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Grunge style in clothes for girls images. Grunge clothing style is a daring and fashionable look. Grunge hairstyle

Grunge style in clothes for girls images.  Grunge clothing style is a daring and fashionable look.  Grunge hairstyle

There is nothing random in the world of fashion; everything is built on certain patterns. All the newfangled styles and those that have proven themselves for several decades did not arise by themselves; they were not invented on purpose. Each style is the personification of people’s way of life, thinking, and worldview. Designers always focus on a specific consumer when creating each new image within a particular trend direction. A suit, whether classic or in the spirit of true romance, must be targeted, designed for a specific group of people who will wear it and reveal their individuality through it.

Among the well-known and popularized clothing styles are: grunge style(grunge style). It is for those who are tired of excessive glamor, gloss, luxury and dress code. This style puts convenience at the forefront, so it contains a combination of those things that, at first glance, would seem to be completely incompatible, but they are comfortable and that’s the main thing. There is a place for negligence and sloppiness, but this is only an outward appearance. A suit in the grunge style involves very high-quality items. This contradiction expresses the essence of grunge and those who wear it.

So what is grunge? Sloppy or with excellent taste? Who loved it so much and when did it arise?

Historical reference

Grunge - translated from in English means something disgusting, repulsive, and from French - threshing floor, barn. For example, the phrase grunge work means “dirty work.”

It is believed that the grunge style of clothing arose thanks to the music movement of the same name in the late 80s of the last century. He appeared in the American city of Seattle. In particular, the famous rock group Nirvana and its leader Kurt Cobain contributed to the emergence of the style. Nirvana became the trendsetter in grunge style.

The world, in fact, learned about the style after the release of the group’s first album called “Nevermind”. Nirvana's musical works with electric guitar and sometimes pessimistic lyrics were very popular with young people who were tired of bright colors and disco style. Both the music and the appearance of the group members became iconic for the young generation X. They were imitated, their songs were sung. At the same time, Cobain himself was not overly happy about such popularity. He believed that the group's music was for the underground.

After the death of Kurt Cobain in 1994, the grunge style faded somewhat. It is believed that it was revived in clothing by designer Marc Jacobs, who in the 90s of the 20th century developed a collection of clothing models in grunge style. The public was presented with models of plaid shirts, torn sweaters, and worn-out dresses with floral patterns. Seemingly very sloppy, these outfits were made of very expensive fabrics and cost a lot of money.

Subsequently, Marc Jacobs founded his own brand and often resorted to grunge culture in his designs. At five more shows, he showed the world his creations, which were performed to the song “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana. . It was this work that made the group so popular.

Grunge style still finds its fans today, of whom there are already many. In almost every new season, famous couturiers turn to grunge to create clothing models.

The target audience

Worn and faded items, as if taken from someone else's shoulder, denial of fashion as such, outrageousness, shapelessness - this is what distinguishes a grunge-style suit.

In the last century, young people became potential wearers of such clothing, i.e. people under 30 years of age. Most often these are fans of the group Nirvana. They still remain the main target audience. Through a suit, young people express protest against generally accepted norms, uniformity, and luxury. Grunge style for those who want to stand out from the crowd.

Star-studded celebrities, adherents of grunge

Among the star celebrities who prefer grunge are Johnny Depp, Shakira, Taylor Momsen, Alice Dellal, Pixie Geldof, Ruby Aldridge. Their images are more likely not “pure” grunge, but a kind of symbiosis of different trends.

Distinctive features of grunge style

A person dressed in grunge clothes may seem like a poor person who has to wear someone else's clothes, but this is not so. Wardrobe items are of excellent quality, and negligence is only a specially created appearance.

The grunge style combines well with other styles, for example, casual, vintage, military style. There is no place for glamorous luxury here. Therefore, it is impossible to mix these two radically opposite directions. This is bad form.

The dominant items in the grunge wardrobe are shabby, ripped jeans, sweaters with holes, T-shirts with faded inscriptions, jackets, faded-looking shirts.

Holes, protruding threads, raw seams, and abrasions, which can be everywhere and on any clothing, fit perfectly into a grunge suit. The effect of negligence is welcome!

