
We teach road signs in the senior group of dows. Notes on traffic rules in the senior group “travel to the country of road signs” lesson plan (senior group) on the topic. Sign "Underground pedestrian crossing"

We teach road signs in the senior group of dows.  Notes on traffic rules in the senior group “travel to the country of road signs” lesson plan (senior group) on the topic.  Sign

Characters: leading; Road signs; Cat; Traffic light.

Progress of entertainment

Leading. Today we received a letter (opens the envelope and reads). “We, the inhabitants of the land of Road Signs, are in trouble. We were captured by Interference-Incompetence. And now we have constant accidents in our country. Help us!"

Someone here will probably say:

“What kind of witchcraft is this?

What kind of magic is this?

Nothing happened!

Well, the transitions have disappeared -

Pedestrians will not pay:

They will choose their own paths

Where to cross the road!

The traffic light is not traffic light,

Well, what is the grief in this?

Red light, green light...

Maybe there’s no point in it?”

Guys, what do you think? Are Rules Necessary? traffic, traffic lights, signs? Do you agree to help the residents of the country of Road Signs?

Children. Yes.

Leading. Well, then, let's not waste time and hit the road with a cheerful song.

(The song “Merry Travellers” plays, music by M. L. Starokomodsky.)

(Two boys enter. On their chests they have signs with road signs turned upside down, they are crying.)

Leading. Guys, who is this?

Boys. We are Road Signs. We have been bewitched by Interference-Incompetence. You will only find out what signs we are when you solve the riddles.

1st boy.

What kind of miracles are these?

Steering wheel, saddle and two pedals,

Two shiny wheels.

The riddle has an answer -

This is my...

Children. Bike.

2nd boy.

Who has a bike?

They say: “There is no problem:

Sit down, pedal,

Wherever you want, go there!”

1st boy.

Everything is not simple, everything is not so -

Drive where this sign is:

The circle is painted blue,

And in the circle is a bicycle.

(Turns over the sign.)

2nd boy.

If he is in the red circle -

Travel is not allowed here.

You know this for sure

Don't break the rules.

(Turns over the sign.)


Everyone from the age of fourteen

Bicycle allowed

And the guys are very happy

And ride, and ride.

Although little ones don't need it

Even leave your yard.

Better drive carefully

A special path.

Without her - only on the edge,

Not allowing mischief,

So as not to cause trouble

A good friend is a bicycle.

Remember, children: those over 14 years old are allowed to ride a bicycle on the roadway. Where can you ride a bike? (Children's answers.)

Leading. And now the game “Who is faster?”

(Children must assemble a car from paper parts; two teams of two people participate. At the end of the game, the Cat runs in.)

Leading. Who are you?

Cat. I am a traffic light science student.

Leading. Cat, do you know the traffic rules?

Cat. Why should I know them? I can do just fine without them!

Leading. Well, let's check it now. Please tell me how to cross the street?

Cat. How? On four legs!

Leading. Guys, did the Cat answer correctly?

Children. No!

Leading. So how should it be?

1st child.

A pedestrian! A pedestrian!

Remember about the transition!

Underground, above ground,


Know that only a transition

It will save you from cars.

(Shows a sign.)

This sign wishes you

Bon Voyage.

So, across the street

You can move on.

2nd child.

How to cross the road?

Don't joke with the road.

To make this crossing

Without worrying, overcome

Both left and right

We need to take a quick look.

Traffic light.

You must clearly distinguish -

Light green, yellow, red.

Look at the signals

And then move on!

Follow the simple law:

The red light came on...

Children. Stop!

Leading. Yellow light - attention!

Children. Wait!

Leading. On the green light...

Children. Go!

Leading. Now let’s relax and play “Traffic Light”.

Do you remember, Cat? And now, Cat, the second question: how should you behave if you got off the bus and you need to cross to the other side of the street?

Cat. We need to get around the bus. Or better yet, crawl between the wheels.

Leading. Guys, let's help the Cat, he's completely confused.

3rd child.

Wait for the transport at the bus stop,

Don't trample on the road

And no matter how dexterous -

Go around, don't rush.

4th child.

And remember, Cat,

Never forget:

Walk around the back of the bus

Only in front is a tram.

Leading. There are two punch cards in front of you. Needs coloring green the arrow showing the boy how to safely get around the bus, and the arrow showing the dangerous path is colored red. How should a girl get around the tram? (Same task.)

