
A comic compatibility test for two. Test-games for lovers. The main thing in marriage is material well-being

A comic compatibility test for two.  Test-games for lovers.  The main thing in marriage is material well-being

Gemini - Gemini

Very good. But complications may arise due to the fact that a pair of “twins” that are closed to each other often fall out of the surrounding world and do not develop individually.

Gemini - Single

An unsuccessful combination in which partners have opposite demands on each other. But not everything is hopeless: the stubborn “twin” has a chance to firmly bind the “loner” to himself.

Twin - Parent

Not bad. The “twin” tolerates the control and guardianship of the “parent” more easily than other types, and the “parent” often willingly allows the obedient “twin” to invade his personal space.

Gemini - Child

Acceptable option. The “Gemini” is allowed to invade the hidden recesses of the “child’s” soul, since the “child” perceives this as a manifestation of self-love.

Twin - Hamster

The problem is not only that the “hamster” is often jealous of his independence. “Twin” will also not be satisfied with the unity of souls that the “hamster” can somehow give out.

Gemini - Tiger

“Tiger” will be quite happy, but “twin” will have a hard time.

Loner - Loner

A relationship that seems so harmonious, however, runs the risk of being broken due to the fact that this couple will have minimal common affairs, interests and goals.

Single - Parent

One of the worst combinations, almost inevitably leading to fiasco: the “loner” does not tolerate control, and the “parent” only sees the meaning of the relationship in such control.

Single - Child

The “child” is more focused on himself than on his partner. And if the “loner” shows enough care towards the “child”, he will be able to maintain his freedom.

Loner - Hamster

Of course, this couple will not make Romeo and Juliet, but in an even and friendly disregard for each other they will be able to live a long and happy life together.

Loner - Tiger

Badly. The aggressive demands of the “tiger” are sometimes more severe than the intrusive care of the “parent”. It will be difficult for a “loner” to withstand it.

Parent - Parent

A very good combination. Partners will easily understand each other's desires, and if they are wise enough to accept each other's control, then everything will be fine.

Parent - Child

The control of the “parent” in such a couple often turns into mania, and the “child” risks becoming a hysterical creature who does not know what he wants, but is always dissatisfied with everything.

Parent - Hamster

As long as there are no shocks, this couple can coexist peacefully. But in difficult situations, the “parent” will have to either cope with the problem himself or wag the hamster’s tail.

Parent - Tiger

It's difficult, but it's possible. As long as the “parent” perceives “tiger” attacks as childish pranks, everything will be more or less tolerable.

Child - Child

Hopelessly. The beauty of this union, perhaps, is only in its programmed short duration. “Children” do not know how to care for others and do not know how to live without such care.

Baby - Hamster

These egoists can coexist - provided they have a decent annual income, health and other everyday goods that will help the “hamster” pretend to be mediocre nanny.

Child - Tiger

"Child" is the best prey for the "tiger". But the “tigers” are famous for anything but indifference to their victims, so the “child” will also receive the attention he seeks.

Hamster - Hamster

By jointly avoiding unpleasant situations and simultaneously hiding from any painful heroism in their cozy hole, hamsters can show the world the happiest couple of spouses.

Hamster - Tiger

Nothing will work out. Caring for one’s own safety will not allow the “hamster” to spend best years your life to cohabit with a “tiger”.

Tiger - Tiger

Amazing. True, it is unlikely that such a couple can do anything other than endlessly sort things out. But then they will reach maximum heights!

: Reading time:

6 questions with which experienced family psychologist Ilyina Elena Anatolyevna begins the session.

Over 7 years of working with couples, I understood what questions to ask at the first meeting. It immediately becomes clear to me and my clients how strong, healthy this relationship is and what needs to be worked on.

Answer the questions “yes”, “yes, but I would like more” and “no”. Ideally, both partners write down their answers and compare them—an exercise I start with almost every couple.

Couple test

1. Do you feel that your partner respects you?

Your partner listens to your opinion and asks what you want? Do you two really make joint decisions as equals?

2. You get positive emotions from a partner?

Do you get enough praise and compliments from your partner? Do you receive enough affection, tenderness, care?

3. Is there intimacy between you (including sex) that satisfies you?

Intimacy is not only sexual intercourse, it is an emotional background between two people:

  • the feeling that I am desired when I pass by a partner
  • touch
  • views
  • kisses
  • messages throughout the day: I love you, I want you, I miss you, you’re the best

4. Is there mutual assistance and mutual support in these relationships?

Will your partner understand and support if you are having difficulties? At work, with parents, children, with health, with a girlfriend (boyfriend)?

