
A plant with large torn leaves. Monstera flower, home care, photo. Flowering time and flower shape

A plant with large torn leaves.  Monstera flower, home care, photo.  Flowering time and flower shape

Monstera was brought to us from the tropical forests of India, Central and South America. Under natural conditions, there are more than 50 species, but only four of them are grown as indoor plants, most often Monstera deliciosa and its varieties.

Monstera is a perennial evergreen climbing plant that grows up to 6 m and therefore needs support. The stem of Monstera is quite thick, dense with aerial roots. Young leaves are whole, become perforated with age, and then become completely cut. Monstera has an interesting feature: after heavy watering or in cloudy weather, droplets of water appear on the leaves. In this way, it gets rid of excess moisture by squeezing it through special stomata.

To successfully breed monstera at home, you should know the basic rules of care, transplantation and reproduction.

Monstera: care

  1. Location. Monstera prefers dim lighting, so it can be grown even in the shade. When choosing a place for it, you need to take into account that the leaves of the monstera always turn towards the light source, so it is better to place it in a corner near the window. The room temperature should be 20 - 25°C in summer, and not lower than 16°C in winter.
  2. Watering. There is no clear schedule for how often monstera should be watered; it depends on when the top layer of soil in the pot dries. Watering should be carried out very abundantly with settled water at room temperature. In winter, the soil should be slightly moist, and in summer, Monstera should be sprayed 1-2 times a day and the leaves should be wiped with a damp sponge. If the room is dry, then the aerial roots should be wrapped in moistened sphagnum moss.
  3. The soil. To plant monstera, you need to take fertile and loose soil; a ready-made substrate for aroid or ornamental-leaved plants is suitable.
  4. Transfer. Monstera transplants at home should be done quite often: in the first three years - 2 times a year, from 3 to 5 years - annually, and then - once every 2-3 years. When planting and replanting, you should definitely put it in a pot.
  5. Top dressing. Monstera should be fed with fertilizer for ornamental foliage plants, Humisol and Epin according to the system: in summer - once a week, and in winter - 2-3 times a month. Foliar feeding should be carried out in the summer with Uchevin K-6.

There are several ways to propagate monstera:

  • cuttings (the most common);
  • aerial roots;
  • seeds.

Monstera - diseases and problems

The most common fungal disease is stem rot, which can be identified by the rotting of the Monstera stem. Usually this disease appears in winter, with excess moisture and low temperature. Control measures include transplanting the plant into another pot, reducing watering and increasing the temperature in the room.

The main problem when growing monstera is yellowing of the leaves. In order to determine what to do with the plant, it is necessary to determine the reason why the monstera leaves turn yellow.

This may happen for the following reasons:

To solve this problem, it is enough to simply eliminate the mistakes in caring for the monstera that caused them to appear, and your beauty will delight you with new healthy, lush green leaves.

Monstera, or philodendron, is a beautiful ornamental plant that has a large number of aerial roots and beautiful shiny leaves. The unique properties of this plant are associated with the ability to predict rain. Before precipitation appears, large drops can be seen on the leaves of this plant. However, Monstera is associated with a large number of myths and legends. For example, many people are convinced that this plant absolutely cannot be grown at home.

Why can't you keep Monstera at home?

Many people believe that the plant is capable of absorbing energy. There are certain advantages and disadvantages to this. If you place the potty in the bedroom, you may encounter negative influences. At the same time, many people believe in the omens that monstera can be successfully treated - just lie down near the plant for a while.

This flower should be grown in rooms where there is a negative atmosphere. Thanks to Monstera, it will be possible to improve the energy in the room. If everything is fine and calm in your house, it is better to stop growing the plant.

It is also not recommended to keep the flower in the bedroom due to the fact that it consumes oxygen and produces carbon dioxide at night. In fact, most of the signs and myths are associated with the appearance of the flower. Thanks to its large leaves and curved roots, Monstera resembles a mystical plant.

