
Signs of fear in a child and ways to independently treat a baby at home. Getting rid of fear in a child

Signs of fear in a child and ways to independently treat a baby at home.  Getting rid of fear in a child

“Fear” is one of the manifestations of childhood neurosis, which most often affects children under the age of three. However, in preschool and younger children school age Such a phenomenon has become not uncommon today. What is the reason for such violations? nervous system child? How to recognize them in time and eliminate them without “triggering” the situation?

Causes of fear

Little children are especially sensitive natures. They are influenced not only external factors, but also emotional state close people. That is why it can be quite difficult to determine what exactly caused the baby to be scared.

This condition can be provoked by:

  1. Sudden loud noises or screams;
  2. Natural phenomena in the form of thunder, lightning, very strong gusts of wind, rain, hail;
  3. Large animals;
  4. A scary image in a picture, TV screen or computer game;
  5. Strangers who show excessive activity in communicating with the baby, who are not ready to make contact, are intoxicated, or behave inappropriately;
  6. Stressful situations (at home, in kindergarten, school);
  7. Excessive severity in education: a child may be terribly afraid of punishment if it follows even a minor offense;
  8. The reaction of the parents to a certain situation (for example, when the child fell slightly, the mother reacted so emotionally that the baby understood that this was very scary, and next time his reaction would be identical);
  9. Sudden unpleasant sensations (vaccination, dental procedures, blood donation - if the child was not explained about the manipulations that will be performed);
  10. “Horror stories” invented by adults. “Babais”, “gypsies”, “guys with a bag” and other characters who will “take away” the baby if he does not obey are far from relics of the past. As it turns out, even in our time, parents (more often grandparents) use this “method of persuasion” in raising children.

Signs of fear

The main task of parents is to detect manifestations of fear as early as possible in order to prevent it from “growing” into more serious phobias and fears, which will be much more difficult to eliminate.

The main signs of fear in a child are:

  • Night sleep disorders

The baby may cry loudly, whine, scream, without even opening his eyes, and may often wake up and call his parents;

  • Nightmares

They can bother the baby so much that even after waking up he continues to remember them;

  • Excessive excitability

This is especially noticeable in usually calm children: when neurosis manifests itself, their movements become abrupt, attention is scattered, they quickly get tired, become capricious, whiny and restless;

  • Fear of the dark

It is impossible to put a frightened baby to sleep without hysterics - he demands to turn on the light. This may also include a fear of something specific: a monster, a dragon, a woman, who are hiding “in the dark”;

  • Fear of loneliness

Children are susceptible to this fear and are often scolded and punished. If parents (especially the mother) are constantly in a bad mood, emotionally exhausted and cannot “give” the child confidence in his own safety, he instantly “reads” this message and his anxiety and concern grow with enormous force.

Consequences of fright

Often parents brush aside children's fears, believing that they will go away on their own with age. However, more and more children with symptoms of neurosis are seen by a doctor.

In some cases, the consequences of fright can be quite serious:

  • isolation, avoidance of communication with children;
  • stuttering;
  • long silence (the baby may not speak at all);
  • the occurrence of walking at night;
  • urinary incontinence during sleep;
  • manifestation of nervous tics (twitching of the head, facial muscles, frequent blinking, etc.);
  • the occurrence of heart diseases.


To cure neurosis in a child, it is advisable to contact a pediatrician and pediatric neurologist at the very first symptoms. It is the doctor who will be able to either dispel mommy’s fears about the “scare” or give the necessary recommendations and, if necessary, prescribe effective treatment.

Older children may be prescribed various sedatives. In addition, the baby can be referred to a psychologist who will help him overcome his fears and negative emotions. Recently, quite widespread and in an effective way The fight against fears has become sazkotherapy, which plays the role of a kind of children's psychological consultation.

Some parents, thinking about how to treat fear in a child, prefer folk remedies in the form of herbal tinctures. However, such therapy without consulting a doctor is extremely undesirable, since it is unknown how the baby’s body will react to it.

