
Worth adopting. If a child was born out of wedlock, is it necessary to adopt him and possible difficulties. Raising a child will be the biggest challenge

Worth adopting.  If a child was born out of wedlock, is it necessary to adopt him and possible difficulties.  Raising a child will be the biggest challenge

To avoid this, you need to enter information about the newborn in the mother’s passport in the “children” column. This can be done at the passport office by presenting the child’s birth certificate. Difficulties may arise when contacting various authorities. Therefore, you should have with you a complete package of documents that confirms the change of surname by the mother and the fact of the relationship with the child. The following documents are required as confirmation:

  1. Child's birth document.
  2. Divorce document with a note about the mother's change of surname.
  3. Marriage document if the mother got married again and changed her data.
  4. A marriage certificate received from the registry office, which confirms the existence of a marriage relationship in the past.

In the case of different surnames of the mother and child, there may be problems when traveling abroad with a minor.

Rules for registering a child at the registry office if the parents are not registered in 2017

The procedure for assigning a surname to a child if the parents have not registered their relationship In the modern world, people are in no hurry to officially register their relationship and often give birth to children in such a union. In this case, the question inevitably arises: is it possible to give the child the father’s surname if we are not registered. Legislation, which is also in force in 2018, allows us to solve this problem.
If at the time of the baby’s birth, mom and dad did not register their relationship, the child can be given the surname of one of them. To make a record of the father, paternity must be officially recognized. To do this, the father must write a corresponding statement.
If the relationship is not registered, the parent is not required to go through the adoption procedure. The father's surname can be assigned to the child on the basis of a written application for recognition of paternity. In this case, the mother must confirm her consent.

How to give a child his father's last name if the father and mother are not registered?

If the parents of a newborn child are not married to each other, then the entry about the child’s mother is made at the request of the mother, and the entry about the child’s father is made at the joint request of the child’s father and mother, or at the request of the child’s father (in some cases), or by court decision (clause 2 of article 51 of the RF IC). Also, the former spouse is recognized as the father without a statement from the child’s father in the following cases: if the child was born within 300 days from the date of divorce, recognition of it as invalid, or from the date of death of the spouse of the child’s mother, unless otherwise proven. The paternity of the spouse of the child’s mother is certified by a record of their marriage (clause
2 tbsp. 48 RF IC).

How to register a child if the parents are not registered or the father has another family?

From a legal point of view, this is a simple cohabitation, which does not entail the emergence of rights and obligations. Therefore, despite certain advantages of civil marriage, citizens participating in it may have problems in the future. One of them is registering a child after birth out of wedlock.
Contents of the article

  • Adoption Institute
  • Should a natural parent adopt a natural child?
    • How is the surname issue resolved?
  • How to register a child in the name of the father if he was born out of wedlock
  • If one of the parents does not want to carry out the paternity procedure
  • Conclusion

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

Should a father adopt his child?

In this connection, the child can receive a double surname, which consists of the surnames of both parents. Last names can be added in any order using a hyphen. Before the changes were made, a child could receive a double surname only if one of the parents had it.

In the case of using a double surname, it is prohibited to use a different order of accession when forming the surname of siblings. Sometimes it happens that the father and mother cannot independently reach agreement on the child’s first and last name. Then the dispute is resolved by the guardianship authorities. In their decision, they must be guided by the interests of the minor and take into account various factors, including the euphony of these data.

If a newborn is left without parents, his last name and first name are given to him by his legal representatives in accordance with the general procedure.

If parents are not scheduled, what problems could there be?

If the child’s father does not want to register his paternity or if the mother does not agree to register paternity, then paternity or the fact of recognition of paternity (if the child’s father has died) can be established in court (Articles 49, 50 of the RF IC). If the father and mother of the child wish to register the birth of the child and establish paternity, we recommend following the following algorithm. Step 1. Obtain the necessary documents for registering the birth and prepare an application for the birth of the child. After the birth of the child, his mother in the maternity hospital will be issued a medical certificate of birth of the child, which will be the basis for registering the birth of the child with the civil registry office.

If the marriage between the child's parents is not concluded, the application for the birth of the child is submitted by the mother.

Is it necessary to adopt a child if the parents are not registered?

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Hello. We are not registered, and at the birth of a child, I want to give him my last name, and the father’s patronymic. After painting, I want to change my last name and the child’s last name to his. Will he have to adopt the child or not? Collapse Victoria Dymova Support employee Similar questions have already been considered, try looking here:

  • Does a father need to adopt his child born out of wedlock after marrying his mother?
  • Does a father need to adopt his child born out of wedlock after marriage to his mother?

