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Presentations on cognitive development of preschool children. Presentation on the topic "development of cognitive interests of preschool children." Cognitive development in the preparatory group

Presentations on cognitive development of preschool children.  Presentation on the topic

Tatiana Grigoryan
Summary of GCD on cognitive development using a presentation on the topic “Home”

Group: senior

Educator: Grigoryan T. A.

Topic: "Home"

Lesson: integrated educational activities


Cognitive development.

To form elementary ideas about human housing and development in the construction of a house, through the teacher’s story, a children’s presentation and a teacher’s presentation.

Speech development.

Continue to develop the ability to maintain a conversation, express your point of view, and answer the question coherently.

Hood. creation

Strengthen the ability to select building parts yourself and use substitute items; to form experience in the implementation of a plan in a building, to develop constructive abilities and imagination;

Physical development

Achieve confident and active performance of the basic elements of movement technique, develop coordination of movements

Social and communicative development

Foster initiative and independence in verbal communication with others, encourage creative activity, independence and initiative;

Pedagogical goal:

Forms of organization cognitive activity: individual, collective.

Technologies: interactive, information.

Materials and equipment: Equipment for demonstrating a presentation, illustrations for displaying a diagram of the structure of a house, various types of construction sets.

Possible conversations for a more detailed development of the topic: architecture, construction professions

Organizational moment (establishing emotional contact)

- Listen to excerpts from songs and guess what animals they are about?

Please tell me, do you know where they live? What are their homes called?

Where does the person live?

CHILDREN listen and guess: bear, wolf, fox.

Guess the dwellings of animals (den, lair, burrow, human (house).

- What are houses needed for?

I invite you to see what houses are like.

What do all buildings have in common, what do all houses have?

Let's try to draw up a schematic diagram of the house ourselves.

CHILDREN:They answer the question “why does a person need a house?” (shelter from wind, rain, snow, sun)

Roof, walls, windows, doors.

If desired, one child draws up a schematic representation of the house on the board, the rest of the children use counting sticks on their tables.

But the houses we see now were not always there. Do you know where our ancestors, primitive people, lived?

That's right, at first people lived in caves,

And then people began to live in huts.

Why didn’t man stay to live either in a cave or in a hut?

Right. And man learned to build houses from wood, and so the first huts appeared.

Man built wooden house, with a roof, windows and doors, a stove with a chimney...

The house became comfortable and more practical - wooden logs retained heat. When entering the house, they closed the door so that the cold did not penetrate into the room.

What are modern houses made of, what are they like?

Why did people start building such houses?

CHILDREN: In the caves.

It’s cold, stones may fall, smoke from the fire, it could be destroyed by a strong wind or from an attack by a large animal)

Stone, multi-storey

They are more durable and can accommodate many people.

And who builds houses, you will learn from this riddle:

He puts the bricks in a row,

Builds a kindergarten for the children

Not a miner or a driver,

He will build us a house. (builder)

Phys. minute “Building a house.”

One two three four five. (Children do jumping in place)

Let's build and play.

We are building a big, tall house. (Stand on tiptoes and stretch arms up)

We are installing windows and roofing.

What a beautiful house! (Show the window with your hands, the roof - close your hands above your head)

An old gnome will live in it.

So now you will become “builders” for your home. How do you see your home? Let's draw the house you dream of.

Publications on the topic:

Games for developing fine motor skills using natural materials in correctional work with preschoolers Fine motor skills are the coordination of the movements of the fingers and the ability to “use” these movements. Brain, hands, articulatory apparatus.

GCD summary using the presentation “Take care of nature yourself, teach both dads and moms” Goal: To form children’s ideas about the inextricable connection between man and nature and the causes of its pollution. Objectives: 1. Develop children's skills.

Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Walk through the Zoo” using a multimedia presentation Differentiation of sounds [р] - [р"] in words and sentences. Correctional and educational purposes. Clarification, activation and updating of the dictionary.

Summary of a speech therapy lesson on sound automation [R] using the presentation “Travels with the Little Mermaid” Lesson duration: 30 minutes. Type of lesson: frontal correction lesson. Goal: Automation of the pronunciation of the sound “R” in words.

Abstract of the educational activity "Beauty Autumn" using the presentation Direct educational activities in a group of 4-5 year old children on the theme “Autumn is beautiful!” Goal: expand children's knowledge about autumn.

Summary of GCD using the presentation “Introduction to musical instruments and their sound.” Synopsis of direct educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development “Acquaintance with musical instruments.

