
Types of perm and effective care after the procedure. Proper hair care after perm What to do with hair after perm

Types of perm and effective care after the procedure.  Proper hair care after perm What to do with hair after perm

For the hardworking - a bright light burns through life, for the lazy - a dim candle

Hair care after perm

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You look with envy at women whose hair is naturally curly, unlike yours - “straight as straw”...

And you are sure that after a perm you will find the long-awaited beauty and happiness. And also a lot of free time in the morning, because you won’t have to do such exhausting styling every day.

Yes, but not so.

Here you need to know 2 points in advance.

  1. Perm should be done professionally and with soul. Only in this case will she please you and not disappoint you.
  2. Caring for your hair after a perm will take a little more time, styling will take a little less, but you won’t be able to do it without styling at all.

How to recognize the best perm artist?

  1. A real hairdresser will first test your hair, to reliably determine their type and choose the right curl for your hair. And if your hair is depleted and sick, he will prescribe you a course of restorative treatment and only after that will offer a gentle option for “chemistry”.
  2. A real hairdresser will ask you what hair care products you have used recently, and how long ago did you dye your hair?. For what? And then, what if you, for example, used such a convenient “2 in 1” shampoo, then your hair has absorbed so much silicone that even the most aggressive “chemistry” will be done in vain. In this case, the hairdresser must treat the hair with a special shampoo that washes out the silicone before curling. And if you recently dyed your hair, then a real master will send you home for a couple of weeks.
  3. A real master will do a trial perm on one curl.
  4. A real master will cut your hair first. The haircut determines how your future curls will lie. Stepped haircut - for tight, small, beautifully scattered curls. Hair cut at the same level is for a calm wave.
  5. A true master uses the latest in cosmetology, which not only curl the hair, but also at the same time restore its structure. For example, perm lotion with keratin regenerator. Also, many products contain panthenol, collagen, silk proteins - substances that nourish hair and give it a healthy natural shine. When styling, a real master uses a neutralizing foam, which removes residual thioglycolic acid and returns the hair to its natural pH.
  6. A real master will provide you with instructions for caring for your new curls and teach you how to style them correctly.

Now let's talk about the rules of hair care after perm

You can wash your hair after perming no earlier than 3 days later and only with warm water and a special shampoo. It should be applied only to the roots of the hair and scalp; the rest of the hair can be perfectly cleaned with soapy water flowing down while rinsing off the shampoo. This will protect the ends of your hair from unnecessary drying. After washing, the hair should not be wrung out or twisted.

You can dry your hair after perm using a hair dryer and hot rollers, but not earlier than on the fourth day. Only tight, small curls are allowed to be dried with a hairdryer. , but exclusively warm or cold air. Curls will always need to be curled with hot rollers., if you want them to continue to maintain their ideal shape.

It is best to wash your hair at the hairdresser and dry it under an infrared lamp, fortunately you will not have to do this as often as before, because hair after a perm does not become greasy so quickly.

It is necessary to style your hair with a perm after each wash and while drying - the advantage is that you will spend less time on styling, and it will be stronger and more stable. When styling, use a special nourishing foam balm and no varnish.

You should not comb your hair at all during the first 24 hours. and then only with a wide-toothed comb so as not to separate the curls . And no backcombing, otherwise, your perfectly structured curls will become tangled in a washcloth, and it will be impossible to return them to their original shape.

As a rule, hair that has become dull after a perm can be dyed no earlier than three weeks later. And use exclusively plant-based tint products. Now that your hair is weakened, you should avoid additional exposure to chemicals. Plant dyes treat hair, restore its stratum corneum, covering it with a protective film. This makes the hair shiny, and its color more intense and rich.

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to protect your hair from the sun either with hats or using special products with ultraviolet protection. Also limit hair contact with salty, cold and chlorinated water. After swimming, sea salt and bleach should be thoroughly rinsed off immediately.

And after a perm, it’s not a bad idea to thank your hair “for your patience and understanding” by giving it a course of restoration and healing. These can be traditional medicine - homemade masks from natural ingredients, herbal decoctions for rinsing hair after washing.
Or products from cosmetic lines - the same nourishing balm masks. There are special ampoules with components that restore hair after perm. They are applied to the hair before bed and washed off in the morning.