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Is it necessary to adopt a child if the parents are not registered?


RF IC). Step 3. Contact the registry office for state registration. The application for the birth of a child must be made no later than a month from the date of birth of the child. There is no specific deadline for filing an application to establish paternity, since such an application can be submitted both during state registration of the birth of a child and after (clause 6 of article 16, clause 2 of article 50 of Law No. 143-FZ). In practice, the deadline for filing an application for the birth of a child is not significant; there are no sanctions for late submission.

Moreover, state registration of the birth of a child who has reached the age of one year or more is possible, including upon reaching adulthood (Article 21 of Law No. 143-FZ).
The child's name is given by agreement of the parents, the patronymic is assigned according to the father's name. The child's surname is determined by the surname of the parents. If the surnames of the parents are different, the child is assigned the surname of the father or the surname of the mother by agreement of the parents. If there is no agreement between the parents regarding the first and (or) last name of the child, the disagreements that arise are resolved by the guardianship and trusteeship authority;
  • The child has the right to receive maintenance from his parents and other family members, including all his personal property rights, that is, to be the owner of any property.
  • The most important thing is to know that unregistered relationships, divorce, annulment or separation of parents do not affect the rights of the child.

Information about the child's father is entered:

  • based on the record of the act of establishing paternity - if paternity is established and registered simultaneously with the state registration of the birth of the child;
  • at the request of the child's mother - if paternity has not been established. The surname of the child's father is recorded according to the mother's surname, the first and patronymic of the child's father - according to her instructions. The information entered is not an obstacle to resolving the issue of establishing paternity. At the request of the mother, information about the child’s father may not be included in the child’s birth certificate (clause 3 of article 51 of the RF IC; clause 3 of article 17 of the Law of November 15, 1997 N 143-FZ).

Note. Disagreements between parents regarding the choice of the child’s surname or first name are resolved by the guardianship and trusteeship authority (clause 4 of article 58 of the RF IC).

Is it necessary to adopt a child if the parents are not registered 2017

If it does not comply with the law, the registry office may refuse. If a child has a father, he receives a middle name in accordance with his name; it cannot be chosen by the parents. The surname also cannot be assigned to any name; it is determined by the details of the spouses.

General procedure The question of what the child's surname will be if the parents have different surnames most often arises when the relationship between mother and father is not officially registered. In this case, you should act in accordance with the requirements of legislative acts. The surname is given to the child when registering his birth at the registry office.

After this, a birth certificate is issued containing this information. If the legislation of the subject does not provide for a different procedure for obtaining a surname, then the baby is given the surname of either the mother or the father. It is worth noting that in 2017, changes were made to the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

Is it necessary to adopt a child if the parents are not registered 2016

You should contact the registry office with passports, applications, a receipt for payment of the state fee for registration of paternity, as well as for making changes and issuing a new birth certificate if paternity is established later than the state registration of birth. An application for the birth of a child and a joint application for establishing paternity can be sent to the civil registry office in the form of an electronic document via the Internet (clause 1.1 of article 50, clause 1 of article 16 of Law N 143-FZ). Pay attention! There is no state fee to register the birth of a child. If changes are made later about the child’s father, the state fee will be 650 rubles. For state registration of paternity establishment, it is necessary to pay a state fee in the amount of 350 rubles. (clauses 3, 5, clause 1, article 333.26, clause 1, article 333.39 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). You can choose your registration location.

A childless life seems to many unbearable. Dreams of having their own child, in whom the parent will find joy in old age and whom they can be proud of, are present in the minds of most women. And it’s even more terrible when these dreams are unrealistic. Unfortunately, not all women are able to bear and give birth to a child, and infertility often becomes their curse for life. Even despite modern treatment methods that are improving every day, some women are never destined to hear in the doctor’s office: “You are pregnant!” And they look with envy at the happy mothers, while some other women sign up for another abortion.

And many people have a question about the possible adoption of a child. After all, in the end, so many children in our country are abandoned and dream of a mother, of their own home. It is difficult to imagine a fate more cruel and terrible than childhood spent in an orphanage in our country. Constant poverty, abandonment, lack of qualified personnel, teachers, toys, books, and much more. Wouldn't it be wonderful to save at least one child from this dark place, making both yourself and him happy?

But many people have this way to have children causes a lot of mistrust and all sorts of fears. So, for example, you can often hear about bad. About the fact that in orphanages there are only children of drug addicts, prostitutes and criminals. And, since “you can’t crush genes with your finger,” then such a biological parent will definitely grow up to be a drug addict or a criminal. Such reasoning is fueled by stories about how an adopted son eventually drank himself to death by the time he was thirty, and an adopted daughter from another story went to the panel when she was not even 16.

