
I have come to terms with the world of righties. What problems do left-handed people face? How do the brains and behavior of right-handers and left-handers differ? Studying is a good thing

I have come to terms with the world of righties.  What problems do left-handed people face?  How do the brains and behavior of right-handers and left-handers differ? Studying is a good thing

According to various sources, from 3 to 15% of the world's population are left-handed. It seems not so little, but the whole world, in fact, is adapted only for right-handed people. To draw attention to this problem, International Left-Handed Day has been celebrated since 1976. They have to adapt and get used to movements that are unnatural for themselves in everyday life. Is it difficult, or is the problem actually not so acute? To answer the question, we spoke to a left-handed person who uses right-handed equipment every day in his work.

Studying is right

In Soviet times, retraining left-handers to be right-handed was mandatory in schools. Only in the mid-80s did the USSR Ministry of Health and Education adopt documents to protect left-handed children. However, some teachers still consider it necessary to “help” the child in this way instead of creating favorable conditions.

“I was lucky - no one forcibly retrained me. I learned to write early, in kindergarten. First, educators and then teachers took my left-handedness for granted. But it could have been worse. And I understood this when I was little and visited my relatives in the village for the summer. Local left-handed children complained that they were forced to do everything with their right hand. I think that in the 90s, the remnants of the Soviet past were especially strongly preserved in the villages. Roughly speaking, they were preparing to work at the machines. They are all standard for right-handers. I won’t say that the village kids suffered from retraining, but it wasn’t pleasant either,” says 3D modeler and photographer Denis Sveshnikov.

They don’t change right-handed people from an early age, but they don’t help left-handed people adapt either. Russian schools do not have a special approach to such children. Although they do not experience any major problems in their studies due to their genetics.

“From my school days I can only remember some minor nuances. For example, it is inconvenient to write in a notebook. Our hands back then were, to put it mildly, imperfect, so I constantly got everything dirty with my hands. I had to put blotters on it. This also applies to drawing. And when they sat me on the right side of the desk, I constantly bumped elbows with my neighbor. By the way, I still take this into account. When my colleagues and I go for lunch, I try to sit on the left side so as not to disturb anyone,” Denis emphasizes.

Simple moves

Besides school and university, there are many other places where lefties have to adapt. After his studies, Denis began working as a 3D modeler and part-time photographer, which means that he needs to work a lot on the computer and draw.

“I immediately took the computer mouse in my right hand. This is generally good advice. It is better to master new equipment, clearly designed for right-handed people, right away with your right hand. Especially if it does not involve any complex movements. Here's an example. I only hold the stylus from the graphics tablet with my left hand, and I can easily control the mouse with my right. Learning to drive a car was also not difficult. It is more convenient to change gears with your left, but when you start working with your right from the first attempts, then it becomes automatic. And you don’t feel any discomfort. I managed the camera quickly. Moreover, if suddenly manufacturers now start producing photographic equipment for left-handed people, I won’t be able to work with it,” says the photographer.

Left-handedness did indirectly interfere with some things. For example, music lessons. Denis recalls: “When I was learning to play the guitar, I didn’t have enough perseverance. I had to move the instrument to the other side, learn new chords or change strings...”

But in sports the situation is twofold. In those sports where complex equipment is used, left-handers have a very difficult time. But in other disciplines, left-handedness can only be a plus - it creates a surprise effect for the opponent.

“As a child, I played volleyball. Maybe being left-handed was beneficial - it was unexpected for the opponent. The teams are mostly right-handed, they serve from one corner of the court, and I hit with my other hand from another point. A left-handed serve in volleyball is very unusual for an opponent,” Denis shares his impressions.

He doesn’t see a problem with the fact that almost all the equipment, equipment and items in the world are designed only for right-handed people. Doing simple manipulations with the right hand is not difficult for a left-handed person. A matter of habit.

“All tools are designed for right-handers: drill, electric saw, grinder, and so on. There is no choice here - you immediately learn to use your right hand and quickly get used to it. In general, in adapting to the right-handed world there are no wild inconveniences, any kind of struggle or overcoming. Since childhood, I simply realized that there are more right-handers, and we, left-handers, just need to adapt to this world. That's all. We must come to terms with the fact that there is no other way,” summarizes Denis.

On average, left-handed people live 9 years less than their right-handed counterparts.