The main and most important point Not only treatment, but also prevention of childhood neuroses is a calm and friendly atmosphere in the family. The baby should feel love, care, attention and security. In the presence of a baby, it is unacceptable to clarify the relationship in a raised voice. If the baby asks to lie down with him before bed, turn it into an evening ritual with reading a fairy tale. A funny night light with your favorite character can “defeat” the darkness.

If your baby is going to undergo unpleasant procedures at the clinic, tell him honestly about it, explaining why these procedures are necessary. It is important to be honest with your child. It is important to listen and hear the child so that no psychological problems prevent him from fully developing and growing into a well-rounded personality!

Every person encounters situations in life when he experiences fear. Not only the child, but also the adult himself is not immune from this. In medicine, such a response of the body is not considered a disease, but it should not be triggered. It is the consequences that can provoke fear in a child that should be feared. Without paying proper attention in time, in later life the baby may need the help of a neurologist and psychotherapist.

How can you tell if your child is scared?

The term “fear” is considered to be the body’s response to an unfavorable factor. It is accompanied by increased heart rate, breathing, enlarged pupils and general disorientation. Fright should not be confused with fear, which arises later. The impact of fear on a child depends on his temperament, character and previous experience.

In a small person there are quite a lot of factors that can provoke such an unfavorable reaction.

Causes of fear in a child:

  • the child woke up alone. It happens that mom and dad left the bedroom, and the baby woke up from sleep. Dark room and absence loved one nearby may well inspire terror in a child;
  • encounter with a large animal. Even if a cat suddenly runs out is not the size of a giant, but compared to a small person, it can claim such a title;
  • The baby was alarmed by a loud sound. A thunderstorm or unexpected thunder can provoke fear in a child;
  • unpredictable situation. The child lost his mother from sight, falling behind on a walk. Temporary confusion can have a negative effect on the nervous system.

It is much easier to identify fear in an adult child than in an infant. He will be able to independently describe the reason in his own words. If the baby is frightened by the loud barking of dogs, then in the future he will be afraid of them. Such a moment cannot be missed. You need to immediately soften the situation and distract your child from bad thoughts.

How to determine fear in a child? The most severe fear in a child is accompanied by acute symptoms and occurs before the age of two years. Therefore, children who have not acquired enough experience are the most vulnerable in unforeseen situations. When the child is still very young, there are plenty of factors that can cause fright.

The child's reaction to fear will consist mainly of loud, strong crying. This is the only signal that can give small child, in the event of a real or perceived threat to him.

A strong shock can leave its negative imprint. Therefore, it is so important to know the symptoms that arise if a child does have a fright.

Symptoms of fear in a child:

  • the baby's sleep was disturbed, became restless and intermittent;
  • a tearful mood appeared, which was not noticed by the parents earlier;
  • the baby's fear of being alone;
  • strong attachment to family. Difficult separation and reluctance to let mom or dad go even for a short time;
  • urinary incontinence at night;
  • increased nervous excitability;

Stuttering. If before this the child pronounced words well and after a certain event in his life his speech began to deteriorate, then this is one of the alarming signals that will help you find out that the child is scared.

The presence of such signs in a child should alert parents. Consulting a specialist will not hurt. He will confirm assumptions about fear or refute them. In one case, mom and dad will be calm if everything is fine with the baby, and in the other they will be able to take the necessary measures in time.

Signs of fear by month

The manifestation of fear may be a common occurrence if your child is still very young. In itself, severe fear is not a very good reaction of a child’s body, because there can be unpleasant consequences. Some of them develop into phobias and severe nervousness. In order to start fighting childhood fear, let’s first try to understand the common signs of fear.

Signs of fear in a child under one year old. Usually, it is babies who are not yet a year old who experience such unpleasant sensations. For example, fear of a one-month-old baby occurs due to a number of factors.

Causes of fear in a child under 1 year of age:

  • large animals that can simply scare a baby with their terrible size;
  • too loud sounds, laughter, screams;
  • children's stress due to the situation they saw.

To find out if your child has a fear, be sure to consult a doctor. Never delay, because later it will be too late to fix something.

