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Presentation of rules of behavior during public unrest. Rules of conduct in public places and transport. Etiquette in public places

Presentation of rules of behavior during public unrest.  Rules of conduct in public places and transport.  Etiquette in public places

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Rules of conduct in public places In places where mass New Year's festivities are taking place, try to stay away from the crowd to avoid injury. You should: Obey legal warnings and requirements of the administration, police and other persons responsible for maintaining order and fire safety. 2. Behave respectfully towards participants in mass events, service personnel, and officials responsible for maintaining public order and safety during mass events. 3. Avoid actions that could create danger for others and lead to the creation of an extreme situation. 4. Carry out an organized exit from the premises and structures at the end of the events 5. When receiving information about evacuation, act in accordance with the instructions of the administration and law enforcement officers responsible for maintaining law and order, maintaining calm and not creating panic.

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Rules of conduct at a public skating rink While at the skating rink, it is PROHIBITED: 1. Running, jumping, pushing, skating at high speed, playing hockey, or performing any actions that disturb other visitors; 2. Throw garbage or any other objects onto the ice. Please use trash cans; 3. Be on the skating rink under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or smoke; 4. Damage equipment and ice covering; 5. Use explosives (including pyrotechnic products). 6. Show disrespect for service personnel and visitors. 7. Remember that the administration of the skating rink is not responsible for risk situations associated with the health of visitors (injuries, bruises, etc.).

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Fire safety rules during the New Year holidays 1. Do not decorate the Christmas tree with fabric and plastic toys. 2. Do not cover the Christmas tree stand with cotton wool. 3. The Christmas tree should be lit only with industrial-made electric garlands. 4. It is not allowed to light sparklers, use firecrackers or wax candles indoors! 5. You should not use pyrotechnics if you do not understand how to use them, and instructions are not included, or they are written in a language you do not understand. 6. You cannot repair or reuse pyrotechnics that have not worked. 7. It is strictly prohibited to use homemade pyrotechnic devices.

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Do not allow open fire in the room where pyrotechnics are stored. Place pyrotechnics away from heating devices. Remember that pyrotechnic products are susceptible to dampness, and this may affect their operation. Any pyrotechnics must be lit at arm's length. You cannot carry pyrotechnics in your pockets. You cannot burn pyrotechnics in a fire. Do not disassemble pyrotechnic products and expose them to mechanical stress.

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Despite its commonality, sparklers are a very beautiful (and most importantly affordable) fireworks display. It is recommended to use a sparkler candle, holding it in your hand by the part free from the pyrotechnic composition. The tilt angle should be 30-45 degrees. And colored sparkler candles should be used only in the open air, outdoors, because the pyrotechnic composition used in their manufacture contains aggressive oxidizing agents released by combustion products. Sparklers, like any pyrotechnics, are flammable. Sparklers should only be used after a thorough inspection for damage and after reading the instructions.

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Rules for skiing - Dress for the weather. The temperature outside should not be lower than -10°C. Prepare your skis and equipment correctly. Don’t go into the forest alone, take friends with you, preferably adults. - Don’t go far, don’t ride in unfamiliar places. - Move only on the ski track, do not turn into snowdrifts. - The basic rule for oncoming skiers is that the track is “divided in half.” - A few seconds before the meeting, you need to: “change lanes to the right” - step with your right ski into the area outside the track, trampled with poles, and then with your left ski onto the right track of the track. At the same time, forward movement continues. - throw your left hand with the stick behind your back, with the tip of the stick to the right, away from the ski track. At the very moment of the meeting, you can additionally tilt your body slightly to the right so as not to push with your shoulders.

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Be careful - icicles! Do not walk near houses, Do not stand under overhanging icicles, Do not climb into fenced areas, Do not gather in groups under the overhanging canopies of roofs, entrances, balconies. When passing by houses, look up! If you see overhanging blocks of ice, avoid this area! When passing by houses, look up! If you see overhanging blocks of ice, avoid this area!

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Be sure to remember. Children and teenagers under 16 years of age, unaccompanied by adults, are allowed to stay on the streets for up to 21 hours during the school year, and up to 22 hours during school holidays. Children and adolescents under 16 years of age are allowed to attend performances in theaters, film shows, dance floors, discos, and other entertainment events until 20:30 during the school year and no later than 21:30 during school holidays. Children and teenagers are prohibited from: participating in unauthorized street processions that violate public order; pollute streets, courtyards, entrances and other public places; destroy green spaces, damage lawns and flower beds, walls of houses and entrances, as well as other state and public property, gather in groups in entrances, on roofs of houses and in basements; Smoking and drinking alcohol, including in public places; use obscene language

Etiquette in public places

Topic: Etiquette in public places.