The criterion for choosing clothes is ergonomics. No things restricting movement.

Multi-layering or “from under Friday to Saturday,” as they say. It is created by wearing, for example, a turtleneck over a T-shirt, a sweater or a scarf on top. This is a classic grunge look, but if you add distressed jeans and sneakers, you get a truly grunge look. Multi-layered skirts and dresses are appropriate for women different lengths. At the same time, the cut should be complex, different from the traditional design of clothing.

Eclecticism is another style-forming principle of grunge. It is not considered bad manners to combine completely incompatible things. If you feel psychologically comfortable in such an eclectic suit, then this is what you need. The main thing is not to overdo it. Everything should be in moderation, harmonious and attractive. To create such a costume you need to have excellent taste.

Often, grunge-style costume items are purchased at second-hand stores. This is where you can find interesting things from famous brands, which will occupy a significant position in the wardrobe and become the starting point for the formation of the entire image.

Shoes are most often massive. Sneakers and sneakers will be a great addition to a denim outfit.

Accessories - large bags, large Sunglasses, bracelets, rings. There is symbolism from the rock style (crosses, skulls), because grunge itself is a substyle. There should not be many accessories, one or two. Grunge people don't like them very much.

An important aspect in creating a grunge look is hairstyle and makeup. There is no actual hairstyle. There is no place for styling classic haircuts. Negligence must be maintained here too - tousled hair or carelessly styled, tied in a ponytail, hair roots that have grown in a different color. There may be no makeup at all, or preference is given to dark shades. Focus on lips or eyes.

Fashion trends of grunge style

Today, the original meaning that was inherent in the grunge style has been somewhat lost. Representatives of this trend fought against luxury. The Nirvana songs and costumes reflected the spirit of class struggle and protest against expensive outfits. Nowadays, torn jeans and T-shirts are often worn not by representatives of the working class, but by wealthy, even very rich people, movie and pop stars. Moreover, the cost of such clothing is very significant. For representatives of grunge, it is not affordable.

This season, many designers and famous fashion houses have turned to this trend. Grunge costumes were presented by Chanel, Roberto Cavali, Versace, Givenchy, Saint Laurent, Zara, Mango, Prada and others.

Among the dominant types of clothing that could be seen on the catwalks and glossy fashion magazines:

Sweaters black, brown, burgundy, dark beige colors large volume and often shapeless;

Women's dresses are somewhat faded with floral prints, either long or, on the contrary, short;

Checkered shirts. Grunge wouldn't be the same without them. Not a single representative of this trend can do without a checkered shirt;

Ripped and distressed jeans. Here are the famous vintage-style Levi's, shabby skinnies, tattered boyfriends;

A worn-out leather or denim jacket;

Shoes - Martins, rough boots, shoes with massive heels.

Grunge costumes are a protest against fashion. Grunge style does not follow fashion trends, but there are still some principles that should be adhered to.

To get a grunge costume, you need to choose the right things to put together. They can be made from materials of different textures, for example, chiffon and denim or leather. For ladies, you can combine rough items with more feminine ones. Light, “flying” dresses will look great with big boots, and a voluminous, shapeless sweater can be worn with a small skirt and heeled shoes.

It’s good to “mix” grunge style items with other trends. Add, for example, a little gothic, like Taylor Momsen or vintage, like Erin Wasson does, punk style, or military. Finally, you should choose the right hairstyle and makeup.

Many people today strive for material wealth, but there are people who put the spiritual at the forefront of everything, and grunge helps them with this. It’s not difficult to create your own clothes in this style. You need to take stale items from your own, or better yet, someone else’s wardrobe or visit a thrift store, use your imagination and take into account a number of recommendations that were described above. Voila! And you are in the fashion trend.

Grunge style is often confused with hippie and (boho chic) ​​styles. Undoubtedly, there are common features. In all styles, through the costume, one can trace opposition to generally accepted norms of behavior, a protest against everything mass. Emphasis on exceptional individuality! There is a place for creativity, shockingness, catchiness, and exclusivity. And also convenience. The difference is that in the grunge style, a thing, even if bought at a second-hand store, must be of excellent quality, and not just cheap and environmentally friendly, like hippies. Boho has a place of luxury that is impossible in grunge.

