Personal life

A child at four months - development and skills. Possible problems in children of the fourth month of life A 4-month-old child is capricious, no signs of illness

A child at four months - development and skills.  Possible problems in children of the fourth month of life A 4-month-old child is capricious, no signs of illness

The first three months, when adjustments in the functioning of the stomach took place, and with them the tormenting colic after eating, are already behind us. It's time fourth month- the time when the psychological development of the baby is observed big changes. What skills did he acquire during this period? What does child development include at 4 months?

Physical parameters

The baby confidently holds not only his head while lying on his stomach, but also raises his chest, leaning on his half-open palms. The angle between the shoulders and forearms, if measured, will normally not be more than 90 O. At four months, the baby can hold its head vertically for a minute or more.

The child's weight will increase by approximately 500-600 grams. Such big increase in weight is explained by low physical activity. With each subsequent month, the number of grams gained will decrease. Height will increase by 2 cm.

Thus, on average, in four months the following picture is observed for these two indicators:

  • Weight ranges from 6 to 6.8 kg;
  • Height from 62 to 65 cm.

Do not worry if the weight of the newborn does not coincide with generally accepted norms and tables. In a series of these articles, attention has already been drawn to the individuality of children’s development, as well as the way they are fed. Only too little weight gain (or too much weight gain) can be considered alarming signs.


The need for sleep remains high. At four months, children sleep 16 hours a day, of which 10 are night sleep. The remaining hours are divided between three naps. Some babies by this time allow their parents to rest all night, but in most cases the mother still has to wake up twice for night feeding.

If the baby's daily routine is established at 4 months, there will be no problems with going to bed. It is recommended to put your baby to bed at night between 7 and 9 pm. If the child does not sleep well, you should analyze the situation. The following factors may influence poor sleep:

  1. Late bedtime. An overtired child has difficulty falling asleep and gets up earlier than usual.
  2. The child is constantly naughty. The cause may be teething or lingering tummy problems that worsen in the evening. If your baby has become capricious, go to the pediatrician.
  3. There is no bedtime ritual, or it is broken. This includes the same sequential actions that set the child up for sleep: a bath, reading a favorite book, a lullaby.
  4. There are many distracting details in the crib. Toys placed in the sleeping area keep the baby active and do not contribute to falling asleep.

Whims before bed should not be ignored, you should look for the reason


For babies who are exclusively breastfed, their nutrition remains unchanged. Through mother's milk, the baby receives everything necessary for growth and development, so up to 6 months there is no need for any complementary foods.

Should I give my baby water? It is believed that with milk he gets enough fluid and cannot feel thirsty. But strict rules No. If you offer your baby something to drink and he doesn’t refuse, then, of course, it’s worth giving him more, especially if it’s hot outside. Dehydration at this age is very dangerous.

During the feeding process, the baby begins to taste the mother's breast. Although there are no teeth themselves yet or the front ones are just emerging, squeezing the nipple with the gums is very painful and unpleasant for the mother. Don’t be afraid to wean your baby from such actions: fear from the mother and a cry will help him realize that you are in pain. If this does not help, you can ensure that squeezing the nipple is associated with unpleasant sensations for him as well. For example, it is recommended to close his nose with your fingers for a few seconds: this way he will understand that he is doing something wrong and will free the nipple “from captivity.”

A child's nutrition at 4 months includes one more feature: the baby tends to get distracted during feeding and look around. Be lenient about this: he is not refusing the breast at all, but is simply afraid of missing out on something interesting.

Breast milk covers all the baby’s needs at this age.

The nutrition of a 4-month-old baby on artificial formula is somewhat different. There are about 6-7 feedings per day, which is almost 1 liter in volume. Sometimes there is a need for early complementary feeding, but this is rather an exception to the rule than the norm. If a pediatrician advises feeding your child “adult” foods, it is best to start with cereals.

Some people believe that a baby’s diet should include juices from almost a month, and from four months - vegetable purees and egg yolk. However, remember that juices contain acids that are absolutely unnecessary at this age for the developing children's digestive tract. The fact that they are on sale with the mark “from three months” speaks more about a marketing ploy promoting this or that product than about care. The benefits of egg yolk are difficult to notice, but the harm in the form of rashes and dermatitis is quite obvious. Therefore, there is no need to rush, everything has its time.

