
Recovery. Rules for healing magic Restoration spells

Recovery.  Rules for healing magic Restoration spells

Let's continue...

1. The basis of any healing is love, and your desire to direct this love to the recovery of a loved one (or animal) is much more important than any conspiracy or spell.
2. You should always ask the person for permission before performing magic for them. In healing magic, you can ask the spirit to help a person recover if for some reason you cannot ask permission from him personally. This means that you first ask the spirit for help, such as by saying, “Please, spirit, help me heal (person's name). If he needs to receive healing energy, direct my thoughts and feelings towards him. If he should not receive healing energy, please give it to someone who needs it. You know better what needs to be done."
3. You can always pray for another person, with or without permission.
4. Never use only witchcraft methods in healing. If you are sick, contact your doctor and follow his instructions. If the diagnosis is serious, it is better to consult several doctors. If your boyfriend or girlfriend is having psychological problems, encourage him to get help. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to use hotlines specifically designed for such cases.
One day my youngest daughter returned home from school looking gloomy. When I asked her what was wrong, she didn't answer. In general, this is typical for her. She keeps her worries to herself for a long time, and then, when her head begins to literally pound from nervous tension, she gives up and tells me her problems. That day I had to wait until we had lunch.
“I have a big problem and I don’t know what to do,” she finally said. At that time I was sitting at the computer and working on another book (what else?). Falynn sat in front of the TV with her legs crossed cross-legged.
- What's the problem? “I asked absentmindedly, glancing sideways at the blinking cursor and pondering the meaning of the sentence I had just written.
“It’s all because of that girl at school,” the daughter said quietly. “She seems to be really in trouble, and I have no idea how to help her.”
I turned away from the computer and leaned back in my chair.
- What’s the matter, exactly? - According to my horoscope, I am Virgo, so I need to know all the details.
My daughter twirled her hair on her finger for a while, then said:
— She cuts herself with a knife. Today she showed me the cuts on the school bus and then in the shower. She was bragging, and it just makes me sick! I know she's in trouble, but if I tell anyone, they'll think I'm a snitch.
I rocked in my chair, thinking about what I had heard. Finally I said:
“If she doesn’t want anyone to know about it, why did she tell you?”
My daughter rubbed her forehead thoughtfully:
“I don’t know, but it would be better if she didn’t say anything at all.” What do you think I should do?
Aha, I thought, it's time for edifying speeches.
“When people do things like that to themselves, they can’t think clearly.” Her antics in front of you actually mean a call for help, although perhaps she herself does not understand this. By the way, did she tell anyone else?
Again, thoughtfully twirling her hair around her finger.
- Yes, to two of my girlfriends.
- And what do they think about this?
- That she is sick and needs help. But they also have no idea what can be done.
“It looks like she wants people to know about her problems,” I said. “So she really needs help.” Do you want me to call the school tomorrow and talk to class teacher? (Oh no, that terrible curse again: “Mommy is going to school!”)
My daughter picked up a bread crumb from the floor before answering.
- No, I think I can handle it myself. Maybe my friends will come with me.
- And if not?
She sighed and stuck her chin out stubbornly.
“Then I’ll go alone.”
- If you need my help, I will be at home. Just let me know, okay?
- Fine.
The next day, my daughter and her friends went to the school psychologist. As a result, that girl got the help she needed. Of course, she was terribly angry with my daughter, but she soon calmed down and even thanked her for her participation.
Such cases occur both in youth and in mature age. Sometimes we have nothing to do with them, but for some reason we find ourselves in the very center of events. The Spirit puts people in situations where they are needed most, whether they know it or not. My daughter felt obligated not to solve the problem, but to help her classmate in trouble. Many times we have to choose between what we think is right for us and the path of least resistance. It can often be very difficult to decide to do the right thing, but in the end it's worth it.
The girl in question tried to make my daughter and her friends her passive accomplices. A “passive enabler” is a person who knows that his friend has a problem (alcoholism, drug addiction, or mental disorder), sympathizes with him, but does not provide any help. In fact, he is tacitly encouraging his friend to continue his unhealthy lifestyle. He sits back and watches his friend destroy himself. This happens because the “passive accomplice” is afraid of responsibility or believes that the cure will be more painful than the current condition. Sometimes he himself is gradually drawn into a vicious circle. My daughter gave up her role as a passive enabler when she asked for help. You can do it too.
5. The last rule of healing magic is:
never give up. Don't give up your efforts. There is an old saying in my family: “A person can get sick in one day, but he cannot get well in one day.” When healing, witchcraft procedures must be repeated until the person recovers. Although I have had many personal successes, large and small, in the field of healing, two incidents stand out in particular. The first is the disappearance of Jane Stoll's cardiovascular clot (without drugs or surgery). Second - negative result when re-testing Patrick Albert for AIDS (before contacting me, he was a carrier of HIV infection). In both cases, I and my friends in the witchcraft circle tried very hard for these people. I would like to think that we helped them, even if they received nothing from us but pure loving energy.
On the other hand, there is no need to blame yourself if a loved one continues to get sick and even passes away. If your grandfather is seriously ill and despite your best efforts and prayers he is not getting better, you may feel that you are using spells incorrectly or do not have strong enough faith. This is wrong. The Spirit takes each of us to itself when it is our turn. Perhaps your witchcraft made it easier for a loved one to leave or helped him in some other way that is still incomprehensible to us.

