
Scenario matinee new year at school. School event. New Year's party in elementary school. Scenario New Year's mornings in elementary school scenarios

Scenario matinee new year at school.  School event.  New Year's party in elementary school.  Scenario New Year's mornings in elementary school scenarios

New Year's party script primary school 2015

Actors: Snow Maiden and Santa Claus, Host, Baba Yaga, Tsar, Tsaritsa, Nesmeyana, athletes, magicians, singers and dancers.

Music sounds. To the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, children come out, lead a round dance.

Leading: We ask all teachers to the hall

We ask all the children to the Christmas tree

We ask their parents

Everyone should seriously take part in the holiday,

So that in the final Santa Claus

Wish us happiness!

It's time to start the holiday

We collect all the guys

The Christmas tree festival is starting!

For congratulations, the floor is given to the director of our school Sukhoruchenko Valentina Ivanovna.

Music sounds. The Snow Maiden comes out.

Snow Maiden: Hello kids,

Girls and boys!

Happy New Year! Hello everyone!

Peace, kindness, love and light!

Happiness also, sonorous laughter,

Good snow for the joy of children!

presenter: Hello, Snow Maiden! Why did you come to our party alone? Where is Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden: Soon, soon Santa Claus will knock on the door. And he will bring gifts to everyone who believes in miracles! And now, in order not to be bored, I propose to guess my riddle.

Snow glitters on the branches, a star burns above

And up to the very top, all in toys and crackers! (Christmas tree)

Baba Yaga runs.

B.I: Well, iris, fun? Oh wow, they're having fun! They had so much fun that they didn’t even notice that someone was missing at the celebration.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus?

B.Ya.: Oh naive! Hey, you, irises, snowflakes, bunnies, who is not at the party?

All the guys shout: Teachers!

B.Ya.: A-ah-ah ... I won’t give it back, I won’t give it back!

Snow Maiden: Baba Yaga, why are you ruining the holiday for the guys?

B.Ya.: I'm bored, I'm alone in the forest, so I decided to unwind!

Snow Maiden: So join us!

B.I: Whoa, made me laugh! So that I sing songs around the Christmas tree and dance round dances?! Well, that's what, complete my task - I'll give the hostages, and if you can't do it - I'll eat it!

Snow Maiden: We agree!

Presenter: Guys, can you help? (the game is underway on “The giraffe has spots, spots”)

Snow Maiden: Guys, did we cope with the task of Baba Yaga? (Yes!) Come on Yaga, give us our teachers!

B.Ya. I won't give up!

Snow Maiden: Oh, you liar!

presenter: Wait, Snow Maiden. Now let's talk to her! ( shows fist). And let's ask Baba Yaga, is she afraid of snow and frost? She's probably afraid, she's trembling all over. Let's play with you. I need five daredevils from the first class. We stand, we close our eyes. And we will also tie up grandmother Yaga. Now we take snowballs, and tries to overcome evil spirit. And the audience will help us, they will tell us where to throw - higher, lower, right or left. Agreed with you? Well, let's get started then.

B.Ya.: What are you, what are you, killer whales, I was joking! Yes, take them, they are too skinny, anyway, no fat from them, skin and bones! (go out to the music of the teacher)

School event for New Year. Scenario

New Year's party: "New adventures of Kai and Gerda"

This event will be useful for teachers looking for new activities and activities in a modern look at the tales of different writers.
Target: organization of festive leisure for schoolchildren, development of creative abilities of children and adolescents. Contribute to the formation of a friendly school team. Unleash the creativity of children through different kinds activities.
- Develop the capacity for emotional responsiveness.
- Attach to performing activities: dancing, playing, singing.
- To cultivate the ability to behave at a holiday, to rejoice oneself and bring joy to others.

Choir song "Hoarfrost"
magic music 1.
Leading. There are many wonderful holidays
Everyone comes in their turn.
But the best holiday in the world
Most the best holiday- it is a New Year!

Child 1: He comes in winter sometimes,
Having swirled snowflakes in a round dance,
The beauty of the mysterious and strict
Fills the heart of the New Year!

Leading. Why do we love the New Year?

Child 2: The brightest for the holiday.
For the fact that Santa Claus will come
And bring gifts.
The rain will shine on the tree,
Light up with lights.
And Grandma Ezhka will fly,
To have fun with us.

Presenter: Will fly and bring
A story behind you!
Will gather all the girlfriends
To your mischievous dance!
Dance kikimore.2
After the dance, everyone gives Baba Yaga 5 and she greets them.
A dialogue is started.

Baba Yaga: girls, look what a wonderful Christmas tree! Who dressed her up? Something needs to be corrected here. Nuka babonki help me!
Music 3. Decorate, straighten the Christmas tree.
BY: how are the girls celebrating New Year's Eve these days? As usual with pranks and dirty tricks?
Kikimora: Yes, I would love to. But there is one catch here!
B: What could happen? Has old age crept in?
Witch: yes, here who is more terrible than us, madam appeared. It's as weird as we put together.
BA: who is that? What is more wonderful and even more beautiful than us?
Witch: Look
(all look at magic ball from the tree)
They nod, whisper.
Her name is the Snow Queen.
BY: so let's take her into our ranks?
Kikimora: nothing will come of it! She either freezes or enchants everyone, and also takes them to her cold castle.
Witch: and no one dares to argue with her! Fear.
Sorceress: the girls are hiding, the SC is coming. And then we're done.
They hide behind the tree.
Magical music sounds in the background. Appears The Snow Queen. Seeing the Christmas tree snorts.
SC: who's having so much fun here? Who NG was going to celebrate? The most disgusting holiday ever! I don't like holidays at all! I will enchant this Christmas tree. Today, many children around her will have fun. Whoever touches it, his heart will become cold and icy. And I'll take him to my castle. I will cover the road to my castle with snow and no one will find us!!!
The music is louder. He conjures, laughs terribly and disappears.
Music 5. Kai and Gerda run into the hall. play snowballs, have fun, laugh. Kai stops when he sees the tree.
Kai: Gerda, look what a beauty!!!
Gerda takes Kai by the hand and leads him away from the Christmas tree.
Gerda: wait, look here guys. Let's play with them, and then we will admire the Christmas tree!
Music 6 Games.
Find a candy
Leaflets are laid out throughout the room, on the back of which sweets or sad faces are drawn. The task of the kids is to collect as many leaves with a painted candy as possible. They can be exchanged for real candy.
Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden (or other characters according to the script) hold in their hands a hoop entwined with Christmas tree tinsel. Cotton balls (“snowballs”) are poured onto the floor. On the command of the heroes, children throw lumps into the hoops, then the number of hits in the Santa Claus hoop and in the Snow Maiden's hoop is counted.
In front of the main Christmas tree, two small Christmas trees and two boxes with unbreakable New Year's toys. Three people are called to each Christmas tree. At the command of Santa Claus, the children dress them up. Whoever quickly and accurately decorates his Christmas tree with all the toys from the box wins.
Kai again approaches the tree and touches it.
Scary music sounds 7. And as if changes are taking place in him. He pulls his hand away from the tree.
Kai: what an ugly tree!!!
Gerda: What's the matter with you Kai, yes it's the best beautiful tree all over the forest?
Kai: what are you telling me? I saw myself in the mirror.
Gerda covers her face with her hands as if crying, and goes aside.
This is where the SC comes in.
SK: one got caught!!! I'm bored alone in my snow blocks. Will you live with me? I care about you and I will love you no less than Gerda!
She takes him by the hand and leads him away.
Gerda takes her hands off her face and sees that Kaya is taking SK away.