Being in fashion does not mean following it unquestioningly. There is no need to imitate anyone or borrow other people's thoughts and ideas. To be fashionable means to find your own image, in which you are psychologically and physiologically comfortable and at the same time the opinions of others are absolutely unimportant. For many, the grunge style became such.

Natalia, Ivanovo

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Creativity is an interesting and exciting thing for me. I draw, embroider, sew. Hobby - collecting decorative thimbles

(English grunge) a trend in fashion that implies a rejection of generally accepted norms of appearance. This is a kind of protest against following fashion trends. The phenomenon originated in America.

Origin of the style

The word “grunge” is of slang origin; in American vernacular it is used to describe something unpleasant, disgusting and repulsive.

The grunge style came to the fashion world from rock music. The birthplace of this trend was the city of Seattle, from which groups such as Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Pearl Jeam and Nirvana emerged., it was they who created a new view of reality, which resulted in a whole subculture and grunge denial.

"Marginal chic"

The grunge style is heterogeneous, eclectic, its task is to combine the most incompatible textures, colors, patterns, lines. Everything at once - this is the meaning of this style. Representatives of this trend in fashion at the same time resembled punks and. Their appearance attracted attention with long tangled hair, old second-hand clothes, torn, faded T-shirts, wrinkled jackets, torn dresses and elongated sweaters, as well as ethnic details, sneakers and army boots. These people were indifferent to how others perceived them; they themselves did not care what they looked like.

Grunge fans were flattered when they were accidentally confused with street homeless people. The youth who created this style are children of world crises. They went through difficult times and began to perceive society as an enemy. They wanted to destroy his foundations and his stereotypes. The grungeists were most hated by luxury and classics.

They spoke:

“The style of Harlem bums who dressed up for a trip to Manhattan.”

Such reviews sounded like a compliment to the fashion designer. Thanks to his protest against high fashion Marc Jacobs has become one of the leading designers in the US and Europe. Fashion magazines filled with photographs of models in grunge style, in torn clothes, dressed like homeless people under the headings “marginal chic”.

There are many fans of the grunge style among world celebrities. For example, sometimes Drew Barrymore and Mischa Barton like to look like homeless people.

Grunge is a cultural revolution; it implies not only an external protest, but also a deeper meaning. Representatives of this movement advocate personal freedom and freedom of self-expression. They want people to come first sincere feelings and spirituality, not material goods. Clothes in the grunge style, for these people, are only needed to protect the body and for comfort; they cannot be taken seriously. Aesthetics cannot bring happiness to a person, grungeists believe.

This is the most provocative and daring direction of modern fashion.

How to create a grunge look?

  • Choose clothes dark colors and muted shades. Bright and cheerful colors have never been associated with grunge style. Black, white, grey, dark green, brown and blue colors are popular among fans of this style.
  • Grow it back long hair. Long and straight hair is equally popular among both men and women. Hair should look naturally unkempt, but clean. The hairstyle can be decorated with braids, beads or dreadlocks.
  • Buy a flannel shirt. Flannel shirts can be called the basis of the grunge style, for both women and men. They can be worn in different ways: buttoned, unbuttoned, tied around the lower back.
  • Make sure the ones you choose match the grunge style. Jeans should look worn. The most popular were baggy jeans. Also in the era of prosperity of the grunge style, overalls were in fashion. Sometimes girls wore flared jeans.
  • Shoes should be bulky, heavy chunky boots, Camelot or Dr. Martens are perfect. The famous Chuck Taylor sneakers from, as well as boots in the style, such as combat boots, will also fit into the grunge style.

Appearing as a protest against glamor and fashion, “grunge” has become one of the most fashionable style trends of our time.

