
Parent meeting in the middle group “Master class for parents on light engineering. Parents' meeting on the topic "the influence of constructive activities on the development of older preschoolers" Competitive tests for pupils

Parent meeting in the middle group “Master class for parents on light engineering.  Parent meeting on the topic

Parent meeting in the middle group “Master class for parents on light engineering”

Program content:

    To involve parents in participating in the life of the kindergarten through the search and implementation of the most effective forms of work;

    To increase level pedagogical culture parents;

    Involve parents in participation in a master class using Lego constructors

    Use the educational potential of parents to educate and raise children.

Form of conduct: Master Class

Location: music hall

Duration: 40 min

Equipment: tape recorder, magnetic boards, Lego sets, Lego software parts, life safety instructions, laptops, diagnostic sheets, pencils, sheets of paper, flash card with presentations.

Event plan:

1. introduction teacher

2. Reflection game “I want my child to be...”

3. Presentation of the group's portfolio

4. Presentation “Our successes”

5. Master class

6. Safety in summer period. Distribution of memos.

7. Miscellaneous.

1.Good evening, dear parents. We are glad to see you at our parent meeting. Thank you for coming to this meeting.

I would like to start our meeting with a small game.

Reflection game

Under your chairs there are parts of Lego software. You are invited to work together to build a ladder of success for your children. Each of you participates in its construction with the words “I want my child to be...”.

2.Now we will tell you about our successes and achievements in this academic year.

The group's teachers created our group's portfolio. Attention to the screen. (show presentation 1).

Now a little about what we did, where we participated and what we worked on throughout the year (presentation 2)

In the fall, work was carried out on a mathematics project “In the world of shape, color, size.” As part of this project, we participated in the reading competition “In the World of Mathematics,” where children took prizes. With your participation, an exhibition of handicrafts from natural material « Math riddles autumn”, the group’s math corner was replenished with various games and manuals.

IN winter period a photo exhibition “Merry New Year and Christmas holidays” was held, an exhibition of crafts with your participation “Symbol of the coming year”, New Year's party.

Work was also carried out on the project “Growing Strong, Healthy, Skillful”, the goal of which is to introduce children and parents to physical culture And healthy image life.

As part of this project, a photo exhibition “Sports in My Family” was held, the physical education corner was replenished with various sports attributes, an exhibition of sports equipment for your families was organized, and sports activities were held with children on the street.

In the spring, work was carried out on the design of duty and work corners in the group. Many thanks to the parents who provided all possible assistance in their creation (Milan’s family, Eli). In kindergarten there was a competition for the best design and we took an honorable 1st place.

We also took part in the “Favorite City without Fires” campaign. Classes were held on this topic, reminders were distributed for junior group coloring books were given to this topic.

More recently, outdoor sports and entertainment was organized for children

Throughout the year we actively used ICT during classes. This and educational presentations, and cartoons, and videos.

At the end of the year, a diagnosis of our children’s progress was carried out based on five educational fields and this is what she showed:



Every child is a born designer, inventor, and researcher. Design is the most interesting and exciting activity, it is closely related to intellectual development child. The Lego constructor allows you to learn by playing and learn through play.

For children aged three to six years, play should be the basis of learning. During the game, children begin to imitate adults, try their hand, fantasize, and experiment. Lego constructors give them the opportunity to experiment and express themselves, give them the opportunity not only to assemble a toy, but also to play with it. When assembling a constructor, a child develops very diversified, everything is involved here: perception of shapes, touch, motor skills, spatial thinking, the appearance is actively formed and consolidated successful person, human creator.

The designer encourages you to work in varying degrees and head and hands, while two hemispheres of the brain work, which affects the all-round development of the child. The child does not notice that he is mastering mental counting, the composition of numbers, and performing simple arithmetic operations. Each time, situations are involuntarily created in which the child talks about what he was so passionate about building. He wants everyone to know about his creation. This includes the development of speech and the ability to speak in public easily and naturally.

Perhaps the most important benefit of Lego is that parents can play with their children together. When there is bad weather outside, autumn rain is pouring or frost is drawing patterns, it is very important to properly organize the child’s leisure time at home. With the help of Lego, your evening leisure time will be truly exciting. This activity brings the whole family together, facilitating communication in a friendly, warm atmosphere.

Now a little about how we mastered Lego construction with children over the course of the year, mainly in classes for additional services.( presentation 3)

First, the children and I got acquainted with the Lego constructor, its varieties and properties. We examined the details: size, shape, color, what they were made of, tested experimentally for strength and buoyancy. The guys and I decided on the name of each shape: brick, cube, beak, slide, etc.

Then they learned to construct the simplest buildings, gradually moving on to more complex ones. The children constructed according to a ready-made model, according to diagrams, according to their own plans.

By playing Lego with children, we gained mathematical knowledge about counting, shape, proportion, and symmetry. Sensory representations develop as details are used different shapes, painted in primary colors.

We used Lego elements in classes to familiarize ourselves with the outside world and to develop speech.

After a detailed acquaintance with the construction set and the first joint construction experiences, the children began to play with Lego more often in independent activities, in a group, and in their free time.