Psychologists say that preschool age is sensitive for cognitive development. After seven years, we will develop the child’s thinking as much as we like, but this will only be his training, the accumulation of knowledge, since the basic mental operations have already been laid down and developed. Therefore, cognitive development according to the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions takes priority.

How an adult will think directly depends on how the resources of cognitive development of preschool children were used.

Traditionally, our people paid great attention to the health, upbringing and education of children. The power and prosperity of any state depends on the kind of education children receive. Continuity and interconnection of the entire chain of education from preschool to higher education is the key to a successful future. It is important that children entering first grade have good basic knowledge. They can get them at kindergarten. It is desirable that all future first-graders undergo kindergarten training and receive an equal start in school life.

On January 1, 2014, the Federal State Standard for Preschool Education – Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education – was adopted and put into effect in Russia. It solves multiple problems of training and education. One of them is the cognitive development of preschool children. Cognitive development begins at birth and continues throughout life. From the questions “What is it” and “Who is it?” - knowledge of the world begins.

An important role in the cognitive development of preschool children is played by their mastery of systematized knowledge, since it has a great effect in the development of the child’s mental activity and influences the development of the methods of his cognitive activity.

A child is a little researcher and experimenter. The main features of children's behavior are the acquisition of new knowledge that is interesting to him, curiosity, observation, and independence.

Goals and objectives of cognitive development of preschool children according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Cognitive development according to the Federal State Educational Standard in a preschool educational institution includes the following tasks:

  • getting to know the outside world. This is space, the Universe, living and inanimate nature;
  • nurturing love for one's homeland. Children should know the anthem, coat of arms, flag and their meaning. Have an idea of ​​the history of the Fatherland, be proud of your small homeland;
  • expanding knowledge about yourself, about the structure of the body;
  • fostering a culture of relationships and tolerance.

Methodological techniques in teaching

When working with preschoolers, it is important to know that children learn information better if classes are held in game form- easy and fun. When preparing for a lesson, it is necessary to select interesting topics, make brief notes on classes, events and games, try to use various available ideas and materials from the environment, including the world of animals and flowers, construction objects and things. Natural elements and art materials allow children to develop their imagination and explore the nature of various objects that they can see around them every day.

Cognition in kindergarten should be expanded through the following basic methods and forms:

From group to group, the tasks become more complex and the techniques used expand. At any age, it is necessary to support the child’s research interest and activity.

IN junior groups children get used to life in kindergarten. Children are taught to take an active part in activities and games. Their cognitive development in preschool educational institutions occurs through observations and organized games.

Cognitive development in the middle group

By the beginning of the middle group, children become more independent. Children go through a three-year crisis. From 3 to 5 years old, a child develops in many aspects: physically, emotionally, socially. However, the most noticeable thing is cognitive development, since new logical connections are constantly being formed in the child’s brain, and old ones are also being strengthened. They begin to play not side by side, but together. The period of stubbornness gives way to the desire to be good. Children are very curious. At this age, it’s not for nothing that they are called “why kids.”

Basic cognitive skills - the ability to group objects into a certain sign, observe, predict the course of events, understand cause and effect - they are laid down precisely at this age, and are necessary for further development. Cognitive development in middle group passes more intensely than in the younger one. They begin to conduct various experiments and experiments with four-year-olds.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, children continue to be introduced to the world around them:

  • Knowledge about vegetables and fruits is consolidated. Children are taught to identify the characteristics, shape, color, taste, surface of vegetables and fruits.
  • They introduce rural residents to labor in fields and farms.
  • Reinforce knowledge about wild and domestic animals and birds, their homes and winter quarters.
  • In the process of experimentation, they are introduced to the properties of water, clay, sand, air, wind, and plants.
  • They begin to introduce some professions.
  • They learn to identify the signs of the seasons.
  • Introduces plant life.
  • Children learn traffic rules.
  • Get acquainted with modes of transport.

Cognitive development in the older group

The cognitive development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard at this stage involves consolidating and expanding knowledge:

  • about different subjects;
  • about the seasons, their beauty and uniqueness;
  • about natural phenomena, cataclysms, natural disasters;
  • on the prevention of diseases, injuries, first aid;
  • about safe handling of household appliances;
  • about behavior on the street, with strangers, in transport.

Teachers interest children in different types of activities. These include sketches, games, and conversations. In a mini-study, a child can become a seed that has been planted, watered, and taken care of. And then the grain turned into a spikelet. There are no limits to imagination! The goal is to create a desire to invent in a child. But for this he must have a certain amount of knowledge. Therefore, cognitive development in the older group is intertwined with the development of speech, fiction and familiarization with nature.