Characteristic features of the grunge style

  • The grunge style in women's clothing has its significant differences from other fashion trends. Stylists call these characteristics and the features of this style:
  • Eclecticism. For the “grunge” direction, a combination of incompatible elements becomes possible in one image different styles and fabrics. The external untidiness of the products is combined with their high quality and prestigious authorship in the person of the most famous designers.
  • Comfort and convenience. These two qualities for the grunge style are much higher than beauty and relevance. Young people who are fans and representatives of this fashionable style trend give preference to the most comfortable and convenient things that do not hinder movements while wearing them.
  • Deliberate negligence- one of the main features of the fashion trend. At the beginning of the 20th century, young people took to the streets en masse wearing jeans with holes and scuffs, clothes with patches, protruding threads from sweaters and creases on nylon tights.
  • Obsessive layering. The grunge style is characterized by layering, which can never be too much. Fashionistas wear a turtleneck directly over a T-shirt or T-shirt, with a shirt, sweater and oversized shirt on top. Such a multi-layered outfit of a girl does not mean that she lacks a sense of style and taste; on the contrary, according to fashion experts, this is how modern people express their individuality and uniqueness.
  • Lack of bright colors. Grunge is strictly designed in light and dark natural tones; bright unnatural colors are unacceptable for images designed in the grunge style. Any designs and ornaments are not typical for the fashion trend.
  • Harmonious combination with other fashion trends. Grunge looks great in combination with styles such as casual and.
  • The combination of grunge and glamor is unacceptable, since these are completely opposite directions, completely excluding the existence of each other.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use sparkles, rhinestones and other bright decorative elements, characteristic of glamor.

All these features are clearly visible in the “grunge” style in clothes for girls in this photo:

In order to choose such a fashionable direction in clothing for yourself, you need to become an internally free person and abandon the stereotypes established by the public.

Clothing in the grunge style for girls and women (with photos)

The “grunge” style in clothes for girls is represented by its great variety. If you decide to change your look in favor of the grunge style that is fashionable today, you can replenish your wardrobe with such fashionable outfit elements as:

torn and frayed jeans;

trench coats; faded, baggy shirts;

jackets with patches; multilayer;

stretched sweaters with elongated threads and loops; long, shapeless sundresses;

short shorts with a worn look; faded t-shirts and tank tops.

A variety of clothing options in the grunge style in the photo below:

Having familiarized yourself with numerous items of women's wardrobe designed in this fashionable direction, you can create a rebellious image yourself without the help of a stylist.

Surprisingly, clothes for women in the grunge style can also be represented by such a wardrobe element as a dress. For an image consistent with this fashion trend, long, loose models made of cotton and, as a rule, having a small floral pattern are ideal. These models also received the name “granny dresses” due to the choice of such material. Short slip dresses with distressed elements are also suitable for this look. They are worn with torn tights or leggings with holes.

These dresses can be combined with the following shoe options:

With a wide shaft and a stable heel; ankle boots;

sneakers – high and low; sandals and flat shoes without any decorative elements.

It is not difficult to create such images for girls in clothes in the grunge style; these things can be composed in a wide variety of options. In any case, the result will be a rather bold image that combines several opposing ideas at the same time..

When sewing clothes in the grunge style, many different fabrics are used, the main thing is that they are dark, plain or with discreet prints. Fashion meters work with fabrics such as leather, denim, wool, chiffon, cotton, organza, knitwear, suede.

Neo-grunge style in clothing: freedom of imagination

When creating rebellious looks, among shoes you can choose options such as sneakers and sneakers, and the more worn they look, the better, ballet flats, rough ones. Also good choice This look would go well with massive shoes on a high platform.

It is also possible to use accessories to complete a fashionable look, but they should not be overused. You can opt for accessories such as:

  • caps and baseball caps;
  • glasses of non-trivial shape;
  • and backpacks;
  • rough bracelets;
  • massive decorations.

As for makeup, when creating a grunge look, you should generally avoid using any cosmetics. If a girl or woman does not dare to go out without it, then preference should be given to dark tones; there should be no bright cosmetics, sparkles or glitter on the face.

The grunge style also places its own demands on hairstyles. Ideal option are loose hair, deliberate negligence on the head and tangled strands - all this is welcomed by this fashion trend. In some cases, a sloppy high ponytail or a disheveled bun is acceptable. The latest fashion trend, which has been relevant for several years in a row, is dyeing the ends of the hair in bright colors.

