
Parables about food. A parable about healthy eating for children. Proverbs and sayings about healthy eating: making a menu

Parables about food.  A parable about healthy eating for children.  Proverbs and sayings about healthy eating: making a menu

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    Once upon a time, two monkeys from the planet of meat-eaters and the planet of vegetarians meet on the Moon. A meat-eating monkey became hungry when he saw another vegetarian monkey. And she was about to dine on it when she suddenly saw a lot of food in the hands of a vegetarian monkey. ...

    One day a fool came into a man's house. The owner began to treat him. But the food was bland and tasteless. Realizing this, the owner added salt. When the salt tasted good, the fool thought to himself: “So it’s all about the salt. If one pinch made it so...

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    There lived a peasant in one village, and he had a wife - a useless cook. One day a relative came to visit them, and the hospitable husband told her to prepare a tastier treat. The wife tried her best, but it didn’t work out - the dish was overcooked and...

    One day a king said to his advisor: “Correct thinking relies on exploring alternatives.” Tell me what is better: to increase the knowledge of my subjects or to give them more food? Both will be useful for them. The Sufi replied: “Your Majesty, ...

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    When Sant Kirpal Singh was serving in the army, he was sent to the front. An orderly was assigned to him to prepare food. The master warned him: - When you are not in the kitchen, you can meet anyone and you can talk or do whatever you want. But...

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About food and dishes

They say that in ancient times there lived a husband and wife who had several beautiful little children. One day they had to go away for a while, but they did not have the opportunity to take their children with them. They did not want to leave them with strangers and therefore decided to invite their wife’s sister, who lived far away and had not been with them for a long time, to stay with them. They wrote her an invitation, and she happily agreed, because she so wanted to see her sister and meet her nephews.

Soon she arrived, and just in time. The couple were supposed to leave that evening. And the aunt was left alone with her little nephews. The children immediately fell in love with their aunt, because she was kind and affectionate, and she, in turn, could not stop looking at such small, beautiful and sweet children. Evening came, and my aunt cooked pilaf for dinner. She put the plates of pilaf on the table and called the children to dinner. They came running, sat down in their places, but for some reason did not start eating.

- What's the matter? Why don't you eat? - asked the aunt.

“This is the wrong pilaf,” said the children.

It turned out that each child considered food to be correct only if it was poured into a plate with his favorite design. One had a cross drawn on a plate, another had a sitting man in orange robes with half-closed eyes, the third had a four-armed man with a disk, a mace, a shell and a lotus in one of his hands, etc. At first she thought that children were like this They decided to play a joke on her, but, looking at the serious expression on their faces, she realized that this was a serious matter. She began to explain to them that the food on all plates was the same, but they did not want to listen to anything. For a long time she tried to persuade them, but the children stubbornly resisted and even began to cry. Then the aunt simply rearranged the plates so that each child had his usual plate in front of him, because she loved children and decided that it was better to give in to them than to leave them hungry. She could not understand why the children considered the food wrong when it was not poured in a plate they were accustomed to, because she knew that the food was the same, because she prepared it herself. “But maybe they don’t know about it,” she thought.

The next day she tried to explain to the children that everyone's food is the same and that its taste does not depend on the plate in which it is served. But the children stood their ground. Day after day, the aunt repeated her attempts to reason with them, but nothing came of it. And then one day she figured out how to do it.

One fine day, when it was raining outside and the children were bored sitting at home, she called the children into the kitchen and, citing illness, asked the children to help her prepare lunch. The children were happy to help their beloved aunt and agreed with pleasure. Aunt came up with the idea of ​​cooking food in a playful way.

“I will be the commander, and you will be my faithful soldiers,” she said.

She commanded them like a real commander, and the children regularly carried out all her commands. They were delighted with this game. And now dinner was ready and the table was set.

“Now let everyone come up with their own plate, and I’ll pour some for you all,” the aunt commanded.

They cheerfully lined up and, having received their food, began to eat with great pleasure. After lunch my aunt said:

– Now you know that all the food you receive is the same, that it is not prepared for each individual according to different recipes.