Well, of course heredity plays a role. But, firstly, such stories are still rare, for some reason no one talks about hundreds of other cases when an orphanage child grew into a worthy member of society, of whom the whole family is proud. Secondly, we cannot know whether the fault for these accidents lies with the adoptive parents themselves.

Perhaps they would own Did they raise a natural child to be a drug addict using their parenting methods? It is a fact that kindergarten children, growing up, join the mostly marginal segments of the population. But, if you grew up in our orphanage, by the time you came of age, you would also reach for a bottle, syringe or pistol. And what is some kind of genetic propensity for anything, in comparison with the power of maternal love and care and competent upbringing? It is impossible to rehabilitate an adult criminal; the percentage of people who come to their senses in the process of life and take the path of correction is vanishingly small. But preventing a child from growing up as a criminal is a feasible and noble task.

In addition, we should not forget that not all refuseniks"(children abandoned by their parents in the maternity hospital) are children of marginalized people. Often girls from quite prosperous families abandon their child because they are afraid that they will not be able to raise him, because their father abandoned them or strict parents threaten to disown their daughter, if if she doesn’t do this, more than 30% of such refusers are taken home after a month, and you can take one of the remaining 70%!

Also, many are afraid that in the orphanage they " slipped"a child with some terrible disease. Of course, it is cruel to treat unfortunate children as if they were some kind of commodity, choosing which one is of better quality. But it is also immoral to make any other demands on people who are already doing a good deed by taking a baby from an orphanage. Well, those who are afraid that the medical record will be falsified should first of all think about who in the entire care system might need it, and even so much so that he would risk his career (and even freedom) falsifying a document? No, this is more of a phobia than a real danger. But for those who still want to make sure, there is always the opportunity to conduct an independent medical examination. The adoptive parent has every right to do so.

Next myth about child adoption There are rumors that the entire guardianship system diligently puts a spoke in the wheels of potential ones, requires a huge number of certificates and conducts dozens of checks. This myth appears to have been perpetuated from simple complaints about bureaucracy. Well, in our country, bureaucratic procedures, unfortunately, are not characterized by coherence and transparency. But no one will deliberately resist your wishes; on the contrary, the guardianship authorities themselves always have compassionate employees who do their best to help complete the paperwork on the issue of adoption as quickly as possible.

That is, of course pieces of paper you will have to collect quite a lot. You will definitely have to wait a whole month for a certificate from the Central Internal Affairs Directorate stating that you have no criminal record; its registration usually takes no less than this period. But this is understandable; you can’t give children into the hands of someone unknown. In addition, you will even have to write a short autobiography and collect a lot of documents about the financial side of your life, but this, I must say, is not as long and tedious as some unjustly offended by the authorities describe on the forums.

Well, the stupidest objection opponents adoption is that the child, they say, will have to lie all his life about the fact that he is not your relative, but sooner or later this always comes up, and this truth can make him hate you. Even without objecting to the harshness of the conclusions about the consequences, I want to ask only one thing: why lie at all? You can explain the whole situation to your child from a very young age; there is nothing wrong with that. Parents do not become parents for children upon presentation of a passport with decoding of the genome - the mother is the one who cares, loves and educates. Well, if children, when they grow up, want to meet their natural parents, then that’s their right - what’s wrong with that?

Adopting a child- this is a serious and responsible step. But there is nothing really dangerous about it. This is an act that can bring happiness to your family and make it complete. Many families adopt children twice, three times, sometimes even having their own children. After all, it is such happiness to realize that you saved someone from a terrible fate - to grow up in an orphanage.

People may decide to adopt for a variety of reasons.

Some couples, unable to have children of their own, resort to this option. Some cannot indifferently pass by a baby who is left without parents. And someone just wants to do a good deed. Before deciding to take this serious step, you need to think very carefully whether it is worth taking.

Firstly, you need to clearly understand that a child is not a pet that can, as a last resort, be given to friends. This is a man. A man who has already been abandoned once. If the baby is still very small, he will not remember this. It is much easier psychologically with such children. Children who have reached 4-5 years of age have already begun to develop as individuals. The loss of parents and spending some time in an orphanage will not go unnoticed for them and will leave a deep imprint on their soul. You need to be prepared for the emotional problems that such children may have. Some of them will happily accept the news that they have new parents. But sometimes children stubbornly refuse to establish relationships. Parents need to have great patience to be able to earn the trust of such a child.

Secondly, genetics plays a huge role. If a child is healthy at the moment, this does not mean that some hereditary diseases will not appear with age. It is likely that some negative character traits of the child’s biological parents will be present in him. Adoptive parents need to clearly understand this and be prepared for such a situation.