Fear in a one-year-old child. Characteristic signs fears in a baby who is more than 12 months old differ from those listed above.

Fright in a 1 year old child shows the following symptoms:

  • every time the baby needs to eat, his appetite will deteriorate;
  • incessant crying, the cause of which is unknown;
  • very frequent incontinence, urination;
  • the first hints that the baby is beginning to stutter when speaking.

Fear in a 5 year old child. The older the baby gets, the worse his condition. That is why the most important advice is not to delay treatment. To determine whether a child is afraid, pay attention to his behavior. 5 years is the age when you can immediately understand whether there is fear or not.

Symptoms of fear in a 5 year old child:

  • crying turns into hysterics;
  • sleep disturbance, insomnia;
  • complete refusal to eat;
  • nervousness, which manifests itself in twitching of the limbs;
  • highly visible stuttering.

Never be indifferent to the fact that your baby is not feeling well. After all, the sooner you help him overcome his fear, the better he will feel.

Consequences of fear in children. Negative emotions turn any child into a closed and depressed person. Thus, one of the main unpleasant consequences is severe stuttering, which can no longer be corrected or completely eliminated in adulthood.

Fear in a child is accompanied by a long silence, if the baby was previously very talkative. Or, on the contrary, he will begin to speak very late, since internal fear does not allow him to begin to communicate normally.

Some children, because of their own fear, behave very restlessly and strangely, are hyperactive or, conversely, treat everything with apathy. At times, there may be attacks of unreasonable panic, severe nightmares and frequent depression.

How to cure fear in a child?

Any change in behavior can cause a complete disruption of the mental activity of a growing organism. This is why treating fear in a child is important rule, as soon as the first symptoms were noticed.

You can try taking herbal remedies, read information that there are folk remedies that have already helped more than a dozen young children.

Some simple tips when scared:

  • show attention and care. If a child is scared, the first thing you need to do is hold the baby close to you. He should feel parental warmth and care. Being protected, it will be easier for the child to tell what happened to him;
  • consult a doctor. If the baby’s worries continue, then a trip to a neurologist should not be postponed. He will carefully examine the child and prescribe sedatives;
  • arrange relaxing baths. The fragrant smell of lavender will not only calm the baby, but also set you up for a sound, healthy sleep;
  • use herbal teas. If parents are supporters of grandmother's advice, then herbal remedies are suitable as sedatives. They can be brewed and drunk. They will have a positive effect on the nervous system. Melissa, mint, and chamomile are perfect for taking every day.

It is recommended to convince the baby that there is nothing to be afraid of. Carefully study the reason that caused the child’s fear and figure it out together. When the factor is identified, the baby needs to be explained that, for example, thunder is just a natural phenomenon, and it will soon pass.

How to cure fear in a three-month-old baby? In this early age The children themselves do not yet understand what is happening. He constantly cries, cannot sleep or eat normally. If a child has a night terror, the best thing to do is to hold the baby in your arms.

Try to lull your little one to sleep by humming a lullaby to which he often falls asleep. Also, the little one should have toys that can calm him down. The same rattle or spinning top are good things to lure the baby and influence his condition.

How to treat a 5 month old baby with fear? There are a lot of sedatives that really work. These are special medicines, sweet in taste, made just for small children. They can be bought at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. If a child is afraid, there is one more thing you need to do: help him cope with fear. For example, show that darkness is not so bad. Stay alone in the room with him, turning off the lights everywhere, talk and reassure the baby.

If a little one is afraid of an animal, then it’s worth overcoming it. Let him stroke something soft and fluffy, so that in the future he won’t perceive a large living creature so keenly.

Treatment of fear always gives results, the main thing here is not to stop. Of course, progress will not be visible the first time; it will take time to get used to it. But, if you systematically help the little one, then everything will certainly work out: fear will no longer bother you, and joyful laughter and mischief will again be the main character traits.

How to treat fear in a child with folk remedies?

This phenomenon is not considered a disease. Doctors attribute it to nervous disorders. Its energetic character is absolutely not taken into account. Fear in children has long been treated with folk remedies. There are many herbs that can help.

