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Neighbor of the cannibal goths: “I thought it was all a bad dream.” Our laws are not at all cannibalistic. Present the case as a ritual murder.

Neighbor of the cannibal goths:

The goth and emo who killed and ate the girl were found guilty of a terrible crime by the court

21-year-old “goth” Maxim Glavatskikh and 21-year-old Yuri Mozhnov

On the evening of April 30 in St. Petersburg, a jury found two representatives of the city's informal movements - 21-year-old "goth" Maxim Glavatskikh and 21-year-old Yuri Mozhnov, who considers himself a member of the informal youth movement "Emo" - guilty of the murder of a 16-year-old girl, and also in committing theft. This was reported by the prosecutor's office of the city on the Neva.

This terrible story looked like this. On January 19, 2009, a 16-year-old girl did not return home. Almost two weeks after her disappearance, some parts of the schoolgirl's body were discovered. During the investigation it was established that on the day Orthodox holiday- Baptism - a schoolgirl came to the apartment where Glavatsky, with whom the girl was in love, then lived. There was a group of young people there.

In the evening, after drinking alcohol, the guys began to go home; Mozhnov, Glavatskikh and the girl remained in the apartment. The defendants decided to kill their friend: they drowned her in the bathtub and dismembered her corpse. “They baked parts of the girl’s muscles in the oven in foil with potatoes and seasonings and ate them,” the prosecutor’s office said in a press release.

In addition, the defendants stole the victim's property. The mobile phone and camera were sold, but the Glavatskys kept the player for themselves. Mozhnov kept the items of clothing that he kept at home.

“During the preliminary investigation, both defendants independently confessed to the murder of the schoolgirl, which they repeated at the scene of the incident. However, later they began to shift the blame onto each other,” the prosecutor’s office noted.

Here's what the goth and emo website says about their appearance.

“Goths can sometimes be distinguished from the crowd by the most ordinary severe black clothes (corporate image), or they can be immediately noticed by a striking, spectacular vamp image based on the color black. There is something unusual in the look, and also, in relation to Goth women - a distinctly erotic vamp style in appearance. Goths are, first of all, a worldview that is based on certain life principles (absolute individualism and romance) and has its own key elements - the daily search for beauty, the concentrated energy of emotions.”

“Emo kids wear pink and black with two-tone patterns and stylized icons. The main colors of clothing are black and pink (purple), although other shockingly bright colors are considered acceptable. There are combinations with wide stripes. Often the clothes feature the names of emo bands, funny drawings or broken hearts.”

In general, we get a “cheerful” picture...

But let's get back to this trial. In the near future, the St. Petersburg City Court will pronounce a verdict against the defendants based on the guilty verdict of the jury.

According to the publication Fontanka.ru, emotions after the announcement of the verdict went off scale: Karina’s relatives cried with joy - justice, they believe, had triumphed; the “support group” on Mozhnov’s side, led by his mother, first prayed, then was indignant, and finally accused grandmother killed in “bloodlust.”

But the defendants behaved rather reservedly. Mozhnov turned his baseball cap in his hands, Glavatskikh looked at the floor. However, the latter decided, apparently, to remind of his status as an aspiring rock star and, walking past journalists under escort, covered his face with a piece of paper on which was written “F*k Malahov.” This is how the young man tried to express his protest in connection with the broadcast of the “Let Them Talk” program, dedicated to a scandalous case in which the defendants, without waiting for the jury’s verdict, were called murderers.

However, the judge gave an instructive speech to the jury, briefly recalling the circumstances of the case, voicing the position of the prosecution, the identification protocol and the arguments of the defense. He called on the assessors to be guided by specific facts, and voiced the questions that the jury had to answer: whether the guilt of the defendants in committing murder and theft was proven, and whether they deserved leniency.

The jury retired to the deliberation room for three and a half hours. And only then the guilty verdict was announced.

Our regular expert, lawyer Boris Sosnovsky, told the SP correspondent his opinion about what the two murderers could be sentenced to.

Maxim Glavatskikh and Yuri Mozhnov

— How do you like the guilty verdict in the high-profile case of Mozhnov and Glavatsky?

“I didn’t expect any other decision.” The jury sorted out the details of the trial. However, it wasn't that difficult. Because the crime is pretty straightforward.

— Why was the case of Mozhnov and Glavatsky considered by a jury?

— The authorities cannot appoint a jury trial. This means that it was the initiative of the defendants themselves.

- Why did they need this?

“Apparently, the calculation was that not professional judges, but ordinary people who were specially selected for this purpose would sit on the jury. We can say that an ordinary court judges according to the laws. But jury trials are often guided by emotions.

