
Curd cheese Agusha Classic - «°•♥ღ❀ஐCurd cheese "Agusha - Classic" is a good natural curd! Composition, norms for daily volume of cottage cheese and photo recipe for homemade cottage cheeseஐ❀ღ♥•°". Frutonyanya children's curds: reviews, composition, assortment of bio-curds (classic

Cottage cheese Agusha Classic - «°•♥ღ❀ஐCottage cheese

But since the growing child’s body already required a larger amount of cottage cheese in the daily diet than contained in the curds from “Babushkino Lukoshko” (let me remind you that the curds from “Babushkino Lukoshko” contain 18 grams of cottage cheese), I decided to try the Classic cottage cheese from the Agusha brand "


Characteristics: 100 g in a jar; Cost about 36 rubles.;Color - milky;The consistency is neither liquid nor thick.

Compound: normalized milk, starter.

Cottage cheese from the Agusha – Classic brand is produced by the manufacturer in two different packages, which can be seen in the photo. I didn't notice any difference in taste.

At the moment, Agusha has changed the packaging design and the curd looks like this:

In terms of composition, this is completely natural cottage cheese, without any additives, such as sugar, starch, etc. This is important, since in order to introduce cottage cheese into the baby’s diet (let me remind you that cottage cheese is introduced into the diet from 8 months), the baby needs a small amount of it in daily diet, namely from 10 to 30 grams. In the future, the daily volume of curd for up to a year should be increased to 50 grams! Thus, since Agushi’s curd is 100% natural and does not contain any additives, you can independently take the required amount of curd from the jar depending on the daily volume for your baby’s age.

I will give the norms for the daily volume of cottage cheese for children of different ages:

8 months – 10-20 grams;

9 months – 30-40 grams;

10 months – 40 grams;

11 months – 40-50 grams.

Thus, up to a year, your baby should not receive more than 50 grams of cottage cheese per day, since a larger amount of cottage cheese, and as a result of protein, can cause additional stress on the baby’s kidneys.

I would like to note that the storage temperature of this curd ranges from +2 C to +6 C, so be careful and trust trusted stores and retail chains when buying this product for your baby in the summer!

After opening the package, the curd cannot be stored, so if you separate part of the curd for the baby, according to the daily volume, eat the rest yourself or give it to dad)

The curd tastes a little sour, however, this is natural for cottage cheese and has a creamy taste, as if the manufacturer added a little cream or sour cream to the curd)

The child, who at first got used to fruit curds from the Babushkino Lukoshko brand, grimaced for a couple of days at the Classic Agusha curd, but then he got used to it and now, when I buy him this curd, he eats it with pleasure.

If your baby doesn’t like the taste of the “Agusha – Classic” curd in its pure form, then try adding your baby’s favorite fruit puree to it and then he’s unlikely to refuse such a delicacy)

About the benefits of cottage cheese incoming can be read from my other review.

At the moment, I make cottage cheese for the baby myself at home.

You may ask, why bother, because it’s easier to buy in a store. Yes, it’s easier to buy it in a store, but I make homemade cottage cheese every day and therefore I give it to my baby always fresh, and homemade cottage cheese turns out to be more profitable for the family budget, and it also takes a little time to prepare.

And so, I will describe how I make cottage cheese at home.

  • I take homemade milk (and if not, store-bought pasteurized milk);
  • I add the company's cottage cheese starter Genesis (Bulgaria) and mix;
  • I pour the milk with the added starter into the multicooker bowl and set the yogurt mode for 10-12 hours. You can do this without using a slow cooker, for example, by pouring the milk with the starter into a jar or thermos and wrapping them in a warm blanket;

  • After 10-12 hours of milk in the slow cooker, I get a thick mixture that is similar to thick yogurt;

  • Next, I pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan and heat it in a water bath to a temperature of approximately 65 C;

  • I drain the curd into a colander lined with a thick piece of cloth and wait until the whey drains to the desired curd consistency;

In this review, we will look at curds intended for feeding children under 3 years of age. The range of children's curds on our market is not very extensive and is represented by only three manufacturers: Yagotinskoye, Agusha, Tema.

Let's see together what these manufacturers offer us.


1. Children's curd "Tema"

The manufacturer of this curd is PAT "Galakton", Kiev, Maria Raskova St. Hotline phone number 0-800-501-625 (this is a Danon hotline, questions asked are answered) and website address www.mir-tema.com.ua www.mir-tema.ru
Curds are in the bookmark http://www.mir-tema.com.ua/products/tvorogi/

Here's what the manufacturer writes about them:
“Syrki are made from natural milk in specially certified and environmentally friendly regions. The ultrafiltration method allows you to reach the maximum protein concentration in the finished product, and the closed fermentation method guarantees its safety. Why on 50-grm. packages of syrups say “from 6 months”, and on 100 grams. - "with three rocks"?