Cognitive development in the preparatory group

Children of the preparatory group and graduates are the pride of any kindergarten. How much work, love, patience and knowledge the teachers put into each child! Throughout the school year, cognitive development in preparatory group becomes more complex and deepening.

By the end of kindergarten, children should have a desire to study at school and respect for their native language:

  • a culture of behavior has been instilled between boys and girls, between children and adults;
  • children should get acquainted with the pedigree and history of their family;
  • know folk traditions, games, rituals, cuisine;
  • be proud of your homeland.

Cognitive development of a preschooler within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

Interesting educational areas according to Federal State Educational Standards in preschool educational institutions

Phenomena of inanimate nature

For cognitive development in kindergarten, much attention must be paid to the conscious development of ideas about phenomena in inanimate nature, which makes it possible to clarify the patterns and relationships of various phenomena. There is no need to use complex, scientific phrases; it should be told in a language that is understandable and accessible to children.

  • Do heavy or light objects sink in water?
  • Why does a magnet magnetize?
  • What is snow and ice and where do they come from?
  • What happens if you bring snow into the house, and if you take it back outside?
  • If the earth is round and spins, why don't we fall and fall off it?

This knowledge makes it possible to form the most basic knowledge of children about the composition of substances, about the states in which they are: hard, soft, free-flowing, viscous, floating, soluble, fragile. In older preschool age, children should receive initial knowledge about phenomena occurring in space, about solar system and about the Moon.

Grouping Items

The ability to separate and group objects according to certain criteria is one of the most important basic cognitive skills. To teach children this, you can use a variety of objects - toys, kitchen utensils, food - and ask the kids to explain how they are different and how they are similar.

For example, they might say that both an apple and an orange are fruits, but an apple is red and an orange is not. Then offer other features for grouping - color, size, purpose.

If it is not possible to use real objects, take images, for example, special cards or cut out pictures from magazines.

Cause-and-effect relationships

Children love playing with water, but few of them notice that some objects sink in water and others do not. Younger children will definitely enjoy guessing which toys and objects will float and which will sink.

Use items different sizes and weights - a toothpick, a pebble, a plastic cup, a piece of paper. Be sure to explain to your children why some objects floated on the water and others did not, but first let them guess the reasons on their own.

Older children will appreciate a slightly different game: show how to make a boat out of clay or foil (which usually sink) that will float on the water. This way they will learn to connect cause and effect, and this skill will be very useful to them in the future.

Phenomena of living nature

Familiarity with natural phenomena is of great importance for the cognitive development of preschool children. The process of introducing preschoolers to the phenomena of living nature involves the child’s actions with real objects and phenomena. While studying material objects, their properties and relationships, the child constantly interacts with them. Thus, he will receive knowledge about this or that natural phenomenon not as a ready-made fact, but as a result acquired in the process of search and reflection. The phenomena being studied must not only be observed from the outside, but also be influenced by the child. The child must see, hear and modify these phenomena, identifying new properties and relationships in them.

A child learns new knowledge well, firmly and for a long time when he hears, sees everything himself and interacts with the subject being studied.

Children should be introduced to magnifying glasses, tweezers and other tools that will help them observe wildlife. During thematic classes you can draw their attention to the structure of flowers, the heterogeneous structure of stones, veins on the foliage of trees. Let them try to guess what these or those are for. parts of a plant or body parts of insects, how they are formed. It's amazing what original guesses they will sometimes make.

Design and research activities

One of the main areas of cognitive development of preschool children is project activity in kindergarten.

The research method is the path to knowledge through independent creative and exploratory search.

Where to begin? Together with the children, you need to choose a topic and draw up a work plan for the project. The topics of the projects should be appropriate to the age of the children, be interesting for them, and meaningful, so that every preschooler can find some aspect of interest to him in a given topic. Children, together with adults, determine interests within the topic and outline suggested sources of information.

Have you chosen a topic? A problem is posed. It reflects a lack of knowledge on the chosen topic. As a result, children will jointly and independently find options and ways to solve the problem. At the same time, using the knowledge they already have, through trial and error, achieving real results.

Goals and objectives give preschoolers an idea of ​​the results of the project. A goal is an intended result. A task is a result defined by a deadline. The clearer you set tasks for your child, the easier it will be for him to plan his work on the project, complete it quickly and efficiently, and evaluate the success of the project. It is necessary to implement children's projects through different types of children's activities. It is also necessary to teach children to bring a started project to its logical conclusion.

