
Seven reasons to love chocolate. Why chocolate is good not only for your mood, but also for your health Chocolate reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases

Seven reasons to love chocolate.  Why chocolate is good not only for your mood, but also for your health Chocolate reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases

There are many different myths about how certain products improve our lives. They say that honey helps you lose weight, carrots improve your eyesight, and so on. There is probably a certain grain in this, but even after devouring a kilogram of blueberries in one sitting, a blind person will not begin to see: all these gastromedical things work gradually and do not give an immediate effect.

Either way it's chocolate.

When they say that chocolate lifts your spirits, I happily agree: I know that feeling of euphoria that comes literally a couple of minutes after I eat chocolate. And you don’t need a lot, just a couple of slices, the main thing is that it’s not some dull milk chocolate, stuffed to the brim with soy, but good dark chocolate, from 70% and above. This observation suggests that this happiness effect is not the result of a sharp jump in blood sugar from taking carbohydrates (which are less, the higher the percentage of cocoa content), but the work of the cocoa beans themselves.

And the main thing is how quickly! Chocolate lifts your mood in a matter of minutes, acting even faster than alcohol - and without the unpleasant consequences that the latter is fraught with.

Of course, I became interested in why this was happening, and I began to figure it out.

The answer came quite quickly: tryptophan. This amino acid is found in almost all food proteins, but some foods are especially rich in tryptophan. Among them are cheese and dairy products, nuts and mushrooms, and, of course, chocolate. Once in the body, tryptophan is processed into serotonin - one of the most important hormones and the most active neurotransmitters, that is, substances through which nerve cells transmit impulses, “communicating” with each other and with muscle tissue. An excess or deficiency of such substances leads to various special effects such as mood swings - for example, it is a drop in serotonin levels that makes smokers reach for a cigarette, and its excess can even lead to hallucinations.

Okay, I told myself. Let's say tryptophan is to blame for everything. However, why, in this case, does cheese or meat, which also contain a high content of it, not give such a powerful and, most importantly, instant surge of happiness?

Here the English-language Internet came to the rescue, where I read about the research conducted by Michael Macht and Jochen Müller. In the first phase of the study, they showed three groups of volunteers small clips - relatively speaking, sad, happy or neutral - after which they gave half of each group a piece of chocolate, the other half a glass of water, and asked them to rate changes in their mood.

It turned out the following. Those subjects who watched the sad clip experienced the most severe mood swings - at first it worsened, then improved significantly, but only for those who ate chocolate. At the same time, for viewers of the joyful and neutral clips, the difference between chocolate and water was insignificant. Conclusion? Chocolate works especially well when you are really sad and want a holiday. If everything is already wonderful, it is unlikely to add to your happiness.

Macht and Müller then went one step further by recruiting new volunteers and asking them which chocolate they preferred - 75%, 86% and 99% dark chocolate or milk chocolate. After that, they were again divided into three groups: the first were treated to their favorite chocolate, the second to their least favorite, and the third were left with nothing at all. So what happened?

The mood of the first ones improved significantly just a minute after they ate their favorite chocolate. The mood of the latter did not change at all for the first time, but after three minutes it was almost equal to the mood of the former. As for the third, at first their mood improved slightly (apparently from realizing the importance of the research in which they were taking part), but after that it did not change.

Macht and Müller came to an important conclusion: the happiness effect that chocolate causes is caused by several factors. Serotonin is one of them, but it does not act immediately, and therefore turkey or mushrooms do not provide a quick injection of endorphins into the brain. Another factor is the taste of chocolate - and when we eat chocolate that we like, our mood immediately improves, and after that serotonin takes over.

It seems that my belief that dark chocolate works better than milk chocolate in the field of lifting mood is based only on the fact that I like dark chocolate better. However, there is nothing wrong with this, and for those who prefer milk chocolate, it means good news: eat your favorite chocolate, and you will be happy!

Many people know the amazing effect of such a product as chocolate: as soon as you eat a piece, the world around you blossoms with new colors, problems become fewer, and joys become greater. Such a reaction is not simply associated with a sweet tooth’s addiction to their favorite delicacy.