Or the so-called very effective "hot oil". Before use, the bottles must be immersed in a container of hot water and the heated oil distributed over the entire length of the hair. Thanks to the temperature, the active substances easily penetrate into the hair and are evenly distributed along its entire length.

By the way, since your head has begun to correspond to the ancient canons of female beauty, you simply need to buy a dress in the Greek style. Our article will help you choose the right Greek dress.

  1. You should wash your hair in non-chlorinated water. It is also not recommended to wet or wash your hair in sea water. Since the products used to make chemistry continue to act on the strands some time after the procedure. And combining them with bleach can have a negative effect on your hair.
  2. You should not apply hot air to your hair or do your hair in the first days. It is advisable not to touch your hair for several days.

Advice! It is best to go to a professional and experienced perm to get a perm, who will subsequently tell you how to properly care for your curls after perm. And when should you start washing your hair?

Everyone knows the negative consequences after the perm procedure. Therefore, it is necessary to take good care of your hair and use not only special shampoo, but also various balms, masks and other care products. As a rule, they are produced specifically for chemically damaged hair, and their composition includes oils and medicinal herbs.

In addition, such shampoos have a beneficial effect on the preservation of curls. Therefore, you should avoid products that contain silicone and keratin, as they will make the strands heavy, which will help straighten them.

Watch a video about how to care for your hair after a perm:

Suitable shampoos

Important! There are many more products for washing hair after chemicals. It is important to choose for yourself based on price and quality. But the choice should be approached responsibly. It should be noted that shampoo will be used economically, so you will have to wash your hair much less.

So, we figured out which shampoos to choose. The question arises: will the hair washing procedure change? Let's look at the answer next.

How to properly wash and style your hair?

Watch a video about how to properly wash your hair and dry your hair after a perm:

It is imperative to style your hair after every shampoo. To prevent further damage, you can use hair styling foam. You need to use a wide-toothed comb, and comb each strand carefully with your hand to shape it. At first it will be difficult to do your hair, but over time, styling your curls beautifully will be just like washing your hair, easily and effortlessly.

Many people believe that a perm makes a girl’s life easier. However, having considered the intricacies of care after the procedure, it should be noted that a beauty who has decided to undergo chemotherapy will need to devote a lot of time to caring for her hair, returning it to a healthy and well-groomed appearance, as well as styling it. Before performing chemistry, you must carefully study all aspects of this procedure in order to preserve your hair.

There are not many women who have curly or curly hair. The desire to look beautiful and save time on daily styling leads to the decision to get a perm. But in most cases, after such a procedure, the hair requires even more attention and care.

First of all, we need to remind you that perm can only be entrusted to a high-class professional in order to prevent hair damage from incompetent hands and cheap, low-quality products. It is not recommended to dye your hair immediately before curling. Since the procedure significantly dries out the roots, it is advisable to do it on hair that has not been washed for 2-3 days. This will allow the curls to retain life-giving moisture as much as possible.

Modern curling products are gentle on the hair structure, and many of them contain components that promote care. However, acquired curls and curls require careful and proper care.

Washing and combing hair after curling

It often happens that the first desire a woman feels when she gets a head of curls is to wash her hair to get rid of the unpleasant smell of products used in the salon. But this cannot be done. After the procedure, you need to wait at least a day or two before washing.

In the future, you will have to use a special shampoo, which is applied only to the scalp. Soap suds when rinsing will perfectly clean the hair itself. Such gentle washing will protect your hair from excessive drying and thinning. You should not rub, squeeze or twist your hair. Make sure that the shampoo contains oil (olive, argan, burdock), keratin, tannins and vitamins.

You should wash your hair no more than once a week. However, there won’t be much need for this, because hair after a perm is less dirty and greasy. Infusions of chamomile or nettle are good for rinsing hair. They will make your hair soft, restore silkiness and shine.

In the first days after the procedure, and in the future, blow-drying, the use of a straightening iron, hot-curlers, and various hair dyes are not recommended. Such hair should be combed with wide-toothed combs.

Hair styling

Particular attention should be paid to the ends, which often split and, as a result, take on an unkempt appearance. In most cases, hair only needs light styling. Instead of aggressive remedies, it is better to give preference to home remedies - beer or lemon juice. At least for the first time, you should avoid using hairspray, replacing it with soft foam. To avoid damaging your hair, you should not use heavy metal clips or combs when styling.