Scientists who conducted research in 1991 came to this conclusion. The reason for the high mortality rate is not poor health from birth, but suicide due to unstable psyche and accidents that befall left-handers in a world designed for right-handers. Currently, these studies have not been confirmed



Studies have shown that left-handers are more likely to suffer from schizophrenia, dyslexia and alcoholism. We are not sure about the latter, most likely they do not suffer from it, but enjoy it


If a woman becomes pregnant over 40 years of age, then the chance that the born child will be left-handed increases by 130%, compared to if she became pregnant around 20 years of age

The probability of having a left-handed child if both parents are right-handed is only 2%. If one of the parents is left-handed, the probability increases to 17%; both left-handed parents have left-handed children in 46% of cases


Left-handed people are more prone to rebellion and crime. And, as a rule, left-handed children are much more stubborn than right-handed children


At the same time, many left-handers have good musical abilities and absolute pitch. They also more often choose the professions of artists, painters and writers.


There are far more left-handed men than women


In some cultures, left-handers are considered outcasts

In addition, in many languages ​​the word left has a negative connotation and is synonymous with the words awkward, false, insincere, arousing suspicion


In some countries, for example Islamic countries, the left hand is unclean because it is used when washing after going to the toilet.

In such countries, life is especially difficult for left-handers


In some cultures around the world, left-handedness is a mark of the devil and in the past left-handed people were punished for using their left hand.

This is still practiced in some countries


Osama bin Laden was left-handed

By the way, Jack the Ripper was also left-handed


In contrast to him, the following were left-handed: Alexander the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte, Albert Einstein, Charlie Chaplin and many, many other famous people from various fields of activity


Lrrtm1 is the name of the gene that determines whether the child will be right-handed or left-handed


The number of left-handers on Earth is decreasing

In the Stone Age they were about 50% of the population, in the Bronze Age - 25%, and now - only 5%
Almost 90% of people on the planet are right-handed, and only 3-5% have a “leading hand” that is left. The rest are ambidextrous (two leading hands)


There are scholarships in the world for left-handed people who study well

At Juniata College, Pennsylvania, USA, left-handers are awarded a scholarship called the Frederick and Mary F. Beckley Scholarship. And the most successful left-hander will receive a $1,000 bonus.


If a left-hander needs to learn to write with his right hand, he will do it much faster than a right-hander who needs to learn to write with his left

Interesting fact: the hand a person writes with is not an accurate indicator of left- or right-handedness, as many left-handers use their right hand for writing and their left hand for other tasks.

Research by scientists of all stripes says that left-handed people are all around us. Why don't we notice them then? Any left-hander in a company becomes a black sheep, he has to answer questions like: “how do you eat with your left hand?”, “Are your nails blue when you write?”, “Why aren’t you a genius?” - and other delusional fabrications. Next, let's try to dispel a few myths about left-handed people. And perhaps create new ones. We'll see how it goes...

The first links on the Internet say that only every seventh or eighth person is left-handed. The trouble is that they are quite difficult to count, identify and isolate, since many left-handers masquerade as right-handers, some are not actually left-handed, but bisexual... that is, we wanted to write “ambidexterous”.

It is especially troublesome to identify immigrants from the USSR: Soviet education obliged teachers to retrain left-handers to be right-handed at all costs (although many teachers, physiologists and psychologists were categorically against this practice). As a result, those left-handers, from whom the USSR raised partial right-handers, now work with both hands, have terrible handwriting, feel mentally unbalanced and hate Soviet pedagogy. The abuse of left-handed children in the USSR stopped only in 1986.

Let's assume that a left-hander is someone who, from birth, performs basic operations (eating, computer, drawing, shaving, killing) with his left hand. Although in life, even a hardcore fanatical left-hander can entrust some actions with great pleasure to his right hand.

Therefore, attempts to count, for example, all the brilliant left-handed guitarists are doomed to failure. Yes, Paul McCartney, Jimi Hendrix and Kurt Cobain are photographed with left-handed instruments at the ready. However, the reality is that the majority of left-handed guitarists play and pose as right-handers because it is easier to learn and easier to find the right instrument.

Identifying a left-handed person without beating him or interrogating him with a soldering iron is as easy as shelling pears: sharply ask him to put his hands in a “lock”, that is, interlace the fingers of both hands. For right-handers, the thumb of the right hand is at the top, for left-handers, the thumb of the left hand is at the top. Surely there are exceptions to the method, so if it doesn’t work and the left-hander doesn’t confess, you can move on to the soldering iron.