Goal: creating conditions for familiarization with the rules of conduct in the theater, museum, and circus.

Planned results:

subject - knowledge of the rules of conduct in public places;

personal – using information to solve practical and educational problems; acceptance of norms of moral behavior in society; fostering tolerance towards people, regardless of age, nationality, religion;

meta-subject – the ability to use various mental operations (comparison, generalization, analysis, evidence, etc.) to solve educational and practical problems.

Equipment: presentation, projector; three rows of chairs make up an impromptu theater, in which children will occupy seats as the lesson progresses; cards with printed texts of ethical tasks

Progress of the lesson:

1st student: How difficult it is to live without knowing etiquette.

You get into trouble all the time.

And you constantly hear yourself following;

“Ignorant! You’re doing it wrong!”

2nd student: And we want, and we are friends, we want,

So that people can live happily with us,

And that’s why we strive and dream

We learned etiquette so we didn’t have to blush.

Teacher: Guys, what do you think the topic of our lesson will be? (children's answers)

Slide 1. The topic of the lesson opens.

The work was carried out by O.N. Shcherbakova,

primary school teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 4

Vyazma, Smolensk region

What is etiquette?

established, accepted order of behavior, forms of treatment

Teacher: What is etiquette? (Working with an explanatory dictionary in subgroups).

Slide 2. What is etiquette - We should know from childhood. These are norms of behavior: How to go to a birthday party? How to meet? As it is? How to call? How to get up? How to sit down? How to greet an adult? There are many different questions. And this very etiquette gives the answer to them.

Teacher: Today we will actually talk about etiquette in public places, because we often go to them, but we don’t always think about whether we behave correctly. You often feel ashamed of those guys who don’t even mean that they are behaving incorrectly or ill-mannered.

Welcome to the theater!

So, I invite you to an improvised theater, but only those who can answer questions correctly and complete tasks can take seats in it.

Solving ethical problems (each subgroup receives cards with questions and chooses the correct answer)

1. What clothes do they wear to the theater?

a) dressed up

b) in sports

c) in everyday life

2. Do I need to come to the theater or concert in advance?

a) not necessary

c) desirable, but not required

3. Is it possible to applaud when the curtain has not yet been raised?

b) it’s impossible

c) undesirable

4. Is it possible to comment on the performance out loud?

a) you can, if your neighbors are interested in it

b) undesirable if you are not sure of the reaction of your neighbors

c) you can’t - wait until intermission

5. Can a man (boy) wear a headdress in the theater?

b) can't

c) maybe, except for a big fur hat

6. Can a man (boy) wear a headdress in the theater?

b) can't

c) maybe only in a small one, which is part of an elegant evening suit

7. Who enters the hall first - a boy or a girl?

a) boy

b) girl

c) at the same time

8. How to behave correctly in the theater if you have a severe runny nose or cough?

a) take several handkerchiefs with you

b) do nothing special - others will see your ill health and sympathize with you

c) in this state it is better to stay at home

Teacher: Why do people go to the theater? (to relax, lift your spirits, get acquainted with the latest in theater or cinema)

There are many people besides us in public places. When in society, we have to follow the rules of politeness. Which? (don’t make noise, don’t quarrel, use polite words)

Game situations (children are invited to play out situations)

1. Take a seat in the middle of the row.

2. Your place is taken.

3. You need to leave during the performance.

Teacher: Listen to what happened to the girls in the theater and think about what rules of etiquette the girls violated (A. Barto’s poem is read by pre-prepared children or the teacher).

Teacher: What rules of etiquette were violated? (children express their opinions)

What should you have done in this situation?

Guys, how should you thank artists for performing their roles well? (applause, giving flowers, shouting “Bravo!”)

When can I leave the hall after the end of the performance? (when the curtain closed and the lights came on)

You see how many rules of behavior there are in the theater, cinema, and at a concert. Let's repeat the most important ones again.

Slides 4-11

Group work

The teacher invites students to draw up rules of behavior on the bus, library, museum, store.

At the end of the work, the group leader reads out the resulting memos, students from other groups express their opinions and complement them.

After each group finishes their presentation, the following slides are shown:

“Rules of conduct in the museum” (slide 12)

You need to be sure that you are sitting on the seat and not standing

You cannot eat in transport so as not to dirty others. You cannot throw garbage out the window, leave it on the seat, or throw it on the floor.

Younger people give way to older ones, men give way to women.

If you need to take a ticket, they politely ask passengers standing nearby to do so.

How to behave in a store

  • Before entering the store, you need to let those leaving it pass. If there are elderly or disabled people nearby, they will enter first.
  • Taking animals with you is strictly prohibited.
  • You cannot enter the store with a cigarette or ice cream.
  • You are supposed to be grateful for the service in the store.
  • If you don’t like the product offered, it is advisable to return it with a proper explanation, but without unnecessary comments.
  • If there is a line in a store, everyone must respect it. If a disabled person, an old person in poor health, a woman with a child, or any well-mannered store visitor approaches the counter, they should let such customers go ahead of them.