In the next academic year we will continue to work on Lego construction, and this will not only be as an additional activity. payable service. Together with other teachers, over the summer we will develop a program for using Lego in mathematics classes. Children will establish what the object is like and how it differs from others; will master the ability to measure the width, length, height of objects; will begin to solve constructive problems; will develop creative thinking; During the classes, work will be done on the development of intelligence, imagination, and creative inclinations. Particular attention will be paid to the development of logical and spatial thinking

I would also like to say that design competitions are held annually in Moscow - IKaRenok- the only All-Russian competition for children preschool age. Competitions IKaRenok included in the program "From kindergarten to production"

Competitive tests for students:

    Protection creative project in accordance with the theme of the Forum.

    “Agro-researchers” - team execution of tasks. Traveling through the “stations” of technical creativity, children perform various tasks aimed at developing constructive skills, attention, memory, logical thinking, creative imagination, ability to work in a team.

    "Engineering book" containing detailed description stages of work on the project

This year, children, teachers and parents of one of the kindergartens of MADOU Joy attended these competitions. And we also strive for this.

Now we offer you a master class. It is at Ikarenok competitions that this is one of the tasks for children.

Parent meeting No. 3

Topic: “Mom, buy me a construction set.”

Target: pedagogical education of parents.

Tasks: 1. Reveal the meaning constructive activity for the comprehensive development of children.2. Introduce parents to the types of constructive activities that children master in the fifth year of life.3. Give practical recommendations parents to purchase materials for construction.Form of conduct : round table with master class elementsParticipants : group teachers, parents, children.Equipment : computer, video, construction set (4 sets), building samples, geometric shapes, white paper - squares, green. Glue. Magnets are red and green.

Preliminary work: questionnaire “The place of design in a child’s life”,
Meeting agenda: 1. Training with parents “The Spiny Beast”.

2. Speech by the teacher “The importance of constructive activities for the comprehensive development of children.”3.Watching the video exhibition “Young Designers”4. Construction with parents according to the proposed model in subgroups.

5. Analysis of the parent survey “The place of design in a child’s life” (Teacher’s speech)

6. Speech by the teacher “Recommendations for purchasing materials for construction.”

7. master class “Snowdrops” (paper construction, parents and children together)

8.reflection “The significance of design.”

Progress of the meeting :

Good evening, dear parents. We are glad to see you at our parent meeting.

    Game "Prickly Beast"

Progress of the game: the teacher shows a drawing of a mysterious animal made on a large sheet of paper. The whole beast is pricked with toothpicks stuck into the poster. The teacher explains that this is a very angry and terrible beast. He became like this for the reason that he has a lot of thorns on him, so everyone is afraid of him and does not want to play with him. The teacher asks you to help this animal get rid of its anger and irritation. The task is to take pity on the animal and reward it with good character traits. As soon as it is called good word about this animal, the teacher pulls out one thorn from it and breaks it. Gradually, the number of thorns on the animal decreases, it acquires a very kind and nice appearance, and everyone together comes up with a nickname for it.

On this note of kindness, I propose to move on to the topic of our meeting - “Mom, buy me a construction set.”

    The importance of design for the comprehensive development of children.

Define design.?

Construction (from the Latin word CONSTRUERE) - means bringing various objects, parts and elements into a certain interaction.

What types of construction do you know?

The materials used determine andtypes of design :

Construction from building materials
- Working with designers
- Construction from paper and cardboard
- Construction from natural materials
- Construction from recycled (waste) materials
- Work with textile materials

Do you think constructive activities play a role in a child’s development?

In design classes, development is carried outsensory and mental children's abilities. Children acquire not only constructive and technical skills (constructing individual objects from building materials - buildings, bridges, etc. or making various crafts from paper - Christmas decorations, boats, etc.), but also generalized skills - purposefully examine objects, compare them with each other and dismember them into parts, see what is common and different in them, find the main structural parts on which the location of other parts depends, make conclusions and generalizations .

Important, thatthinking children in the process of constructive activity has a practical orientation and is of a creative nature. When teaching children to design, planning mental activity develops, which is an important factor in the formation of educational activity. When children design a building or craft, they mentally imagine what they will be like and plan in advance how they will be completed and in what sequence.

Constructive activities promote practical knowledgeproperties of geometric bodies and spatial relationships . In this regard, children’s speech is enriched with new terms and concepts (bar, cube, pyramid, etc.), which are rarely used in other types of activities; children practice correct use concepts (tall - low, long - short, wide - narrow, large - small), in precise verbal indication of direction (above - below, right - left, down - up, behind - in front, closer, etc.).

Constructive activity is alsoa means of moral education of preschool children. In the process of this activity, such important qualities personality, such as hard work, independence, initiative, perseverance in achieving goals, organization.

Joint constructive activities of children (collective buildings, crafts) play a big role in developing initial skillsteamwork - the ability to agree in advance (distribute responsibilities, select the material necessary to complete a building or craft, plan the process of their production, etc.) and work together without interfering with each other.

Making by children various crafts and toys for a gift to mother, grandmother, sister, younger friend or peer fosters a caring and attentive attitude towards loved ones, towards comrades, the desire to do something pleasant for them. It is this desire that often makes a childwork with special zeal and diligence, which makes his work even more fulfilling and brings him great satisfaction.