One of the varieties of this popular fashion trend is the “neo-grunge” style in clothing, which gives freedom of imagination and creative flight to designers and stylists. Neo-grunge can be expressed in mixing several styles, prints, and wearing shabby T-shirts. To look stylish in 2019, fans of this fashion trend can again wear checkered pants, ripped jeans and boldly tie a shirt at the waist.

“Soft” and “grunge”: a combination of clothing styles

Fashionable styles of “soft” and “grunge” in clothing can be skillfully combined in one look. Despite the softness, smoothness and tenderness of the Soft style, it can still be successfully combined with elements of rebellious “grunge”.

To emphasize your individualism, you can wear a softly tailored jacket that has a fitted silhouette with a dark long skirt and massive boots. If desired, you can focus on the tenderness and femininity of the lower part of the outfit. To do this, just wear an elegant knee-length flared skirt and complement it with a distressed leather biker jacket.

Sticking to a combination of soft and grunge styles in one outfit, you can wear ripped jeans loose fit and feminine chiffon blouses tucked into pants. Among the shoes, boots with chunky soles are most suitable for this outfit.

Fashionable clothes in the style of "hippie grunge"

Clothing and accessories in the “hippie” style are designed to make the image more feminine, gentle and romantic. The fashionable trend “grunge” gives it a completely opposite look. female image pronounced rebellion and audacity. However, those with extraordinary taste will be able to appreciate the incredibly fashionable looks presented by clothes in the “grunge” and “hippie” styles, which complement each other.

Modern youth are distinguished by the fact that they constantly express their opinions, defend their rights and love to rebel. Moreover, their rebellion and protest can be seen even in their clothes. It is the wardrobe that can best demonstrate individuality and highlight originality. The grunge style of clothing can be seen more and more often today. But what kind of style is this and what clothes correspond to it, we’ll figure it out further.

History of origin

What is grunge style? If you translate the word from French, then grunge is “barn”. But in English it translates as dirty. At the end of the 80s of the 19th century, this style was just beginning to emerge. He owes this to the founders of the rock group Nirvana. Soloist Kurt Cobain and his colleagues released an album of songs, where the music and lyrics were full of aggression and a bad mood for the future.

This is exactly how the group members treated life, which they claimed was harsh and unfair. Young people who were already a little fed up with disco and glamor became like-minded people of the group. And as a result, they imitated the team not only in behavior, but also in style.

After a short time, grunge became popular among the growing population. This style could be seen in the behavior and songs of such artists as Soundgarden and Alice in Chains.

The style of clothing in question began to be visible, and Marc Jacobs became its founder in this regard. Under his control, a collection of products for youth was released. It included shirts with checkered prints, dresses with floral print, which had a worn look, loose-fitting and torn sweaters. In the clothes for girls one could see features of sloppiness. Expensive, high-quality fabrics were used for its production. Thanks to this style, Marc Jacobs's fashion as a designer began to be actively promoted. After some time, he was able to create a personal brand.

The grunge style is in great demand among celebrities. You can see this in the clothes of Shakira, Johnny Depp and Alice Dellal.

Style Features

Now it’s worth determining what is typical for him. At the end of the 20th century, young people began to go out in T-shirts worn over turtlenecks and torn trousers. This method was perfect for standing out from the crowd and showing your attitude towards the world around you. That's why the grunge style is characterized by boldness and unpredictability. You could even call him a little provocative. It’s not for nothing that grunge is translated from English as disgusting. If you look at a person from afar, you get the impression that in front of you is a homeless person. And only at a close distance it becomes clear how sophisticated the outfit is.

Grunge style has the following features:

A person who decides to worship this style must come to this not only externally, but also internally. To do this, he will have to abandon the opinions of others, the general framework.

How to dress

Those who decide to plunge headlong into this daring and controversial world of fashion must understand how to dress in grunge style. Only by knowing all the moments will you be able to distinguish yourself from the crowd and declare yourself as an individual. Sticking to the grunge style is equally difficult and simple. The choice of clothing should correspond to style features. But the wardrobe can be based on certain elements of clothing, makeup, shoes, and hairstyle. All these and other features are detailed in the video:


When creating a grunge look, every girl should know what she can buy in a clothing store:


When creating a daring look, in addition to clothes, you need to choose the right shoes. The grunge style dictates the following options:

  1. Sneakers and sneakers. Moreover, their Eid should be as worn as possible.
  2. Ballet shoes.
  3. Boots in a grunge style with a rough cut.
  4. Bulky high-top shoes.