“Rules of behavior in the store” (slide 22)

We really want the children They knew the rules of etiquette. But it’s not enough just to know them, Must be applied in life

Teacher: Our lesson has come to an end. Guys, think for a minute, remember how you behave in public places, whether you always follow the rules of etiquette. I encourage you to always be cultured, wherever you are, and start controlling your behavior right today.

At Senor Etiquette

There are always answers to everything:

How to enter and where to stand,

Who should I give place to?

How to dress decently

Where to be silent and where to laugh,

How to invite to dinner

What to give to a friend.

At school, at home, at work,

And on the tram, on the plane,

Both in the theater and in the cafe

It will come in handy for you.

And it's time for us all to understand -

To become educated,

Need to visit Etiquette more often

Seek advice.

Slide 2

Main questions of the lecture:

Visit to the tetra; Visiting the museum and exhibitions; Rules of behavior in the elevator; Behavior in the store; Behavior on the dance floor; Churches and other places of worship; Automobile; City public transport; Mother and child.

Slide 3

Visit to theater and cinema

Before visiting the theater, do not eat garlic, onions, etc.; We buy tickets in advance. Those who have tickets meet those who do not; We dress festively. Shorts and jeans are not allowed; Ladies take a change of shoes with them; If a man and a woman know each other well, then the number must be given to the man; if not, then the woman has the right to keep it; We leave rustling bags in the wardrobe; In a close relationship, a man can help a woman take off her boots; A man walks ahead of a woman down a row when looking for a seat; You must walk down the row facing the audience and ask for forgiveness for the inconvenience caused; It is advisable to buy the program and a monocle; Be in the auditorium before the third bell; Do not chew, do not chat, do not sleep during the performance; If you are late, you cannot enter the stalls or only with the permission of the theater employees; At the end of the performance, it is customary to give flowers to the actors; You should leave after the end of the performance only after the applause has ended.

Slide 4

Visiting the museum and exhibitions

We plan a whole day to visit the museum, draw up a visit plan; We put all things in the wardrobe, except handbags; We put shoe covers over the shoes; When viewing the exhibits at the exhibition, show restraint, showing your delight or disagreement both in words and in gestures and facial expressions; While viewing the exhibition, speak calmly and quietly;

At an exhibition or in a museum, it is considered indecent to come too close to other visitors. If you want to get closer to any exhibit or painting, but see that someone is standing near it, wait until the person moves away. In all museums it is strictly forbidden to touch exhibits with your hands; At the vernissage, it is customary to congratulate the author on the exhibition and discuss his work with him, if you know the artist. If you do not know the artist personally, you can approach him, introduce yourself and express your approval; You should not visit museums in noisy groups or after drinking alcohol - you are unlikely to be in the right mood to correctly perceive museum exhibits; To preserve your impressions for a longer period of time, buy a prospectus for an exhibition or a description of the museum you visited, then you can easily recall in your memory everything you saw; Many museums have their own rules for photography and video shooting. If you want to take pictures, be sure to ask if this is possible.

Slide 5

If a woman and a man are waiting for an elevator, then the woman enters the elevator first. If several people are standing at the elevator doors, then those standing closest to the door enter the elevator first. In the elevator cabin, one of the men should stand near the panel with buttons. This rule also applies if a woman is in an elevator accompanied by a man. If a woman is traveling in an elevator without a companion, she asks the person closest to the panel to press the button she needs, or presses it herself. A request to press a button should be fulfilled calmly, and not show by all appearances that you are doing the person a favor, or are offended by such a request. You should not stare at anyone in an elevator, openly or secretly. This is a gross violation of the rules of etiquette. Moreover, you can’t look at people point-blank. You need to look at the elevator buttons. You shouldn't greet everyone who comes in. In the elevator, it is customary to greet only those people whom you usually greet when you meet. If you have arrived at your floor and there are many passengers in the elevator, politely ask those in front to give you the opportunity to get off. Never push people with your elbows when trying to get to the exit. Step aside or temporarily exit the elevator to allow passengers behind you to exit. A man who accompanies a woman cannot always get out of the elevator first and help his companion get out. In this case, the man should act according to the circumstances.

Slide 6

Behavior in the store

If you enter a small store, then you need to say hello to the seller, even if you do not know each other personally; Etiquette allows customers, during a conversation, to address the seller by the name that is usually indicated on the card. If there is no such sign, then the name of the sales consultant can be found out by asking him about it; Be more tolerant. This is his direct responsibility. Let's imagine a different situation. You suddenly need a specific product, but there is no consultant on the horizon. What to do? Just ask any visitor. There is no need to frantically run from hall to hall in search of a seller, he may simply be busy.