5. Have you agreed on the money?

Have you divided the budget or just don’t pay attention to it (both are comfortable)? Or constantly quarrel over finances:

  • because someone isn't working
  • doesn't earn enough
  • spends a lot
  • doesn’t want to keep a budget and save money
  • does not invest in purchases that both need

6. Do you and your partner have common interests?

Interests do not have to coincide one hundred percent. IN strong relationships There are one or more things that you enjoy doing together:

  • watch films and discuss the plot or actors
  • walk in the park or shopping center
  • gossip about friends or passers-by
  • discover new countries or lie on the sea

What to do with the answers

If you answered “yes” to all questions in the couples test, everything is fine. Make sure your partner is happy with everything too.

At least one “no” or an uncertain “yes” is a reason to start working on the relationship. Talk to your partner and compare answers. If you can’t talk and you can’t hear each other, trust a specialist. Family psychologist“will build bridges”, translate to your partner what you are saying (and vice versa). In my practice, this solves all problems in every second couple.

The more “no” in the test results for two, the less positive things connect you with your partner. If all the answers are “no,” think about why you ended up in this relationship? How did you feel when you met? Where did it go?

This test for two is the first stage. You realized the problem and tried to formulate it. Then there are three options:

  1. Put off solving the problem until later
  2. Try to decide on your own, talk
  3. Seek help from a specialist

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. But if there is something good in your relationship, don't wait for it to disappear or get drowned in quarrels. Better make an appointment with a family therapist.

Do you think you are an ideal couple? This psychological test couple compatibility for two will help not only you to understand whether you know each other well, but also for him to understand his feelings!

This compatibility test is surprisingly simple. It is divided into two parts - you answer the questions of the first part, and your favorite answers the questions of the second. So let's get started! For each question you must choose ONLY ONE answer - “a”, “b” or “c”.

You first!

1. What professional photograph of yourself would you order for him as a gift?

a) where you dance with eroticism in a seductive outfit;

b) portrait in classical style;

c) where you look like a fashion cover model glossy magazine– charming and incredibly sexy!

2. Where would you like to go on a romantic trip with your loved one?

a) of course, to Thailand!

b) to Paris - the city where love blooms!

c) to Venice.

3. In what lighting would you prefer to give him love:

a) in the sensual glow of candles;

b) in the dark;

c) in the soft and mysterious light of a lamp with a red lampshade.

4. Your clothing style can be called:

a) MEGAsexy!

b) elegantly sophisticated and very feminine;

c) glamorous and fashionable.

5. When he invites you to the bar, what do you most likely order:

a) exotic cocktails;

b) red wine;

c) champagne.

6. Ideally, you would like to see yourself in the image:

a) sex - a symbol;

b) a sophisticated feminine society lady;

c) a very sweet, touching and romantic heroine from a romantic fairy tale film - after all, this is exactly how you ideally imagine your life.

Did you answer the questions? Well done, but that's not all! 🙂 Which letter predominates in your answers - “a”, “b”, maybe “c”?

If “a”: your almost supernatural sex appeal makes you almost supernaturally attractive to members of the opposite sex. Think about it: do they really only want sex from you? Maybe you shouldn’t present yourself solely as an easily accessible erotic dish? Maybe you are a delicacy, but so far only for the body - and not for the soul, this test considers your compatibility with the opposite sex.

If “b” predominates: you certainly have impeccable taste; you are a refined person who loves elegance in everything – and relationships with men are no exception. However, in your sophistication there is also a share of arrogance, which can scare off men and create problems in your personal life. Just remember that angels in the flesh do not exist among both men and women - that is, and you are not the owner of a halo with wings. In general, be simpler - and the love of the opposite sex will be drawn to you!

If most of the answers are “c”: how complicated everything is. It’s complicated and neglected. You are so sentimental that you try to build relationships exclusively from subtle matters - which are too subtle for men, and therefore quickly break. You have imagined an ideal love for yourself, but it does not exist. Less of all these gasps, hints and soul-searching - at least in the presence of the man you like, and you will definitely spark interest in him!

The next compatibility test, or rather its second part, is for HIM! Call him to the monitor - Are you ready, sir? Then let's get started. To answer each of the six following questions, choose one of the proposed options under the letter “a”, “b” or “c”, and then count which letter prevails among those you have chosen and read the verdict! 🙂

1. Which photo of your beloved would you not mind receiving?

a) where she is water skiing in a bright, revealing swimsuit, or on the beach in a translucent sundress, worn directly on her naked body! (Mmm!)

b) where she sits astride a motorcycle in a baseball cap and faded jeans;

c) her elegant portrait in an evening dress.

2. Where would you like to spend a week or two of your vacation with her?

a) at a ski resort;

b) on a deserted island;

c) at some aristocratic fashionable resort.

3. In what lighting would you prefer to have sex with her?

a) in the romantic light of the moon;

c) in the dim light of a night lamp.

4. You get dressed...

a) extravagant;

b) sporty. And convenient!

c) in a classic style.