Correspondences in Healing Magic

Witches have many correspondences for healing magic. Let's understand them before we move on to creating spells.
In order to expel the disease, the sorceress works during the dark moon; on the other hand, it can begin at the full moon and work until the new moon. To heal a person from injury or illness, the witch works from new moon to full moon. Check the calendar to determine the exact date of a particular spell.
The planet most often associated with healing is the Sun (success), although you can use the energies of Saturn to expel disease or Mars to attack disease.
Healing shades include green (general healing), blue-green (spiritual healing), purple (psychic healing), lilac (healing other people), dark green (regeneration, restoration of strength), yellow (successful healing), gold ( solar energy for healing) and white (healing with the help of the spirit). We use the color black to ward off illness from a person or animal.
Fruits and vegetables associated with healing and healing include bananas, blackberries, potatoes, limes, lemons, onions, cucumbers, olives, chilies, garlic and apples.
Medicinal herbs and plants for healing magic are elderberry, gardenia, wintergreen, cloves, oak, angelica, allspice, spruce, ginseng, willow, cedar, cinnamon, nettle, bay, mint, ivy, rose, rosemary, thyme, fennel, violet, persimmon, eucalyptus and barley.
We can use the energy of the four elements in healing magic: Air carries away diseases and brings healing coolness; Fire burns out disease and cleanses the body; Water transforms negative energy to positive; The earth stabilizes the patient’s condition and erects a barrier to negative energy.
Symbols of healing include the caduceus (a staff of Mercury with intertwined snakes), a red cross, images of the sun and flowers; green and white beads; faces of saints and angels. I'm sure you'll find a few symbols that I forgot to mention.

Spell "Healing Stitch"

Even if you are not very good with a needle and thread, this spell will allow you to direct healing energy to the recovery of a sick person.
Moon phase: from new moon to full moon
Day: Sunday

Supplies: a piece of white fabric measuring 15 x 15 cm; small round hoop; pencil; green embroidery thread; needle; 1/2 teaspoon rosemary (love and healing); 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg (health); 1/2 teaspoon ground walnuts(wishes of health); a photograph of the patient (if you do not have a photograph, write the name on a small piece of paper); green or white tape.
Cleanse, consecrate and bless all objects in the name of healing. You can ask foremother Ana to help you with this spell. Start working in a calm environment where no one disturbs you. Take a pencil and write or block the sick person's name in the center of the fabric. Stretch the fabric in the hoop around the lettering. Thread the green thread into the needle and begin sewing large stitches along the outline of the inscription. Say the following words with each stitch:
O Saint Ana, Divine Mother, Channel healing energy
To help (name of the patient).
When finished, tie a knot and cut the end of the thread. Remove the fabric from the hoop. Turn it inside out and cover it with a photo or piece of paper with the name of the sick person. Take a pinch of rosemary and say:
Noble rosemary,

May (name of the patient) be healthy. Sprinkle rosemary on the photo. Now take the nutmeg and say:
Noble nutmeg,
There is strength in you, there is change in you,
May (name of the patient) be healthy. Sprinkle nutmeg on the photo. Take ground walnuts and say:
Noble walnut, There is strength in you, There is change in you, May (name of the patient) be healthy.
Sprinkle walnuts on the photo. Take the ends of the fabric and join them together to make a pouch. Twist the neckline and tie it with a ribbon, bow and double knot.
Take the talisman bag in your hands and say:
Every new stitch, every new poem Brings power closer.
Repeat this spell as long as possible, imagining your recovering friend or relative. Hold the visualization for at least one minute. When you are finished, thank Goddess Anu and give the talisman bag to a sick friend or relative. If for some reason you are unable to do this, keep the bag in a safe place until the person recovers. Then open the bag, stretch your hands over it and thank its energies for helping you heal. Imagine how the magic contained in it is returned back to the earth. Witches call this procedure disenchantment of the object. Let the element of Air take the herbs, and let the ground nuts return to the earth. Burn or throw away the ribbon. Cleanse and consecrate the photograph and pouch: you may need them for your next healing. If your friend or relative's name was written on a piece of paper, burn it. Thank Goddess Anu again for her assistance. If you get sick, you can make the same talisman bag for yourself.