Slide 7

Behavior on the dance floor

When inviting a dance, a man must approach a woman and ask her permission. At the same time, he should bow slightly. You can ask permission silently, simply by bowing. A woman is able to express her agreement with a nod of her head or a smile. You should refuse calmly and modestly. The partner is always the first to offer his hand to the lady. If a woman promised this dance to another, then she should thank her for the invitation and explain the situation, saying: “Unfortunately, I promised this dance to another.” At open evenings, a stranger is refused without explanation. Moreover, the man is obliged to bow and leave. If he still wants to dance with this particular partner, then it is better for him to invite her again later. But, having received a second refusal, the man should no longer approach the lady. A woman should not be refused 2 times in a row without reason. A man should not ask out the girl next to him after he has been rejected. When inviting a girl to dance, be polite. Smile at her; If you don’t know each other, introduce yourself and say “Hello.” The phrase “let’s dance” can only be said to a lady you know well. You should simply offer: “Let me invite you to dance.” After finishing the dance, thank her for it and take your partner to the place from where you invited her to dance. Do not be shy. Most of the girls will not refuse you, because they, like you, came to dance. If a man is drunk, then he has no right to ask a lady to dance. A woman has the right to refuse such a partner. Choose your dance partner discreetly. You shouldn't look at every woman from head to toe. Do not ask a girl to dance from a distance with any signs. A well-mannered lady will never respond to a nod or wink.

Slide 8

You can't stop until the music ends. After the dance, be sure to thank your partner. If during a dance you accidentally push another couple, under no circumstances should you exchange insults or call them names, it is better to simply politely apologize. While dancing, focus on your partner, do not look around, do not look at the patterns on the walls and floor. Before dancing, you should pay maximum attention to your personal hygiene: it will become unpleasant for others if you smell of sweat or have bad breath. While dancing, you can have a casual conversation. If you don’t know what to talk about with your partner, then you should just remain silent while dancing. Humming a tune while dancing is not nice. A man should not take out a comb and smooth his hair while dancing, even if he is on an open dance floor. You can't dance with a cigarette in your mouth. When there is live music at a party, it is permissible to encourage the musicians with applause. If a woman comes with her companion, then others should not invite her to dance. It would be rude to her partner. The same applies to a couple sitting at a table in a restaurant. If a man wants his partner to dance only with him in the future, then he needs to ask her about it during the first dance, without insisting too much. Don't invite the same woman if she's sitting at someone else's table. This can only be done if the woman herself made it clear to you. At a dance party, a woman can be invited to dance, even if she is currently busy eating. After all, food is not the main thing at this event. Partners should not disappear for a long time - only for 10-15 minutes. At the end of the evening, a man should not leave a lady if, moreover, he has a number from her coat and bag in his pocket. Throughout the evening, a man is obliged to invite his lady to the bar 2-3 times for a snack and a refreshing drink. You can order the same for your table.

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If you come to the evening with a company, each man must dance at least once with each woman, if there are no more than four of them. If I give more, then I don’t have to do this. If a man invited your companion, then you are obliged to invite his partner. You should not do this if your companion was invited by someone not from your company. You dance the first dance only with your (or your) companion. For the next 3 dances, invite partners sitting next to you and opposite you. Only after this can you dance with the other women. You don't have to dance with the exact woman you were talking to when the orchestra started playing. Apologize, stop the conversation and go to someone else. If a group of four people is sitting at a table (two men and two women), then one of the women should never be left alone at the table. This situation is unforgivable for the men accompanying her. In a large company this is quite acceptable and even inevitable. A married couple at a dance party should not be occupied only with each other. Do not follow your other half, and especially do not show your tender feelings to her. Each spouse has the right to have fun independently. If one decides to go home, then the second can safely stay. This does not contradict the rules of good manners. During the dance, the partner bears full responsibility for the safety of his lady. Maintain space for dancing, do not let your partner go beyond it. If you see that it is about to collide with another pair, try changing the direction of movement. If you keep bumping into each other, look for an empty seat in another corner. Each person has his own way of dancing. If you think your partner's manners are too rude for you, ask him to be more careful or politely refuse to dance.

