
Remove hickey using folk remedies. How to quickly remove a hickey: the best ways to eliminate a hematoma. Folk remedies for getting rid of hickey

Remove hickey using folk remedies.  How to quickly remove a hickey: the best ways to eliminate a hematoma.  Folk remedies for getting rid of hickey

Still from the film The Death of Alice Blue

After discovering a juicy hickey on your neck? It's okay if you plan to spend the next two weeks at home. However, if you have to go to work, you might want to consider eliminating a trail that might cause a lot of sideways glances. In this material we will tell you how to remove a hickey at home without anyone noticing anything. Try to remember.

By the way, these same tips will help you if the author of the hickey was not your girlfriend, but you. Firstly, this way you will correct the situation and avoid it, and, secondly, you will prove yourself as a real master (of hickey affairs).

What is a hickey?

First of all, it is worth clarifying that a hickey is of the same nature as a hematoma or bruise, only getting it is much less painful. It is formed under the influence of a kind of vacuum created by the lips or teeth and is nothing more than a rupture of small blood vessels in the upper layer of the epidermis.

A hickey can also metamorphose, turning from a purple spot to a blue spot. Despite the fact that in most cases, hickeys do not cause any physical discomfort to their owner, they can hurt if they are large enough.

You can put a hickey on absolutely any part of the body, however, as we know from our own experience, most often people leave signs of passion on the neck, chest and shoulders. By the way, this is where the accumulation of blood vessels is especially large.

How to quickly remove a hickey

First, we will look at cases where an unwanted bruise can simply be hidden by waiting for it to go away on its own. This usually takes from five days to two weeks.

How to disguise a hickey

If your goal is to hide the hickey rather than eliminate it, several proven methods will do:

1. Turtleneck, scarf, high collar and so on

If you suffered the consequences of a stormy night during the cold season, you can avoid the judgmental glances of the public with the help of a scarf or outerwear with a high collar. This way, it is unlikely that anyone will notice what you are hiding there. In the summer you can throw a scarf around your neck, it’s fashionable now.

2. Band-Aid

Just stick a square adhesive plaster on your neck and, in case anyone is curious, you can say that you cut yourself while shaving.

3. Cosmetics

Another method of how to get rid of a hickey will require the presence of cosmetics that can hide anything. One of them is concealers, which help in camouflaging skin imperfections, acne marks, dark circles under the eyes, and so on.

In order to get rid of a hickey, you should choose a greenish-colored concealer, apply it to the area where the hickey was placed, and rub thoroughly. Then you can apply foundation over the concealer. However, it is worth remembering that this method of disguise is not the most durable, because after only five hours the cosmetics will begin to wear off.

How to get rid of a hickey using medication

Now let's look at ways to get rid of unnecessary hickey using ointments and other pharmaceutical products.

1. Ointments, gels, creams for bruises and contusions

There are a lot of such products in pharmacies, and all of them can be of great help with hickeys and other unwanted bruises. Basically, their effect comes down to improving blood circulation in the area of ​​the skin where they are applied. Naturally, they will not be able to eliminate the mark on the neck or chest in a second, but they will help speed up the healing process.

2. Antithrombotic ointments

Antithrombotic ointments (for example, heparin) also have similar properties. To achieve maximum effect, such an ointment should be applied to the hickey as early as possible, ideally in the first minutes of its appearance.

3. Powders and ointments based on badyagi

Another way to eliminate a hickey is to apply an ointment or powder based on badyagi to the affected area of ​​the skin. This ointment or powder is best mixed with regular skin cream and spread over the damaged area. If you repeat this procedure several times in a row, the hickey may go away within a day.

4. Iodine

If suddenly none of the above remedies are at hand, you can apply an iodine mesh to the hickey, which will also help get rid of it faster.

How to remove a fresh hickey using folk methods

You can get rid of hickeys not only with the help of special ointments and preparations, but also with simple improvised means that are more likely to be found at home. Here are a few of them:

1. Ice

To get rid of a hickey, you can apply an ice pack wrapped in a cloth (such as a kitchen towel) to the affected area. This will help reduce redness and remove swelling, but you should not hesitate with such a compress. It is advisable to apply it as soon as possible.