Traditional recipes for gentle care

If you decide to experiment with your hair, you need to be prepared for the fact that it will need additional attention. Even after a high-quality perm, the hair needs to restore its structure. For this purpose, various folk remedies based on natural ingredients are used.

Honey and cognac mask

Take 1 teaspoon each of honey and cognac. Mix them with a tablespoon of burdock or olive oil and one egg yolk. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, the resulting mixture is applied to the hair and wrapped in film. After half an hour, wash your hair with shampoo.

Yeast mask

Half a teaspoon of yeast is mixed with sour cream or cream, egg yolk and any natural oil (preferably castor oil). The mixture is kept for up to 15 minutes in a water bath and warm (but not hot!) Apply to the hair roots. A good effect can be achieved if, after washing off the mask, rinse your hair with a mixture of water and vinegar or a decoction of burdock root.

Mask based on essential oils

Essential oils are widely used to restore hair and hair follicles. It is better to apply mixtures of several oils. Ylang-ylang, lavender, sandalwood, rosemary, grape seed oil, jojoba and avocado give an excellent effect. Twice a week, a mixture of several oils is heated and vigorously rubbed into the scalp. After this, the hair must be wrapped in something warm to ensure an influx of nutrients and increased blood circulation.

Bread and kefir mask

Several slices of black bread are poured with low-fat kefir overnight. In the morning, knead the bread, add yolks and honey to the pulp. Apply the mixture to slightly moistened hair and massage the scalp for at least 10 minutes. Then the hair is washed with plenty of warm water without shampoo. You can use a decoction prepared from chamomile.

Table salt mask

Moisten your hair with a pre-prepared chamomile infusion and apply a handful of salt to the roots (you can use iodized salt). After the root massage, the head is washed using shampoo for damaged hair. It is recommended to repeat this mask at least 2 times a week.

Nettle mask

If after curling your hair has become tousled, unruly, and difficult to style, you can “tame” it a little with the help of nettle. The herb is poured with boiling water, filtered after 20 minutes, cream and softened bread are added. The resulting mass is left on the hair for up to half an hour. After such a simple procedure with available ingredients, an unruly head of hair will turn into beautiful curls.

The desire to be beautiful and to show off a luxurious head of curls should set a woman up for a responsible approach to choosing a hairdresser and for carefully caring for her hair in the first months after curling.

Many women dream of curly hair, but they are not ready for any procedures to achieve their dreams. Sometimes girls don’t even think about the fact that after perm their hair needs to be properly cared for. When deciding to go to a hairdresser, women think that their curls will become attractive for a long time. However, this opinion is erroneous.

You can't do without caring procedures. You will have to spend a lot of time getting your head in order. The process of restoring damaged hair is quite long, labor-intensive, and sometimes very expensive. You will have to stock up on patience and restorative agents. Only in this case will it be possible to strengthen your hair and give it a well-groomed and attractive look.

What do you need to know before going to a beauty salon?

  1. After the procedure, the curls become dry. Therefore, it is important to provide proper care for them. Masks, rinsing, wrapping will have to be done very often. From the wide variety of products, you need to choose those that are suitable for a specific hair type.
  2. You need to be prepared for the fact that the ends will also begin to split. You will have to use a spray for split ends.
  3. If the procedure was carried out in the summer season, then the curls will have to be hidden under the headpiece. You won't be able to show off your beauty to everyone.
  4. After the procedure, you cannot do your hair; curls must be loosened.

If, nevertheless, a girl decides to get a perm, she needs to know in advance how to care for her curls after it.

Hair care after perm at home

  1. After visiting a beauty salon, you should not touch your hair for 3 days. This even applies to washing your hair. Otherwise, the curl will unwind.
  2. During these same 3 days, it is prohibited to use a hair dryer, curling iron, or other similar devices.
  3. After 5 shampoos, you should think about strengthening your curls. Masks are required weekly. This will restore the structure of the curls and strengthen them from the inside.
  4. It is important to pay attention to shampoos that are intended for curls that have undergone perm. We must not forget about rinsing; for this you should purchase special products, or prepare them at home.
  5. It is forbidden to dye your curls for 2 weeks after the procedure.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to comb wet hair; you must wait until it is completely dry. Important attention should be paid to the choice of a comb; fine-toothed comb is ideal.
  7. You cannot repeat the perm procedure earlier than after 6 months. Otherwise, the hair will be severely damaged and it will be much more difficult to restore it.
  8. Do not use products for straight hair.
  9. If you want to get a haircut, you should pay attention to the cascade hairstyle.
  10. A diffuser will help give your curls an attractive look.

