
A boat with teenagers capsized in Karelia. “I’ll celebrate my birthday normally for the first time.” What happened on Ladoga, where a boat with five teenagers capsized. How is the rescue operation going?

A boat with teenagers capsized in Karelia.  “I’ll celebrate my birthday normally for the first time.”  What happened on Ladoga, where a boat with five teenagers capsized.  How is the rescue operation going?

On June 18, we barely had time to remember how a year ago the Syamozero tragedy claimed the lives of 14 children, when the next day we heard about a new disaster: in the Impilakhtsky Bay on Ladoga on the evening of June 19, a boat with children capsized. that there were five people on it: four boys and one girl. It is also known that two young men are alive: 16-year-old Igor and 17-year-old Andrey: they managed to get to the shore. At 8 a.m. it was known that they were in the ambulance, and the issue of their hospitalization was being decided.

The fate of the other three children - 18-year-old Roman, 16-year-old Nicole and 17-year-old Konstantin - is unknown. According to Intefax, citing the Karelian prosecutor's office, they drowned. However, there is no official confirmation of this information.

One of the missing boys. Photos from

That at least a girl died - TASS with reference to the head of the administration of the Impilakhtinsky rural settlement. According to Zhanna Sharets, the girl died in front of other children. According to Gubdaily, the girl had a birthday yesterday.

The father of one of the teenagers who survived on Lake Ladoga told REN-TV about what happened.

One (of the survivors) immediately swam to the shore. The son stayed and tried to save the girl. He began to swim towards her and saw that she was no longer there. That is, it turns out from his words that he did not have time to swim to the girl before she sank,

The man said.

It is reported that the children went fishing, but a strong storm broke out and the boat capsized. However, according to a freelance employee of GIMS, there is a skerry area there, quite closed, there should not have been a strong wave. Perhaps the inability to drive a motor boat played a role, - a woman on the REN TV channel.

She learned about the emergency from friends from a tourist camp - a boy came to them from a boat that had crashed.

Next, I launched the whole mechanism by calling the management of the Pitkyaranta section of GIMS. They went straight to the place (in Ladoga it’s about 15-20 km). Local volunteers in motor boats immediately arrived from the village of Impilahti. According to preliminary data, the boat capsized near the shore; the children were without life jackets.

12.20. The Investigative Committee reported that the operation to search for missing teenagers could continue at night.

13.02. Oksana Starshova, the Commissioner for Children's Rights of Karelia, told the National News Service that there is still hope to find the children alive:

“There is no point in saying that Syamozer’s lessons were in vain. It is too early to assess the tragedy on Lake Ladoga. We need to find out why, what and how. We have not yet lost hope that the three guys they are looking for will be found alive. As for the information that I have, I can say that these are teenagers who have reached a certain age, they claim that they are almost adults, but in fact they remain children. What were the adults thinking when they gave them the opportunity to take this craft? There are many issues that need to be sorted out,” Starshova said.

13:51. Maxim Rozhin, an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Republic of Kazakhstan, who is responsible for communication with the press at the scene of the tragedy, told the portal “Petrozavodsk says” that it is too early to talk about the causes of the tragedy.

According to him, at the time the boat capsized there was no storm on the lake (previously, a version was voiced that a strong wave could have capsized the boat). It is still impossible to determine why the guys ended up in the water, despite the fact that the craft was delivered to the shore. The boat on which the teenagers capsized is an old cauldron. It is prohibited to drive such watercraft without a license, as well as by persons under 18 years of age. The boat was handed over to the guys in violation of the law. At the same time, the teenagers went into the lake without life jackets.

Also, the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Republic of Kazakhstan said that hypothermia was not detected in the surviving guys. This information differs from the data of doctors that our portal provided earlier.

At the moment, the search for the missing guys continues. The paddle and jacket of one of them were found. The parents of one of the teenagers are present at the scene of the tragedy. Psychologists work with them. It is forbidden to talk to them.

14:02. As the portal managed to find out from the scene of the emergency, the teenagers went out on a boat to Lake Ladoga from the village of Suremia, where one of the guys lives with a grandmother. 264 people and 55 pieces of equipment are involved in the search for the missing teenagers. Rescuers are inspecting 9 kilometers of coastline. Two MI-8 helicopters are involved. At the moment, one of them is on the shore, the other is refueling.

