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Humorous congratulations on Girlfriend's Day. Funny birthday greetings for a friend: how to congratulate a friend with humor. Funny humorous birthday greetings to a friend from a male friend

Humorous congratulations on Girlfriend's Day.  Funny birthday greetings for a friend: how to congratulate a friend with humor.  Funny humorous birthday greetings to a friend from a male friend

A friend was born today,
And then the axes of the planets began to spin!
She completely amazed everyone with her smile
And opened the doors to the Universe!

Always illuminate with your positivity,
Amaze us with your charm and humor,
Let men fall in stacks,
Let there always be reasons for happiness!

My dear friend, I wish you today
Find yourself a hero, and no less than a king.
A wizard is needed, no other way, be careful not to confuse him with a macho,
May he adore you and lay the whole world at his feet.
You will live richly with him all your life and rake in money with a shovel,
Build a golden castle, always look cool,
Give birth to a bunch of kids, and call me to be godparent.
Love, health, widowhood. I love you, kiss you, happy birthday!

Happy Birthday! Like a friend
I know all your dreams
tears, troubles and illnesses,
Cockroaches and show-offs.

Congratulations, I wish
Fashionable dresses, hats and fur coats,
Armfuls of roses, live playing,
Grabbing time by the forelock.

Let there be millions of outfits hanging in the closets,
There will be a prince who is truly in love with you,
Let your smile simply delight everyone,
And let the sharp mind surprise you immensely!

Be restless, striving for success above,
To achieve everything yourself, girlfriend, in life,
And let the bird of happiness support your aspirations,
May everything really come true! Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday, girlfriend!
You are a star, even silicone,
Like feathers from a pillow
Doesn't stick out from all sides.
For men, your charisma
More powerful than a love spell
Be cheerful, happiness in life,
May you be lucky in love!

Funny humorous birthday greetings to a friend from a male friend

Happy Birthday, friend!
Accept wishes from a friend today:
I want you to shine positively
Inspired the male gender to great deeds!

Take cognac and birthday cake,
Let still life make you happy,
Love puts a vice on passion,
And there will be magical, bright days!

Girlfriend, get congratulations from a friend,
With all due respect on your birthday.
I wish you golden rain
He got you wet, more than once, all over your head.
Health so that I can rake in a spoon,
Open and manage your own business.
And so that men are worthy:
They loved, appreciated, gave gifts.
And the one who will become the only one in life,
Let it be beautiful and nontrivial,
So that your kids are smart,
And so that without marriage - both the daughter and the boy.

On your birthday it’s time to confess:
I'm tired of being silent and hiding.
I'll spin you around in a crazy dance,
To wish you happiness.

You are as beautiful as Beretta -
Deadly pistol.
A look is like a shot, you hurt with a gesture,
There is nothing more dangerous for men.

Let there be a house in the Bahamas,
Where everyone sunbathes in Panama hats,
So that you swim in the ocean,
I always rode a banana!

And I, your friend, came to visit,
There in the casino I would throw dice...
I wish you, in general, pleasure,
Warmth, cheers! Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday! From a cool girl
Everything in life should be fine -
Let him love such a little devil
Promising cool bachelor!
I'm ready to become his best friend
After all, I wish you from the bottom of my heart
To be happy, loved, friend,
And good luck, great success!

Funny, humorous, short birthday greetings to a friend in verse

Happy Birthday, friend! Have some sparkling wine!
I wish you Fortune and radiant Happiness,
A generous, kind, passionate lover,
Paths of the delightful and beautiful!

Let the modern prince be dashing
He'll come after you in a Bentley.
He will call you beloved
Will give you a personal helicopter.
So that on any of your birthdays
Gather your friends without delay.

Happy Birthday! Everything is younger
You, my friend, are braver.
Age is less - so is the skirt,
Legs, waist - OK!

Be the queen of beauty, charm,
Let only princes invite you on dates,
After all, you, girlfriend, are truly worthy of admiration!
So be really happy! Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday my friend,
Life is a fun voyage!
Sing with happiness like a bird
Be as beautiful as a mirage!

Happy birthday greetings to a friend, funny, humorous in prose

I wish, friend, on your Day of the appearance of champagne, the sea and rivers of positivity, may the long-awaited prince appear from the cake, and may you amaze us all with a marvelous appearance! Let Happiness and Fortune intertwine in your beautiful and bright destiny! Let the stamp of beauty, goddess and fairy pave the way to your cherished dreams! Always be yourself, cheerful, inspired, and charge us with life’s energy!

My dear friend, I want to wish you everything at once. May a truck with good luck and goodness, love and happiness turn over at your feet. Take them and lead them to the house of your dreams, that piece of paradise that you will create on earth with your beloved and loving, one and only man. May fate be favorable to you and put an invisibility cap on you in time to protect you from envious people and hunters of other people's goods. Happy Birthday to You!