Cute "soap spell"

Witchcraft works best if you have several items belonging to the person you are working for. This could be jewelry, a strand of hair, a button or piece of cloth from clothing, nail clippings, a used tube of lipstick, writing on a piece of paper, a photograph that can be used for other spells, etc. Try to take small items. If you put your mother's fur coat or a friend's shoes on the altar, your loved ones may wonder if everything is okay in your head.

Day: Saturday
Planets: Saturn
Supplies: a few "sympathetic" items belonging to the person you are casting spells for; small piece soap; pen; cup of water; new wooden spoon; two photographs of a person or two pieces of paper with his name; African violet (plant); dark green or black candle; light green candle. (If you are not allowed to burn candles, you can omit the last two points.)
Draw the magic circle, consult the quarters and perform the altar dedication. Cleanse, consecrate and bless all items on the altar to banish disease.
Use a pen to write the name of the sick person on a bar of soap (use a pen that you can throw away later). On a black candle, draw the words “I drive out the disease from (person’s name).” On a light green candle, write “healing (person’s name).”
Place the photo under a black candle. Light a candle. Ask the spirit to remove the disease from the body of your friend or relative. Let the candle burn while you work on the next part of the spell.
Surround a cup of water with things that belong to the patient. Anything that can later be disposed of (hair, nail clippings, etc.) is placed in a cup of water. Then put a bar of soap in the cup and start stirring the water counterclockwise with a wooden spoon.
I suggest you learn by heart the following spell, which can be used in different situations and for the prevention of many diseases, from cancer to the common cold. It must be said three times, three times a day.
From blood to bone, From bone to tissue, From fabric to skin, From skin to hair, From hair to sea, From sea to land,
How God created man and woman - So be it!
Continue stirring the water, imagining how the disease leaves the person’s body and dissolves in the earth. Place another photo under the light green candle. Light this candle and say:
Air, fire, water, health, Come back, come back, come back, come back!
While both candles are burning, walk around the quarters clockwise, starting from the north, and ask for the expulsion of illness and the sending of healing energy for your friend or relative. Then return to the center of the circle and thank the spirit for its help.
Take an African violet and ask the plant to speed up the recovery of your friend or relative and provide him with reliable protection. Finish the spell with the standard formula:

Close the quarters and release the circle. Leave the soap to dissolve in the water. Put out the candles. Light them again every evening for five to seven minutes until the patient has fully recovered. If possible, leave sympathetic objects around the cup of water until the patient feels better.

Spell "Superior Egg"

In folk magic different cultures people used eggs for healing spells and spells. Traditionally, an unfertilized egg from a black laying hen was taken for these purposes. These days, unless you live on a farm, you have no way of finding out what kind of chicken laid the egg you buy at the store. Therefore, it is better to just choose a beige egg, and if you don’t have one, a white one will do.
Moon phase: full moon or dark moon time (to expel illness)
Day: Saturday Planets: Saturn
Accessories: black felt-tip pen; one egg; photograph of the patient (if you don’t have a photograph, draw a symbolic picture and write the patient’s name on top)
Cleanse, consecrate and bless the egg in your sacred space. Then, if possible, it is best to carefully move the egg over the patient’s body, imagining how the disease comes out of it and moves into the egg. If the patient is not nearby, touch the egg to the drawing or photograph and say:
From the inside to the outside, Up and down, I cast out your disease Into this egg.
When finished, throw the egg into running water and ask the element of Water to take away the disease from your friend or relative.