According to the Ukrainian legislation, children's grub products may be produced in packaging that corresponds to a one-year-old baby. A small child will increase the 100-gram weight up to 3 years. packaging, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine recommends writing on such packaging “with 3 rocks”.

Behind the warehouse and all the characteristics of 100 grm. The cheesecakes are absolutely identical to the cheesecakes of the 50-grm. The packaging is prepared from natural milk from ecologically clean regions, using the same aseptic method of extraction, and is rich in protein, calcium, and vitamins. One size - smaller and larger packaging, as well as a lower price."

Tema curds are produced in two types: without additives (1.1) and with filler (1.2).

1.1. Cottage cheese Tema without filler

There are no catalog photos of this Curd anywhere, including on the manufacturer’s website.

In reality, the curds at the time of writing look like this.

The cottage cheese is available in 50 and 100 g packaging.

1.2. Curd theme with filling

The website does not indicate anywhere what types of curds with fillings there are, at what age children can eat them, and there is no other useful information either.
This information is partially on the packaging, but in such small print that it is practically not available to the buyer.

A study of store assortments and Internet sources showed that the fillings in curds are as follows:

  • apple-carrot
  • blueberry
  • banana
  • pear
  • apricot

The appearance of the packages is shown below. I couldn’t find the pear in the store at the time of photographing.

There are no catalog photos on the Internet, so I had to buy the curds and take the photos myself.

Close-up view of the packaging

The cottage cheese manufacturer Tema just recently changed the label design; before, the cottage cheese looked like this:

By the way, the catalog photos on the website have not yet been changed; the products have labels of the old design.

A year ago I found information about this cottage cheese on the link http://tyoma-club.com.ua/page/tvorojok_tema/, but unfortunately, now this link is not active.

The main and most important information available there will be given here:
“The curds are specially designed for baby food:

  • fermented milk curd 5% from 6 months
  • curd paste 4.2% with filling (blueberry, pear, apricot, banana) from 6 months
  • Curd paste 4.2% with filler (apple-carrot) from 8 months

Children's curd "Tyoma" (only this one - author) is made by ultrafiltration - a dehydration process that occurs using membranes, which allows you to preserve whey proteins such as albumin and globulin in the product. (I’ll explain: this means that the curd is separated from the whey through a sieve with very small holes through which only water molecules pass, and all the substances that are in the whey remain in the curd)

All stages of milk production are certified as special raw material zones for the production of baby food. Production on a separate line, in a separate workshop, “factory within a factory.” Microbiological (beneficial and harmful bacteria), biochemical (proteins, microelements and vitamins) quality control is carried out at all stages of production: before, during and at the end of product manufacturing. Then a thorough examination of the final product takes place"

This site also included clinical studies on the tolerability of baby food products “Four-milk curd for baby food” and “Curd paste for baby food” at the Institute of Agencies of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2006.

Video about how dairy products are made "Tema" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0eW1VaKXLU

2. Children's cottage cheese TM "Yagotynske for children"

Manufacturer: PJSC “Yagotyn Creamery”, Kiev region. smt. Zgurivka.

There are two types, without filler (1.1) and with filler (1.2)

1.1. Fermented cheese

The catalog photo is still in the old packaging, but now the shape of the packaging has been changed.

Fermented milk cheese TM “Yagotynske for children” is a natural fermented milk cheese without added preservatives or stabilizers, made from natural cow’s milk, previously purified using bactofuge, thermalized and normalized instead of fat, Lyakh yogo fermentation with pure cultures of lactic acid organisms from distant sources sirovats using the ultrafiltration method.

The product contains a new set of amino acids, calcium, phosphorus, salizo, magnesium, lactic acid, folic acid, vitamin B2, lipotropic substances (methionine, lecithin, choline). Calcium and phosphorus take their share from molded bone tissue; mineral substances - vibrolated hemoglobin, which helps prevent anemia; vitamin B2 - in the regulation of all types of metabolism, absorbs the absorbed protein in the body, increases the volume, contributes to the blood circulation; Choline and methionine reduce the percentage of fat accumulation in the liver, which helps prevent atherosclerosis.

Children's cheese TM "Yagotynske for children" has a rich consistency, clean and fresh fermented milk taste and smell.

The product is intended for children's food in yak and complementary foods for children over 6 months of age.

Fat content – ​​5% Shelf life (sealed) at a temperature of 2-6 degrees (i.e. in the refrigerator) – 10 days

Produced in packages of 50 and 100 g, packaged in polymer cups.

1.2. Sirkova pasta with a twist

Sirkova pasta with the reminiscent TM “Yagotynske for Children” has absorbed all the richness of specialized children’s fermented milk syrup and the savory fruit of natural child-friendly fruit, berry and vegetable ingredients. The main advantage of the children's siru with the typical TM “Yagotynske for children” is that it does not contain the cucumber, and fructose is added to the fruit. Paste sirkov with one-component complementary food for children over 6 months of age, paste sirkov with two or more fruits or berries - for children over 8 months

Pasta sirkova with a reminder “Chornytsia - 6 months”
Sirkova pasta with the “Pear-kukurudza” flavor - 8 months
Sirkov's pasta with a unique "Raspberry-chervona currant" - 8 months
Sirkova pasta with a similar “Peach” - 8 months
Fat content – ​​4.2%

Shelf life (sealed) at a temperature of 2-6 degrees (i.e. in the refrigerator) – 10 days

Produced in packages of 50 g and 100 g (only with blueberries), packaged in polymer cups.