There is a basic theory that right-handers have a better developed left hemisphere of the brain, while left-handers have a better developed right hemisphere. We, left-handers, are deeply pleased to realize this, since our right hemisphere is cooler. Well, judge for yourself.

The left hemisphere (the favorite hemisphere of all right-handed people) is responsible for:
- speech, writing, learning, receiving, analyzing, processing and remembering incoming data (linguistic, mathematical, etc.), and for moving the right half of the body;

the right hemisphere (the favorite hemisphere of us wonderful lefties) is responsible for:
- intuition, processing of figurative information, spatial orientation, musicality, metaphors, imagination, emotions, multi-threaded thinking, movements of the right limbs and - oops - for sex too!

In other words, right-handers are born accountants, managers and soldiers. And left-handers are writers, artists, musicians, bloggers, film directors, porn stars, poets and alcoholics. The question remains: who are you with?

At the same time, left-handed people can easily make their way to the very top in areas that are infinitely far from creativity.

The most famous modern US presidents turned out to be left-handed: Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Yes, yes, blacks also have a good, pumped right hemisphere of the brain. What about Obama? Our everything Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is also left-handed and a little bit black.

But the ill-fated President Nixon is a sad right-hander. Who would doubt that!

There are persistent rumors in journalistic circles that V.V. Putin, whom you know well, is probably a hidden left-hander. It is possible that here we are talking about the same overeducated Soviet schoolchild, as mentioned at the beginning of the article.

Another instructive list: Guy Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Joan of Arc, Napoleon Bonaparte, Winston Churchill, Fidel Castro and Mahatma Gandhi are left-handed.

Adolf Hitler is right-handed.

Think again: who are you with?

I don’t even want to raise the topic of actors, musicians, directors and artists: there are so many of them, and we have an article here, not a telephone directory. Just being observant is enough. Does anything about the below shot of Sylvester Stallone bother you?

By the way, this shot is missing Bruce Willis, who is also left-handed. But we have collected a million more interesting frames. Look how gracefully Scarlett Johansson signs autographs with her left paw.

The advantages that left-handers receive in sports are very interesting. And not even obvious at first glance. For example, the two greatest football players of the last century - Pele and Maradona - are left-handed. Now do you understand what Maradona meant by the hand of God?

Football is actually a symmetrical sport, and the special talents of left-handers Pele and Maradona can be chalked up to coincidence (albeit a little too, oh so suspicious).

Boxing, fencing, tennis are those sports where left-handedness is generally considered a special advantage.

Because a right-hander, by definition, rarely encounters a left-hander in the arena, and he has many times less experience of confrontation against left-handers than left-handers against right-handers. In almost all sports where there are martial arts and fights of this kind, the number of successful left-handers is many times greater than the statistical norm.

So, when humanity, after the Third World War, again slides to the level of cave monkeys, left-handed people will win much more often in fights for the title of leader. And left-handers will rule the planet!

The apocalypse, of course, is wonderful, but do we, left-handers, have any advantages over right-handers in everyday life?
Let's take the simplest and most understandable thing that exists in our world - a computer. Imagine that your mouse is not on the right, but on the left of the keyboard. And you play Fallout/Starcraft/Dota/CounterStrike - or anything that requires simultaneous operation of a mouse and keyboard. So, for right-handed people, by default, buttons are assigned somewhere in the depths of the keyboard - such as WASD. At the same time, a left-handed person, as a free and advanced person, can put his hand on much more comfortable buttons - arrows and numpad.

By the way, according to statistics, there has always been an unusually high concentration of left-handers among video game champions. However, analysts also explain this by the psychophysical advantages of left-handers, such as: the ability to concentrate consciousness on many objects and easily act intuitively (immediately as soon as the left-hander hears “Use the power, Luke” in his head).

Marketing and logistics experts have found that left-handers are much faster at shopping in crowded hypermarkets. This is because they browse the shelves and pick up items in a different direction than other visitors, and as a result, they have to push less and stand in lines.

Scientists have proven in fairly simple experiments that, under equal initial conditions, left-handers often act differently than right-handers. For example, if a group of subjects are asked to choose a left or right picture, right-handers tend to choose the right one, and left-handers tend to choose the one on the left. It would seem like a trifle, but on its basis one can draw far-reaching conclusions - for example, for whom left-handers and right-handers will vote, depending on the design of the ballot.