2. Potatoes

Humanity has long been convinced that potatoes are almost a panacea for all diseases, and its use in the field of removing hickeys once again proves this. Raw potatoes should be grated on a fine grater and applied to the hickey for about half an hour. After some time, the redness and swelling should decrease significantly.

3. Onion

Onions have the same properties. Simply cut it into two parts and apply one of them to the affected area.

4. Cabbage

As you may have already guessed, vegetables are almost the main enemies of juicy hickeys. To get rid of a bruise using this wonderful vegetable, you need to walk over a cabbage leaf with a rolling pin (or just crush it with your fist) and then apply it to the hickey.

5. Toothpaste

Another life hack for dealing with hickeys is toothpaste. A small amount should be applied to the affected area for about an hour, then rinse thoroughly.

“Well, kiss me, kiss me,
Even to the point of bleeding, even to the point of pain,”
- wrote Sergei Yesenin, clearly knowing a lot about kisses.

A hickey is the closest cousin of a bruise and hematoma. You can leave it on any part of the body, but hickeys are most noticeable on the neck, face and chest, and the accumulation of blood vessels in these places is quite extensive. Usually the trace of love pleasures goes away on its own within 5-14 days, but it is not always possible to hide in a shelter, hiding from prying eyes.

How to quickly remove a hickey on your neck at home: several remedies that will save the situation in an hour or overnight

It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely remove a hickey in an hour or overnight, but we can quite reduce it. Several useful life hacks that will help reduce swelling and redness at home.

  • Cold. If the hickey is very fresh, you can use ice or ice water to cool the damaged area and constrict the blood vessels. The hickey will not go away completely in an hour, but it may turn slightly pale.
  • Silver, large coin or aluminum spoon. One of these hard and cold objects should be immediately applied to the hickey area, holding for 40-60 minutes.
  • Toothpaste. Apply a small amount of toothpaste to damaged skin and leave for an hour. Then rinse off with cool water.
  • Cabbage. This vegetable is equally useful both for the internal environment of the body and for the upper layer of the epidermis. Take a thin leaf of fresh cabbage, mash it with your hands or a rolling pin, then apply it to the hickey and leave it for an hour.
  • Potato. Fresh potatoes are extremely effective for removing small hickeys. Grate a raw potato into fine chips and apply the resulting pulp to the hickey area. Within an hour, the redness should decrease significantly.
  • Onion. Another all-powerful vegetable. Cut a fresh onion in half and apply it to the hickey for 40-60 minutes, don’t forget to rinse the skin with cool water afterwards to eliminate the pungent odor.
  • Aloe. Aloe leaves need to be cut, infused in an alcohol solution or vodka, and then applied as a compress to the area of ​​skin with a hickey.
  • Disguise with clothes. The most effective express way to get rid of a hickey is camouflage. A turtleneck with a high neck, a scarf and a wide choker will help hide the unfortunate bruise, and you won’t have to worry about what others will think.
  • Cosmetics. Concealer for dark circles under the eyes or other skin imperfections does an excellent job of concealing. Apply a greenish layer to the hickey, carefully spread it over the entire surface and add a drop of foundation on top that matches the color of your skin so that the stain is not too noticeable. But remember, cosmetics need to be updated regularly, otherwise the disguise risks turning into a pumpkin.

How to remove a hickey mark with pharmaceutical products

In order for the hickey on the lips or neck to go away completely, it is best to use medicinal products.

  • Ointments for bruises. Ointments, creams and gels do not work within an hour; their action is aimed at improving blood circulation. Such products should be applied daily to the damaged area of ​​the skin until complete healing.
  • Antithrombotic agents. Heparin and other ointments for the treatment of blood clots are best applied immediately after receiving a hickey and regularly rubbed into the damaged area.
  • Powders with badyagi. Mix badyagi-based powder with regular cream and apply to the hickey area. Use daily.
  • Iodine. A banal iodine mesh does an excellent job with fresh hickeys. Gently apply iodine with a cotton swab to the surface of the bruise. This method will help treat a hickey on the neck or chest, but it is better not to use iodine to treat a hickey on the face or lip.

It is always pleasant to feel passionate kisses, but sometimes marks remain on the body after this.