The following elements will help complete the look:


Looking at the photos of this extraordinary style, it becomes clear that makeup is most often absent. If you can’t live without it, then you should use dark shades. At the same time, you need to forget sparkles, rhinestones, and various manifestations of glamor. The created make-up should complement the look favorably, making it more rebellious.


Fans of the grunge style in clothing adhere to certain limits when choosing styling. The easiest way is to let your hair down or put it in a high ponytail. Not long ago it became possible to dye the ends of your hair in bright shades.

Of course, using all these recommendations, you can get an approximate look of the grunge style. But for full compliance, clearly defined individualism is required. Each person puts something of his own into this term, while remaining faithful to the main stylistic features.

Style brands

There are several other features that define soft grunge. This is quality, branding, expensive clothing. Of course, the hippie style has some things in common with grunge, but when it comes to buying a wardrobe, hippie items can be safely bought at any Second Hand store, but orange items are not sold there. Certain world-famous brands are working on creating grunge items. Consequently, their cost will be appropriate. The most popular brands that produce grunge clothing are:

  • Marc Jacobs;
  • Zara;
  • Bershka;
  • River Island;
  • Chanel;
  • Vivienne Westwood;

The grunge style in the wardrobe has been entrenched for a long time and throughout all this time it has not lost its popularity. It is in demand mainly among young people who want to show the whole world their individuality and independence. And although appearance clothes look shabby and unattractive; not every girl can afford to wear them, since they are expensive.

Video looks:

Grunge(grunge) - American slang meaning something unkempt, repulsive, dirty, for example, grunge work - menial work.

Grunge style is an example of how protest against fashion has become one of the brightest fashion trends, which has not lost its relevance for decades. Constantly transforming in each new time period, grunge goes through its new life stage, in tune with the modern context.

Grunge comes from the USA. This is a style that was given life by the youth subculture that appeared in the 1990s. The younger generation loves to rebel. Sometimes, as a result of such protests, new forms, images, and ideas are born. Bold grunge style ridiculed the love of luxury, pretentiousness, bourgeoisness and glorified the culture, or rather the anti-culture, of street teenagers.

But first there was music that appeared in American Seattle. The founders of the musical direction were American alternative rock bands, many of which began to demonstrate a new musical style back in the 1980s. Grunge music was characterized by a "dirty" guitar sound, a term grunge was addressed specifically to the playing style, with an abundance of specific musical effects, contrasting dynamics of alternating loud and quiet sound, gloomy lyrics on the theme of alienation, loneliness and apathy.

Prominent representatives of music in grunge style were American rock bands such as “Melvins”, “Soundgarden”, “Malfunkshun”, “Skin Yard”, “Dinosaur”, “Green River”, “Mudhoney”, “Alice in Chains”, “Pearl Jam”, “ Nirvana,” and many others. Nirvana lead singer Kurt Cobain in the early 1990s became, according to journalists and music critics, not just a musician, but “the voice of a generation.”

Compared to other areas of rock music of the 1980s, the aesthetics of grunge was emphatically democratic, rejecting the ostentatious stylistic bacchanalia of the decade. The musicians appeared in public in ordinary clothes, often wrinkled and worn; they avoided stage theatricality, demonstrating their concentration on their own life-musical worldview.

Both the musicians themselves and their followers wore cheap clothes from second-hand stores, especially flannel shirts, ripped jeans, large sizes, stretched sweaters and T-shirts.

Grunge The musicians did not set themselves the task of becoming the creators of a special fashion. A certain appearance was an organic part of their existence. Music journalist Charles R. Cross said of the legendary Kurt Cobain, “he was too lazy to use shampoo,” emphasizing that a certain appearance was not a fashion, but a lifestyle.