Swimming and walking

Bathing, as before, brings a lot of pleasure, only now during the procedure the baby swings his arms and legs more actively and roars joyfully. Bathing with toys brings special pleasure.

Your child’s routine should include daily walks in the fresh air, at least 2 hours a day. Moreover, you need to walk in any weather.

Basic Skills

  1. Rollovers from tummy to back or side occur easily and naturally.
  2. The baby rises in his arms and can hold his head up well.
  3. Crawls on his belly on his bellies for the toy he likes.
  4. If you support him by the armpits, you can see how the baby rests his toes on the surface and pushes off from it.
  5. Hypertonicity in the arms is no longer present (it may still be present in the legs).
  6. Sits down from a lying position when pulled up by the arms. This movement can be used as an element of exercise, but it is not yet possible to fully plant it due to weak back muscles.
  7. He holds the toy well in his hand and knows how to rattle it.
  8. Fingers in the mouth are a common occurrence.
  9. During feeding, the baby holds the mother's breast.
  10. He already perceives bright colors well, especially yellow and red. But toys should not be oversaturated in color. Three or four colored components per toy is quite enough. At this age, the baby not only sees, he follows a moving object with his gaze.
  11. The baby turns its head following the source of noise, speech, and recognizes its relatives by their voice. If he hears rhythmic music, he may bob his head to the beat. Develop a sense of rhythm by clapping your hands in front of your baby to the beat of the music.

Good exercise for 4 month old baby

Features of psycho-emotional development

The baby’s skills are connected not only with his physical development; changes are also observed in other areas of his life:

  1. Communication skills. When he sees his mother or someone close, the baby perks up, smiles, and actively moves his arms and legs. The humming becomes more and more distinct, open vowels “a”, “o” are clearly audible, and sounds similar to the consonants “m”, “p”, “b” are heard. Reacts to his name.
  2. At 4 months, the baby is able to express a whole range of emotions: joy, resentment, fear, curiosity.
  3. I study my own body with great interest. The child likes to touch his face, legs, and look at himself in the mirror.
  4. The ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships is evident. For example, at the sight of the mother’s breast, the baby freezes in anticipation, realizing that there will be feeding now.
  5. First reaction to strangers- alertness. Then it turns either into crying or into accepting the stranger with curious scrutiny. If the mother changes herself, for example, dyed her hair, cut her hair dramatically, put on glasses or a hat, the baby may not recognize her.

Looking at yourself in the mirror is a very interesting activity.

Games with baby

Activities with the child should include games that develop fine motor skills and communication skills.

  1. “Okay”: the mother sits the baby on her lap, shows how to clap her hands and recites the rhyme: “Okay, okay, where have you been? By Grandma...". This game helps to open your palms to the fullest.
  2. "Magpie-crow." This game provides circular movements finger in the center of the palm, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. “The horned goat is coming” also brings joy to kids, making them laugh.

So, at 4 months, the child’s behavior becomes more and more meaningful, bringing joy to surrounding relatives and parents. Since the baby skillfully rolls over and acquires crawling skills, he should never be left alone, even on a large bed. In the next month, you will see even greater achievements and small victories along the path of your baby’s development.

Children's whims can unsettle the most nervous adult. We are talking, of course, about prolonged hysterics, unabating whining and constant crying. If at the beginning of the “capricious” period you want to feel sorry for the baby, then at the end of the 2-3 hour “concert” you need to save the mother. In order for peace and quiet to settle in the house, you need to patiently find out the reason for the constant crying of your 4-month-old baby.

Tummy problems

They bypassed the lucky few - newborns and their parents. In most cases, colic becomes the main cause of restless and whiny behavior in children under six months of age. The work of the gastrointestinal tract is just getting better, so it is not surprising that sometimes it malfunctions.

Medicines and folk remedies will help improve the digestive process:

  • taking Infacol or Espumisan drops according to the instructions;
  • placing a warm diaper or small pillow on the stomach;
  • massaging, stroking this part of the body clockwise.


To minimize the suffering of a baby who is on breastfeeding, Mom needs to reconsider her menu. Perhaps the child is not yet ready for some, even harmless product. You can try changing the mixture for the artificially fed person, and be sure to give the required amount of liquid.

The cause of the whims may also be the baby’s malnutrition. Let the child be saturated with mother's milk on demand. It is quite possible to feed a baby from both breasts at one time. If after a short period he asks to eat again, you should not refuse.