Finally, constructive activity is of great importance foreducation aesthetic feelings. When introducing children to modern buildings and some architectural monuments that are understandable to them (the Kremlin, Grand Theatre etc.) artistic taste develops, the ability to admire architectural riches and understand that the value of any structure lies not only in accordance with its practical purpose, but also in its design - simplicity and clarity of forms, consistent color combinations, thoughtful decoration, etc. d.Making crafts from natural materials develops in children not only technical skills and abilities, but also a special attitude towards the world around them - children begin to see and feel the beauty of emerald moss and bright red rowan, the whimsicality of tree roots and branches, and feel the beauty and appropriateness of their combinations .However, constructive activity acquires such multifaceted significance in raising children only if systematic training is carried out, a variety of methods are used, aimed at developing not only constructive skills, but also valuable qualities of the child’s personality and mental abilities.

3.viewing photographs of children “Young Designers”
- And now we bring to your attention photographs of children engaged in construction.

You've seen how passionate our kids are about design, and now let's get parents excited too.

4. Construction according to the proposed scheme in subgroups.

Parents are divided into teams - distribute geometric shapes, the team is determined by the type of shape. Each team is offered a scheme.

Did you encounter any difficulties? Which?

5. Analysis of the questionnaire.

From the survey conducted, it is clear that at home children have a variety of construction sets - large and small Legos, puzzles, construction kits, both large and small. Children are engaged in construction at home various types designers, but construction from such sets as “Kuzner Sticks”, “Dyenesh Blocks”, from paper and natural materials, waste, is missed. We also note that parents construct with their children and believe that construction is of great importance for the development of children.

6. Recommendations for the development of constructive activities in children. When teaching children constructive activities, building materials, construction sets, paper, waste and natural materials are used.The building material is a set of various geometric bodies (cube, cylinder, prism, etc.). It is divided into small (desktop) and large. You can use various sets of small (tabletop) building materials by M.P. Agapova, sets No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, toys developed by the Research Institute, the “Communar” set, etc.There should be more material than is required for a given building (both in terms of elements and quantity) in order to teach children to select only the necessary parts that correspond to their plan.When organizing children's constructive activities from building materials, a variety of small toys depicting people, animals, plants, vehicles, etc. are also used.

Children, when creating objects around them, do not build in general, but for a specific purpose - a house for a bunny, a bridge for transport and pedestrians, etc. The use of toys in construction makes it more meaningful and purposeful and contributes to further development play activity children.

Paper, natural and waste materials . Children are given various varieties papers: thick desktop paper, writing paper, glossy paper, semi-paper, as well as thin cardboard.Variety of natural materials (cones, acorns, branches, seeds, grass, etc.) and ease of processing allow it to be widely used in working with preschoolers.For example, in the summer they collect grass of the same length, which is woven into braids; straw tied in bunches; pine, spruce, alder, larch, fir, cedar cones, then treated with wood glue (so that they do not open when drying in winter). Fruit pits (plums, apricots, peaches), thoroughly washed and dried, are collected at any time, but ash and maple seeds - only in winter.Each type of material is stored in separate box or package. When creating crafts, additional materials are used: paper, cardboard, plasticine, wire, matches; glue, tools - scissors. Everyone knows this type of origami paper construction.

And now we invite you to make a flower using the origami method. Since spring has come, this is... a snowdrop.

7. master class “Snowdrop”( origami method)

Parents are offered white or colored green paper.


At the end of our meeting, we ask you to make a small conclusion.

Invite parents to assess the degree of importance of this topic for themselves by choosing a red chip - design is important, green - does not play a role in the development of children.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

"DSKV No. 98"


parent meeting in the middle group

Topic: “Mom, buy me a construction set.”

compiled by: Kruglova E.E.


Elena Kruglova
Parent meeting “Mom, buy me a construction set”

Parent meeting No. 3

Subject: « Mother, buy me a construction set» .

Target: pedagogical education parents.


1. Reveal the meaning constructive activities for the comprehensive development of children.

2. Introduce parents with types of constructive activities, which children master in the fifth year of life.

Form of conduct: round table with master class elements

Participants: group teachers, parents, children.

Equipment: computer, video, constructor(4 sets, building samples, chips - geometric shapes, white paper - squares, green. Glue. Red and green magnets.

Preliminary work: questionnaire "Place ",

Agenda meetings:

1. Training with parents"The Spiny Beast".

2. Speech by the teacher “Meaning constructive activities for the comprehensive development of children."

3. Watching a video exhibition "Young constructors»

4. Designing with parents according to the proposed model in subgroups.

5. Questionnaire analysis parents"Place design in a child's life» (Teacher's speech)

7. master class "Snowdrops"(paper design, together parents and children)

8. reflection "Significance design» .

Progress of the meeting:

Good evening, dears parents. We are glad to see you on our parent meeting.

1. Game "The Spiny Beast"

Progress of the game: the teacher shows a drawing of a mysterious animal made on a large sheet of paper. The whole beast is pricked with toothpicks stuck into the poster. The teacher explains that this is a very angry and terrible beast. He became like this for the reason that he has a lot of thorns on him, so everyone is afraid of him and does not want to play with him. The teacher asks you to help this animal get rid of its anger and irritation. The task is to take pity on the animal and reward it with good character traits. As soon as a good word is said about this animal, the teacher pulls out one thorn from it and breaks it. Gradually, the number of thorns on the animal decreases, it acquires a very kind and nice appearance, and everyone together comes up with a nickname for it.