Herbs for fear in a child:

  • bought. Its roots should be chopped. Then let them dry. For 300 ml of liquid, it is enough to take one tablespoon of cooked roots. Boil for 15 minutes. Give your baby 50 ml 4 times a day;
  • blue blue. Its roots are used. They need to be dried and ground to a powder. Take one and a half spoons of powder for a glass of hot liquid. Close the container and leave to infuse for 2 hours. Take 2 spoons before meals 4 times a day;
  • lavender. This herb for frightening children is used in different forms:
    1. in the evening you can take a bath with a decoction of lavender;
    2. place a bunch of this herb next to your pillow before going to bed;
    3. Lavender drops also help. They are prepared for olive oil. A handful of chopped herbs per 100 ml of oil. Infuses for 10 days. It is necessary to bury 4 drops in the nose twice a day;
    4. perform massage manipulations, rubbing the body with lavender oil. Start with your fingertips and end with your neck;
    5. Light stroking and rubbing will also be effective.

Treatment by prayer. The conspiracy is considered strong. When you notice signs of fear in your baby, read the “Our Father” three times. After him, three times “Rejoice to the Mother of God, Virgin...”. Then “May God rise again” the same number of times. After these prayers, a conspiracy against fear is directly pronounced.

How to smoke when a child is scared? Carry out this action using incense. Do not use cigarettes. Reading the prayer is mandatory.

Nervous breakdown may be avoidable. To do this, you need to ask the baby what scares him. Tell him about objects of fear. Let him hold and touch what he fears. When planning to go somewhere, tell your child in advance what awaits him there. Such actions will help relieve tension. The baby will be prepared mentally. Finding himself in an unfamiliar environment, he will not be afraid.

Sooner or later, a child may get scared. This is difficult to insure against. But caring parents should communicate with their child and find out what exactly their child is afraid of.

Conversations and the right attitude will help the baby when encountering unexpected danger. It is important to gradually prepare the child for the fact that he may find himself in an unfamiliar situation. When a child has a certain amount of knowledge, it will be easier for him to survive a fright.

Children under three years of age have an unstable emotional background. The bright sun that appears after a gray winter can become a whole new discovery for the baby, and the sudden loud laughter of parents can provoke hysterics. It will not be possible to predict a child’s reaction to every event, but it is imperative to know what symptoms of fright a baby may have and how to mitigate emotional shock.

About the issue childish fright often said in the context of alternative medicine. Fears “speak”, “read”, “roll out” and “pour out”. And it’s worth admitting that these services are popular among psychics. Traditional doctors, in turn, are skeptical about their “magical” colleagues. And they say: it is not childhood fear as such that needs treatment, but the consequences that a sudden outbreak of fear leads to. These may be problems with sleep, increased excitability, enuresis, stuttering, which are symptoms of childhood neuroses. And here we need a neurologist, not a healer.

How does childhood fear manifest itself?

Doctors say that fright in a child itself is even beneficial. A feeling of fear should arise because this is how the instinct of self-preservation is “programmed” and danger is identified. You can’t protect your baby from all dangers, and you don’t need to do it fanatically. After all, how else will he know, for example, that a dog is barking, if he does not hear a frisky “Woof”? How will he understand that he doesn’t need to touch the socket if his parents don’t emphasize: “You can’t!” It is clear that we are talking about a “healthy” fear, which the child did not concentrate on and will only remember about it if a similar situation repeats.

Even adults in unfamiliar, negative situations lose their composure and may panic. Children are a thousand times more susceptible to such phenomena. The reaction to fears is especially acute in children who are overly pampered and patronized or, on the contrary, are kept at bay. Excesses in upbringing can lead to the fact that the child’s inner world is built around the fear he has experienced. Concentrating on negative feeling, the baby becomes closed, uncommunicative, and learns poorly.

Problems of the nervous system and infectious diseases can also contribute to the “preservation” of fear. In addition, there is intrauterine fright of the baby, which occurs due to the woman’s severe stress during pregnancy.