5. Your favorite drink from the following is...

a) real red wine from French cellars;

b) tequila;

6. What type of woman is most attractive to you?

a) charming and unpredictable;

b) selfish bitch;

c) a very feminine, confident beauty.

Have you calculated which letter predominates in your answers?

If it is “a”: you are an adventurer in life, in which you prefer an active position. You love to be in the thick of things, where there must be pleasure and entertainment. Your character is that of a Casanova - a true connoisseur of women, and you probably have a lot of them too! However, you have a chance to live a long time interesting years with one, if this woman is like you - energetic, relaxed, in love with experiments and life!

If it's "b": do you like "bad girls"? However, this is not your type - such love constantly gets you involved in various dubious enterprises, because you are very passionate about life, and therefore you constantly get yourself into trouble - these are the results this psychological test gave. You need a relationship with a pragmatic and sensible life partner who would direct your risk-taking in a more peaceful and creative direction.

If this is “in”: hello, dear Hippolyte from the film “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”! You look an awful lot like a guy who just passed this psychological test for two - exactly "terrible." This guy is just as TERRIBLY correct as you, without even the most harmless frivolity and even the smallest cockroaches in his head. However, as soon as this guy falls in love, like a fool, with a girl with them, all his terrible correctness will disappear somewhere, and a new and more interesting life will come to replace it.

AND NOW – THE MOST interesting part! 🙂

Do you remember which letter predominates in the answers of each of you? Look for your couple's score in the table of coincidence of interests, that is, look for the point at which your interests intersect. What score did the compatibility test give you two? The higher your score, the more successful a couple you are!

If your score is too low, don't worry! This is just a psychological test. In this case, this paired compatibility test can only indicate that you complement each other - like two halves of one whole! Keep your love and take care of your relationship like the apple of your eye. And accept the most my sincere congratulations and be happy!

Especially for women's magazine

Test game for two lovers

Want to test your feelings? Take our test

Rules and conditions of the game - test

The lovers answer the questions one by one. If the answer is affirmative, then you can move on to the next question, and if it is negative, you skip the move. If you are unable to answer either “yes” or “no,” then you miss your turn twice. The game ends the moment one of the players answers all the questions.

To take the test more honestly, answer on a separate piece of paper without showing each other your answers. Have one of you read the questions out loud, also naming their numbers. Agree how much time is allotted for the answer, for example, 30 seconds.

You can also play in pairs, but in this case the girl and the boy must find a compromise answer.


1. Do you prefer to trust him (her) with only small troubles? (yes, no)2. Are lovers always a little crazy? (yes, no)3. If you didn’t like a friend’s gift, should you say so? (yes, no)4. The secret to your couple's stability is strong love? (yes, no)5. If a stranger meets you in a crowd, will he understand that you are in love? (yes, no)6. Are you the center of each other's interests? (yes, no)7. Is love best made in bed? (yes, no)8. Have most of your friend's friends become your friends? (yes, no)9. Are you able to appreciate the irony and humor of your friend (girlfriend)? (yes, no)10. Do you tell little lies from time to time to avoid unnecessary conflicts? (yes, no)11. Do you listen to your friend’s advice when buying things or clothes? (yes, no)12. Are you able to appreciate your friend's small sacrifices? (yes, no)13. Do you think that going on vacation separately means emphasizing your independence? (yes, no)14. Do you think love alone is enough for happiness? (yes, no)15. For a woman, the home is the throne from which she rules the world. Is it so? (yes, no)16. The main thing in life is mutual understanding. Do you agree? (yes, no)17. Do you lose interest in your partner immediately after sexual intercourse? (yes, no)18. Have you ever done something to your partner that you would have condemned if it had happened to you? (yes, no)19. The life of a couple is a constant search for agreement, and not defending one’s own rightness. What do you think? (yes, no)20. If your partner is criticized in front of you, will you stand up for him? (yes, no)21. Do you accept the idea that your partner is keeping in touch with friends you don't know? (yes, no)22. Is your loved one a part of yourself? (Not really)

Let's summarize:

1. You finished the game at the same time and all your answers matched. Your couple matches the classic models - Romeo and Juliet, Tristan and Isolde. It looks like you won the main prize in the love lottery. But your happiness and harmony can become a source of envy.

2. At the finish line you are separated by one or two points. You certainly love each other, but your views on love are different. Your love will know ups and downs. And some problems can test a relationship. In general, life will correspond to the African proverb: love is like rain, and rare drops can stir up the river.

3. The difference at the finish line is from three to five points. It seems that you do not have any special illusions of a sentimental nature. But overall, you are satisfied with the relationship, although the feeling of “seventh heaven” has passed. At least if you decide to break up, it will happen without drama.