On this note of kindness, I propose to move on to the topic of our meetings -« Mom - buy me a construction set» .

2. Meaning design for the comprehensive development of children.

Define design. ?

Construction(from the Latin word CONSTRUERE)- means bringing various objects, parts and elements into a certain interaction.

What types design you know?

The materials used determine the types design:

- Construction from building materials

Work with designers

- Construction from paper and cardboard

- Construction from natural materials

- Construction from recycled materials(junk) materials

Working with textile materials

Do you think it plays a role? constructive activity in child development?

In class design The development of children's sensory and thinking abilities is carried out. Children not only acquire constructive and technical skills(construct individual objects from building material - buildings, bridges, etc. or make various crafts from paper - Christmas tree decorations, boats, etc., but also generalized skills - purposefully examine objects, compare them with each other and dismember them into parts , see the common and different in them, find the main structural parts, on which the location of other parts depends, make inferences and generalizations.

It is important that children's thinking is in process constructive activities are practical and creative in nature. When teaching children design planning mental activity develops, which is an important factor in the formation of educational activities. Children, designing construction or craft, mentally imagine what they will be like, and plan in advance how they will be carried out and in what sequence.

Constructive The activity promotes practical knowledge of the properties of geometric bodies and spatial relationships. In this regard, children's speech is enriched with new terms and concepts (bar, cube, pyramid, etc., which are rarely used in other types of activities; children practice the correct use of concepts (tall - low, long - short, wide - narrow, large - small, in a precise verbal indication of the direction (above - under, right - left, down - up, behind - in front, closer, etc.).

Constructive activity is also a means moral education preschoolers. In the process of this activity, such important personality qualities as hard work, independence, initiative, perseverance in achieving goals, and organization are formed.

Joint children's constructive activities(collective buildings, crafts) plays a big role in developing the initial skills of working in a team - the ability to agree in advance (distribute responsibilities, select the material necessary to complete a building or craft, plan the process of their production, etc.) and work together without interfering with each other.

Children making various crafts and toys as gifts for their mother, grandmother, sister, younger friend or peer fosters a caring and attentive attitude towards loved ones, towards comrades, and a desire to do something nice for them. It is this desire that often makes a child work with special zeal and diligence, which makes his activity even more fulfilling and brings him great satisfaction.

Finally, constructive activity is of great importance for the education of aesthetic feelings. When introducing children to modern buildings and some architectural monuments that are understandable to them (Kremlin, Bolshoi Theater, etc.) artistic taste develops, the ability to admire architectural riches and understand that the value of any structure lies not only in compliance with its practical purpose, but also in its design - simplicity and clarity of forms, consistent color combinations, thoughtful decoration, etc.

Making crafts from natural materials develops in children not only technical skills and abilities, but also a special attitude towards the world around them - children begin to see and feel the beauty of emerald moss and bright red rowan, the whimsicality of tree roots and branches, and feel the beauty and appropriateness of their combinations .

However, such multilateral significance in raising children constructive activity acquires only under the condition of systematic training, the use of a variety of methods aimed at developing not only constructive skills, but also valuable qualities of the child’s personality, his mental abilities.

3. viewing photos of children "Young constructors»

And now we bring to your attention photographs of busy children design.

Have you seen how passionate our guys are? design, and now let’s get carried away and parents.

4. Construction according to the proposed scheme in subgroups.

Parents are divided into teams - distribute geometric figures, the team is determined by the type of figure. Each team is offered a scheme.

Did you encounter any difficulties? Which?

5. Analysis of the questionnaire.

From the survey, it is clear that children have a variety of constructors-Legos large and small, puzzles, construction sets, both large and small. Children study at home construction from various types of constructors, but is missed design from sets such as "Kuzner Sticks", "Dyenes Blocks", from paper and natural materials, waste. We also note that parents design with their children, and believe that design is of great importance for the development of children.

When teaching children constructive activities, building materials are used, constructors, paper, waste and natural materials.

The building material is a set of various geometric bodies (cube, cylinder, prism, etc.). It is divided into small (desktop) and large. You can use a variety of small sets (desktop) building material by M. P. Agapova, sets No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, developed by the Toy Research Institute, set "Communar" and etc.

There should be more material than is required for a given building (both in terms of elements and quantity, in order to teach children to select only the necessary parts that correspond to their plan.

Organizing a nursery constructive activities from building materials; a variety of small toys depicting people, animals, plants, vehicles, etc. are also used.

Children, when creating objects around them, do not build in general, but for a specific purpose - a house for a bunny, a bridge for transport and pedestrians, etc. Using toys in design makes it more meaningful and purposeful and contributes to the further development of children’s play activities.

Paper, natural and waste materials.

Children are given different varieties paper: thick tabletop, writing, glossy, semi-paper, as well as thin cardboard.

Variety of natural materials (cones, acorns, branches, seeds, grass, etc.) and ease of processing allow it to be widely used in working with preschoolers.