14.15 . As our correspondent reports, the boat with the motor was discovered at 00 o'clock, the transport police brought it ashore, and the motor was taken by investigators. Now on Ladoga it is light rain and cloudy, there are no waves. This is good considering the weather had previously been called unfavorable for the search due to strong winds forecast.

14.46. The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Karelia, Sergei Shugaev, said that another camp would be set up nearby in a clearing, although the main forces of the search headquarters would remain in the same place - in the trout farming area. Two helicopters flew over the scene and surrounding areas in the morning, another one is now planned, and one, possibly in the evening, over the area where the boat and the injured guys were found.

That same ill-fated boat, "Kazanka M":

14.57. The GIMS group of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia returned from the search. As one of the heads of the service, Igor Potanin, said, the search area was 2 by 2 km, the depth difference in that place was 45 meters or deeper, the terrain was very difficult. The search involves 10 vessels, boats, boats, one drone, and two divers. The latter dive to a depth of 12 meters.

The depths and terrain make the search more difficult. In addition, because of their design, EMERCOM boats cannot get close to rocks and skerries. As Potanin said, the boat was found “sunk” in the lake, about 200-300 meters from the shore. Water plus 5 degrees.

15:23. The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Sergei Shugaev, said that, despite the worsening weather, the search operation continues. He noted that yesterday the Ministry of Emergency Situations sent out a warning to fishermen about the undesirability of going into the lake due to winds of 15 m/s. According to him, the children rented a boat from a private person; the parents were aware of the children’s plans, but did not know the route.

Volunteer rescuers clarified that the first to lend a helping hand to the teenagers who escaped on Ladoga were kayakers.

They were the first to be met on their way by a teenager who miraculously swam to shore from an overturned boat. Having learned from him about the emergency, the kayakers immediately took to the water and brought another teenager from the island, who also survived the crash. They warmed the victims with tea and warm clothes. And they immediately reported what had happened to a freelance GIMS inspector,

She said.

16:08. The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Republic of Kazakhstan told how the rescue operation is going and what the rescuers have managed to find out so far. In particular, he noted that the boat that the teenagers rented from a private person capsized near the island, which was about 50 meters away. The wave at that moment was about one meter. For preliminary reasons, the craft capsized due to a seating arrangement violation: five people is quite a large number of people on a small craft.

The imbalance, plus the wind load, is what caused the boat to capsize,

He said.

The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations believes that there is still a chance to find the teenagers alive. That is why a survey of the coastal zone is now underway.

Four of us are going to an island 80 km from Sortavala. With a tent for two days on a friend's boat. For the first time I will celebrate my birthday normally.

The publication also restores the picture of what happened. More about this

18.57. Some time ago, Komsomolskaya Pravda reported that the body of 16-year-old Nicole had been found. The publication refers to information from a source close to the search process.

However, the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations did not confirm to our publication the information about the found body. Also, the Head of the Administration of Impilahti, Zhanna Sharets, and the freelance employee of GIMS, Olga Kolomeets, do not know anything about such a find.

20:15. The Nika Plus television company made several stories from the scene of the tragedy.

22.34. According to, the owner of the trout farm, where the search headquarters was based, drove the Emergency Situations Ministry employees, relatives of the missing children and journalists from his territory: it was chosen because of its convenient location, but the man did not like it. The publication even claims that the owner attacked a Life journalist, broke his nose, and trampled the phone on which all this was filmed and threw it into the lake.

Meanwhile, the owner was willing to contact the portal “Petrozavodsk Speaks” by phone. Tomorrow we will try to find out to what extent Life's information corresponds to reality and, if so, what is the reason for this.

My thoughts as a boater.

The other day, a boat carrying five teenagers capsized in Impilahti Bay. Two were saved, three drowned.
It’s unclear how they managed to get the boat, but I’ll assume that they took it without asking.

The most common fishing boat for locals is the plastic Pella, a crap with low sides and a very low stern. I don’t believe that teenagers stole a boat or even a cauldron - you’ll get tired of rowing it.