Leading. Now, Cat, answer the last question: is it possible to play on the roadway?

Cat. It depends on what. You can't play chess!

Leading. And why?

Cat. Cars are knocking down my figures. But you can hit the ball. And how!

Leading. Do you guys agree with Cat?

Children. No!

5th child.

Don't play by the road

Don't run out on her

Suddenly you stumble and fall -

You will fall under the wheels.

6th child.

There are skating rinks and ponds for hockey,

Just take boots and skates.

And the pavement is a dangerous skating rink.

We need to go back to the yard, my friend.

7th child.

You can drive along the boulevard,

Along the treadmill,

But you can't walk on the sidewalk

And you can’t walk on the pavement.

8th child.

Listen, Kitten, take care of yourself,

Run away from the noisy street quickly.

Right behind the house, near the school,

There is a football corner for you.

There all day long, at least skipping,

at least gallop

You will be able to play the ball safely!


Where there is transport and road,

Everyone should know the order.

Strictly on the roadway

All games are prohibited!

Cat. Thank you, you know a lot and taught me. I'm interested in you. I realized that it is bad not to know the rules of the road.

(The song “On the street, on the street” is performed, music by T. Shutenko, lyrics by L. Boyko.)

Cat. I'll tell you a secret: I know how to save Road Signs. You need to say these magic words:

Signs, signs! Respond!

Come back to us soon!

(Signs appear.)

1st Sign.

Hanging, drivers, for you

The special sign here is “Children”.

We are all responsible for them.

And you too at this sign,

Guys, be careful!

2nd Sign.

Repair work sign

Appeared ahead.

There will be potholes on the road,

Walk carefully!

3rd Sign.

I'm in a circle with a red outline,

This means it’s dangerous here!

Here, understand, it’s prohibited

Pedestrian traffic.

4th Sign.

I'm rolling on two wheels,

I turn two pedals.

I'm holding on to the steering wheel

I look ahead and see that there is a turn soon.


There are many signs on the roads,

You children should know them

And all the traffic rules

Must do it exactly.


We are glad, very glad,

That you saved us all.

Merry Dance of Friendship

Let's dance now!

(Road Signs are dancing.)

Leading. We did a good deed today - we saved Road Signs and Traffic Lights from Interference-Incompetence. There will be no more chaos on the streets of the country of Road Signs... Traffic lights and traffic signs are our reliable friends.

Cat. And you also taught me to know the rules of the road like the multiplication table.

Children should know

Road rules.

You, my friend, trust them,

You will be safe and sound.


The purpose of these Rules is clear to everyone,

The whole country does them.

And you remember them, friends,

And do it firmly.

You can't walk the streets without them

Walk in a huge city!

At the end the song “If you went on a journey with a friend” sounds, music. V. Shainsky.

Program content of the lesson:

  • teach children to distinguish road signs By color scheme and form;
  • to form a system of knowledge about roads. signs and traffic rules;
  • develop cognitive interests, logical thinking, memory, observation;
  • cultivate discipline and organization;
  • to form a culture of behavior on the street and road;
  • increase the level of speech development.

Type of lesson: improvement of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Material: a poster with an image of an intersection, road signs, envelopes with cut signs (according to the number of children, three types each), two drawings depicting two traffic situations with opposite meanings.

Teaching methods: dialogical, monologue presentation.

Teaching methods: explanatory, stimulating, informative.

Teaching methods: partially search, practical, performing.

Education methods: support and approval of moral feelings, assessments; creating problematic situations.

Methodological novelty: integration various types activities (traffic rules, logic, spatial orientation, practice of sensory perception in a didactic exercise).

Progress of the lesson

— Guys, do you like to walk on the street, in courtyards, and walk around the city? What danger could lie in wait on the street? To avoid danger, you must follow traffic rules. As soon as you go out into the street, you see multi-colored road signs all around you, the traffic lights are constantly changing colors, cars are racing, the asphalt is all lined with white lines. With the help of signs, traffic lights, road markings, the street talks to us. When you go out onto the street, onto the road, you become participants in traffic and are called pedestrians. There are sidewalks for you, and a wide roadway for drivers.

— Let's look at some road signs. They can be found on the street. They different color And different shapes. What do you think the signs are for?

“With the help of these signs, the street talks to pedestrians and drivers so that we can protect ourselves and our neighbors and maintain health.

— All road signs are divided into warning signs, priority signs, prohibitory signs, prescriptive signs, special instructions signs, information signs, service signs, and plates.

— This sign of special instructions is “Pedestrian crossing.” It tells road users where to cross the road. This crossing point is also marked with white Zebra markings.

— This is a warning sign “Children”, triangular in shape with a red border. It is installed near schools and kindergartens. Drivers must be very careful.

— Among the road signs, the strictest are prohibitive ones. They are round with a red border. This sign prohibits drivers from moving - “No movement”. This prohibits riding a bicycle, but you can ride a bicycle in your hands. This one prohibits pedestrian traffic “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited.” Here the pedestrian is crossed out with a red line. Where do you think this sign might be? (Where a person may be in some kind of danger: at construction sites, at training grounds, where military exercises are conducted on military equipment, on highways with a dense flow of cars).

— And these are the mandatory signs “Bicycle path” and “Pedestrian path”. They are round of blue color, the symbols themselves are white.

Service sign “Food station”. It is exhibited near cafes and canteens.

These are information signs “Overground pedestrian crossing”. Where is it installed? (It is installed where you can cross the roadway above it - on a bridge). And near the underground pedestrian crossing they install the following sign (in unison): “Underground pedestrian crossing.” By crossing the roadway underground, a pedestrian can avoid the danger of getting hit by a car.

- Now look at this poster. Shown here are roadways that intersect with each other and are called intersections. There are sidewalks, pedestrian crossings (zebra crossings), traffic lights, underground and overground pedestrian crossings. It also depicts houses, a school, a cafe and children who, when they go out into the street, become pedestrians, but there are no signs installed. Let's arrange them together (“Food station”, “Children”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “Underground and overground pedestrian crossings”). Now let's look at this boy, he is a student and he needs to get to school. Help him and show him a safe way to cross the roadway, following the traffic rules. (Calling the children, also help three more students; ask the children’s opinion if they agree with this decision).


- And now we will all be cyclists. And, observing the rules of the road, we will ride, and these two road signs will help us with this. (Children call them in unison.) When I show the blue sign “Bicycle path”, you, lying on the carpet, pedal, and at this “No cyclists” - stop.

Working at tables

— Now you need to make road signs. You have envelopes on your tables containing cut parts of the signs. But first, listen to the poems, guess what signs they are about and find errors in them.

I want to ask about the sign.
The sign is drawn like this:
Guys in the triangle
They are running somewhere as fast as they can.
My friend says:
“Children’s way here is closed!”

— What sign is the poem about, what is the mistake in it? Pour the cut signs out of the envelopes and make up the one mentioned in the poem. What sign did you collect, what is it called? What does it matter?

We were walking home from school,
We see a sign on the pavement:
Blue circle, bicycle,
There is nothing else.
Friend thought a little
And he said: “There is only one answer -
The sign says: there is a path
Straight to the bike shop."
White triangle, in a blue square,
A black pedestrian walks along a zebra crossing
Apparently the path here is safe:
Maybe there's an underground passage?

(Children complete the task, children are asked the same questions).

- Have you guessed what sign the poem is about? Sasha, what sign did you collect, what is it called?

Now let's look at two more pictures, which depict two different situations. Let's look at the first one. (Pedestrians cross the roadway at the pedestrian crossing at green color traffic light). And on the second, children play with a ball right on the roadway. (Listen to the children’s comments and answers).

- And you guys too, follow the traffic rules, don’t play on the roadway. And in class you participated well, answered, and completed assignments.


The article is published in the author's edition.

Natalia Vaganova
Summary of the lesson on traffic rules “Always remember road signs” in the senior group

Subject: « Always remember road signs»

Goals: teach children to distinguish road signs by color and shape, to form a system of knowledge about road signs, strengthen the ability to distinguish road signs: prohibiting, warning, prescriptive, consolidate children’s knowledge about types of transport, develop attentiveness, the ability to apply learned rules road movements in various game situations. Nurture children to be organized.


Give children basic knowledge about road signs. teach them to distinguish and understand road signs, intended for pedestrians and drivers.

Develop the ability to navigate the main road signs. Develop logical thinking and memory.

Foster a desire to teach the rules of behavior on the street to younger children and their friends.

Equipment and materials: tables with different groups of road signs(warning, prohibiting, indicative, prescriptive). Envelopes (by number of children) with split signs. Not fully drawn sign"Cyclists", "Careful, children!" (per child).

Preliminary work: Examination road signs.

Progress of the lesson

Educator. Today the postman brought a letter to kindergarten. Let's read it. "Hi guys! I, Foal, and my name is Filka, and when I grow up they will call me Fiat. People say it's a car brand. I'm cheerful, I love to play, and I also love to learn new things. I live in the fabulous country of Magistralia. It’s very interesting to play here, but for me it’s more interesting to get on the street, where cars drive and pedestrians walk. But for now I'm afraid. There is too much traffic on the street and I won’t be able to cross the street. Then my mother told me that there is road signs and traffic lights, which help pedestrians, but I don’t know how. There are so many road signs. They are so beautiful and different, I really want to know their purpose, who would help me with this?”

Educator. Guys, let's help the foal Filka find out his purpose road signs?

Children. Yes, we will help Filka.

Educator. Wherever you go, people meet you on the streets road signs. Which the signs you know?

Children. "Crosswalk", "Hospital", "Bicycle track» , "Caution children".

Educator. Well done, so many you already know the signs. How are they different? signs from each other, how do you think?

Children. color - some are red, others are blue; shape - round, triangular, rectangular.

Educator. That's right, guys. Besides this, everything road signs are divided into warning, prohibiting, prescriptive, and indicative. There are also service signs.

Educator. What do you guys think, what do the index fingers do? signs?

Children. Pointing to something.

Educator. Index fingers signs inform us about pedestrian crossings and stops public transport, about parking places. These blue signs, square or rectangular. That's good a sign familiar to us"Crosswalk". It is installed at pedestrian crossings. Pedestrian crossings besides signs are also indicated by road markings, but under the snow and mud the markings are not always visible, A the signs are always visible, even in the dark, as they are coated with special paint.

What does a drawn bus or tram inside a blue rectangle indicate?

Children. Bus or tram stop.

Educator. That's right, that's sign"Parking area", it allows parking. Don't go to this site: dangerous! Any vehicle can move unexpectedly.

Consider warnings signs- these are triangles yellow color with red border. Why are they warning?

Children. They warn about something.

Educator. Right! Here's the sign"Children" installed near schools and children's parks. Drivers here must be especially careful.

Among all road signs the strictest are prohibitive. They warn about prohibitions and restrictions. These signs round with a red border or on a red background. These signs tell drivers that movement is prohibited.

And this « service signs» . They provide traffic participants with a good service - they indicate the location of such necessary facilities as food service, hospital, gas station, hotel, telephone.

Physical education minute « Road signs» .

The teacher shows signs, and the guys perform different actions depending on what sign shown.

"Crosswalk"(they walk in place,

"No Pedestrians"(stand still,

« Men at work» (imitation - digging the ground,

"Slippery road» (swing from foot to foot,

"Bicycle track» (imitation - riding a bicycle).

Educator. Listen to the poems and find mistakes in them. Complete the correct one sign on signs which lie on the table.

I want to ask about sign.

Drawn sign like this:

Guys in the triangle

They run as fast as they can somewhere.

My friend says:

“Children’s way here is closed!”

We were walking home from school,

We see sign on the pavement:

Blue circle, bicycle,

There is nothing else.

Friend thought a little

And said: “There is only one answer -

The sign reads: leads track

Straight to the bike shop."

(Children complete the task.)


Five different people

You meet along the way.

Which one will allow

To you cross the road?

People are different -

Blue and red

Triangle, circle, square -

Here they are, all five in a row.

And now you need to fold road signs. There are envelopes on your tables, they contain cut envelopes signs. (Number of pieces into which the signs, depends on the individual abilities of the children (4-9) . Children open envelopes and fold their own signs. Answer questions.)

What is the name of sign?

What does it matter?

Educator. Well done guys! Now I’ll write everything down and we’ll send this letter to Filka’s foal. Do you know:

Signs are important, road, -

Compass for adults and children.

Children! Be careful!

Know what is not allowed and what is possible!

Do it without fail

Everything, that the signs say!

Publications on the topic:

In the family, in the children's system preschool institutions, at school, developing children's skills safe behavior must be considered equally.

Summary of GCD on traffic rules in the middle group “Our assistants are road signs” Summary of GCD on traffic rules in middle group. “Our assistants are road signs.” Goal: to instill skills of correct behavior.

Summary of GCD in the preparatory school group on traffic rules “Know and use road signs” Educational areas integrated into educational activities: Cognition. Communication. Socialization. Reading fiction.

Abstract of the GCD in the second junior group “Let's help the Bunny remember road signs” Purpose of the lesson: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the road signs “Pedestrian crossing”, “pedestrian path”, to introduce the new sign “Children”. Tasks:.

Summary of the lesson “Road signs”. (Senior group) Topic: "Road signs". Goal: consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street. Objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge of road signs, to activate.

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution

"Combined kindergarten No. 20"

Summary of GCD for traffic rules

In the older group

"Journey to the Country ROAD SIGNS »

Prepared by the teacher

Fedorova Ekaterina Viktorovna

G. Sergiev Posad


"Journey to the Land of ROAD SIGNS"

Target: Formation of knowledge, skills and practical skills of safe behavior on the road and street. Summarize children's knowledge about traffic rules. Continue to familiarize yourself with road signs.

Educational objectives:

  • Strengthen the ability to distinguish and understand the meaning of some road signs;
  • Strengthen children's knowledge about traffic lights.

Developmental tasks:

  • To develop in children a sense of responsibility in following traffic rules;
  • Develop attentiveness and observation when performing tasks;
  • Develop thinking, oral speech, memory, attention.

Educational tasks:

  • To instill in children a respectful attitude towards the Rules of the Road and a desire to follow them;
  • Foster a culture of behavior in order to prevent child road traffic injuries;
  • Develop the ability to listen carefully, not interrupt, complement and correct the mistakes of your comrades.

Preliminary work:

Conversation “Traffic signals”, “Red, yellow, green”, “Road signs”, “Rules for crossing streets and roads”, “About striped zebra crossing and the road sign “Pedestrian crossing”, “In public transport”

Didactic games: “What is a street”, “I am a driver”, “Road signs”

Reading fiction: Y. Pishumov “Cars”, V. Berestov “I’m going running”, M. Plyatskovsky “Stop the car!”, S. Mikhalkov “If the light turns red”, S. Yakovlev “You must obey without arguing”, B. Zhitkov “Traffic Light”

Looking at photographs “Streets of our city”

Drawing “Truck”, application “Bus”, designing “Our Street”

Memorizing poems and riddles.

Compiling a story about a traffic situation based on a plot picture.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Hello, guys! Guys, pay attention, many guests came to our group. Let's say hello.

Children: Hello!

Educator: Guys, today we have gathered to talk about a very important topic about traffic rules. In order not to get into trouble, we must always remember them. Today I want to invite you to the land of “Road Signs”.

Educator: What are the Rules of the Road?

Children: Traffic rules are rules that all road users must follow.

Educator: And our friend today, who invited us to this country, will help us remember them. But first, you need to guess the riddle of who I'm talking about.

Stop, car! Stop, motor!

Brake quickly, driver!

Red eye: looking straight-

This is a strict (children in unison) traffic light.

He puts on a menacing appearance,

The driver waited a little,

I looked out the window again.

Traffic light this time

Showed green eye

He winked and said:

“You can go, the way is open! »

(Mikhail Plyatskovsky)

(show the picture “Traffic Light” or the toy “Traffic Light”)

Educator: Why is it needed, guys?

Children: To regulate movement.

Educator: The traffic light has three light signals:

Red light - The strictest,

The path is closed to everyone! ;

Yellow light - warning,

wait for the signal to move;

Green light says

“Come on, the way is open! »

Educator: Children, at what traffic light can you cross the road?

Children: On the green light.

Educator: Well done, guys!

Today we will take a walk around our city. Imagine that we came out kindergarten outside and walked. (Children move around the group)

What are we called now? (Pedestrians)

Who are pedestrians? Who helps pedestrians on the road? (Traffic light)

Educator: Now let's play a game. It's called "Build the right traffic light." I need helpers. Who wants to help me?

(children come out one by one)

Educator: Guys, your task is to correctly arrange all the colors of the traffic light in order. So let's begin!

(children arrange the circles in a certain order)

Educator: Look, guys, did they do the right thing?

Children: Yes

Educator: Correct!

Educator: And the traffic light has prepared riddles for everyone. He has assistants, they are called “Road Signs”. Have you heard about them?

The teacher reads a poem:

These are road signs.

They are not complicated at all.

You, my friend, respect them,

Don't break the rules!

Educator: There is a road sign on the screen and your task is not just to guess the riddle, but to find and correctly select the picture that matches the sign that is mentioned in this riddle. (the required sign opens on the screen) And so, let's begin.

First riddle. (Child makes a guess)

1.We were walking home from school

We see a sign over the pavement

Circle with a bicycle inside.

There is nothing else.

Children: Bike path.

Educator: look, the sign"Bike Lane"select the desired picture for it.

Children: This sign indicates that this area is reserved for cycling.

Now the second riddle. (Child makes a guess)

2. Black and white stripes

Pedestrian walks boldly

How many of you guys know

What does the sign warn about?

Give the car a quiet ride -

Children: Pedestrian crossing

Educator: guys, look and match it to the sign"Crosswalk"suitable picture. Educator: Guys, look, right? Why is this sign needed?

Children: He shows us where to cross the road

Listen to the third riddle (Riddled by a child)

3. Every pedestrian knows

About this underground passage

He doesn't decorate the city,

But it doesn't interfere with cars.

Children: Underpass.

Educator: guys, look and find a sign, a picture that matches this sign"Underground crossing".What does this sign say?

Children: This sign shows us where the underground passage is.

(The child makes a guess.)

4. Where the steps lead up

Get up, don't be lazy!

Pedestrians must know


Children: Overpass.

Educator: look, choose a picture that matches the sign"Overhead passage"

Educator: right guys, look? What does this sign tell us?

Children: This sign shows us the location of the overpass.

(Child makes a guess)

5. And here, guys, it’s no laughing matter,

You can't drive anything here,

You can only do it on your own

Only for pedestrians.

Children: Walking path

Teacher: show me the sign"Footpath"

Educator: right guys, look? What does this sign tell us?

Children: Pedestrian path signAllows pedestrian traffic only. The movement of any vehicles is prohibited.

(Gymnastics for the eyes)

Eyes to the right, eyes to the left,

And we'll go around in circles.

Quickly - quickly blink

We close our eyes,

We inhale slowly.

Educator: You see how many helpers are on the road at the traffic light! And now we will imagine that we are drivers. Do you know who they are?

Low mobility game: “We are drivers”:

We're going, we're going home

By car

We drove up the hill: clap,

The tire goes flat: stop.

Educator: Guys, now I suggest you make road signs yourself.

Children sit at tables and, after an explanation, use appliqué to make road signs. At the end of their work, children hang signs on a rope (calm music plays). Consider the signs.

Educator: Children are our occupation - the journey has come to an end. Let's go back to the group on traffic rules (Pedestrian crossing). You guys are great! You know the rules of the road well! Now I am calm for you. Try to be extremely careful on the road so as not to cause trouble for yourself or those close to you.

The traffic rules are not that complicated.

You always know them firmly

Be careful on the road!

Target: Familiarize children with some warning signs.

Material: stand with road signs.

Progress of the lesson

Teacher. Today we cannot even imagine what would be happening on our streets if there were no road signs and road markings. They have become the main assistants for all road users: both pedestrians and drivers. You cannot drive a car yet. Who are you so far?

Children. Pedestrians or passengers.

Teacher. How do road signs and road markings benefit drivers, pedestrians and passengers? (Children's answers.)

The signs are different. For example, some of them warn us about something and therefore are called warnings. Such signs look like a white triangle surrounded by a red stripe. What we need to pay attention to is usually drawn on a white background.

Everyone looks at and discusses the warning signs together: “Slippery road”, “Children”, “Road works”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “Gravel discharge” (see figure).

To clarify the acquired knowledge and develop auditory perception, the teacher makes riddles, and the children find the corresponding signs on the stand.

Neither pass nor pass: there is a road sign on the way!

The shooter gives orders: go around this place!

Do you want it straight? What are you, what are you! Here... (road works).

You will notice this sign immediately:

Three colored huge eyes.

The eyes have a certain color:

Red, yellow and green.

(“A section of road controlled by a traffic light.”)

In a white triangle with a red border

It is very safe for human schoolchildren.

Everyone in the world knows this road sign:

Be careful! On the road... (children).

An outdoor game is played at the teacher's discretion.