For example, in the summer they collect grass of the same length, which is woven into braids; straw tied in bunches; pine, spruce, alder, larch, fir, cedar cones, then treated with wood glue (so that they do not open when drying in winter). Fruit pits (plums, apricots, peaches, thoroughly washed and dried, are collected at any time, but ash and maple seeds - only in winter.

Each type of material is stored in a separate box or bag. When creating crafts, additional materials: paper, cardboard, plasticine, wire, matches; glue, tools - scissors. Everyone knows this look paper origami designs.

And now we invite you to make a flower using the origami method. Since spring has come, this is... a snowdrop.

7. master class "Snowdrop"(origami method)

Parents We offer white and colored green paper.

7. reflection.

At the end of our meeting, we ask you to make a small conclusion.

Offer parents assess the degree of importance of this topic for yourself by choosing a red chip - design is important, green does not play a role in the development of children.

Summary of the parent meeting “Formation of the inclinations of creative design with the help of various constructors. Beginning of work. Prospects for the future."

    Speech by a teacher, report “The role of construction in the development of preschool children”

Good afternoon, dear parents, we are pleased to welcome you to our parent meeting.

So, I will start our meeting with a short report.

The term “design” came to us from the Latin language, where the wordconstrueremeans the creation of a model, construction, bringing into a certain order and the relationship of various objects, parts, elements.

Design is a productive activity because it is aimed at obtaining a specific product. As a type of activity, it plays an important role in the overall mental development of the child, meets the interests and needs of children, and is cognitive and creative in nature. In the process of constructive activity, children form the foundations of volitional behavior and thus, engaging in this type of activity contributes to the development of personal readiness for school.

Sometimes, many parents try to buy as many different toys as possible; it seems to them that the more there are, the better the child will play. This is, naturally, a mistaken opinion. Oversaturating a child with toys is just as harmful as oversaturating a child with food. It is better if the child has not only ready-made toys, but also easily transformable objects that can serve as assistants for the child, satisfying his needs.

(Remember yourself: probably all of us in our childhood on the playground came across various sticks and boards. We could easily adapt them to any of our games. Can we confidently say the same about our children? Most often, they pass by...)

There are various types of constructive activities, each of which contributes to the formation of cognitive and social motives for learning.

Design based on a model - children are offered samples of buildings made from parts of building materials. The activity is based on imitation, which is an important learning stage.

Construction according to conditions - children are not given samples of buildings, but only the conditions that the building must meet are determined (eg: have a bridge, a triangular roof, etc.) for the child this is a problematic situation that he must solve independently. In the process of such construction, the child develops the ability to analyze conditions and build his activities on this basis.

Design using the simplest samples and diagrams is a modeling activity in which the external and individual functional features of certain objects are recreated from parts of building materials.

Designing by theme - this form of designing is very close in nature to designing by design, with the only difference being that children’s ideas here are limited to a specific topic.

Design according to plan (creative design) – promotes the development of children’s creativity, in which their independence is manifested. After all, here, the child himself decides what he will build. However, it must be remembered that creating a plan for a future design and its implementation is a rather difficult task for preschoolers, since plans are unstable and often change in the process of activity.

Hence, it should be noted that design work strives to develop children's creative design skills.

Why was this particular topic chosen and brought to the whole parent meeting? The Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory has identified priority areas of preschool education - one of which is the “Children's Technomir” project. This project is aimed at developing children's creative technical design. The result of work in this direction is the robotics forum “Engineering Personnel of Russia. "IKarenok."

Today we will try to work on this project, going through all the stages.

As you already understand, this is a ROBOTICS forum, i.e. What will be the result of our work? Robot!

But in order for children to be able to create this product according to their own ideas, they must learn to act using various means! As you have already noticed, in our group, work in this area is already underway. We already have various designers, which I suggest you work with, during our work we will talk, I will answer your questions.

I think we have learned how to act and organize something from this equipment, it’s time to move to the next level - assembling a robot.

It's not enough to build a robot. It must also meet our needs. Roughly speaking, do what we need. Therefore, work on creating a robot is built in two directions: design and programming. This is what constructors serve us for.LegoWeDoknown as "First Robot" andLegoWeDo2.0, as well as basic software for them. Today we will work with the constructorLegoWeDo"First Robot".(working on a robot)

    Answers to parents' questions.

Dear parents, do you think this is interesting? Does it carry this work educational tasks? Is this type of activity necessary for your children? Will we continue to work in this direction? Will we work together to prepare our children for the IKarenok robotics forum?

And now I invite you to ask all the questions that interest you.

Protocol No. 3

From 04/18/2018



Subject:“Formation of the inclinations of creative design with the help of various constructors. Beginning of work. Prospects for the future"


    Teacher's report "The role of construction in the development of preschool children."

    Presentation of various equipment from the group of designers.

    Master class “Do-it-yourself first robot”.

    Summing up the results of the parent meeting.

Progress of the parent meeting:

At the beginning of the meeting, the teacher greeted all the parents present. Organizational issues were discussed with the parents, after which the teacher made a report on a topical topic for the given age of children: “The role of construction in the development of preschool children.” Parents asked questions that concerned them, to which the teacher gave answers. Then, parents were presented with various construction sets, purchased recently, to develop creative technical design skills. Next, a master class “Do-it-yourself first robot” was held with the parents, during which the parents themselves assembled the robot using detailed instructions, and then independently, creating your own unique mechanism. At the end of the meeting, the teacher asked exciting questions, to which the parents gave clear answers, and the results of the meeting were summed up.


