Personal life

Status about my little sister. The best statuses and aphorisms about your sister. Her birth is still important to me

Status about my little sister.  The best statuses and aphorisms about your sister.  Her birth is still important to me

If the sisters had been free to say what they really thought, their parents would have heard them say, “Give me all your attention and all your toys, and let Rebecca go stay with Grandma.”

How great it is when there are sisters with whom you are not related by family ties, but friends who have become your sisters in life...

If it is difficult for you to accept your own sister with all her shortcomings, in the future you will be dissatisfied with everyone.

An older sister is such a special punishment from God. She always turns out to be right.

A sister is an irreplaceable support and support for life, which will only help you move forward...

I adore you! You are the queen of nerds, you are more stubborn than a donkey, but you are my sister, and I would not trade you for any other sister in the world.

My sister's modesty is my greatest wealth!

Ability to get along with sister- an excellent school of relationships with people for the future.

The older sisters wipe, of course, younger brothers noses, but they run to someone else to cry into their vest.

For a brother, a sister is always a small, cute, mischievous creature that you can’t help but love, even if you’re offended by him.

If you constantly quarrel with your sister, then you need to communicate with her more often.

If your sister is in a hurry, she will definitely wear your favorite sweater.

Quotes about sisters with meaning - Sisters have a hard time forgiving each other for the grievances they experienced when they were five years old.

A brother without a sister is like a wedding without a bride, and a Sister without a brother is a body without a soul...

You don't have to have the same parents to be sisters...

Only you must understand and forgive her throughout your life, your sister.

Sister does not always bring joy to sister, sometimes sorrow. - Alexandra Deville.

There is no greater rivalry in a family than that between sisters, and no friendship stronger than that between adult sisters.

Can a grown man relate to an attractive woman as a brother relates to a sister?

Do not treat your sister by faith as you would not want to be treated by your sister by blood.

Little sister is mine true friend and life partner...

Sister is best friend, which is impossible to get rid of.

You can deceive the whole world, but not your sister.

My sister is my best friend, who is faithful in both happiness and misfortune...

I can fool everyone, but not my sister.

A sister's heart is a diamond of purity, an abyss of tenderness. - Honore de Balzac.

When you are left alone in this world, will anyone take care of you better and with the same love as your sister?

My sister sometimes not only constantly asks me to listen to her, but also demands that I explain to her what she wanted to say.

Everything I really needed to know was taught to me by my sister when she was still in sixth grade.

A sister is someone who makes your problems hers so you don't have to go through it alone...

My older sister always torments me, and she has one excuse: “I want the best for you!”

If a girl is beautiful, knows how to cook, knows about cars and technology, then she is your sister!

The younger sister is the only woman who can be raised.

If you constantly quarrel with your sister, then you need to communicate with her more often...

It’s just that your sister is such an infection that you seem to love more than anyone, but for some reason she also pisses you off terribly!

Sister is capable of being best friend, which is not so easy to get rid of.

It’s good that there is a person living at an address I know who I can call at any time and answer the question “Do you love me?” hear “Of course, sister!”

It happens that a sister does not become a best friend, but a friend, on the contrary, becomes a sister.

The conflict between sisters can be compared to an illness. To recover, you need to fight not the symptoms, but the disease itself.

With age, a sister becomes like a mother who has been gone for a long time. She's like a reminder of her strong love to me.

A sister is a timeless connection. We remember each other as we have always been, we have common jokes that only we understand, we know all the secrets, sorrows and joys of each other... A sister is a friend forever!

Your sister is like your mirror and your opposite.

The greatest happiness for me is my sister!!! She and I live in perfect harmony, fist in eye, heel in ear!!!

Today I’m talking to a friend on the phone and saying, “My cat got pregnant while walking.” My little sister shouts, “Don’t lie to Lena, cats don’t fly!”

A sister is the best friend you can't get rid of.

Dear, what is this sheep in the photo next to you??!?!? - Sister! - She's so sweet

Why do I have so many leftist people in my VKontakte friends? - I thought for a long time and deleted them until I realized that I was sitting on my sister’s page.

Still, it’s cool to have an older sister!

And at school they didn’t call you by your sister’s name just because she once studied there??

Chelyabinsk nurses are so harsh that no one knows whether they are sisters or brothers.

I found a letter from my younger sister (7 years old)... It says: “Santa Claus, help my sister pass her exams. She’s good.” I love her!

Sister always feels what’s in your soul!

The sisters have a hard time forgiving each other for the insults they suffered at the age of five.

“I CAN, I’M NOT MARRIED,” my sister shouted at the bachelorette party the day before the wedding.

Of the two sisters, one will always be an observer and the other a dancer.

My sister had a blast... She came back from her birthday party and when her mother asked, “Did you drink?” answered: “Glass of champagne.”

Little sister, I love you very very very very much... You are my best!

There is no greater rivalry in a family than that between sisters, and no friendship stronger than that between adult sisters.

