
World Children's Day June 1st. International Children's Day - history of the holiday, symbolism. How Russia celebrates Children's Day

World Children's Day June 1st.  International Children's Day - history of the holiday, symbolism.  How Russia celebrates Children's Day

International Children's Day has been celebrated on June 1 for several decades in more than 60 countries. It was officially celebrated for the first time in 1950, but its origins children's day happened in the 20s of the last century.

Few people know that in 2016 Patriarch Kirill International Day Children's Protection has dedicated a special appeal for donations to support women in crisis situations. On May 29, the last Sunday of the month, it was read out in every church, accompanied by the collection of funds for the creation of humanitarian aid centers for women expecting a child. Fundraising, which took place throughout the country, brought in 38 million rubles, which should be used to create new humanitarian aid centers.

The significance of International Children's Day in Russia

In Russia, the holiday continues to be celebrated on a grand scale. It has never been and is not a day off, but it is on this day that the favorite time of schoolchildren starts - summer holidays. Schools and preschool institutions traditionally host sport competitions, competitions, concerts, joint film screenings and other entertainment events.

Following good traditions, children's drawing competitions are held in city squares and parks. Just like decades ago, kids draw the sun, peaceful sky, mom and dad holding hands on the asphalt. Loving parents try to spend this day with their child and give him a festive mood with the help of accessible entertainment.

Authoritative adults gather to decide pressing issues, and generous sponsors coincide with the holiday financial assistance. Special attention is given to helping orphanages, large families, to the kids from dysfunctional families and children suffering from serious illnesses.

Background and history of the International Children's Day

History knows that in 1925, on the very first day of summer, the Consul General of China in San Francisco found children who had lost their parents and organized for them National holiday- Duanwu jie, commonly known as the Dragon Boat Festival. In parallel with this event, the first international conference was held in Geneva on the first day of June to consider pressing problems well-being of the younger generation. These events contributed to the emergence of the idea of ​​a holiday dedicated to children.

The holiday was officially established in post-war 1949 at the November Congress of the International Democratic Federation of Women. The first Children's Day in world history was celebrated on June 1, 1950, and events dedicated to it were held in 51 countries around the world. The purpose of these events was to draw attention to the non-children's problems of those who cannot fend for themselves. First of all, the organizers wanted to protect children from hunger and war. At this conference, they vowed to do everything possible to maintain peace throughout the planet.

The UN approved the initiative and contributed to the protection of the younger generation. In 1959, she drew up the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which included a number of articles providing legal protection for minors. The Declaration had no legal force, but its recommendations were readily accepted in many states.

30 years later, in November 1989, the UN prepared the Convention on the Rights of the Child - the main document defining the responsibilities of states towards children. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR ratified convection on July 13, 1990, and on September 15 it came into force. In total, the document contains 54 articles regulating the rights of children and the responsibilities of adults towards them.

International Children's Day is also unique in that it has its own flag. The planet Earth is depicted on a lush green background, around which there are colorful figures symbolizing children holding hands.

The favorite time of year for all schoolchildren - summer - begins with International Children's Day. This one is bright and joyful holiday appeared quite a long time ago and has an interesting history.

International Children's Day - history of the holiday

At the beginning of the last century, the Chinese consul decided to gather children who had lost their parents on June 1 and arrange a holiday for them. IN Chinese traditions this celebration was called the Dragon Boat Festival. On the same day, a conference was held on the problems of the younger generation. Thanks to these two events, the idea arose to establish a holiday dedicated to children.

In the post-war years, concern for the health and well-being of children around the world was very important. During the war, many of them lost their relatives and friends and were left orphans. In 1949, at the Women's Congress in Paris, its representatives called on all people to fight for peace. After all, only he can provide happy life our children. During this period, International Children's Day was established; the holiday was celebrated for the first time on June 1, 1950, and since then it has been held annually.

In 1959, the United Nations announced the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, whose recommendations for the protection of children were adopted by many states around the world. And already in 1989, this organization approved the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which defines the responsibilities of all states towards their minor citizens. The document spells out the responsibilities of adults and children's rights.