    Continue working on developing children's technical design skills.


Parents Committee Representative:

Parent meeting on the topic: “The role and significance of toys in a child’s life.”

Target: Show parents the degree to which they understand their child based on game content, show the importance of games and toys in the development of a child, develop playing skills with their child, discuss the issue of organizing a play environment in a family setting.

Preliminary work:Questioning parents.

The game “The Toy I Like” is played individually with each child. From 10 to 15 toys, the child is asked to choose the toy that he likes. The set of toys can be arbitrary. When the child chooses toys, he is invited to take a photo with the toy. Video clip with the participation of children on the topic “Games and toys”. Slide – show “Children in kindergarten”.

Material: A variety of large and medium-sized toys, TSO CD radio, multimedia equipment for showing presentations. Progress: Parents sit on chairs placed on three sides.

Presenter: Good evening dear parents. Today we have invited you to a round table, and our topic will be the following riddles, guess it yourself...

Small in stature, but brave,

He galloped away from me. (ball)

The baby is dancing,

And only one leg. (spinster)

The fraction beats off,

Walking helps. (drum)

There are different girlfriends nearby,

But they look alike.

They all sit next to each other,

And just one toy. (matryoshka)

Are you going to play in the sandbox?

You need to take something with you. (bucket)

When April takes its toll

And the streams run ringing,

I jump over it

And she through me. (jump rope)

She doesn't need a driver at all.

Including - you start it,

The wheels will start spinning.

Place it and she will rush. (wind-up machine)

What one concept can you call all these objects you guessed?

Toy - This is an item specially designed for children's games. Toys help a child realize his plans, bring play closer to reality, and develop the child’s communication with society and adaptation to society. The poetess L. Fadeeva in the poem “First Performance” very accurately conveyed emotional condition child at such an “uncomfortable” moment for him:

I'm standing on stage.

The hall fell silent.

And I am silent:

Don't remember the verse!

I stand and think about

Cry now or later.

To help emotionally depressed children, we use dolls in our practice. Psychologically hiding behind a toy, speaking on its behalf, the child becomes more open and courageous in contacts with others. Begins, as it were, to try on himself different models social behavior.

Without toys and games there is no happy childhood; it is impossible to raise a healthy, emotional, full-fledged person.

Game “Grandma’s Story “Games of Our Childhood”.”

It's no secret that yard games have disappeared. But they taught children the need for communication and helped resolve contentious conflicts.

Clap your hands those of you who jumped over an elastic band; those who played hopscotch, stamp your right foot; those who played tag, stamp your left foot.

Training : “My favorite toy as a child.”Musical accompaniment is turned on.

Ved: And now, I ask you to sit more comfortably and surrender to the memories of your childhood. At a time when you were as small as your children. Imagine that you are five, six, seven years old. Imagine yourself at the age at which you remember yourself better. You are playing with your favorite toy. Remember what it looks like, what games you play with it. This toy is your most precious and beloved one. You are very “attached” to her. A favorite toy brings you joy and peace. You are happy in your own way. And now, I wanted you to tell me about your favorite toy. And about that toy that you may have dreamed of as a child, but there was no way to get it.

Parents' speech. Parents pass the seven-flowered flower to each other.

Presenter: We subconsciously understand that we remember our favorite toy all our lives and this gives us positive emotions. When we remember, we feel the warmth from which we have moved so far away.

What do you think adults should do to ensure that our children remember their toys with pleasure after many years?


Well, so that our answers are not repeated, I offer you this magic chest.

Game "Magic Chest"

The chest contains eggs from Kinder surprises. In them, on strips of paper, various questions are written. The parent takes the Kinder and answers the question.

Presenter: Today we are convinced that every person has favorite toys that he remembers all his life. Your children have them too. Exemplary parents should know what toys their child likes and respect his choice. After all, you yourself developed his choice, raised him.

Sometimes in the morning children come to the garden without a mood, capricious, aggressive, not wanting to answer the question “What happened?”, “Why are you so sad?” etc. There are quite a lot of toys in kindergarten, but during the day the child wants to see and play with his favorite toy, the one that, for various reasons from parents, cannot be taken to school. kindergarten. In order to prevent your child’s mood from spoiling, what do you do? What can you recommend?

Parents' speech.

Training: "A toy in my child's life."

Video clip “Which toy did your child choose”

A picture with a variety of toys is shown.

Presenter: You are presented different types, toy sizes. What toy do you think your child would choose? How truly can you see the world through your child's eyes?

Now let’s see which toy your child actually chose.

Continuation of the video “Which toy did your child choose?”

Presenter. We all always remain children at heart. We want to be capricious, we enjoy playing with the children.

Now I suggest you turn into children for a while and play the game “Assemble a building.”

Game "Assemble a building."

Parents are divided into three teams. Each team has identical diagrams of several buildings made from small cubes. The team's task is to build as many buildings as possible on the table in 1 minute.