Dear girlfriend! Are you ready for eulogies and compliments? Today they are addressed to you in full. Only I will scold you on your birthday. After all, only I know how impudently you work, like a bee, building a career; how outrageously caring you are with children; How hideously you adore your loving spouse. Your dancing gait and gentle shining eyes cause malicious irritation, envy and spoil the health of ill-wishers. If this continues, they will become extinct! Happiness to you!

Dear girlfriend! With your friends, be a perky and cheerful Squirrel, with your family - a sweet and nice Kitten, at work - an invincible and strong Panther, and with your loved one - a chic and passionate Lioness! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday, girlfriend! Stay delightful, charming and young, be cheerful and happy! I wish that you always want to have fun from the heart and have something to sincerely laugh at! The main thing is that your salary, your man and your achievements are not funny! Let love be hot, desires burning, heart fiery, eyes burning, but the mind remains cold and finances do not melt!

Girlfriend, happy birthday!
Today is your holiday.
I wish you good mood.
Dance, walk and sing.

Let them come true today
Desires and dreams.
I wish you happiness,
And eternal beauty!

Let life be fun
And for many years!
Don't let the money run out
Never in pockets.

Smiles and fun
Fortune and victories!
I wish you a joyful life,
Without sorrow and troubles.

Happy birthday, girlfriend.
Aren't you an old lady there yet?
Maybe sand is falling?
Or a gray hair?

Don't be sad, don't be discouraged,
Don't take everything seriously
Don't keep track of numbers,
Age is within us...

My dear friend, today I want to wish you eternal joy and drive in life. May your prince never turn out to be a pedal horse, may your carriage never turn into a pumpkin, may your happiness not be limited by time. My peach, I wish you to become juicier and plumper every day, tastier and more appetizing. Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday!
Quickly put your pocket in:
Luck will fall there
And good luck kilogram.

A couple of centners of fun,
Laughter, happiness and love,
And the route to cherished goals,
And three tons of success.

Many bright adventures
Joys are the envy of everyone,
There's no doubt left
So much space there!

We've eaten a pound of salt over the years,
Darling, we are with you.
Tears were shed, songs were sung,
You have always been with me.

Happy birthday
And I hasten to tell you:
I'm with such a nice friend
It's easy to walk according to fate.

Be healthy and loved,
Find happiness in life.
May the sun always shine
In the island of your soul.

Happy birthday,
I wish everyone to be happier!
Let success run wild
He'll give it to your wallet as soon as possible.

Let love and luck go together
They give you everything you need
The days will become clear, simple,
And dreams will come true!

Happy birsday, my dear!
Don't even count age:
Let love play in your heart,
And May dances in my soul.

Let it swirl like a colored blizzard
Inspiration is a whirlwind,
And a puddle will spill at your feet
Fantastic victories!

Let life play the accordion,
Will give you a gold Ferrari
And happiness like a fabulous wave
Let him take you with him.

I wish you to sparkle with love,
And all your dreams will soon come true.
May the days be joyful
Only the lights of victory glow.

Let the barriers be broken down
More banknotes are only a reward.
May your life be filled with luck.
My friend, happy birthday!

Happy birthday my friend.
Let the blizzard in life subside.
I always wish you
And the Bahamas and Hawaii,
In stores - everything is at a discount,
And work so that - with a smile.
May you always be loved
To be carried in your arms,
So that breakfasts are in bed,
At Disneyland there are carousels,
And the walks are somewhere in Nice.
No calories for pizza,
A bag - for every pair of shoes,
And for dinner - truffle.
So that the fans crowd
Followed you
So that there is plenty of everything,
And so that you love yourself!

Happy Birthday dear!
May your wishes come true,
A fairy tale comes into your life,
Warming the heart with affection.

So that the Firebird sits next to you
And she sang songs about happiness,
Let the gray wolf lie down at your feet,
Helped, loved, guarded.

Let the palaces and decorations
They give you without a doubt
And prances under the window
A prince with a salary and a horse!

Happy Birthday Beauty!
Just live the way you like
Light, happiness will increase,
And the envious ones will hang themselves.

Let fate love, tenderness
Will reward with great haste,
And the face shines with freshness,
And the problems will go away!

Well, hello, dear friend.
Good luck to my youth.
Happy Birthday! Where is the mug?
Hurry up and pour some champagne.

You're the only one I have
You can't find any closer relatives,
I have known you for a hundred thousand years
We are always on the same path with you.

Well? Is the champagne ready?
I'll be there for an hour, of course.
I wish you one thing again -
Good luck! I am always with you.

May there be good luck now
Your faithful companion,
To buy a dacha by the sea,
The money will accumulate quickly!

In life, everything works out,
It’s not for nothing that I was born,
Miracle maiden beauty,
Happy Birthday to You!