UPD: I was wrong about Pella, this is an old Kazanka with boules. Complete bullshit. So here it is

In the comments they write that it was Kazanka - then it is no less a trandet than Pella, the old Kazanka is a very narrow story, the carrying capacity is 400 kg - but this is bullshit, in reality it is much smaller, and there are no buoyancy blocks.

At one point. If the wind is not pressing. That is, if the wind does not come from Ladoga. In this case, when entering the bay, it accelerates and raises a strong wave - 6 kilometers is enough for it to accelerate, so that already in the middle of the bay sailing on a boat becomes very uncomfortable. The wave hits your nose, and if you want to get to your destination without incident, you need to steer strictly against the wind.
On this day in Sortavala the wind blew 5 ms., this is considered weak-moderate, around 3-4 points. But entering the bay, the wind, I’m sure, accelerated. Therefore, we can assume that it was around 5 points, and these are already lambs, and even on my boat at this time you are walking - with shaking and jumping on the waves.
The slightest mistake on an overloaded boat - a whine to the wave - half a bucket of water will end up in the boat every few seconds. If you get on board, that's it, it's fucked up. 5-6-7 wave, the boat tilts, the women start screaming, everyone loses their balance, and people fall like peas into the water.
If there was a normal engine, it would be possible to taxi with gas without losing composure.
But rowing is a one-goal game.
If they were on Pella and on a motor, then another factor comes into play - Pella needs a very weak motor, because When moving forward, the feed settles heavily into the water. If there is a turn against the wind, the boat tilts, it is overwhelmed from the stern, and again, see falling into the water like a pea.
But as they write in the comments, they were on Kazanka - the story is the same - a long and unstable structure, side to side to the wave - the same story, a sharp turn - a roll - a fall into the water.
It’s comfortable for two on Kazanka, three is already dangerous.

I often meet turyo in Berezovo or Landoch on Pella. If someone is smart enough to go into even a force three wind, then they come wet as mice and angrily drink vodka to warm up.

Therefore, I feel sorry for the teenagers, but the outcome of their death was a little predictable. Relying on chance and not caring about water safety.
Apparently, there were no vests at all.
At least they were found with them.

Don't joke with water.

P.S. This is me alone, in an empty boat, with a fairly powerful motor, in about 5-6 force winds.

Only two of the victims managed to reach the shore. Rescuers are still searching for the other three young people.

Five friends, all 16-17 years old, decided to celebrate the 16th birthday of the only girl in the company - Nicole. They came from the city of Sortavala to the village of Impilahti, Pitkyaranta district, to visit the grandmother of one of the teenagers. We took a cauldron boat with a motor and went to one of the islands in Lake Ladoga. We planned to rest there for two days. We took a tent and sleeping bags with us. But no care was taken to take life jackets. The boat capsized. The guys ended up in the water. Two guys were able to get to the shore on their own; they were immediately sent to the Sortavala Central District Hospital with severe hypothermia and in a state of stress. Now their health is not in danger, doctors said. Three teenagers, including Nicole, are still being searched for. And the rescuers still have hope of finding the guys alive, because the two guys who survived said that they saw two more guys swimming in the other direction. Perhaps they still managed to get to the islands...

According to the father of the surviving boy, the friend was just going to go hiking. There was no talk of any water travel. At least that's what the teenagers told their parents. They were sober - no alcohol was found in the blood of the two surviving boys.

Rescuers received a message about the emergency at 21.20. More than 120 people and the necessary equipment immediately went to the scene of the incident. A few hours later the group was doubled in size and an operational headquarters was created. The acting head of Karelia, Artur Parfenchikov, urgently arrived in the Pitkyaranta region.

The preliminary causes of the emergency have already been established - unstable weather conditions, strong waves and the inability of teenagers to control a boat that is not suitable for sailing on lakes. As Evgeny Tishkovets, a leading employee of the FOBOS Weather Center, reported on his page on the social network, the wind conditions in the waters of Lake Ladoga were difficult, gusts of wind increased to 15 meters per second just in the period from 18 to 21 hours - the time of the emergency. Therefore, one wave was enough to capsize the boat. As for the cauldron itself, on which the children floated, then, according to rescuers, since the seventies of the last century it was recognized as unsafe and prone to capsizing on turns. Investigators will now look into all the details.

The preliminary causes of the emergency are unstable weather, strong waves and the inability of teenagers to operate a boat.