Growing monstera at home

Watering and fertilizing

Since Monstera has fairly large leaves, the area for moisture evaporation is quite large. Therefore, the flower needs regular hydration. To do this, you need to constantly spray it with water at room temperature. Monitoring the condition of the leaves is of no small importance. If dust accumulates on them, it should be removed with a soft cloth.

Monstera should be watered systematically, especially in spring and summer. In this case, watering should be sufficiently abundant and carried out after the top layer of soil has dried. Monstera should be watered with settled water.

In autumn, the number of waterings should be reduced, and in winter this should be done a couple of days after the soil has dried. Although the plant loves water very much, it still needs to be watered moderately. Excessive amounts of moisture will have the same negative impact on the condition of Monstera as its deficiency.

Monstera fertilizer is of no small importance. You need to apply special products in spring and summer, and do this a couple of times a month. In this case, it is worth feeding only an adult flower, while young plants do not require fertilizer. For monstera, you should choose organic and mineral products.

How to propagate by seeds and cuttings

Monstera propagation should be carried out at the beginning of summer or summer. This process requires several steps. To do this, you need to take the lateral shoots, which are located at the bottom of the stems. Cuttings from the top or middle part are also suitable. It is best to sprinkle the cuts with powder obtained from charcoal.

The stems should be planted in small pots, and drainage should be made of expanded clay at the bottom. The shoots should be placed in a pot and covered with a glass flask. The room temperature should be 25 degrees.

To propagate monstera by cuttings, you need to cut off a small cutting with two buds from the main stem. Then it is placed in the ground and systematically watered. It is not recommended to sprinkle the cuttings with earth - it is better to cover it with plastic wrap. After the roots appear, the cuttings can be transplanted into a separate pot.

Plant transplantation - video

Young monstera should be replanted in the spring. Large adult plants need to be replanted only once every 3-4 years. However, the top part of the substrate should be changed annually. For this purpose, you need to choose breathable soil with a high humus content. To properly transplant a plant, you can watch the video:

Features of flower care

In its natural environment, Monstera usually blooms every year. When grown at home, many people do not even know how Monstera blooms. If everything is done correctly, then a two-year-old plant can produce its first inflorescences.

Monstera flowers are white or cream in color. A year after the end of flowering, fruits appear on it. Caring for monstera during the flowering period is no different from any other period.

It is important to prevent direct exposure to sunlight, as this will cause the tips of the leaves to turn black. As the monstera grows, it needs to be provided with good support. It is strictly not recommended to remove aerial roots. They provide good nutrition and sufficient moisture. It is recommended to send them to a pot for rooting.

Monstera does not like prolonged exposure to the sun. If you keep the plant in conditions with bright, diffused lighting, its leaves become larger and more carved. Monstera should be protected from direct sunlight, as this can lead to fading and the appearance of yellow spots. With insufficient lighting, plant growth is impaired. At the same time, the leaves become smaller and change their shape.

Monstera should be placed far from radiators and opening windows. In winter, the temperature should not be less than 12 degrees, while rapid growth begins at 16-18 degrees. It is also allowed to increase the temperature to 30 degrees, especially in conditions of high humidity and normal ventilation of the room.

Possible problems and illnesses

When growing monstera, you may encounter certain problems and difficulties.

Leaves turn yellow and dry

Monstera reacts first of all to any mistakes in care by changing the shade of the leaves. They may turn yellow for the following reasons:

  • if this happens in winter, this indicates excessive watering;
  • if, in addition to yellow leaves, brown spots appear, this indicates insufficient watering;
  • if the leaves turn yellow and fall off significantly, this indicates high temperature and dry air in the room;
  • if the monstera turns pale yellow, this indicates excess lighting.

Why is Monstera crying?

Sometimes drops appear on the leaves of the plant. This indicates excessive moisture in the earth clod. To cope with this problem, you should leave the soil to dry out a little. It is also recommended to increase the intervals between watering.

The appearance of drops on monstera leaves is often observed before cloudy weather or the onset of precipitation.

Indoor flower does not grow

Some people experience that Monstera stops growing. To stimulate these processes, you need to provide the flower with sufficient lighting and optimal air temperature. It is also recommended to moisten its leaves - for this you can spray them regularly. The soil should be watered only after the top layer has completely dried, but this should be done very generously.