Thus, if 10-15 beautiful girls line up in a row apply for you at once, then the one who knows what kind of hand you have has a good chance. Don't listen to the call of your heart, shut up the call of your mind. The hand itself will choose the right girl!

What are you saying? Have you ever been approached by 10-15 beautiful girls? Strange... Although, if you're right-handed, it's understandable.


The famous French clairvoyant Maria Duval recently wrote on her website: “The future president of Russia will be left-handed.” She allegedly came to this conclusion after carefully studying the horoscope of our country.

The prophetess's statement delighted members of many Left-Handed Clubs. On their websites they unanimously “chant” in writing: “We have always said that left-handers will rule the world!” And they give convincing arguments.

According to statistics, there are now about 1 billion left-handed people living on Earth, that is, every seventh. The figure is quite impressive, considering that over the past hundred years their number has almost tripled and continues to grow.

Ian Redburn - "The Cry of Lefties"

But the “left camp” is especially proud of its great geniuses. Of the 400 recognized titans that have existed throughout the history of mankind, more than a third were left-handed. The most famous: Mozart, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Ivan Pavlov, Mayakovsky, Sergei Eisenstein, Paul McCartney, Bill Gates. And in the “iconostasis” of left-handers are the presidents of the United States.

Before 1974, only two - James Garfield and Harry Truman - were left-handed. And after 1974, lefties dominated. Of the seven occupants of the White House, there are five of them: Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. And also three losers in the presidential race: Senator John McCain, former US Vice President Al Gore and businessman Pocc Perot.

“But which Russian left-hander will be a candidate for high office in 2012?” - bloggers ask and remember that Vladimir Putin wears a watch on his right hand. So left-handed? Even if it’s not entirely obvious.

Although the Prime Minister himself, in one of his direct television dialogues with compatriots, explained this fact prosaically, that, supposedly, it was just convenient for him: “The crown does not rub my brush - that’s the whole secret.” However, some features of the behavior of the head of government, characteristic of left-handers, did not escape the experienced gaze of psychologists. HIDDEN AMBIDEXTER

Thus, the famous psychologist Vladimir Levi admitted that he carefully observed Vladimir Vladimirovich from the point of view of rightism-leftism and saw that he gestured mainly with his left hand. But he greets strictly according to the ritual - with the right hand.

But he extends his hand during a greeting somehow slightly detached: he does not bring his face and body closer to the interlocutor, but moves him away, explained Vladimir Lvovich. - This leads to suspicion: maybe Putin would be more comfortable greeting with his left hand, but the protocol does not allow it.

Neuropsychiatrist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Anatoly Chuprikov, who was the first physician in the 1970s to make a call not to retrain left-handers in schools, also agrees with his colleague.

“I noticed that the prime minister was taking out the paper with theses from the right pocket of his jacket with his left hand,” Anatoly Pavlovich shared his observations. - Right-handed people, as a rule, put the piece of paper in their left pocket and take it out with their right. Therefore, I suspect that Vladimir Vladimirovich is a retrained left-hander. Just like Ronald Reagan, for example. Although, scientists suggest, Putin may also be ambidexterous, that is, he can use both hands equally.

In general, doctors speak enthusiastically about left-handed people in power. It’s not without reason that there are so many of them among famous historical figures. The reason is the special structure of their brain, which allows them to show the best leadership qualities, adapt well in difficult situations, have excellent speech skills, and most importantly, quickly process large amounts of information, highlighting the main thing. EXPERIENCE WITH BALLS

Why do left-handed people think faster? Researchers Allen D. Bragdon and David Gamon explain this phenomenon in their book The Brain Works a Little Differently. According to their theory, right-handed people process information using what's called a "linear sequential" method, in which a thought must be fully thought through before the next one can move on. And left-handers are characterized by a “visual simultaneous” method, in which several thoughts can be processed “in one fell swoop.” Scientists showed this in an experiment with a thousand yellow tennis balls and one red one. Right-handers looked at each of the balls in turn until they found the red one. Left-handers poured them out and simultaneously looked at all the balls in search of red.

