
Advice from a psychologist: is it possible to return a Taurus girl? How to make peace with a Taurus woman and get her back. How to keep a Taurus woman

Advice from a psychologist: is it possible to return a Taurus girl?  How to make peace with a Taurus woman and get her back.  How to keep a Taurus woman

In order to understand how to get a Taurus girl back, it’s quite good to know what sign her moon is in. After all, the influence of the moon on women is much stronger than on men. And sometimes the moon sign can manifest itself in character traits even more strongly than the sun sign. So, for example, a Taurus girl with a strong moon will behave completely differently than a Taurus girl with a moon in Aquarius. In order to determine the position of the moon, a natal chart is drawn up. Based on it, you can quite accurately predict a person’s emotional reactions and develop an effective strategy for returning your loved one.

This article talks about the classic methods used to get a Taurus girl back.
Taurus girls are quite stubborn and purposeful. When choosing a partner to live together, they approach the issue very carefully. They weigh the pros and cons for a long time. And once they decide to be with a specific man, they don’t easily change their decision. Although from the outside the situation of a breakup may look completely different. My husband returned from work, and all his things were already packed and there was a farewell note on the table. This is a fairly common situation of breaking up with a Taurus girl. Why is this happening? Taurus are quite patient, they forgive a lot that other signs would not forgive. If a Taurus woman doesn’t like something and she is unable to change it, then every day inside herself she will analyze all the pros and cons of your relationship. Unfortunately, Taurus is not inclined to communicate these experiences to their partner. Therefore, their departure often seems quite unexpected. But, as a rule, this is a fairly informed decision.
Since the decision to break up with you took quite a long time, getting the Taurus girl back will not be easy.
First of all, be patient and give it some time to cool down. Usually a few days are enough. Then you will have to act on your own. The most important task is to explain to Taurus that a future together is possible. But it’s not enough to just make beautiful promises; be prepared for the fact that the Taurus girl will want to hear clear arguments in favor of your relationship. For example, if the reason for your quarrels was insufficient material well-being, then in no case should you say: “Soon everything will get better for us, I promise!” Most likely, such a statement will work as a red rag for a bull, and you risk being trampled by accusations and reproaches. If you really want to get your Taurus girlfriend back, then the only right decision is to be specific: “I ALREADY got a better-paying job. Now our financial difficulties are behind us!” And no matter what the problem is because of which you broke up, if you want to return your beloved, you must present her with the fact that this is already in the past, and your words are not empty promises.
Also, when trying to win back a Taurus girl, take the initiative. This will in no way repel her; on the contrary, it will at least flatter her. Don't forget about surprises and gifts. Taurus have a rather strong weakness for them.
Remember that Taurus girls are quite greedy for pleasure. Therefore, a trip to a spa or a good restaurant can be a good surprise. The more offerings you bring to your beloved's feet, the better.
To get a Taurus girl back, take advantage of her attachment to the familiar and established. Was it a tradition in your relationship to go to the country on weekends? So you shouldn't break it.

To renew a relationship with a Taurus, it will take a lot of time and effort, because they are very stubborn and do not like to admit their mistakes, although they can forget grievances quite quickly.

To win back the love of Taurus, you will have to use tricks and tricks. You should not show intrusiveness and excessive persistence in behavior. Try to maintain friendly relations, ask for help in any matter, do not immediately become active. And only after gaining trust and friendship, it is worth putting pressure on sensuality and reviving old pleasant memories, for example, going together to the place where you had your first romantic date... Provoke Taurus to show sensual attraction, using tactile contact, pleasant touches, but don't be too rude or intrusive.

How to get a Taurus woman back?

To return the love of a Taurus woman, you need to give her a little time to be alone; you should not immediately be persistent. You will have to be patient and wait until she moves away from her offense. Show care and support remotely, send her flowers, offer your help in solving everyday issues, trying to demonstrate wisdom and a very warm, friendly attitude. The next step is to try to revive your lost passion. Unexpectedly find a reason for some celebration and invite her to a romantic place. There is no need to say that you want to return to your previous relationship. Talk about your feelings, passion, its necessity in your life - as if this is the beginning of your relationship. If you want to win back a Taurus woman, demonstrate your seriousness by proposing or giving her the keys to your apartment - such a serious gesture will certainly help you regain your beloved’s affections.