All this information is on the website http://milkalliance.com.ua/products/ydd_pasta-syrkova_group.php I copied it here for ease of perception.

This is what the manufacturer writes in the “Yagotynskoe for children” tab: http://milkalliance.com.ua/brands_ydd.php

“The technological process of manufacturing the products of TM “Yagotynske for children” includes the addition of any preservatives, synthetic barberries, antibiotics and other cheap grub additives, as well as zucchini. Products with TM “Yagotynske for Children” ingredients contain no natural fructose in the malt juice. When received at the plant, all raw materials undergo a high-level, multi-stage quality control. The leather batch of finished products also facilitates control at the enterprise.”

I found an interesting site where there is information about each of the curds from this manufacturer

3. Children's curd "Agusha"

Manufacturer: PJSC "Wimm-Bill-Dann-Ukraine", Kiev region, Vishnevoe. There is very little information about the composition on the packaging. The manufacturer's website is also not provided.
I found the official website of this company on the Internet http://www.wbd.ru/
There is very little information about the Agusha brand here, only general information http://www.wbd.ru/products/brands/agusha/

There is information about this brand on the website http://agusha.com.ua/

That part of the inscription that is on a blue background is generally not readable, even with a magnifying glass))) I had to take photographs and enlarge them using a computer))) Probably designed for the fact that everyone who eats cottage cheese has 200% vision))
It's funny that this manufacturer suggests heating it in a boiled container in a water bath, but Tema is simply packaged. Although the packaging of these products is made of the same material.

Agusha, classic

Warehouse: fermented milk cheese (skimmed cow's milk, fermentation of pure cultures of dairy microorganisms). The quantity of vital dairy organisms (QUO in 1 cm3 of product) is not less than 1x10 to 6 degrees. Without GMO.
Lifetime (grub) value of 100 g of product: proteins - 8.5 g, fat - 4.5 g, carbohydrates - 3.5 g. Energy value (calorie) per 100 g of product is 88.5 kcal (370.3 kJ). Trademark "Agusha".
Net oil 50 g. Acceptable minus intake is 4.5 g.

In advance: Before starting a child’s birthday, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. Recommendations for feeding children over 6 months of age:
Ingest: Introduce into the food diet starting with 1-2 teaspoons, gradually increasing the portion until one year is completed. Live immediately after unpacking - do not waste any leftovers for the coming year. After unpacking, the product is not preserved.
Warning and information: Store at a temperature of 4+/-2 degrees. no more than 14 days per day of preparation. Production date, expiration date “Best before”, production lot number indicated on the packaging.
Information for those who use the telephone: 0-800-307-302 (Dials from landline phones within Ukraine without costs) Virobnik PAT "Wimm-Bill-Dann-Ukraine". Legal addresses and addresses of production activities: Ukraine, 08132, Kiev region, Kiev-Svyatoshinsky district, Vishneve metro station, vul. Promislova, 7, tel.. 044-490-52-81. TU U 15.8-00445937-2011

The inscriptions on Agushi's pack were the easiest to read, since they were on a white background and the letters were larger. They don’t write anything about heating before use)))
Please note that different specifications are indicated on the curds. This is due either to different dates of registration of the product (the year is different in the specifications, these are the latest numbers), or different technology. This still needs to be sorted out in more detail, but unfortunately there is no information anywhere.


Let's compare children's cottage cheese from the user's point of view.
The consistency of the compared types of curd is approximately the same
In the photo from left to right: Tema, Yagotinsky, Agusha

Now closer in the same order

When you open the package, the settled whey is visible on top, so the curd must be stirred before mixing.

The consistency of the cottage cheese is such that it does not spread over the surface of the plate or flow from the spoon, so it is convenient to feed the child. From left to right: Tema, Agusha Yagotinsky.

Upon closer inspection, it is clear that all the curds are a uniform paste, without grains and without inhomogeneities. In the photo they are practically indistinguishable (the order is the same in the photo)

Now each one separately

Despite such superficial similarities, there are differences in taste.

In terms of consistency (taste), Yagotinsky and Agusha, it seemed to me, were more tender.

The theme is not at all sour, sometimes with a little bitterness (rarely).

Yagotinsky - you can feel the sourness, like the usual cottage cheese, sometimes a little more, sometimes less.

Agusha – tastes like Yagotinsky, varies in acidity depending on the batch.