The main thing that sets them apart is that right-handed people have to finish one task before starting the next, explains Dr. Gamon. “And left-handers can quickly and easily switch from one problem to another, so they are able to perform mega-tasks.” THE BRAIN CAN BE CHANGED

If one of the future presidential candidates believes in Madame Duval's prophecy and wants to follow it in order to convincingly claim a high post, he can try to become left-handed with the help of... a magnet. Recent experiments by scientists from the University of California at Berkeley have shown that the brain, under the influence of a magnetic field, can turn a right-handed person into a left-handed person. The “trick” was achieved through so-called “through-cranial” magnetic stimulation. Scientists suggest that it disrupted the functioning of the neurons that control one or another hand, giving one of them an advantage. BY THE WAY


According to the US National Bureau of Economic Research, Johns Hopkins University and the Austrian National University:

* Graduates of higher education institutions, who have a more developed left hand, earn 13% - 21% more than their right-handed classmates.

* Left-handers are more likely than right-handers to become highly qualified specialists (53% versus 38%).

* The IQ level of left-handers is noticeably higher than that of right-handers.

* Left-handers are disproportionately found among artists and musicians. They also make excellent drivers and pilots.

* Among them are many strong athletes: baseball players, golfers and boxers. 40% of gold medals in boxing are won by left-handers. And they have a big advantage in hand-to-hand combat - the "surprise" factor, since few fighters have trained extensively against left-handed opponents.



Science has not yet figured out the nature of the “leftist” phenomenon. But it has been noted that the turn in one direction or another begins in the womb. Using a special ultrasound camera, scientists photographed unborn babies. And if they put their left hand in their mouth, then they were definitely born left-handed. In other words, at about 3-4 months, something happens in the fetal brain, and its right hemisphere begins to dominate over the left and takes over the development of areas that will subsequently be responsible for speech and writing. Next, the “distortion” is fixed, and the brain is rebuilt so much that the left hand becomes dominant. But with a partial restructuring, it can switch in the opposite direction. Sometimes not completely. And then the person will combine the characteristics of both left-handedness and right-handedness.

Perhaps left-handedness is a genetic trait. They suspect that the reason is in the LRRTM1 gene, which determines which parts of the brain will be responsible for speech and emotions. And left-handedness is often passed down from generation to generation through the mother's side. But there are oddities that are difficult to explain by heredity. A recent survey of 20 thousand people showed: they are mainly born by women who are well over thirty years old, they are born more often in the second half of the year, they are born prematurely and often weighing just over a kilogram.

The 5 most recent left-handed White House hosts

Modern human civilization is prone to labeling. We are clearly divided by race and nationality, social status or IQ. From childhood we are assigned to a certain group and given a certain label. There are hundreds of millions of them in the world, but there is one feature that can divide all people living in the world into just two camps. Ask: "Which one?" We are all left-handed or right-handed, and this ability is given to us even before the moment of birth. With the help of our article you will learn a lot of interesting things about left-handed people. For example, who is V.V. Putin - right-handed or left-handed? Read and you will definitely find out everything.

Left-handed and right-handed: who are they?

The predisposition to be left-handed or right-handed is laid down in the child at the moment of conception. Scientists believe that this factor can be safely attributed to hereditary factors. It has already been proven that for right-handed parents, the probability of having a left-handed baby is only 2%, and in the case where one parent is left-handed, this figure increases to 45%. Although true left-handers are extremely rare, according to statistics, there are no more than 20% of them in the world.

Science has long given a precise definition of left-handers and right-handers. A right-handed person is a person whose right hand, ear, and eye dominate. At the same time, logic and rational thinking are more active. For left-handers, the opposite is true, and in their case, all information entering the brain is processed mainly by the right hemisphere.

Left-handed: a messenger of the devil or a relative of the gods?

Left-handers have always aroused great interest, but in different historical eras the attitude towards them changed to the diametrically opposite. For example, in Ancient Greece they evoked universal love and tenderness. According to religious beliefs, they had a close connection with the gods and brought happiness to the home. All young people dreamed of marrying a left-handed girl; it was believed that she would have gifted and healthy children.

In the Middle Ages, attitudes towards left-handers changed greatly. They were burned at the stake and considered messengers of the devil. If a left-handed girl with red hair and freckles was born into a family, then the parents tried to get rid of her as quickly as possible. After all, otherwise the child would have faced the fire of the Inquisition.

In Ancient Rus', left-handers were also not favored. They were credited with connections with dark forces and were not even allowed to testify in court. The modern world has slightly changed the balance of power between right-handers and left-handers. Scientists have proven that left-handers are just children with special thinking, who are naturally a little more gifted than their right-handed peers.