Alarming symptoms

Children develop a kind of immunity to most shocks. For example, a negative reaction to a stranger in the house can be softened by patting the guest on the shoulder: this is how the mother shows that the new person is not dangerous. A favorite toy or pleasant music also smoothes out the impression. If everything is in order, the child is distracted and continues his usual lifestyle. However, if the shock turns out to be irresistible, this can be expressed by a number of unpleasant symptoms.

  • Restless sleep, nightmares. In young children, memories of negative experiences can transform into night visions. Children have bad dreams more often than adults. Healthy babies begin to see and recognize bad dreams from 12 months, but in cases of serious stress, such nightmares can already torment six-month-old children.
  • Constant crying. As a rule, healthy child A person who has slept well, eaten well and is not sick will not cry incessantly. Hysterical, continuous screaming in the absence of standard reasons for this is an alarming signal.
  • Urinary incontinence., usually diagnosed after four years of age. It is considered a pathology if by this age the child has not learned to control urination. The effects on the nervous system and psyche are the main causes of incontinence.
  • Stuttering. In children who have already learned to speak, stress can lead to speech impairment, expressed in frequent repetition of the same syllables. This symptom occurs in children 4-5 years old. Boys are more often affected. It is important that, when frightened, children may not only begin to stutter, but also become completely withdrawn and stop speaking.
  • Intolerance of loneliness. For a child, parents are a symbol of security. Having experienced fear, they intuitively want to build protection in case it happens again. The child becomes capricious as soon as the mother is out of sight. She can only leave the threshold of the room amid a cannonade of sobs, because loneliness for the baby is now tantamount to suffering fright.

The first and main help for childhood fear is parental love and care. The baby should be hugged and reassured. It is recommended to show him something bright and interesting - something that will be associated with a feeling of happiness and will cover up the negative experience. “Switch” the baby to a good “wave”. This can be done using new game, communicating with animals, watching a fairy tale.

Little tricks for children's fears

The child can also be calmed with the help. In this case, you should add a decoction of valerian, motherwort and. St. John's wort, lavender and mint are also suitable. Dry herbs can be placed in a fabric bag and left in the baby’s bed overnight.

One way to overcome fear is called “acquaintance.” The point is that the child needs to be introduced closer to what scared him. For example, he was excited by a sharp sound mobile phone. When the baby comes to his senses, show him the tube closer. Allow the keys to be pressed so that the melody can be turned on and off by touch. This way the child will understand that he is able to control the “strange sound” and, if necessary, eliminate it.

Here's another situation: the baby was afraid of water. Give your favorite dolls a bath together, let the splashes fall on your baby and let him directly participate in the procedure. This way he will understand that water is a source of pleasure, not danger. You can also convince your baby that bathing is safe by taking a bath with him.

Treatment methods

If home methods do not help and symptoms of neurosis appear, you should consult a doctor. A pediatrician, neurologist and psychotherapist must examine the baby in order to accurately establish a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. In medical practice, there are several key techniques for getting rid of childhood fears.

  • Hypnosis. It is used to correct non-standard behavior of children. For example, setting up the body to work properly during enuresis. The doctor selects a gentle technique and instills in the child, for example, that when there is a urge at night, you need to wake up and sit on the potty. However, this method, despite its effectiveness, raises concerns among parents. Not many mothers and fathers agree to have someone “dig” into their child’s head.
  • Homeopathy. It is a mistake to think that this is a method of exclusively herbal treatment. They are indeed included in many homeopathic preparations, but along with a whole galaxy of different substances. The essence of this approach is different. The term “homeopathy” itself literally stands for “disease-like.” Special medications are selected for the patient. They contain elements that healthy person cause symptoms similar to the patient's illness. It is believed that with the correct dosage, the disease will go away according to the principle of “knocking out a wedge with a wedge.” In homeopathic treatment, an exclusively individual approach is used. In the case of childhood neuroses, drugs are prescribed depending on the symptoms.
  • Fairytale therapy. This method allows you to correct a child’s behavior, change his attitude to the world and phenomena, and instill a powerful “moral” immunity. The main tool here is magical stories. Children listen to them, discuss them, make performances and drawings based on them. At a certain stage, kids are already coming up with their own stories. Analyzing behavior fairy-tale heroes, children understand what “good” and “bad” are, learn to overcome difficulties and fears. Parents can practice this method at home if they have special literature on hand.
  • Play therapy. This method is similar to fairy tale therapy. Little patients are asked to act out various scenes. In the process, a chain of relationships between the child and play partners is formed, he becomes more open, ready to share his fears and adequately evaluate them.