Rock 'n' Roll Spell

Use this simple spell to ward off illness from a loved one.
Moon phase: from full moon to new moon
Day: Tuesday or Saturday
Planets: Mars or Saturn
Accessories: a bag or basket with small smooth stones about the size of half a fist (quantity from 21 or more); cassette recorder; a cassette with your favorite music; black marker
Cleanse, consecrate and bless all objects in your sacred space in the name of healing. Ask the angels to help you drive away illness from your friend or relative. Write the words:
“I drive out disease from (name)” on every stone.
Climb to the top of a hill or slope in a place where you will not be disturbed. Turn on the music. Thinking of your friend or relative, roll the stones down the hill one at a time. Imagine how the disease decreases and goes away with each subsequent stone

Snow spell

Make a small snowman to represent your sick friend or relative. Make twenty-one snowballs and place them around the snowman with the following words:
Surround it, embrace it, renew it,
heal him. Or:
Surround her, embrace her, renew her, heal her.
Walk around the circle counterclockwise, continuing to chant the spell and clap your hands rhythmically. When you think it's time to finish, extend your hands to the snowman and say:
Winter winds, bear the news, The sun will melt your illness. Air to fire and water to earth, you will be healthy for many years.
Finally, add the standard formula:
May this matter not turn against me and bring a curse upon me, May all astrological correspondences be correct for this work, May no one suffer any harm. Let it be so!

Spell with rosary

For those living in a Catholic family, this spell will be a new way to use the rosary. If you don't have a rosary, you can use beads or string beads on a thin line. Some people I know even use laces or thin strips of tanned leather, tying knots between the beads. The spell requires at least thirty-three beads.
Moon phase: any time
Day: any day

Cleanse, consecrate and bless the rosary or beads in your sacred space. If you are going to use the rosary for healing, you must ask for a blessing from each quarter. When you are ready, sit in a chair, pick up your rosary or beads, and begin to think about the sick person. You can put his photo in front of you. Close your eyes, slowly turn the first bead and say:
Angels of healing, send healing energy to (name of the patient).
Continue to repeat this spell by turning the beads or fingering the rosary. When you're done, say:
Holy spirit, bless (the person’s name) and save him from all evil, Help him to recover quickly. Let it be so!

Angel healing spell

For this spell you will need a brooch, picture or figurine of an angel. The angel you choose will be a gift for a sick person and will help him recover faster. He must stay by his side, even in the hospital room.
Moon phase: any phase
Day: any day
Planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury or Venus
While in your sacred space, turn to the healing angels and your guardian angel. Cleanse, sanctify and bless your gift for healing. Respectfully ask the healing angels and your guardian angel to help the sick person.
Give a gift to the patient and advise him to keep the angel with him at all times.

Banishing spell

This is an old Pennsylvania witchcraft spell designed to banish anything that is in the wrong place, be it negative energy or the manifestation of illness.
Moon phase: any phase
Day: any day
Planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury or Saturn
Supplies: ball of red yarn, lighter, enamel bowl.
Ask the patient to stand in front of you. Take the loose end of the thread and place it on the top of the person's head. Let him hold the end while you measure out a length equal to his height from the top of his head to the floor. Press the measurement site with your finger, ask the patient to sit down and take off their shoes. Add the length of the seated person's foot to the measured segment and cut the thread. Take it in your hands and say:
I direct, I remove, I cast out any evil or disease
From (person's name). Let it be so!
Burn the thread in an enamel bowl and say:
Red yarn, burn, Bring out the filth from within, Everything bad, come out, The spirit will be cleansed by fire. Let it be so!
Be careful not to burn your fingers. If you are not allowed to light a fire, throw the thread into running water or bury it somewhere away from the house.

Spell "Cleanse the Aura"

This spell works in much the same way as the previous one, but here you are purifying the aura rather than expelling negative energy from it.
Moon phase: any phase
Day: any day
Planets: Sun, Saturn
Accessories: spool of black thread, lighter, enamel bowl.
Wrap the free end of the thread around your wrist several times and unwind about half a meter from the spool. Cut the thread and wrap the other end around your left arm. Pull the thread between your hands so that there is no slack, but not too tight.
Have the patient sit on a chair and stand behind him. Raise your arms above his head and make three horizontal, back-and-forth motions, as if you were brushing or scraping a stain from a flat surface. Now stand to the patient's right and repeat the procedure. Stand in front of him and repeat the movements again. Finally, stand to the patient's left and cleanse their aura at head level. Another option: you ask the patient to lie on the bed and pass the thread back and forth several times, holding it at a distance of ten centimeters from his body. At the same time, you should imagine how negative energy sticks to the thread and remains on it. When finished, burn the thread or throw it into running water. You can bury it in the ground somewhere away from the house.