Important advice from the editors!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Hair care after perm: folk remedies

Many women dream of attractive curls, often without thinking about the consequences. After a perm, your curls must be properly cared for. There are many ways to restore your curls to their former attractiveness.

Oil is a fairly common hair care product. The most effective are olive, castor, coconut, and sunflower oils.

To use these products, you need to take a small amount of oil, heat it, and apply along the entire length of your curls. Leave the product on for 40 minutes, then just wash your hair. It is advisable to use the product once a week; the effect will be visible after just a few uses.

The mask is an effective product that can be used to care for your hair after perming your hair. Helps restore damaged curls.

You can prepare a mask from many ingredients, the effect of which is amazing. Masks not only restore the appearance of hair, but also take care of curls from the inside.

There are a huge number of options for mask recipes; you can choose the most suitable one from the whole variety.

Bread mask


  • black bread - 2 slices;
  • kefir - 200 grams;
  • egg yolks - 2 pieces;
  • honey - 10 grams.

Method for preparing the mask:

  1. Pour kefir over the bread and leave to steep overnight.
  2. In the morning, mash the bread, add the egg, mix.
  3. Apply the mixture to damp curls and leave for 20 minutes.
  4. It is enough to do the mask twice a week.

Yeast mask


  • dry yeast - 5 grams;
  • castor oil - 20 grams;
  • cream - 10 grams;
  • egg yolk - 1 piece.

Preparation of the mask:

  1. Mix all ingredients and heat.
  2. Apply the mixture to your hair and leave for half an hour.

Onion-garlic mask


  • onion - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • egg yolk - 1 piece;
  • honey - 10 grams;
  • shampoo - 100 ml.

Method for preparing the mask:

  1. Chop the garlic and squeeze the juice out of the onion.
  2. Combine onion and garlic, beat in the yolk, add shampoo and honey.
  3. The mass should stand for a while, then it should be applied to the curls. 15 minutes will be enough, then rinse with water.

Hair rinsing

Rinsing is an important procedure for caring for hair after a perm; you should not forget about this product. After each hair wash, curls must be rinsed.

The conditioner can be made from anything, it is important to select the composition for your hair type.

  1. Vinegar is an excellent rinse, helps strengthen curls and gives them shine. To prepare the product, you need to take 10 grams of vinegar and dilute it in a liter of water. Rinse your hair with the prepared product.
  2. Lemon is another effective remedy that allows you to restore damaged curls. To prepare the mouthwash, prepare lemon juice and 1 liter of water. Thanks to this product, the curls will regain their former attractiveness, become smooth and pleasant to the touch.

It is important to know that after washing your hair, you should not dry your hair with a towel; just wet it a little. This will preserve beauty and not harm the hair structure. It is not recommended to go to bed with a wet head; in the morning the curls will be difficult to style.

These simple methods will allow you to maintain the beauty of your curls for 3 months. Proper hair care after perm is an important process. You should approach it thoroughly, choosing products only in accordance with your hair type. The correct care is chosen, the more luxurious the curls will look.

Perm is a procedure that is very often resorted to by girls who dream of getting luxurious curls. Beauty salons offer different types of compositions and different sizes of bobbins on which the curls are wound. If you decide to get a perm, you should take into account that the hair after such a procedure will require a long recovery and additional care.

You always want to make straight, thin and lifeless hair more voluminous and attractive. Perm helps with this, which, unfortunately, has a very negative effect on hair.

To reduce the negative impact caused by perm hair, you need to know a few basic rules for caring for it. And today, the beauty pantry reveals its secrets of how to properly care for hair after a perm.

How does perming affect hair?

Under the influence of the fixative, the keratin scales close again, and the shape is preserved for a long time. During the perm process, the soluble part of the hair is washed out, and it becomes a little lighter. In addition, each subsequent curl is less beautiful than the previous one. All this is explained by the fact that as a result of chemical exposure to keratin, it is partially destroyed, resulting in the formation of another element - meta-keratin - which reacts differently to the drug and prevents the curls from curling. As a result, it is impossible to do a perm an infinite number of times - at one point it simply won’t work.