The children understood what she wanted to say and agreed with her, for they themselves prepared the same food for everyone. From then on, they paid less and less attention to their plates, and soon the designs on the plates ceased to interest them, as the plates became common.

The construction of a building begins with the foundation. If the foundation is bad, nothing will save the house from rapid destruction. So is human health. If a strong foundation has been laid since childhood, then a person will “creak” throughout his long or short life.

The human body, especially in childhood, is very sensitive to all violations of hygienic food rules. These disorders do not always immediately affect health; often their harmful effects are felt later. About proper, healthy eating This is said not only by doctors and nutritionists, but also by ordinary people. So, Russian proverbs read:

As is food and drink, so is living.
The stomach is stronger, and the heart is lighter.
Nightingales are not fed fables.
On an empty stomach the song cannot be sung.
You won't be satisfied with just one berry.
Everyone needs both lunch and dinner.
Trouble is trouble, and food is food.
It's not a problem that the food is bad, but a problem when it's not there.
What you put in the cauldron is what you take out.
The street is red with houses, and the table is red with pies.
There is no better share than eating to your heart's content.

Those who do not smoke or drink protect their health.
Health is close: look for it in the bowl.
The appetite runs away from the sick, but goes towards the healthy.
Keep your head cold, your belly hungry, and your feet warm - you will live a hundred years on earth.
The more you chew, the longer you will live.
Cleanliness is the key to health.
Everything is great for a healthy person.
Onions cure seven ailments. Onion from seven ailments.
Horseradish and radishes, onions and cabbage - they won’t allow a dashing person.
Eat half-full, drink half-drunk (don’t drink until half-drunk), you will live a century to the full.
Where there are feasts and teas, there are illnesses.
Lie down after lunch, walk around after dinner!
Keep your head cold, your stomach hungry, and your feet warm!
If you are sick, get treatment, but if you are healthy, take care.
Healthy in food, but frail in work.
For a healthy person, any food is tasty.
A healthy sleep is better than a good lunch.
You begin to value your health when you lose it.
Health comes in days and goes away in hours.
You will be healthy, you will get everything.
Titus, go thresh! - My belly hurts. - Titus, go eat some jelly! -Where is my big spoon?
Eat onions, go to the bathhouse, rub yourself with horseradish and drink kvass.
A sick person doesn’t even taste honey, but a healthy person eats stone.
What goes into your mouth is useful.

Sitting at the table is like being in heaven.
Where is the cabbage soup, look for us here.
Cabbage soup and porridge are our food.
Eating porridge - no teeth needed.
You can't spoil porridge with oil.
Kissel does not damage teeth.
Without salt it’s like without will: you can’t live life.
Cow butter, eat for your health!
Where there are pancakes, there we are, where there is porridge with butter, there is our place.
Appetite comes with eating.
When I eat, I am deaf and dumb.
You won't get enough of long speeches.
At work, “oh”, but he eats for three.
You can’t ruin dumplings with sour cream.
He who chews the way he lives lives the way he chews.
Drink some tea and you will forget the melancholy.
We don’t miss drinking tea, we drink three cups each.
To drink sweetly is to live happily.
And good food gets boring.
The more you eat, the more you want.

Everyone speaks with his mouth where the water is clear.
Drink water, water will not confuse your mind.
Rock yourself, just turn around.
As long as there is bread and water, it’s not a problem.
Clean water is bad for illness.
Bread will nourish you, water will make you drink,
Hot water doesn't cloud your mind.
Boil water and there will be water.
What's the big deal if you drink water?

I drank vodka and developed consumption.
Vodka does not heal, but cripples.
Vodka ruins everything except dishes.

Eat oatmeal instead of gingerbread.
Spruce, pine - the same firewood; pancakes, pancakes - the same food.
Bread and water are healthy foods.
He who chews the way he lives lives the way he chews.
Eat what they give you.
Lak the guest to honey, and drink water for him.
I drank myself to the point of ill health.
A tasty morsel in your mouth.
The bear has nine songs, all about honey.