Despite the medical interpretation of the manifestations of childhood fear, many parents still seek salvation from higher powers. And there are a number of cases when mothers claim that a special prayer for the baby’s fright healed the child. Psychics, by the way, associate fears with the capabilities of a child’s biofield - in children under two years old it is too weak.

It is difficult to give an objective assessment of such judgments and the facts of magical healing. Each family has its own principles and attitude towards the supernatural. Someone will be sure that an egg rolled over his body cured the child. And others will say that they coped with care, love and little psychological tricks.

Whatever method of dealing with children's fears you choose, remember that fear in an infant requires serious attention. Nervous disorders acquired and “preserved” at an early age leave an imprint on character and behavior in adulthood.

Yes, you can and should hope for a miracle. And it would definitely be right to wash the frightened baby with holy water and pray by reading the “Our Father.” But tormenting a screaming baby waiting for the healer’s spell to work is criminal. If a child has pronounced neurotic symptoms that do not go away within several days, immediately show him to a doctor.


The appearance of fear can be associated with the caution reflex. It's like a protective reaction of the body. As a rule, a child's restless behavior does not last long. But there are times when the fear is protracted. It all depends on the atmosphere in which the child grows up. If parents conduct harsh upbringing, raise their voices at the child, and beat him, this can cause fear, which provokes a persistent neurotic disorder.

What is fear in a child? How to treat it? This is what this article will discuss.

The main signs of fear

Signs of fear in a child will show:

  • poor sleep;
  • frequent freezing;
  • flinch;
  • dilated pupils;
  • and heartbeat;
  • pulling the head into the shoulders;
  • increased excitability;
  • worsening sleep;
  • nightmares;
  • frequent crying in sleep;
  • fear of loneliness, darkness or some object;
  • hysterical manifestations;
  • poor appetite;
  • trembling of limbs.

The child is afraid of something, often asks to be held, behaves capriciously and restlessly. The baby may demand that his parents go to bed with him and turn on the light in the room. He will wake up frequently during the night.

The main causes of neurotic disorder in a child

Determining the cause of this phenomenon in an adult child, as a rule, is not difficult. But how to explain the fear of a baby?

The following can cause fear in a child:

  • loud screams or sharp noises;
  • large animals of a terrifying appearance;
  • natural phenomena, for example, lightning or thunder;
  • stress;
  • the appearance of a stranger;
  • overly strict parenting;
  • various infectious diseases;
  • somatic diseases.

It is very important for a child at any age to be in a state of security. Even to kindergarten It is recommended to teach children gradually. In the first days, mother should be nearby. This way the baby will understand that there is no reason to worry.

Preschool age is often associated with a tense conflict situation in the family. Constantly being in a bad mood by a mother can have a detrimental effect on the child’s condition.

The child is afraid of punishment, shouting, fear of loneliness, dark rooms and fairy tale characters- all this is the result of improper upbringing and indifferent attitude of parents to the emotional sphere of the child.

Exactly the same result, paradoxical as it may sound, can be caused by excessive guardianship of parents who narrow their child’s social circle and do not give the child the opportunity to develop such qualities as independence and activity.

Consequences of fright

The child grows up, his life experience becomes richer, and fears may go away on their own. But it happens that they remain for a long time and over time they will appear even brighter.

The strength of fear depends on the suddenness of the frightening phenomenon, negative experiences in the past, and repeated injuries. Some react to fear with hysteria, while others begin to have panic attacks. If the child has already begun to talk, he may begin to stutter, or the child may stop talking altogether. Sometimes fear is not forgotten for too long, then the child may withdraw into himself, and this will cause a deterioration in learning ability.