How to get a Taurus man back?

To return the love of a Taurus man, you will have to go through a difficult period. After a breakup, in order to relieve stress, such men can surround themselves with the attention of other women, demonstrating their freedom and readiness for new relationships. Under no circumstances should you show your jealousy or resentment - give your partner the opportunity to be disappointed in other women by constantly paying him attention and offering your help. Use feminine tricks, demonstrating your weakness, defenselessness and the need for his help. Ask for help with the car, fix minor problems at home... When the plan is a success, use your charms unobtrusively: a slightly more revealing dress or a delicious dinner as a sign of gratitude... But - remember - no open initiative, because Taurus loves to conquer. After a stormy night, you shouldn’t hold him back with your shackles - give him freedom of choice, and then he can return to you. Never discuss his romantic adventures and the attention of other women; on the contrary, emphasize his masculine strength and the fact that you are happy that from a large number of worthy rivals he chose you. If you want to return the love of Taurus, you need to realize that the possible fact of a one-time relationship during your breakup is not treason - it is only a physiological need. Taurus are very passionate natures, they constantly need to communicate with the opposite sex, so you should not perceive this as a disadvantage and be offended.

Numerology by date of birth is a wonderful tool that allows you to find out all the features and subtleties of the character of your loved one. Compatibility analysis by date of birth is the key to successful and harmonious relationships.

1250 rub Since Taurus are monogamous, you only need to take the place of the only partner - the most desired and beloved. For representatives of this sign, both sex and everyday life are important, so you shouldn’t burden them with economic issues by force or reproach them for unfulfilled duties - it’s better to take care of improving the family home yourself. An experienced astrologer or numerologist will be able to give you the key to understanding Taurus: thanks to their help, you will be able to choose the best time to renew your relationship and the right strategy of behavior to rekindle your lost passion.

The Taurus woman is a strong, calm, kind and charming lady. Beneath this appearance lies a difficult nature. It's hard to please her.

How to win a Taurus woman

Only an attractive and impressive man can win a representative of this zodiac sign. She will certainly appreciate his good taste in clothes and following fashion trends. But a demanding young lady cannot be conquered by her bright appearance alone. The Taurus woman will consider a man from a wealthy family as a potential partner. Material well-being and status are of great importance to her.

A brave, determined and courageous admirer will be able to conquer the heart of a typical representative of the element Earth. At the same time, he should not cross the line and become intrusive. Any attempt to “put pressure” on a woman will scare her away and turn her into an unapproachable cold rock.

A man’s financial situation plays a big role for a representative of this zodiac sign. At the courtship stage, you can surprise a young lady with exquisite and luxurious gifts. She likes holidays in elite and status places. A man must be prepared for significant expenses.

A rude, uncouth and immoral person has no chance of arousing the interest of a Taurus woman. A principled and demanding lady will stop questionable jokes and outright rudeness with a refusal.

When caring for such a woman, you cannot rush and push her to make a decision. We'll have to be patient. There is no need to disturb her calm pace of life. Compliments will be a good helper for a man in conquest. The representative of this zodiac sign will melt before the laudatory odes of her success and independence.

How to keep a Taurus woman

The Taurus woman is confident and knows what she wants in life. Authoritarian and hot-tempered, she is a reliable partner for long-term stable relationships. A representative of this zodiac sign enters into a relationship only with the man in whom she sees a long-term perspective. But if he does not meet her vision of an ideal companion, then the chances of keeping her will fade every day.

A Taurus woman needs maximum psychological and physical comfort in a relationship. She rarely shows her emotions, but the chosen one should not perceive this as a lack of feelings. A lady who lives a tense inner life should not be required to prove her love. He will have to become as balanced and patient as his companion. At the same time, a man must pay enough attention to his lady without crossing the line of importunity. Sincere compliments and material confirmation of feelings are welcome. Such a woman will expect gifts not only during the courtship stage, but also after it ends.

