
Hairstyles that hide a big nose. A girl has a long nose: what to do, photos before and after surgery How to hide a big nose

Hairstyles that hide a big nose.  A girl has a long nose: what to do, photos before and after surgery How to hide a big nose

Appearance is important to a person, and a long nose on a girl or guy often catches the eye. Correct facial features, or at least proportionally located nose, mouth and eyes on it, allow other people to consider a person beautiful or not, and the owner of these features to feel confident.

What to do if some organ on the face does not stand out very much. For example, the nose?

Celebrities have big noses

People with large facial features, especially the nose, can be seen from afar. They attract increased, sometimes unnecessary attention. However, there have been cases in history when a long nose literally fed its owners.

  1. In order to understand whether a nose is large or not, you need to determine the proportionality of its size in relation to the rest of the face.
  2. To do this, draw horizontal lines under the tip of the nose and along the bridge of the nose.
  3. If the middle part of the face is larger than the lower and upper parts, then the nose is large.

How to make your nose smaller?

There are many different ways to hide or get rid of large facial features.

Makeup, makeup

Cosmetologists and makeup artists advise retouching a large nose, so to speak, using foundation of different shades.

A darker shade should be applied to the tip of the nose and its sides. The rest of the face, including the nose, should be covered with a lighter tone, similar to the complexion.

Then all these different shades of cream need to be shaded so that a smooth transition is obtained. Otherwise, you may end up with a not-so-pretty picture. As a final step, experts advise applying powder that will be slightly lighter than your usual skin color.

All this will allow you to slightly visually reduce your protruding nose.

Experts advise against choosing makeup products with glitter. They can highlight the problem. As well as a face shiny from droplets of fat or sweat.

In order to prevent this, you need to wipe your face in the morning with a special tonic that reduces the secretions of the sebaceous glands on the face, and wipe it with mattifying wipes during the day. As a last resort - matting powder.

Another tip from beauty experts is to focus on your lips. Those with large noses need to choose lipsticks in bright colors and shades.

Thanks to them, others will pay attention to the lips, not the nose. The same effect can be achieved with your hairstyle. Stylists advise not to cut off the bangs of girls with large noses; it is better to make a cascading haircut.

By the way. You can visually shorten your nose using foundation in different shades.



Even earrings will help to shift the emphasis from the nose. As plastic surgeons have found out, when a person pays attention to a girl’s ears, his gaze is automatically directed to the nose.

In order to avoid this, you just need to change your earrings and wear longer ones, for example, earrings with feathers.


Large glasses can also visually reduce the length of your nose. Experts also advise wearing the right hats.

What is rhinoplasty?

If all these tips did not help and the problem of a long or large nose is still relevant, you need to seek help from a plastic surgeon. After examination, he may suggest surgery to reduce your nose.

On the Internet you can find quite a lot of photographs of patients “before” and “after” surgery. The result is truly amazing. The face after surgical intervention looks more natural and attractive.


Depending on the patient’s request and the type of problem, there are several types of rhinoplasty - open and closed.

In the first case During the operation, a fragment of the nasal septum is cut off. This allows you to shorten your nose. However, this is not always the method that surgeons use. Often, removing part of the nasal septum does not give the desired effect.

It happens that doctors cut off part of the lateral cartilage that forms the shape of the nose. After cutting off part of such cartilage, the specialist forms a new shape of the nose.

The procedure is carried out not only on the septum, but also along the radius of the angle under the nasal passages.

With the closed method the integrity of the skin is not compromised during the operation, and afterward the patient does not see stitches or scars on his face. They are all inside the nasal passages.


The operation, depending on the complexity, lasts from an hour to an hour and a half. All this time the patient is under general anesthesia.

Given the complexity of the procedure, before it it is necessary to pass all the necessary tests and consult with a doctor. The main thing, experts noted, is to accurately and clearly discuss the desired result.

The surgeon and the patient must understand each other. Otherwise, problems cannot be avoided. And the operation, instead of the expected joy and improvement in condition, can only bring disappointment and even more complexes.

Important. The operation to correct the shape of the nose lasts from an hour to an hour and a half

Recovery after rhinoplasty

The recovery process lasts about a week. During this time, the person may have trouble smelling and feel something like nasal congestion.

This occurs due to swelling of the nasal tissues. After about 2-3 weeks, the nose comes to its senses.

For women, appearance is of great importance. For its harmony, all parts of the body must correspond to each other. If there are problem areas, they can be easily disguised. For this you will need your everyday cosmetics. For example, all makeup artists know how to visually reduce the size of the nose using makeup. The technique is not too complicated, so any girl can master it. From this review you will learn all the secrets of masking problematic parts of the face.