You work until you sweat, and you eat like crazy.
You won't have enough to eat forever.
If you don't eat, the flea won't jump.
Don't feed me what I don't eat!
It's not a problem that the food is bad, but a problem when it's not there.
Eating a lot is not a great honor, it is not a great thing to become great, and without eating you can sleep.
As is food and drink, so is living.
A person cannot live without food: as long as you eat, you live.
The mill is strong with water, and man is strong with food.
If you don't eat enough, you'll become a wolf.
What we eat flows down the collar.
I ate a piece from a bird's sock.
He eats so much he almost swallows his tongue.
Not by eating lighter, but by eating stronger.

The lip is not a fool, the tongue is not a spatula, it knows what is bitter and what is sweet.
A well-fed man counts the stars in the sky, but a hungry man thinks about bread.
Hunger is not an aunt, it won’t put you in a ball.
Hunger is not your brother.
If they are hungry, they will eat something cold.
Give me something to drink, feed, and then ask.
Be angry, be angry, and sit down at the table.
Like food, like walking.

And the rolls become boring.
Bread on the table - so is the table a throne, not a piece of bread, so is the throne a board.
There is a lot of bread - and there is paradise under the tree, but there is not a piece of bread, and there is melancholy on the plate.
When there is bread, there is heaven under the fir tree.
Lunch is bad if there is no bread.
A cow in the yard means grub on the table.
There is a cow in the yard and water is on the table.
Whatever is in the oven is all on the table - swords.
Don't refuse bread and salt.
When I eat, I am deaf and dumb.
Eat today and save for tomorrow.
The sun is shining on the spruce tree, but we haven’t eaten yet.
There is - not to give birth, you can wait.
A little bit of good stuff, not enough sweets to fill you up.
The porridge is sweet, and the makhotka is small.
The porridge is good, but the cup is small.
Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf, but get up early and get your own in time.
Your own bread is more filling.
Eat the pies, and save the bread in advance.

They cooked for three - and the fourth was full.
I don’t eat raw, I don’t want fried, I can’t stand boiled.
If he didn’t eat, he couldn’t, but he ate without legs.
Don’t break the loaf, but cut it with a knife and eat it.
Eat - don't drip, take a spoon and eat a little.
To trample the bread underfoot means the people will starve.
The specified piece will not fit into the mouth.
Well, lunch: one eats, and two collapse.
The eyes saw what they bought, even if you burst and eat.
It's cheaper to bury you than to feed you.
Without a pancake it’s not Maslenitsa, without a pie it’s not a name day.
He eats and drinks and sings.
On an empty stomach the song cannot be sung.
You can't make bread with flour alone.
Everything that fits into your mouth is useful.
Hunger is the best seasoning.
Without salt, without bread, bad conversation.
Without salt, without bread, half of lunch.
Nightingales are not fed fables.

The porridge is thick, but the bowl is empty.
The cabbage soup is whitened, there is no porridge - this is a girl's lunch.
There was not a drop of poppy dew in my mouth.
Grandma made jelly for grandpa for dinner.
Whoever has honey has a sweet year.
Whoever has honey and butter has a holiday.
The baked and boiled food does not last long, they sat down and ate - and that’s it.
Grandpa rolls rye bread.
Cabbage soup and porridge are our food.
Without cabbage, cabbage soup is not thick.
Wisdom is in cabbage soup, all strength is in cabbage.
Eating cabbage soup was like putting on a fur coat.
The fish is small and the fish soup is sweet. Option: The fish is small, but the abalone is sweet.
And bony ruffs - and the soup from the ruff is so good.
He chases grain after grain with a club.
One broth, we'll eat it and top it up again.
Kulesh, kulesh! comfort my heart.

Simply, without a bow, for the peasant’s hand.
Don't eat bread, don't see change.
You can swallow a chisel with honey.
Eat your grandmother's bast shoes with butter and sour cream.
With butter, the sole will look like lamb.
Mushrooms are good to eat with butter and sour cream.