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If your partner steps on your foot, smile and say that there is nothing wrong with it. He should apologize. While dancing, do not perform figures with falls that you have not done before. If you knock over a couple, help them get up; you shouldn’t laugh at them. In dances such as switches, Charleston, etc., the throws are compact and low. Most of the people who come to the dance want to dance, so you shouldn’t keep them busy with conversations and ask them to go out for a smoke. If you want to talk and watch, do it outside the dance floor. It is not advisable to drink alcohol before dancing. Alcohol will interfere with the coordination of your movements, and you will not be able to dance as you would like. You should not bring food or drinks across the dance floor. There is always a danger that someone will hit you and it will all end up on you or on the floor. You can't do tricks on a crowded stage. Only perform them during a jam or when the field is clear. The leader in the dance is always a partner. Your posture while dancing should be straight. If the neckline of the dress is too deep and the back is exposed, then place your hand on the lady's side, and not on the bare back. A man always makes sure that his partner’s dress does not rise, fall to one side or wrinkle. Hands should not be sweaty. A woman can only have a handkerchief in her hands while dancing.

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During a dance, it is unsightly to cling too closely to each other or, on the contrary, to move too far apart. You cannot dance a dance other than the one announced by the leader. You should also not disturb the direction of the dance. While dancing, do not look at your partner's dress or at your feet. Don't sing along, much less whistle the melody. Invite new people. Remember that they are afraid to approach you first. If you get lost during the dance, don’t be upset, smile and continue the dance. Remember that you are just having fun and not participating in a competition. It is not advisable to kiss while dancing, even if it is slow. It is impolite and rude to others. Don't lean against the wall or stand with your hands in your pockets, you came to dance, not just prop up the wall. It is also unsightly to chew. In order to move beautifully, it is not necessary to memorize all the fashionable dances. Just try to feel the melody and learn all the basic movements. It is very important to be able to hold yourself correctly in dance. Simple movements, performed with slight ease, look much more elegant than any frills. When accompanying a lady to a dance, remember that she must walk on the right side of the man. If a woman refuses to dance with a man for no reason, then she should not dance this dance with another. After the dance evening, be sure to accompany your partner home.

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Churches and other places of worship

Clothes for visiting the temple. A woman in a skirt or dress with a scarf on her head. A man enters the temple with his head uncovered; Rules of conduct in the church The bell rings parishioners for the service 15 minutes before it starts. Therefore, you need to come to the service with 10-15 minutes to spare. Then you will have time to purchase church books, icons, candles, crosses, and talk with a clergyman. It is also better to venerate the icon at this time: cross yourself 2 times, venerate the bottom of the icon, and only then cross yourself a third time. Approaching the temple, cross yourself three times, looking at the crosses, then bow. It is strictly forbidden to smoke or swear near the temple, or to bring pets. Before entering the temple, turn off your mobile phone so as not to disturb the spiritual atmosphere of the temple with ringing sounds. Moreover, it is unacceptable to talk on the phone in church. When entering the porch, you must cross yourself again. This is where you leave all thoughts about extraneous topics and focus on spiritual things.

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Upon entering the temple premises, cross yourself three times, then bow towards the altar and stand in any free place to the left of the aisle if you are a woman, and to the right if you are a man. Anyone who is late for the start of the service should enter quietly, not disturb other parishioners, take the free seat closest to the exit, trying not to block the passage. Church literature or icons can only be purchased before or after the service. Only candles can be purchased during the service. By the way, do not try to light candles to all the icons at once in one visit, so that your walking around the temple does not distract other parishioners from their prayers. Better visit the church again. For the same reason, it is undesirable to ask those in front to pass a candle to place in front of the icon. Wait until the end of the service and place the candle yourself where you want.

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When you see acquaintances in the temple, it is enough to nod to them as a sign of greeting or quietly say hello. Kissing, hugging, shaking hands, talking loudly is not worth it. You can pray out loud only when the priest reads “I Believe” and “Our Father.” You should also not sing along with the church choir or walk around the church while the service is going on. At this time, you are supposed to stand still and listen, remaining until the end of the service. Only weak and sick people can sit down or leave early. You are not supposed to hold hands in church. It is strictly forbidden to laugh, chew, keep your hands in your pockets and talk loudly. If you come to church with children, make sure that they also follow the rules of church etiquette. A small child, if he cries, must be taken out of the temple, calmed down, and then returned to his place

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Seating in the car

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In large cities, try to use your car less; In rainy weather, slow down if you see puddles so as not to throw mud at passers-by; No matter how much you and your companions are in a hurry, never turn on the ignition or start the engine until all passengers have sat down and slammed the doors; Measure your strength when closing doors so as not to slam them too hard; Fasten your seat belts; Don't swear at other drivers; Don't honk for any reason. The city is already very noisy without you;

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An ugly impression is made by a passenger lounging imposingly in a chair, and even throwing his arm over the back of the driver’s seat. Firstly, it is tactless to rest when the person sitting behind the wheel is focused and at work, and secondly, it is simply disrespectful towards the driver. Hands hanging out of the windows create the impression of sloppiness in the appearance of the car. Besides, it's not safe. For some reason, it has become so chic to drive with music playing loudly, and not of a high artistic level. This is a sign of bad taste. In Western countries, a nod of gratitude or a hand gesture to the driver who has given up your lane or right of way is a natural norm in driver relationships. On Russian roads, this practice is completely absent. If you are a passenger, refrain from giving directions to the driver unless asked to do so. If your car is blocked by another car in the parking lot, there is no need to honk your horn. You are disturbing the residents of neighboring houses. You need to calmly wait for the owner of the car and calmly explain that he is wrong. If you get stuck in a traffic jam, then, if possible, turn off the engine so as not to unnecessarily spoil the city’s ecology.