At the end of the project Children develop joy and pride in their work and the results obtained. It is imperative to give children the opportunity to present the result to the people around them - to present the project. The presentation of the project can be completed by making crafts, newspapers, books, or children can show and talk about their product of activity in the form of writing stories, entertainment and performances. In order for joint project activities between adults and children to be research-based, it is necessary to constantly support preschoolers’ initiative, curiosity and sustainable interest in the problem.

Constantly, as if playing, you need to introduce students to various situations that are accessible to their understanding. In order for the project method to be successful, it is necessary to discuss the step-by-step work with all project participants, select the necessary material and summarize the results of joint project activities. Design and research activities the best way promotes cognitive development of preschool children.

If a little person receives a comprehensive preschool education, in which cognitive development plays an important role in preschool age, then in the first grade he will easily cope with new situation, both with requirements and with load. He will be self-confident, independent and proactive. And this means a lot for a successful school life.

Webinar "On the implementation of the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education" - video

Completed by the teacher of MBDOU combined type No. 117 of the Leninsky district Morozkina Irina Fedorovna 2013 Nizhny Novgorod “Development of cognitive interest in older children preschool age in the process of experimenting with inanimate nature.” website

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Basic general education preschool educational program developed in accordance with FGT (order No. 655 dated December 23, 2009). Adopted at the meeting pedagogical council No. 2 dated November 25, 2010 and approved by order of the head

The main goal of the preschool educational institution: Creating optimal conditions that ensure the full personal development of the child, creating favorable conditions for the child’s full-fledged life preschool childhood, formation of the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing the child for life in modern society.

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Educational area “Cognition”. Tasks of education and development of children.

Develop a cognitive interest in nature, a desire to actively study natural material: look for answers to questions, make guesses and assumptions, heuristic judgments. To develop a cognitive interest in nature, about the peculiarities of the existence of animals and plants in the community, about the interaction between man and nature. Develop a cognitive interest in nature, use different ways testing assumptions, applying research results to different types activities. Development of practical skills in caring for animals and plants in a kindergarten area and a corner of nature. Support children to comply with environmental rules. To cultivate moral feelings, expressed in empathy for nature, and aesthetic feelings associated with the beauty of the natural world. To educate the fundamentals of a humane and value-based attitude of children towards nature, through an understanding of the value of nature, a focus on helping living beings, preserving natural objects in the immediate environment, and showing responsibility for one’s actions

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●Determined by the requirements of society. ● Reflection of relevance in psychological and pedagogical research: N.N. Podyakova, A.I. Savenkova, L.A. Venger, N.A. Vetlugina, I.D. Zvereva, G.I. Shchukina, O.V. Dybina , O.V. Afanasyeva, I.E. Kulikovskaya. ● Reflection of the relevance of the problem from diagnostic indicators on this issue. ● At the beginning of the school year, an analysis was carried out of the level of development of knowledge, skills and abilities of children of senior preschool age in the section of the program “A child discovers the world of nature.” The results of this analysis showed that children do not have knowledge about the properties of air, clay, glass, etc., and partially know about their purpose. Children have difficulty identifying the essential features of objects and make mistakes when grouping objects. Thus, based on the diagnostic results, I found that children do not show interest in experimenting, preferring other types of activities; children showed little interest in search activities; a number of skills and necessary components for experimentation are missing (the ability to set a goal, choose required material, plan your actions with the material with a focus on results); cognitive interest is not expressed enough; children know little about the properties and qualities of inanimate materials. This problem was the most relevant for my group and in connection with this I identified goals and objectives, developed a system of work in this area. Relevance of this problem

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Monitoring at the beginning of 2012 -2013 on the development of experimental activities according to the methodology of L.N. Prokhorova, T.I. Babaeva (criteria for assessing the level of development)

The monitoring I conducted revealed that 16% of children (4 people) with a high level of knowledge showed that they have fairly good knowledge and successfully apply it in practical activities. 36% of children (9 people) have an average level of knowledge. 48% of children (12 people) with a low level of knowledge (knowledge is insufficient, it is difficult to apply it in practice).