Types of monstera and their description with photos

There are quite a few species of monstera in the natural environment. However, only two varieties are grown at home:

1. Delicious. In a greenhouse, the height of this plant can reach 12 m. At home, you can grow a flower about 3 m tall. With quality care, such a monstera can bloom annually, but you can only get fruits in a greenhouse.

There is also a variegated form of this monstera. It is more demanding of care, but does not grow as quickly as the main variety. The Monstera Borsigiana variety is very popular. It is also called Borziga - this plant is not as large and strong as the original species.

2. Oblique. This plant grows in Brazilian forests and has beautiful lacy leaves. Their length is about 20 cm and width - 6 cm. The leaves have a solid structure, a short petiole and peduncle, as well as an unequal base. It is worth considering that such a monstera does not bloom under cultural conditions.

Monstera is not a monster at all, as its name suggests. This is an exotic aroid vine from the tropics of South America. The main feature and value of the plant lies in its huge leaves with original cuts and deep emerald color.

Features of growing monstera

The non-capricious tropical plant grows well indoors. The main difficulty is the enormous size of the plant, which grows several meters in height and occupies large areas thanks to its large leaves. Not every home can have so much space for a monstera, and with sufficient lighting for it.

Planting a plant

Young plants of small size are usually planted, choosing a large pot. Some species are planted directly in a bucket.

IMPORTANT! The pot for planting should be heavy so that the vine does not overturn it with its weight. To weigh it down, you can use stones by placing them on the bottom - they will not only increase the weight of the container, but also form a drainage layer.

Planting methods

You can plant young plants or rooted cuttings in a pot. Drainage is laid out at the bottom, then soil is poured. The Monstera root system is placed on top of it, straightening all the roots, and covered with soil. If the flower has aerial roots, they are left as they are, without cutting them off or digging them into the soil. With the help of such roots, the monstera provides itself with additional nutrition.

Optimal time for planting

Plant monstera whenever you want! It can develop all year round.

How to choose the right soil?

Such a giant requires good nutritious soil that can easily pass water into the pan. The required components are humus (1 share), turf substrate (2 shares), high-moor peat (1 share), river alluvial sand (1 share). You can add small pieces of charcoal, vermiculite or perlite to this mixture if desired.

In nature, Monstera grows in the humid environment of the always warm tropics. To successfully grow it in the house, it is recommended to create a climate as similar as possible to the natural one.

Location and lighting

The liana can live in partial shade or in diffused light, receiving enough light for growth and a beautiful shade of leaves. Staying in constant shade weakens the plant and reduces the decorative properties of the leaves, and direct aggressive rays of the sun cause serious damage in the form of burns.

IMPORTANT! Monstera does not tolerate frequent relocations and transportation, as well as touching its leaves.

Air humidity

Monstera needs increased dampness. You don’t have to be afraid to overdo it with moisture, because the plant has the ability to “drain” excess water from the leaves.

In addition to constant spraying, the leaves need to be wiped with a damp cloth to remove dust. Next to the vine you can place a humidifier - purchased or made yourself. To do this, just place a wide container, filled to the brim with water, not far from the monstera.


In summer, the flower can develop in any heat, you just need to increase and maintain strong humidity around it. In winter, experienced gardeners reduce the temperature to 17-19°, thereby inhibiting the rapid growth of the vine.

Watering mode

Starting in early spring, the monstera is watered frequently, making sure that the water pours into the pan. Optimal conditions are always slightly moist soil in which excess water does not stagnate.

In the fall, the regime is gradually changed, reducing the frequency of watering. In winter, monstera should be watered only after the soil surface has dried. Wait a couple of days and water with soft, cool water.

Feeding and fertilizers

Such a large and well-developing plant as Monstera needs additional nutrition. It is recommended to apply fertilizers during the period of intensive flower growing season, which lasts from early spring to late autumn.

ADVICE! It would be optimal to alternate organic substances and mineral complexes to balance the supply of essential microelements.