Water will wash you, bread will feed you.
The pie is not a big piece, but there is a lot of trouble behind it.
Potatoes protect bread.
It’s not cool to kiss someone you don’t like.
Drinking tea is not cutting wood.
You can't spoil the porridge with butter.
Good food makes me want to eat cabbage.
And good food gets boring.
Cucumber doesn't live well in the stomach.

Bread is the head of everything.
You won't be full without bread.
You can't bake bread with flour alone.
Man does not live by bread alone.
As long as there is bread and water, it’s not a problem.
Bread is father, water is mother.
The bread in a man is a warrior.
Bread will nourish you, water will give you drink.
Bread and water are great food.
Our daily bread: even if it’s black, it’s tasty.

Without salt, without bread - half a meal.
Without salt it is tasteless, and without bread it is insatiable.
Without salt the table is crooked.
He drinks salt and sleeps on bread.
No matter how much you think, you can’t think of better bread and salt.
Bread and salt - and lunch was on.

You'll be crazy, but you won't be able to live without bread.
Without bread everything will become boring.
Without bread and honey you will not be full.
There would be bread, but there would be porridge.
The hungry godfather is all about bread.
Salt is good, but if you put it in, your mouth will turn up.
There are also mice around the bread.
Fish is not bread, you won’t be full.

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Needle, Mallet and Rod

One day, a peasant saved a Taoist when he was drowning. The Taoist decided to thank the peasant for his good deed and took him to his cave. There he took out a huge pumpkin from its hiding place and took out three magical things from it: a needle, a mallet and a wand. The Taoist laid them at the feet of the peasant and said:
- Although these things are unsightly in appearance, they contain magical power: the needle gives life and cures all diseases, the mallet, when struck, carves out gold and silver coins, and the rod gives the power to defeat any army and destroy enemies. You saved my life and as a reward you can choose one of them.
The peasant, without thinking twice, took the needle and hid it in his belt.
“You made your decision too quickly,” the Taoist was surprised. - Are you not attracted by wealth or power?
“I chose life,” answered the wise peasant, “since neither power nor wealth have no value without it, and by saving the lives of others, I, if desired, will have both power and wealth.” That’s why I prefer the needle, and as for the rod and the mallet, you won’t have any trouble with them.

Parrot and cough

An old sailor had to give up smoking after his beloved parrot began coughing constantly. The old man was worried that the cigarette smoke that constantly filled the room could have a detrimental effect on the parrot's health.
He turned to a veterinarian for help. After a thorough examination, the veterinarian reported that he did not find any parrot disease or pneumonia. The bird simply imitated the cough of its smoking owner.

Eye disease

A man comes to the doctor.
“I’m dying,” he says. - Oh, my stomach hurts! Doctor, save me, I beg you!
The doctor looked at him:
- What did you eat?
“Yes,” he says, “I work as a baker.” An entire oven of bread burned down. Well, there were a few loaves left that were not completely burnt, so I eat them every day. It's a pity because it's good!
Then the doctor says to his student:
- Bring me a cure for blindness. Let three drops drip into your eyes every day.
The baker asks:
-Are you kidding me? I'm sighted! My stomach hurts!
- Not really! If you are sighted, then why did you eat burnt bread?

One ox complained to the second:
- Why is it, brother, that it turns out that you and I work all day long, and the owners feed us only grass and straw, but they simply feed the piglet, who never does anything, fatty rice porridge with saffron and spices? ?!
“Don’t envy him,” answered the second ox, “for our food, although not tasty, is simple and healthy, and gives us longevity, while the pig, which is being prepared for a quick feast, truly tastes the food of death.”

The habit of running in the morning

My teenage son came home smelling of cigarette smoke. The father exclaimed joyfully:
- Son, I thought you were still little with me, but you’re already an adult - you’re trying to smoke! I didn’t know where to get myself a running partner in the morning, but here he is, grown up! One problem, I get up early, because I have to work at eight in the morning. But it’s okay, since you smoke, it means you’re already an adult, you’ll wake up. Tomorrow morning we will get up early and start!
They ran together for several years. The father is no longer alive. My son is already raising his own children, but he still runs around in the morning - it’s a habit.