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Purpose of work: Development of cognitive activity, curiosity, desire for independent knowledge and reflection in preschool children. Objectives:

Introduce various properties substances (hardness, softness, flowability, viscosity, buoyancy, solubility.) Expand children's understanding of the physical properties of the world around them. Develop ideas about basic physical phenomena (reflection, magnetic attraction). To develop in children the ability to use assistant devices when conducting experimental games (microscope, magnifying glass, cup scales, hourglass etc.) Develop children’s ability to follow a certain structure of conducting an experiment: setting, formulating a problem (cognitive task), making assumptions, selecting ways to test proposals put forward by children; hypothesis testing; summing up, conclusions, recording results. Develop in children mental capacity, mental operations: analysis, synthesis, classification, comparison, generalization, establishment of cause-and-effect relationships. Develop social

personal qualities

: communication, independence, observation, basic self-control and self-regulation. To develop experience in following safety rules when conducting physical experiments

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Main areas of work:

1.Creation of a subject-development environment for experimentation. 2.Organization of work with children (determination of content, forms, methods and techniques) 3.Organization of interaction with the families of pupils.

Slide 9 Subject development environment An experimentation center has been equipped and equipped, where conditions have been created for joint and independent experimentation and the development of children’s search activity. Experimentation Center Selection of children's rooms


(fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes) Illustrations, pictures (“Sand, clay, water”, “Sound”, “Magnets”, “Paper”, “Light”, “Glass”, “Rubber” Didactic games Algorithms for telling about objects Material selected taking into account the age capabilities and level of development of children.

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Traditional methods Visual (observations “Over the trees in the frost”, illustrations, watching video presentations about the phenomena being studied Verbal (conversations “On the properties of air”, reading fiction “N.A. Ryzhov “How people offended the river”, use of folklore materials) Practical methods (experimental games, experimental games, didactic games, role-playing games with elements of experimentation, board and printed games - “What does the water smell like”, “Where did the ink go?”) Innovative methods Using TRIZ elements Method of game-based problem-based learning Using mnemonics. - mnemonic tables, collages. Use of computer and multimedia teaching aids.

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Integration of educational areas

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    Main forms of work with parents:

    Questioning parents on the topic: “Organization of search and research activities of preschool children at home”, “What is the child doing at home?” Consultations on the topic: “How to teach a child to explore?” “We develop the attention and thinking of preschoolers - we teach to be inquisitive” Parent meeting on the topic: “The role of the family in the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers” Demonstration of an integrative educational situation “What do I know about air?” Day open doors“Experiments in our lives” KVN with the participation of children “Open the door to the world of experiments” Master class “Making a didactic game for preschoolers on experimentation” Photo exhibition “Experimenting with water at home” ( Long-term plan with parents) Raisins can drink

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    Comparative analysis of the level of development of knowledge, skills and abilities of children of senior preschool age in the 2012-2013 academic year.

    After the work system was carried out, it was revealed that 28% (7 children) had developed knowledge, skills and abilities to observe and conduct experiments. There was an interest in experimentation. 48% (12 people) acquired the skill of exploring inanimate nature. The vocabulary has been enriched. 24% (6 children) at a low level. Beginning of the year End of the year

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    Positive dynamics of children’s development 2012 – 2013 academic year:

    Conclusions on integrative qualities

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    Children's experimentation gave children real ideas about the object being studied. My horizons about inanimate objects and their properties have expanded. You have acquired the skills to plan your activities and draw conclusions. Personal qualities have been formed: independence, initiative, cognitive activity and determination. In the process of experimentation, the child’s memory was enriched and his thought processes were activated. The experimentation aroused children's interest in exploring inanimate nature and stimulated them to acquire new knowledge. Children's experimentation gave children real ideas about the object being studied. The level of moral and environmental competence of parents, the participation of parents in the educational process has increased, and the communication skills of parents have increased

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    Future prospects:

    This problem is really relevant and significant, I plan to continue working on this problem, improving it depending on the age and individual characteristics of children. Literature

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    New pedagogical technologies:

    Project “Miracles of Coca-Cola”.

    Using TRIZ elements - “little people” to indicate the aggregate state of water Method of game-based problem-based learning Mnemonics - mnemonic tables and collages Computer and multimedia teaching aids Interactive survey

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    Forms of working with children.

    Direct experience of a teacher with a child. Independent activity of children. Integrated classes. Educational situations. Observations in nature. Looking at photographs. Conversations by topic. Targeted walks and excursions. Project activities. Experimental and research activities. Reading fiction. Games (didactic, verbal, mobile, board-printed, s/r, theatrical) Creation of support schemes integration

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    Methods and techniques for working with children:

    Visual (observations, illustrations, watching video presentations Verbal (conversations, reading fiction, messages, using folklore materials) Practical (games - experiments, games - experiments, didactic games, games with TRIZ elements, recording results, modeling) Work assignments Problem method presentation (statement of the problem, creation of a problem situation, ability to analyze)

    Slide 22 Long-term plan for working with children senior group

    (using the example of October).