In the samples that I bought, I got the following pH picture (this method is not accurate and is not approved for this product, this is an approximate estimate):
Topic - pH about 5

Yagotinsky - pH about 5

Agusha - pH has shifted slightly towards 4

In the photo the differences are not particularly visible, but with the naked eye they are noticeable.

If the curd sits for 15-20 minutes, the whey will separate.

Whey is separated most of all in Agusha, then in Yagotinsky. No serum separation was observed in Tema.

In the photo from left to right: Tema, Yagotinsky, Agusha

The differences listed above, in my opinion, are associated with a different method of producing these curds. It seems to me that the Theme is produced in a different way from the other two. Probably everyone knows what cottage cheese tastes like from milk that has been boiled. It is not acidic at all and dehydrates well. This is the cottage cheese that Tema tastes like to me. The impression was that the milk did not sour, but was precipitated with something (maybe the same calcium chloride, since the manufacturer always understands about the increased calcium content in milk and even gives a figure on the packaging), with the addition of lactic acid cultures at some stage , and then moisture was removed from it, i.e. dampness (as described above by ultrafiltration). Agusha and Yagotinsky most likely make it from a substance resembling kefir, which is pre-inoculated with special bacteria. Maybe I'm wrong. If there is a technologist on the forum who knows this particular process, please correct me.


Every mother opens these packages almost every day, so if we compare these curds, we should note the quality and convenience of their packaging.

The theme has a very impractical and inconvenient packaging. In the store you can often find cottage cheese with longitudinal vertical cracks on the sides of the bags. Moreover, they are not immediately noticeable; in order to detect them, you need to look closely. But violation of the integrity of the packaging leads to damage to the product. Is this why there are many cases of poisoning with Tema curds?

Previously, Yagotinsky also had identical packaging to Tema. Here it is - one to one repetition.

But the manufacturer replaced it with another one. The new packaging is more convenient and more durable. It is also more convenient to hold in your hand, thanks to its streamlined shape.

The Tema plastic cup is sealed with a polymer film. In part, this film is very difficult to remove from the cup. It often comes off in strips and has a very small “tail” for gripping with your fingers. It’s not possible to open it with wet hands at all, it slips.

Agusha curd is packaged much better. A plastic cup is much denser, its shape is more resistant to mechanical stress. In addition, it has a paper label glued around the perimeter, which further strengthens the cup. The cup is sealed with thick metal foil, which has a convenient “tail” for gripping and can be easily and completely removed. It’s a pleasure to open this cottage cheese – once and for all!
Every time I bought cottage cheese, I remembered the non-tearable film on Tema and gave preference to Agusha). Maybe the manufacturer will think about this point?


Just for fun, let’s compare curds with the same additive from different manufacturers. It is not possible to compare all the curds with each other, since the additives are not repeated; each manufacturer has their own branded ones, different from others. There is a repeat only for the Blueberry additive.
So, let's compare cottage cheese with blueberries Yagotinsky and Tema.
Curds with additives are called “Sirkova paste”.

Opened in the same order

The consistency of Tema is much thicker than Yagotinsky.

Liquid cottage cheese is very inconvenient to feed a child, so for me this fact is not in favor of Yagotinsky. But I liked Yagotinsky better in taste, slightly sour, just like the cottage cheese they produce without additives.


I definitely want to mention the legends that surround these children's curds.

Ardent opponents of store-bought curds most often argue that these curds contain modified starch. This argument is easy to test at home. Let's see if this product contains starch at all.

Many people know the qualitative reaction to starch: in the presence of starch, iodine turns blue. Take regular pharmaceutical iodine and dilute it with water until you obtain a light yellow solution. Drop a drop of this solution into each type of curd (into the hole in the middle of each pile). As you can see, there are no color changes, i.e. There is no starch in the curd.

To make sure we are right, let’s drop the same solution onto the starch. Do you see the blue spot?

This is a quality reaction. If you just drop water, nothing will happen. See the drop next to the left

From this experience we conclude that there is no modified starch in the curd, since there is none at all.

Another horror story - everyone is poisoned by Tema. It’s difficult to argue here, but I think that those who are not poisoned are much more numerous. We are among them, from infancy. We eat Tema and other curds regularly (and we are already three years old). It’s just that those who have been poisoned write about this on the Internet, but those who have not been poisoned, as a rule, remain silent. What should I write to them? Everything's fine.

The existing poisonings are most likely associated not with a violation of the technological process at the enterprise that produces the curd, but with a violation of storage conditions during transportation and sale. I already wrote above that the cups are often not airtight, the product is warm on store shelves, buyers don’t look at the manufacturing date, and sellers don’t notice it either)) Be vigilant and everything will be fine.


Many children do not want to eat cottage cheese without additives, and complementary feeding is recommended with this particular type of cottage cheese. My children were no exception; they categorically refused to eat pure cottage cheese. I used a trick. Before the introduction of cottage cheese, we already ate fruit purees. So I started adding these purees to the cottage cheese. As it turns out, not all purees are suitable for this. Hipp, Gerber and others, when added to cottage cheese, greatly dilute it, it becomes more liquid than kefir, and it is not convenient to feed such cottage cheese. Natural fruits give the same effect. Hame puree does not liquefy, but only those that are not marked “without starch.” In the photo, the jar is on the left.