Chocolate contains a complex of useful substances that have a certain effect on biochemical processes in the brain.

The sweet delicacy has, of course, contraindications, and first of all it is obesity, since the product is very high in calories. But, for example, dark chocolate, contains little or no refined sugar, which means it is safe for diabetics who cannot eat too much sweets, and for those who are overweight.

It is also interesting that it is almost impossible to overeat dark chocolate: having a pronounced taste, it quickly saturates and “bores”, which is why There are virtually no side effects from eating too much, which cannot be said, for example, about alcohol or coffee. Their excess immediately affects health.

What is the name of the “joy hormone” contained in chocolate?

There is an opinion that chocolate contains the so-called happiness hormone. This is not entirely true.

Firstly, the cocoa beans from which chocolate is made have specific taste and aroma of cocoa butter. They already bring pleasure in themselves, acting on the sense of smell and taste buds.

Secondly, chocolate does not contain the hormone of joy, but an amino acid called tryptophan. This amino acid is also found in meat, chicken eggs, mushrooms, cheese and other dairy products. Tryptophan stimulates the production of the happiness hormone in the brain.

Thirdly, in addition to tryptophan, everyone’s favorite delicacy contains many other substances that have a beneficial and fairly quick effect on well-being.

  1. Caffeine. Quickly invigorates and tones, and gives physical strength. Helps to react quickly in difficult situations, reduces fatigue, and eliminates drowsiness.
  2. Theobromine. An alkaloid similar in effect to caffeine, but with a milder effect.
  3. Phenylethylamine. This chemical compound is a natural neurotransmitter that is synthesized in the body, such as dopamine.
  4. Cannabinoids. These are substances that can be called stimulants of the psycho-physical state. They are even found in marijuana, but cannot cause any addiction, since they are contained in cocoa beans in small quantities.
  5. Catechins, flavonoids and phenols. These are antioxidants that improve the condition of the body as a whole, produce endorphins and serotonin, slow down the aging process in the body, and protect it from stress at all levels.
  6. Natural flavors. Their action is similar to that of valproic acid, a medicine used in the treatment of epilepsy. These cocoa butter flavors have a sedative effect and relieve excessive excitability.

Serotonin is needed not only for... This is an essential neurotransmitter, without which even normal interaction between brain neurons and body muscles is impossible. And since serotonin is constantly consumed, especially in stressful situations, it is necessary to periodically replenish its reserves in the body.

Which type is best to use?

Chocolate comes in several types. They differ in the percentage of cocoa beans in it:

  1. white does not include cocoa bean mass at all: it only contains cocoa butter, so its action as an antidepressant can be associated mainly with the placebo effect;
  2. lactic has about 65% cocoa liquor;
  3. dark or black chocolate has a rich taste and contains up to 75% cocoa mass;
  4. bitter may include up to 99% cocoa beans.

Until recently it was believed that the more cocoa beans in chocolate, the faster and better it acts according to the mood. This is true. But, rather, if a person eats such a product not because he needs it, but because he himself prefers it.

If milk chocolate is your priority, then it will give you much more pleasure than the unloved dark or bitter chocolate.

This is due to the fact that tryptophan, which is responsible for mood, is absorbed and does not act immediately. Otherwise, an eaten egg or cutlet would also have an immediate effect as an antidepressant.

All stimulating substances in combination have a faster effect on the neuropsychic state. AND a special role belongs to the aroma of cocoa butter: olfactory receptors are also primarily involved in the mechanism of improving mood.

Studies have shown that chocolate improves mood the more quickly the more depressed a person was before consuming the treat. In an even mood, such a noticeable effect is not observed.

7 more useful products

Chocolate is far from the only factor in improving mood. There are other antidepressant products. They must be in every person’s diet, since the supply of hormones responsible for a good mood tends to dry out.