Happy birthday my friend!
On this day I wish you
So that the butt is elastic,
The guys looked away.

Let the money flow into your pockets,
To make your head hurt,
Because you don't know
Where to spend them now?

Your life will be wonderful
Like in the Brazilian series.
Be cheerful, bright, passionate,
It's like you're at a carnival!

Happy birthday, girlfriend!
Let fate take you by the ear
And it will lead to luck,
And it will save you from adversity.

Will give success in its turn,
And he pokes his face at love,
Well, if you're lucky,
That will dip you into money!

Happy Birthday!
Let happiness flood your soul,
And joy will burst through the doors,
To smile more often.

The house will seize prosperity,
Life brings successes,
All wishes will come true -
They won't ask permission!

My dear friend,
Today is your birthday.
Martini filled to the brim
Champagne flows like a river.

Dance and laugh until you drop,
Let bright days whirlpool,
Easily bypassing all obstacles,
Will bring love and joy.

I also wish with all my heart
Stay like this forever
The way I know you:
Beautiful, daring, mischievous.

From the bottom of my heart on your birthday
I want to tell you:
You, friend, are a sight for sore eyes,
You are a dream, neither give nor take!

How beautiful Marilyn Monroe is
I see you like this:
You walk lightly, playfully
Line through men in love,

Someone fainted
Someone quietly sobbed
The blind man who has not fallen in love
You, my friend, are ideal!

Your holiday has come - see you soon!
Now receive my congratulations.
Rings for all fingers, right down to the little finger,
Let it be delivered to you as a gift from the prince!

Girlfriend, I wish your skin to glow
And I never knew the captivity of wrinkles.
So that your chest is like when you were seventeen, and your waist is narrower!
At the same time, sweets to eat for dinner...

I wish you to fall in love and always be loved!
Send all problems... Let them pass by!
Oh, you have a hundred beautiful plans!
Your soul simply sparkles with positivity.

There are lights in the eyes, but there is a fire in the heart...
Look! Look! Happiness colorful ball,
Breaking through the blue of the clouds, with acceleration
It's already rushing towards you! Hey, catch it! Happy Birthday!

I want to wish my friend
So that she can handle everything,
So that her home is full,
So that there is a lot of happiness in him,

So that everyone at work is appreciated,
So that they pay her a lot of money,
So that fitness would benefit her,
So that excess weight gone to "no"

So that every year - beach and sand,
Health is a cartload.
And to get under the heel
Real cool guy!

Get money in bags
And spend it on entertainment as soon as possible.
Don't be sad about trifles
And don't share your luck.

I wish you a closet full of new things,
Make men's heads spin.
Don’t be afraid to give a reason for gossip,
Know that life belongs to you!

Not everyone decides to present happy birthday greetings to a friend with humor. Such congratulations are only suitable if there really is a relationship between you and the birthday girl. real friendship. Friendship that cannot be described in words. You can only feel it and enjoy it. Friends always develop trusting relationships, so you don’t have to worry that a humorous approach to the matter will somehow offend or alienate her.

Indeed, humorous birthday greetings for a friend are quite difficult to find. It’s even more difficult to come up with them. But we hasten to assure you that thanks to us you won’t have to invent or search for anything. Everything that can be found on the Internet has already been collected in this section of our website. You can look at the offered options right now and give preference to one of them. However, nothing prevents you from telling several funny poems to your friend at once. Yes, yes, we offer humorous poems.

A rhyme, easy in presentation and emotional in content, will become ideal option For funny congratulations. So hurry up and grab some humorous birthday greetings for your friend and make her day a little brighter!

Happy birthday my friend!
Let everything be with you:
And the penthouse and the servants,
Your own yacht!

In the center is a personal apartment,
Dress in boutiques
And only rage with fat,
And live like in your dreams!

So that the boss doesn't whine at work,
So that I have enough energy for shopping,
May your friend be like Tarzan!
And I told you about love!

And gave me a diamond
So, well, a billion rubles!
Girlfriend, I wish this
And happy birthday!

Eh, my friend, how good you are, dear,
You are so smart, skillful, so beautiful,
Each of the men always wants you,
And in a dream he hugs you by the waist.

On your birthday, I hasten to hug you,
And I want to wish you to find someone worthy,
To love like no one else on this earth,
I wish only the best for you, my dear friend.

Dear friend, I’ll tell you today without hiding,
Thank you for being with me.
Let's celebrate your birthday properly,
Let's plunge into different entertainment with you headlong.

Let's have a party, so much so that everyone knew it,
What you best friend in the city, in the country and on earth.
Very dear, I cherish you in my life,
I won’t hesitate to tell you about it directly.

Well, girlfriend, happy birthday,
Let there be only luck in life!
Love - balloon huge,
The spouse is reliable, faithful, modest.