Fright received during the day gives rise to groundless fears and aggressive behavior. So fear and aggressiveness can become character traits.

Fear in a child, the signs of which are numerous, is not identified by doctors as a separate disease. The danger lies in the fact that strong fear can become a trigger for the development of a phobia - a persistent feeling of fear of some object or phenomenon.

Persistent fears can provoke cardiovascular disease. Due to severe mental trauma, urinary incontinence, stuttering and night walking may occur. Therefore, children with fear should be shown to a neurologist, speech therapist, and have a heart cardiogram done.

Basic methods of treating the disease

How to overcome fear in a child? How to treat pathology? Some people trust recipes traditional medicine, someone prefers to contact a pediatric neurologist. In any case, the child should be close to his mother, who can calm him down.

How to cure fear at home? A calm atmosphere should reign in the family, the baby should sing lullabies, take him in your arms more often, stroke his back, arms and legs. This will help the child relax and stop whining. All these methods are effective for very young children.

How to relieve fear in a teenager? The exact reason for this reaction should be established. After this, you can choose the appropriate treatment method. If fear of a certain thing or person appears, you should bring the child closer to them. Here you need to do everything slowly. It is necessary to convince that the object does not pose any danger. After this, the feeling of fear will leave the teenager.

What to do if a child is afraid of visiting a doctor's office? We need to convince the child that it is much better to treat the disease in the early stages than to let it go and suffer for a long time. At the same time, the conversation with the teenager should be friendly and calm.

Fear often accompanies the start of school. This phenomenon is especially observed in cases where parents set tasks for the child that are impossible for him, focus on the highest result, and constantly strive for high goals.

The totality of fears can be removed only by a friendly atmosphere created by teachers. In this case, an important role is given to the cooperation of teachers and parents, who together can outline common approaches to relieving the child’s level of anxiety and help him understand his social status.

The use of folk remedies

How to eliminate fear in a child? No doctor can tell you exactly how to treat this phenomenon, since there are no specific treatment methods. Only when fear is severe, psychotherapists prescribe medications. And parents are tormented by the question of how to cure a child of fear and whether anything can be done at home.

Traditional medicine offers a large number of ways to relieve fear:

  • A common method. Immediately after a fright, you should drink a glass of sugar-sweetened water.
  • Prayers are used. The prayer for fear “Our Father” in combination with holy water is a very effective force. The child should drink water three times a day, three sips. Wash your face with this water in the morning and evening while reading a prayer. Also an effective prayer for fear is “Rejoice, Virgin Mary.”
  • The strongest traditional method is apple with incense. For this purpose, a hole is made in the apple, into which 2-3 g of incense is placed. After this, the apple is baked in the oven for half an hour. The first half of the apple is eaten in the morning, and the second in the evening.
  • Coffee with mint. To prepare the decoction, ground coffee is poured into a saucepan. Fresh mint is also added there. The mixture is filled with water and placed in a water bath. After boiling, you need to let the child breathe in the steam. This inhalation will help relieve nervous tension. It is suitable for both adults and children.
  • Milk with honey and lemon balm. Fresh milk should be boiled and lemon balm should be added to it. Let it simmer in this state for a little longer. After this, cool the milk and add a spoonful of May honey to it. Give your child half a glass to drink five times a day.
  • Pouring with cold water. The procedure is carried out three times a day. The water temperature should be 10 degrees. The first days you pour your feet up to your knees, after which you can pour your entire body. The duration of treatment is 10 days.

Application of herbs

Is it possible to overcome fear in a child with herbs? Traditional medicine reference books will tell you how to treat. The recipes use herbs with a calming effect. They are used to make baths or decoctions for drinking.

  • To prepare the collection, take 50 g 100 g chamomile, 50 g hops, 100 g nettle leaves, 50 St. John's wort, 50 g heather, 50 g lemon balm. The herbs are mixed. A teaspoon of the mixture is brewed with a glass of boiling water. Drink half a glass of the infusion in the mornings and evenings.
  • An effective collection that helps relieve a child from fear and from a neurotic disorder in adults. Take 4 parts heather, 3 parts cudweed, 3 parts motherwort and 1 part valerian. The mixture is poured with two liters of boiling water and left for two hours. During the day, drink five sips every hour.
  • Take one teaspoon of kupena roots. Pour it with one glass of water and boil for 10 minutes. Drink a quarter glass before meals.
  • An excellent method is to take a bath with pine needles or chamomile, which have a calming effect.