The Investigative Committee of Karelia opened a criminal case into the emergency on Ladoga under Article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - causing death by negligence to two or more persons. Investigators have already interviewed the surviving guys. Anna Kuznetsova, the Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, also responded to the tragedy.

The incident on Lake Ladoga confirms the need for adults, especially outside organized camps, to pay special attention to organizing children’s leisure time, to take an interest in where they plan to go, and to take care of basic safety rules,” commented the Children’s Ombudsman.

The Ombudsman for Children's Rights in Karelia, Oksana Starshova, is directly at the scene of the tragedy and helps parents survive the moments of anticipation.

And just a day ago, by the way, the republic celebrated the sad anniversary of the Syamozero tragedy. On June 18, 2016, 47 teenagers and four accompanying people went on an unauthorized water trip from the children's camp "Park-Hotel "Syamozero". They also wanted to visit the islands in the center of the lake. But strong waves and wind overturned the boats, the children ended up in the water. 14 teenagers drowned At the worship cross erected in memory of the dead children on the shore of Syamozero, adults said that such a tragedy should not be allowed...


In Karelia, a passenger ship traveling along the route "Nizhny Novgorod - Solovki - Nizhny Novgorod" ran aground at the 1275th kilometer of the White Sea-Baltic Canal between locks 11 and 12. Employees of the Segezha fire and rescue garrison went to the scene of the emergency. The check is carried out by transport police. There were 137 passengers and 62 crew members on board. All passengers were transferred to another ship and taken to Medvezhyegorsk. As the press secretary of the head of the republic, Marina Kabatyuk, told RG, passengers were taken from Medvezhyegorsk by bus to Petrozavodsk, checked into hotels, and provided with everything they needed. The crew members remained on the ship.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations says

Rescuers and volunteers continue to search for the three missing teenagers. They have already examined 9 kilometers of the coastal zone, 12 square kilometers of the lake, helicopters have been deployed, and divers are working. As stated by the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Karelia Sergei Shugaev, specialists also use a deep-sea vehicle for work in coastal waters. The fact is that the depth of Lake Ladoga can reach 40 meters. 264 people and 55 pieces of equipment were involved in the search, of which 158 people and 31 pieces of equipment were from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. On Ladoga, in the area where the boat was supposed to capsize, the weather was favorable for the search. According to reports from the Karelian Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, diving crews continued diving all day and examined the bottom of the bay.

All work of the operational headquarters and operational groups of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Republic of Karelia is carried out in cooperation with local governments and other emergency services. An interdepartmental operational headquarters was formed as soon as alarming information about the emergency was received. The think tank is naturally located on the basis of the Crisis Management Center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for Karelia.

The reinforced group of forces and resources included fire and rescue units of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Republic of Karelia, units of the State Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, the Karelian Republican Search and Rescue Service, diving crews, volunteers, 2 Mi-8 helicopters of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Government of Karelia.

Konstantin Kokoshkin/Russian Look/Globa Look Press

On the evening of June 19, a boat containing five teenagers capsized on Lake Ladoga in Karelia. Two floated out, the fate of three more is unknown, reports the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Republic of Karelia.

The emergency occurred at the exit from Impilahti Bay (Sortavala region). It was reported to emergency services at 21:20 local time.

Interfax, citing the republic's prosecutor's office, reports that the boat contained teenagers aged 16 to 18 years. According to preliminary data, three of them drowned. Two of their comrades were able to get ashore on their own without receiving serious injuries.

“The identities of all the victims have been established. They are local residents who were vacationing on the lake. There is contact with the parents, psychologists are working,” said a source in the Sortavala district administration. According to him, an operational headquarters will be deployed at the scene of the incident with the participation of the district administration. “A search is underway for the three missing minors,” he said.

Inspectors from the State Inspectorate for Small Vessels (GIMS), employees of the Karelian search service, as well as volunteers went to the scene of the emergency.

Let us remind you that a year ago, on June 18, a tragedy occurred in Karelia. A group consisting of 47 Moscow schoolchildren, who were vacationing at the children's health camp "Park Hotel Syamozero", and four adults, went on a boat trip to Syamozero, despite the forecast of weather forecasters about strong winds and storms. As a result, the boat capsized and the children ended up in the water. One of the camp students, 12-year-old Yulia, managed to swim to the shore and ask for help in the nearest village. It should be noted that the group of schoolchildren included orphans, as well as children from low-income families. 14 children died.