Young monsteras for the first 2-3 years do not need to be fed if they are planted in a good substrate containing all the necessary components.

The procedure is completely simple, and often unnecessary. You can trim the vine at a young age, forming lush thickets, or, conversely, when the plant is old enough to provoke its branching.

In addition, cleansing pruning can be done for sanitary purposes, eliminating diseased and dead parts.

Trimming methods

Monstera can be cleaned of unnecessary leaves at any time, using scissors to cut off the dry parts to healthy tissue. To stimulate new shoots, it is recommended to pinch off the top and treat the wound with ash.

Flower transplant

The complexity of the procedure depends on the age and size of the monstera. The larger and older the flower, the more difficult it is to move it to a new container. Therefore, adult giants are rarely transplanted - with a break of 4-6 years. There is no particular need for more frequent operations, because an adult monstera stops growing and does not need to replace the pot with a larger one.

Young plants require replanting much more often - they quickly increase in size and grow out of the old container in about 5-6 months.

Transplant methods

Young monsteras can be replanted with frequent transplants, keeping the earthen ball with roots intact. Such transplants must be alternated with a complete change of the substrate, which is greatly depleted over the course of a year.

Replanting mature giants requires a mandatory change of soil and inspection of the root system. All dead and rotten roots need to be cut off, the rest should be washed in weak potassium permanganate. After this, plant the monstera in a new substrate, compacting each layer of soil.

IMPORTANT! For mature plants, the top layer of soil must be replaced to the maximum possible depth. To do this, remove the old soil with a shovel and fill it with new soil.

Old plants of gigantic size often lose their beauty. The foliage falls off, revealing a bare, unattractive stem. In the end, the leaves remain only at the top - small and having lost their unique dissection. It is better to dispose of such plants, having previously taken the planting material to obtain a young monstera.

Reproduction of this exotic is a very simple procedure, which, however, has its own characteristics. Monstera is a liana, so any part of it can be rooted. The question is how to do it right!

Reproduction methods

  • Apical cuttings. It needs to be cut off from the monstera and placed in a container of water until at least 3-4 roots are formed. The seedling is then moved into a pot with soil for further growth.
  • Stem cutting. Cut a piece from a large plant containing at least a couple of buds, and simply place it on a light substrate with the bud down. Create a small greenhouse using glass or polyethylene and constantly humidify the air in it.

ATTENTION! The stem needs to be cut very thick - it will become the base of a new plant. The thin stalk will subsequently simply break under the weight of the giant.

  • Leaf. Not the most reliable method - the leaves often simply rot in the water. Usually used if there is no other planting material, or the sheet breaks off accidentally. It needs to be placed in a fairly large and deep container and water added as it evaporates.
  • Air layering. Place the roots growing on the stem in a moist environment without separating them from the plant. They can be covered with damp moss or placed in a small container, tying it to the stem. Soon the roots will grow well, a leaf will appear on the shoot - then a new plant can be separated. Use a sharp knife and treat the wound with ash or charcoal powder.

When does Monstera bloom?

The flowering of this giant in the house is a terribly rare occurrence! Moreover, you can’t wait for it even in specially equipped winter gardens and greenhouses.

Flowering time and flower shape

In nature, Monstera produces inflorescences in spring or early summer. The process of flowering and fruit ripening lasts up to 9-11 months.

The flower appears solitary on a thick peduncle. It looks like a light-colored ear of corn. Color can vary from snow-white to dark beige. The entire flower is covered with dark specks and is protected on one side by a wide blanket of the same shade.

Gradually the blanket begins to wither, dry out and fall off, and the cob becomes green or purple. The ripe fruit is very tasty - it has a banana taste and the smell of pineapple.

ATTENTION! An unripe cob can cause serious poisoning!

What to do after flowering?

Feed the weakened plant with organic fertilizers and a complex of minerals.

The most famous plant species and varieties

The genus Monstera does not contain many representatives - only about 35 species. You can grow even less at home.

Delicious (attractive) monstera

The most common resident of homes and offices. It has large heart-shaped leaves with a solid edge, strong dissection and holes of various shapes throughout the plate. The surface is leathery, dense, painted in deep shades of green.