One day they asked the Old Man:
- How did you manage to stay strong in your body until old age?
And he said:
- Because I lived in the spring with flowers, in the summer with berries, in the fall with vegetables, and in the winter with cold.

Causes of happiness and unhappiness

One day, Hin Shi found his students in the courtyard, heatedly arguing about something. Approaching them, he asked about the subject of their dispute.
“We are arguing about what is the essence of a person’s happiness and unhappiness,” the students answered.
- And how did you find them? - the Teacher asked.
- We think that the reasons for a person’s happiness and unhappiness are in what surrounds him and what happens to him: in wealth and poverty, in health and illness, in love and loneliness, in wisdom and stupidity, in old age and youth.
“Walk through the streets, look more closely at the faces of those you meet,” Hin Shi answered, shaking his head. - I am sure you will see laughing old people, and crying young men, and cheerful poor people and sad rich people, bursting with health, but sad passers-by, grieving lovers and a peaceful hermit. How can you explain this?
“This means that we were not looking for the reasons for happiness and unhappiness there,” the students lamented.
- Your mistake is not in where you looked, but in what you found. The true causes and essence of a person’s happiness and unhappiness lie only in himself. And everything you found is nothing more than a consequence or circumstances.

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Thanks to the useful proper nutrition your well-being improves and illnesses go away, excess weight decreases, a lot of energy appears, and your mood improves.

It’s not difficult to start eating right, the main thing is to have the desire and understand how important it is for your own health.

Today I decided to post parable about healthy eating.

In the beginning, God covered the Earth with greens, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, all kinds of red and yellow vegetables so that Man and Woman would live long and healthy lives.

But Satan took advantage of the abundance of God's gifts and created Milk Ice Cream. And Satan said: “Do you want it with syrup?” And the Man answered: “Yes!” And the Woman said: “And I’ll have one with chocolate chips!” And they gained 10 kg of weight.

And God created Healthy Yogurt so that a Woman could maintain her figure, which a Man liked so much.

But Satan brought white wheat flour and cane sugar and combined them. And the Woman changed size 44 to 48.

And God said: “Try my green salad.” And Satan served garlic croutons with Blue Cheese sauce. And the Man and Woman relaxed their belts, enjoying the meal.

Then God said: “I have sent you vegetables rich in vitamins and olive oil to cook with.”

And Satan brought deep-fried king prawns, buttered lobster and a large fried chicken. And the Man's cholesterol levels rose through the roof.

Then God brought potatoes, low in fat, rich in potassium and nutrients.

But Satan peeled the healthy peel, cut the starchy center into chips and fried it in animal fat, seasoning it generously with salt. And the Man gained even more weight.

Then God brought sneakers so his children could lose those extra pounds.

But Satan came with cable television and brought a remote control so that the Man would not bother himself with changing channels. The Man and Woman laughed and cried in front of the flickering screen. And they began to wear stretchy tracksuits.

Then God gave the Man dietary meat so that he would consume fewer calories and satisfy his appetite.

And then Satan created McDonald's and the double cheeseburger. And Satan asked: “Do you want French fries with this?” "Yes! - answered the Man, “The largest portion.” "That's good," said Satan. Both the Man and the Woman had a heart attack.

God sighed...and performed heart bypass surgery.

And Satan grinned and created the Department of Health.

basis proper nutrition is a set of products.

The benefits of proper nutrition have been known for centuries. And although each generation put its own meaning into its basis, some common truths remained unchanged. It is not for nothing that many centuries ago Socrates said a phrase that is still relevant today: “You need to eat to live, not live to eat” . By turning food intake into gluttony, you can not only undermine your health, but also completely deprive your body of the balance and lightness that nature inherent in it. The principles of proper nutrition can be read between the lines of folk tales and legends, stories and parables, but they are most clearly demonstrated by proverbs and sayings - real pearls of folk creativity and wisdom.