- That is, they thought that they would be pitied, that they would not consider the investigators’ conclusions strong enough and would be acquitted?

- More likely. Look how the investigation in this case developed. At first the guys denied their guilt, then they admitted to the murder and showed everything in an investigative experiment. And shortly before the trial they began to declare that they had been forced to testify and that they had incriminated themselves. Then they began to shift the blame onto each other.

— Do you personally think they are guilty?

“As far as I know, the investigation into this case went smoothly. And it is now fashionable to blame the police for all mortal sins. But the police, despite the same Major Evsyukov, work and protect citizens.

— The defendants ate some parts of the girl’s body. Maybe they are mentally ill?

“Before the trial, a forensic psychiatric examination was probably carried out. And, if they were not sent to the clinic, then the defendants are sane...

— What threatens Mozhnov and Glavatskikh now?

— According to their article, the maximum punishment is life imprisonment. And for some reason it seems to me that this is exactly what they will be sentenced to. After all, they committed murder with aggravating circumstances.

- What if it’s not a life sentence?

“I am sure that in this case the punishment will be no less than 20 years in a maximum security colony.”

Cannibal killers from St. Petersburg were not given life sentences

Maxim Glavatskikh was given 19 years, and Yuri Mozhnov - 18.

One of the most horrific trials ended in St. Petersburg on Wednesday recent years. Two Goth friends were found guilty of killing, dismembering, and then eating 11th-grader Karina Buduchyan along with potatoes. One of the cannibals, Maxim Glavatskikh, received 19 years in a maximum security colony. His friend Yuri Mozhnov will spend less than a year behind bars.

The girl disappeared on January 19 last year. For several weeks, Karina’s parents and classmates searched for her through all their friends and acquaintances, until passers-by found the girl’s head wrapped in a plastic bag in one of the garbage containers. Glavatskikh and Mozhnov were detained almost immediately. But it took investigators a whole year to establish exactly what happened on January 19 in the cannibals’ apartment.

- Glavatskikh considered himself to be part of the Goth movement, and Mozhnov called himself “true emo.” “But this terrible crime is not connected with the ideology of these subcultures,” Svetlana Efimenko, state prosecutor at the trial, explains to MK. - Karina was in love with the Glavatskys, but he did not take her too seriously. On January 19, Karina called Maxim and asked permission to come visit him. He relented, and then called his friends, saying into the phone: “Meat is coming to us...”

Then Glavatskikh invited Karina to take a bath. And when the girl lay down in the water, he began to hold her arms and legs, and then sneezed three times.

- They agreed in advance with Mozhnov that this would be a conditional signal to kill the girl. They drowned her in the bathtub, then dismembered her, and fried part of her leg along with potatoes in the oven and ate her in front of the computer in the evening, explains Svetlana Petrovna to MK.

The jury unanimously found both cannibals guilty and unworthy of leniency. But even in the courtroom, looking into the eyes of Karina’s relatives, both Goths repeated in one voice: “I only dismembered, but the other one killed and ate...”

- Glavatskikh tried to present himself as a musician, a sensitive person of art. And at one of the meetings he even stated that he was Orthodox, the state prosecutor recalls. - Regarding the motives for the crime, Glavatskikh replied that Karina bothered him with her love and childhood admiration.

The parents of the killers did not come to the announcement of the verdict, but a real “support group” of friends of the accused gathered in the courtroom.

- They behaved terribly. I even asked to take out one of the girls, who, when the trial touched on the details of the murder, kept repeating: “Yum-yum...”,” Efimenko is amazed.

It will become clear later where the two friends will serve their sentences. But even now, Karina’s relatives believe that 18 and 19 years in a maximum security colony is too lenient a punishment for these monsters. However, as Svetlana Efimenko explains, the sentence was delivered in accordance with the law and is reasonable and fair.

There will be no Keane, neither will there be victims of the regime: a fair trial still overtook the St. Petersburg “poet and musician” March 29th, 2017

Remember the sensational case of goth cannibals in St. Petersburg?

In 2009, florist LLC "Nikol" Maxim Glavatskikh, aka Sheri, aka Masya(a well-known St. Petersburg goth in a specific crowd, the leader of a satanic rock band, who called himself a “poet and musician,” as well as a mentally ill pervert, bisexual, transvestite and sadist, who was involved in criminal cases for threatening to kill a relative and cruelty to animals, lying in a mental state with a personality disorder) and his unemployed friend Yuri Mozhnov, aka Emos (true-emo, Satanist, colleague in a rock band, convicted of robbery) in the registration hut, drowned in the bathtub of a 16-year-old emo schoolgirl Karina, nicknamed Mana, who was in love with Glavatskikh. They dismembered the corpse, baked the body in the oven with potatoes, onions and seasonings, and ate it. The act of cannibalism was explained in a disarmingly banal manner at the trial: " We were just hungry"What was left was stuffed into bags and thrown into garbage containers. Karina's things (clothes, mobile phone, camera, player with headphones, two chains) were decided to be sold to buyers of stolen goods.