Its Variegata variety is more spectacular and remarkable due to its variegated color, combining contrasting dark green and white colors.

Monstera Adanson (perforated)

It is distinguished by thin but large leaves with very strong dissection. The shape is ovoid, widened near the petiole.

The YellowSplash variety is decorated with yellow asymmetrical stripes scattered across the entire surface of the plate.

Monstera unequilateral

An original look, different from other monsteras. It has oval leaves, very elongated in length and sharp at the tip. The entire plate is covered with holes of different sizes, mostly round and oval. The plant is small, the leaf length does not exceed 17-19 cm. The color is uneven, consisting of vaguely defined spots of different shades of green.

The main problem with monstera is stem rot, which attacks especially often in winter. In cool conditions, it is very easy to over-wet the soil, causing an attack by pathogenic fungi. If possible, cut off all affected areas and move them to a warmer place, while reducing watering. Treatment with copper preparations and modern fungicides - Previkur, Skor, Ordan - will also help.

Harmful insects do not really like the monstera, attacking it quite rarely. On this giant you can find aphids, spider mites, ivy scale insects and mealybugs. To prevent their occurrence, you can periodically spray the plant with universal insectoacaricides such as Actellica and Agravertina.

  • Dry brown spots may appear on the edges of the leaf blade. This is how Monstera makes it clear that the air in the house is too dry.
  • When the monstera is cold, it becomes covered with dark blotches.
  • The color of the leaves turns very pale if the plant is “hungry”. In this case, it is necessary to increase the amount of fertilizing and the frequency of their application, alternating organic matter and mineral complexes.

Answers to readers' questions

What is the lifespan of a plant?

Monstera is a perennial that can live for over 10 years.

Is it possible to keep this flower at home?

Of course you can! If space allows, monstera will perfectly enliven the interior and help cleanse the air of harmful elements. All signs and superstitions about the monstera come from its name, which means “monster.” But she received this name because of her enormous size, and not her evil nature.

Why don't Monstera have carved leaves?

If young leaves appear without slits or sections, move the flower to another place where it will have enough light.

Is Monstera poisonous?

Yes, the tissues of leaves and unripe fruits contain tiny needle-like elements. If they get on the mucous membranes, they will cause an unpleasant burning sensation.

Why is the monstera crying?

This way it gets rid of excess water. Often drops appear before rain, when the humidity in the air increases. Thanks to this, it is considered a small weather station.

Why doesn't the plant bloom?

Why do the leaves turn yellow, dry and wither?

Errors in the irrigation mode are to blame. The flower suffers from a lack or, conversely, excess water.

How does the plant overwinter?

Monstera may not rest at all, actively developing in cold weather. If it is placed in cooler conditions, it will slow down its growth.

Monstera(Monstera) unites about fifty varieties of tropical evergreen vines with thick climbing stems and shrubs that are part of the Araceae family. Some types of these decorative foliage plants have very beautiful carved leaves. The wide, dark green leaves of Monstera reach a length of 50 cm and are decorated with intricate slits and holes of various shapes. Many lovers of indoor plants are happy to grow monstera at home, caring for which will not cause difficulties even for beginners. Photos of domestic species of these luxurious indoor plants can be found below. And useful tips for growing and propagating indoor monstera will help you care for the plant yourself, preserving the decorative value of its luxurious leaves.

Some types of monstera can grow up to twenty meters in a large greenhouse or winter garden. But there are unpretentious indoor species that reach 1-2 meters in height at home. For example, the popular attractive monstera (delicacy, Monstera deliciosa). This fast-growing vine has very attractive dark green, pinnately dissected, heart-shaped leaves with symmetrical slits that can grow up to half a meter wide over time.

Many phytodesigners are happy to use this homemade monstera to form a floral composition when decorating the interior. Together with the lush monstera, such popular indoor decorative foliage plants as rubber ficus or Benzhdamina, palm-shaped dracaena marginata or yucca with long leaves, bamboo palm chamedorea, as well as unpretentious bush-like or tree-like plants (chlorophytum, zygocactus decembrist with beautiful flowers, Zamioculcas Dollar tree or Crassula Money tree, flowering Kalanchoe).