All conflicts should be resolved through clear and constructive conversation, without involving outsiders. A Taurus woman does not need advice from third parties when resolving personal issues.

The external calm of the representative of this zodiac sign is combined with a pronounced sense of self-esteem. She cannot be in a relationship for long with a person who does not respect her. She needs her chosen one to support her interests and share her ideals. It is important for such a woman to see her partner as a reliable protector and support.

How to get a Taurus woman back

The Taurus woman approaches the issue of separation thoroughly. She doesn’t flare up like a match and doesn’t pack her suitcase after the first quarrel. A complex chain of conclusions can push her to break. A representative of this zodiac sign analyzes the situation and relationship with her partner for a long time. If negative arguments outweigh the positive ones, then it will be difficult to change the young lady’s decision. Most often, the cause of conflicts is the man’s unjustified expectations.

Getting a Taurus woman back is difficult. Only the lady’s dislike for experiments can play into her partner’s hands. She will willingly return to a man if he manages to show his advantages in full glory or remind his beloved of them.

A common reason for breaking up with a Taurus woman is the unsatisfactory financial situation of the chosen one. To get her back, a man will have to learn how to earn money and become more successful.

The surest way to make peace with a representative of this zodiac sign is a direct conversation. Everything needs to be said to the lady of your heart, appealing to reason and proving in every possible way the seriousness of your intentions.

When turning to astrology with the question of how to return a Taurus girl, the relationship with whom it seems is already over, a man must remember that he will have to make even more efforts than he had to in order to conquer this wayward sign “from scratch.”

Women of the Taurus sign are truly distinguished by their “calf” stubbornness, which, however, for many turns into determination. Starting a relationship with a partner, she plans a serious family life and, with her characteristic tenacity, fights for the relationship to the end. This means that the Taurus girl’s man will forgive and get away with a lot.

It should be remembered that the character of such women can be truly “explosive”: Taurus can get very angry because of a minor annoying situation and say a lot of unpleasant things to their boyfriend in the heat of a quarrel. However, as quickly as Taurus becomes furious, she just as easily moves away and takes steps towards reconciliation. Any man who really wants to learn to live with a woman of the Taurus sign should develop some immunity to her words, which she can blurt out in anger - as a rule, at such moments she does not control herself, and her speech is offensive and sometimes humiliating no meaning.

How to Make Peace with a Taurus Woman

The Taurus woman is not one of those who is capable of marrying out of hopelessness, for company, or for the first person she meets. She is not inclined to change a decision once made, therefore, if she goes to the registry office, then subsequently she will not rush to break up, even if family relationships turn out to be far from expected. Finding themselves in a situation where representatives of other zodiac signs, for example, Aquarius or Aries, would already be looking for happiness with other men, Taurus will still hope for an improvement in the situation.

But, if this woman sees that her partner does not give her what she wants from him, then the Taurus woman will analyze what is happening every day, weighing the arguments in favor of maintaining or breaking this union. This will not appear outwardly in any way, which, by the way, often misleads partners. Except that you can see that she is more often than usual depressed and in a bad mood. It is very difficult for her to make such a decision, but if she does make it, she will not back down from fulfilling it, although it will be very difficult in her soul. It is not easy for her to leave even when she feels deeply offended.

If a quarrel with a Taurus woman took you by surprise, it means that you were unable to meet her requirements in some way, you overlooked it, and now it’s time to think about why this happened. Without the stage of such an analysis of what happened, it will be impossible to return the relationship with the Taurus woman. She is unlikely to quickly pack her suitcase under the influence of a momentary quarrel, flaring up like a match, but if she decided to break off the relationship, then the reason is really serious.

Are Taurus women making a comeback? This rarely happens, although hope is inspired by the fact that they prefer to deal with everything that is familiar and proven, rather than venturing into the whirlpool of experiments and novelty. If this person has found a partner who, from her point of view, is better, then you need to make every effort to prove to her your advantages. Surely you have many advantages, since at one time she made a choice in your favor, it’s time to remind her of them. The reason for separation for a Taurus woman may be the partner’s lack of success, his inability, and most importantly, his reluctance to earn as much money as is needed for the couple’s comfortable existence.