Hair after perm

At first, most beauty salon clients are satisfied with the result - they like very soft, elastic curls that do not straighten under the influence of humidity, but, on the contrary, curl. You just have to lightly style the curls, and the hairstyle is ready. You don't have to spend too much time on styling, but don't be fooled into thinking that you can now forget about hair care. In the first month everything will be fine, the hair will look perfect, however, if proper care is not provided, the following problems will soon begin:

  • Increased prolapse;
  • Fragility. Since the structure is destroyed and burned during perm, it is completely natural that the hair becomes more brittle. Proper care will help prevent such consequences: the use of drugs that soften and restore the structure.

The appearance of split ends and loss of natural shine. This is due to the fact that during perm the substances necessary for the vitality, elasticity and healthy shine of your curls are washed out. As a result, they lack nutrition, they become dry, dull, begin to crack and require even more care.

Hair care after perm

A perm can be a great way to revive curly hair or transform long, straight locks. But you must take proper care of your perm otherwise it will cause a lot of damage to your hair.

Touch up your curl only as needed. Only do this on the most unruly hair, as this can only be done if your hairstyle really needs it. Perms contain harmful chemicals and should be used with caution.

Do not shampoo your hair for at least 24 hours after curling. This ensures that it doesn't fall apart before the strands are fully formed. This way, the curl will last for a couple of months.

Use suitable hair products. Shampoos and conditioners should be deeply moisturizing and suitable for curly hair. After a perm, the hair is deprived of a large amount of natural oils and moisture that need to be restored. Every morning, your hair should be carefully combed and a styling product applied to maintain an attractive and stylish look. Squeeze your hair daily. This helps maintain the hairstyle.

  1. To maintain a great hairstyle, you need to use a comb with large teeth, as otherwise the styling will not be strong enough. Many girls, after getting a perm, do not use a comb for a long time, but use their fingers to style their hair.
  2. Using a hair dryer will harm not only the styling itself, but also damage the structure of the hair, which is already damaged after the procedure. Try to let the strands dry naturally. If it still doesn’t work out, be sure to apply a heat protectant to your curls.
  3. Choose shampoos and conditioners that are specifically designed for permed hair, or buy products with a restorative formula. Do not forget to use a balm, as it gives the necessary care to curls that need hydration.
  4. At least once a week, make nourishing masks to care for damaged curls, which help restore the natural structure.
  5. No additional care will help if you do a perm after dyeing, and even more so if you do it after bleaching. At least two weeks should pass between these two procedures, and after bleaching you should not resort to any other destructive experiments.
  6. Before deciding on the procedure, assess the condition of your hair: if it is damaged, falling out or breaking, you should abstain. In the end, you may get tired of curls, but for a change you can use harmless curlers.

Comb your hair gently with a wide-tooth comb. Curly hair will tangle more, but if you brush it constantly, the curls will fall apart. Experiment with hairstyles. Just because you changed the texture doesn't mean your shiny barrettes, headbands and ponytails are a thing of the past! Enhance your new hairstyle with accessories and styling.

Try not to use hairspray because it is difficult to wash out of your hair. As a result, you will pull tangled hair and cause yourself pain. If you're going outside and it's snowing or raining, make sure you take an umbrella! If your hair gets wet, the curl will fall apart faster.

Masks for care after perm

Masks for hair care after perm can be purchased at any cosmetic store. However, it will be much more effective if you prepare them at home - all the ingredients will be natural, all the beneficial substances will be preserved in them.

So, what products will help you provide competent care? Firstly, these are oils - olive, burdock, castor. They can be used individually or mixed with other ingredients: egg yolk, honey, lemon juice. For example, you can combine the yolk, a tablespoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of honey. Next, you need to apply the mixture to the entire length of your hair, cover with a heat-insulating cap or plastic bag, leave for 40 minutes and rinse with warm water and shampoo. Honey will saturate your hair with beneficial substances that it lacks due to the harmful effects of perm. Oils will soften, moisturize and nourish curls, providing proper care.

To prevent hair loss, use table salt for care, which affects the hair follicles: rub the salt into the scalp 20 minutes before washing.