Thermoregulation is just getting better, so often the child may feel discomfort from cold or heat. Overheating is indicated by pink cheeks, perspiration on the forehead, and wet hands. In this case, it is better to change the child’s clothes and take care of a pleasant temperature in the external environment.

To find out if your child is cold, touch his nose with the back of your hand. If the baby is cool, then you should put another layer of clothing on the baby or cover it with a blanket.


The first tooth may appear at 6 or 9 months, but the child may begin to suffer much earlier. You can recognize the beginning of eruption by the following signs:

  • the child tries to chew everything that comes to hand;
  • starts drinking more;
  • increased salivation is observed;
  • the baby refuses to eat or throws the breast (bottle) after a couple of sips.

Teether toys will help ease the process of teething. They allow the baby to scratch his gums on his own. Also, prolonged tantrums associated with toothache can be stopped with the help of medications. The choice of gel or tablets for a 4-month-old child should definitely be discussed with a pediatrician.

Other reasons

The child signals all his needs and desires by crying. Often they are not so significant, in our adult opinion. For example, a baby has been lying down and wants to change position, he feels sad, he wants to listen to his mother’s song, rattle something or look out the window. Perhaps the baby simply misses her mother, and she is trying with all her might to capture her attention.

You can calm your baby down only by first calming down yourself. You should try to relieve nervous tension and blues in accessible ways:

  • smile at the baby more often and speak in a gentle voice - a favorable atmosphere is incredibly important for infants;
  • pick up;
  • stroke the head and back;
  • distract by offering new and new activities - from lying on your tummy to knocking on the refrigerator;
  • bathe your baby in herbs or take baths with sea salt (if there are no allergies).

A four-month-old baby becomes more attentive, active and cheerful. He changes physically and emotionally, delighting his parents with new skills and achievements. What has a baby learned by 4 months and how can you help the development of a toddler of this age?

Physiological changes

  • A 4-month-old baby's back muscles are significantly strengthened and their coordination improves, as a result of which the child learns to roll over. However, the baby cannot sit yet, so it is not recommended to sit him down with support in the form of pillows.
  • Many reflexes characteristic of a newborn have already disappeared or begun to fade, for example, the crawling and Moro reflexes. Hypertonicity in the arms has completely disappeared, but it still persists in the legs.
  • The baby’s lacrimal glands begin their work, so when the baby cries, tears appear.
  • The baby's vision begins to perceive more and more colors. The baby likes the pure tones of yellow, red, blue and green. If the baby had strabismus after birth due to weakness of the eye muscles, it should go away by 4 months as the eye muscles strengthen.
  • The child's hearing is also actively developing. Hearing the sounds, the baby turns in their direction. The baby can already distinguish the voices of loved ones from the voices of strangers. Hearing music, the little one begins to shake his head to the beat. The baby likes rhythmic melodies with low tones more than high tones.
  • Job digestive system The baby's condition has already improved and become more stable; the colic of most babies has already passed.
  • In some babies, the formation of saliva increases, but this is not due to the appearance of the first teeth, but to the constant presence of hands and various objects in the baby’s mouth, which he studies in this way.
  • A 4 month old baby's hair and nails grow very quickly.

Emotionally, a child of this age becomes more developed and has a strong need to communicate with adults. Among all the people, the baby especially singles out the mother and reacts to her mood. If mommy is sad, the baby will feel it, and will certainly respond to mommy’s smile with his own charming smile.

Physical development

Since the motor activity of a 4-month-old baby is still low, the weight gain at this age is quite large and amounts to about 750 grams. The baby's growth increases by 2.5 cm, and the circumference of the head and chest at this age becomes the same (by the fifth month, the chest becomes larger than the circumference of the head).

Although all children develop differently, the average indicators for most infants of this age and the limits of norms help to determine whether the baby is growing normally and whether the pediatrician should pay attention to the excess or decrease of any of the parameters physical development. We presented the norms for 4-month-old babies in the table:

What can the baby do?