Presenter. Well done parents, you coped with this task. Now let's see how you can solve puzzles.

Game "Solve the puzzle."

Leaves, apples, and butterflies “hang” on the tree. Parents “take” any picture. On the reverse side is a picture of a rebus. Parents' task: to solve their puzzle.

Presenter. You all completed the task. Then I suggest you read the poem. Only it is written unusually - from right to left.

Game "Read a poem"

Each parent reads one word from the poem, written from right to left.

Presenter. Each of us thinks that we know everything about our child: about his tastes, preferences.
The children were asked a number of questions:

*What games do you like to play the most and why?

* What toys do you buy most often in the store and why?

*Who is your favorite player to play with and why?

*In which computer games you're playing?

Let's see what the children answered.

Video clip.

Presenter. Now I want to tell you a story that could have happened anywhere.

P. Maisky, st. Unknown. Summer morning. Everyone is still sleeping. A garbage truck drives up to the house. The car alarm goes off. Mom wakes up. Puts on the kettle. Dad goes to the bathroom. The door creaks. The baby cries even louder. Mom calms the baby. Everyone is here. It's time to visit grandma. Everyone gets into the car. Doors slam shut. The motor turns on. The car is driving on the highway. A car drives past at high speed. There is a traffic police post ahead. Policeman's whistle. Thank God, not us. We turned off the road. There is a village ahead. The dog barked habitually. The geese cackled. The ducks screamed. The piglets grunted. And suddenly…

Now let's tell this story without words.

Parents take pieces of paper on which it is written what kind of character he will be.

So, p. Maisky, st. Unknown, summer morning...

Presenter. Dear parents! Today our meeting was dedicated to games and toys. I wanted to convey to you that a toy for a child is not just fun, but also an effective development tool, a help in improving movements, senses, and understanding of speech.

By age five large toys gradually cease to occupy the child and move from the play area to chairs, beds, and cabinets. But sets of little animals, soldiers, and doll families capture the child’s interest and emotions. Greater opportunity to play different options with the same toys; Children develop fantasy and imagination, thinking ceases to be concrete, and the emotional world is enriched.

For a six year old childnon-static and concrete toys are more useful and interesting - he will be happy with an unusual construction set, models of ships and airplanes, beautiful markers and an entertaining board game, sewing and knitting kit.

Children really like toys made with my own hands, especially if they become useful to others. Children at this age love to make toys-gifts ( oven mitts, napkins, decorations). Toy stores are fading into the background, and the greatest interest among children is caused by counters with stationery, building materials, threads and buttons. The child prepares himself for a change in activity and schooling.

– Let's see what modern toys our children play with and what impact they have. I will briefly talk about these toys, and if you agree with me, raise a green card, if not, a red card and justify your decision.

– The game is a diagnostic tool mental state child.
Majority modern toys capable of giving birth to monsters in the soul of a small person. Unfortunately, not only psychologists, but also child psychiatrists and doctors have to deal with this more and more often. They have more and more work.

- Do you agree or not?

– Now there are a large number of toys on sale that have come off TV screens and promoted by children’s TV series: Pokémon, monsters, Spider-Man, Batman. These toys contribute to the accumulation of aggressive fantasies of the child

The category of monsters includes all kinds of transformable toys: man-machine, man-robot, man-monster. Adults seem to have forgotten that a toy is not just fun. She implants in the child’s soul the initial concepts of good and evil. And it’s dangerous if this happens in a game with a negative hero. Any action played out by a child can reproduce itself in reality. The toy programs the child's behavior. And it is important to understand how the toy works and what kind of program it contains.

- Do you agree or not?

Undoubtedly, a child should have a certain set of toys that contribute to the development of his sensory perception, thinking, and horizons, allowing him to play out real and fairy-tale situations and imitate adults.

– Toys from real life:

doll family (maybe a family of animals), dollhouse, furniture, dishes, cars, boats, construction sets, cash register, scales, medical and hairdressing supplies, watches, washing machines, stoves, televisions, crayons and boards, abacus, musical instruments, railways, telephone, etc.

- Do you agree or not?

– Which doll is better to buy: Baby Doll or Barbie? In this dispute, the age of the child plays a big role. Preschool girls have a strong instinct of motherhood, it is embodied in playing with a doll that they want to nurse, treat, put to bed, feed, or roll in a stroller. And Barbie needs to be dressed, undressed, and new things must be purchased for her. Her way of life is endless outfits, entertainment, and changing partners. In relation to the doll, the girl will feel like a maid or, at best, a friend, and not a mother.

If a girl plays with a baby doll that looks the same as the girl, then the girl does not have a contradiction between herself (between the girl she sees in the mirror and the one she holds in her hands). Barbie is an adult beautiful girl with developed forms - the child passes this image through himself (figure, lifestyle, style of behavior). This leads to the fact that the girl strives for the image, for the Barbie figure, and does not accept what she has.

Thus, it makes sense to buy Barbie for a schoolgirl - unlike a preschool girl, she will appreciate its beauty and the play opportunities it provides, but will not be under the pressure of a rigid “program” that this doll dictates.

- Do you agree or not?

– Toys that help “throw out” aggression:

Toy soldiers, guns, balls, inflatable bags, pillows, rubber toys, jump ropes, skittles, as well as throwing darts, etc.