Traditional recipes for post-curl care

  • Honey-cognac mask

The following mask restores and nourishes hair well: 1 teaspoon each of honey and cognac are mixed with a tablespoon of burdock oil (olive oil is also suitable) and egg yolk. A well-mixed mask is distributed on the hair and covered with film. The procedure is carried out for 3 hours or more, and then the hair is washed with shampoo.

  • Bread mask with vitamins

A mask made from an infusion of herbs, rye bread and vitamins also nourishes the hair. It is prepared like this: dry herbs (chamomile, linden, nettle) are poured with boiling water and left for half an hour, then the strained infusion is enriched with vitamins. A, E, B1 and B12 (they are sold in ampoules in pharmacies) and mixed with finely chopped rye bread crusts.

Leave the mixed mask for another 15 minutes, soak clean hair in it and, wrapping it in film, leave it on for an hour and a half. After this time, wash the hair well with shampoo.

  • Oil mask with aloe

The mask according to the following recipe effectively strengthens weakened hair: mix 1 teaspoon of castor oil and the same amount of fresh aloe juice with 1 tablespoon of natural honey.

The prepared mask is soaked into the hair and rubbed into the skin. After half an hour, they are washed and rinsed with a herbal decoction (for example, chamomile or nettle).

  • Yeast for hair after perm

For hair care, a mask of 2 tablespoons of castor oil, 1 tablespoon of cream, 2 egg yolks and 5 grams (a little less than a teaspoon) of yeast is suitable. In a water bath, this mixture is heated until warm and rubbed into the roots.

Leave the mask on for half an hour and wash your hair with shampoo. It is advisable to rinse with a decoction of herbs after washing.

  • Essential oil for hair restoration

A mask, including a teaspoon of any vegetable oil and essential oils of patchouli and ylang-ylang (a few drops each), restores the damaged structure of the curls and nourishes them.

This simple oil recipe is a real salvation for damaged hair after perm.

  • Rinse with burdock root decoction

Not only homemade masks help strengthen and restore hair. Homemade hair rinses can also cope with this. So, rinsing with burdock decoction is very effective for hair restoration.

To prepare it, 2 tablespoons of the dried roots of this plant are crushed, pour 250 ml of boiling water, put on fire, boil and boil for about 30 minutes. After removing the broth from the heat, leave for 5 minutes and apply after each wash.

The stress and shock that hair experiences even after the most gentle curling cannot be prevented or avoided, but it can be minimized if you provide your hair with proper care. First of all, in the first days after curling, you should not use a hair dryer or comb your hair excessively - it needs to be given time to recover from exposure to chemicals. In general, after curling, it is not advisable to use hot rollers, straighteners, hair dye and other aggressive hair care products.

Instead of hairspray, experts advise using special soft foams. Metal combs are harmful, especially for weakened and thinning hair. It is better to replace them with combs with sparse teeth.

After chemistry, the hair loses its elasticity, so do not wrap it in a towel when wet - this leads to damage to the hair structure, its fragility and loss. People don’t go to bed with wet hair for the same reasons.

After curling, protect the hair from direct sunlight, and if it has been in contact with sea or chlorinated water, be sure to rinse it with clean water. Owners of long hair must constantly take care of the ends, as after perm they are prone to split ends.

To make hair styling easier, instead of weighing down and harmless store-bought products, use home remedies - lemon juice, beer and flax seed infusion. And instead of curlers, you can wind your hair on rags.

Yes, the best method to improve hair health and restore its structure is to use folk natural remedies, these are, as a rule, herbal decoctions and masks made from natural ingredients. Vegetable and essential oils, honey, eggs and some other home cosmetology products are most suitable for such products. How to apply them? Find out from our recipes.

Hair masks after perm

Use masks whose main components are vegetable oils. Example – burdock-cognac beauty product. To prepare it you will need 1 tbsp. burdock root oil, 1 tsp. bee liquid honey. 1 tsp alcoholic drink and 1 raw egg yolk. Combine all the listed ingredients, beat well with a broom or mixer and apply to your hair, distributing the mixture over the entire length. From above you need to wrap your head with film, and then wrap it in a towel. It is recommended to wash off the product after 2-3 hours. It is better to do this in the shower, under running water, and be sure to use shampoo.