- photo: M. delicacy

Indoor subspecies:

Such popular subspecies of the deliciosa monstera (see photo below) also take root well at home, such as the Borsiga monstera (Monstera deliciosa borsigiana) for small rooms, the variegated monstera (Monstera variegata) with elegant cream-colored spots on the leaves, the punched monstera (Monstera pertusa) with holey leaves, Monstera oblique with asymmetrical leaves. Against the background of these large-leaved plants, small flowering indoor plants will look interesting - phalaenopsis or dendrobium orchid, indoor hydrangea with bright flowers, gerbera with daisy flowers, hibiscus Chinese rose, European cyclamen, tuberous begonia.


The Monstera deliciosa flower is a bit similar to the popular spathiphyllum (Women's Happiness) flower. Small white flowers are collected in an inflorescence-cob, around which there is an elegant cream-colored blanket. Indoor monstera flowers appear quite rarely, which usually indicates proper and careful home care of the plant. By the way, it is not by chance that this monstera was called a delicacy. The purple fruits ripen for quite a long time (about a year) and have a unique taste that can be compared to the taste of a ripe pineapple.

- photo: flower and fruit

This is interesting!

Monstera is not only a very beautiful, but also a useful indoor plant. For example, certain features of this plant can tell you whether it will rain during the day or not. The fact is that monstera meets cloudy weather with large drops that fall from the leaves.

According to the Taoist practice of symbolic exploration of space (feng shui), growing monstera at home helps absorb the energy of disorder and chaos. Does someone live with you who doesn’t value order, can never find the right thing, and throws clothes around the apartment? Monstera is the best choice for your home. In addition, this indoor plant helps a person become more flexible, collected, and restrained.


Location and lighting.

Earth mixture and fertilizing.

The soil mixture can be made in several ways. First option: mix humus, garden soil, peat and sand in equal parts. The second option is to mix humus, peat, leaf soil and sand in a ratio of 2:3:1:1.

An adult monstera needs feeding. In spring and summer, organic and mineral fertilizers must be applied once every two weeks.


For replanting, choose a not tall, but wide pot, on the bottom of which you need to pour a drainage layer of expanded clay. Until the age of three, Monstera is replanted annually. Then it is enough to replant the plant once every 2-3 years. An adult plant needs support. Many gardeners install a wooden support next to the vine stem, which can be wrapped in sphagnum moss, wrapped with strong threads around the moss. The moss can be moistened and a solution with fertilizing can be added to it, which will allow the aerial roots to additionally feed the monstera with moisture and fertilizer.


Popular methods of propagating monstera at home are by air layering, apical cuttings and cuttings from the middle part of the stem.

First you need to cover the stem with moistened moss and then wrap it in cling film, securing it with threads or thin wire. We separate the wrapped part of the stem after the roots appear and plant it in a prepared pot with soil mixture.

The apical cuttings should have a stem fragment with several leaves and an “eye”-bud. You can root the cuttings in sand or sphagnum. We moisten the substrate and cover it with a jar, ventilating and moistening the cuttings daily. Rooting will occur within a month.

Monstera is a delightful and truly impressive plant belonging to the extensive Araceae family. In the wild, the perennial can be found in the tropics, namely in Central and South America.

In total, there are about fifty plant species in the genus of tropical plants that are different in shape, structure, height and other characteristics. If we are talking about home growing conditions, then it would not be superfluous to mention such a variety as Monstera deliciosa (lat. Monstera deliciosa). Most often, plant growers grow this particular indoor flower indoors.

The evergreen monstera boasts climbing, aerial stems. Very often with hanging aerial roots. The thick spadix forms the inflorescence of the plant. The perennial leaves shine brightly in the sun and have a dark green color. As they grow, holes form on the leaves, which later become slits. Very often the leaves are oval-heart-shaped; in some varieties they can reach up to 90 cm in length.