Aggressive toys provoke games with a corresponding mood. During aggressive play, children scare each other with weapons,

Such fear may have irreversible consequences in the future. In addition, children may develop fears that will manifest themselves in later life. Some children are in force psychological characteristics are prone to aggression towards others; playing with military toys exacerbates this feeling in children.

At the same time, in the preschool period, toys (all kinds of weapons, soldiers, tanks, etc.) help to find a way out of the internal aggression that is hidden in every person. If it spills out through “war” games, then in real life a person becomes calmer and more balanced. Children have much more energy than adults, and it must have an outlet. But if you notice that aggression regularly becomes the main content of the game, this may indicate that the child’s level is too high. It's worth pointing out Special attention and possibly) consult a specialist.

- Do you agree or not?

– Toys for the development of creative imagination and self-expression:

Cubes, construction sets, alphabet books, Board games, cut pictures or postcards, plasticine paints, mosaics, needlework kits, threads, pieces of fabric, applique paper, glue, etc.

- Do you agree or not?

Soft toy. Its main purpose is to give the baby tenderness. It is used by psychotherapists, psychologists and doctors: a fluffy bear, a cute elephant, and a shaggy dog ​​can cure a child of fears and even bedwetting. American psychologists, studying baby monkeys, discovered the following: if a monkey is given the opportunity to choose between two surrogate mothers, one of which is made of cold wire, but with a bottle of milk, and the other faux fur, but without a bottle, then the frightened and hungry cub chooses... the second one: soft and cozy, giving him a much-needed feeling of security. It's no wonder our children love furry animals so much.

- Do you agree or not?

– For older children, you can buy buildings for ships, planes, and boats. For girls, beautiful kits for embroidery, beading, painting on fabric and wood. These games teach children to be independent, hardworking, and caring for their neighbors. After all, it’s much more pleasant to embroider a napkin for mom, give dad a model airplane for his birthday, or please his sister with a bauble. Any thing made with your own hands is the best for a child and the most expensive gift for his friends or parents.

- Do you agree or not?

– By imitating adults, the child reproduces the relationships that he observes. If a child abuses his toy during play, treats it carelessly, then this leads to the child developing first bad habits and then appear negative traits character – selfishness, sloppiness, stubbornness.

On the contrary, if a child is affectionate with his toy and puts it back in its place, then he develops a caring attitude towards things, hard work, sociability and other valuable qualities. The development of a child’s play activity is carried out with the active participation of an adult. In order for a child to love the game and be able to play for a long time and with concentration, he must be taught this. The game becomes richer and more meaningful from communication with an adult. Parents should be interested in their children's games, help expand their plots, not consider the game as empty fun and pay due attention to it. After all, the game not only amuses the baby, but also develops it.

- Do you agree or not?

Educational (didactic) toys play a special role in the development of a child. Didactic toys are used for the development and learning of a child. Unfortunately, now educational toys are expensive, and for the full development of the baby you need to play with them often. A little imagination and hard work, and you can make excellent manuals that will be useful for your children.

- Do you agree or not?

– At the end of our meeting, I bring to your attention a reminder for concerned parents.

And also viewingvideo clip “Our group”

Analysis of parent surveys.


“Toys as a reflection of a person’s character”

v Ball games they say that before us is a man of action, he is not inclined to long thoughts, acts quickly and decisively - it is difficult to restrain him. He is characterized by unpretentiousness in everyday life, inattention to uncomfortable living conditions, but it is very important for him that his interests are shared by close people and who are as active as he is.

v Dolls indicate that a person is interested in communicating with other people, the world social relations. He is characterized by immersion in the chosen role and game - he does not always understand what he wants and who he really is. This may predetermine the fragility of relationships with loved ones.

v Plush Toyslike a person who loves new sensations and experiences, he is very impressionable and emotional, dependent on the attitude of the people around him, so he needs to realize his need for warmth and affection through communication with soft teddy bear toys, dogs, bunnies. Such a person can be a source of childish joy in life for those around him, or he can also be a whiner who infects his negative emotions others if he feels deprived of attention and affection.

v Paints They are interested in sincere people, they are open to the world in all its manifestations, sensitive to its joys and sorrows, receptive to relationships with other people. They may be characterized by both aggression and depression, so you need to treat them very carefully, not forgetting that they are easy to hurt.

v Exercises with plasticinethey say that the child is inclined to improve the old and create a new reality, those around him get so used to this that they constantly expect him to change circumstances and the world around him for the better, and he may be weighed down by such a burden of responsibility, such a person sometimes finds it difficult to draw the line between fiction and reality.

v Constructors appeal to those who do not really like to change something in themselves, prefer the usual course of events, at the same time, having conceived something, they do not turn away from the chosen path, but show persistence and determination, even stubbornness, and achieve their plans.

v Passion for soldierscharacteristic of people who like to make maneuvers, they easily adapt to changing information, love to compete and, of course, win. Then this passion turns into a passion for checkers, chess and computer games.

V Books They love dreamers, they are inquisitive, they have an inquisitive mind. Being carried away by fiction and fantasies, they can be completely helpless and indifferent to everyday life and everyday problems