Thirdly, adoptive parents will always know that the child is not their own. Even if they consciously convinced themselves that they would treat someone else’s child as their own, then subconsciously the thought that this is not their own blood will always be present. When a woman carries her treasure for nine months, she already becomes attached to him and begins to love him. The father, taking the newborn in his arms and discovering that the baby has his eyes or ears, cries with emotion and immediately becomes imbued with love for this little bundle of happiness. In the case of an adopted child, such emotional help will not be available.

Fourthly, in order to issue , you need to visit many authorities, collect a huge number of documents and stand in huge queues. And if potential parents have passed all these tests, it is quite possible that they will never receive a child, since the selection of adoptive parents is very strict.

If all these difficulties do not frighten people who have decided to become parents for someone else’s child, then they are really ready to take this important step.


If it were necessary to highlight one, but the most important item from the list, it would be this item. The child is the only person who does not have the right to have a say in the adoption procedure (especially when it comes to very young children). Therefore, we, adults, government employees, on the one hand, and all of his potential parents, on the other, must think most of all about the interests of the child, and not about our own. Be prepared to calmly accept that in another family he may be better off than in yours. Even if you have already seen him as your child in your dreams.


Not all people involved in the adoption process act selflessly. And this business is not always crystal clear. Before trusting the advice of adoption agencies, gather as much information as possible yourself. Study reviews of the agencies and orphanages where you are taking your child from. Research adoption procedures on your own, or with the help of a trusted advisor, so you know your rights and responsibilities in adoption. Be prepared for the fact that somewhere they will try to extract supposedly “mandatory payments” from you, and calculate your reaction to such demands. It ranges from complete refusal and contacting law enforcement agencies, to bargaining and reduction of amounts. It’s up to you to decide what to do, but our task is to warn that in the noble cause of adoption there are too many unscrupulous people without conscience.

3. ADOPTION FOR A CHILD IS EQUAL TO LOSS No matter how paradoxical it may sound, his transition into your family means for him the end of his former world. He could be terrible or simply nothing, but this world was familiar to him. Be prepared to understand that at first the child may feel sad about his previous environment or connections. And the older the child, the more painful this gap is for him.

His experience of loss may look not only as sadness, but also as conflict behavior or inappropriate reactions to everyday events. Prepare to be endlessly patient and understanding at first. If necessary, contact child psychology specialists, they will help your renewed family get through this difficult time together.


All the red tape with collecting documents, all this painful waiting for approval will seem like a small thing to you compared to what will begin when the child enters your family. You better prepare in advance for the fact that you will receive a formed personality with which you will have to reckon and negotiate. And it doesn’t matter how old this person is or just months, the shock of meeting his personality is guaranteed to you. This is normal, it’s never easy for anyone. You didn't buy a toy, did you?


Study literature and courses for parents taking children into the family. Communicate on adoptive parents forums, preferably several. At least you will know in advance what you will encounter, and you will be able to avoid a significant part of the problems.


While still in the process of submitting documents, find everyone you will need after adoption: a pediatrician (this is the most important point), other specialists in accordance with the characteristics of your unborn child - speech therapist, early development specialists, massage therapists, physiotherapists, etc. When you bring your child into the house, these people should be just a phone call away from you, otherwise it will be much more difficult for you to look for them from the state of “we are already here, what should we do?”


Ask yourself questions and answer them very honestly: can you provide sufficient expenses for child care and medical care, can you accept a child with his brothers/sisters, are you ready to raise a child of a different nationality and culture without forcing its completely forgetting its roots?


You are unlikely to be warned about expenses such as travel and food while meeting your child. They probably won't tell you all the costs for medications and medical services. You will probably forget to take into account the food for the first time for the child, and he may have very specific eating habits. It's best to plan your expenses well in advance so you don't encounter them unexpectedly.


Be prepared for the fact that the process of developing an attachment between you and your child will not be quick. Don't rush things, let him get used to you, don't ask too much at once. Make sure that you give your child enough personal space, both physically (his own room or his own area in the house) and in time - he should have time to be alone and do as he pleases (or do nothing). Do not rush to involve your child in a new circle of communication with new people. Some children adapt faster, some slower, there are no uniform rules.


Accept as a rule that there will be problems and that they can, in principle, be solvable. Learn to talk to your child about all emerging difficulties as openly, carefully and delicately as possible. Help him understand that you expect the same trust and openness from him and are ready to discuss any questions he has with him.