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    Physically developed, mastered basic cultural and hygienic skills. Curious, active.

    Emotionally responsive.

    Mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers. Able to manage one’s behavior and plan one’s actions based on primary value concepts, observing basic generally accepted norms and rules of behavior.

    Able to solve intellectual and personal problems appropriate for age.

    Having primary ideas about oneself, family, society, state, world and nature.

    Having mastered the universal prerequisites for educational activities. Having mastered the necessary skills and abilities. Likes to experiment Takes a lively, interested part in the educational process Slide 24

    Long-term plan for working with parents on experimentation for 2012-2013

    “Having mastered the universal prerequisites of educational activity”: children are able to carry out individual and collective assignments, are able to accept a task, retain a simple condition in memory when performing actions, listen intently to an adult and follow his instructions, are able to act with concentration for 15-20 minutes. “Having mastered the necessary skills and abilities within the educational field of “Socialization”: uniting in a game with peers, they can take on a role, master the method of role behavior, show initiative and propose new actions, resist difficulties, obey the rules, enrich the plot, can model in detail -game environment. “Having mastered the necessary skills and abilities within the framework of the educational field “Safety”: follow the elementary rules when conducting experiments and experiments “Having mastered the necessary skills and abilities within the framework of the educational field “Cognition”: are able to compose an object consisting of several parts, taking into account their design properties in in accordance with the teacher's instructions. “Having mastered the necessary skills and abilities within the educational field “Communication”: can participate in a conversation.

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    Visual (observations, watching video presentations, looking at illustrations and albums): Looking at snowflakes, a collection of paper of different textures, the album “Types of Fabrics”, illustrations about winter, water, sun, space. Observations of the movement of clouds, smoke from the chimney. Hourglass demonstration. Listening to melodies - the murmuring of water, drops, the sound of rain. Listening to P. P. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”, E. Krylov “Three White Horses”. Presentations « Beautiful snowflake", "Water Sorceress", "Air", "A Real Little Fairy Tale", family project "Water Sorceress", "Magic Button", "Snowflakes on my hand", "Water around us". Animated film "Run a Stream". Verbal (conversations, reading fiction, using folklore materials): Ushinsky “Pranks of Winter”, “How a Shirt Grew in a Field”, Chukovsky “Aibolit”. Poems by Tyutchev, Barto, Surikov, Marshak “Twelve Months”, r.s. . “Kolobok”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Thumbelina”, “The Three Little Pigs”. Ecological story “How people offended the river”. Poems, riddles and songs about winter, snow, water, space. Russian folk tale“Bubble straw and bast shoe”, fairy tales “Morozko”, “Moroz Ivanovich”. Nosov “Dunno on the Moon.” Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”. Usatova “Green Paper”. Nursery rhymes about water. Introducing the compass. Conversations: “Why do people get sick?” Practical methods (experimental games, D/i (Aquarium. Freeing beads from colored captivity. Good - bad. Find out by taste. How water is absorbed. Breeze. Paper races. Find out by smell. Cut-out pictures. Rustles. Whose traces? Say the word . Who will fly the farthest….) Making attributes for the game “We are droplets.” Physical education exercises “Snowfall”. Drawing on the wet. soap bubbles. “Funny blot.” Design of “Tulip”, boats, plumes.

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    Integration by area Physical development Artistic and aesthetic development Physical Culture music Artistic creativity Cognitive speech development Social and personal development socialization communication cognition Reading fiction

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    music Artistic creativity Physical development Artistic and Aesthetic development Integration by area Social and personal development cognition Reading Fiction socialization Physical education music Artistic creativity Artistic and Aesthetic development Cognitive and speech development Social and personal development communication cognition Reading Fiction socialization

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    1. Dybina O.V. “The unknown is nearby. Experiences and experiments for preschoolers,” 2010. 2. Tugusheva T.P., Chistyakova A.E. “Experimental activities of middle-aged and older children”, 2010. 3. Ryzhova N.V. “Games with water and sand”, Hoop No. 2, 1997. 4. Ryzhova N.V. “Experiments with sand and clay”, Hoop No. 2, 1998 5. L. N. Menshchikova. Experimental activities of children. - Publisher: Uchitel, 2009 6. V. V. Moskalenko. Experimental activities. - Publisher: Uchitel, 2009 7. T. M. Bondarenko. Environmental activities for children 6–7 years old. - Publisher: TC Teacher, Voronezh, 2009 8. L. N. Prokhorova. Organization of experimental activities for preschool children. Guidelines. - Publishing house. Arkti, 2005 9. A. I. Ivanova. Natural science observations and experiments in kindergarten. Human. - Development program Publishing house: Sfera, 2008

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    Main directions in the work: 1. Creation of a subject-development environment for experimentation. 2. Organization of work with children (determination of content, forms, methods and techniques) 3. Organization of interaction with the families of pupils.