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City public transport

How should you behave when boarding public transport? When getting into a vehicle, there is no need to push the passengers in front, trying to quickly get inside the cabin. If a woman or an elderly person is standing next to you at the bus stop, a well-mannered man will first let them through and then get on himself. Should a man let a woman go ahead if there was a line to board at the stop? Should not. He can do this, but only if a woman or older man is standing in line directly behind him. Otherwise, the interests of other people standing in line, including women and elderly people, will be affected. To whom should a man give up his seat on a bus or trolleybus? The rules of good manners oblige you to do this if there is a woman with a child, an elderly woman or his acquaintance next to the man. When giving up his seat, he should politely offer: “Please sit down.” You can help your friend sit down, supporting her with your elbow. In relation to other women, an offer to sit down will be an act of goodwill, a manifestation of good manners.

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How should a woman react to a man’s offer to sit down? The man who gives up his seat should smile and express the words of gratitude appropriate for such an occasion. It is indecent to refuse an offer in such a situation. If a woman has to get off after a stop or two, she should thank the man for his kindness and tactfully explain her refusal by the need to prepare for the exit. Can a woman place her child in the offered seat? In no case. She can sit down herself and place the child on her lap. Is it convenient to invite the person in front to walk further through the cabin, where it is much freer? This should not be done, but you have the right to go there yourself, saying: “Excuse me, allow me to go through.” What's the best way to say hello to friends on public transport? It's best to simply nod your head in greeting. Any conversations around you are not interesting.

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The interior of a bus, trolleybus, or tram is crowded, but you need to get out. What words should you say to the passenger in front? First of all, you need to tactfully and politely ask whether he is leaving before you or not. If not, apologize and ask permission to pass. Address the next passenger in front of you with the same words. And so on until they answer you in the affirmative. By the way, very often you can hear the phrase on public transport: “Are you going?” It is not right. They don’t get off the transport, but get out. What should a man do if his companion has a heavy bag in her hands?

A woman cannot have a heavy bag in her hands. A well-mannered man took it from his companion at the stop before boarding or even earlier.

It’s another matter if he met an acquaintance on a bus or trolleybus. Then the rules of good manners require that the man take the shopping bag or package from the woman.

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Who gets off the bus or trolleybus first - the man or his companion? The man comes out first and gives his hand to the woman, helping her out. If a stranger comes out to pick her up, the rules of good manners oblige you to give her a hand as well. And so on until the man leaves the salon. Many men, getting off at the bus stop, immediately light up. Is it correct? Wrong. You should not light up or smoke at the bus stop, so as not to smoke on those waiting for transport. You should move away from the crowd and calmly smoke a cigarette. Moreover, to do this you need to stop or sit on a bench. Smoking while walking is bad manners.

Try to enter the salon through the front door. This is only possible for women with children, old people and disabled people. Talk loudly, laugh. To sort things out with strangers for any reason. As, indeed, with friends too. Chat on the phone. Look into a book or newspaper that a nearby passenger is reading. Express your displeasure if you are pushed or touched.

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Slide captions:

Completed by: teacher of MADOOU d/s No. 33 Merinova Anastasia Vladimirovna Rules of conduct in public places

A child’s natural entry into society largely depends on his behavior and cultural skills: it is much easier for a well-mannered person to join a team, establish relationships with others, and win the respect and recognition of adults and peers. Therefore, teaching the rules of child behavior in society is one of the key tasks of raising children.

Rules of conduct in public transport

When entering transport, women with children or elderly people must be allowed through;

There is no need to stand at the entrance and block the passage for passengers preparing to leave. It is always necessary to give way to disabled people, elderly people, women with children and pregnant women.

When moving in a crowd of passengers, you cannot help yourself with your elbows; it is better to ask with your voice rather than push; You should not drink or eat on public transport, as you may accidentally stain the clothes of a neighboring passenger or the seat of the carriage.

Rules of behavior on the street

Before you leave the house on the street, look at yourself in the mirror and make sure that everything is in order in your appearance.