When mixed, the result is a thick, whipped mass, like a soufflé, pleasant to the taste.

Maybe my advice will be useful to someone.

This is where I will end my story. I think those who are planning to introduce curds into their child’s diet will find this review useful.

Addition 06/11/2014.

The range of Yagotinskoe for Children products has been expanded with a new cottage cheese - with banana. This curd is recommended for children from 6 months.

There were complaints from users that the Yagotinskoe curd began to open poorly, the film was removed in strips, and also that it had become liquid. I made a test purchase to check this information.

The curds opened easily without any problems.

The thickness of the product is the same as before.

Bon appetit and thank you for your attention!

Dairy products are necessary in a child’s diet, and the more varied they are, the better. We have already talked about children's kefir and yogurt, now we need to pay attention to children's cottage cheese to learn about its benefits, composition and selection rules

Dairy products are necessary in a child’s diet, and the more varied they are, the better. We have already talked about children's kefir and yogurt, now we need to pay attention to children's cottage cheese. learn about its benefits, composition and selection rules.

Benefits of cottage cheese in baby food:

  • This product is rich in potassium and sodium salts, vitamins B12, B2, folic acid, and contains vitamins B6 and PP in significant quantities.
  • Contains protein necessary for the full growth of body tissues.
  • Lactic acid bacteria found in cottage cheese convert milk lactose into lactic acid, which increases the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are the basis for the structure of bone tissue and teeth.
  • Protects against atherosclerosis, strengthens bones and the nervous system.
  • It contains antibacterial substances that help normalize the beneficial intestinal microflora.
  • It contains milk protein concentrate, which has high biological value, and milk fat, which is also beneficial for the growing body.
  • Among the key properties of cottage cheese for a child is low acidity; thanks to this property, this product does not cause irritation to the intestinal mucosa.
  • Easier to digest than kefir or yogurt.

How and when to introduce cottage cheese into a child’s diet
It is believed that baby cottage cheese should be introduced into the baby’s diet from the age of 6-8 months (some pediatricians recommend introducing cottage cheese from 5 months, but it is better to consult your doctor), starting with 1 teaspoon (for the first time, give the child no more than half teaspoon of cottage cheese, carefully observe the reaction: are there any rashes, is there any disorder, does the tummy hurt). Then the portion can and should be increased - the established norm for children over the age of one year is 40 grams of baby cottage cheese.
It is important that cottage cheese be used without dyes, flavors, fillers, or additives.

Composition of baby cottage cheese
All specialized baby food products are subject to particularly stringent requirements. Therefore, children's cottage cheese is made exclusively from fermented milk products that have undergone heat treatment after ripening. This product is usually based on whole (natural milk), the components of which have not undergone any changes, its natural fat content is preserved and is at least 2.8%) or normalized milk (which has been subjected to bringing the basic properties to standard) milk.

Please note that children's curds often contain food additives or fruit and berry fillings. On the one hand, this makes the products taste more attractive, on the other hand, doctors are against food and flavor additives in the cottage cheese that babies eat. The ideal children's cottage cheese is pure cottage cheese without unnecessary ingredients.

If you opened the package, but the child did not finish it, this product should no longer be given to the child.

Children's cottage cheese. Selection rules:

  • The product should be called “baby cottage cheese” or “cottage cheese” and nothing else.
  • The packaging must contain advisory information indicating the age at which this product can be consumed.
  • Be sure to check the shelf life and production date of baby cottage cheese. If you purchase cottage cheese that does not contain additives or preservatives, its shelf life is no more than 2 days at a temperature no higher than +8 degrees.
  • When buying baby cottage cheese, pay attention to its fat content. Typically it varies from 3.8 to 10%. Decide with your pediatrician which one is best to give to your baby. If your child is very active and not overweight, a fattier cottage cheese will suit him. If the child is prone to obesity, is inactive or suffers from diabetes, you should choose cottage cheese with less fat content. Yes, and if your baby has recently been sick, also choose low-fat cottage cheese.
  • If a child is lagging in height and weight or has poor appetite, try to choose fruit curd products (not earlier than 1 year), or supplement pure cottage cheese with fruit puree yourself.
  • If a child is diagnosed with kidney disease, he should not buy cottage cheese, because... its high protein content puts a strong strain on the excretory systems.

DIY baby cottage cheese. Baby cottage cheese recipes

There are several ways to prepare cottage cheese for a child:
1. Pour the purchased baby kefir into an enamel container and heat it in a water bath to approximately 70-90 °C. When a thick mixture forms, place it in a sieve and strain.
2. Pre-freeze baby kefir, then place in a colander and let defrost. When the whey drains, you will get a soft curd.
3. Pour milk into a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil. When the milk begins to rise, remove it from the heat and add lemon juice (one tablespoon of lemon juice per 600 ml of milk), stir quickly. Cool the mixture and strain through a sieve. This cottage cheese is recommended to be given to children from one year of age.