Such an incident is especially annoying before an important event. How to quickly remove traces of a hickey that does not fit into the bounds of decency? Use these simple tips and you won’t have to shyly cover yourself with a scarf.

Photo: Westend61/Getty Images

How to quickly remove a hickey on your neck?

To disguise the hematoma, flesh-colored adhesive plasters and foundation (correction pencils) are used. If you want to get rid of the problem, and not hide it (and it is doubtful that you will be able to hide your trace of passion for long), they will help you:

    ice. Apply it to the hickey, but first put it in a bag and wrap it with cloth. The compress will reduce swelling and redness. It’s not for nothing that athletes keep ice nearby at competitions;

    potato. Grate the vegetable on a fine grater and place on the affected area for half an hour. You can also use the tuber, cut into thin pieces;

    onions or garlic. Cut the vegetable into two halves and place the cut side on the hematoma;

    iodine. Do an iodine network at night, this will reduce inflammation, especially if the hickey has been recently diagnosed;

    tablespoon. How to quickly remove a hickey? Place the device in the refrigerator for a few minutes, then apply it to the bruise;

    aloe. The leaves of a houseplant are infused in vodka, the alcohol solution is used as a compress;

    cabbage. Apply a cabbage leaf crushed with a rolling pin to the hickey overnight. The next morning the bruise will decrease;

    baking soda. Mix the acidic mixture with water and place it on the hematoma. Wash off the product after 10-12 hours;

    toothpaste. Apply a small amount to the affected area and leave for an hour. Then remove the compress with a soft washcloth, gently massaging the affected area.

What will help quickly remove hickey marks?

To remove a bruise, rubbing the sore spot is suitable.

  • Your movements should be slow and careful.
  • With this massage, redness and swelling will go away within a day.

A solarium will help quickly remove traces of a hickey; even one procedure will make the hematoma less noticeable.

Medications for hematomas:

    ointments based on badyagi. Mix the product with baby cream and apply a thin layer to the hickey. Change the compress when the ointment dries out;

    anticoagulants. They improve blood flow, and the clots that make up the hematoma disappear.

Even if you do not take any action, the hickey will go away within 3-5 days. All of the above methods reduce the size of the hematoma, and the redness also goes away.

“What a passionate woman you are!” - said a friend in the morning. “How do you know?” — I was embarrassed. “Yes, yesterday I had a date...” She laughed: “And you don’t need to know anything! You have such a witness on your neck – it’s just burning with fire!” Looking in the mirror, I was stunned - and sure enough, on the side of my neck there was a bright mark left from a passionate kiss, in other words, a hickey. " How to remove a hickey? — I asked my friend in a panic. She gave me some very good advice, following which I was able not only to get rid of the hickey, but also to gain some life experience, which I will be happy to share with you!

A hickey as a trace of passion - why does it occur?

A hickey is practically no different from an ordinary hematoma, or, in other words, a bruise - the same superficial damage to soft tissues, the same bluish-purple color due to capillary microtraumas. Therefore, the methods that I will tell you about are quite applicable to eliminate the consequences of bruises and blows. Be sure to take it into service!

At first, having decided to sternly talk to my beloved about the inadmissibility of such irresponsible behavior, which leaves noticeable traces, I then decided not to spoil the relationship - in the end, such a passionate kiss was given to me in a fit of strong feeling. “I won’t quarrel, but rather I’ll try to get rid of the hickey on my own!” — I thought and got down to business.

How to remove a hickey - several effective ways

In order to eliminate the consequences of a strong kiss, you need to hurry - the faster you get rid of the hickey, the more effective the consequences of your manipulations will be, there is no need to hesitate! As soon as you notice a trace of your favorite touches, start immediately.