Potato Spell No. 1

In folk magic, potatoes have long been used to create a sympathetic image when
casting spells and incantations.
Moon phase: full moon or new moon
Day: Sunday, Monday or Friday
Planets: Sun, Moon, Venus
Accessories: potatoes; green felt-tip pen; Holy water; 1/4 teaspoon marjoram; one dry oak leaf; 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg; contents of one mint tea bag; a lock of the patient's hair; small mixing bowl or mortar and pestle.
Cleanse, consecrate and bless all utensils in your sacred space for healing. Combine the marjoram, crushed oak leaf, ground nutmeg, contents of a mint tea bag and a lock of hair in a bowl. Tell:
Your time has come, and the hour has come, For the spirit to give its strength to you.
Repeat the spell until you have mixed all the ingredients. Then take a potato and draw two eyes, a nose and a mouth on it with a green marker. Holding the potato in your hand, say the following words:
I create an astral link between (name of the patient) and this vegetable, in the name of healing.
Let it be so!
Close your eyes and imagine the face of a sick person. Then open your eyes and mentally transfer the image to the surface of the potato.
Place the potatoes in the bowl with the prepared mixture. Add three drops of holy water with the words:
Guardian angel, please help (person's name) recover.
Stretch your hands over the bowl. Repeat this phrase several times along with the visualization of recovery. When you finish, thank your guardian angel for your help. Keep the potato in a bowl until the patient recovers. Then disenchant the contents of the bowl, including the potato, and bury it away from the house.

Potato Spell No. 2

This spell is aimed at expelling disease from the human body.
Moon phase: full moon or dark moon time
Day: Saturday
Planets: Saturn
Accessories: potatoes; Holy water; knife; black thread
Take a potato in your hands and ask it to take away the illness of your friend or relative. Sprinkle the potatoes with holy water and sprinkle a little salt, then cut in half. Apply half a potato to the painful area (cut, abrasion, burn, etc.) and imagine how the pain and inflammation goes into the potato. Fold the vegetable halves and tie them with black thread to prevent them from falling apart. Bury the potato somewhere away from home with the words:
The disease will rot in the ground,
And (person's name) will recover on earth. Let it be so!

"Healing Waterfall"

I use this spell every day regardless of how I feel. Visualization helps clear any negative energy from your body and keeps your spirits up when you are feeling unwell.
When you take a shower. Imagine that you are standing under a waterfall. Ask the water spirits to cleanse and sanctify and bless your spirit, body and mind for healing. I also ask Epona, the horse goddess of pure water, to add her blessing. While the water flows through your body, imagine how everything bad is carried away and disappears into the drain hole. As you towel off, ask the spirits of the air to cleanse, sanctify and bless your spirit, body and mind for healing.

Treatment of pets

Over time, pets become members of our family. Sometimes we even think of them as people. When your pet is sick, you are ready to do anything to make sure he gets better quickly.
Pets respond very well to witchcraft. If you are casting spells, many animals prefer to sit next to you in the magic circle. Cats like to sleep on altars and sanctuaries, while dogs prefer to sleep next to you. Pets can also be easily treated by laying on of hands. When my dog ​​Joy is sick, which is rare, thanks to the goddess, I write his name on a green candle and ask the lady to heal him. I also treat him three times a day with the laying on of hands, sending healing energy (after a visit to the vet, of course).
If your pet is relatively small and can snuggle on your lap, stroke it in slow, gentle movements, imagining healing energy flowing from your palms into its body. If for some reason you cannot touch the animal, then keep your hands as close to it as possible. The first five minutes of this therapy have the most powerful effect. You can accompany the stroking with a recitative, monotonous chant, or simply whisper affectionate words to your pet. Perform this procedure at least three times a day, or more if the animal is very sick.

To be continued…

How to treat with your hands and heal diseased organs? This is how healers do it!

The main tool of healing is the energy of the hands. These ancient healing practices were used by Assyrian priests.

What do you need to do manual treatment?

In order to develop healing skills, perform the following exercises.

1. Roll the energy between the palms, from time to time slap the energy onto the palms (sharply bring the palms together and apart without physical contact).

2. Pass the palm of one hand over the surface of the other, from shoulder to palm and back. At the same time, the palm of the leading hand guides the warm energy inside the driven one; from time to time they move the leading palm behind the palm of the driven hand, drawing energy from the body with the leading hand through the palm of the driven hand (you don’t need much, the fact itself is important). Then they change hands.

3. When step 2 has been worked out to perfection, perform it without a leading hand - moving the energy with willpower and concentration.

How to develop hand sensitivity?

Hand sensitivity is an essential skill in healing work. The main working areas are the center of the palms and fingertips.