Avoid brushing off his problems as insignificant or postponing them “for later.” This destroys trust. Never laugh at his fears or misconceptions, no matter how ridiculous they may seem to you.


Even though you didn't give birth to him yourself, that doesn't mean you won't have sleepless nights. Always remember that a child is not a baptism or a noble mission, but a living person, just like you. And you can help him grow only if you also take care of your interests and health. Don't become exhausted, seek help before you collapse. Agree with your partner on how to share childcare responsibilities. If you are raising a child alone, consider which of your family, friends, or hired professionals can help you when you need to take a break for yourself.


This is so important that we will repeat it again: the most important thing is the child himself. Always keep this in mind, and most of the difficulties of adoption will bypass you.

Editor's Note: This article provides an American mother's perspective on adoption. Russian realities may differ slightly, but we felt that these tips would be equally useful to parents around the world. Based on materials

Naturally, I always wanted to have one. And I never even suspected that in life everything would not be the way I wanted. She played a cruel joke on me. I got married at 19 years old. I graduated from medical school. A few months later, my husband and I find out that we are expecting a child. The whole pregnancy went very well. But due to the doctors’ oversight, my child suffocated on the umbilical cord during childbirth (there was a breech presentation) and it was as if my life was cut short. After that, it took me 3 years to come to my senses. Then we change our place of residence and again expect a child, but he is born dead. 2 years after a sea of ​​paid examinations (which showed that we are healthy), we make a new attempt, but history repeats itself.

After this, I felt terrible depression, I couldn’t see the kids walking with their mothers, I couldn’t hear the children crying. I couldn’t watch TV with programs for children. To be honest, I barely got out of this state, the help of my husband, family, and friends helped. I constantly felt somehow inferior or something, I couldn’t understand why I felt this way! Why doesn’t God give me children! After all, we have a good family, we have no bad habits!

If you look, there are alcoholics living nearby, and their children are hungry, but they are born every year. I went to see my grandmothers, and then I got tired of everything. My husband and I went to church and were baptized. My faith was strengthened again and I again went for another pregnancy, but to my great regret the child dies again. And at this time in the maternity hospital they abandoned the little girl who was born, whom I saw and grew to her. My husband was not against it - he was crazy with happiness (we decided that this girl will be ours)! After that, our life changed dramatically - we became a full-fledged family, I no longer thought about other children, since the happiness of motherhood completely absorbed me. Now our daughter is already 11 years old, in November she will be 12. By the way, she was born on November 15, and her husband is 16 .So we celebrate our birthday on the same day! We love her very much, I never even once felt that this was not my child! She even looks like my husband and all their habits are the same. We are incredibly happy! This is my God-given fate!

And that’s why I always want to say, shout, dear girls, women, if you suddenly have such a problem, take other children under your wing who need both a dad and a mom, and there are so many of them on our planet now! And this child will be yours! Just try to give him all your love and affection! Children always feel this! I wish you all happiness, love and family well-being!


You want to adopt or take custody of a child, but you have doubts whether this is the right decision. And even when you have no doubts, it is still necessary for someone to professionally assess your capabilities and motivation to become a foster parent. And in a number of cases, I honestly told you that we need to wait a little while accepting children into the family. The graduate coordinator of the capital's School of Adoptive Parents No. 1, Olesya Starostina, having completed training, did not adopt a child, but did not stay away from the adoptive community. She told the Change One Life foundation in which cases this important decision should be postponed.

“Sometimes people come to the School of Adoptive Parents with the idea of ​​adoption. After it, some of them recover, while for others it turns into a chronic disease,” says Olesya. She considers herself to be among the “recovered”. “There are people who have been trained, figured out their cockroaches and realized that they don’t need it. For example, this happened to me. An important obstacle in my case was also the fact that neither my husband nor my child wanted this,” she explains the reasons for not adopting a child.

When not to adopt or take into foster care

According to Starostina, the problem of rejection by relatives of an adopted child is very important. " In the lessons at SPR they say that if one of your close relatives, and especially your natural children, is against adoption, then you don’t need to do it, or at least don’t rush. It is recommended to come to classes with grandmothers, older children, and nannies so that they have the opportunity to study this issue. Then the family once again decides to take the child.”

She emphasizes that accompanying a young adoptive family is very necessary: ​​it is important that people are not left alone with problems. "B The period of adaptation for older children is certainly difficult, and, in my opinion, the transitional age of adopted children is especially difficult. I watch my 16-year-old daughter, I see what actions she is now committing, and I understand that if this were an adopted child, then I would not be able to accept much, because I would think that this is bad heredity, but objectively this is a manifestation adolescence."

