12 - When I grow up
Write with your child: when I grow up, I will become ___________, because__________
+ select a picture (photo) of the profession (from the Internet)

The editor has released the main pages (separator pages) of an elementary school student's portfolio.

The built-in collection of ready-made templates will help you create the necessary pages.

In the future, using the clipart library, you will be able to create your own inimitable and unique works, with subsequent saving to a local disk.

A4 file size 1132x1600 .jpg

Title page

The portfolio begins with a title page, which contains basic information: last name, first name, patronymic, contact information and photo of the student.

Section "My World"

The section contains any information that is important and interesting for the child (Page separator)

My name

Information about what a name means can be written about famous people who bore and bear the same name. If your child has a rare or interesting surname, you can find information about what it means

My family

Family composition. You can talk about each family member or write a short story about your family.

My city

A story about your hometown (village, village), about its interesting places. Here you can also place a diagram of the route from home to school drawn together with your child.

My friends

Photos of friends, information about their interests and hobbies.

My hobbies

A story about what a child is interested in. Here you can write about classes in the sports section, studying at a music school or other educational institutions of additional education. (Page separator)

My school

A story about school and teachers, short notes about favorite school subjects. (Page separator)

My favorite items

School subjects - notes about your favorite subjects. (Page separator)

Section "My studies"

The section is dedicated to school subjects (tests and tests, projects, reviews of books read, graphs of reading speed growth, creative work...) (Page separator)

Section “My social work”

All activities that are carried out outside the framework of educational activities can be classified as social work (assignments). (Page separator)

Section “My creativity”

In this section you can place your creative works: drawings, crafts, poems, creative works, competitions, olympiads, projects, awards, classes in additional education institutions. (Page separator)

Section "My achievements"

Subject Olympiads, testing in subjects, competitions and events, diplomas, certificates, diplomas, letters of gratitude, final certification sheets, etc. (Page separator)

Section “Feedback and Suggestions”

At the end of each school year, the teacher writes a testimonial for the student, which is included here. Here the child himself can write his wishes to teachers and his home school, how he would like them to be and what he would change. (Page separator)

Section "Works I'm Proud of"

In this section, the child places what is of greatest value to him. (Page separator)

Additional sheets

Lined sheet

Photo sheet (4 vertical)

Photo sheet (4 horizontal)

Elena Krivonosova

In our kindergarten we decided to start working on creating a child's portfolio from an early age group, involving parents in the work. At the beginning of the year, teacher Yanina I.I. held a parent meeting. The teacher showed the finished sample child's portfolio graduate and, in order to interest parents, explained the essence of the work step by step.

Very important in designing a portfolio is that after graduating from kindergarten, child receives a book-story about himself. And if in older preschool age more information comes from the teacher, then at an early age an invaluable service is provided to oneself and one’s to kid parents themselves provide information, preparing it, helping the teacher with photographs from his personal archive, stories about child.

At a meeting of the early childhood group, it was decided to carry out such work throughout the year. This work has made teachers and parents very friendly. A common interest united them into one team. By the end of the year this was the result portfolio, where you can trace the dynamics of mental and physical development child in the first junior group. It was decided to continue the work in subsequent groups.

We present to your attention a sample of one of portfolio. Watch, join, comment, send your ideas if you have experience in similar work.

School Portfolio template with poems and texts – English style 4 PSD, 6 PNG | 2480 x 3508 | 300 dpi | 198 Mb Beautiful sheets of different designs in school style for girls, students. Designed with the best of England's attractions. The portfolio contains some nice poems. Author: Sialla

School Portfolio template with poems and texts – Beautiful cage for school 4 PSD, 6 PNG | 2480 x 3508 | 300 dpi | 145 Mb Beautiful sheets of different designs in a school style for a student. The portfolio contains some nice poems. Author: Sialla

Portfolio template for kindergarten with poems – Flash and the miracle of the car 3 PSD, 5 PNG | 2480 x 3508 | 300 dpi | 164 Mb Wonderful sheets of different designs with cartoon characters Flash and the Miracle of the Machine. The portfolio contains pleasant poems about a child and family, which are edited. Author: Sialla

Portfolio template for kindergarten or school – Beautiful and wonderful Princess Sofia 4 PSD, 4 PNG | 2480 x 3508 | 300 dpi | 194 Mb Wonderful sheets of different designs with the cartoon heroine the beautiful Sofia. The portfolio contains pleasant poems about a child and family, which are edited. Author:

Portfolio template for school – School days (Style 3 3 PSD, 3 PNG | 2480 x 3508 | 300 dpi | 156 Mb Beautiful pages for designing a student’s portfolio. All sheets are different in design. Author: Sialla

Portfolio Template for Educator/Teacher – Pink Vintage 3 PSD, 3 PNG | 2480 x 3508 | 300 dpi | 144 Mb Strict portfolio template for certification of educators/teachers. Author: Sialla

