
Congratulations on the accountant's day to the chief accountant. What date is the day of the accountant in Russia: the rules and traditions of the unofficial holiday Solemn official congratulations to the chief accountant on the Day of the accountant in prose

Congratulations on the accountant's day to the chief accountant.  What date is the day of the accountant in Russia: the rules and traditions of the unofficial holiday Solemn official congratulations to the chief accountant on the Day of the accountant in prose

Your work is very difficult, accountant, and very responsible. The commercial success of the enterprise is in your hands, so your knowledge and experience are incredibly valuable. On the day of the accountant, I wish you a sunny, light mood, health, only happy accomplishments, and success in work is ensured by your professionalism!

There are many important professions
But the poet rules the world,
Not a chimney sweep covered in soot
The accountant is more necessary - no.

Day of all Accountants today,
And we congratulate them sincerely,
We do not need fashionable professions,
Accountant - it's prestigious!

Let them all be great
Reconciliations and balances will converge,
We wish you a bright personal life,
Inexhaustible finance!

Dear accountants, we congratulate you on your professional holiday! We wish you skill, patience, correct reports, so that the balance always converges. Let everything be at home, health and happiness to you!

"Buhgalter, my dear accountant!", -
A song is heard from everyone's windows.
We heartily congratulate you
Let there be only success in life!

Good luck awaits you at work
And at home everything will be a bundle,
Let good people surround
And all the problems - nothing!

Accountants are important.
Accountants are needed.
How can you live without them?
What will we live on?
We are paid a salary
Calculate everything by day.
And to you, hard workers, we wish
Live comfortably. We respect you.
May happiness, joy for the whole year
This holiday will bring you.

Let debits and credits, reports and invoices take a break from you on this day, because today every accountant celebrates his professional day. We wish that in your personal life everything converged and nothing had to be written off. Let bills always rustle in your pocket, blood boil in your heart, and real human happiness sparkle in your eyes.

Long live accountants of all countries!
And first of all - hundreds of lovely ladies,
That day and night count, day and night,
To be in time, to accrue, to overcome ...

Let their work be only for the future,
Let the tax be calculated correctly,
And bonuses, as well as vacation pay,
There will still be spares!

Teams are together today
Congratulations to all accountants.
This employee is very nice!
He pays us!

All financial statements
Only he can figure it out!
We wish him without an account
Happy kissing in life!

And let the tax not withhold
Fate for sent happiness
When love pledges
Hot irrepressible passion!

On the day of the accountant, accept
Our wishes
Sun, light and love
Close understanding!

Without you, that's the thing
Hardly anyone manages
At work late
Sometimes you have to be.

You are, as a specialist,
And as a friend we need
Plus a payslip
It's important to us too!

Debit and credit converged
The balance looks nice.
Every ruble was found in it
And an advance has been charged to everyone.

Congratulations as usual
You girls on this day.
Everything will be great
After all, you are not too lazy to work.

Difficult is our path with you,
No sitting down, no resting.
But you know, don't rush.
We sit from the heart.

We settle accounts for a long time,
So that the check does not come,
So that the boss appreciates us,
And saved our salary.

But sometimes it doesn't fit
So, as if from a binge,
But I love that moment
When times, and all sits.

Accountant's Day 2015 in Kazakhstan, Belarus and Russia: holiday date, congratulations, postcards, poems.

How to send a picture postcard?

Further, a small instruction is provided: how to send a postcard-picture in VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, or My.Mir.

When is Accountant's Day celebrated?

And so, the month of November gives us a widespread holiday: Accountant's Day. Ukrainians are the first to celebrate this holiday - on July 16, then there is a long break until October 6, where Kazakhstani accountants begin to celebrate the holiday. October 18 is the People's Accountant's Day in Belarus, and November 21 is the Accountant's Day in Russia. Also November 10th is international day accounting, also known as World Accountant Day.

It is worth noting that in Russia, April 21 is also a holiday, and also accountants - the Day of the Chief Accountant.

Accountant's Day 2015: greeting cards

Accountant's Day 2015: congratulations, poems

Let the calculations be easy
The computer plows let the network!
We wish you well-functioning work,
And also reduce the debit with the credit.

Accounting weekdays will become without routine,
Balance, report to hand over to you on time!
And let the stream stormy and playful
Finances are pouring into the wallet!

I want an accountant's day
Today I congratulate you tenderly
And wish you from the bottom of my heart
Everything we need in life,

Love, health and warmth,
Good luck, wisdom and strength,
So that life is happy
Work brings joy!

We want to wish you
So that the eye is like a diamond!
To obey all the numbers -
You are an ace in your work!

Your day, accountant, came to us!
I wish you all the best:
So that the balance always converges,
So that there are no shortages,

So that the work goes like clockwork,
To not know the problems at all,
So that life is full of love and passion,
To please everyone and always!

You are an excellent accountant!
All accounting is on the shoulder,
You lead him freely
Like a pilot of your plane!