Maxim "Sheri" Glavatskikh

Alas, there is a moratorium on the death penalty in the Russian Federation. In the opinion of humane, tolerant judges, the horror described above did not even amount to p/f. Glavatsky was given nineteen years, Mozhnov - eighteen.

Their degenerate friends mocked with all their might at the trial. The state prosecutor asked to take out one of the girls, who, while discussing the details of the murder, dismemberment and what followed, kept repeating " Yum Yum Yum...".

In the Murmansk colony "Ugolki" Maxim Glavatskikh felt quite comfortable. Four years ago he married a girl, Diana, whom he had known since he was free. Encouraged by the leadership of the IK, he created a new rock band and rocked it during the holidays. According to media reports, "he believed in himself and waited for the decision of the ECHR to review his case".

I have no doubt that the European Court of Human Rights would rule in favor of the Glavatskys - solidarity of freaks.But providence (let's call it that) intervened and today a 28-year-old creative cannibal was found in a noose.Better late than never.

A young arthouse director became interested in his story Tatiana Bazhenova. About six months ago this representative creative class began filming a film about the “innocent” Glavatskys. Everything was going to the point that the cannibal Satanist would re-qualify as a victim of the regime. Just listen to Bazhenova’s words: “ Now I’m making a documentary about him and Yura Mozhnov. I can tell you that they are not cannibals. And Maxim was a kind and talented person. He was very smart and literate. He trusted me. And it’s very difficult for me now. He couldn't stand this injustice".

Investigators of the Murmansk region are conducting an investigation into the death of a prisoner in the maximum security correctional colony N17 ("Ugolki"). The deceased turned out to be 28-year-old Maxim Glavatskikh, who was involved in a high-profile criminal case of the murder of a 16-year-old St. Petersburg girl by goth musicians. The girl's corpse was dismembered by the attackers and eaten.

The body of the Glavatskys without signs of life was discovered on the night of March 25, 2017 “in the premises of a school located on the territory of the colony,” the official website of the regional department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation reports.

“During the inspection of the scene, no signs indicating a criminal nature of the man’s death were found. Presumably, he committed suicide. The inspection of the scene also revealed the presence of suicide notes,” the press release says.

Investigators are working to establish the cause of suicide. Based on the results of the inspection, “a legal and informed decision will be made.”

In the official message posted on the website of the Russian Investigative Committee, the name of the deceased was not mentioned. But it is cited by the SeverPost.ru news agency with reference to the investigative agency.

Let us recall that on the night of January 20, 2009, Maxim Glavatskikh and his accomplice Yuri Mozhnov were in house No. 66 on Kosmonavtov Avenue in St. Petersburg. There they drank alcohol. Later, their 16-year-old friend Karina Buduchyan came to visit the young people. The attackers drowned an 11th-grader in the bathtub and then dismembered her body.

Having eaten part of the schoolgirl’s organs and legs (they were fried in the oven with potatoes), the young people put the remains in bags and scattered them throughout the Moscow region.

By the way, a 21-year-old Goth girl named Zinovieva took part in eating human flesh, the press previously wrote. It was she who rented the apartment in which the murder was committed.

After the massacre, the killers stole property that belonged to Karina: a camera, mobile phone, player with headphones, two chains and other things on total amount over 20 thousand rubles.

Cannibalism as a contagious psychosis

On January 31, as part of the murder investigation, Maxim Glavatskikh, a 20-year-old florist at Nikol LLC, and his peer, unemployed Yuri Mozhnov (he worked part-time as a meat cutter at the market) were detained. The victim's property was confiscated from them.

According to a law enforcement source, the young people suspected of murder were musicians, and one of them was the leader of a group, of which the murdered high school student was a fan. “They invited the girl home, pouring water into the bath in advance, which indicates a planned murder,” the police noted.

According to the detainees, they were driven to commit the crime by a feeling of hunger.

The fact that all the defendants are representatives of youth subcultures gave particular resonance to this case. The victim considered himself a member of the informal emo movement, and the killers considered themselves goths and rock fans.