Preventive measures

To avoid the risk of fear, you should try to talk more with the child about his fears, explain to him that there is no reason to be afraid. It is also useful to harden the child by letting him walk barefoot on rocks and grass. Clay is an excellent way to strengthen the nerves. It can be replaced with ordinary plasticine.

Treat your child with love, show him care, affection and patience. Then he will have no fears.

The occurrence of stuttering from fear

What can cause stuttering in children? The causes and treatment will be described below.

It is clear that any child can be afraid of something. Why do some children start to stutter and others not? Can fear cause a similar disorder in an adult? Should we expect the disease to go away on its own without treatment?

Psychophysiological basis

Many speech therapists note that such a problem as stuttering occurs in individuals with a certain type of nervous system.

Factors predisposing to the development of stuttering include:

  • weakness of higher nervous activity, which is accompanied by increased anxiety, irritability, tearfulness and vulnerability;
  • genetic background;
  • frequent infectious diseases;
  • asthenic condition;
  • organic disorder of the central nervous system;
  • (the child is afraid of punishment, condemnation).

Stuttering from stressful situation It can occur in both an adult and a teenager, and a child’s underdeveloped speech apparatus is sensitive to various negative factors.

The reasons listed above do not at all indicate that a child, under the influence of fright, will immediately become a stutterer, but the likelihood of such a defect appearing in childhood high.

Only a doctor will explain how to deal with such a phenomenon as the causes and treatment. Parents should seek help from a specialist. Many people believe that sooner or later this will go away on its own without the intervention of a professional. This view of existing problem fundamentally wrong.

Undoubtedly, there are cases when stuttering from fear goes away on its own, but this happens extremely rarely. Moreover, in the future, any stress or new fear can cause even greater problems with speech, getting rid of which will become problematic. Therefore, it is advised to consult a specialist.

  • maintaining a daily routine;
  • creating a favorable psychological atmosphere in the family;
  • strengthening the overall health of the baby.

Classes with a speech therapist

Classes provide an opportunity to free a stuttering child’s speech from tension, eliminate incorrect pronunciation and instill clarity, rhythm and smoothness of articulation.

First, the child completes tasks together with a specialist, then moves on to independent exercises in oral storytelling. Consolidation of acquired skills occurs in daily communication with other people. The degree of difficulty of the exercises is selected in accordance with the child’s speech development.

Breathing exercises

Such exercises help make your voice natural and free. They have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system as a whole. Exercises help train the diaphragm, force it to participate in the process of voice formation, teach you to breathe deeply, which promotes the mobility of the vocal cords. This method of treatment is complemented by relaxing techniques.


Typically used acupressure. The course of treatment using this method is selected according to the complexity specific case. During the procedures, the massage therapist influences certain points of the body. The first results of treatment can be noticeable after the first session. Accurate massage helps regulate the nervous system.

Application of computer programs

Using this method is highly effective. The method promotes synchronization of the child’s auditory and speech centers. The baby speaks words into the microphone, and the program automatically delays the speech for a split second. The child listens to his own pronunciation and tries to adapt to it.

The baby's speech becomes smoother. Using the program, specific situations that arise when communicating with other people are played out. For example, emotions such as anger, surprise, dissatisfaction are included. The child must give an answer into the microphone. The program itself then evaluates his answer and advises what needs to be improved.

Use of medications

This method is auxiliary, included in the complex of the general course. The child may be prescribed medicines anti-convulsants, tranquilizers. Medicines are also prescribed to help neutralize blocking substances that interfere with the proper functionality of the nervous system. Various nootropics are prescribed.

If necessary, drug treatment is supplemented by taking sedative infusions. For example, a decoction of motherwort is used.