Left-handed and right-handed: main differences

So, what is the difference between a left-hander and a right-hander? First of all, with your leading hand. This is the first difference that catches the eye of everyone who meets left-handed people. It is much more convenient for them to write and pick up objects with their left hand. But at the same time, a left-handed person can have a right dominant eye and ear. Scientists call such left-handed people "hidden". They make up about 50% of the total population of left-handers. Otherwise, the leading organs of a left-handed person are all the main organs - hand, ear and eye - on the left side. These people are truly left-handed.

But the differences between these two categories do not end there. Left-handers process information more actively with the right hemisphere. They quickly draw parallels and associations, they have developed imaginative thinking. Left-handed people grasp new information on the fly and literally “swallow” it whole. It is not difficult for them to look down on the problem, taking into account all the nuances. As practice shows, left-handers are more creative and creative people. They are very emotional, vulnerable and have fast, sometimes incoherent speech.

Right-handed people, on the contrary, have a knack for exact sciences and are excellent at building cause-and-effect relationships. They have well-developed logical thinking and make more intelligent decisions in difficult situations. It’s easier for them to sort the problem into “shelves” and, after scrolling through it from all sides, choose the only effective way out of the situation. Right-handed people make excellent strategists.

Keep in mind that what makes a left-handed person different from a right-handed person does not make one category better than the other. Every person can find his place in life where he will feel comfortable.

How can you tell if your child is left-handed or right-handed?

Until the age of five or six, adults should not seriously think about which category their child belongs to. Children can operate equally well with their right and left hands, but by the age of 5, their dominant hemisphere is finally established, and you can try to conduct a simple series of tests with your child.

For example, the child is asked to draw, cut out shapes from paper with scissors, and comb his hair. The child should do normal things, but at the same time parents will be able to observe which hand is dominant. But these tests are approximate.

An adult may undergo a different series of tests. In this case, it is proposed to find out the leading hand, foot, eye and ear. For example, to identify the dominant ear, you need to listen to the text in headphones. Moreover, a different text is read into each earphone. Depending on the memorization, you can find out the leading ear.

You can identify your dominant leg by analyzing your favorite sleeping positions. If you most often fall asleep on your right side, then you are right-handed, because the body unconsciously tries to extinguish excess activity during sleep.

Celebrities: which one is left-handed?

Have you ever wondered how left-handedness is distributed among celebrities? For example, is V.V. Putin right-handed or left-handed? Which great man could boast of a leading left hand?

You may be surprised, but among left-handers there are a lot of talented scientists and people of creative professions. Left-handed celebrities are found in almost all walks of life. For example, Albert Einstein and Leo Tolstoy were left-handed. This category also includes: Marilyn Monroe, Charlie Chaplin, Angelina Jolie, etc.

Left-handed celebrities sailed the oceans like Christopher Columbus and created empires like Napoleon. Among the modern famous personalities, one can name actor Viktor Sukhorukov, who has played many memorable roles in films. What about our president? Who is he - V.V. Putin? Right-handed or left-handed?

Lefties: which president was one?

In the United States, left-handed presidents are quite common. Until the seventies of the last century there were only two of them:

  • Harry Truman;
  • James Garfield.

In the future, left-handers become presidents more often, these include Ronald Reagan and Former US President Barack Obama is also a member of the club of left-handed people.

V.V. Putin: right-handed or left-handed?

Many are concerned about who the president of our country is, because Russians note that he wears a watch on his right wrist. It turns out that V.V. Putin is left-handed? It’s interesting that Vladimir Vladimirovich himself does not comment on this fact; he jokes about the convenience of wearing a watch differently than other people are used to.

But psychologists who carefully observe how V.V. Putin behaves during communication and at official protocol meetings have come to the conclusion that the president is a little disingenuous. Many factors indicate that Vladimir Vladimirovich is a retrained left-hander or ambidexter - a person who is equally good with both hands. This is evidenced by his certain tension when giving his hand at official meetings and the way he pulls out a piece of paper with a speech from his right pocket with his left hand. Our president even gestures predominantly with his left hand, so based on the totality of all the data, it turns out that the Russian president is a hidden left-hander.

It doesn't really matter whether you are left-handed or right-handed. After all, this characterizes you only on one side and reveals your possible talents. The main thing is to find your place in this life. And both left-handers and right-handers have it.