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    The criteria for assessing knowledge and skills were the following indicators:

    The assessment was carried out using a 3-point system: 1 b - low level 2 b - average level 3 b - high level 1. manifestation of sustainable interest and emotional response to the choice of experimental activities; 2. understanding of the research problem, the ability to clearly formulate the goal (what needs to be done); 3.ability to plan your activities, highlight stages. 4.use of various materials and equipment in conducting experiments and experiments; the ability to independently act according to an algorithm or model, to show creativity; 5. ability to draw conclusions, summarize, compare, generalize.

    Slide 33

    In the corner of experimental activities (mini-laboratory, science center) the following were allocated: - a place for a permanent exhibition, where a museum, various collections, exhibits, rare objects (shells, stones, crystals, feathers, etc.) are located; -place for instruments; -a place for storing materials (natural, “waste”); - place for conducting experiments; - place for materials (sand, water, sawdust, shavings, polystyrene foam, etc.); diagrams, tables, models with algorithms for performing experiments; series of paintings depicting natural communities; educational books, atlases, thematic albums; simple devices; collections; mini-museum (various themes, for example, “Clocks”); waste materials: wire, pieces of leather, fur, fabric, plastic, wood, cork, etc. materials divided into sections: “Sand, clay, water”, “Sound”, “Magnets”, “Paper”, “Light”, “Glass”, “Rubber”; natural materials: stones, shells, saw cuts and medical tree leaves materials: pipettes with rounded ends, flasks, wooden sticks, measuring spoons, rubber bulbs, syringes without needles other materials: mirrors,


    , butter, flour, salt, sugar, colored, transparent glasses, candles, etc. sieve, funnels, halves of soap dishes, ice molds, magnifying glasses, microscope, hourglass, magnifying glass. Hint cards “Do’s and don’ts” Personal notebooks for children for recording results experienceMini stand “What I want to know about tomorrow”

    I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for the older group (5-6 years old) on cognitive development on the topic “Fun Week”.
    Main purpose of the lesson- systematize and deepen children’s knowledge in the main areas of formation of elementary mathematical concepts: time orientation, quantity and counting, size, shape, time orientation. This lesson had an open form and was conducted as part of confirmation of suitability for the position held.
    Summary of educational activities for the senior group on cognitive development "Fun Week"
    Educational area: Cognitive development
    Integration educational areas: social and communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; physical development
    Type: integrated
    Children's age: senior preschool age
    Lesson forms (GCD): solving problem situations, game exercises, conversation, surprise moments.
    Preliminary work: games with logical blocks of Dienesh, didactic games, conversations, riddles, poems about parts of the day, week, seasons.
    Equipment and materials: laptop, interactive screen, multimedia equipment, phonograms with musical material, counting material, basket of apples, note.
    Handout: colored stripes different lengths, counting material.
    Systematize and deepen children’s knowledge of the sections of FEMP.
    1.Consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week;
    2. Strengthen children’s ideas about geometric shapes;
    3. Strengthen the ability to distinguish between the concepts long and short;
    4.Secure serial and backward counting within 10;
    5.Improve knowledge of spatial relationships;
    6.Create conditions for development logical thinking, intelligence, attention;
    7.Promote the formation of mental operations, speech development, and the ability to answer in complete, common sentences.
    Progress of the lesson
    - Guys, today will be an unusual day. I want to invite you on a journey. Do you like to travel?
    - What kind of transport can this be done on? (children's answers)
    Then let's take a trip on the magic train. Do you agree? And to make it fun on the road, we’ll sing a song.
    (An excerpt from a song about a train plays, the children stand one after another and perform the movements together with the teacher)

    - Please take your seats on the magic train (children sit at their desks).
    SLIDE 1
    Here is a week, there are seven days in it
    Get to know her quickly
    First day of all weeks
    It will be called.. (children answer) Monday!
    - And here is our train. How many cars does he have in total? (Five.)
    - What is the order of the green carriage? (Third.)
    - What carriages are traveling next to it? (orange and yellow)
    - What are they? (2 and 4)
    - What is the count of the blue carriage? (5)
    -Where is the first carriage? (violet)