Proverbs and sayings about healthy eating. What is their value

At all times, a lot of attention was paid to the preparation of a diet, albeit unconsciously. Remember what our grandmothers said: “Shchi and porridge are our food” - emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet, daily consumption of first courses and nutritious grains. They knew that for full development, active work and a cheerful spirit, it is necessary not only to eat enough, but also to eat properly.

Indeed, today dietetics has become one of the most popular areas of preventive medicine. Therapy of any disease associated not only with the gastrointestinal tract, but also with the cardiovascular, genitourinary, nervous and other systems of the body cannot be done without drawing up an appropriate diet, which will include only healthy foods. However, this does not mean that proper nutrition becomes relevant only after the appearance of any health problems - you need to pay attention to this aspect of your life from the first day, otherwise there is a high risk of encountering disorders, the correction of which will not be as easy as prevention.

Proverbs about healthy eating make it possible to teach a child from a young age to correct eating behavior, a kind of respect for food, and a rational approach to choosing foods. With their help, you can convey to the baby what is so difficult to explain in scientific language - the basics of digestion, the structure of the body, the harm of the wrong foods. If you don’t explain to a little person what you can eat and what you should refuse, he will live for a long time in disharmony with himself, with his body and physiology, which in the process of formation can lead to serious consequences. And in adult life they will definitely come in handy - they will remind you that food is not the meaning of life, but rather a way of maintaining it.

“What the eye sees is not everything in the mouth”, - an old Russian proverb tells us, which is extremely difficult to argue with. You need to approach food wisely, and then it will become the basis for active life, cheerful spirit and excellent well-being for many years.

Principles of dietetics through proverbs about healthy eating

To create a rational menu, you need to know the basic principles on which it is based. Moreover, for this it is not at all necessary to shovel mountains of literature, read scientific manuals and treatises on nutrition - it is enough to use the wisdom of our ancestors by studying proverbs about healthy eating rules:

  1. “Trouble is when the stomach is more stubborn than the mind”. If, without thinking, you eat everything that comes to hand, putting gluttony at the forefront, you can lose not only your health, but also the harmony in your life. Constant overeating and consumption of junk food will sooner or later lead to problems with metabolism, cardiovascular abnormalities, sudden changes in body weight and other physiological disorders, as well as disrupt the balance of energy and vitality, causing insomnia and depression.
  2. “The belly is not a bag: you can’t eat in reserve” . You should not have too dense meals, sacrificing their quantity: the only thing you will achieve is a distended stomach and a constant feeling of hunger. It is better to eat little by little 4-5 times a day - then the nutrition will be the most balanced.
  3. “What’s the harm if you drink water?”. Drinking regime is no less important than regular meals. By drinking at least 1.5-2 liters a day, a person saturates the cells with life-giving moisture, allows the circulatory system to function “like a clock” and replenishes its deficiency in the body.
  4. “Don’t swallow without chewing, don’t chat without thinking”. Just like expressing your opinion without thoroughly thinking it through first, you should not neglect proper chewing of your food. By swallowing large pieces, you will overload your stomach, force the digestive tract to work in the wrong mode, and ultimately develop digestive problems.
  5. “There are no bad foods, only bad cooks”. Even the healthiest and most nutritious food can be spoiled if it is prepared incorrectly. For example, fried foods will be much more harmful than those cooked in the oven or steamed. And if you know special technologies and delicious recipes, you can learn to create real masterpieces without using excessive heat treatment.

Proverbs and sayings about healthy eating: making a menu

Whatever one may say, the basic rule on which dietetics is based is healthy, rich in vitamins and minerals, nutritious and at the same time easily digestible foods. Including fast food, caffeinated products, and even more so meat or fish that comes to the table through violence, cruelty and murder in your diet means fundamentally violating the norms of a healthy lifestyle, moral principles and foundations of a humane, harmonious spiritual personality. In addition, a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, legumes and other plant crops can fully provide a person with everything necessary for a full life, and sayings clearly confirm this.