On Accountant's Day, of course,
You need to wish
For your work to be recognized
And achieve career growth!

Your calling is counting
And accounting is, of course, a strong point!
May your work always go well
And let the wallet grow in volume!

Let today the stack of folders thin out at least a third,
And in all current affairs you will be able to succeed!
After all, a special day has come for the accountants of the country,
We celebrate the glorious holiday of accountants again!

We recognize that without taking into account - there would be no order,
Only an accountant will take everything into account, everything will “comb” smoothly!
Will spread all the statements, there will be a bang. wiring,
And, of course, he will hand over everything on time - a specialist-find!

The keeper of the most important secret -
When the salary and advance, -
In the profession you are not accidental,
After all, you are an accountant - just a class!

On your professional holiday
Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
May your work be perfect
And the results are good!

You are the most important accountant,
The smartest, the most glorious,
The best without a doubt
And for you all congratulations -
May the year be successful
Everyone converges the report,
In numbers, you are in your element,
Happy Russian Accountant's Day!

Being a chief accountant is not a joke,
In labors and in labors, without a free moment.
All figures, reports, accounts and balance sheet,
How can my head not be spinning at times?!
But you are able to curb everything,
In work, be the first and instruct everyone.
Honor to the chief accountant in our company,
After all, he moves us boldly only forward.
We are confident in the future,
With such a specialist, we are all on horseback!

Congratulations to our chief accountant on his professional holiday - Russian Accountant's Day! We wish you iron nerves and strong self-control. Clarity and regularity in work, well-established working scheme, ideal summaries and cleanliness in the analyzed documents. Good luck and prosperity!

Chief accountant, accept congratulations!
Well, what do you want today?
In calculations so that there is no torment,
To only count profits.

Let work be easy
All the while balancing
Let the soul always laugh
And let the salary and advance payment grow.

Dear Chief Accountant,
I want to wish you aloud:
A lot of happiness, a tighter grip,
More zeros in the salary,
Nerves to be steel
To be praised more often.
To be respected by the authorities
It gave bonuses.
Let's put it this way: You are our messiah.
Happy Russian Accountant's Day!

Congratulations on the day of the accountant
I want you from the bottom of my heart.
You are an accountant - the most important,
Pros in business, just class!

Let it converge in life
Debit with credit always
And the balance is only positive
It will always be fate.

Chief Accountant we have what we need
You are not afraid of any obstacles,
All who will come again with a check,
From amazement, he will disappear!

Everything in the accounting department is neat and clean,
Well, the girls are so simple artists,
We observe full order in business,
We don't break rules!

We wish you good health
To make it easier to work with a smile,
So that the authorities appreciate you very much,
Husband and kids loved it!

The chief accountant is a budget wizard.
Your calculator is like a fairy wand.
Day of Accounting in priority,
We hasten to congratulate you on this fabulous day.

Let the numbers magically stick to income
Errors do not dare to get into the calculations.
Let work and rest be pleasant.
Health, luck, love - all five!

The standard of patience
Firm hand.
A stern look,
Attentiveness -
The bar is high!
At the chief accountant
A lot of things, worries,
Who else is so smart
Will make a report?
On a holiday, accountant's day
We must say
How we respect you
We value you.
Happiness to you, health,
Get less tired.
Sometimes, on holidays,
Even dance!

You are the most important accountant,
We sincerely congratulate you,
On Accountant's Day in Russia
We wish you success.

So that balance warms your soul,
Debit with credit to "go",
So that always the budget code
Led you straight to good luck.

We wish you strength and patience,
Joy and prosperity
Will give money rain
Let your favorite calling.

You are the master of reports,
And accounting calculations
You, our beloved chief accountant,
And today is your holiday!

You exercise control
And check your balances
Reduce debit with credit
And you get paid.

Let everything be in life
As in the report - summarized,
Let the percentage of joy be
With the award you will not be forgotten!

In Russia it is customary to celebrate professional holidayAccountant's Day. It is dedicated to all specialists whose activities are related to calculations and reporting. Therefore, employees of related professions are often ranked as accountants. Find out what accompanies this significant day.

Origin story

Since keeping track of changes in legislation, keeping records and preparing reports is not an easy task, it was decided to introduce a new professional holiday. It is especially important for employees who have worked in the organization for a long time. What day is Accountant's Day Today almost everyone knows. But how did he appear?

The emergence of a significant date was associated with the publication of a new law on accounting. The day of the official signing of this legislative act by Boris Yeltsin in 1996 has traditionally become significant in Russia.

Later, at a meeting of the executive committee in 2000, the issue of legalizing this event was discussed. It was decided to apply to the Ministry of Finance with a request to establish a professional holiday.

The event was a success, but there is one nuance: it is impossible to set a specific date for an accountant's day for all regions of Russia. The reason is that the mentioned normative act was adopted in certain regions in different time. For this reason, the date of the celebration is different. But experts need to know the exact number. Let's look at this issue in detail.