Gerda: what should I do? How can I get it back now? After all, the UK will not just give it away. Yes, I don't know the way.
Kikimora, BYA, a witch, a sorceress peek out from behind the Christmas tree.
BE: gone! So what are you! Do not worry! Come meet New Year's with us, we have fun! And we have fun!
Go out to Gerda.
Gerda: what NG? What fun without Kai!? I can't have fun without it!!!
Kikimora: the girl clearly fell in love! Need to do something!
BO: so so love, love. I've heard something already ... so okay, I still don't remember. and what shall we do?
Witch: so can her it's in the city of love? Send to Paris? I have guys I know there. Maybe they can help.
BA: what kind of boys?
Witch: Yes, I know who she has there. Do you remember Yagusha Koshchey 100 years ago complaining about pain in the bones. Did we advise him to eat yogurt then as a joke?
BY: and so that's where I heard about love. Well, yes, we joked then famously. So what?
Witch: So I ate, I ate for 100 years, I collected jars, and then once I won a ticket with friends to Paris. One way is true.
BY: well, let's rush at the same time and return them home. Right now, just whistle and we're there! The whistlers salute the broom and leave.
The light goes out. There is a stove and a model on the stage eiffel tower.
Music 9. Dance of Koshchei and his friends.
Koschey: hello girls!
Goblin: is there a new one in your ranks?
He looks at Gerda with interest.
BO: yes wait
Pulls the goblin
here is the story. But more on that later. Well, how did you find love here in the city of love?
Koschey: there is nothing to catch here.
BA: Don't worry, we're behind you. Kind of boring without you. If you don't go to BYA, she goes to you.
But for this girl such a story - her Groom was taken away by the UK.
Kikimora: bewitched and led away!
Famously one-eyed: so I can be her fiancé! I have arms and legs and an eye alone, I won’t look at it painfully !!!
Witch: No, she loves her Kai.
Goblin, well, then we don’t know how to help.
BY: The evil spirits are going home to the forest, and here we are still thinking about what's what with Koshchei.
The evil is leaving. On stage Koschey, Gerda, BYa.
Koschey: well, I don’t even know, I know how to arrange all sorts of dirty tricks, but I don’t know how to help. But I know riddles, maybe they will help
"All green in needles. These are our children ..." Answers: "Christmas tree" Not right - this is a hedgehog that fell into a jar of brilliant green.
Host: stop. We do not need such riddles with ten answers. Let's be more serious, now you're joking, January 1 will never come.
Leading: I swept everything around,
Arriving from the kingdom of blizzards.
Autumn, best friend,
I sent it south.
I am frosty and white
And came to you for a long time. (Winter)

I am such a fashionista that everyone is surprised!
I love beads, sequins - any jewelry.
But on my, believe me, great misfortune
I only get dressed once a year.
(Christmas tree.)

Gerda: Winter Rain
From baby stars
Don't knock on windows
Doesn't rattle on the roof.
This rain
Sparkles in the air
And then to the ground
Lies down with a tablecloth.

Koschey: oh, I also remembered one
There was a girl from St. Petersburg, carrying a jar of beads,
She scattered it, no one will collect it:
Neither the king, nor the queen, nor the red maiden.
Answer: Star
Gerda: Zvezda... definitely Zvezda's friends, they will help us light the way to the castle!!! Let's ask them for help!
Music 11. Dance with lanterns.
Everyone goes along the path indicated by the stars to the castle to the SC. Kai sits there and collects the word from fragments, and SK sits on the throne.
Gerda, seeing Kai, runs up to him, takes him by the hand.
Kai: Get away, get away, get away! He pushes her away
Gerda hugs him..
Come with me
Kai: No.
Gerda is crying. magical music sounds.
She leaves. Kai seemed to come to his senses. He turns Gerda around, takes her by the hand
Gerda! Gerda!
Your tears melted my heart
Your smile dreamed of me again and again,
I heard every evening
What are you calling me.

Gerda: And I ran with mute melancholy and sadness,
I wanted to scream, but carried some kind of nonsense,
I ran with only one feeling,
Not to hear this word from you - no.
Kai: We can't leave like that, because the guys helped us so much. We need to cut the tree. After all, all hope is only on us.
BO: we can't leave them without a tree.
SK rises from the throne.
SK: today you defeated my witchcraft, take your Kai, I will find myself a new boy. But you won’t be able to disenchant the Christmas tree !!!
Gerda: how to be? After all, the New Year is coming soon, and the Christmas tree is the main decoration of this holiday.
BY: maybe look into the ball of the sorceress, suddenly it will help.
Everyone looks at the ball. The melody of bells sounds.
KAI: my heart hasn't completely thawed yet, but I remember that tune. What do you guys think, what kind of music is this?
Gerda: Definitely, DM with the Snow Maiden can help us.
BY: how do we call them?
Gerda: just shout DM Snegurochka come to us!!!
Scream with the children. The DM and the Snow Maiden appear.
DM: Hello, dear viewers -
Children and parents!
We haven't seen you for a long time.
We missed you very much.
Snow Maiden. hello girls,
Hello boys
I'm glad to meet you at the festival!
With a smart Christmas tree, I congratulate you,
Joy, happiness to all of you.
BY: we dressed up the Christmas tree, but SK bewitched it and now we don’t know what to do, how to celebrate NG without a Christmas tree.
DM: so here everyone just guys get up in a round dance.
Round dance.
Father Frost. It's time to light the fires on the spruce,
For the kids to have fun.
Everyone managed to make friends here -
Dance and sing at least until the morning!
Follow me guys repeat
My simple words:
"One two Three,
Christmas tree, turn on the lights.
Children repeat the words 3 times, and the lights on the Christmas tree do not light up. All heroes rejoice.
Snow Maiden: what a beauty!
Leading to the melody says the words
Presenter: Guys, why do you think we managed to remove the witchcraft of the UK and drive it away, and why did the negative characters who usually spoil our holiday help Gerda today? What helped her achieve and find her Kai, free him from witchcraft? That's right, love and friendship. Only the one who knows how to make friends will be able to come to the rescue in a difficult situation, only the one who loves can pass any test. Love empowers, encourages. Friendship makes us strong and wise. and we'll tell you like this nice words.
Gerda: The day comes, the hour comes,
and you understand: everything is not forever ..
Kai: Life heartlessly teaches us
about how fast time goes by.
Snow Maiden: About the need to appreciate everything, to protect everything that is given to us ..
After all, life is like a thin thread, it sometimes breaks suddenly ...
DM: but don't be sad because New Year's Eve is coming soon, and it is customary to celebrate this holiday with relatives and friends, on New Year's Eve you need to make your most cherished wishes to the sound of the chimes, because this is a holiday when all dreams come true !!
Gerda: Kai, let's sing our song.
Music 13. song Winter - cold Gubin.
Leading: Here our fairy tale comes to an end. Everything went well, so let's fix the result with an incendiary dance!
DM: let's amuse grandfather, and I'll sit and watch.
BY: I know an incendiary dance. It's called a flash mob. I read on the internet. Hall help!!!
DM: oh really incendiary! But it's time for us to go to the other guys.
Host: let's wish our viewers happiness, health, success in the coming year!
Music 14.
Kai New Year! And in the frosty air
Magic and the expectation of miracles.
May today, this starry night,
Everyone who has gathered here will be happy.