How to make your nose smaller at home

Every girl, when applying makeup, is guided by the rule: to emphasize the advantages of her appearance and to disguise the shortcomings. But not everyone knows whether it is possible to reduce the nose without surgery and how to do it. In order to visually change facial features without plastic surgery, you will need simple tools that every beauty has in her arsenal. To make this part of the face look miniature, you need foundation in three different shades.

Instructions on how to visually reduce your nose:

  1. First of all, you need to apply the foundation all over your face (a shade that matches your skin tone). Distribute the cream evenly.
  2. Apply a light tinting agent to the bridge of the nose, and the darkest of the prepared ones on the sides.
  3. When making makeup, it is very important to make the transitions from light to dark tones smooth (contrasting stripes are unacceptable).
  4. Differences in shades are hidden using natural-colored powder (to match your skin tone).
  5. For greater effect, it is recommended to apply a little blush to the tip.

However, there are still factors that influence visual form that should be considered. For example, eyebrows can draw attention to themselves if they are made expressive. To do this, you need to make them the correct shape, with clear boundaries. Eyebrows that are too thick or, conversely, thread-like will have a negative impact on your image. Cheeks, lips, eyes do not need to be highlighted too brightly if you want to correct a large nose. Light-colored shadows and soft lip gloss (which you use for makeup every day) in this case will be the best option.

Wing reduction

Makeup artists have a secret on how to visually reduce a wide nose using makeup. To do this, you need to draw a thin line along the back of this part of the body. On the sides, on the contrary, use a dark-colored tinting agent. There should be no contrasting sharp transitions from the sides to the center. Using a sponge, blend the product, removing excess. The final step is to powder your face. Some girls draw attention to their eyes by distributing the shadows so that they are dark on the upper eyelid (in the corners).

How to reduce the tip

Visually narrowing the wide part of the face is not the only problem for women. Sometimes, for example, the fair sex is concerned about an elongated, sharp (too long) nose. For visual shortening, a dark shade of foundation is applied to the tip and sides. Additionally, you can line the lower eyelids with richly colored shadows. Narrow eyebrows are another assistant for girls who are faced with such a defect. Bright lipstick on your lips will distract attention to yourself, so you should use this technique too.

How to hide a hump

Not everyone is delighted with the hump of this part of the body. More often than not, girls try to get rid of it by any means. To ensure that it does not distort its shape and introduce disharmony into your image, you will need a few minutes of time and a light foundation (a couple of shades lighter than your skin color). The product is applied to the tip and sides, and the hump itself is tinted with a darker cream.

Makeup for small eyes and big nose

Facial correction using makeup is not limited to visually reducing the size of body parts. Sometimes you need to add expressiveness to a girl’s small eyes. This problem bothers many, but it can be solved easily and quickly. Eyes will appear larger if you use eyeshadow in light shades of purple, brown or gray. The shape of the eyebrows plays an important role in this matter, so it is worth making them high and expressive.

Girls with such external characteristics need to be creative when choosing makeup. You can experiment based on the individual characteristics of your eyes and the shape of other parts of your face. There are no specific recommendations that will suit all women with small, expressionless eyes. However, there are universal techniques:

  1. It is better to choose shadows with microshine.
  2. It is not recommended to line the lower eyelid with black.
  3. When you have applied the shadows, you need to shade them towards the eyebrows.
  4. The eyelid under the eyebrow is shaded with highlighter or mother of pearl.
  5. For depth of look, the outer corner of the eye and the crease are slightly darkened.

How to do makeup:

  1. Apply base tone to face.
  2. Mask problem areas.
  3. The eyelid is treated with a makeup base.
  4. Line your eyes with a dark colored pencil (except black).
  5. You can apply dark shadows to the lower part of the eyelid and lighter ones to the upper part.
  6. Draw the contour of the eyes (above the height of the eyelashes, carefully shade the line).

Video: Nose correction with makeup

How to visually make your nose smaller? You will be surprised to learn how many ways there are to correct imperfections in this part of the face without surgery. Here's what you have in your arsenal: hairstyle, eyebrows, eye makeup, modeling the entire face and modeling the nose itself. Even hair color can affect the impression of your nose. And only when all this has been carefully processed can you see your nose for what it really is. Perhaps he was never big, but simply seemed so.

How to visually make your nose smaller by choosing the “right” environment for it

Hairstyle and facial makeup in general are very important. By working with them, you can divert attention from the imperfections of the nose without actually doing anything to it. After all, when we say that the nose is too big, we mean that it is big compared to something. And if the eyes, lips or face become larger, the nose will visually shrink.