Be the first to say hello when you meet people you know on the street. If someone didn’t respond to your greeting, don’t be offended - the person could be thinking about something of his own.

If a passer-by next to you slips or falls, help him get up.

Always follow the rules of the road.

You cannot talk to strangers, take any objects from their hands, or leave with them. If a stranger wants to use force, teach your child to scream and run away, call for help.

You cannot run away from your parents, hide from them, run into rooms, or transport without parents.

It is very important to prepare and teach your child to behave correctly in public places, but not to forget about behavior at home.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Consultation for parents “Rules of behavior in public places during New Year’s Eve and other crowded places”

During the New Year holidays, you and your children will attend quite a few public events, and in order to leave as many pleasant impressions as possible about the event, let’s talk about the rules of behavior in public places during...

1. Relevance of the topic, motivation for its choice. 2. Contradictions and their conditionality in pedagogical practice at the present stage. 3. Mechanism for implementing the proposed ideas. 4. Received or predicted...

Street Street On the street you need to be extremely careful. On the street you need to be extremely careful. Observe traffic rules Observe traffic rules If there are underground or overpasses, cross the street only along them. If there are underground or overpasses, cross the street only along them. If the intersection is controlled by a traffic light, cross the street at the zebra crossing and turn to the green light. If the intersection is controlled by a traffic light, cross the street at the zebra crossing and turn to the green light. You need to wait for transport at the landing site, observing the road situation. You need to wait for transport at the landing site, observing the road situation. At a stop, it is prohibited to play or run out onto the roadway. At a stop, it is prohibited to play or run out onto the roadway. You should only move on the street on sidewalks and away from the roadway. You should only move on the street on sidewalks and away from the roadway. Do not go out on the road due to large vehicles and other obstacles. Do not go out on the road due to large vehicles and other obstacles. You need to cross an uncontrolled intersection after making sure that there are no cars on the left or right. You need to cross an uncontrolled intersection after making sure that there are no cars on the left or right. You need to get out of the car only from the sidewalk and after the car has come to a complete stop. You need to get out of the car only from the sidewalk and after the car has come to a complete stop.

Theater Theater 1. You must arrive for a theatrical performance fifteen minutes before the start. 2. It is not recommended to talk during the performance. 3. Turn off phones or put them on vibrate until the end of the performance. 4. Do not rustle with foreign objects. 5. You cannot eat or drink during the performance. 6. Do not rush to go to the wardrobe immediately before the artists leave the stage. 7. If you want to give flowers to the hero, then never go up on stage. You need to wait for the final bow and hand over the flowers, standing directly in the aisle between the outermost row of the stalls and the stage. 1. You must arrive at a theatrical performance fifteen minutes before the start. 2. It is not recommended to talk during the performance. 3. Turn off phones or put them on vibrate until the end of the performance. 4. Do not rustle with foreign objects. 5. You cannot eat or drink during the performance. 6. Do not rush to go to the wardrobe immediately before the artists leave the stage. 7. If you want to give flowers to the hero, then never go up on stage. You need to wait for the final bow and hand over the flowers, standing directly in the aisle between the outermost row of the stalls and the stage.

Museum According to the rules of good manners, a museum visitor, before going to view the exhibits, must go to the cloakroom to take off outer clothing and leave large luggage (bags, briefcases, packages, etc.). According to the rules of good manners, a museum visitor, before going to view the exhibits, must go to the cloakroom to take off outer clothing and leave large luggage (bags, briefcases, packages, etc.). Special catalogs and guides, sold at the entrance to the exhibition halls, will help you navigate large museums and exhibitions. In this case, there is no need to try to see everything at once during one visit. It is best to choose one room and carefully familiarize yourself with its exhibits. On your next visit to a museum or exhibition, you will be able to explore another hall, etc. Special catalogs and guides sold at the entrance to the exhibition halls will help you find your way around large museums and exhibitions. In this case, there is no need to try to see everything at once during one visit. It is best to choose one room and carefully familiarize yourself with its exhibits. On your next visit to a museum or exhibition, you will be able to explore another room, etc. You should move around the museum halls silently. Talking loudly is unacceptable. You should move through the halls of the museum silently. Talking loudly is unacceptable. Loud discussion or critical remarks made about works or their authors are considered a sign of bad taste. Loud discussion or critical remarks made about works or their authors are considered a sign of bad taste. In order to get acquainted with any exhibit, you do not need to stand in front of another visitor. It is best to wait until he, having completed the inspection, frees up the place. In order to get acquainted with any exhibit, you do not need to stand in front of another visitor. It is best to wait until he, having completed the inspection, frees up the place. Touching museum or exhibition exhibits with your hands is strictly prohibited. Touching museum or exhibition exhibits with your hands is strictly prohibited. It is unacceptable to interrupt the guide during the story. As a rule, the guide asks questions after each significant part of the tour. It is unacceptable to interrupt the guide during the story. As a rule, the guide asks questions after each significant part of the tour. At the end of the event, you must thank the guide for the excursion. At the end of the event, you must thank the guide for the excursion.