A distinctive property of monstera in comparison with other indoor plants is its ability to grow quickly and occupy most of the space. That is why, when you decide to grow this tropical perennial in your home, you should first carefully choose a place for it.

Monstera thrives in heated winter gardens. Very often this perennial is used for landscaping office premises and country houses.

This is interesting! The rather unusual name of the houseplant comes from the Latin word monstrosus - amazing, bizarre. Although many plant growers sincerely believe that the name comes from the word monstrum - monster. Both origins, however, fully justify the appearance of the plant itself.

Caring for tropical perennials at home

Monstera cannot be classified as an overly whimsical plant, however, it should be cared for according to all the rules.

Room temperature

  • Monstera, like any other indoor plants, is very skeptical about indoor drafts. The plant will definitely not forgive you for them. In summer, you can ventilate the room or even take the flower out onto an open balcony or loggia.
  • In winter, the thermometer in the room where the monstera grows did not fall below +10 degrees.
  • It cannot be said that the whimsical “tropican” is very picky about the atmosphere in the room. Monstera tolerates temperature changes very well.
  • In the cold season, the optimal temperature for monstera is considered to be between +16 and +18 degrees.
  • In the summer, the temperature in the room where the monstera is comfortably located can range from +23 to +25 degrees.

It is important! The higher the average annual temperature in the room where the monstera is kept, the faster the tropical perennial will grow and develop.

Watering monstera

The next important stage in caring for the “tropicana” is watering the plant. Let us immediately note that the tropical perennial is very moisture-loving, so watering should be plentiful. Moreover, Monstera has a clear seasonality of soil moisture.

From early spring to late autumn, perennials should be watered abundantly. But this should not be done fanatically, because between waterings the top layer of the substrate should dry out. If this does not happen, you should postpone watering for 1-2 days. Watering too much can cause the perennial leaves to slowly but surely begin to lose their decorative properties. Black spots will appear on them. There are frequent cases of rotting of the root system of a representative of the Araceae family.

In winter, the volume of watering should be reduced several times. But the soil should not be completely dry.

Water requirements for irrigation. Flower hygiene

When watering monsteras, it must be settled. Tap water should not be used. Water temperature is also important. It is preferable if it is indoor.

Regular spraying of the flower plays a very important role in caring for monstera. It is best to carry out this procedure using a spray bottle at a distance of 20-30 cm. The requirements for water for spraying are the same as when watering a perennial.

We should not forget about such an important procedure as flower hygiene. Monstera at home needs regular cleaning of dust settled on its leaves. This can be done simply by cleaning the settled dirt from the surface of the leaves. This can be done with a damp cloth, wiping the surface of the leaves evenly and smoothly.

Interesting fact! Monstera reacts very interestingly to the approaching change in weather conditions. Transparent droplets slowly begin to form along the edges of the leaves. Many plant growers say that monstera cries for the rain.

Indoor lighting

Being a true “tropicana”, Monstera prefers diffused light. Direct sunlight has a detrimental effect on the development of monstera, as well as a lack of light.

The ideal place for monstera is the window sills on the east and west sides of the house. The best lighting for a houseplant is bright, indirect light. If the perennial can be placed only on the south side of the house, then on the hottest days it will need to be shaded.

Monstera transplant

  • A young plant can be grown in a bucket without any problems until it reaches the age of 3 years. The root system of the plant feels great in such a container, so the perennial grows and develops quickly. Upon reaching three years of age, the plant can be safely transplanted into a pot.
  • For such a domestic giant as monstera, a wooden tub would be an excellent option for a growing container. In this case, the container must be high and voluminous so that the plant has room to grow. Low and narrow tubs are not suitable for growing monstera. The plant will feel uncomfortable in them, and its development will be slow. If you decide to use a wooden tub for growing, you need to be especially careful and not flood the plant during watering. Otherwise, rotting of both the roots and the tub itself may occur.
  • Monstera requires annual renewal of the top soil layer.
  • The ideal soil composition for a perennial includes peat soil, sand, humus, and turf in a ratio of 1:1:1:3.
  • The “giantess” monstera, with proper care, grows by leaps and bounds. Before you even know it, it will “take over” half of your room. Therefore, the plant must be supported. It must be at least one meter high.
  • Now let's take a closer look at the timing of transplantation. If this is a young plant (as a rule, the age is assumed to be up to four years), then replanting should be carried out once a year. As we mentioned above, monstera loves large pots, but cramped conditions can destroy the plant. An adult plant should be replanted no more than once every two to three years.
  • Carrying out a proper transplant will not give significant results if the plant is not regularly fed.