Mink coat, a million to boot,
Limousine with driver, dacha in the Canary Islands.
May cherished dreams always come true,
And let your true friends not be forgotten!

Always catch men's gazes,
And only choose a prince!
And money - we don’t need enough -
May life resemble paradise!

Let your hair be stylish
And cellulite is alien to the figure,
Personal life - loving,
After all, sex gives us health!

What can I wish for you, dear?!
Eat the Bounty and you will feel a little bit of heaven,
And with the oligarch it’s a little muddy,
Live a little on stately Rublyovka.

Fly to the Caribbean, dear,
Take pictures of everything in the dignity magazine,
Then your dreams will come true,
Then you will be happy, dear!

I wish you more inspiration,
So that everything in life works out for sure,
May your birthday be fun
May you always celebrate him like this.

And I want a faithful friend,
She always greeted us with a smile,
Let goodness come to the house soon,
Dear, I love you very much.

Let Bentley drive up to the house,
Prince Charming is coming to you
And takes him to the Maldives,
And let him carry a fur coat in his hands.

Believe me, dreaming is not harmful at all,
It's even useful sometimes
I wish you faith on your birthday,
That everything always comes true!

My best friend loves you like a sister,
Happy birthday with all my heart,
All the most best wishes only for you,
I wish you health, like granite and a sea of ​​​​happiness,

I want an angel to always protect you,
I also want the moon to illuminate the road at night,
Let the wind sing for you every morning,
And every moment brings only joy,

Our friendship inspires us,
Such relationships impress many
We are like childhood friends forever,
And we will never betray each other. ©

On a beautiful day I want to congratulate my friend,
And there’s just a ton of compliments to leave her.
After all, you are the best on the entire earthly planet,
And you won’t be more beautiful in this world.

Find your soulmate quickly,
And so that it looks like it’s from a picture.
I didn’t let you out of my hands even for a second,
I accompanied you around the world, everywhere.

I wish you a car and an apartment,
I dream of fulfilling everyone's wishes.
To make your friend smile every day,
So that you get only the best from life. ©

I wish you, friend,
A great friend in life,
So that you all shine with happiness
And I never knew trouble in my life.

Your salary is decent,
So that everything goes well in your personal life,
May all your wishes come true
Only declarations of love sound!

I wish you on your birthday
Relax without regrets
Gather your friends quickly
Pour champagne for everyone! ©

You were born into this world
And fate connected us with you,
My dear friend,
I congratulate you on your birthday,

I wish you the sweetest life,
I wish you sunny minutes,
I wish you bright thoughts
And don't let them betray you

Have a great mood,
On a wonderful birthday holiday,
I wish you faith and miracles,
May there be happiness to the skies. ©

Let all the riches of the world be yours,
There is so much love and kindness in your heart,
We consider each other family since childhood,
Happy birthday to my best friend,

May our ideas always flourish,
May great success await you ahead,
Let your heart never know sadness,
And may luck keep pace with you,

Build your life, everything is in your hands,
And may your guardian angel help you,
I want to see happiness always in your eyes,
And God our Savior will guide you on the right path. ©

This day is filled with warmth,
From your boundless soul!
May all your wishes come true,
And there will be a sea of ​​love around!

Let your eyes glow with happiness,
And a smile gives warmth to everyone!
Believe that everything will change for the better,
And success will be with you forever!

Congratulations on your birthday,
My dear friend!
I wish you inspiration
Boundless love and warmth! ©

I wish my beloved friend,
Look bright, beautiful, elegant.
On your birthday, glow with happiness,
I wish you to dissolve in gifts.

Bathe in care, love, compliments,
And, like a ray of light, always smile.
Be lively and always energetic,
And may everything be fine with your health.

Tenderness, affection for you, more passion,
May everything always be in your power alone.
I wish all your dreams come true,
In life you should enjoy every day. ©

Happy birthday
I want a friend and
For more laughter
In your life and success!

More joyful surprises
Days of fun, optimism,
Have an easy road in life,
So that you don't know the anxiety!

Be the most beautiful
Amazingly happy!
Know that I love you
And I give you this poem! ©

I am my dear friend
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
I wish I could go to hell
The simple way.

Neither a nail nor a rod for you,
No snake, no spider.
No sorrow, no sadness
You never knew!

Don't be sad, friend!
On your birthday,
I'll send it from the bottom of my heart
Strongly, sincerely loving! ©

On my friend's birthday I wish
A sea of ​​happiness and joyful days,
May luck be with you,
There will be many reliable friends!

Let love be the reward of the heart,
So that I can treasure her,
Let the obstacles disappear from the road,
So that you can swim to your goal.

Let hope inspire you,
Stay like this forever
Let it shine above you in the sky
Guiding star of life! ©