Homemade cottage cheese is best given to older children, from about 3 years old. Until this age, specialized children's cottage cheese that meets strict quality standards that are difficult to meet at home will be optimal.

Calcium found in dairy products is very important for the formation of healthy bone tissue in the baby. Small children enjoy eating curd products with fruits and berries. In this material we will look at the composition, range and reviews of Frutonyanya curd.

All Frutonyan products are produced in the city of Lipetsk at the Progress plant. The concern uses the most modern technologies to manufacture its products. At every level, raw materials undergo strict quality checks. Consumers value the products of this brand for the naturalness of their fruit flavors, which were not lost during the processing and preparation of baby food. Not only children, but also adults can boast of their love for Frutonyan’s children’s curds.

The range of curd products is represented by 6 products with fat content of 4.2% and 5%.

  • Classic cottage cheese Frutonyanya. Curd mass without filler helps strengthen bone tissue and saturate the child’s body with calcium.
  • Biocottage cheese with apple. It is believed that to protect against bacteria and viruses, a child should eat one apple a day.
  • Cottage cheese with pear. A natural antibiotic found in pears fights pathogens. Even after heat treatment, a pear can retain its beneficial properties.
  • Biocottage cheese with blueberries. The berry has a beneficial effect on intestinal function, increases hemoglobin, and improves brain processes.
  • Bio curd with raspberries. Raspberries improve the performance of the heart and brain, and increase the child’s body’s resistance to colds.
  • Frutonyanya cottage cheese with apple and banana. Potassium and magnesium, which are part of this dessert, normalize the functioning of the heart and muscle tissue.

Composition of Frutonyanya cottage cheese

This dairy product contains healthy ingredients.

  • Fruity, berry. Milk made from dry concentrate, berry or fruit puree. Pectin is used as a thickener. Unfortunately, manufacturers add sugar to their dishes. Baby food includes bifidobacteria and lactic acid starter to improve the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Classical. It contains normalized milk, lactic acid microorganisms in the form of a starter, and a probiotic culture. Ultrafiltration occurs during processing. Thanks to the calcium and phosphorus contained in large quantities in this baby food, the child’s teeth and bone tissue are formed correctly.

By the way, we recently Frutonyanya ended up in 4th place

How to give curd Frutonyanya

The introduction of this product will not cause difficulties for the baby’s parents.

  • It is better to start getting acquainted with Frutonyanya children's cottage cheese after the baby eats it with pleasure, but not earlier than six months. However, if the toddler has had symptoms, a pediatrician’s consultation is necessary before administering the curd.
  • A six-month-old baby can eat from 10 to 30 grams of curd dessert per day. After he is 7-8 months old, the norm can be increased to 40 grams. And by the age of one year, a baby can consume about 50 grams per day.
  • The product is ready for use and does not require additional processing. You just need to place the FrutoNyanya curd on a sterilized baby plate and heat it to room temperature. It is not recommended to reuse the contents of an opened package of cottage cheese, because the shelf life of Frutonyanya cottage cheese is short.

What to cook from organic curds FrutoNyanya

A good housewife does not waste such a valuable product as cottage cheese. From its remains you can prepare treats for the whole family.

  • Pancakes. To the traditional recipe of half a liter of milk, eggs, soda, sugar and flour, you can add 2-3 jars of Frutonyanya curd. Fry in vegetable oil, serve with sour cream.
  • Curd cookies. To 2 cups of flour add 1 pack of margarine, 2 packs of Frutonyanya bio-cottage cheese and half a teaspoon of slaked soda. Leave in the cold for at least 2 hours. Roll out the layer 1-2 cm thick and cut out two types of circles from it: some larger, others smaller. Dip small ones in beaten egg and sprinkle generously with sugar. Place it on a large circle, press it down and put it in the oven.
  • Pie. 3 packages of Frutonyanya curd, one egg, half a pack of margarine, grated and half a glass of sugar, mix into a tight, homogeneous mass, add 3 cups of flour, vanillin and baking powder. Fold the dough into a mold, spread jam or jam on top. Bake until done.

Reviews of Frutonyanya cottage cheese

The quality of organic curds pleases young consumers, as well as their parents. Therefore, this product has earned a large number of positive customer reviews.