Starostina admits: “On the one hand, adopting a child is very simple: specialists will teach, explain the procedure, relatives and friends will always give advice.

On the other hand, it is difficult to become family people.

Psychologists say that the adoptive parent has his own specific “hook” that will catch him at a difficult moment in raising a child, and this must be understood.

During classes at SPR, the teacher-psychologist tries to identify and discuss many points. For example, the same stereotype about the manifestation of bad heredity at the gene level. If a person is afraid of this, then sooner or later the parent will encounter such a manifestation. The child commits a bad act or behaves differently than the parent expects, and the adoptive parent immediately thinks: “That’s right, I know: he’s like this because his bio-mom is a drug addict or alcoholic.” At such a moment, you should definitely consult with an adoption specialist and understand that it’s not a matter of genes, but of upbringing,” advises Starostina.

Adopting a child is not the solution to your problems

“It’s especially sad to see people with the wrong motivation who have just come to class. For example, parents want to replace a deceased child or relative with an adopted child, to realize themselves as an experienced teacher, professor, or even, as it happens, to raise a friend or girlfriend for their natural child. Psychologists explain that in such a situation they cannot take the child, since he will not live up to their hopes.

It also happens that when there is trouble in the family, people begin to think: a child will appear and everything will stick together. Nothing like this happens:

An adopted child is not able to solve your existing family problems; moreover, he may bring new ones with him.

You need to understand that your unstable relationship as a couple may not be able to withstand this, which often happens, and, as a rule, the man cannot stand it. It happens that people simply thought that everything was fine with them and that a child was not enough for complete harmony. But in fact, for complete harmony, simply mutual understanding was not enough,” says Olesya.

“I have friends who ask: “Is it possible to take a child and, if something goes wrong, return him?” I tell them right away that it’s better not to take it, or I advise them to take a course at SPR so that they can understand themselves.”

“It happens that some parents in the process of learning begin to have other priorities: we will go on vacation, then do repairs, and that’s it - they leave,” concludes the question about Starostin’s wrong motivation. And that's okay.

But she is glad that more positive examples have passed before her eyes than negative ones. Olesya says: “There are a lot of single women now. When they have adopted children, they blossom and become younger. And children mimic, change their appearance and become like their parents.”

But even if, after passing the SPD, it is not possible to become an adoptive parent or guardian, experienced teachers say that those who have at least once joined the adoptive community will come to this sooner or later, and the knowledge gained at school will be very useful in any case.

Naturally, I always wanted to have one. And I never even suspected that in life everything would not be the way I wanted. She played a cruel joke on me. I got married at 19 years old. I graduated from medical school. A few months later, my husband and I find out that we are expecting a child. The whole pregnancy went very well. But due to the doctors’ oversight, my child suffocated on the umbilical cord during childbirth (there was a breech presentation) and it was as if my life was cut short. After that, it took me 3 years to come to my senses. Then we change our place of residence and again expect a child, but he is born dead. 2 years after a sea of ​​paid examinations (which showed that we are healthy), we make a new attempt, but history repeats itself.

After this, I felt terrible depression, I couldn’t see the kids walking with their mothers, I couldn’t hear the children crying. I couldn’t watch TV with programs for children. To be honest, I barely got out of this state, the help of my husband, family, and friends helped. I constantly felt somehow inferior or something, I couldn’t understand why I felt this way! Why doesn’t God give me children! After all, we have a good family, we have no bad habits!

If you look, there are alcoholics living nearby, and their children are hungry, but they are born every year. I went to see my grandmothers, and then I got tired of everything. My husband and I went to church and were baptized. My faith was strengthened again and I again went for another pregnancy, but to my great regret the child dies again. And at this time in the maternity hospital they abandoned the little girl who was born, whom I saw and grew to her. My husband was not against it - he was crazy with happiness (we decided that this girl will be ours)! After that, our life changed dramatically - we became a full-fledged family, I no longer thought about other children, since the happiness of motherhood completely absorbed me. Now our daughter is already 11 years old, in November she will be 12. By the way, she was born on November 15, and her husband is 16 .So we celebrate our birthday on the same day! We love her very much, I never even once felt that this was not my child! She even looks like my husband and all their habits are the same. We are incredibly happy! This is my God-given fate!

And that’s why I always want to say, shout, dear girls, women, if you suddenly have such a problem, take other children under your wing who need both a dad and a mom, and there are so many of them on our planet now! And this child will be yours! Just try to give him all your love and affection! Children always feel this! I wish you all happiness, love and family well-being!