  1. Natural yogurt. It contains the amino acid tyrosine, which, like tryptophan, increases serotonin levels. In addition, milk proteins, together with serotonin, calm the nervous system.
  2. Whole grain porridge. The entire complex of B vitamins and minerals support a stable and calm state of the nervous system.
  3. Citrus. The high content of vitamin C, as well as fructose, lifts your mood and relieves stress.
  4. Almond. Vitamins E, group B, zinc and magnesium are required to maintain good spirits and tone.
  5. Fatty sea fish. Vitamins B6 and B12, as well as fatty acids, are excellent at fighting stress and relieving anxiety. Salmon is especially rich in these anti-stress substances. For more information on the brain, see a separate article.
  6. Broccoli. The amino acids in its composition and folic acid are a real salvation for those who are familiar with panic attacks. It relieves anxiety, improves psycho-emotional state and...
  7. Seeds and nuts. A tablespoon of sunflower seeds or 40 g of any nuts have an antidepressant effect. Vitamins E, group B, folic acid help the production of dopamine, which is responsible for the feeling of happiness.

You can enhance the effect of food that helps you be in a good mood. Simple rules can become a habit and can be a good help for chocolate and other foods in keeping your spirits up.

  1. Hobby, passion. You don't have to devote a lot of time to it. People are usually very happy even just knowing that certain days and hours will be devoted to their favorite activity.
  2. Walk. The abundance of details of the outside world distracts from pressing problems. And the combination of walking with looking at pictures of nature or just passers-by sometimes works real miracles on your mood.
  3. Physical activity. We are not talking about sports, but about any physical action: putting things in their places, washing floors or dishes, dancing, just walking or even kneading an anti-stress toy with your hands noticeably relaxes and ultimately brings peace.
  4. Dream. The amount of the sleep hormone melatonin produced during a night's rest is directly proportional to the amount of serotonin produced in the brain.
  5. Cold shower. This method can be used, of course, only if your health is good. Cold water splashing in strong thin jets activates all skin receptors, which send an immediate impulse to the brain. The body is physically and mentally rebooted and improves mood.
  6. Animals. Communication, and especially with animals, sometimes gives positive emotions no less than communication with people. And in some cases, only contact with the natural world can pull a person out of a depressed state.
  7. Care. Emotions of depression are well replaced by a state of satisfaction and even joy when a person cares about others. Giving love and attention is the easiest way to receive positive emotional support.

Now we invite you to watch the video:

The psychological state is a subtle substance: it is not always possible to influence the state of happiness. But the biochemical processes in the brain that occur when eating foods that are good for your mood are quite understandable and controllable. And such an effective way as eating chocolate is deservedly popular and loved by many.

It is believed that chocolate, made from the seeds of a tree of the genus theobroma (or, to simplify, cocoa), people began to eat about 3,000 years ago. Since then, the demand for it has steadily grown - and even now this delicacy remains one of the most popular in the world. While eating large quantities of chocolate every day is unlikely to help you lose weight - Uma Thurman's diet plan for Kill Bill doesn't count - it is increasingly being called a health food. Right now we will try to figure out how fair this is.

Scientists say that this time the claims are quite true, but with a few caveats. In fact, the health benefits of sweets depend on the cocoa from which they are made, but not on the chocolate itself. That is, white chocolate, which is not quite chocolate because it does not contain cocoa, definitely cannot be considered healthy. The same cannot be said about milk and dark variations of chocolate, with or without dried fruits.

But since we've established that chocolate's health benefits come from cocoa, it's logical that your focus should be on chocolate (or dark chocolate, as it's also called) that contains more than 70% cocoa.

Not chocolate, but cocoa

"Cocoa is a good source of minerals, including (helps maintain healthy bones and promotes), iron (boosts red blood cell production) and zinc (builds new cells in the body),” nutritionist Rob Hobson explains to the Daily Mail. In addition, the expert adds, cocoa contains more antioxidants than any other (well, almost) food on the planet. These antioxidants, called flavonols, are the basis of many studies linking cocoa to protection against a variety of diseases.

As for chocolate with additional antioxidants or with , a number of studies show that it may be slightly more beneficial. However, given the interest in such work from chocolate companies that actively fund scientists, the validity of the conclusions remains to be verified.