In no case should they be plucked into a thin thread, but it is necessary to achieve symmetry and a pleasant “flying” shape with a well-defined bend. Pay attention to the photographs. Her nose, despite its beautiful shape, is not so small. But at the same time, perfectly defined curved eyebrows compensate for both the size of the nose and the truly German rigidity of features. In most photographs, she appears to be perfection, and her nose is dainty and small.

Cheekbones and chin

How to visually make your nose smaller by emphasizing your cheek line? And is this possible? The famous Russian model, Vogue favorite Anya Selezneva has a large and not yet overly wide round tip. However, when we look at her photographs, we hardly notice this; rather, we note to ourselves that the face has its own zest, character. Why? The fact is that a wide nose harmonizes perfectly with very expressive, always well-emphasized cheekbones.

Pay special attention to modeling the lower and side parts of the face. Beautiful cheekbones and chin with clear and smooth lines always look sensual and stylish.


The photo below demonstrates how much makeup can change the appearance of your nose. To model the face, highlighters, foundations, special powders, and shadows are used. The size and shape of light and dark areas will be different for each woman. The basic rule is simple: a light tone increases, a dark tone decreases. For example, the nose is very long, but narrow, graceful, looks almost perfect from the front, and its length is noticeable only in profile. In this case, there is no need to darken the side areas of the nose. You need to lighten the bridge of your nose, then it will appear a little closer, and darken the lower part (but not the tip). Sometimes it’s not the nose at all, but other facial features, for example, the distance from the upper lip to the nose is very short, and the nose seems long. In this case, the area above the lip also needs to be corrected. Particular attention should be paid to eye makeup. In the photo below you can clearly see how much it influences the overall impression - thanks to the actively applied shadows around the eyes, the large nose has become almost invisible.


And a feminine hairstyle also attracts attention. If you need to visually reduce your nose, then hair pulled back into a ponytail at the back of your head is contraindicated. Avoid slick hairstyles. The face should be framed by soft curls or waves, and volume at the roots is desirable, which can be achieved with the help of backcombing and special styling. The best hair length is medium, but it all depends on your overall appearance. Very voluminous hair does not always suit petite women, and high backcombing is contraindicated for too high a forehead.


The basic rule is this: the more open the face, the less noticeable the nose. And bangs can compensate for a large nose, or maybe emphasize its size. That is why there are so many mistakes with it. It should be remembered: bangs are chosen not only for the nose! You need to look at the facial features as a whole. Let's say, if you have an elongated oval face, a heavy but expressive chin, clear full lips, in this case a thick one will balance the overall impression and compensate for the narrowness of the face. In addition, bangs can be different: asymmetrical, high, shortened, thinned out. Any flat, thick bangs with a smooth and low edge can only aggravate the deficiency, but all other options can be safely considered; airy strands framing the face are especially good, creating a feeling of space and volume around the face. This is exactly the hairstyle Barbra Streisand wears.

How to visually reduce your nose with daily care?

Unfortunately, it is not always convenient to apply modeling with tonal means. Typically, it is used for special occasions, such as photography, but even regular powder and constant care can make your nose look smaller. How often there is oily shiny skin on the nose, and even with blackheads! But the shine on this protruding part of the face can visually make it even larger. Therefore, matting wipes and powder are a must. Ideally, the skin on the nose should be completely clean, smooth, matte and without redness - all this will make the nose more neat.

How to make the tip of your nose smaller?

The tip of the nose can be made a little more upturned and neat with the help of special exercises. Surely you can voluntarily flare your nostrils, which clearly proves that the muscles are there and you can work with them. One of the main exercises for reducing your nose: holding the tip of your nose with your finger, try to lower your upper lip.

When doing makeup, draw short lines at the tip in a darker tone so that they are a continuation of the side lines of the back of the nose. Then highlight the bridge of the nose with a lighter tone, without continuing the line at the tip. Achieve smooth boundaries between media. In order to learn how to correctly correct your nose, first take a darker tone and clearly draw all the lines and spots, move away from the mirror as far as possible and evaluate the result from afar, and only then proceed to the final version with shading.

In any case, you should remember that only you yourself know about your shortcomings. Whether they will be considered flaws or highlights of appearance depends only on you. Even a large nose can be considered beautiful, thoroughbred and noble. Ancient Greek beauties had a very expressive profile. In addition, it is likely that the nose only appears large due to incorrectly placed accents in appearance.

It must be said that if sometimes such accusations are groundless, it often happens that they have a very real and objective reason.
So, as noted above, the most common accusation against appearance is a long nose. There are many tricks that help hide such a disproportion without the intervention of plastic surgery, and the most effective of them is the right hairstyle.