How to celebrate and what can be donated

The holiday - Accountant's Day - is usually celebrated with colleagues, relatives or friends. Much depends on the tradition of the company. You can organize a celebration right in the office at the end of the working day or get together. For example, in a cafe or in nature.

Since most of the representatives of this profession are women, you can give flowers, sweets, postcards on this day. Male accountants are handed souvenirs, diaries, leisure accessories.

The main task for everyone is to be able to create a friendly atmosphere and prepare beautiful congratulations.

When accountant's day in 2019 in Russia

Most Russian specialists celebrate this holiday on November 21st. Although on federal level date has not been set. It intersects with another professional holiday - the Day of the employee of the tax authority. Since the activities of both spheres are interconnected and have much in common, joint honoring is possible.

What date is the day of the accountant In different cities

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, it is customary to celebrate the holiday on November 16 and 15, respectively. In other regions, the date may be radically different. The table provides detailed information:

What date is the day of an accountant in Ukraine

According to Presidential Decree No. 662, adopted in 2004 and signed by L. Kuchma, the holiday is officially celebrated on July 16. In 2016, this event took place on a Saturday. In Ukraine, it is celebrated by teachers, students, university graduates. Auditors, tax specialists, and economists are also joining.

When is celebrated Day of chief accountants

The financial well-being of the enterprise and error-free reporting to the tax authorities are tasks that cannot be successfully solved without outside interference. These processes should be conscientiously controlled by chief accountants, solving many issues daily.

So, the editors of one of the popular accounting publications decided to remind others about the importance of these specialists. And therefore initiated a professional holiday - Day of the chief accountant. It is usually celebrated on April 21st.

The choice of date is not random. It is jokingly said that ordinary people measure seasons by seasons, and accountants by quarters. Indeed: the end of April is the reporting deadline and the opportunity to relax before the May weekend. A long vacation is a great motivator for employees!!!

The second reason why it became significant date April 21 - the release of the first issue of this magazine. The organizers hope that over time the holiday will receive official status in Russia.

International Day of Accountants

There is another holiday that you need to know about - International Accounting Day. It is celebrated annually on November 10 by all specialists related to accounting and reporting.

The inhabitants of Russia do not have an officially approved date, so some arrange a feast on the 10th, others prefer to wait until November 21st.

The origin of the holiday is associated with the appearance in 1494 in Venice of the first book containing information that became the basis for the development of accounting provisions. The Italian mathematician Luca Bartolomeo de Pacioli (Luca Bartolomeo Pacioli) was recognized as the author and "father of accounting". It described the features of accounting in Venice. The book was published on November 10, 1494, so for international celebration date has been chosen.

Where to get funny congratulations and cards on the accountant's day

The purpose of the solemn event is to increase the prestige of the profession, to express gratitude and the importance of labor, which is of great importance for the economic development of the country. Colleagues give each other gifts, postcards, take photos for memory. But at the holiday they must sound beautiful toasts, wishes.

Don't know where to get cool congratulations happy accountant day? We will help you solve this problem! First of all, decide on the form of congratulations.


Do you want to find a congratulation that is suitable for people with a sense of humor? Then you should visit An example is shown below:


There are cool SMS congratulations on the HelloPipple website. Among them - addressed to a colleague or girlfriend. You will find funny good wishes, with the estimate professional abilities. Here is some of them:


pretty happy accountant's day card able to give pleasant emotions and good mood, because every person is pleased when they pay a little attention to him. Financial professionals are no exception. We advise you to look at the postcard on the following sites:

  • - there are animated postcards, with humor, with interesting congratulations;

  • - you can find here interesting musical [cards with Accountant's Day] with flash videos that will pleasantly surprise a colleague;
  • - the user is offered a wide selection of gif-images that are easy to insert into a forum, blog or social network.

A large selection of postcards can be found in the "Pictures" section after entering the appropriate request in search engines. For example, Yandex or Google.
Cool happy accountant pictures can be downloaded, for example, on the site, or Here is an example of one of them:


none festive feast not without good congratulatory words but it's hard to come up with them yourself. You can see ready-made options for short or long toasts on the sites:

  • tosti-i-pozdravleniya.smeha;

Examples of some of them are presented below.


An excellent addition to happy accountant's day card will become beautiful prose spoken sincerely. Do you prefer to congratulate a colleague in this way? Then we recommend visiting, where you will find good words for professional colleagues.

Other forms of congratulations

You can order a song on your phone. Then the recipient will receive a call with the selected congratulation. This can be done, for example, on the site "Congratulations" or "Fosik".

If you have vocal abilities, you can personally sing a song with happy accountant, written on the motive of modern musical compositions. Such a gift is original and undoubtedly pleasant. There are lyrics options for the songs, for example, on the site If you want to perform cool ditty, will help you.

The work of accountants requires care, utmost accuracy. It affects the success of the organization, so colleagues should appreciate the work of such an employee and prepare the best congratulations on Accountant's Day. We hope our recommendations will help!