I saw him with an arch... I went to the hairdresser, bought new clothes, changed my makeup, came to visit him... and this is his sister.

I know who the happiest person is! This is my sister, she records her laughter on a tape recorder, and then listens to it all and laughs even more!

A sister is the person whom you must understand and forgive.

Tell me, is your sister pretty, or does she look like you?

My little sister is getting ready to go swimming and looks in the mirror. - Nah, what do you think, when I grow up, my prince will recognize me?


Best statuses and aphorisms about my sister

A real sister will never let you do anything stupid... Alone!


The most popular phrase when you are walking with your sister:
- Well, everything is quiet, otherwise people are coming!


A sister can be feisty, grumpy and thorny, annoying like a fly and harmful like a snake. Or maybe wonderful, cheerful and lovely, and also very kind and cool, like mine!

A sister is a timeless connection. We remember each other as we have always been, we have common jokes that only we understand, we know all the secrets, sorrows and joys of each other... A sister is a friend forever!


Some people got it good sisters, and to me - THE BEST!!!

There are normal, adequate people... and then there is me and my sister...


A sister can be the best friend that is not so easy to get rid of.

The greatest happiness for me is my sister! She and I live in perfect harmony, fist in eye, heel in ear!


A sister is the kind of person who will tell you to your face everything that infuriates her about you, but will prove to others that you are her best!


A favorite sister is one with whom I can be sincere. In her presence I can think out loud.


If your sister tells you “You’re a fool!”, she loves you.


Setryunya is a person who knows your secrets, loves you, worries.... you can always laugh with her, only she truly loves... She is mother No. 2.


Sister - six letters, kilometers of understanding and simply lifelong friendship...


Phrases of the sisters: - “Wait for me” - “Stop laughing, I’m tired of it” - “Come get me” - “Hold the bag” - “You get ready, and I’ll get in contact while I come in” - “I’ll tell you this now” - Did you take the textbook? - “No, I thought you’d take it, damn it” - “Just don’t post it on VKontakte” - “Wait, I’m wearing heels” - “Come with me to the toilet” - “Give me one earphone” - “Let’s wear heels tomorrow” - Take your camera tomorrow.” - I love you sister


A sister is the one who rejoices at your victories. The one who will put aside everything for you. The one who will tell you absolutely everything.
The one who can afford to tell your boyfriend what you cannot tell him. Appreciate your sisters!


A sister is the person who will read the pain in your eyes without any extra words.


At first I thought it was time to lose weight, but then I found out that my younger sister weighs more, and I calmed down.


A sister can't always become a friend, but a friend can always become a sister.


When you quarrel with your sister, you will definitely find a reason to make up, in about five minutes

A sister is the one who says several times a day: “You’re a fool...” and then adds: “I’m all about me!”


You go with your sister to the playground to play: you drag a bicycle, a doll, and molds from the floor. And she will find an interesting stick and shuffle it along the asphalt all evening.


I know who the happiest person is! This is my sister, she records her laughter on a tape recorder, and then listens to it all and laughs even more!



One day a little sister asked her older brother: “What is love?”
He replied: This is when you steal chocolate from my briefcase every day... And I continue to put it in the same place...


The sisters have a hard time forgiving each other for the insults they suffered at the age of five.


Only my sister, when she says “Give me some chewing gum,” gives me the whole bag!


I have Beautiful sister. To save this world, we just need to come together!


And at school they didn’t call you by your sister’s name just because she once studied there?


A sister is someone with whom conversations never get boring.
She's the one who can lift your spirits when you want to cry...


My sister is very educated, she has a large vocabulary: she cursed at the wing for half an hour - she never repeated it...


We had twins, brother and sister, study at our school. By the 10th grade, Seryoga was already two meters tall, and Marinka was a trifle - a meter with a cap, and then in a jump. That's what we called them: brevity is the sister of talent.


Rejecting your own sister is like depriving yourself of a part of your body.


Many people know me, but only my sister knows who I really am...


A sister is someone who makes your problems hers so you don't have to go through it alone...


Do you have a favorite actress?
-Yes, I have.
-My beloved sister, because she plays an important role in my life.


Only with your sister can you understand what you really are like!


A sister is small, beautiful, of course sometimes harmful, but still dear and very beloved to her brother...


And no matter how much you have to be disappointed in people, life will still have meaning as long as there is a sister in it.


Add greenery to your sister's shampoo and make your parents happy!


My sister is my blood.
My support and love.


I have a younger sister - Katyushenka. She has a sweet tooth. So, when you offer her to drink tea, she is certainly interested: And for tea... WHAT?)) In fact, the cup always remains full after it...


Sisters are two idiots who simply absolutely cannot live without each other.


I can fool everyone, but not my sister.
Charlotte Gray


Happiness is when on a cold evening with your sister you remember the best summer moments.


Your sister is like your mirror and your opposite.


Little sisters only attract those who don't have them.