Template Portfolio for a preschooler or student with poems – Cheerful friends PAW Patrol 4 PSD, 4 PNG | 2480 x 3508 | 300 dpi | 254 Mb Beautiful pages for decorating a child’s portfolio with interesting poems and texts. Author: Sialla

Portfolio template for school or kindergarten with poems and texts - Brown 4 PSD, 4 PNG | 2480 x 3508 | 300 dpi | 191 Mb Beautiful pages for designing a student’s portfolio with interesting poems and texts. Author: Sialla

Portfolio template for school or kindergarten with poems and texts - Blue 4 PSD, 5 PNG | 2480 x 3508 | 300 dpi | 187 Mb Beautiful pages for designing a student’s portfolio with interesting poems and texts. Author: Sialla

Portfolio template for school or kindergarten with poems and texts - Ladybug and my friends 4 PSD, 6 PNG | 2480 x 3508 | 300 dpi | 167 Mb Beautiful pages for decorating a girl’s portfolio with interesting poems and texts. Author: Sialla

School Portfolio Template - Cell 4 PSD, 4 JPEG | 2480 x 3508 | 300 dpi | 113 Mb Beautiful pages for designing a student’s portfolio with interesting poems and texts. Author: Sialla

Portfolio Template for Educator/Teacher – Beige Vintage 4 PSD, 4 JPEG | 2480 x 3508 | 300 dpi | 138 Mb Strict portfolio template for certification of educators/teachers. Author: Sialla

Increasingly, parents in kindergartens, early development centers and other organizations that provide intellectual and physical education for children are being asked to compile a preschooler’s portfolio.

A portfolio is a colorful album, notebook or folder that contains information about the child:

  • personal data;
  • physical parameters;
  • skills;
  • hobbies and aspirations.

This source of information is created so that an educator, teacher or coach in a group can open the album and understand what kind of child he is faced with, what he should pay attention to, and how to properly organize a lesson plan for this child. Most often, educational organizations require a portfolio for a preschooler aged 5-7 years.

Why do you need a preschooler's portfolio?

The portfolio is created for preschool educational institutions, and the types of preschool educational institutions may be different. Often such an album is required for a kindergarten so that teachers can introduce all the children in the group, visually presenting their skills and capabilities. These are the features of the implementation of educational programs in the field of child development.

In additional education institutions, a preschooler's portfolio project is used as a collection of creative works - drawings and crafts are added there.

When teaching occupational safety, the teacher can use information about the activities that the child has chosen as the most interesting for himself. When presenting educational materials, emphasis is placed on these activities so that the child receives more information about them. Even in large group settings, portfolios become useful in identifying the interests of most children. For example, they can all be interested in the same character, which will create a more cohesive and friendly atmosphere in the group.

For this reason, the interests of the child play a large role in creating a portfolio. It is necessary to list all areas of activity that attract his attention, and also describe what kind of character the child is. Hobbies may include games, characters, sports and intellectual activities. Using this information, it will be easier for the teacher to organize the learning process, make it more exciting and attract the child to complete the necessary tasks.

The main functions of a preschooler's portfolio.

  • diagnostic– records changes and growth (mental and physical) over a certain period of time;
  • goal-oriented– supports educational goals (what we teach the child and why);
  • motivational – encourages the results achieved by the child;
  • meaningful – reveals the entire range of work performed;
  • developmental – ensures continuity of the learning and development process from year to year;
  • rating - shows the range of skills and abilities of the child.

The structure of a preschooler's portfolio.

The structure of a preschooler’s portfolio is formed at the request of the parents, but it must contain mandatory sections. If you are in doubt about the content of your portfolio, a sample will help you organize the data sequence correctly.

First, a title page is placed, where the child’s full name, preferred abbreviation of his name and the title of the album are indicated. Then follows the first page with personal data: date and place of birth, place of residence and a short biography, which will include the child’s information about himself. In the biography you can indicate at what age the baby began to walk, what his first word was, whether he has brothers and sisters, what kindergarten he attended. At the end, they briefly list the child’s favorite activities, including games in kindergarten.

On the next page there is a section “My family and our holidays”. This lists the names of parents, siblings, and grandparents, as well as their birthdays and other family holidays. You can indicate the date of your parents’ wedding, describe the hobbies of each family member, and draw a family tree.

After this, a section “My Achievements” is placed, where the child’s creative successes are listed. They can be supported by documentary evidence. Each lesson has a separate portfolio page, which is filled out by the teacher. He describes the developmental process that led the baby to the results achieved. A separate section can be devoted to general education, where the article will contain information about activities in kindergarten, classes in the middle group, and preparation for school.

A preschooler's portfolio for a boy can be made in bright colors and decorated with stickers with images of cars, transformers, superheroes and other favorite objects and characters. The design can be changed and supplemented depending on interests. Photos of the child from children's parties and travels, with family and friends are often added.

As you age, your partitions will get larger, so it's a good idea to set aside enough space for them. You can use liner sheets and dividers to maintain a clear structure. We should not forget about the colorful design of the album so that the child will be pleased and joyful to pick it up.