    - Well done! The first day is over. Day two will come soon, Tuesday is calling us to visit. What day is Tuesday?
    On Tuesday we ran, jumped and developed our muscles. And for this we will stand up and fix our backs.
    Once - get up, stretch.
    Two - bend over, straighten up.
    Three - three claps of your hands,
    Three nods of the head.
    Four means wider hands.
    Five - wave your arms.
    Six - sit quietly at your desk.
    - Where will our magic train take us next? What day of the week follows Tuesday? (Wednesday)
    - Of course it's Wednesday.
    - Look, there’s a bunny here. What is he doing? (Plant carrots)
    - Right. And the bunny grew a small and a large carrot. Let's count how many there are. (Children and the teacher count carrots)
    - How many carrots did you get in total? (7).
    - Please note that the carrots grew differently. What number is the biggest carrot? (3)
    - And the smallest one? (4)
    - Guys, you know, the bunny is worried that one of the other animals will eat his carrots. Let's build a fence near his garden so that the bunny doesn't worry.
    (On the table each child has multi-colored stripes of different sizes)
    - To make the fence beautiful, we will arrange the strips one after another from smallest to largest. Look how it worked out for me.
    (children, accompanied by music, complete the task according to the example on the slide)
    - Well done, you did it all. Let's count how many planks we needed for a beautiful fence. (children count together with the teacher)
    - It turned out to be 10. Look, guys, the boards are different. Which ones are the tallest? (red)
    - How many are there? (2)
    - Which planks are the smallest and how many are there? (4 blue)
    -Which are larger, small or large? (small)
    - Well done, you did it and helped the bunny. But we didn’t find any goodies here. So we need to leave on the next day of the week. What day follows Wednesday?
    - Thursday. He is the fourth here and there, his name is Thursday. What is Thursday? (fourth)
    - So that the fourth day passes faster
    We'll play soon.
    And for this we need to move to the fourth platform (children with a teacher go to the mat).
    - Guys, the game is called “True or False”

    If you hear something that you think is right, it happens, clap your hands, but if it doesn’t happen, stomp.
    - in the morning the sun rises;
    - it’s hot in winter;
    - you need to do exercises in the morning;
    - leaves fall in autumn;
    - you can’t wash your face in the morning;
    - the moon shines brightly during the day;
    - in the morning the children go to kindergarten;
    - people have dinner at night;
    - there are 7 days in a week;
    - Monday is followed by Thursday;
    - only 5 seasons
    I see all my friends stand in a wide circle. We'll go left now, and now we'll go right. We will gather in the center of the circle and everyone will return to their place. Let's smile, wink, and return to the journey (children return to their desks to the accompaniment of music)
    - And now it’s time for us to start the fifth day. In a series of working days, the fifth is now Friday. What day is Friday? (fifth)
    - Look, what are these objects? Guys, please note that these items different shapes. Let's look at each item.
    -You have geometric shapes on your tables. Let's lay them out in order according to the location of these items.
    (Children complete the task, musical accompaniment)
    - Look what happened to me.
    (the teacher shows the geometric chain that should be obtained)
    - Well done, you did it.
    All work is finished
    Day six is ​​Saturday
    The seventh day - we know it
    Sunday - rest


    - Did you enjoy the trip? Where did we travel? What have we learned?
    - Well done! So there are gifts waiting for us! But where are they?
    (the teacher and children make binoculars with their hands)
    - Let's see, maybe there are gifts on the left. No? Then right...up...down. Isn't there anywhere?
    (there is a knock)
    - Oh, who's there?
    (the teacher leaves and returns with a basket of gifts. There is a note “For the kids” hanging on the basket)

    - This is who gave the gifts to the wives. (the teacher opens the basket containing a postcard from the Snowman)
    - This is a postcard. And then something is written:
    Everyone is just great!
    The journey is over.
    Be friends with math
    Accumulate your knowledge.
    May your efforts help you,
    Memory, logic, attention!

    The content of the lesson corresponds to its goals and objectives. The structure of the lesson consists of 4 parts.
    In the introductory part, I helped create a favorable atmosphere, establish emotional contact with the children and interest them in the upcoming activities.
    In the second part, I created a problem situation and introduced the children to the topic of the lesson.
    Part 3 consisted of joint productive activity teacher and children, where I used playful, visual, verbal and practical methods.
    In the final part, I summed up the learning activities.
    During the lesson, musical accompaniment was used, which enhanced emotional perception. The lesson contributed to the development of children's interest in learning mathematics.

    Presentation on the topic: Fun week