Psychiatrists from the Brain Institute, interested in this case, saw in it an example of mass and contagious cannibalism. “In this case, perhaps there was an induced psychosis, when one person infects another with his painful mental state,” said Yuri Polyakov, head of the psychiatry department at the Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Let us also note that Glavatskikh was quite sensitive to the attention paid to his person by television people. In court, he covered his face with a piece of paper on which was written: “F*k Malahov.” This is how the young man tried to express his protest about the broadcast of Andrei Malakhov’s talk show “Let Them Talk,” dedicated to the scandalous case.

The trial took place in a tense atmosphere. Defenders of the killers from among the informal Goth movement insulted the relatives of the murdered woman and accused them of “thirst for blood.” Karina’s mother shouted to Mozhnov’s mother: “I wish your child to go to hell!”

There were also openly cynical remarks in the courtroom. “We ate deliciously, yum-yum!” - supporters of the accused mocked.

Murderers escaped life sentences

The jury found the defendants guilty and not deserving of leniency. However, the Russian Themis showed gentleness and spared the cannibals from life imprisonment. On May 5, 2010, Maxim Glavatskikh was sentenced to 19 years, and Mozhnov - 18 years in prison.

The civil claim of the victim was also satisfied, according to which the convicts must pay the mother of the murdered Karina Buduchyan one million rubles each as compensation for moral damage and 21 thousand rubles in compensation for material damage.

We would like to add that both cannibals had already been brought to justice before. A native of Kronstadt, Mozhnov received a four-year suspended sentence in 2005. probationary period three years for robbery, and against the Glavatskys, who lived in Sosnovy Bor, criminal cases were opened twice for threatening to kill and cruelty to animals (the young man tortured the beast while performing some kind of occult ritual). Not a single criminal case went to trial.

Glavatskikh also managed to be a patient at the famous psychiatric hospital named after Skvortsov-Stepanov. There he was diagnosed with a “personality disorder,” but at the time of Karina’s murder, Maxim, according to experts, was sane.

The cannibal was sued for his honor and dignity

After the verdict, Glavatskikh filed a lawsuit against the relatives of the schoolgirl he killed in order to “defend his honor and dignity.” According to the press, the cannibal started the trial in order to delay his transfer to a penal colony, where he would not have such powerful support in the form of “Gothic fans” as in the Northern capital.

According to Glavatskikh, he was insulted by the mother of the murdered woman, Nadezhda Buduchyan, who said: “You, Glavatskikh, will burn in hell. Only such a fate is destined for such scum and cannibals.”

The plaintiff's witness was his friend, 19-year-old Galina Tarasova. According to her, Nadezhda shouted at Maxim: “You are not dead yet, you moral monster!”

Together and according to the idea of ​​K.S. The point is only in artistic processing. Files and opinions are lost.

Sherry's case. Discussion of St. Petersburg cannibals.

Everything written in this article is the author’s purely personal opinion.

You should not spare the life of one for the sake of the pleasure of another. ©

This night story is known in almost all corners of Russia. Ask anyone if they have heard of Sherry's crime. And he will answer you that crime is too noble a word for what Sherry and his friends did. This story is thoroughly riddled with rumors, gossip, horror, accusations and excuses, disgust and admiration, anger and grins. A few hours from the lives of three people, diluted with a decent amount of mind-blowing swill, led to long trials and an explosion in the public consciousness. Scandal, grief, shock and more scandal!

Before starting my philosophical and psychedelic reasoning, I would like to remind you of the essence of what happened. On January 19, 2009, in the northern capital of St. Petersburg, on Epiphany itself, 16-year-old Karina Buduchyan was killed. Although, killed is an understatement. She was drowned, dismembered and partially eaten by Maxim Glavatskikh and Yuri Mozhnov. Only the girl’s head and hands remained intact. The remains of the body found refuge in one of the city landfills, folded into a suitcase. Only the head, which people found first, wrapped in a bag, did not fit there. The investigation into this case lasted more than a year. According to the investigation, the criminals explained their act by a simple feeling of hunger.

Of course, in a story with more than one hero, there are matters of the heart. Karina was in love with Maxim. Well, good girls from prosperous families quite often and easily present their defenseless hearts to such guys who play in rock bands, cause horror among old ladies and are always in a drunken and crazy state.

Sherry was extremely popular among girls. He used them, and they obediently gave him pleasure. In his circles, girls were called meat. Just a body that can be fucked, that comes and goes on its own, and a new one is already waiting at the door. This is a body from which warmth and moisture emanate, which will accept any whim and lust of its pomaded conqueror.