  • Lying on her stomach, the baby confidently holds her head and looks at everything around her. Moreover, the baby can already lift the entire upper body along with his head and rest on his palms.
  • By four months, the baby has mastered turning onto his tummy from a position on his back. Some babies have even learned to roll over and try to crawl on their stomachs, helping themselves with their legs.
  • Lying on his back, the baby learned to raise his head along with his shoulder girdle. These are the baby's first attempts to sit up.
  • The little one already controls her hands quite well. During feedings, the baby's arms often hug the mother's breast or clasp the bottle. While in the crib, the baby already confidently grabs with her hands objects that hang above her (mobile toys).
  • During games, the child smiles and laughs often. A child aged 4 months is very emotional; he can be happy, upset or offended.
  • The babbling of a four-month-old baby is quite long. You will hear the sounds “a”, “o”, “b”, “p” and “m” from the baby. Some kids even learned to connect them into syllables.

Note that each baby develops at its own pace and some skills may appear earlier in a toddler, and others a little later than in their peers. However, there are skills whose absence at 4 months of age should alert parents. Contact your pediatrician if your baby:

  • Misses objects and does not hold them in the handle for some time.
  • Does not rise with support from his arms when lying on his stomach.
  • I haven't learned to roll over onto my stomach.
  • In a vertical position (when the parent supports him under the armpits), he does not rest his feet on the surface.
  • When both handles are pulled, the baby's head tilts back.
  • Does not show any emotions and does not react to communication with people.

To find out whether you should worry if there are deviations from the norm, watch Dr. Komarovsky’s video.

About what, according to the norms, a child of 4 months should be able to do, see the following video by Larisa Sviridova.

Development activities

  • Hang bright toys above the child so that the baby can grab them with his hands. It would be great if such toys have different textures or make sounds.
  • Place rattles of different sizes in your baby's hands and different shapes. Invite your baby to touch not only the rattles, but also soft toy, a small doll, musical toy with buttons, a rubber squeaker and other items.
  • Play hide and seek with your baby. Hide your face behind a handkerchief, then open your face and say peek-a-boo. You can also cover your eyes with your hands, and then cover your baby’s eyes with your hands. Your little one will definitely love all the game options.
  • Play magpie-crow with your baby. Since there are centers on the palm that stimulate intestinal function, such a game will be useful not only for the muscles of the hand, but also for digestion.
  • Blow bubbles and let your little one watch their slow flight.
  • Place a sock on one baby's foot bright color so that the little one wants to grab it. You can also tie a bell to the baby's leg. Be sure to praise the baby when the child takes out a sock or bell.
  • For better physical development and coordination training, take the baby by the arms, lift them up, and then lower them down along the body. After this, cross your arms over your chest and spread them to the sides.
  • During gymnastics, massage and any other activities, sing songs and recite nursery rhymes with your child, and when putting the baby to bed, hum a lullaby or tell a fairy tale.
  • Build “dialogues” with your baby so that the baby learns to imitate your speech. Pronounce different words so that the baby sees your facial expressions. It is also important to repeat after the baby the sounds that the child makes.

Try the “Worm” activity with your child, which Tatyana Lazareva shows in the following video.


The morning of a four-month-old baby, as before, begins with hygiene procedures. Wash your baby's face and wipe his eyes, and clean his ears and nose if necessary. At this age, nails need to be trimmed quite often, since they grow quickly, and the baby constantly puts his hands in his mouth.

You should take your 4-month-old baby for walks twice a day, depending on the weather conditions. IN summer period The duration of walks can be up to 6 hours. In winter, it is recommended to go for a walk for 1-2 hours. You should refrain from it only when severe frost, heavy rain or gusty winds.

Gymnastics and light massage are recommended for the child twice a day. First, lay the baby on his back, take him by the arms and make circular movements with them. Then turn the baby on one side and the other, then take the toddler’s legs and move them. Next, you need to turn the baby onto his stomach, and in this position, bend and straighten his legs.

During the massage it is worth using nursery rhymes.

The massage technique at 4 months is shown in detail by Nikolai Nikonov, a leading doctor and massage therapist in Russia, in the following video.

To improve falling asleep, you should create a certain ritual that will set the baby up for a night's sleep. This ritual may include bathing, stroking the baby's body, feeding, a lullaby or a story. Repeat this ritual daily, without skipping its elements.

Remember the safety rules and don’t leave your baby alone, because many babies have already learned to roll over by the age of 4 months, and those who have not yet succeeded in this can be pleased with a new skill at any time.

For information about what a 4-month-old baby needs first of all, watch Larisa Sviridova’s video.

Daily regime

The child can already stay awake for more than 2 hours in a row and during these periods behaves very actively.