Voluminous hairstyle for girls with long nose

If a girl has a big nose, then a voluminous hairstyle will suit her perfectly. When the emphasis is placed on the volume of hair, the nose becomes visually smaller and more graceful, and ceases to appear as a protruding part of the face. But we must remember that this hairstyle is suitable for women with curvy figures, and if a woman is petite and fragile, then she should not do such voluminous hairstyles.

Wavy hairstyles for those with long noses

If voluminous hairstyles are suitable only for large girls, then wavy hairstyles are universal and suit any face shape. Wavy hair layered to hide a long nose. It is better to curl your hair every day so that it always lies in beautiful waves. The optimal length for a wavy hairstyle is medium; a graduated bob is also suitable. You can also lightly lift or backcomb the hair on the top of your head, placing the front strands of hair along the contour of your cheekbones, so that your hair is in the foreground, rather than your face with a long nose.

Semi-High Hairstyles for Girls with Long Noses

To balance out facial features, girls with long noses are advised to pull their hair away from their face and pin it at the back. A half-up hairstyle is one of these options: the hair is pulled back, but is not gathered into a ponytail with the lower part of the hair, but is secured to the lower loose hair. For this hairstyle you need hair to be shoulder length or even longer. If the girl has short hair, then again, you should lay it on top, but not pull it too tight, as the hair should appear voluminous.

Hairstyles with long and straight hair for those with a long nose

Long hair is an advantage for those who consider their nose to be long. The length of the hair perfectly hides the length of the nose, so girls with this appearance should not cut their hair, but rather lengthen it to the middle of the back. To make your face appear more feminine, you should make separate strands on the sides, focusing on them. Usually straight and long hair has a flat shape, which once again emphasizes the length of the nose, so do not forget about volume. To create volume, you can use volume sprays, a round brush and a hairdryer. Remember that the forehead should be open, so it is better to comb the side hair back.

Short hairstyle for long-nosed women

It is generally not advisable to cut your hair short: short hair is difficult to style without your nose being the center of attention. But if you don’t want to part with short hair or it’s simply impossible to lengthen it due to poor hair quality, then you can choose an asymmetrical bob - it can be slightly tousled or curled.

Bangs for those with a long nose

Bangs visually make the nose longer, so they should be avoided if possible. The bangs cover the upper part of the face and, thus, the emphasis goes to the lower part, enlarges it and, accordingly, the nose also increases. But if you don’t want to give up bangs, then you need to choose options that will be harmonious with long noses: oblique bangs, asymmetrical, combed to the side, torn. But you can’t make it straight, even, long, ladder-shaped or round: with such bangs, the nose will appear twice as large.

Hairstyles with thin and sparse hair for long-nosed women

Of course, full hair is the most suitable option for women with long noses, but not everyone has thick hair with which to achieve the desired volume. In this case, you can achieve volume by cutting your hair in a cascade - they will give your hair visual thickness. With this hairstyle, the emphasis is on the eyes, and the nose, accordingly, is visually smaller.

Hair curling is also acceptable for thin and sparse hair. Wavy hair gives visual volume, hides the length of the nose and emphasizes the sophistication of a woman.

The most important thing to remember when choosing a hairstyle is not to make your hair completely smooth and with chopped lines; such hairstyles emphasize the length of the nose and visually make it larger.

It is also recommended not to wear your hair in a ponytail, especially if you don’t have side bangs. If hair is not visible near the face and neck, then a long nose comes to the fore. Therefore, the hair at the bottom of the head should be kept loose.

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Useful tips

There is probably no such person who, at certain periods of his life, would not feel dissatisfaction. (more-less) with his appearance. Usually in adolescence, many are faced with an irresistible desire to improve something about themselves.

And if you are the kind of person who has never worried much about your appearance, then you are simply lucky. Most spend hours staring in the mirror, thinking about how wonderful it would be if the nose and ears were a little smaller, the eyes a little bigger, the lips fuller, and so on.

However, it is worth knowing that in experiences related to one’s appearance, there is nothing reprehensible. After all, no one is perfect, and therefore it is worth learning to turn a blind eye to some of your shortcomings.

But what to do if you are categorically not ready to put up with the most outstanding (in every sense of the word!) part of your face - a nose that is too big or simply too long?

Big nose – nose shape correction

There is a way out - and you don’t have to go under the knife to do it

If you are not satisfied with the shape of your eyes or eyebrows, or are confused by the color of your skin or the shape of your ears, there are many opportunities to correct the situation. And we're not just talking about plastic surgery - the most fundamental solution to the issue.