Karina did not want and could not be meat. Even the hellish drink they drank that night clouded their brains less than her falling in love. She probably considered Maxim a kind of Black Angel. Perhaps that is what he was. Only she did not take into account that in our time Angels (especially Black Angels) are very uneasy about carnal pleasures.

By the way, about those same pleasures. Society, with its characteristic categorical attitude, called Glavatsky and his entourage perverts, both moral and physical. But which definition fits this reaction better: “righteousness”, “norms” or “hypocrisy”?
If we consider the sexual traditions of Sherry’s gang, cutting out Karina’s story from the chain of events, then there is nothing particularly outrageous in them, in my opinion. Maxim had sex solely for the sake of pleasure, for the sake of physical pleasure. He was not interested in the inner world of the girl who was under him at this moment, or whether she was in love with him. He simply enjoyed their adoration. What about strangulation... Scientists have proven that if during sexual intercourse the neck of one of the partners is squeezed or tied (with a tie, for example), then the orgasm will be much brighter.

Everyone decides for themselves, according to their capabilities and desires, to love or to fuck, to be an incorrigible romantic or a lustful destroyer of hearts.

But let's leave Sherry's rotten reputation aside for a moment and turn to the other heroes of this sordid epic.

So, Karina Buduchyan. The character is not only killed, but also very ambiguous. Some sources claim that Karina belonged to the emo movement, others confidently call her a goth. But what interested me most were her grandmother’s words that Karina was still just a child, played with dolls and slept with a pink teddy bear. There was a mistake: a person who communicates with people like the always drunk Glavatskikh or the bitchy Nastya Serebrennikova cannot play with dolls. Having such a social circle, it is impossible to preserve innocence and naivety in such quantities. Either the grandmother didn’t know her granddaughter well, or she was exaggerating. In any case, this is another small problem in the case of St. Petersburg cannibals.

I'm afraid to seem soulless and bring down the wrath of the noble public, but I have to say a few more words about Karina. If your friends call people meat and have several criminal records, if you walk around the spit-stained slums, taking with you a box with a skate, if you get involved with the drunken dreams of dozens of girls, then it is not surprising that one day your head may be found in the trash , wrapped in a separate bag from the supermarket where you bought your next drink this morning. But there are some mitigating circumstances here too. One word is love, and all stupidity and reckless actions are justified. She fell in love and ran away from her dolls and pink teddy bears to coke parties and trance music. She fell in love and lost her head, in every sense of the word.

I can’t help but mention Maxim and Karina’s mutual friend, florist Yuri Mozhnov. Personally, it remains unclear to me why law enforcement agencies named the Glavatskys as the main criminal, not him. Yuri is the oldest of all, he has two convictions for cruelty to animals. But the crime becomes known as the “Sherry case” and not the “Amos case”, and at the same time Mozhnov also receives a sentence of one year less. Of course, they were two pairs of boots, but my intuition tells me that Yuri carried within himself more bestial madness and blazing aggression. After all, look at his mother, who leads a very punk lifestyle. Natalya Mozhnova is another character who shocked everyone.

For this murder, people select very synonymous epithets: terrifying, inhuman, brutal. And this got me thinking: can the brutal be beautiful? If they were wild, crazy, the fire of madness shone in their tired iron eyes, their hair was matted and their makeup was smudged, and they performed their drunken ritual, their bloody act. They destroyed a small, weak specimen. She trusted them, and they tore her apart, turning her into pieces of wet meat. Glavatskikh and Mozhnov crossed all the boundaries established by morality, laws and even physiology. They shocked society, blew up the consciousness of the crowd, and raised a wave of controversy, protests and indignation. And this is amazing, and this delights.

But the truth is still lost. Many claim that all certificates and examinations are fakes, and no particles of human meat were found in the frying pan. Many are outraged that the owner of the apartment in which the murder took place was simply a witness, and not an accomplice. But others, foaming at the mouth, point to a sincere confession, to testimony.

However, be that as it may, the court pronounced a verdict. Maxim Glavatskikh is 19 years old, and Yuri Mozhnov is 18 years of imprisonment in a maximum security colony. By latest rumors, the case has already been sent for review, and Sherry and Amos have already been sent to the colony. There is just little chance that in a couple of decades they will be released. In the colony, the rest of the prisoners will probably give them their own trial, not inferior in cruelty to the St. Petersburg murder.

There was also a rumor that Karina's mother had gone crazy. I feel scared only from one moment in this story - when the mother saw her only daughter, packaged in bags.

And in society they will discuss this matter for a long time, curse and defend Maxim, but at best only a few will know the truth, and no one will be able to come to an agreement.

With sympathy to all the victims and participants in the story described.

With respect to all readers.