International Children's Day - facts

For more than half a century, international children's party bought my own flag. The green background is a symbol of harmony, growth, fertility and freshness. In the center is an image of the Earth - our home. Around this sign are five stylized multi-colored children's figures holding hands, which represent tolerance and diversity.

Unfortunately, today many children around the world need treatment and die without receiving it. Many children are starving without their own home. They do not have the opportunity to study at school. And how many children are used as free labor and even sold into slavery! Such glaring facts call on all adults to stand up for childhood. Moreover, you need to think about these questions not just once a year, but every day. After all, healthy children are the happy future of our planet.

International Children's Day - events

For International Children's Day, many schools and kindergartens hold traditional celebrations. Various sports competitions are organized for children, concerts are held, and children participate in competitions with gifts and surprises. Many cities hold asphalt drawing competitions. Most parents arrange for their children on this day family holidays and entertainment.

All over the world, in honor of Children's Day, charity events to raise funds for children, who have no parents. After all, these children are completely dependent on us adults.

Visits to children's institutions by sponsors who provide financial assistance to children have become traditional for this holiday. Orphanages, hospitals and hospices that house seriously ill children deserve special attention from adults.

Childhood is the most carefree and happiest time in life. However, unfortunately, not all adults have such joyful memories of their childhood. Therefore, it is so important to make every effort to ensure that our children and grandchildren in the future have only warm memories of their childhood years.

Children are the best thing on our planet. Their laughter makes people happier and kinder. How you want to never see tears and sadness in a child’s eyes. And how wonderful it is that the first day of summer is officially declared International Children's Day. Do you know about this holiday? If not, hurry up and find out.

On June 1, many countries on our planet celebrate International Children's Day. No one can answer why exactly on the first of June. They don't know. They appointed it and that’s it! But the history of the appearance of the marked date is very interesting.

In 1925 everything happened. The conference addressed the issue of the well-being of children in Geneva. During the conference, a decision was made to set a date for the special day.

There are several versions as to who exactly invented such a holiday. Children began to be celebrated one by one after the Chinese consul, having gathered homeless orphans from China, gave them a fun holiday-festival of dragon boats. The celebration took place in San Francisco. They say that everything was organized precisely on June 1. And on this day, that same conference was taking place in Geneva.

There is also another version of the creation of the holiday. And the story is connected with the Second World War. After the war, many children were left orphans. The children, left without parental care or shelter over their heads, were sick and hungry. Infant mortality has increased.

In 1949, at a Paris conference, a slogan was heard calling for the fight for the happiness of children, in whom the future of all humanity lies. Exactly one year later, the first holiday was organized - International Children's Day. Since then it has been held every year.

Features of a children's party

A very interesting fact - the celebration of Children's Day was supported by many. For example, in the USSR it was decided that children's birthdays would begin on June 1st. On this day, trips to cinemas, excursions, competitions and relay races were organized. The main participants of the celebration are, of course, children. But parents also take an active part.

The international flag has its own unique flag, which is simply impossible to confuse with any other. Against a green background, children's multi-colored figures are located around. Each element depicted on the flag is symbolic. Green color implies harmony and prosperity, purity and fertility. Globe - general native home. Human figures are children of the Earth.

How to celebrate a children's holiday?

Of course, for a child, every day should be like a holiday. But June 1 is a special day. Adults, put your work aside on International Children's Day! Dedicate yourself to the kids. Go for a walk with the whole family, attend fun children's events, please them with sweets and gifts. Let the children laugh and be happy.

Also, on International Children’s Day, do not forget about those who do not know and do not remember parental warmth. For example, visit an orphanage and give gifts to the children at the orphanage. They will be very happy. Believe me, in these touching moments you will feel immense happiness from the fact that, thanks to you, these lonely little hearts have become a little happier.

Celebrated in Europe, Asia and other parts of the world. This is a large-scale international holiday with a long history. Its main “mission” is to solve children’s problems, protect against psychological and physical violence, get rid of labor conscription, antisocial behavior of loved ones and abuse from adults. As well as helping sick children, orphans with living parents, the disadvantaged and the hungry.