Will be a wonderful assistant glycerin-vegetable mask. Take 1 tbsp. chamomile flowers and the same amount of calendula flowers, pour two glasses of boiling water over the raw material, leave for half an hour. Pour the strained warm broth into a bowl with two raw egg yolks beaten with a broom. Stir. Then add 10 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice and pharmaceutical glycerin to the almost finished mask. Apply a homogeneous mixture generously to the hair roots and rub into the scalp. After 20 minutes, wash your hair.

Vodka-herbal mask. Ingredients: chamomile flowers 1 tbsp, dry rosemary herb - 1 tbsp, glasses. Combine the herbs and add alcohol. Place the substance in a dark glass container with a screw-on lid. Leave the solution in a dark place for 14 days. From time to time it is necessary to shake the vessel containing the mixture. After the specified period, the solution should be filtered into a clean container. Twice a week, the mask is applied to the hair roots, rubbing the substance into the skin with massage movements. You can use not your own fingers, but an old and always soft toothbrush. It is not necessary to wash your hair after the procedure.

Rinses after perm

Useful for curled hair are rinses with solutions also prepared on the basis of natural ingredients. They are used immediately after washing your hair or washing off a homemade mask.

Recipe No. 1. Tatarnik + hops. Take a small handful of the indicated dried herbs, place them in a container and fill the plant material with 1 liter of boiled hot water. Place the mixture on the stove, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Rinsing is carried out exclusively with a warm solution.

Recipe No. 2. Burdock roots. You will need 20 g of them. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over dry and crushed roots. Place the mixture on the fire in the same way, and after boiling, cook for another 30 minutes. Regularly rinse your hair that has been treated with chemicals with the strained warm broth.

Recipe No. 3. Vinegar water. This is a good old recipe that suits any hair, including artificially curled hair. By rinsing your curls with vinegar water, your hair will become softer, more manageable, and shiny. How to prepare a healing solution? Dilute 1 tbsp in 1 liter of ordinary water at room temperature. 6% table vinegar or its apple equivalent.

Recipe No. 4. Water with lemon. This homemade rinse is needed to quickly restore hair damaged by chemicals. Again, will you need 1 liter of boiled or filtered cool water, to which should you add juice? yellow sour citrus.

Recipe No. 5. Oak bark, marigold, chamomile. All three components must be taken in 2 tbsp. Place the raw materials in a deep container, pour boiling water into it - only 1.5 liters. Let the broth sit for half an hour, then strain it. Now you can use the warm herbal rinse. By the way, it is better not to use it for blondes and fair-haired people if there is no desire to change their hair color to chestnut.

How and what to wash your hair after chemicals?

When answering the question of how to care for permed hair, it is very important to mention the rules for washing curls. To do this, you need to use specialized shampoos. Today, many soft shampoos from professional lines from different manufacturers are available for sale. They are designed for washing damaged hair after curling. They thoroughly cleanse, gently act on curls, restoring damaged areas of hair and strengthening them. It is better to choose shampoos that contain natural ingredients. The label should indicate that this product is intended for curls that have been exposed to chemicals.

Choose high-quality shampoos, since the condition and appearance of your hair after chemicals largely depends on this. The following shampoos have proven themselves well for hair damaged after perm:

  • Black Snail (Secret Key);
  • Frozen Limonnik Nanai (Natura Siberica);
  • Giardino di Roma (D'oliva);
  • Moisture Recovery (Joico);
  • Vitamin Pro (Belita-Vitex);
  • Organics Hair Care Coconut (Desert Essense).

You can choose a more budget-friendly shampoo, but before purchasing, make sure that it contains mainly natural ingredients.

To avoid deforming your curls, do not press too hard with your fingers while washing your hair. Massage the shampoo into the roots. There is no need to rub shampoo into the main part of the strands. It is enough to wash your curls with soapy foam. You shouldn't wash your hair often. Wash your hair once every 3-4 days (as it gets dirty).

How to dry and comb your hair?

If you need to use a hairdryer, set it to a cool or gentle setting. The iron can be used to temporarily straighten strands. But you can’t often do this styling, so as not to further damage the weakened strands after curling.

Caring for permed hair involves following certain rules for combing curls. To do this, use a brush with sparse teeth. You shouldn't buy metal combs. It is better to choose wooden or plastic. Do not comb your curls if they are still wet after washing. Otherwise, the hair will begin to fluff, and the curls will quickly lose their shape. You need to start combing from the ends of your hair, gradually moving towards the roots. Do not use much force to avoid damaging your hair.

Video: hair care after perm