  • I constantly buy products from the same trusted brands. Not finding the usual dairy products in Detsky Mir, I decided to try Frutonyanya cottage cheese, I had once seen an advertisement. The price of such baby food is 35 rubles per 100 grams. A pleasant discovery was the presence of fruit puree and beneficial bifidobacteria in the cottage cheese. The taste of apple and banana is felt on the tongue. Pleasant cottage cheese with a delicate consistency and a sufficient amount of sugar.
  • Frutonyanya's bio-cottage cheese made an even greater impression than similar products from other children's brands (,). The texture is thicker, the taste is sweet with a bright aftertaste of fruits and berries. My daughter’s attention to this cottage cheese was attracted by its bright packaging. This deliciousness costs about 40 rubles, the same as other domestic curds, but the masses in Frutonyan are larger. My daughter eats it with pleasure and constantly asks for more.
  • Delicious appetizing product! If my daughter hasn’t finished this delicacy, I eat it myself with pleasure. All components of the dessert are natural. We often change preferences: today with pear puree, tomorrow with blueberries. We like everything: we are completely satisfied with the price and quality of the cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is healthy, but children don’t always like its sour taste. And Frutonyanya combined healthy and tasty thanks to apple and pear puree in cottage cheese.

The Frutonyanya concern takes care of its customers by creating products with the ideal balance of vitamins, fats and beneficial microelements. Modern parents do not need to prepare dairy desserts on their own, because there is Frutonyanya curd.

In the first year of life. You need to know that this fermented milk product is introduced in the second half of the year and in small quantities. Children with cow's milk protein intolerance should not consume cottage cheese.

It is very important for a growing child’s body to receive basic nutrients, vitamins, micro- and macroelements from food. Healthy food plays a significant role at the very beginning of the age journey - in the first year of life. In order for a child to be able to actively crawl, sit steadily, stand up independently and walk with the correct placement of his feet, normal physical development and proper nutrition are necessary. A strong skeletal system and a stable muscle frame are formed by protein, calcium and phosphorus. During the period of increased energy costs and physical activity (in the second half of life), it is necessary to introduce cottage cheese into complementary foods. This fermented milk product is the main source of protein, calcium and phosphorus.

Recommendations for introducing cottage cheese into the diet of a child of the first year of life

The optimal age of a child to introduce cottage cheese into the diet is 8 months.

Cottage cheese is a nutritious and high-calorie product. For the baby’s immature digestive system, this is heavy food. The reason for this is the high protein content in cottage cheese (6 times more than in milk). If you introduce this fermented milk product into complementary foods early, the load on the organs of the urinary system will increase. Excess protein in the diet of a child in the first year of life can lead in the future to metabolic disorders (development of diabetes), increased blood pressure (hypertension), which will negatively affect kidney function.

It is important to know about the rules for introducing complementary foods. Cottage cheese is best used in the second half of life. During this period, the child’s enzyme systems work more actively, and the intestines are populated with a sufficient amount of beneficial microflora necessary for digestion. The most optimal age for introducing fermented milk complementary foods is 8 months. In some situations (artificial feeding with non-adapted formulas, calcium deficiency due to rickets, etc.), cottage cheese is added to the diet ahead of schedule (at 6–7 months). The question of the need to introduce complementary foods should be decided by the local pediatrician in the children's clinic.

How to properly introduce cottage cheese into complementary foods

Any new product must be given to the child in small portions and gradually. Cottage cheese is introduced into complementary foods with 1/2 teaspoon and the amount is increased to the age norm within a week. The product is offered once a day, doubling the dose every day. By the age of one year, a child should eat 50 g of cottage cheese.

The frequency of administration of this fermented milk product depends on the condition of the baby. If the child is healthy, cottage cheese can be given 2-3 times a week. In case of food intolerance to the product (allergic rash, diarrhea with (flatulence) and rumbling in the stomach), complementary feeding is completely canceled. Children suffering from rickets and underweight are recommended to consume cottage cheese daily. In case of early closure of the fontanel, the introduction of fermented milk complementary foods should be suspended.

Up to a year, it is better to use industrially produced baby cottage cheese without fillers. It is easily digestible and does not cause allergic reactions. From one to two years old, you can use children's cottage cheese with fruit and berry additives.

Scheme for introducing cottage cheese in the first year of life

Useful properties of baby cottage cheese

  1. Cottage cheese is rich in essential nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and microelements. High protein content stimulates metabolic and enzymatic processes, growth and muscle development in the child's body.
  2. Microelements - calcium and phosphorus, promote the formation of healthy bone tissue (strong skeleton, timely appearance of milk teeth and closure of the fontanel) and prevent development (rachitic rosary, O- or X-shaped legs, “keeled” chest, protruding frontal and parietal tubercles, curvature of the spine, etc.).
  3. Cottage cheese contains a protein - albumin, which is involved in the production of one's own antibodies and stimulation of the immune system.
  4. Has optimal acidity (does not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa) and is enriched prebiotics– special substances necessary for the life of beneficial microorganisms in the lower parts of the digestive tract, and probiotics– beneficial microorganisms involved in the process of food digestion.

Types of industrial baby cottage cheese

Children's cottage cheese has optimal acidity for the child's stomach and is rich in proteins, calcium and phosphorus.

Children's cottage cheese is made from natural (whole) milk or normalized, i.e., brought to a certain percentage of fat content by high-temperature processing. In the preparation of fermented milk products, bacterial ferment (lactic acid bacteria) is used. Children's cottage cheese has different percentages of fat content: from 3.8 to 10% and higher.