To develop sensitivity¹ you need:

  • learn to distinguish different organs with your palms. It is important to remember the sensations in your hands from healthy organs.

Hand treatment. Proven Method

To treat a diseased organ, you should feel the diseased energy with your palm, scoop it into a ball with your fingers and pull it out. After this, the lump of sick energy should be shaken off to the ground (it is important that this energy does not fall on anyone). You cannot take on sick energy! Then you need to fill the hole from the lump with energy from your hands.

The same method is well suited for healing damage after energy attacks.

How to heal with energy. Method No. 2

To restore health to a sick person, you can also drive energy with your palms up, down, along the body, as if massaging the surface of the body with it. If you establish a connection between the palms, then this connection, like a spotlight, will illuminate the body, providing a volumetric massage.

However, you cannot work above your head this way (your head will hurt, this energy is heavy for it).

3 way to treat with your hands

This method aligns energy and pumps the body with energy. You need to release rays from your fingers, which, when moving your hands, seem to cut through the human energy field. This method ensures the dissection of stagnant areas.

How to increase blood pressure?

In order to increase the pressure, you need to massage the chest by rotating your hand clockwise.

How to lower blood pressure?

In order to lower the pressure, you need to massage the chest by rotating your hand counterclockwise.

What does a healer need to know?

The main thing for someone who wants to heal another is the desire to help the patient cope with the disease; if there is no desire, it is better not to start. It must be taken into account that the body of a sick person itself fights the disease, and the healer only helps him.

Recovery can be significantly accelerated with the help of the consciousness of the patient himself.

Reprogramming consciousness is another effective way of healing

This method is also suitable for treating the head. Its essence is as follows: the healer needs to capture with his consciousness the energy of the object of influence, to feel its information parameters at the level of sensations. At the level of intuition², understand the entire process of changing the information component. After this, the formed intention needs to make the necessary changes in the captured energy.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ You can learn more about how to develop hand sensitivity

² Intuition is a direct comprehension of the truth without logical analysis, based on imagination, empathy and previous experience, “gut feeling”, insight (

In The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim spells Schools of Restoration magic specialize in healing, protection, and fighting the undead. For example, healing spells and repelling the undead fall under restoration.

With the help of talents you can enhance the effect of restoration spells. Also, with their help, in addition to restoring health, you can restore both magic and strength.

These spells, like all others, are divided into five levels, which differ in strength. Let's consider full list restoration spells.

Restoration spells in TES 5: Skyrim


  • Healing(Healing) - heals you for 10 health points per second.
  • Small defense(Lesser Ward) - increases armor by 40 and reduces magic damage by 40.


  • Fast Healing(Fast Healing) - heals you for 50 health points.
  • Healing Hands(Healing Hands) - heals the target for 10 health points per second.
  • Lasting protection(Steadfast Ward) - increases armor by 60 and reduces magic damage by 60.
  • Scare away small undead(Turn Lesser Undead) - undead up to level 6 run away in fear. Valid for 30 seconds.

Spells of this level can only be purchased after reaching a recovery skill level of 25.


  • Closing wounds(Close Wounds) - heals you for 100 health points.
  • Great protection(Greater Ward) - increases armor by 80 and reduces magic damage by 80.
  • Healing others(Heal Other) - heals the target for 75 health points.
  • Repel lesser undead(Repel Lesser Undead) - all undead up to level 8 run away in fear. Valid for 30 seconds.
  • Scare away the undead(Turn Undead) - undead up to level 13 run away in fear. Valid for 30 seconds.

Spells of this level can only be purchased after reaching a recovery skill level of 40.


  • Circle of Protection(Circle of Protection) - all undead up to level 30 that enter the circle run away in fear.
  • Great Healing(Grand Healing) - heals everyone around for 200 health points.
  • Repel the Undead(Repel Undead) - all undead up to level 16 run away in fear. Valid for 30 seconds.
  • Scare away the big undead(Turn Greater Undead) - all undead up to level 21 run away in fear. Valid for 30 seconds.

Spells of this level can only be purchased after reaching a recovery skill level of 70.


  • Death of the Undead(Bane of the Undead) - Sets undead on fire up to level 45 and causes them to run away in fear. Valid for 30 seconds.
  • Protective circle(Guardian Circle) - all undead up to level 35 that enter the circle run away in fear. Once inside, you are healed for 20 health points per second.

To learn master level spells, you must first level up your recovery skill to 90, and then complete the quest from Colette Marence at (College of Winterhold). After that, you will receive the Bane of the Undead spell and the opportunity to buy the rest of the master level spells.