A childless life seems to many unbearable. Dreams of having their own child, in whom the parent will find joy in old age and whom they can be proud of, are present in the minds of most women. And it’s even more terrible when these dreams are unrealistic. Unfortunately, not all women are able to bear and give birth to a child, and infertility often becomes their curse for life. Even despite modern treatment methods that are improving every day, some women are never destined to hear in the doctor’s office: “You are pregnant!” And they look with envy at the happy mothers, while some other women sign up for another abortion.

And many people have a question about the possible adoption of a child. After all, in the end, so many children in our country are abandoned and dream of a mother, of their own home. It is difficult to imagine a fate more cruel and terrible than childhood spent in an orphanage in our country. Constant poverty, abandonment, lack of qualified personnel, teachers, toys, books, and much more. Wouldn't it be wonderful to save at least one child from this dark place, making both yourself and him happy?

But many people have this way to have children causes a lot of mistrust and all sorts of fears. So, for example, you can often hear about bad. About the fact that in orphanages there are only children of drug addicts, prostitutes and criminals. And, since “you can’t crush genes with your finger,” then such a biological parent will definitely grow up to be a drug addict or a criminal. Such reasoning is fueled by stories about how an adopted son eventually drank himself to death by the time he was thirty, and an adopted daughter from another story went to the panel when she was not even 16.

Well, of course heredity plays a role. But, firstly, such stories are still rare, for some reason no one talks about hundreds of other cases when an orphanage child grew into a worthy member of society, of whom the whole family is proud. Secondly, we cannot know whether the fault for these accidents lies with the adoptive parents themselves.

Perhaps they would own Did they raise a natural child to be a drug addict using their parenting methods? It is a fact that kindergarten children, growing up, join the mostly marginal segments of the population. But, if you grew up in our orphanage, by the time you came of age, you would also reach for a bottle, syringe or pistol. And what is some kind of genetic propensity for anything, in comparison with the power of maternal love and care and competent upbringing? It is impossible to rehabilitate an adult criminal; the percentage of people who come to their senses in the process of life and take the path of correction is vanishingly small. But preventing a child from growing up as a criminal is a feasible and noble task.

In addition, we should not forget that not all refuseniks"(children abandoned by their parents in the maternity hospital) are children of marginalized people. Often girls from quite prosperous families abandon their child because they are afraid that they will not be able to raise him, because their father abandoned them or strict parents threaten to disown their daughter, if if she doesn’t do this, more than 30% of such refusers are taken home after a month, and you can take one of the remaining 70%!

Also, many are afraid that in the orphanage they " slipped"a child with some terrible disease. Of course, it is cruel to treat unfortunate children as if they were some kind of commodity, choosing which one is of better quality. But it is also immoral to make any other demands on people who are already doing a good deed by taking a baby from an orphanage. Well, those who are afraid that the medical record will be falsified should first of all think about who in the entire care system might need it, and even so much so that he would risk his career (and even freedom) falsifying a document? No, this is more of a phobia than a real danger. But for those who still want to make sure, there is always the opportunity to conduct an independent medical examination. The adoptive parent has every right to do so.

Next myth about child adoption There are rumors that the entire guardianship system diligently puts a spoke in the wheels of potential children, requires a huge number of certificates and conducts dozens of checks. This myth appears to have been perpetuated from simple complaints about bureaucracy. Well, in our country, bureaucratic procedures, unfortunately, are not characterized by coherence and transparency. But no one will deliberately resist your wishes; on the contrary, the guardianship authorities themselves always have compassionate employees who do their best to help complete the paperwork on the issue of adoption as quickly as possible.

That is, of course pieces of paper you will have to collect quite a lot. You will definitely have to wait a whole month for a certificate from the Central Internal Affairs Directorate stating that you have no criminal record; its registration usually takes no less than this period. But this is understandable; you can’t give children into the hands of someone unknown. In addition, you will even have to write a short autobiography and collect a lot of documents about the financial side of your life, but this, I must say, is not as long and tedious as some unjustly offended by the authorities describe on the forums.

Well, the stupidest objection opponents adoption is that the child, they say, will have to lie all his life about the fact that he is not your relative, but sooner or later this always comes up, and this truth can make him hate you. Even without objecting to the harshness of the conclusions about the consequences, I want to ask only one thing: why lie at all? You can explain the whole situation to your child from a very young age; there is nothing wrong with that. Parents do not become parents for children upon presentation of a passport with decoding of the genome - the mother is the one who cares, loves and educates. Well, if children, when they grow up, want to meet their natural parents, then that’s their right - what’s wrong with that?

Adopting a child- this is a serious and responsible step. But there is nothing really dangerous about it. This is an act that can bring happiness to your family and make it complete. Many families adopt children twice, three times, sometimes even having their own children. After all, it is such happiness to realize that you saved someone from a terrible fate - to grow up in an orphanage.