New Musical direction became more and more widespread and became widespread. The group "Nirvana" literally blew up the youth audience with its album "Nevermind", released in 1991, and grunge music became the property of an audience of millions, and Kurt Cobain became a kind of style icon. The lyrics of his songs about the hopelessness of provincial life, human stupidity, and the cruelty of the surrounding world served as life mottos for young people.

As a musical movement, grunge lasted relatively short-lived; Kurt Cobain passed away in 1994, after which some of the musicians canceled their performances, others changed their creative style. By the end of the 1990s, grunge music faded away, but the fashion it gave birth to remained eternal.

Fans of the new style also appeared outside the United States. Grunge style appealed to young people all over the world. In many ways, the rebellious style had points of contact with the attributes of hippies and punks. Adherents of grunge wore long hair, elongated sweaters, torn jeans, second-hand clothes, rough boots, army boots, or orthopedic slippers from the German company Birkenstocks, long baggy skirts, torn tights, black leather motorcycle jackets, sheepskin fur coats, earflaps, famous also like Russian hats, small knitted hats, corduroy jackets sporty style, fingerless gloves, etc.

Added to this were careless haircuts, with the effect of tangled, unwashed hair, torn dresses and shirts, faded T-shirts, wrinkled trousers, loose-fitting pants, large metal jewelry, jackets made of wrinkled, cracked leather, or coarse fabrics in “dark” colors. All clothing had to look washed and worn. Soon this style was noticed by the fashion industry, and began to penetrate the pages of glossy magazines, presented as “marginal chic.” The image of either a beggar or a tramp appeared on the catwalks in strange, as if randomly collected, worn clothes with a defiantly sloppy hairstyle.

American designer Marc Jacobs, who became the founder of grunge in great fashion, he loved to visit nightclubs in New York, where he enthusiastically studied the style of modern youth and various marginal characters. During the day, he could spend hours observing what passers-by were wearing and discussing his observations with interest with friends. After the death of the legendary American fashion designer Perry Ellis in 1988, Marc Jacobs was invited to take the place of creative director of the women's line of the Perry Ellis brand.

Jacobs's collection brought him fame women's clothing in grunge style, which he created for Perry Ellis in 1992 and became a real fashion explosion. After which the designer was asked to leave the Perry Ellis company and in 1993 he began producing clothes under the Marc Jacobs brand.

The scandalously famous collection of 1992 consisted of sundresses with small flowers, similar to clothes from an orphanage, combined with heavy boots, elongated shapeless holey sweaters, baggy checkered jackets, flannel shirts, and many complex models, collected in bizarre sets that did not combine yourself in the usual sense. It all looked like it was bought at a second-hand store. Fashion critics commented on what they saw as: “The style of homeless people from Harlem who dressed up for a trip to Manhattan.”

Such reviews sounded like a compliment to the fashion designer. Thanks to his protest against the stereotypes of high fashion, Marc Jacobs became one of the leading designers in the United States and Europe. Fashion magazines were filled with "fringe chic" headlines and photographs of models dressed in grunge style, who wore torn tights and shabby-looking clothes. Jacobs won, taking pride of place as one of the world's most influential designers.

Later, many designers began experimenting with grunge. Of course, the fashion catwalks greatly transformed the ideas of the musical rebels of the late 1980s and early 1990s. The style lives, develops, changes and remains in demand.

The main signs grunge style are too big or too small, scanty sweaters, torn and artfully washed jeans, jagged edges, raw seams and hems, asymmetry and deformation of clothing parts, knitwear with loose loops, mixing seemingly incompatible fabrics, for example, jeans and lace or chiffon, organza and coarse knitwear. There are many fans of the grunge style among world celebrities. Grunge is an unusual way of carrying things, for example, a small romantic dress worn with flowers denim jacket and bulky boots, or “Cossacks.” The technique of layering is typical for grunge - a skirt worn over trousers, and several thin jumpers, one on top of the other, a T-shirt, a jumper and a jacket of different lengths, peeking out from under each other. A black sheath dress can be combined with a shapeless cardigan large knit and heavy shoes. A rough jacket and army boots can be worn with light dress or a chiffon skirt, and a shabby men's T-shirt with a fluffy skirt.