Based on the fact of the emergency, the Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case under Part 3 of Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Performing work or providing services that do not meet safety requirements, resulting in the death of two or more persons”).

TFR: rescue operation on Syamozero in Karelia could begin 18 hours earlier

The Investigative Committee came to the conclusion that the rescue operation on Syamozero could have started 18 hours earlier. Ambulance paramedic Irina Shcherbakova did not believe the drowning child from a health camp. On April 4, 2017, the Suoyarvi District Court in Karelia found her guilty under the article “Negligence resulting by negligence in the death of two or more persons” and sentenced her to three years in prison with a suspended sentence.

On Monday evening, a boat carrying five teenagers capsized in Lake Ladoga during a storm. Two of them managed to escape, and rescuers have been searching for the rest for more than nine hours. The father of one of the surviving teenagers said in an interview with 360 that his son is now in the hospital. This incident coincided with the tragic anniversary of a similar incident - on June 18, 2016, 14 children died during a storm on the Karelian Syamozero.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Yuri Abramochkin

On the evening of June 19, a boat with five teenagers aged 16 to 18 capsized in the Sorvatal region of Karelia. According to preliminary data, three of them died and only two managed to swim, the republic’s prosecutor’s office told Interfax.

It became known that two surviving teenagers reported what happened on Lake Ladoga - at about half past nine in the evening the information was received by the Ministry of Emergency Situations. According to regional media reports, there were four boys and one girl in the boat who were going fishing. During their stay on the boat, the weather conditions suddenly deteriorated, a storm began and the boat capsized. One of the teenagers managed to swim ashore, and the second survivor was discovered by local residents.

Inspectors from the State Inspectorate for Small Vessels (GIMS), police officers, search and rescue service officers, and volunteers arrived at the scene of the emergency.

A representative of the GIMS of Karelia, in an interview with the REN TV channel, said that the children did not take into account the safety rules during the storm by not wearing life jackets.

My friends who were vacationing in a tourist camp called me and told me that a boy had come to them from a boat that had been wrecked. I called the management of the Pitkyaranta section of the State Inspectorate for Medical Information, and they immediately went to the scene of the emergency. Local volunteers in motor boats came from the village of Impilahti to help. The area where the boat capsized is quite closed. There shouldn't have been a strong wave. Perhaps the children’s inability to drive a motor boat played a role

Freelance employee of GIMS of the Republic of Karelia.

Andrei Zhiltsov, Andrei’s father, who managed to swim from the lake, said in an interview with the 360 ​​TV channel that the two surviving children are currently in the hospital with hypothermia.

They can’t say anything now - they are having a psychological breakdown. Andrey is now in the hospital. He feels more or less stable - he has hypothermia. Igor ( approx. - second surviving teenager) with them too with him. Three are still being sought. Now my son is in the hospital. The other kids' parents are here too

Andrey Zhiltsov.

Now investigators are working at the scene, and rescuers are searching for the three missing children, and an operational headquarters has been deployed. 123 rescuers and 27 pieces of equipment were involved in the search. The identities of all the children have been established and they are all local residents. Currently, psychologists are working with parents of teenagers.

This tragic event occurred a year after a similar incident: on June 18, 2016, 14 children died during a storm in Karelian Syamozero. In total, there were 51 people in the group, including four adults - they were going on a boat trip across the pond from a children's health camp. After the incident, Park-Hotel Syamozero LLC was closed, criminal cases were opened for negligence, as well as for the provision of services that did not meet safety requirements.

According to the Investigative Committee of Russia, the employees of the park hotel were aware of the assault warning announced in the regions of Karelia, but did not cancel the trip. Also, one of the boats was faulty, the carrying capacity standards were violated, and the children were not provided with life jackets of the required sizes and shapes.

After the incident, the employees of the above-mentioned camp did not report the emergency to the territorial emergency services, fearing for the reputation of their institution. Ambulance paramedic Irina Shcherbakova, who did not believe the call of drowning children, was sentenced to three years in a penal colony. The collection of additional evidence in the case continues to establish all the circumstances and bring to justice those responsible for this crime.