Library Leave your outerwear and all unnecessary things in the wardrobe, take with you what you may need: a notepad, pen, wallet and library card. Leave outerwear and all unnecessary things in the wardrobe, take with you what you may need: a notepad, pen, wallet and library card. Keep silence in the reading room, remember that people do not come to the library for the purpose of socializing; you may be asked to leave the premises due to excessive talkativeness. Keep silence in the reading room, remember that people do not come to the library for the purpose of socializing; you may be asked to leave the premises due to excessive talkativeness. After taking the necessary materials, find a free place to study them calmly. After taking the necessary materials, find a free place to study them calmly. Books should be preserved in the condition in which they came into your hands: do not bend the corners of the pages (there are bookmarks for this), do not drop them, do not place foreign objects on them, do not tear out the pages or chapters you need - every library has the opportunity photocopying. Books should be preserved in the condition in which they came into your hands: do not bend the corners of the pages (there are bookmarks for this), do not drop them, do not place foreign objects on them, do not tear out the pages or chapters you need - every library has the opportunity photocopying. For a well-mannered person, careful handling of issued copies is the norm, not a necessary measure. For a well-mannered person, careful handling of issued copies is the norm, not a necessary measure.

Bus 1.Be at the bus stop a few minutes before the time indicated on the schedule. 2. While waiting for the bus, stay away from the roadway and behave respectfully towards others and their property. 3. Once the bus has arrived at the stop, get on quickly, but do not push others away. Go to the nearest empty seat and sit in such a way that you are facing the direction the bus is moving. 4. While traveling on a bus, it is prohibited to shout, change seats, throw anything out of the bus window, stick your head or arms out of the windows, or perform other similar actions that interfere with the normal process. The student or his parents are required to compensate for any damage caused to the bus as a result of acts of vandalism. 5. When the bus arrives at the appointed place, get off it quickly and quietly, but do not push other passengers. During the entire bus ride, the following precautions must be observed: 1. Do not keep books, bags, jackets, etc. in the aisle. 2. It is prohibited to transport animals and glass containers consisting of more than one fragment 3. If a student getting off at his stop must then cross the road so that he can see the traffic going in both directions; then wait for a signal from the bus driver before starting to cross the road. so as to see traffic going in both directions; then wait for a signal from the bus driver before starting to cross the road.

Subway never stand at the edge of the platform. While waiting for the train, stand near the wall (column) of the station (or, if there are no walls or columns, in the middle of the station) until the train doors open. Otherwise, you risk getting run over by an oncoming train due to a stampede or deliberate actions directed against you; never stand at the edge of the platform. While waiting for the train, stand near the wall (column) of the station (or, if there are no walls or columns, in the middle of the station) until the train doors open. Otherwise, you risk getting run over by an oncoming train due to a stampede or deliberate actions directed against you; Approach the doors of the carriage only after the train has stopped and passengers have exited. If there are a lot of people in the carriage, skip one or two trains, so as not to be crushed by the crowd, get on and off last; Approach the doors of the carriage only after the train has stopped and passengers have exited. If there are a lot of people in the carriage, skip one or two trains, so as not to be crushed by the crowd, get on and off last; if there is no train for a long time, or there is a crush in the metro, use other metro lines or other (ground) transport - do not expose yourself to unnecessary danger; if there is no train for a long time, or there is a crush in the metro, use other metro lines or other (ground) transport - do not expose yourself to unnecessary danger; when on an escalator, assume that it can stop (or fall) at any moment, so hold on tightly to the handrails and be prepared to jump onto the next escalator in case of an accident; when on an escalator, assume that it can stop (or fall) at any moment, so hold on tightly to the handrails and be prepared to jump onto the next escalator in case of an accident; on a train, if possible, give preference to the central cars, which in the event of an accident suffer less than the head and tail cars; on a train, if possible, give preference to the central cars, which in the event of an accident suffer less than the head and tail cars; in the carriage, pay attention to abandoned bags, briefcases, packages, toys, cans and other unattended items that may contain improvised explosive devices. Immediately report the discovery of such items to the driver, train engineer, or any police officer. Do not open them, do not touch them with your hands, warn people standing nearby about the possible danger. in the carriage, pay attention to abandoned bags, briefcases, packages, toys, cans and other unattended items that may contain improvised explosive devices. Immediately report the discovery of such items to the driver, train engineer, or any police officer. Do not open them, do not touch them with your hands, warn people standing nearby about the possible danger.