I communicate with my sister, describe my chest pains, and then it turns out that she is now experiencing the same ones. Her husband sits nearby and says:
- The whole batch is defective!
The pain stopped immediately...

Statuses about my younger sister - Yesterday my sister (she’s 11 years old and I’m 26) asked, “Yul, do you believe in miracles?” I answer "Of course Yes!" She - “Then why are you still not married?... and in general, I wouldn’t believe in them anymore!”...))

It’s very nice when your little sister comes to your room and says: I’m daddy’s assistant, mommy’s princess and your little one!

The younger sister is the only woman who can be raised.

One day a little sister asked her older brother: “What is love?”
He replied: This is when you steal chocolate from my briefcase every day... And I continue to put it in the same place...

Many people simply don’t notice how quickly time flies; today my beloved sister turned three years old, but it seems like she was born only recently.

Little sisters only attract those who don't have them.

It’s so unusual to see when your sister, who seems so young, is already dating a guy. Suddenly you realize how your parents looked at you and what they were afraid of.

Sisters are divided into two types: the eldest and the snitch.

It’s such a strange feeling when you marry off your younger sister. May he love her no less than I do.

And you too younger sisters do they turn out your closet when you can't see, try on all your clothes, put on high heels and walk around copying you?

Let my sister choose a husband for herself, let her parents bless them, and I, as an older brother, will check him.

I’m growing up... I solve all my problems myself... No one bothers with me... And my older sister doesn’t take me with her, because... Now he sees me as a rival... Damn, I don’t want to be an adult!

For a brother, a sister is always a small, cute, mischievous creature that you can’t help but love, even if you’re offended by him.

I’ve been loving the only one for almost a year now, I love it like I’ve never loved anyone before... How can you not love your little happiness, your little sister?!

Forgive me, little sister, for sometimes offending me, but know that no one in the world loves you as much as your older brother.

A sister is small, beautiful, of course sometimes harmful, but still dear and very loved by her brother...

Little sisters are strange creatures. No matter how cute they are, you don't feel anything at all for them. For me, my sister's underwear is just a piece of fabric. She's definitely beautiful, but I just think that she really looks like me. That's how it is with real little sisters.

When the younger sister falls, the older one helps her get up; if the older one falls, the younger one laughs.

My little sister said she wanted to be a nettle. I asked why. She replied: “So that they don’t touch me.”

The greatest happiness in my life is my younger sisters. Every time I’m upset, they run up to me, hug me, squeeze me, shout: we love you, don’t be sad, we are with you. At such moments, the desire to live flares up with renewed vigor.

I am lucky in this life to have a sister like her! You give joy and warmth, warming the soul with a smile. I wish you health and eternally youthful beauty. May all those whom you love so much look at you with love.

Today my mother bought her little sister a plant with some talking stuff in it. The little one, so joyful, runs up to her dad: “Dad! Look! My mom bought me a talking plant!” Dad: “Well, go shopping with her!”

Sisters are divided into 2 types: younger and tyrant.

The greatest happiness for me is my sister!!! She and I live in perfect harmony, fist in eye, heel in ear.

There are normal adequate people... and then there is me and my sister...

I'm sitting at home with my friend. We say that we want to drink a martini with olives. Then my 4-year-old sister runs in and says: okay, you’ll drink a martini, but olives, what the hell is this?

A sister is the one who says several times a day: “You’re a fool...” and then adds: “I’m all about me!”

My sister is very educated, she has a large vocabulary: she cursed at the wing for half an hour - she never repeated it...

My sister is only 8 years old. Not only is she in contact, but also in her marital status “everything is complicated”

Why do I have so many left-wing people as friends? — I thought for a long time and deleted them until I realized that I was sitting on my sister’s page...

I would always share the news with my sister first, but she already knows everything.

My sister sometimes not only asks me to listen to her, but also demands that I explain to her what she wanted to say.

A sister can be feisty, grumpy and thorny, annoying like a fly and harmful like a snake. Or maybe wonderful, cheerful and lovely, and also very kind and cool, like mine!

Dear, what is this sheep in the photo next to you??!?!? - Sister! - She's so sweet!

You are smart, beautiful,
Friendly, kind,
I really, really like it
That you are my sister!
And I won’t hide from you:
I love you the most!

World has gone mad!!! My 5 year old sister lies and listens to my Mr3, and I sit and color her!!!

It's easy for me to share with older sister one room: in the evening and at night she walks, I sleep, and in the morning and during the day - everything is the other way around.

Sister - better remedy for dish washing.

Sisters are divided into two types: the eldest and the snitch.

My sister and I really want a brother! And my brother says that my sister and I are perverts.

If I eat porridge, my pussy will grow, that’s what my dad tells me, and my sister – about boobs

Sister - six letters, kilometers of understanding and just lifelong friendship

No one would call life with my sister a holiday! After all, it’s easy to share joys; try to share troubles and understand not your own misfortune.