4. The difference is more than five points. Conflicts are inevitable, and therefore it is better not to drive them inside. Most likely, any argument you have turns into a mutual demonstration of strength and a form of self-affirmation. But don't forget that each of you has the right to relax. Advice: bury the hatchet and take a break in your relationship. This manner of communication is also part of the relationship within a couple.

Test “How well does your couple know each other”

What do you know about your girlfriend? What does your girlfriend know about you? With the help of our test, you will find out the frighteningly or, on the contrary, encouragingly accurate answer to these two questions.

This test is not only great way find out what you really know about each other, but also a great excuse to get to know each other better!

Even if you and your partner raised three children together (by the way, whose children are these?), it’s not a fact that you know each other’s habits well. But without this knowledge, relationships will never be as productive and happy as possible, says Dr. John Gottman, author of Seven Principles That Make Marriages Work. From this book we borrowed a test that we recommend that all couples take.

How the test works

You will need five sheets of paper and two pencils. Okay, from one sheet - it's extra - make paper boat. And pencils can be replaced with pens or, who knows, with felt-tip pens. You will take the test one by one. One asks a question out loud, both silently write down the answer, without looking at each other’s papers. For example, you ask a girl: “What am I most afraid of?” She writes down her answer: “Giant spiders with tentacles and lights.” Meanwhile, you write down your correct version: “Your mother.” And so you report on all twenty-five questions. Then turn the papers over and set them aside.

Take the next two pieces of paper and carry out the same procedure, but with the girl as the defendant. She asks, “What am I most afraid of?” You silently write down: “Your mother.” The girl silently writes down: “My mother.” And so on for all questions.

Having finished questioning each other, turn over the pieces of paper and compare the results (but first, of course, be horrified by the answers). Count the number of exact matches. Precise in the semantic meaning, and not in the form of the statement. For example, if when asked about your hobby you answered “badminton”, and the girl answered “a ridiculous game with a net, rackets and such funny balls in skirts” - this is still a coincidence. Counts. For each correct answer - 1 point.


1. My favorite dessert
2. What is my shoe size?
3. What am I most afraid of?
4. How old is my mother?
5. What is my blood type?
6. What turns me on sexually?
7. Name my two closest friends
8. Do I have a hobby? Which?
9. What will be the first thing I take away from a fire, besides you, documents and pets?
10. My favorite movie
11. My most unpleasant childhood memory
12. What time of day do I like to have sex most?
13. How do I prefer to spend my evenings?
14. How do I want to be buried?
15. The dish I can’t live without
16. What gift would I like best?
17. What food do I hate?
18. My favorite music group
19. What kind of coffee do I prefer?
20. What club did I attend as a child?
21. What literary genre do I like?
22. What do I want to do before I die?
23. My favorite weather?
24. Continue the phrase “You hate it when I...”
25. Do I have allergies?


How many points did you score?
You are very far from each other

How often do you communicate? Perhaps we should take a break from watching TV shows together and pay attention to each other. Although, with all due respect to Dr. Gottman, what can bring you closer together than watching the series together? And anyway, what else do you need from a relationship?

Greetings, strong middle peasants!

You know just enough about each other to sleep peacefully and not embarrass yourself at a family dinner by confusing the girl’s mother with her great aunt. You certainly can’t be called strangers. But you still have an amazing, full of discoveries, magical path of getting to know each other ahead of you. Walk carefully.

Your relationship is enviable!

And this is probably what your friends are doing, once again watching your girlfriend serve you creme brulee, although you haven’t even had time to say “cream.” But even in this kingdom of mutual understanding and harmony there is a subtle point: it is necessary to ensure the protection of your personal space. In addition, you can periodically surprise your partner by throwing aside the pan of creme brulee and demanding Napoleon cake.

You are very, very, close

A similar degree of intimacy occurs among people who have lived together for decades. Maybe you’ll stop shocking the nursing home and get legally married to your permanent grandmother? It is obvious that you have every chance of happy life to the grave.

The one question that keeps women up the most in the middle of the night is: Are we really meant to be together? We'll always be together? We are kindred spirits, destined for eternal love? Or will he break my heart?

Everyone wants to find true love, but it's not that easy. As they say, you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince. If you're tired of frogs and are ready to move into the prince stage of your dating life, a love compatibility test can help. This will help you determine what you are really looking for in a potential partner. Once you know what you are looking for, you will be one step closer to finding true love. Then you can stop kissing frogs and move in with a prince or princess.

If you are in love with someone and you want to test your Compatibility with that person, online tests for compatibility this is what you may need. These compatibility tests clarify all the questions that may arise in your mind regarding how compatible your relationship with your partner is in the future. If your compatibility quotient does not turn out to be good, you can analyze yourself and take steps to make the relationship better between you and your partner. Love tests are important because they give you an idea of ​​whether the person you have chosen as a partner is suitable for you. These tests explain the state of your relationship with your partner and give detailed analysis of what it might be in the future.