History of Childhood Day

In 1925, the Chinese Consul General in San Francisco organized a colorful Dragon Boat Festival for children who were left without parents. The children were given memorable gifts. A year before the significant event, the Assembly of the League of Nations was held in Geneva, where the welfare of children was discussed. The Declaration of the Rights of the Child was published with 5 main “protective postulates” - food, shelter, freedom from exploitation, medical care, means for intellectual and physical development.

This was a real breakthrough in the field of child protection. After all long years exclusive rights belonged only to parents, who disposed of children as a personal asset, property. They decided whether the child should study, where to get an education, who to become, when and who to marry. Children were subject to parental will, remaining timid and submissive executors of imposed attitudes.

Until the 19th century, children who broke the law were sent to prisons where adults were kept and received exactly the same punishment. The death penalty was no exception. It was only at the turn of the century that separate courts for minors and “lighter” sentences with correctional practice began to appear. The state has taken upon itself the function of replacing parents in special cases.
The holiday of June 1 was first celebrated in 1950. The initiators of the celebration were women who were concerned about the issue of disadvantaged children and orphans left homeless. The main message of the holiday was to protect children from the horrors of war and hunger.

Holiday attributes

The Convention on the Rights of the Child was published in 1959, but in Russia it was ratified 31 years later. The main “children's document” prescribes full equality in the sphere of upbringing, education, social security and development, regardless of skin color, nationality, or origin of the child.

Defense Day has its own flag; it depicts small multi-colored figures holding hands and “circling” the globe in a friendly round dance. This symbolizes diversity and tolerance towards each other, and our common home - the Earth.

What do they do on this day

Traditionally, competitions, concerts, sporting events, master classes, exhibitions of children's drawings, film shows, etc. are held. Particular attention is paid to children from orphanages, children from large and disadvantaged families, as well as disabled children, refugees and migrants. Volunteers organize holiday events and give gifts to young patients of rehabilitation centers. Frequent occurrence June 1 – actions and rallies against abortion.

The key task of Children's Day is to clearly demonstrate that every child has the right to a happy childhood. Adults must protect and protect the touching space called Childhood from negative influence gadgets, early sexual activity, violence, hunger, disease. The motto of the holiday is “There are no other people’s children!”

We were all once kids - defenseless, tender and mischievous. And each of us remembers that childhood is a time when a person can do something just like that, because he is a child. It is the preservation of such happiness that is one of the most global and primary tasks that people around the world are engaged in. And even the holiday of childhood is not called something, but we will talk about it today.

The history of the Children's Day holiday goes back to the first half of the 20th century. At the World Conference in Geneva, which took place in 1925 and was entirely devoted to the problems of the well-being of young citizens, it was decided to create a holiday in their honor.

Celebrating Children's Day also began in 1925. According to one version, this happened thanks to Chinese diplomats. It was they who organized the Dragon Boat Festival in San Francisco on June 1, 1925, especially for little Chinese orphans living in the United States. The idea was liked by many heads of state, and now the history of the Children's Day holiday can safely begin counting from this date. However, its full formation occurred only in 1949, when the Second World War was finished. Despite the fact that 24 years have passed since the Geneva Conference, the problems of child protection remain the same. After the war, many children were left orphans who suffered all the hardships of this harsh time. They lost the most basic things - food and shelter. In this regard, at the Women's Congress in Paris, for the first time, an oath was taken to fight for and for the well-being of young citizens as its basis. The history of Children's Day acquired an international dimension in 1951. It was then that the United Nations took it under the auspices of the United Nations and gave this celebration international status.

The history of the Children's Day holiday is especially vivid in countries that have chosen socialism as the main direction of development. So, in the USSR, on this day they began and the children were given a magnificent celebration with sports parades, screenings of new films in cinemas, gifts and treats.

Today, festive events are also held around the world on June 1 - exhibitions of children's creativity, charity events and concerts aimed at helping children from disadvantaged regions, sick children and those who, for one reason or another, were left without parental care. In addition, the media actively include programs and films for such an audience in their programs. Many trading companies arrange the distribution of prizes and gifts for the little citizens of their country.

Such is the long and interesting story holiday. Children's Day is now celebrated in 61 countries around the world. It even has its own flag - five children's figures on a green background different colors located around a stylized globe. It symbolizes tolerance and friendship between peoples, because we all live on the same planet.