Feeding for monstera

When applying fertilizing, you should follow the seasonality rule: monstera should be fertilized in the spring and summer. In winter, the perennial does not need feeding.

Feeding composition: for monstera, both root and foliar feeding should be selected.

Fertilizer frequency: at least twice a month during the warm spring and summer months. If in winter, in the room where the “tropicana” grows, the temperature does not drop below eighteen degrees, then you can only feed the flower once every month and a half with a special fertilizer for representatives of the Araceae family.

Attention! Fertilizing Monstera at low temperatures can have a detrimental effect on the development of the perennial.

Humisol or Epin are perfect as complex fertilizers. Urea K-6 can be used as foliar feeding.

Reproduction of monstera. Three main ways

Monstera can and even needs to be propagated. There are three main ways to do this quickly, easily and without unnecessary problems. The easiest way is to propagate perennials by air layering, and the most labor-intensive is by cuttings. Let's take a look at each of these methods.

Method No. 1. Reproduction by air layering

Each cutting that we want to grow must have at least 1 aerial root and one leaf. The taken cuttings should be planted in a separate container with a nutrient substrate, watered abundantly and grown as a separate plant. The growing conditions for young cuttings are the same as for growing the monstera itself: temperature not lower than +18+20 degrees, diffused light, no drafts.

Method No. 2 Propagation by cuttings

This method comes first in terms of labor intensity. For best results, either stem or lateral shoots should be used. To germinate cuttings, you can prepare your own soil mixture by taking sand and humus and mixing them in equal proportions. Don't forget about the drainage layer that needs to be placed at the bottom of the pot. Carefully place the selected cutting in a container, sprinkle with a nutrient mixture and water generously. After this, cover the top of the pot with glass and place it in a well-lit place (but not in the sun). Plants should be watered at least twice a day. As soon as the planted cuttings give the first roots, they should be immediately transplanted into a separate container and grown further as an independent plant according to all the rules that we discussed above in the article.

Method No. 3 Propagation by seeds

This method of propagation is practiced by many gardeners. To implement it, you will need fresh monstera seeds, which have not yet lost their germination capacity. The seed is planted in a nutrient mixture and germinated in comfortable conditions for a month. The temperature in the room where the young seedlings are placed should be at least +20 degrees. Lighting - shaded sunny place.

In about a month, the first shoots will begin to hatch, but it will be possible to see young plants with about 9-10 leaves no earlier than in two years. Growing Monstera from seeds is considered one of the most long-term projects. But it is worth noting that perennials obtained in this way grow strong and hardy.

An important rule for all three growing methods: you should always create conditions for growing plantings the same as for a young, but already strong monstera.

Unfortunately, caring for monstera does not always cause the grower no problems!

Difficulties in growing monstera

When growing monstera, like any other indoor plant, there are some nuances. Often the result of improper care of perennials is the development of diseases.

  • Too high a temperature in the room where Monstera is kept can affect the leaves of the perennial. If massive exposure of the trunk occurs in its lower part, then the temperature must be immediately lowered to an acceptable level.
  • If you notice that the leaves of the monstera have become smaller, pay attention to the lighting of the indoor flower. It is possible that the plant simply does not have enough light.
  • Monstera will respond to excess water in the soil by yellowing the leaves.

Monstera often suffers from attacks by harmful insects. For example, thrips act very insidiously. They settle on the back side of the leaf, so they are not so easy to notice. Thrips can be controlled using insecticides.

Another enemy of monstera is spider mite. The perennial leaves become limp and the plant slows down. Fight against ticks using a soap solution and Actellik.

Monstera is a delightful tropical plant that will decorate your home or office for years to come.