A four-month-old baby sleeps up to 15 hours a day. Night sleep at this age lasts about 10 hours. Many 4-month-old children have three naps during the day, and their total duration is about 5 hours. The optimal time to go to bed at night is 19-21 hours. If you start bedtime later, you may experience difficulties due to the baby being overtired.

A breastfed baby continues to receive exclusively breast milk. At the same time, the baby began to breastfeed less often. This usually occurs during the process of falling asleep, during sleep, and also immediately after waking up. As a result, the child already has a fairly precise feeding regimen.

A bottle-fed baby has a stricter diet. It provides for a certain volume of formula and 6 feedings per day at intervals of approximately 3.5 hours. The amount of formula that an artificial baby needs per day is determined by dividing the baby’s weight by 7. This total amount is divided equally into 6 feedings.

On average, 4-month-old infants eat 900-1000 ml of adapted formula per day. During one feeding, the baby receives an average of 150-170 ml of formula. Also at this age, children receiving formula begin to be introduced to complementary foods. Vegetables or porridge are chosen as the first course of complementary feeding. New Product give at the second feeding, increasing its amount to 100 g.

Don’t forget to diversify your baby’s day with a variety of nursery rhymes. One of them is presented by Tatyana Lazareva in the following video.

Calculate your complementary feeding table

Good afternoon, dear readers! Horrible screaming for several hours every day: Have you already encountered this? The worst thing is that you don’t know what can bother the tiny creature; he still doesn’t know how to speak or show.

I want to take it in my arms, it’s calmer for both mother and baby. But this doesn’t always help. What to do when a child is naughty for 4 months? Let's look at the reasons in detail.

Oh, dear mothers! During such periods, you just want to howl from powerlessness. How long does your baby's whims last? I know people who have had this on a regular basis. Can you imagine? Around the clock. And there are children who show character only before bed, at approximately the same time. Why is this happening?

  • "I want to eat!" Signaled by a small creature. Surprised? After all, the baby is fed! But analyze your diet. Suddenly nutritional value breast milk not too high?
  • Something hurts. In general, this is the very first thought of worried parents. But what if?
  • He wants to sleep, but he can’t fall asleep. Does this happen to you yourself? What do you do in this case? You're probably tossing and turning, maybe turn on the TV. But you are adults, you understand that there is no catastrophe in this. Unpleasant, of course, but still. And the little one is just adapting to this world. And many things are new to him.

Yes, only 3 reasons! But each of them is worthy of attention. How do you think? Let's take it one by one. Let's start with food!

I'm not full

If he could speak, he might say so! You ? If so, do you do it on demand? And review your menu, be sure to eat boiled lean meat and fish.

And if the baby is bottle-fed, adjust the frequency of feedings and the amount of formula eaten. Perhaps it’s worth increasing the dose?

But this problem can be fixed. And when is the cause of pain?

Something hurts

In some cases, the baby begins to act up unexpectedly, precisely from 3.5 to 5 months. After which this behavior goes away. And there are cases when a child strongly shows his character from birth. What could this mean? Of course, for concerned parents, the most negative reason - pain - should be excluded. Pain also has reasons:

  1. Teeth are being cut. The most common reason, moreover, drooling can also flow from (hands in the mouth), and the first tooth will appear at six months. Teethers and cooling gels will help.
  2. Intestinal colic is a scourge of infants, associated with the formation of the gastrointestinal tract, and often occurs as a reaction to a change in weather. Think about what you ate. If you feed formula, does your baby probably need to change it? Just discuss this step with your pediatrician. A warm diaper or tummy will help.
  3. Neurology. I don’t want to scare you, but often this is a reason for whims. Especially when they are permanent. Children don't sleep well. I know a case where one neurologist did not understand the crying and attributed it to colic. But the boy went on strike and went on strike. We went to another doctor, and he referred them for appropriate examinations. In general, the baby had neurology: tones and the like. Everything worked out, they treated me. Therefore, when in doubt, show the baby to several specialists.

In general, you should talk to your pediatrician about this behavior. If a child makes noise all the time, something is clearly bothering him. Well, what if this is periodic only before bedtime?

Can't sleep

The little man is just settling into this world. Many sensations are unfamiliar to him. If he is overtired, he needs to relieve stress. And he does it through screaming! Expresses emotions, calms down and falls asleep. After a couple of months this goes away, you have to wait it out.