BYA To meet friends for tea
And under a warm roof
So that the family does not have a soul,
Be always healthy.
Snow Maiden: I congratulate everyone and wish you the main thing - the fulfillment of desires! Because when a person has what he dreamed of, he is cheerful, cheerful, healthy! Happy New Year!
Well, that's the end of the tree,
And it's time for us to hit the road!
We will say goodbye for a long time.
We will come back to you in a year, kids!
I wish for the New Year
You love and happiness,
And for the whole year ahead
Lots and lots of joy!

New Year in elementary school. Scenario

Author: Yurasova Svetlana Ivanovna teacher primary school MBOU Pogrebskaya secondary school of the Brasovsky district of the Bryansk region

Scenario New Year's party for elementary school

Description of the event: This scenario of the New Year's party is designed for students in grades 1-2. Fairy-tale heroes: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Detective, robbers.
Target: to create conditions for the development of creative abilities of students through vigorous activity in preparation for New Year's holiday.
- development of children's creative potential;
- rallying the children's team;
- Introduction to the culture of celebrating the New Year.
The course of the holiday
What kind of guest came to us?
And on it the lights of the garland.
How beautiful is she!
Together with her comes to us
Winter holiday - New Year! (together).

Finally, the New Year
Knocked at the gate.
He will bring you success
Happiness, joy for all!

We are gathered here today
Celebrate New Year's Eve!
By tradition, we will start the holiday with a song about the Christmas tree.

There is no better tree for us!
Our grandmothers and mothers,
Get into the round dance!
On the eve of the New Year!
Round dance "A small Christmas tree is cold in winter ..."
Songs are merrily sung
And the round dance is spinning,
And the guys can't wait.
When is Santa Claus coming?
The hall includes Snow Maiden.
- Hello guys!
How glad I am to meet you
See your friends again
rejoice together again
And sing a song about the Christmas tree
Let's start the holiday
Sing and dance together.
1.Stars New Year hung
On a cheerful tree.
And the bear is cheerful today,
And the wolves dance.
Again Santa Claus walks
Through forest apartments
Treats with lollipops
Creamy ice cream.
Squirrels are dancing, hares are dancing,
Very happy forest people
New Year!
2. And the Snow Maiden on the Christmas tree
Brought some laughs.
And dance the polka with her
White snowflakes.
It's good for friends to spin
With a song on the hill
And then go study
Only fives.
Squirrels are dancing, hares are dancing,
Very happy forest people
Meet with song, meet with dance
New Year!

Snow Maiden.
-Guys, today D.M. and I decided to make a surprise for you.
And where is D.M. himself? Guys, didn't grandfather come here? (No)
We walked with him, he said that he would just drop by for a minute. forest dwellers to congratulate with new Year.
How to be? Where to go?
Where can you find grandpa?
I came up with! Here it is -
My assistant is the phone.
(goes to the phone and calls)
The best detective in the world
Santa Claus will find us.
- Hello, accept the application for search.
Address: Bryansk region, Brasovsky district, village Cellars, school.
Appears Detective.
- Place, time and signs:
Height and age, how was he dressed?
Snow Maiden.
- Just Santa Claus,
He is all white, red nose.
All clear. And the reward?
Snow Maiden.
How much do you need for your grandfather?
What he hides in the bag
Quite enough for me.
Snow Maiden.
You have to ask the kids for permission.
(turns to the guys) - Well, guys, give back the gifts that D.M. prepared for you.
- You see, the children do not want to give gifts. We'd better invite you to the party. Right guys? (Yes)
Just find, please, D.M., otherwise, without him, a holiday is not a holiday.
Detective(leaves, grumbling). Okay, okay, greedy - beef, I need your holiday, I'll arrange a holiday for myself.
Guys, for now, the Sleuth is looking for D.M. let's play a game.
Game "Christmas Tree"
There is one game for you:
I'll start the verse now
I'll start and you finish
Answer in unison!
It’s snowing in the yard, the holiday is coming soon ... (new year).
The needles are softly glowing, the coniferous spirit is coming ... (from the Christmas tree).
The branches rustle faintly, the beads are bright ... (shine)
And toys sway - flags, stars ... (crackers),
Threads of colorful tinsel, bells ... (balls)
Fragile figurines of fish, birds, skiers, ... (snow maidens),
White-bearded and red-nosed under the branches ... (Santa Claus).
Well, the tree, just a miracle! How elegant, how ... (beautiful)
Here again, hundreds of tiny ... (lights) lit up on it,
The doors are wide open, as if in a fairy tale, a round dance rushes in ... (dance).
And over this round dance there is a voice, songs, ringing laughter.
Happy New Year)!
With new happiness all at once!

Game "Around the Christmas Tree"
We're going to the right now! One two Three
Now let's go to the left...
We'll quickly gather at the tree ...
Let's go quickly too...
We quietly sit down ...
And let's get up a little...
Dance, our legs ...
And clap your hands...
Snow Maiden.
Our Detective has been gone for a long time. It can be seen that he cannot find Santa Claus without me. Don't be bored guys, I'll be back soon (leaves)
Robbers run into the hall.
1 razb.- Wow, what a beautiful Christmas tree!
2 times. - I wonder what kind of decorations she has on?
1 razb.- Probably gold and diamonds!
2 razb.- Oh, let's have some fun! We will sell all the wealth from the Christmas tree and we will celebrate the New Year for a whole year.
1 razb. (referring to children)
- Well, little ones, can you take off the decorations from the Christmas tree?
2 razb.“Come on, steal everything you can!”
The detective appears:
- So - so, who is going to rob whom here?
Robbers: - Yes, we were joking.
Detective- Ok, I forgive you. And now a question for backfilling: D.M. you?

Rogues: What are you, what are you, we have never heard of such a thing!

Detective“Consider that I almost believed you. So either you come with me to look for D.M. and we get a bag of gifts as a reward, or you will meet the new year in a damp basement in the company of rats and mice.
Rogues: Yes we are, yes we are, just tell me!
Detective- Behind me!
(Everyone runs away noisily.)
Snegur. Grandpa, the guys are already waiting for you and want to say hello to you.
D. M.
Hello kids boys and girls!
Happy new year, happy new year!
Congratulations to all children!
Congratulations to all guests!
I went to your holiday through the forest
How beautiful it is, wonderful!
In the snow-white hats of the Christmas tree!
How shiny their needles are!
Your tree, I see, too -
All decorated, pretty.
Snow. - Together we will stand in a round dance,
Let's celebrate the New Year together!
D.M. And who wants to please me with a poem about winter, new year, about the Christmas tree?
1. Hello, forest tree,
Silvery, thick.
You grew up under the sun
And she came to visit us.
2. Birds chimed over you,
The rain poured water on you
The gray bunny ran
And jumped under the branches.
3. In the middle of a large hall
All in toys, all in lights
shone, sparkled
Elka is visiting us again.
4. I lit my fires, friends,
Everywhere New Year.
And without fun we can not
Meet his arrival!
5. Christmas tree dressed up for the holiday
It lit up with lights.
How they burn, sparkle
Everyone is invited to the feast.
6. At the green Christmas tree
beautiful needles
And from top to bottom
Beautiful toys.
7. Let's dance merrily,
Let's sing songs
For the tree to want
Come visit us again!
We will sing about the Christmas tree
And we won't go around.
And while we're going this way
Let's imagine what we'll sing about!
Children stand in a round dance and sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." (The words of the song are accompanied by gestures depicting the content of the words)
"Zayushkina hut" - musical
Stand up guys
Everything is more like a round dance.
Dance, song and fun
We are celebrating the New Year!
SONG“It’s good that every year…”
1. It's good that every year
A new year is coming to us.
Lights up our Christmas tree
And starts a round dance.
Chorus: If the dance is not enough,
The dance has a twist.
We'll all dance from the beginning
and then vice versa.
2. Well, wider, wider circle,
Get out soon friend.
Clap your hands merrily
Don't spare your hands today.
3. We dance under the Christmas tree
We can do three hours.
And no matter how much we get tired:
These are miracles!
pripe v.

Father Frost
Although almost completely gray,
And I dance like a young man.
Together with you even now
I'm ready to dance.
Snow Maiden
Grandpa, what will we dance in the 21st century?
Father Frost
I have no idea.
Snow Maiden
Then let's fantasize! The dance of the 21st century is announced. Please improvise.
The best improvisation is awarded from Santa Claus's magic bag.
Father Frost
Phew, something got me hot, give me some water to drink!
(The Snow Maiden gives Santa Claus a mug filled with confetti. Santa Claus pretends to drink, and then, as it were, splashes the rest of the water on the guests.)
The game "Christmas trees are» (in a round dance)
We decorated the Christmas tree different toys, we sing songs about her, and in the forest different Christmas trees grow, and wide, and low, high, thin.
Now, if I say "high" - raise your hands up.
"Low" - squat and lower your arms.
"Wide" - make the circle wider.
"Thin" - make a circle already.
And now let's play!
(The host plays, trying to confuse the children)
Snow Maiden
- And now we will test your ingenuity
Zaga dki
1. Who flickers in a dense forest,
Red fur coat blazes?
He knows a lot about chickens!
This animal is called...
("Wolf!" - Fox).
2. Who is trembling in the forest under the tree,
So as not to meet with a double-barreled gun?
Rides the field, emboldened.
This animal is called...
("Lion!" - a hare).
3. This beast sleeps in winter,
He looks clumsy.
Likes berries and honey.
And it's called...
("Hippo!" - bear).
4. Silvery fringe hangs on the branches in winter,
And in the spring, on weight, it turns into dew.
5. What master did this on the glass
And leaves, and herbs, and thickets of roses?
6. We stood all summer, waiting for winters,
We waited for the time, rushed down the mountain.
Host (Game)
Now, friends, we will play
In an interesting game:
What we decorate the Christmas tree with
I'll call you in order.
You listen carefully
And be sure to answer
If I tell you right
Say yes to the answer.
Well, if suddenly it's wrong,
Feel free to say "no".
Multi-colored crackers?
Blankets and pillows?
Folding beds and cribs?
Marmalades, chocolates?
Glass balls?
Are the chairs wooden?
Teddy bears?
Primers and books?
Colored beads?
Are the garlands bright?
Snow from white cotton wool?
Backpacks and briefcases?
Shoes and boots?
Cups, forks, spoons?
Candy shiny?
Are tigers real?
Are the buds golden?
Are the stars radiant?
Filming game
Monday at five sharp
Let's shoot Africa
We are very desirable
There is a monkey in the frame.
Children (building faces):
Look at me
The monkey is me.
There are many actors here
But he told us strictly
Client director:
"We need a boy - with - a finger!"
Children (crouching)
Look at me
Boy - with - finger - it's me!
For the program "Village hour"
Let's rent a farm now
And for filming you need a pig!
Children (grunting)
And now a surprise for you!
I look to the right
I'll look to the left.
Which one of you guys
Will she be queen?
Game "Quick Place"
In the center, chairs are placed in a circle, one less than the players. Children run around the chairs to the music. When the music stops, they must quickly take everyone in the chair. The player who did not have enough chair is out of the game.
Father Frost
It's time for us to go, my friends!
I'm so sorry to part with you
I don't want to say goodbye to tears
But don't be sad, in a year
Your Santa Claus will come again.
Snow Maiden
See you next year!
I will come to the Christmas tree again!
Let 2015
Bring joy to all of you
Happiness in personal life
And great friends!
Happy New Year!
With new happiness!

Scenario New Year

Target: organization joint leisure children

Tasks:- create a festive atmosphere; - to develop the creative abilities of students;
- to form a creative perception of music, the ability to express its content in movements;
- develop the communicative qualities of the individual;
- foster a culture of behavior, respect for each other.

Event progress

Introduction"Chiming clock"

Leading: There are many wonderful holidays

Everyone comes in their turn.

But the best holiday in the world

The best New Year's holiday!

Children: He comes on a snowy road
Having swirled snowflakes round dance.
The beauty of the mysterious and strict
Fills the heart of the New ... year!

He gives us faith in a good case,

In a new day and in a new turn.

Helps to get better

To all people in the world New ... year!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

New joy for all!

Let them ring under this tree

Songs, music and laughter!

Song "New Year's Eve"

Song "New Year at the Gates"

Game "Because New Year!"

The guys answer the questions of the presenter with the phrase " Because the long-awaited New Year is coming!

Why, having collected string bags,
Our trip to the shops? ..

Why does everyone have in the evening
Got more worries?

Why no one today
Not planning a renovation?

Why by the days gone by
Nostalgia does not take? ..

Why each other each
Sending congratulations with a joke? ..

Why is he sitting at the table
Dressed up people?

Why do people rejoice
Smiling all over...

Why fun from now on
Doesn't the line end?

Why with a smart bag
Snow Grandpa is coming?..

Why the Snow Maiden to the Christmas tree
Calling everyone on a date? ..

Why is the Christmas tree spinning
Cheerful round dance? ..

Leading: We haven't had a round dance for a long time.

Hey guys, get up quickly in a round dance.

The song "Come on, Christmas tree, brighter"

Leading: We are very glad to see you
In the magical New Year's hour!
You came here not in vain, -
We'll have a great time!

Let winter circle outside the window
And we, friends, will start playing!
Let's not take it seriously
Who is this Santa Claus!

Game "Yes - no"

Questions are answered with “yes” as a sign of agreement and “no” as a sign of disagreement.

Santa Claus is a cheerful old man? (Yes!)
Likes jokes and jokes? (Yes!)
Knows songs and riddles? (Yes!)
Will he eat all your chocolates? (Not!)
Will he light the Christmas tree for the kids? (Yes!)
Wearing shorts and a T-shirt? (Not!)
Doesn't he age? (Yes!)
Will it warm us up outside? (Not!)
Santa Claus is Frost's brother? (Yes!)
Is our birch good? (Not!)
Is the new year getting closer? (Yes!)
Is there a Snow Maiden in Paris? (Not!)
Santa Claus brings gifts? (Yes!)
Does he drive a foreign car? (Not!)
Wearing a cane and a hat? (Not!)
Does he look like a dad sometimes? (Yes!)

Well, the answers are given to the questions,
You know everything about Santa Claus.
And that means it's time
All the kids are waiting for.
Let's call Santa Claus!

Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Santa Claus!!!

Comes in and sings a song"Song of Santa Claus"

Father Frost:

Hello, mischievous people, I came to the New Year!

Through storms and snowstorms the sleigh flew fast.

I am very glad to meet you, I am glad to see all the guys.

I walked for a long time to you, in a hurry. (looks around)

Oh, I seem to have lost my granddaughter - the Snow Maiden.

Do you know what she is - the Snow Maiden?

The game "That's what a Snow Maiden!"

Answer “yes” in agreement and “no” in disagreement.

Wears a hat and coat
Cheerful Snow Maiden...

All freckled from the cold
Gives Grandfather mimosa...

On a winter day, he walks with Koshchei.
Games, competitions...

Helps on the holiday of Santa
Have a conversation with people...

Children do not mind giving
Snowball on a long stick..

Loves round dance
On a glorious New Year's Eve...

Braiding a braid in the morning
Learns poetry and prose aloud

Hides sweet gifts
For myself in a bright bag ...

Likes to eat for lunch
Snowy sweet dessert...

If the sun shines from the tree,
Jokes, laughs merrily...

Very kind soul
And she's good...

Father Frost: Help me, call her. She will hear your voice and come here. Let's get together: "Snow Maiden, Snow Maiden ..."

The Snow Maiden enters, singing song "New Year's song" + Dance of snowflakes

Snow Maiden:

I instantly rushed to you on a silver sled.

Past the fluffy Christmas trees, across the snow-covered fields.

Today we will have fun together, dance,

So fervently that no one can stand still.

The holiday of the New Year tree is celebrated by the people together.

And with the guys today we are celebrating the New ... year!

P song "What is the New Year"

Leading: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, now listen to what poems the guys have prepared for you.


Father Frost. Snow Maiden:

Serpentine, like ribbons, lanterns, like balls,

Happy New Year girls, Happy New Year... boys!

And on our Christmas tree light bulbs will sparkle,
Happy New Year Moms, Happy New Year... Dads!

Children will play near the Christmas tree in patties,
Happy New Year, kids, Happy New Year... grandmothers!

Small and big, fat and thin,
Children and parents - in a word, our viewers!
Let's meet together without sadness and worries... New Year!

Competition "New Year's Grandfather" (or " New Year's granddaughter»)


Grandpa always has
Fur coat, hat, beard -
He is in New Year's dress
walks like a parade!
Competition "New Year's Grandfather" -
Everyone will come!

    A chair is placed in front of each contestant, on which lies a fur coat, a hat and a cotton beard. The guys put on a Santa Claus costume in 1 minute (the fur coat should be tied up with a satin sash attached to it). The winner is the one who first "turned" into the New Year's Grandfather.

    In 1 minute, the contestants put on a fur coat and a hat of the Snow Maiden (the fur coat should be fastened with all buttons). The smartest granddaughter wins.

Leading: It's good that every year
The New Year is coming to us
Lights up our Christmas tree
And starts a round dance.

Song-dance "New Year is coming to us"

Snow Maiden. Grandfather Frost, why don't the lights on our Christmas tree burn?

Father Frost.

Come on, tree, smile!

Come on, tree, wake up!

Come on, tree, one-two-three!

Light joyful burn!

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus is off. Help me guys. Let's together say "Christmas tree burn!"

(The lights on the Christmas tree light up.)

Leading: Guys, let's sing her favorite song for the Christmas tree.

Round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest ..."

Competition "Herringbone" Presenter: Everyone knows - Santa Claus
Brought a Christmas tree for the holiday!
coniferous beauty
Everyone loves it for sure!
prickly needle
Gives the competition "Yolochka"!

Each contestant receives a paper sheet Green colour A4 format and scissors. Within 1 minute, cut out a large (full sheet), even Christmas tree.

The song "Little Christmas tree is not cold in winter"

Competition "Snowflake " (for parents)

Each contestant receives a white paper napkin and scissors. Having folded the napkin several times, the contestants cut out an openwork snowflake in 1 minute.

Leading: Snow swirling outside the window
New Year comes to the house.
Winter brought him
which came to us recently.

1. Snow shines so beautifully,
Santa Claus flies in a sleigh
He brings us gifts
Because the new year

2. Vanya - a new car,
Anya - framed picture,
And Yegor - a plane,
That's how lucky he is!
3. 3. If the house smells like a Christmas tree -
The kids know for sure
As for the holiday - not long,
You can wait in the morning.

4. Wait for cakes, sweets, crackers;
Wait for him to come
Santa Claus with a bag of toys
And bring a gift?

5. To jump onto a chair as soon as possible
Before all honest people,
Read the verse and shout loudly:
"Happy New Year!"

6. Dad will buy tangerines,
Mom will bake us a cake,
And we won't sleep all night
The New Year is coming to us!

I'm already very big
I can help everyone too.
I can, by the way,
Decorate your Christmas tree.

I'll hang a flashlight here
And there is a huge ball.
And I'll hang a ball
To shine on the Christmas tree.

7. Everything around is shining,
All around glitters
New Year is walking
Hurry to visit us.

8. Santa Claus is cheerful,
Snow Maiden beauty,
In cities and villages
Their children are waiting.

9. Near the main Christmas tree
A round dance is circling
May he be glorious
This New Year! ( Everything)

The song "Who is it?"

Dance "Lavota"

Competition "New Year's Encryption"

Leading: Every New Year's grandfather
Both an entertainer and a poet;
Apply your ingenuity
Near the Christmas tree is not a pity!
I announce the competition deftly:
"New Year's Eve"!

Sheet inscription: MÖSLIKPA - encrypted word " CHRISTMAS TREE».


Centipede Race Competition »

2 teams are playing. They line up at the back of each other's head, taking the belt in front of them with their hands. There is a chair on the opposite wall. The task is to quickly go around the chair and return without breaking the chains.

Complicate the task: go around the chair half-crouching. (Lambada)

Leading: Santa Claus, we sang a lot, danced and solved the ciphers, and it wouldn’t hurt to make riddles for the children.

Father Frost: I came up with you such that you will never unravel. (Gives the leader written riddles).

New Year's riddles:

    Happy to overtake each other

You look, my friend, do not fall!

Good then, easy

Speedy…. (Skates)

    White flakes are flying

Quietly falling, circling.

Everything turned white.

Why are the tracks covered? (Snow)

    They didn’t raise me - they blinded me from the snow.
    Instead of a nose, they deftly inserted a carrot.
    Eyes - coals, hands - knots.
    Cold, big, who am I? (Snowwoman)

    Guess what toy?
    Cap, like Petrushka.
    small, remote,
    Grew up from boots. (Dwarf)

    Two sisters, two braids
    From sheep's wool thin.
    How to walk - so put on,
    So that five and five do not freeze. (mittens)

    Gray flannelette animal,
    Clubfoot long-haired.
    Well guess who he is.
    And give him a carrot! (Bunny)

    His days are shorter than all days,
    All nights are longer than nights.
    In fields and meadows
    Snow lies until spring.
    Only that month will pass -
    We are celebrating the New Year. (December)

    twelve brothers
    They roam one after another
    They don't bypass each other. (months)

    Come on, guys, who can guess:
    Are two fur coats enough for ten brothers? (Mittens)

    He himself does not know the days, but indicates to others. (The calendar)

    Five brothers -
    Years equal, growth different. (Fingers)

    The fat man lives on the roof
    He flies above all. (Carlson)

    She is beautiful and sweet
    And her name is from the word "ash". (Cinderella)

    Near the forest, on the edge
    Three of them live in a hut.
    There are three chairs and three mugs.
    Three beds, three pillows.
    Guess without a clue
    Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears)

    The grandmother loved the girl very much.
    She gave her a red hat.
    The girl forgot her name.
    Well, tell me her name. (Little Red Riding Hood)

Leading: Here are the guys at least where, guessed as always

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, I came up with some funny questions for the parents of the kids. Whoever answers correctly will receive a prize.

Joking questions for parents

    Santa's snitch. (Staff)

    An object of artistic creativity of Santa Claus? (Window)

    Citizenship of Santa Claus? (Cosmopolitan)

    Nickname of Santa Claus? (Jack Frost)

    How does Santa Claus create perfect geometric shapes? (Turns water to ice. For example: snowflakes.)

New Year's relay race "Winter"

Relay participants form 2 - 3 teams, the captains of which receive a blue felt-tip pen. Christmas trees are drawn on the board, on which balls cut out of colored cardboard are attached. To the tune of the song “Three White Horses”, the captains go to the board, write a word related to winter with a felt-tip pen on one of the balls, return to their team, passing the felt-tip pen to the next participant (repeated words cannot be written). Thus, each participant decorates the Christmas tree with balls with winter words. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Round dance "If it's fun at the Christmas tree"

If it's fun at the Christmas tree, do this - 2 times

If it's fun at the Christmas tree, where the needles scattered 2 TIMES

If it's fun at the Christmas tree, do it like this

The verse is repeated, and the movements can be as follows:

Two clicks of fingers;

Two punches to the chest (as King Kong);

Two strokes with spread fingers, when the hands are attached to the nose (gesture "Pinocchio's nose");

Two protrusions of the tongue with a turn of the head (neighbor on the right and left);

The game ends with the fact that at the last performance of the song, after the words “do this”, all the movements are repeated at once.


1. Slowly rides through the forest,

long-awaited new year,

In a sleigh to a brown bear,

He carries honey with him,

2. There is a treat for the hare,

Very sweet carrot

For the kids, congratulations

From sweets and lollipops

3. The horse pulls the sled quickly,

To deliver on time

New Year with a huge bag

For kids all over the country.

Leading: Who is ready to fight for the prize, become more likely in a circle.

Game "Surprise"(Children pass the bag with a surprise along the chain to the music. The one who has the bag in his hands when the music stops.) The game is played several times.

Presenter: Santa Claus, did you bring presents?

Father Frost:(to children) Dive everything under the tree, it will be a lot of sense.

(Father Frost and the Snow Maiden give gifts to children.)

Snow Maiden: Guys, make a wish and go under the staff of Santa Claus - and the wish will come true.

Leading: Everything that didn't happen

Wait and everything will come

It will come true like in a fairy tale this New Year

The song "The blizzard covered my city" + dances

Father Frost. Well, friends, I am very sorry to part with you. We still had a lot of fun, didn't we? I'm sure we'll meet again. Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden:

We wish you Happy New Year
Fun sonorous, like ice,
Smiles bright as amber,
Health, like frost in January.

Father Frost:

May this year be a happy star
Will enter your family comfort,
Hurry with the old year
Let adversity all go away.


The New Year has come to us
With Santa Claus
I congratulate you all
Happy New Year.

This concludes our holiday. Thank you for being with us. Happiness, good luck, success in everything!

New Year's Eve in elementary school. Scenario

New Year's party for younger students "Hello, new year!". Scenario


1st buffoon

2nd buffoon

3rd buffoon

4th buffoon

Father Frost

Snow Maiden

New Year

Snowflakes, little animals - the retinue of Santa Claus.

Cheerful music plays in the lobby. Colorful decor everywhere. Everything reminds of the holiday.

Funny buffoons appear.

They joke, joke, make riddles, invite all the children and adults to the hall where there is a decorated Christmas tree.

1st buffoon.

We collect all the guys

We invite you to our tree!

2nd buffoon.

Come quickly

It's time to start the holiday!

To the music, the children enter the hall. (This can be a fun field.) Children join hands, form a big round dance.

4th buffoon.

Hurry, hurry to the gym, kids!

Waiting for you on the Christmas tree dancing, game!

1st buffoon.

You on a holiday with us

It will be fun now.

There will be music and singing

There will be games and entertainment

Very interesting,

Simply wonderful!

Reach out to the audience.

2nd buffoon.

Hello guys,

Schoolchildren and preschoolers

First graders, third graders,

Babies and pranksters!

All buffoons.

Congratulations on your holiday!

Happy Christmas tree holiday.

Which you came to today!

You will sing here, play, dance,

Show us your talents today.

3rd buffoon.

We've been waiting for this day for a long time

Haven't seen each other for a whole year.

Sing, ring crafts,

New Year's dance!

There is a song about winter that all children know.

1st buffoon. And now I want to offer you one game, guys.

4th buffoon. Why you and not me?

2nd buffoon. Yes, why you and not me?

3rd buffoon. No, better let me!

1st buffoon. So it will not work for us, friends. Let's reckon so that no one is offended.

2nd buffoon.

Okay, I don't mind.

To me, dune, a slave.

Finter, zinter, toad

To me, the moon, a slave. Finter, zinter, zhes! I have to play the game!

4th buffoon. What is this counting. She is 100 years old. Now I know the counting!

One two three four.

The boy lived in our apartment.

Missed classes at school

Was all the time on football.

3rd buffoon. Take your time, I know such counting rhymes too. Here.

The boy went to school in the morning.

He held a briefcase under his arm.

In this little briefcase

There are pens and pencils.

Two whistles and two flutes

Anything for the soul.

Two boxes with pictures

Paperclips, nails and buttons,

Fishing hooks,

cockroaches, worms,

8 pieces of postage stamps,

Two keys, a candle stub,

Rusty knife and copper penny,

Only ... you will not find notebooks!

1st buffoon.

Pupil Sidorkin Gena

Deals with the exchange.

He has a notebook and a pencil case

Exchanged for coins.

For coins took from Rai

He is two stamps of Paraguay.

I changed those brands in the photo,

Photo - with someone and for something.

And then he is "something"

On the cover of a notebook.

Everyone in the class knows Gena!

Gene changes all day long.

Stamps, photos and coins

For various items

But can't exchange

In the diary, he is "two" to "five"!

I have to play the game!

2nd buffoon. And let's try to spend it all together so that we don't quarrel

Everything. Right! Well done!

2nd buffoon. Now, guys, we will play a game of attention. So let's find out which of you is the most attentive here.

One, two, three, four, five -

We will play now.

Five, six, seven, eight

Be very careful!

The game "Who flies?"

The buffoons take turns playing this game, calling the conditions, listing various items.

a) fly - raise your hands, do not fly - do not raise;

b) fly - stomp their feet, do not fly - clap their hands;

c) fly - jump on 2 legs, do not fly - squat.

The inattentive are taken out of the circle. Form a new circle. New circle goes clockwise, and the common one goes counterclockwise. The game is repeated several times.

4th buffoon. Thanks guys! We see that there are many attentive people among you, which means that you listen carefully to the teacher in the lessons. Well, and those who were not quite attentive now, let them be inattentive only here, and not in the lesson. And now, together with everyone, we will dance a cheerful dance.

The "Sailor's Dance" is performed.

3rd buffoon. And I want to give you guys a riddle.

The man is middle-aged

With an enormous beard

Bring with you by the hand

To you here for the holiday granddaughter.

Answer my question:

Who is this?

Answer from the floor: "Father Frost".

That's right, but who's with him?

Answer from the floor: "Snow Maiden".

1st buffoon. Right. It's just that they seem to be stuck somewhere. Let's all call them together guys.

Santa Claus! Snow Maiden!

Everyone calls Santa Claus three times. Finally, the voice of Santa Claus is heard from afar.

Father Frost(from behind the scenes).

Rides, rides Santa Claus,

Santa Claus - Red nose!

Ahead - blizzards, blizzards,

His faithful friends

Rushing, spinning, roaring,

Winter songs are sung!

I'm going, I'm going! The horse carries

To you for a holiday in the New Year!

Santa Claus, Snow Maiden appears. They are accompanied by Snowflakes, who generously sprinkle everyone with a “snowball”.

2nd buffoon. Let's all say hello to Santa Claus!

Hello Santa Claus!

Hello, Snow Maiden!

Spectators repeat, applaud.

Father Frost.

Hello, our young friends,

Funny, strong, smart!

Snow Maiden. Athletes, dancers, artists.

Father Frost. Explorers and gliders.

Snow Maiden. Future drivers and masters.

Father Frost. Academics and professors.

Snow Maiden. Cosmonauts.

Father Frost. Fantastics.

Snow Maiden. Romantics.

Father Frost. Physics.

Snow Maiden. Chemists.

Father Frost. And mathematics!

Snow Maiden.

How many faces around acquaintances,

How many of my friends are here!

It's good for me here, like at home,

Among the gray-haired Christmas trees!

Father Frost.

Here our friends are gathered

In the New Year's light hour.

We haven't seen each other for a whole year

I missed you!

Together with you even now

I'm ready to dance!

Snow Maiden.

Stand up guys

Hurry to the round dance.

Song, dance and fun

Let's meet the New Year with you!

Father Frost. Let's sing a song about our beautiful Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden. But first you need to light the Christmas tree.

Father Frost.

To star rays

Illuminated brightly,

Let's say together with us:

"Our Christmas tree, light up!"

Spectators repeat the words of the spell. The lights on the tree are lit. Sounds like any song about the Christmas tree.

3rd buffoon. Grandfather Frost, and Santa Claus, what did you bring to the guys?

Father Frost.

I brought in my bag

Mountains, sea, sky, thunder,

Cities, villages, countries,

Rivers, groves, oceans,

Tools - carpenters,

Nets, tackle - for fishermen,

Two link nerds

corn seeds,

All the great white light

May you live for many years!

And I give in addition

Happiness, courage, luck,

sun, stars and moon,

Joy, peace and silence!

2nd buffoon. Thanks, Santa Claus!

Father Frost. Now let's play. Here we are now with the Snow Maiden and find out which of you is hardened and is not afraid of a cold.

Freeze game. The Snow Maiden helps Santa Claus to freeze.

Father Frost.

Everybody spread out wider, wider

Let's start a friendly dance.

Who froze from the "freeze"

He's getting warm now.

Everyone dances the mischievous "Lady".

1st buffoon.

Dance with fire, dance with enthusiasm

And you will become a winner in the competition!

2nd buffoon(dreamily).

They say on New Year's Eve

Whatever you wish

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.

Snow Maiden. What are you dreaming about, you funny buffoon?

2nd buffoon. I want to get only "five" in our buffoon school.

Snow Maiden. Don't you buffoons get A's there?

3rd buffoon(sadly). We cram from morning to night.

4th buffoon. What is strength, what is urine.

1st buffoon.

We crammed like machines.

Names, titles, dates.

2nd buffoon.

We spit right by heart,

And let's mix it up - and let it be.

1st buffoon.

We overcame in a week

Spartacus and Torricelli.

3rd buffoon.

Let's say, without looking at the map,

That the Ural flows into Urartu.

4th buffoon. There are seals in the tundra.

2nd buffoon. Deer swim in the sea.

1st buffoon.

To build an angle

Drop Madagascar.

3rd buffoon.

Colorado is not Mikado

Steam is not ice, water is not steam.

We cram from morning to night

What is strength, what is urine.

And, to be honest, in fact,

Completely stunned.

Father Frost. Yes, from such cramming I would, as you said, also be stunned. But your trouble, buffoons, is fixable. You only need

Don't be lazy, don't yawn

For your pain!

Snow Maiden. And among you guys, there are no such similar crammers? Not! That's fine. We continue our holiday. Let's dance another fun dance that will make you all friends. And it's called Friendship.

The Snow Maiden explains how to perform this dance. The buffoons help her. Children are dancing.

Father Frost. Well, I got to know almost everyone. And even a little tired. I'd like to hear now which one of you guys can make me happy. Sing me a song or read poetry.

Those who wish to speak.

Father Frost. And I also know the songs.

1st buffoon. And what songs do you know, Santa Claus.

Father Frost. I know serious ones, I know sad ones, I know a lot of funny ones.

2nd buffoon. Sing to us, Santa Claus, please. Guys, let's ask Santa Claus to sing.

The audience applauds.

Father Frost(sings). Well, here's one. And you tell me what it's called.

I'm lying in the sun...

Pause, the guys name the song.

I keep my beard up.

I lie and hold everything

And I'm trembling from the sun!

Snow Maiden. What kind of song is this?

Father Frost. This is a song from the cartoon "About the Lion and the Turtle".

Snow Maiden. Why are you shivering in the sun? Father Frost. From experience. But it's not a very happy song.

3rd buffoon. And what kind of funny ones do you know, Grandfather Frost?

Father Frost(sings).

Here is at least one.

Let them glide awkwardly

Pedestrians in the puddle

Let the ice rink freeze on the asphalt.

Kids in the puddle

Everyone rides together

And they don't hear the bell for the lesson.

And I ride, and only

In front of passers-by..

Unfortunately, Christmas tree holiday

Only once in a goal!

Do you know whose song this is?

Guys answer.

That's right Crocodile Genes,

Only winter.

Snow Maiden. Well, what is your favorite song, grandfather?

Father Frost. I'm afraid that I won't succeed as my favorite artist sings it. Well, yes, how will it work. And you sing along to me.

It's time... it's time... let's rejoice

winter cold,

Frozen rivers, puddles,

Lakes and ponds.

Bye... bye... shaking

Feathers on hats

We whisper to the Snow Maiden:

"Merci, madam!"

1st buffoon. Well done, Santa Claus. Thanks!

All the spectators shout:"Thank you!"

Snow Maiden. Santa Claus, the guys have prepared a lot beautiful costumes. Let's see them and reward the most hardworking guys for their excellent work.

The waltz sounds, the guys in costumes move in a circle, and Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and buffoons reward the guys with souvenirs for the best costumes.

4th buffoon. Come on, guys, sing a song about our Santa Claus.

The song "Oh, what a good, kind Santa Claus" is performed.

Father Frost. Thanks, guys, respected the old one. I see that you love Santa Claus. And look, who's coming to us here?

Snow Maiden.

Well of course, well of course

It's a peaceful New Year!

buffoons. Hello, hello New Year!

Father Frost.

Move forward quickly

Join our round dance!

New Year passes through the hall to the sounds of a march.

New Year.

Are you waiting for me, I see?

I came. Hello friends!

I'm going to work -

I can't be late!

I don't like reservations

But I want to warn you

You and me without fives

It will be difficult to live in the world.

And who gets a deuce.

Let him not meet me.

Just think guys

We will live in peace with you

And learn the right way

Work and make friends!

2nd buffoon.

And we have laughter, and we have noise,

Everyone is having a lot of fun right now!

The music is playing again

Invites you to dance.

Everyone dances the dance "Ducklings".

Snow Maiden.

With dances and songs

The New Year has come to us.

We'll all have fun

Will be good.

Father Frost.

The old year is over

Hello New Year!

Get my staff!

V good luck! Forward!

Many, many happy days are waiting for you guys!

Snow Maiden.

December, January

Live freely children.

Winter holiday guys

All twelve consecutive days.

Father Frost.

And now it's time to say goodbye

Gather on the road,

But next year

I will definitely come to you.

Snow Maiden.

Don't forget us friends.

Thank you for your attention!

We won't say goodbye to you

And "See you, goodbye!"

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden say goodbye and leave the hall.

Buffoons. Guys, let's sing a song about our Christmas tree again.

A song about a Christmas tree is being sung.

2nd buffoon. Dear children, our holiday does not end. Santa Claus has another surprise for you all. We ask you all to come to the auditorium.

Holding hands, the guys go to the auditorium, where in a few minutes the Christmas story or a New Year's concert, which was prepared by participants in amateur performances.

The script used the works of S. Mikhalkov, L. Platonov, F. Olin, R. Voronchuk and others.