Industrial children's cottage cheese is:

  • Dairy (contains a reduced amount of fat – 3–5%, recommended for overweight children, diabetes, and physical inactivity of the child);
  • creamy (rich in fat - 10-15%, has a high calorie content, prescribed for children with malnutrition - underweight and hyperactivity syndrome (the baby spends a lot of energy));
  • combined (some animal fats are replaced with vegetable fats (cottage cheese “Agusha”), fat content – ​​6%, contains polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the functioning of brain structures);
  • with fruit and berry and fruit and vegetable natural fillings: apricot, banana, pear, apple, blueberry, black currant, carrot, etc. (rich in carbohydrates, has a pleasant taste, recommended for children with poor appetite and lagging behind in physical development).

Types and methods of preparing homemade cottage cheese for children

  1. « Calcined» (unleavened) cottage cheese It is recommended for children who are breastfed, born prematurely, as well as for those with insufficient dietary intake of calcium and phosphorus salts. Often prescribed to children with manifestations of rickets.

Such cottage cheese is prepared from cow's milk by adding a 10% calcium chloride solution. The drug can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of ampoules (pack of 10 pieces of 10 ml). The calculation is as follows: for 1 liter of milk you need 19 ml of 10% calcium chloride. Bring the diluted mixture to a boil (do not boil!) and remove from heat. The resulting cottage cheese is cooled to room temperature, filtered through a sieve with gauze folded in 2-3 layers, and the liquid is allowed to drain. After this, the product is ready for use.

  1. Kefir (sour) cottage cheese prepared at home from . The cooking principle is heating in a water bath. A glass jar with kefir is placed in a pan with cold water, the bottom of the dish is covered with cotton cloth. After this, heat over low heat. Approximately 5–10 minutes after the water boils, when clots form in the jar and the kefir becomes warm (35–40 °C), the pan must be removed from the heat. Then the fermented milk mixture is cooled and filtered through a sieve with 2-3 layers of gauze to remove whey. A gauze bag of cottage cheese can be hung or placed under a press to speed up the process of draining the liquid. After this, the product is completely ready for use. You can add fruit and berry puree to it. Yield: 50 g of cottage cheese from 100 ml of kefir.

Main producers of children's cottage cheese

Children of the first year of life and older (1–3 years) are recommended to consume industrially produced cottage cheese (baby cottage cheese). This fermented milk product has low acidity, an optimal percentage of fat content, is enriched with pre- and probiotics, and contains calcium in an easily digestible form. Children's cottage cheese has a delicate, uniform texture and, with fruit and berry natural fillings, kids really like it.

In the modern baby food market, there are two main producers of baby cottage cheese: Children's Dairy Products Plant LLC in Moscow (Agusha) and Petmol OJSC in St. Petersburg (Tema). The products undergo high quality control and are recommended by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Russian Academy of Medical Sciences). Children's cottage cheese is packaged in plastic cups of 50 and 100 g and delivered to stores in this form. When purchasing fermented milk products, it is imperative to review the expiration date and choose, if possible, the freshest product from the release date. You can store baby cottage cheese only in the refrigerator at a temperature from +2 °C to +6 °C. After opening the package, the product must be used immediately; it cannot be stored for long periods of time. Before eating, baby cottage cheese should be placed in a clean, boiled container and heated in a water bath to 36–38 °C.

Composition of bio-cottage cheese “Tema Classic”

  • Whole and skim milk;
  • starter of lactic acid cultures;
  • probiotic culture Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG.

Biocottage cheese in a volume of 100 g provides the child’s body with calcium in the following percentage ratio: for children 6 months old - 20% of the recommended daily intake, from 7 to 12 months - by 16.7%, from 1 year to 3 years - by 12.5 %.

Composition of children's cottage cheese "Agusha with prebiotics"

  • Cottage cheese;
  • prebiotic substances – oligofructose, acacia resin, wheat fiber;
  • water and acidity regulator – concentrated lemon juice.


Cottage cheese is a valuable nutritious product that a child’s body needs. Protein, calcium, pre- and probiotics included in its composition contribute to the normal growth and development of the child. Thanks to the introduction of cottage cheese into the baby’s diet, the musculoskeletal system is strengthened, digestion is improved and a healthy immune system is formed. In addition, this fermented milk product provides the child’s body with the necessary supply of energy, which is important in the second half of life. Babies at this age are very active and restless.

The most important thing is proper nutrition for the child. Cottage cheese should not only be fresh, but also of high quality. Industrially produced children's cottage cheese (Agusha, Tema) fully meets these requirements. A baby’s immature digestive system cannot fully digest fermented milk products intended for adults. This will lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and will adversely affect the child’s health. Children's cottage cheese is fully adapted for babies and is recommended for nutrition by the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

What is better, homemade cottage cheese or from a dairy kitchen or store? The program “Doctor Komarovsky’s School” talks about this: