
Utrozhestan suppositories why they are taken. Utrozhestan. Instructions for use during pregnancy. Why it is prescribed, how to take it, side effects

Utrozhestan suppositories why they are taken.  Utrozhestan.  Instructions for use during pregnancy.  Why it is prescribed, how to take it, side effects

Utrozhestan is prescribed during pregnancy if a low level of the hormone progesterone is detected in the blood of the expectant mother. The action of the drug components is aimed at reducing the tone of the uterus (relaxes the muscle) when there is a threat of miscarriage or premature birth, low progesterone levels in the blood.

The medicine is a drug whose main active ingredient is a synthetic analogue of progesterone. Vegetable oil is used as an additional component.

Available in capsules of 100 and 200 mg, in suppositories. This packaging allows you to individually prescribe the dosage and method of administration.

Progesterone is produced by the ovaries during pregnancy by the placenta. A normal amount of the hormone ensures a smooth pregnancy and birth at the right time.

Indications for use

Situations with low levels of progesterone in the blood are common. A decrease in the amount of the hormone leads to the inability to get pregnant, and if it was possible to do so, to the loss of the fetus.

The medicine is not dangerous, it can be safely taken as prescribed by a doctor:

  • The drug is prescribed to pregnant women if miscarriages or premature births have previously been observed.
  • When detected in an expectant mother, progesterone suppresses further tumor growth.
  • To plan pregnancy in case of infertility, Utrozhestan is prescribed, which normalizes the functioning of the adrenal glands and replenishes the production of the hormone by the woman’s body.

The drug is prescribed as a stand-alone drug or in combination with sedative and antispasmodic drugs.

Utrozhestan during pregnancy

The main indication for prescribing the drug is low levels of progesterone in the blood. Taking the drug evens out test results and normalizes the content of this hormone in the body.

In the early stages, the drug is prescribed in the form of suppositories. The procedure is carried out daily, every evening at the same time. Local exposure allows you to more intensively influence the condition of the uterus and avoid adverse reactions of the liver and pancreas.

While taking Utrozhestan, you should carefully monitor your health, and if there is the slightest sign of deterioration, consult a doctor.

At later stages, Utrozhestan is prescribed if a pregnant woman develops minor symptoms. When taking the drug, the tone of the uterus decreases, the muscle relaxes, and the threat of miscarriage decreases.

Features of the drug:

  • If there is a threat of fetal loss at week 13, antispasmodics are added to Utrozhestan. This allows you to enhance the effect on the uterus and reduce the risk of miscarriage.
  • During pregnancy of 20 weeks or more, the drug is rarely prescribed, as it loses its meaning. An indication for use may be a problem with the placenta if there is chronic prematurity. For insurance, the doctor prescribes the drug.
  • At 22 weeks of pregnancy, the drug is prescribed for a shortened cervix to avoid premature birth. The uterus may begin to open prematurely, and to avoid this, the doctor prescribes synthetic progesterone.
  • At week 30, the medicine is prescribed when the fetus is lying low. Taking the drug will help avoid premature birth, carry the baby to term normally and give birth on time.

Instructions for use

The medicine should be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor. Self-activity is unacceptable. As a rule, the medicine is prescribed orally - capsules, or intravaginally - as suppositories.

100 mg capsules are gelatin round balls. Capsules of 200 mg are oval. They can be used as suppositories for local administration. Only the doctor decides how to take Utrozhestan during pregnancy, for which purpose the dosage of the drug is prescribed.

The usual dosage is 200 mg. If 200 mg oval capsules are used as suppositories: administered at night to ensure best effect on the body.

The dosage depends on the level of the hormone in the blood. If the quantity is sufficiently large, 100 mg capsules are prescribed; this is an insurance therapy that maintains normal progesterone levels and compensates for its slight decrease.

Capsules of 200 mg are prescribed at lower levels of the hormone, when there is a threat of miscarriage, the uterus is in good shape. In this case, the dose is 2 times a day and is 400 mg.

If during the examination the doctor finds signs of placental abruption, then more active therapy with additional drugs is prescribed.

Contraindications and side effects

Before prescribing the drug, the doctor examines the patient. The drug is not prescribed for:

  • varicose veins;
  • liver failure;
  • thrombosis;
  • oncological diseases.

Under the strict supervision of a doctor, the drug is taken for diabetes mellitus and epilepsy.

Utrozhestan does not lead to weight gain and does not affect blood pressure.

According to some women, after taking the medicine they experienced dizziness, confusion, and drowsiness. If such symptoms are not significant, the doctor may continue the prescription or reduce the dosage. If your health condition has deteriorated significantly, the doctor will stop taking the drug.

Withdrawal of the drug

If, after starting the course of treatment, the health of a pregnant woman worsens - the sugar level increases, epilepsy attacks become more frequent, the medicine is immediately discontinued.

In cases where the drug has been taken for a long period according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor, the stable use of the drug should be stopped gradually, reducing the dosage. If you stop using Utrozhestan at once, it will lead to a miscarriage.

The dosage reduction is calculated individually, depending on the amount taken. The rate is reduced weekly. If a woman took 200 mg capsules, the reduction is 100 mg per week. If the doctor prescribed 100 mg capsules, then the norm will decrease by 50 mg per week.

Utrozhestan or Duphaston: which is better?

Both drugs contain a synthetic hormone - progesterone. The action of these medications is aimed at stimulating the body's production of this hormone. To do this, the work of the adrenal glands and placenta is activated. Otherwise, there is a risk of fetal loss.

Compared to Utrozhestan, it is a stronger remedy that is prescribed in difficult cases. The advantage is that this drug has long been known and its effectiveness is known. The downside is that it contains a synthetic analogue of progesterone.

A positive quality of Utrozhestan is that progesterone does not have a negative effect on the fetus. The progesterone included in the drug is similar to natural and causes almost no side effects. The new form of the hormone is micronized and is better absorbed by the digestive organs. The negatives include the fact that this is a new, little-known drug.

At the same time, Utrozhestan belongs to a new generation of drugs, is better tolerated by pregnant women and is therefore preferable.

During pregnancy, the lack of the hormone progesterone is compensated by Utrozhestan. Taking the drug as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision ensures the normal course of pregnancy and the birth of the baby on time.

In the video about the appointment of Utrozhestan

There is nothing worse for a woman than losing her unborn but already quite developed child. But miscarriages are a fairly common occurrence, both in the first weeks of pregnancy and in the 3rd trimester. One of the reasons for this situation is a lack of progesterone. This hormone is necessary to maintain the good condition of both the fetus and the mother. It is produced throughout pregnancy in increased quantities, but sometimes this is not enough. In this case, doctors prescribe Utrozhestan to their patients during pregnancy.

Progesterone is produced first in the ovaries, then in the placenta itself. It must be present in a woman’s body in order to conceive a child. If there is not enough of it, the uterus will not be able to accommodate the fetus; it will reject it even at the stage of a fertilized egg. The same thing will happen if there is not enough progesterone at some stage of pregnancy. This is why a progesterone analogue, for example Utrozhestan, is so necessary.

No one doubts its benefits: when a child is in danger, there is no time to think about possible minor side effects. However, does Utrozhestan really save the baby’s life? And how does it actually work? To understand what risk you are taking by taking this medicine during pregnancy, you need to understand what kind of drug it is.


Utrozhestan is a synthetic analogue of the hormone progesterone. Unfortunately, it is not easy to compensate for the deficiency of this hormone during pregnancy, since it is not directly perceived by the body from the outside and is not digested in the stomach. But scientists solved this problem by creating micronized progesterone - hormone molecules surrounded by peanut butter. This makes it easier to digest and is not rejected by the body.

The composition of the medicine includes:

  • Progesterone (micronized or natural)
  • Peanut butter
  • Soy lecithin
  • Gelatin
  • Glycerol

Since there are no substances that can react negatively with other medications, Utrozhestan during pregnancy can be safely taken in combination with any drug that your doctor prescribes.

Impact at various stages

Lack and excess of progesterone at different stages of pregnancy threatens a woman with different consequences. Therefore, taking medicine in the 1st trimester or in the 3rd are completely different things.

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, unlike the 3rd, uterine activity is not so dangerous, because it cannot cause premature birth. It is much more dangerous that the egg, and then the small fetus, will simply be rejected by the body. In addition, it is at this time that a redistribution of functions occurs between the ovary and the placenta. And any violation at this stage is dangerous. Therefore, doctors confidently prescribe Utrozhestan to their patients.

For the same reasons, it is safe to take the drug in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, but it is better not to do so in the 3rd trimester. Hormone deficiency is not so dangerous. It cannot cause miscarriage or premature birth. But taking a medication that affects hormonal levels can lead to disastrous results. In the 3rd trimester, excess progesterone is much more dangerous and less predictable than a deficiency. And controlling progesterone levels when taking Utrozhestan is not easy.


Utrozhestan, entering the body, does not replace progesterone, but only supplements its volume. But in addition, it stimulates protein lipase and increases fat reserves. But not the fat that all girls are afraid of, but the fat that is a reserve of energy and strength during pregnancy.

The drug increases glucose utilization, promotes lactation, and activates the activity of the mammary glands, which is especially useful in the 3rd trimester. Utrozhestan also relaxes the nervous system, allowing the body to relax and unwind.

Advantages over other drugs

Unlike many drugs, Utrozhestan does not affect weight during pregnancy. After taking it, swelling and puffiness do not appear.

Contrary to popular belief, not all medications enter the child’s body. Even in the 3rd trimester, this progesterone analogue does not reach the fetus. Therefore, you don’t have to worry that it will harm the baby.

Utrozhestan relaxes the uterus, reducing uterine activity. This way the uterus can adapt to the fetus without rejecting it.


Although the drug does not contain many components, it is still a medicine. And it has contraindications:

  • Thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.
  • Past malignant tumors or diseases of the genital organs, mammary glands and uterus.
  • Unusual bleeding or discharge from the genitals.
  • Liver dysfunction, liver failure.
  • Varicose and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Diseases, past or ongoing, of the central nervous system.

Be careful. Your doctor should monitor you while you take the drug. Especially in the 3rd trimester, when any changes can cause premature birth. Visit your doctor as often as possible to help predict problems before they occur.

Side effects

The drug has no serious direct side effects. The main ones are drowsiness, absent-mindedness, dizziness. Therefore, try not to take Utrozhestan before leaving home, at work or in transport.

Another side effect is liver disease. They develop if you take Utrozhestan in the 3rd trimester during pregnancy.

The most dangerous thing when taking the drug is excess progesterone. The consequence of this may be indigestion. Then the baby will not receive enough energy and will not be able to grow well. As a result, he may be underdeveloped if this happened in the 1st trimester, or be born weak if in the 3rd.


You can take Utrozhestan in 2 ways:

  • In the form of capsules by mouth
  • In the form of suppositories by insertion into the vagina

The second method is the safest and most effective, as it reduces the likelihood of side effects. Of course, in the 3rd trimester, when the stomach is bothering you, it is much more convenient to use pills, but the digestive system may not respond very well to the drug.

Utrozhestan is a hormonal drug from the group of gestagens. Utrozhestan is prescribed to pregnant women for hormonal imbalances during pregnancy, which can lead to spontaneous abortion (miscarriage). Utrozhestan is also used as the main drug for the treatment of infertility and in cases of artificial insemination to maintain hormonal balance in a woman’s body.

Utrozhestan is available in the form of capsules for oral administration, suppositories (vaginal suppositories), dosages of 100 and 200 mg. This form of release allows you to conveniently use the drug and select the required dose individually for each pregnant woman.

Utrozhestan and pregnancy

  1. Why is Utrozhestan prescribed to pregnant women?

Utrozhestan is prescribed to pregnant women in cases where the patient’s body produces insufficient amounts of the main pregnancy hormone, progesterone. A decrease in progesterone levels leads to the fact that blood circulation in the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) worsens, the fetus receives less nutrients and oxygen from the mother’s blood and, accordingly, grows and develops slowly. Also, a decrease in progesterone can cause bleeding, placental rejection, and increased uterine contractility.

Utrozhestan for pregnant women - why is it prescribed:

  • prolong pregnancy;
  • prevent miscarriage;
  • improve blood supply to the uterus and placenta;
  • prevent bleeding;
  • reduce contractile activity of the uterus;
  • prevent premature birth.

Utrozhestan is prescribed from the first days of pregnancy. Most women with progesterone deficiency in the body can take this drug. If a woman suffers from infertility, then Utrozhestan is prescribed in combination with other hormonal drugs.

  1. Can pregnant women take Utrozhestan?

Utrozhestan can be taken by pregnant women whose bodies do not have enough progesterone. However, caution should be exercised in patients who have a history of cardiovascular diseases (thrombophlebitis, stroke, myocardial infarction), malignant neoplasms of a hormonal nature, diabetes mellitus, chronic liver and kidney diseases.

  1. Utrozhestan during pregnancy: effect on the fetus

Utrozhestan does not have a negative effect on the fetus. However, there is information that in the future, children born from a pregnancy maintained and prolonged by taking progesterone drugs may develop various disorders of the genitourinary system. So, if a girl is born, then during puberty she may develop ovarian cysts, and if a boy - urological diseases. The effect of Utrozhestan on infertility in such children has not been proven.

  1. Utrozhestan: how to take during pregnancy?

To know how to take Utrozhestan correctly for pregnant women, you need to consult with your doctor. You should take the drug in the evening, before going to bed, with a small amount of water. If you use the medicine in the form of suppositories, they need to be inserted deep into the vagina at night.

In what doses should Utrozhestan be taken during pregnancy? The dosage for pregnant women is 100-600 mg. This is the daily dose, which should be divided into several doses.

For pregnant women, the dose depends on the disease and its severity. For example, to prevent premature birth in women at risk, 100-200 mg of Utrozhestan (in the form of vaginal suppositories) is prescribed. How much Utrozhestan should be taken by pregnant women also depends on the stage of pregnancy.

How long should you take Utrozhestan during pregnancy? In most cases, the drug is prescribed for the first and second trimesters, but it is possible to extend treatment for several weeks.

  1. Utrozhestan during pregnancy: how to stop the drug?

When to stop the drug is decided by the attending physician. Once significant improvement has been achieved and a stable state has been achieved, the dosage can be reduced. In order not to harm the child and not cause withdrawal syndrome, it is necessary to reduce the dose by 100 mg per week or by 50 mg once every 3 days. You should stop tapering the drug and return to the initial dose if the following symptoms occur:

  • spotting, spotting;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • weight gain.
  1. Utrozhestan: threat of miscarriage

Obstetrician-gynecologists often prescribe Utrozhestan when there is a threat of miscarriage. The dosage in such cases is 200-600 mg. The drug is taken every day at night. The dose of medication may vary depending on the degree of spontaneous abortion. Utrozhestan maintains pregnancy, improves blood circulation in the placenta, reduces the tone of the uterus and its contractile activity.

If there is no threat of miscarriage, then the drug Utrozhestan is not used to maintain pregnancy. If progesterone is normal, but there is a threat of miscarriage, then other hormonal therapy is prescribed.

  1. Utrozhestan and the cervix: application features

A short cervix is ​​one of the risk factors for the development of spontaneous abortion. Utrozhestan is prescribed for the cervix, as this drug has the following effects:

  • lengthens the cervix;
  • strengthens the cervix;
  • holds the neck.

How to take Utrozhestan at the beginning of pregnancy?

Utrozhestan in the first days of pregnancy is prescribed to those women whose progesterone levels have been reduced since birth or those who have undergone an in vitro fertilization (IVF) program.

Utrozhestan is taken at the beginning of pregnancy in the form of vaginal suppositories. Use one suppository (100 or 200 mg) daily at night. The use of this form of release makes it possible to reduce the negative impact of the drug on the body of the mother and fetus (in particular, on the liver).

Cancellation of Utrozhestan in the first days of pregnancy can only take place in cases where the pregnant woman’s condition has stabilized and progesterone levels have returned to previous levels. The drug is discontinued gradually, reducing the dose by 100 mg weekly or by 50 mg every third day of therapy.

Utrozhestan in the first trimester of pregnancy

Why is Utrozhestan prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy? This drug is necessary to prevent the emergence of a new egg in the follicle and the start of a new menstrual cycle. Also, taking Utrozhestan in the first trimester reduces the contractility of the uterus and improves the development of the placenta and blood circulation in its vessels.

How to take Utrozhestan in the first trimester of pregnancy? There is no single dosage for all pregnant women. To prevent miscarriages in pregnant women with progesterone deficiency, 100-200 mg of Utrozhestan is prescribed, and for the treatment of spontaneous abortion - 300-600 mg. In the first weeks of pregnancy, it is especially important to take the optimal dose of medication, since too much or too little of the dose can lead to complications.

Utrozhestan in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

Cancellation of Utrozhestan in the first trimester is carried out only after the 12th week of pregnancy, when the placenta has already fully formed and is functioning sufficiently.

Utrozhestan during pregnancy in the second trimester

Is Utrozhestan necessary in the second trimester? Yes, if a woman has an increased risk of spontaneous abortion or it has already begun (abortion is in progress). Also, taking Utrozhestan in the second trimester is prescribed for uterine tone and increased contractile activity.

How to take Utrozhestan in the 2nd trimester

The abolition of Utrozhestan in the second trimester is also carried out in stages. When discontinuing the medication, you need to monitor vaginal discharge. If blood or spotting appears, you should return to the previous dose and consult your doctor.

Utrozhestan during pregnancy in the third trimester

Is it possible to take Utrozhestan in the 3rd trimester? Yes, but with caution so as not to cause complications of hormonal therapy. Utrozhestan is needed for the tone of the uterus and high contractile activity of its muscle layer.

Why is Utrozhestan prescribed in the third trimester? Taking Utrozhestan in the 3rd (third) trimester is limited. This drug is indicated for the threat of premature birth, which may be caused by a shortened cervix or low position of the fetus.

Utrozhestan during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

Utrozhestan is used extremely rarely in late pregnancy. This is due to the fact that by the end of the 20th week the placenta is already fully formed and produces its own progesterone. That is why the hormonal replacement effect of Utrozhestan will be inappropriate. At 9 months Utrozhestan is not taken.

How to cancel Utrozhestan in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy? Cancellation of Utrozhestan in the third trimester should be carried out gradually. It is worth considering that before the 38th week the drug should be completely discontinued.

Utrozhestan is an effective drug for the treatment and prevention of miscarriage. The drug, compared to other hormonal drugs, has no side effects and is safe for the fetus. Utrozhestan is a reliable medicine for preserving and prolonging pregnancy!

During pregnancy, women often have problems with hormones that interfere with normal pregnancy or pregnancy. The most common cause of miscarriages in the first trimester is the minimum level of progesterone in the body, which is otherwise called the pregnancy hormone. It is synthesized by the corpus luteum. The drug Utrozhestan during pregnancy and conception of a child is most often used specifically to eliminate this pathology. How is the drug prescribed and taken?

What is Utrozhestan for?

Ustrozhestan is also prescribed for normalization monthly cycle of any girl, treatment of some benign diseases of the reproductive system, maintenance of the second phase of the general cycle. In this case, the girl should definitely ask herself about the possibility of conceiving a child while using the drug Utrozhestan or similar medications, for example, Duphaston. You should also find out what actions should be taken in the future if pregnancy does occur.

For these questions to disappear, you need to turn your attention on the peculiarities of the action of this drug, contraindications and indications for use, as well as the possibilities of using the drug and its discontinuation.

The main substance of the active form is natural progesterone, the chemical formula of this substance is transformed in order to facilitate the process of absorption of the gastrointestinal tract in a woman in the vaginal area. It can be classified as a gesterogenic agent. Gestagen(synonymous with the word progesterone) is a special hormone that is capable of producing the corpus luteum, which appears after the ovulation processes at the site of egg formation.

The hormone produces the future endometrium (inner covering) of the uterus for the entry of an egg with a pre-fertilized system into it, reduces the contractile activity of the uterus, thereby maintaining the possibility of a correct and easy pregnancy. Also, this hormone can have a positive effect on the breasts of a pregnant woman, thereby preparing her for the process of lactation.

Suction components the drug occurs rapidly both in the woman’s gastrointestinal tract and in the vagina. A distinctive feature is that with intravaginal administration of the drug, progesterone accumulates in the uterine area in a short time and the local effect on the body becomes most noticeable. If the administration of the substance exceeds 200 mg per day, then the concentration of this hormone in the human blood will correlate with the first trimester of a woman’s pregnancy.

Applications and dosage instructions

Utrozhestan suppositories during pregnancy and other periods normalization hormonal levels are prescribed only when there is a deficiency in the level of progesterone inside the girl’s body. Moreover, the product has various indications for both oral and vaginal use.

Utrozhestan can be taken during pregnancy inside during:

Use the drug as vaginal candles should be taken during:

  1. Replacement therapy and body support procedures during in vitro fertilization (IVF).
  2. Too early menopause.
  3. The presence of infertility due to insufficiency in the second phase of the cycle.
  4. Prevention against self-abortions or premature births in women from a special group.
  5. Development of miscarriage.
  6. Initial abortion during low levels of progesterone in the body.

It is worth noting that Utorzhestan can be used during pregnancy only intravaginally. While breastfeeding, it is better not to take the product at all, as it is absorbed into mother’s milk and begins to actively affect the hormonal background of the newborn baby itself.

How is the product produced and what analogues can be found in pharmaceuticals?

Drug taken manufacture in specialized gelatin capsules that contain 100 or 200 mg of the natural micronized hormone progesterone. Secondary elements are vegetable oil and soy lecithin. Capsules of the drug can be used orally, as well as through vaginal administration into the body, depending on the indications and recommendations of the attending physician. The package most often contains 7, 14 or 30 capsules, depending on the company and manufacturer of the drug.

Another medicinal drug is considered a good analogue of Utrozhestan Dufostan, which is produced in tablet form and is administered through internal administration. Unlike Utrozhestan, it contains a synthetic progestogen substitute.

Use of medication during pregnancy

Utrozhestan can be recommended by an obstetrician-gynecologist to protect against the possibility of miscarriage if a woman is included in a special risk group for bearing a child or has a low level of the hormone progesterone according to a comprehensive blood test. The remedy can be used urgently by a woman if she is at risk of miscarriage in order to prevent it.

A woman is special group risk in case:

At the same time, any pregnancy proceeds completely individually, it is for this reason that the question of using the drug and its prescription should be assigned to a gynecologist, taking into account the woman’s medical history and other similar diseases associated with the woman’s age and other symptoms.

Finish Using Utrozhestan during pregnancy is quite difficult, since the drug cannot simply be stopped. If the level of progesterone in a woman’s body decreases sharply, a spontaneous miscarriage may occur. The dosage should be reduced very slowly, usually over 1–1.5 months. The time when to reduce the dosage of the drug can only be determined by the treating specialist.

In the process of discontinuing the use of the drug, a woman should attentively monitor your general well-being of the body - carefully monitor the amount and characteristics of discharge while taking the product. Utrozhestan during pregnancy, if there is pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen, nagging pain in the lower back or sacrum. If bloody discharge occurs, as well as brown or black pain, then you need to urgently go to a medical facility.

Advantages This remedy should not be underestimated - it helps to bear a healthy child. During pregnancy, the main disadvantage of the drug is the presence of side effects (and they occur very often), as well as the mandatory slow withdrawal of the drug.

Most often, in women, it happens that the hormone is prescribed only to maintain the second phase of the pregnancy cycle. While taking the drug, an unexpected pregnancy occurs, but the woman at this time does not even think about it and cancels the course of the drug so that a new menstruation occurs. This can have a negative effect on the body and create an increased risk of miscarriage, which is the main disadvantage of the treatment.

About 50 percent of miscarriages occur in the early stages, and all for a reason genetic disorders and diseases of an infectious nature. At this time, Utrozhestan or Dufastan will no longer be able to change anything, nor will they be able to save the child himself, but will only delay the onset of a miscarriage. That is why the drug should be prescribed only in case of acute insufficiency of progesterone levels for a real pregnancy or a large number of miscarriages due to insufficiency of the hormone at an earlier time.

Dosage and use of the substance during pregnancy

During pregnancy, Utrozhestan is used intravaginally: one capsule should be inserted deep into the vagina itself, after toileting the woman’s external genitalia.

Way uses:

In each case, the specialist can independently draw up a dosage plan and prescribe the drug, since they are directly related to the level of hormones inside each patient. You cannot independently cancel the course of the drug, or skip its use.

What are the side effects and contraindications to the drug?

Side effects most often occur when taking the drug internally, and during intravaginal administration, only local allergic reactions to the substances included in the tablets can be noticed - itching, burning, oily discharge from the patient’s vagina.

At the same time, some patients talk about their sleepy state, strong toxicosis, as well as dizziness. Despite these symptoms, the expectant mother must always carefully monitor such symptoms and take into account possible side effects.

Basic contraindications to the drug:

  1. Personal intolerance to substances from the drug.
  2. Thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, myocardial infarction currently or previously.
  3. Incomplete abortion.
  4. The development of breast cancer or organs of the reproductive system, as well as the presence of suspicions of cancer development.
  5. Porphyria.
  6. Bleeding from the vagina of an unjustified nature.

Especially carefully The drug should be used in the presence of renal or liver failure. Before use, the risk of side effects and possible benefits should be assessed. During the use of the drug, it is necessary to monitor the biochemical analysis of both blood and urine.

Thus, Utrozhestan is an independent type of drug that is used during pregnancy due to insufficient progesterone levels. Unfortunately, most doctors prescribe a course of Utrozhestan without any specific indications for use. If you begin to have doubts about whether the drug is being used correctly, you need to see another doctor.