Vegetables on the table – health in the home

The vegetable menu is perhaps the healthiest thing that Mother Nature can offer us. Their composition is rich in plant fiber, life-giving moisture, easy-to-digest nutrients, minerals, amino acids and vitamins. They are good both on their own and as ingredients for delicious dishes: remember what the spring-summer aroma of a cucumber salad, the spicy taste of a vegetable stew or an autumn mix with carrots and cabbage is worth? How about light Lenten borscht, ratatouille or zucchini jam for dessert? Fresh or cooked vegetables can replace the first, second and third courses, and our ancestors knew about this a long time ago. And numerous proverbs about the benefits of vegetables are clear confirmation of this:

  1. Horseradish, radish, and cabbage will not be tolerated.
  2. The cabbage is not empty, it flies into the mouth itself.
  3. Beets are a red maiden, and with a green braid, she is a queen on the table, useful for health.
  4. Carrots add blood.
  5. Seven changes, but still one radish: tricha radish, sliced ​​radish, radish with kvass, radish with butter, radish in pieces, radish in cubes, and whole radish.
  6. Greens on the table mean health for a hundred years.
  7. Well done to the cucumber, and well done to the cucumber.
  8. Lunch without vegetables is a holiday without music.
  9. Vegetables are a pantry of health.
  10. Not a single horn can live without cabbage.

Fruit and berry abundance

Proverbs about healthy eating could not ignore the benefits of fruits and berries. Juicy, ripe and incredibly tasty fruits are an irreplaceable source of vitamins and plant fiber. If you supplement your diet with apples, you can forget about weakness and anemia, bananas will help improve digestion, citrus fruits will help compensate for vitamin C deficiency, pears will help relieve diarrhea, pomegranates will increase hemoglobin... In short, the right fruits and berries can cure ailments and improve your work body. True, it is worth paying attention only to seasonal fruits, since when buying them in supermarkets it is impossible to ensure the absence of pesticides. This rule also applies to vegetables: harvest collected from your own garden or purchased from trusted places will be much healthier than imported ones.

And in order not to doubt the benefits of fruits and berries, read what the proverbs say about this:

  1. An apple for dinner - and you don't need a doctor.
  2. Grapes are not hail, they don’t hit you, they don’t knock you down, they put you on your feet.
  3. Oranges help with colds and sore throats.
  4. And he ate the pear and brushed his teeth.
  5. The oldest fruit, the fig, is famous throughout the world.
  6. If you go for berries, you will find health.
  7. The pear is for me, the apple is for me, and the quince is what my heart wants.
  8. Plum does not praise itself, but the path to it is always trodden.
  9. For the sake of strawberries you will bow to the earth more than once.
  10. A good doctor's apple is worth it.

Proverbs about the rules of healthy eating from cereals

What could be healthier for the stomach than porridge? Light oatmeal is the best breakfast, nutritious buckwheat, rich in iron and minerals, is an ideal second course for lunch, and quickly digestible rice is an excellent dinner. However, although these are the most popular, they are far from the only porridges: those who prefer a cereal menu can change the types of dishes at least every day. How much can you cook from cereals? Buckwheat cutlets, rice meatballs, oatmeal bars with dried fruits, corn cookies... All these dishes will not only be healthy, but also incredibly tasty. One has only to read the proverbs about the rules of healthy eating regarding cereals - and everything will immediately fall into place:

  1. The porridge is good, but the cup is small.
  2. Buckwheat porridge is our mother, and rye bread is our dear father.
  3. Without porridge, lunch is not lunch.
  4. It pleases my stomach that my eyes see the mess.
  5. Porridge is our mother, and bread is our breadwinner.
  6. The cook lives better than the prince.
  7. Our health is oatmeal.
  8. Our mother is buckwheat porridge: no match for pepper, it won’t rip through your stomach.
  9. Thick porridge will not disperse a family.
  10. Eat bread and cereals for your health.