Many imperfections can be corrected with good makeup; It is quite possible to hide large ears under long hair; Cosmetics (or even regular sunglasses) will hide the imperfections of your eyes from others.

People who are ready to fight the injustice of nature, which has given them a very large nose, there are also several ways to fix this flaw. We bring to your attention a dozen very useful tricks that will make your big nose look smaller.

Yoga for the nose

The very thought of yoga for the nose may seem strange, but certain exercises that can change the shape of this part of the body do exist. Nose yoga uses inhalation and exhalation techniques.

There are quite a lot of such exercises. It is becoming no less popular fitness to correct the shape of the nose. On the Internet you can find many interesting and proven techniques offered by a variety of people.

At the moment, we bring to your attention one of the most effective and popular exercises from the yoga arsenal for the nose. This exercise will allow you to somewhat shorten and narrow the tip of your nose.

1. Using your index finger, lightly press the tip of your nose so that the nasal passages narrow slightly.

2. Inhale through your mouth.

3. Exhale forcefully through your nose.

Repeat this exercise ten times. Exhale forcefully, but without excessive fanaticism, not to the point of dizziness. It is enough to perform three approaches a day. It will take time to see some changes, but it will be worth it.

Of course, to achieve results with such exercises, a certain amount of patience is required. At the same time, you should not strain too much, since by doing so you are more likely to stress the muscles than change the shape of your nose in a short time.

Nose contour makeup

Use eyeshadow that is two shades darker than your complexion. Apply two strips of eye shadow on either side of the bridge of your nose. moving from top to bottom, to the wings of the nose. Then apply shadow that is one or two shades lighter than your skin, in the middle of the bridge of your nose, from top to bottom.

If you have a very wide tip of your nose, this light strip should not be drawn all the way to the tip. Then you need to shade the borders of the strips so that they completely merge. That's all - contour makeup for the nose is ready!

Reducing the distance between eyebrows

Using this technique, you will ensure that the distance between your eyebrows appears smaller than it actually is. Why is this necessary? This will create visual sensation that your nose looks somewhat narrower.

In order to achieve this result, it is recommended to use eyebrow powder. Of course, it is necessary that the color of the powder matches the natural color of your eyebrows. And, if you don't overdo it in bringing your eyebrows closer together, your nose will actually appear thinner.

Long nose - how to deal with it?

Use highlighter to make your nose look shorter

To make your nose look visually shorter, use a product to highlight certain areas of the nose (face highlighter). It must be applied to the bridge of the nose exactly to its middle (from top to bottom, in the center of the bridge of the nose). This will give the desired effect (albeit not pronounced).

By the way, there is another way, from the opposite, as they say. To do this, you need to darken the lower part of the tip of the nose with shadows. Then you need to shade the shadows so that the tip of the nose does not attract undue attention with an unnatural shade.

Use lipstick

Using bright or deep shades of lipstick is another little secret that will visually change the shape of your nose. No, of course, nothing will happen to the nose itself - it will be as big or small, narrow or wide.

However, bright lipstick colors will attract the maximum attention of others to your lips. Use purple, red lipstick. Blue or orange shades are good distractions. However, a lot depends on the individual shade of your skin.

Use different accessories

Start wearing eye-catching earrings, necklaces or chokers more often. Even glasses! If you choose these accessories correctly, they will somewhat distract the attention of others from your face and imperfect nuances of your nose.

But the use of jewelry directly for the nose (all kinds of “snails”, “studs”, earrings and rings) with the large size of this organ is highly undesirable. This will only emphasize its imperfection, or even actually lead to some increase in size.

Use the correct viewing angle

Our face looks different depending on where it is viewed from. Check it out for yourself! Take several photos of your face (actually, selfies) from different viewing angles. And decide for yourself From what viewing angle does your nose look prettier?.

Once you manage to find that perfect angle, you will look much more attractive in your selfies and group photos. And if we look at the capabilities offered by numerous photo editors...

Why not? Your goal is to make your nose look better. In the photographs as well. Therefore, feel free to use the applications that you can download directly to your smartphone - they are very simple and easy to use.

And then you can “correct” not only the shape of your nose! Your face will become more proportional; skin color will improve significantly; your eyes will become more expressive. True, only in photographs...

Correcting the nose cosmetically

Choose the right hairstyle

Some hairstyles make an imperfect nose appear even more imperfect. What can I say: enough big bangs or tight ponytail They can even visually turn a normal nose into an “outstanding” one.

You should avoid cutting or similar hair styling. For example, if your hair is styled in such a way that it is parted down the middle, it also makes your nose the focal point that draws attention to itself.