When creating a preschooler's portfolio for a girl, it is better to choose pink, beige or golden tones. You can add sparkles, rhinestones and sequins. It is advisable to invite the child to participate in the design of the portfolio himself.

What is included in a preschooler's portfolio.

It is useful to include a section “Dynamics of physical development” in the portfolio, especially if the child plays sports. This is a table in which indicators of weight, height and acquired physical skills are regularly entered. Long jumps, running speed, whether the child can swim, etc. are indicated.

Another important chapter is “Dynamics of General Development”. Indicators of counting skills, reading, memorizing, reproducing stories, and sound culture of speech are entered into this table monthly or once every 3 months. Thanks to such statistics, parents can monitor the process of their children’s education and pay special attention to those areas that develop more slowly than others.

You can use a folder for a preschooler's portfolio with A4 insert sheets. It is especially convenient to place information in a ring binder; it can be easily opened anywhere to replace or add sheets. You can make your own cover, color it with markers or paint it with paints and add a photo of the child.

The child’s favorite poems and songs must be in the portfolio; you can also write the names of the books and fairy tales that he likes most. It is useful to place a section “I dream”, where the child describes his aspirations and plans for the future. Grown-up children view this section with particular interest and compare their childhood dreams with their current plans.

In addition, pages can be added with wishes and reviews from teachers, educators and friends of the child, which will remain as a keepsake.

How to create a portfolio for a preschooler?

Stores sell ready-made albums and portfolio templates, but you can decorate it beautifully with your own hands using samples. To do this, choose a suitable design option, which can be found on the Internet in the form of blank pages in jpg format and downloaded. After this, they begin to create their own version of the preschooler’s portfolio, for which they fill it with drawings, pictures and stickers.

The title page must be signed legibly, so it is better if parents do this. Then you should correctly fill out the personal information sheet, using any questionnaire as an example. You can introduce a section for compiling a memo to parents, where teachers will add their feedback and requirements. At the end, it is advisable to indicate the address of residence and telephone numbers of parents that can be called.

Sample of a finished portfolio for a preschooler.

Let's look at the portfolio of a preschooler from the publishing house "Planet", it allows you to track the efforts, progress and achievements of a child 4-7 years old according to the main indicators in various educational fields and includes four sections:
  • "Meet me, it's me"– information about the child, his family, family traditions;
  • “Know-It-Yourself” – section for preschool children, 4-5 years old;
  • “Savvy” – section for children of senior preschool age, 5-6 years old;
  • “Bukvariki” – section for children of preparatory age, 6-7(8) years old.

Each section presents the following educational areas:

  • cognitive development - "Clever Men and Wits";
  • speech development – "Word by word";
  • artistic and aesthetic development – “We played, drew...”;
  • social and communicative development – "It's more fun together";
  • physical development - "Strong, brave, very skillful".

Assigning tasks to a certain age stage is relative, since each child develops at his own pace. Therefore, next to each task, the adult is asked to note the age of the child at which he copes with this task independently, which, on the one hand, reflects the pace of the child’s development of the kindergarten program, and on the other hand, allows not only to record the child’s successes, but also to see the dynamics and evaluate strengths and weaknesses of its development.

Also in each section there is a nomination “My Achievements”, where adults reflect on the child’s success in reading, writing, mastering speech, elementary mathematical concepts, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships and patterns, and spatial orientation; as well as the child’s mastery of various skills and abilities related to cultural and hygienic skills, self-service skills, and work assignments. The child can fill out this section independently, as well as the section “Strong, brave, very skillful,” since in them you only need to circle the pictures with the actions that the child has already mastered.

Throughout the entire portfolio, the child is accompanied by a fairy-tale hero - the Bunny. Conventions and pictures-symbols with it will help the child, without the help of an adult, understand what needs to be done on each page.

At the end of the portfolio there is a cut puzzle picture. Parts of it can be found on the portfolio pages, in the lower right corner. By cutting out and gluing parts of the picture, the child will receive a colorful illustration by the end of the preparatory group.

It is important that at each stage in the process of moving towards the intended goal, the success of the preschooler is recorded, since success is the best incentive for further development.

When working with a portfolio, adults will be able to:

  • timely celebrate the child’s successes,
  • maintain his interest in various activities (classes, games, observations, physical exercises, etc.),
  • develop the child’s self-control and self-esteem skills.

The portfolio is accompanied by a folder in which you can put certificates of appreciation, diplomas, the best drawings, photographs of performances at concerts, three-dimensional models made or sculpted sculptures, as well as photographs of participation in competitions, matinees, and theatrical productions of the kindergarten. It is important to include here the best works and photographs that the child himself also likes. This will help assess the child’s preferences and inclinations.

It is better to arrange works in chronological order. To design the practical part of the portfolio, you can use any folder convenient for these purposes, where you can systematize the work using insert sheets (at the end of the portfolio):

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