Proverbs about healthy eating: creating the right regime

No matter how trivial it may sound, it is not only the quality of nutrition that is important, but also its regularity. Skipping breakfast so as not to be late for work, neglecting lunch due to heavy workload during the work day, and eating in the evening, trying to compensate for the feeling of hunger that haunted you during the day, is far from the best idea. At night, the body should rest, including the digestive tract. Therefore, dinner should be light and not too late, so that all the food eaten has time to be fully absorbed before going to bed. But breakfast must be nutritious - it is necessary for the metabolism to wake up, and the nutrients eaten provide energy at least until lunch. Read what the proverbs say about this:

  1. I need kefir for dinner.
  2. Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy.
  3. On an empty stomach the song cannot be sung.
  4. When you go to bed with an empty stomach, you wake up refreshed.
  5. Dinner is not needed - lunch would be friendly.
  6. I sat down and ate, so I don’t need dinner.
  7. Shorten dinner - lengthen life.
  8. After having dinner, the pillow rotates under your head.
  9. A full stomach gives you nightmares.
  10. Everyone needs both lunch and dinner.

Proverbs about the dangers of overeating

Any excess cannot go unnoticed, and excessive overeating is no exception. The golden rule of nutrition is based on the fact that “You need to leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger” - then digestion will be normal, excess weight will be avoided, and your general well-being will always be cheerful and active. However, do not confuse a slight feeling of hunger and malnutrition: if the first is a physiological stage of satiety (after all, the feeling of fullness comes approximately 20-30 minutes after a meal), then the second is a restriction in essential nutrients, which cannot be called correct.

Our ancestors also knew about this - it’s not for nothing that people have so many sayings about the dangers of gluttony:

  1. Being too full is bad for your belly.
  2. Those who are greedy for food will end up in trouble.
  3. A large piece gets stuck in the throat.
  4. Moderation in food is more beneficial than a hundred doctors.
  5. The mouth will tear apart a large piece, and the small one will feed its fill.
  6. Moderate food is a joy to the mind.
  7. Be moderate in food, but not in work.
  8. If you want health, don't eat a lot; if you want honor, don't talk a lot.
  9. Eat half full - you will live a century to the full.
  10. The stomach of a glutton is a bottomless gorge.

Let's sum it up

If you collect everything proverbs and sayings about healthy eating together, you can publish a whole series of volumes of folk wisdom - this bottomless well of useful advice obviously won’t fit into one book. And, if you look at it, all modern dietetics is built on the same principles that are propagated in proverbs: eat healthy foods, use the right cooking methods, don’t overeat, but don’t starve, don’t make food the meaning of life - and you can maintain your health, youth and love of life for many years.

What everyone loves parables for is their brevity of presentation and depth of thought. Moreover, this depth changes over time - every time we see something new in them. They teach and entertain, but at the same time they don’t bother you at all - this is how you want to learn about life.

How do words affect us?

Two friends are talking:
- My wife is so unkempt and sloppy! I tell her about this all the time, but every year everything just gets worse and worse.

To which the second one answers:
- And mine is such a smart girl and a wonderful hostess! And every year it gets better and better! I tell her about this all the time too.

What the soul is filled with...

One day, several people deliberately loudly condemned a wise man as he walked through their neighborhood. He heard everything, but answered them with a smile and wished him good health. Someone asked him:
- You smiled and wished these people health, didn’t you really feel anger towards them?

To which the man replied:
— When I come to the market, I can only spend what I have in my wallet. It’s the same when communicating with people - I can only spend what my soul is filled with...

Always start with yourself

One married couple moved to live in a new house. In the morning, as soon as she woke up, the wife looked out the window and saw a neighbor who was hanging out washed clothes to dry.

Look at how dirty her laundry is,” she told her husband.
But he was reading the newspaper and did not pay any attention to it.
“She probably has bad soap, or she doesn’t know how to do laundry at all.” We should teach her.

And this happened every time: when the neighbor hung out the laundry, the wife was surprised at how dirty it was.

One fine morning, looking out the window, she exclaimed:
- ABOUT! Today the laundry is clean! Probably learned how to do laundry!
“No,” said the husband, “I just got up early today and washed the window.”