By the way, just turning it on before bed overtires you. It’s like, it affects everyone differently: someone falls asleep, and someone gets excited. Try to eliminate all noise, go to bed early, don’t waste time. Try to adjust your daily routine. Perhaps you stay awake for a long time?

Yes, what else do I want to say: dear mothers, keep your emotions away! I know that many people begin to panic when they see that the clock hands are approaching the time when the next concert is expected. Your emotional background can provoke this to the greatest extent.

Tell us, do your little ones have any whims? How often? What do you do to calm down? Leave your comments. And don't forget to subscribe to blog updates! All the best, see you soon!


At four months, the baby's behavior may change. He will become capricious, slobbering, and will put everything in his mouth and try to “chew.” Check the toddler's gums in the area of ​​the lower incisors. He might be teething. If

Redness and swelling have appeared on the gum and the baby does not allow him to touch this place - this is the first tooth making itself felt. In addition, at this time, rashes and irritations around the mouth (due to excessive salivation), poor sleep and premature awakenings, loss of appetite, loose stools, cough and even fever may occur.

1. Periodically give your baby a special teether.

2. If you are very worried about your baby, you can lubricate the gums with special ointments or gels, after consulting with your pediatrician (dentinox, solcoseryl).

3. Keep your baby's nails short to prevent him from accidentally scratching his gums while sucking.

4. Wash your baby's hands regularly.

Physical development and motor activity of a four-month-old baby

The baby's back and neck muscles are already so strong that he can hold his head in a prone position for up to 1 minute. At the same time, he rests on his forearms and elbows, arms extended forward and bent at the elbow joint at a right angle. The chest is raised above the support, and the legs are spread apart.

If you sit your baby down, carefully supporting him by the arms, he will calmly hold his head.

The toddler is already trying to independently roll over from his stomach to his side, to his back, and even from his back to his stomach. The child also tries to crawl on his own. Many children are better at moving backwards than moving forward.

The baby purposefully reaches out with his hands to the object that interests him and grabs it. He starts waving and shaking the toy he gets into his hands. And during feeding, he already holds his mother’s breast or bottle.

The child repeatedly performs the same actions with different objects: pulling into his mouth, twirling, shaking, throwing. Sometimes he performs stereotypical movements - swaying from side to side or tapping his hand.

1. Expand the baby’s range of physical exercises by introducing passive exercises with hands, turning the body, and developing grasping.

2. Vary the massage techniques: along with stroking, use lighter kneading, rubbing and patting techniques.

3. Increase the time air baths up to 6-8 minutes.

4. Finish your bath by pouring water 1 degree cooler.

5. In summer, gradually sunbathe in the shade of trees for up to 5-6 minutes.

6. Remove all sharp, heavy and fragile objects from the baby’s reach. Do not allow your child to be near containers with boiling water, hot objects (pots, iron, heater), or open fire.

Neuropsychic development and education of a 4-month-old child

To the delight of all household members, at this stage the baby begins to sleep longer at night.

He likes it big voluminous toys, painted in natural colors: green, yellow, blue, red. Toys that make sounds delight him. He listens to them, makes short pauses while shaking the toy. The child is already able to remember events and impressions for some time. Therefore, he carefully examines various objects, monitors the behavior of adults, and pays attention to the intonation of the voice.

The baby follows the object much better, focuses his gaze on it, determines the distance to it and therefore does not miss when he tries to grab it with his hand. He is already looking for the object he needs with his eyes (mother, toy, sound source) and finds it.

Karapuz openly rejoices when people turn to him. He shows his joy by animation, loud laughter, smiling, grunting, various sounds, and humming. And he also actively protests if they stop communicating with him and leave.

When the baby gets upset and cries, tears already appear in his eyes.

1. Talk to your child as much as possible. Name the objects around you.

2. Accompany the conversation with gestures, facial expressions, intonation, and actions.

3. When addressing your baby, call him by name.

4. Support him positive emotions and good mood.

5. Give him bright, colorful toys that make sounds that are easy to hold in his hands (rattles, squeakers, hammers).

6. You can place your child in a playpen with toys for a while.

7. Play ball and hide and seek with him.

8. Organize a “sandbox” at home for the little one. To do this, pour some cereal into a small bowl and let it go through it with your hands.


Now your baby has become not just an observer, but an active participant in events. He began to show initiative in communicating with people, and also learned to independently reach and take objects.