If it were necessary to highlight one, but the most important item from the list, it would be this item. The child is the only person who does not have the right to have a say in the adoption procedure (especially when it comes to very young children). Therefore, we, adults, government employees, on the one hand, and all of his potential parents, on the other, should think most of all about the interests of the child, and not about our own. Be prepared to calmly accept that in another family he may be better off than in yours. Even if you have already seen him as your child in your dreams.


Not all people involved in the adoption process act selflessly. And this business is not always crystal clear. Before trusting the advice of adoption agencies, gather as much information as possible yourself. Study reviews of the agencies and orphanages where you are taking your child from. Research adoption procedures on your own, or with the help of a trusted advisor, so you know your rights and responsibilities in adoption. Be prepared for the fact that somewhere they will try to extract supposedly “mandatory payments” from you, and calculate your reaction to such demands. It ranges from complete refusal and contacting law enforcement agencies, to bargaining and reduction of amounts. It’s up to you to decide what to do, but our task is to warn that in the noble cause of adoption there are too many unscrupulous people without conscience.

3. ADOPTION IS EQUAL TO LOSS FOR A CHILD No matter how paradoxical it may sound, his transition into your family means for him the end of his old world. He could be terrible or simply nothing, but this world was familiar to him. Be prepared to understand that at first the child may feel sad about his previous environment or connections. And the older the child, the more painful this gap is for him.

His experience of loss may look not only as sadness, but also as conflict behavior or inappropriate reactions to everyday events. Prepare to be endlessly patient and understanding at first. If necessary, contact child psychology specialists, they will help your renewed family get through this difficult time together.


All the red tape with collecting documents, all this painful wait for approval will seem like a small thing to you compared to what will begin when the child enters your family. You better prepare in advance for the fact that you will receive a formed personality with which you will have to reckon and negotiate. And it doesn’t matter how old this person is or just months, the shock of meeting his personality is guaranteed to you. This is normal, it’s never easy for anyone. You didn't buy a toy, did you?


Study literature and courses for parents taking children into the family. Communicate on adoptive parents forums, preferably several. At least you will know in advance what you will encounter, and you will be able to avoid a significant part of the problems.


Even during the process of submitting documents, find everyone you will need after adoption: a pediatrician (this is the most important point), other specialists in accordance with the characteristics of your unborn child - speech therapist, early development specialists, massage therapists, physiotherapists, etc. When you bring your child into the house, these people should be just a phone call away from you, otherwise it will be much more difficult for you to look for them from the state of “we are already here, what should we do?”


Ask yourself questions and answer them very honestly: can you provide sufficient expenses for child care and medical care, can you accept a child with his brothers/sisters, are you ready to raise a child of a different nationality and culture without forcing its completely forgetting its roots?


You are unlikely to be warned about expenses such as travel and food while meeting your child. They probably won't tell you all the costs for medications and medical services. You will probably forget to take into account the food for the first time for the child, and he may have very specific eating habits. It's best to plan your expenses well in advance so you don't encounter them unexpectedly.


Be prepared for the fact that the process of developing an attachment between you and your child will not be quick. Don't rush things, let him get used to you, don't ask too much at once. Make sure that you give your child enough personal space, both physically (his own room or his own area in the house) and in time - he should have time to be alone and do as he pleases (or do nothing). Do not rush to involve your child in a new circle of communication with new people. Some children adapt faster, some slower, there are no uniform rules.


Accept as a rule that there will be problems and that they can, in principle, be solvable. Learn to talk to your child about all emerging difficulties as openly, carefully and delicately as possible. Help him understand that you expect the same trust and openness from him and are ready to discuss any questions he has with him.

Avoid brushing off his problems as insignificant or postponing them “for later.” This destroys trust. Never laugh at his fears or misconceptions, no matter how ridiculous they may seem to you.


Even though you didn't give birth to him yourself, that doesn't mean you won't have sleepless nights. Always remember that a child is not a baptism or a noble mission, but a living person, just like you. And you can help him grow only if you also take care of your interests and health. Don't become exhausted, seek help before you collapse. Agree with your partner on how to share childcare responsibilities. If you are raising a child alone, consider which of your family, friends, or hired professionals can help you when you need to take a break for yourself.


This is so important that we will repeat it again: the most important thing is the child himself. Always keep this in mind, and most of the difficulties of adoption will bypass you.

Editor's Note: This article provides an American mother's perspective on adoption. Russian realities may differ slightly, but we felt that these tips would be equally useful to parents around the world. Based on materials