How to make peace with a Taurus woman? You can try to do this by paying her maximum attention, not forgetting, as during the courtship period, about the generous offerings that people of this zodiac sign are so greedy for. In the event of a partner’s betrayal, as well as inflicting a too painful blow on the self-esteem of this lady, it is incredibly difficult, if possible at all, to return the Taurus woman.

With Taurus, you can and should always discuss problems directly, without building any combinations or weaving intrigues behind your back. It is necessary to appeal to their minds, persistently proving the seriousness of your intentions. In addition, it must be taken into account that after the relationship has been clarified, quite a long time may pass before Taurus makes the final decision to maintain or break off the relationship.

Getting her back may be more difficult than conquering her, since a lot of things will have to start from scratch. It is difficult for her to begin to trust someone who constantly undermined trust, and ultimately completely trampled it. With all her seriousness, she cannot continue a relationship with someone who does not trust, who does not correspond to her ideas of what a real man should be, and accordingly, this is exactly what her man should be. Therefore, a lot will have to start all over again, and the main thing is to regain her trust.

What to do to get a Taurus woman back

  • So that you don’t have to think about how to return it, you need to prevent it from leaving. Preventing her departure is much easier than bringing her back. As already mentioned, it is not easy for her to decide to leave, quit, break off relationships, she will endure and analyze a lot.
  • Accordingly, this will manifest itself in her depression, lack of mood, and isolation. It is then that, without receiving the attention, care and love of a man, she will finally prepare to leave and leave forever. Therefore, you need to notice changes in her mood, not allow her to remain alone, in a bad mood, without attention, tenderness, affection.
  • If she leaves for another man, then after much deliberation she chooses someone worthy of herself, who knows how to take care of a family, a home, and earn money. Her needs are quite earthly, practical, and her approach to life is practical. The Taurus woman rarely returns and only if she is disappointed in the person she left for.
  • The man’s task is to show that he is better; you can try to continue communication at the level of good friends, gradually demonstrating your serious intentions, changes in character, that you have changed for her sake, that you have begun to look at life differently, just like she does soberly and practically. And most importantly, appreciate her very much and still love her.
  • Again, pay more attention to her, give her gifts, add everything in the relationship that you can feel, taste, touch. Taurus is a very sensual sign and likes everything that can be felt.
  • Explain to her that a future together is quite possible, but not only in words, but by citing real facts and arguments. You can list the reasons for the quarrels and show what changes have occurred. For example, you got a higher-paying job, for the sake of it you gave up bad habits, and began to look at life differently. Finally realizing how dear she is to your heart.
  • You can also use Taurus’s attachment to everything traditional and familiar. Taurus women slowly get used to the new environment and better navigate where they are used to living. She needs time to get used to a new home, to new living conditions, to new people, which can also be used to her advantage.
  • Invite her to her place, where everything is familiar, dear and familiar to her, where she feels more relaxed, more confident and calmer. Where nothing disturbs the usual rhythm of life, and next to you is a truly congenial person with whom you have a lot in common.
  • Then it makes sense to radically change your life, if nothing special has changed, but there is a small misunderstanding, and it is quite fixable. The main thing is that she understands this and sees changes in you, what you do for her sake and what you are ready to do in order to preserve your relationship with her.

A short plan of action - how to win back a Taurus woman

  • Let her calm down, cool down
  • Eliminate the problems that caused the separation
  • Find convincing arguments in favor of the fact that a joint future is quite possible
  • To convincing arguments add pleasant gifts, tenderness, affection, most of all sensual
  • Give her the opportunity to spend more time in her familiar surroundings.
  • Be patient and persistent

It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described. When there are many other planets and aspects involved in the formation of character, behavior, habits, and a person. If you need the help of an astrologer or want to find out more detailed information about yourself or a person you are interested in, use the astrological services on our website.

Astrological services are developed by professional astrologers. And they will help you find out more specific and interesting information, taking into account the position of all planets, aspects based on your individual horoscope. Before ordering, you can see an example of a horoscope.