  • Take a metal object, a regular spoon, a tablespoon or a tea spoon will do, depending on the size of your passionate mark. Place this item in the freezer for about half an hour to an hour, and then apply it to the hickey. You need to keep it this way until you no longer feel cool. This technique will prevent the growth of unwanted pigmentation and the spread of pain.
  • After a hickey appears, immediately make several massage movements directly on the skin surface - this simple action will help restore blood circulation and disperse stagnant blood, which is why the unattractive spot appears.
  • It is quite possible to get rid of a hickey using tried and tested folk methods. To do this, you need to take a peeled onion or a clove of garlic cut in half and thoroughly rub the stain on the skin. I want to warn you right away - the sensations are not pleasant, you may feel a tingling sensation, but what can you do? If you want to be beautiful, be patient! By the way, for the same rubbing, only without painful sensations, you can use halves of raw potatoes.
  • Such manipulation as thoroughly rubbing ordinary toothpaste into the kiss mark gives good results. Perhaps the refreshing and antibacterial components included in its composition help relieve inflammation, dark color and quickly get rid of a hickey? In any case, this is real help that is immediately noticeable.
  • As a folk remedy, I also recommend a vodka infusion of crushed aloe leaves, from which you need to make a compress and apply it to the inflamed area. Aloe has long been known for its anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties, so why not take advantage of them?
  • A compress for a hickey mark can be made from baking soda - add a little water to the soda to make a thick paste. Make a cake out of it and apply it to the hickey site to relieve inflammation and irritation.
  • We should not forget about the achievements of pharmaceuticals. For hematomas, spots from bruises and other troubles such as hickeys, products such as “Bruise off”, “Hepatrombin”, “Heparoid” ointments have been developed and have proven themselves. The use of Lyoton gel also has a positive effect.

As you can see, the range of techniques and means used to avoid getting into an awkward situation, like I did, and not becoming the object of unamusing glances in an inappropriate environment, is very wide. Do not rush to get upset and lock yourself under house arrest until the trace of passionate touching disappears by itself. Try to apply my advice, live life to the fullest, which is impossible without bright, passionate outbursts of feelings!

How to remove a hickey using improvised means

You can quickly remove a hickey using ice or something cold. A hickey has been placed - no need to waste time. Ice from the freezer, wrapped in plastic, is applied to the redness. The bruise that will definitely appear later will not be bright and will quickly disappear.

A paste of baking soda and water applied to the hickey site in the first minutes will help avoid bruising. Everything will be limited to redness, which will quickly disappear.

Fresh onion juice can quickly remove a hickey. To do this, you need to cut the onion in half and rub a fresh cut over the place of the passionate kiss. After some time, refresh the cut and treat the hickey site again. This can be repeated several times, as long as as much fresh onion juice as possible gets to the damaged area. A slight tingling sensation at the kissing site will have to be tolerated.

A cut piece of raw beef is considered a good remedy for resolving a hickey. You need to apply a fresh cut of meat to the kissed area and leave for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure every hour.

A newly created hickey can be quickly removed by rubbing vinegar on the damaged area. The fresher the hickey, the greater the likelihood of its complete disappearance.

How to remove a hickey with medication

There are medications that can quickly remove a hickey. These are various ointments containing heparin and creams with vitamin K. After their use, the blood vessels narrow and redness decreases. You can use “bodyaga” with caution and strictly according to the instructions, as it causes burns on the skin.

It is known that iodine activates blood circulation. Therefore, an iodine mesh at the site of the hickey accelerates its resorption. To avoid burns, you should not draw cells on areas with thin skin, such as the neck.

Remove a hickey with a compress and massage

To quickly remove a hickey, it is recommended to regularly rub the damaged area with your fingers or a soft toothbrush wrapped in nylon. This massage should be carried out carefully, with gentle movements, without any effort, so that the reverse process does not begin - an increase in the hematoma.

You can alternate hot and cold compresses for half an hour. This temperature contrast is effective immediately after redness. You should do this procedure several times during the day.

Other ways to remove a hickey

The easiest way is to smear the hickey with toothpaste and let it dry completely. As a result, the dried paste will disappear; the remains should be carefully washed off with water. Substances in toothpaste accelerate the healing process of hematoma.

Lotions with aloe extract will help you quickly remove a hickey. To do this you will need alcohol and fresh leaves of the plant. The main thing here is methodicality and persistence in the desire to get rid of traces of love.

Don't forget about decorative cosmetics. You can disguise a hickey using foundation or lipstick. A man can simply put a band-aid over the place of a passionate kiss and blame it all on a bad shave. Stand-up collars or turtlenecks will help cover your neck from prying eyes.