Mood and something else

Cocoa is known to increase the amount of substances in the brain directly related to mood. Among them, for example, are “positive” phenylethylamine and tryptophan, which turns into the famous serotonin. Cocoa also contains theobromine, which works without causing addiction or unpleasant side effects like a sudden decrease in productivity or mild tremors.

There is other scientific evidence regarding chocolate that suggests that the flavonols in cocoa somehow dilate the arteries, increasing their elasticity and thus reducing pain. These antioxidants are sometimes thought to act in a similar way to aspirin - they thin the blood, reducing the chance of unwanted clots forming. Moreover, according to research, the effect after a cup of cocoa without sugar can last up to 6 hours.

A meta-analysis of studies on the topic conducted at Cambridge University found that both men and women who regularly consumed dark chocolate were 37% less likely to suffer from coronary heart disease and had a 29% lower risk of stroke.

Chocolate and brain activity

Countries with higher chocolate consumption have more per capita, according to findings published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Sounds good, don't you agree? This information brings us to the fact that chocolate makes us smarter. Or at least more erudite.

In fact, studies have shown that consuming cocoa for at least 5 days increases blood flow to the part of the brain responsible for efficiency and alertness. Scientists add that the almighty antioxidants in chocolate also appear to be able to neutralize small short-term inflammations that usually provoke brain fog.

In other words, adding cocoa powder or a milkshake or a couple of slices of dark chocolate to your breakfast in addition to your coffee is a great idea. At least for those who want to not only increase the amount of minerals and antioxidants in their diet, but do it tasty.

Chocolate lovers associate the consumption of this product with pleasure and pleasure. This product is famous not only for its taste. For hundreds of years, chocolate has been credited with the ability to lift mood, stimulate physical activity, and eliminate anxiety. In addition, it was believed that chocolate excites and influences sexual behavior. These amazing properties have been confirmed by research conducted today.

Chocolate is a hormone of happiness, joy and pleasure

Capable of increasing production serotonin– the hormone of happiness, due to the lack of which a person may experience depression. Another hormone of happiness - endorphin, – relieves psychological stress and pain. This hormone acts like opiates- narcotic substances. Reduces stress and the presence of sugar in the chocolate bar. True, everything should be in moderation. Scientists advise consuming high-quality chocolate, in the production of which a large amount of cocoa beans was used; and not cheap candies that contain too much sugar and saturated fats that are harmful to your figure. It is recommended to take dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate - it sends impulses to the brain faster.

Research has revealed the presence of anandamine. It is a neurotransmitter that causes euphoria. Its effect is equivalent to that of hemp. At the same time, chocolate does not cause addiction, intoxication or any other side effects, which makes it simply an indispensable product for frequent consumption.

In addition to those listed, chocolate contains the following chemicals: caffeine, amphetamine, theobromine and phenylethylamine.

Caffeine acts as a stimulant of motor activity. Theobramine is very similar in composition and effect to caffeine. It has a stimulating effect on the heart muscle and awakens vital energy from hibernation.

Amphetamine is a hormone of the adrenaline group that has a positive effect on mental activity.

Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, which stimulates the brain's love center.

Has an interesting effect on the brain phenylethylamine. It is this hormone that begins to be produced in large quantities when a person falls in love. That is why it is also called the “love molecule”. A similar emotional uplift occurs, thanks to this hormone, when eating chocolate. Therefore: “Men, give your loved ones chocolate!” Although it is not entirely clear how the brain triggers emotions, scientists are on the path to a solution.

Studies have confirmed the antidepressant properties of chocolate and its undoubted benefits in the fight against bad mood. Perhaps in the near future, doctors will recommend this delicious product for medicinal purposes to everyone suffering from depression!

The Belgian Post made a gift not only to philatelists, but also to sweet lovers by issuing “chocolate” stamps. The flavor of this confectionery product has been added to the brand's base in the form of cocoa essential oils, which can be felt when licked. The paint also gives off a chocolate scent. We can say with confidence that the entire circulation of the “delicious” stamps will be sold out in the shortest possible time. In general, chocolate is not only tasty, but also healthy.

The Belgian Post made a gift not only to philatelists, but also to sweet lovers by issuing “chocolate” stamps. The flavor of this confectionery product has been added to the brand's base in the form of cocoa essential oils, which can be felt when licked. The paint also gives off a chocolate scent. We can say with confidence that the entire circulation of the “delicious” stamps will be sold out in the shortest possible time. In general, chocolate is not only tasty, but also healthy. It contains elements that promote psychological recovery and stress relief. Dark chocolate is especially useful - it stimulates the release of endorphins, which improve mood and maintain tone. But that's not all. Turns out....

...chocolate invigorates.

The cocoa beans from which chocolate is made contain caffeine. In moderate doses, caffeine increases mental and physical performance, makes it possible to better respond to changes in the environment (positive conditioned reflexes are enhanced), and reduces the feeling of fatigue and drowsiness. In addition, chocolate contains a lot of glucose - the main source of “fuel” for our body.

...chocolate improves your mood.

Cocoa beans are an excellent source of tryptophan, an amino acid that is needed for the synthesis of serotonin in our brain, which is called the “happy hormone.” When stressed, the body's reserves of serotonin are depleted. The result is a depressed mood and loss of strength. And even feeling unwell: with a decrease in serotonin, the sensitivity of the body’s pain system increases, that is, even mild irritation responds with severe pain. Chocolate stimulates the production of serotonin, improving mood.

...chocolate slows down skin aging.

Eating dark chocolate every day can slow down skin aging, say scientists from the UK. During the study, they found out that a few pieces of dark chocolate a day slow down the process of destruction of collagen fibers and improve metabolism in our skin. This is due to the high content of strong antioxidants - flavonoids. In addition, dark chocolate reduces the risk of developing one of the most dangerous types of cancer - melanoma.

...chocolate saves you from diabetes and obesity.

Dark chocolate reduces the risk of diabetes and obesity, say researchers from the Karolinska Institutet (Sweden). They conducted an experiment and found that eating dark chocolate did not cause a significant increase in blood sugar and the production of large amounts of insulin. Scientists even recorded a decrease in the incidence of type 2 diabetes and a slight decrease in body weight among people who regularly consumed dark chocolate. According to scientists, the beneficial effects of dark chocolate are due to the antioxidants it contains - flavonoids. The study revealed another interesting fact: it turns out that white chocolate is the least beneficial for men, and milk chocolate for women.

...dark chocolate helps you lose weight.

Dark chocolate reduces cravings for unhealthy foods, say scientists from the University of Copenhagen (Denmark). This product is not only rich in antioxidants, but also reduces cravings for fatty, sweet and salty foods. During the experiment, scientists observed the effect of consuming dark and milk chocolate on the body of young people who had not eaten anything for 12 hours. After another 5 hours, the subjects were given a full meal. It turned out that a 100-gram bar of dark chocolate not only satisfies hunger, but also reduces appetite, which cannot be said about milk chocolate. So, after drinking black chocolate, the volunteers ate significantly less food, and what is especially important, they ate very little salty, sweet and fatty foods. According to scientists, dark chocolate helps reduce calorie intake by 15%.

...chocolate is good for the heart and blood vessels.

A study conducted by scientists from the University of San Diego found that dark chocolate, which contains flavanols, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, is good for the heart. 30 volunteers consumed 51 g of dark chocolate (70% cocoa) and the same amount of white milk chocolate (0% cocoa) for 15 days. Participants had their blood pressure, blood flow, and blood lipid levels measured before and after the experiment. Tests showed that those who ate dark chocolate had higher levels of “good” cholesterol.

But all researchers agree on one thing: it is important not to overdo it with chocolate. Firstly, it is recommended to eat not white or milk chocolate, but rather high-quality dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70%, preferably without sweet additives like waffles or caramel. Secondly, you should exercise moderation with such chocolate, because it contains quite a lot of calories. The optimal “dose” is 30-50 grams per day.