
Lesson designing the topic of dishes for the senior group. GCD Cognition Constructive activity "Cup (origami)" in the middle group. Topic “Description of utensils”, “Cognition”

Lesson designing the topic of dishes for the senior group.  GCD Cognition Constructive activity

Tsybenkova Anastasia Mikhailovna, Teacher, GBOU gymnasium No. 1272, preschool department “Scarlet Sails”, Moscow.
I offer you a direct summary educational activities for children preparatory group on this topic "Gzhel". This summary is aimed at cultivating interest in folklore.
Target: Learn to make three-dimensional objects from paper.
Educational objectives:
Summarize and clarify children’s knowledge about culture and what folk art is;
To form an idea of ​​Gzhel painting.
Educational tasks:
Foster love and respect for your culture.
Developmental tasks:
Development of coherent speech, enrichment of vocabulary: Gzhel, culture, porcelain, service,
Demo material:
Table "Why": A teapot made of paper with Gzhel painting, dishes and figurines with Gzhel painting, illustrations with Gzhel painting; assessment school, 3 flowers different color and a bee (with the faces of children).
Handout: Half sheet of A4 paper, scissors, glue, oilcloth, rags, Gzhel pattern.

Progress of the lesson:

I draw your attention to the corner “Why”
- Guys, what topic are we going through now?
Children's answers: Culture
-Children, what are the “why” things on our table?

Children's answers: Items with Gzhel painting
-Look, what's new here?
Children's answers: A teapot with Gzhel painting (made of paper) and sheets of paper.
-What is the teapot made of?
Children's answers: From paper
-What is a kettle for?
Children's answers: To drink tea.
-What are the sheets of paper for?
Children's answers: Children's thoughts
- Guys, what are the dishes with Gzhel painting made from?
Children's answers: made of porcelain.
-What do we need to have a tea party?
Children's answers: Cups and saucers!
The children stand around the steel. The teacher demonstrates how to make a cup and saucer from crumpled paper.
-Take a landscape sheet and crumple it, then straighten it and crumple it again.
-After this, we form the main part of the cup, roll the ball and find the middle, straightening the edges. (gluing it with glue)
-What is the cup missing?
Children's answers: pens
-Twist a pen from a piece of paper.
-So we have a cup! But we don't have a saucer yet.
-From the second part of the paper we form a circle, gluing it from the bottom of the cut. And we raise the sides like a saucer.
-We’ve got cups and saucers, but what’s missing?
Children's answers: Gzhel painting.
-You have patterns for this, you need to cut them out and glue them to your cups.
I distribute the children into teams using three different colored flowers and bees.
Children sit at tables (tables already set)
-The first team makes cups.
-The second team makes saucers.
-And the third team cuts out patterns.
Children do the work, and the teacher provides assistance at this time.
Then, all together, the children assemble the saucers and cups into one composition with a teapot.
- Guys who have completed your assignment, rate yourself on the rating scale.
- Guys, will there be a tea party now?
Children's answers: Yes!
-What a great fellow you are!!! This concludes our lesson.

Equipment: a bag with doll dishes (plate, cup, saucepan, frying pan, spoon, fork, knife, ladle, teapot), doll, illustrations (salt shaker, butter dish, gravy boat, sugar bowl, candy bowl, tureen), plates (salad bowls) (glass, wooden, plastic, metal, porcelain), cut-out pictures with images.

Progress of the lesson to study the topic “Utensils”

1. Lesson “Magic bag”

“I have this beautiful bag, and there’s something in it.” Let's see what's inside?
Children take turns taking objects out of the bag.
Children (3-4 years old) - one object at a time, name it and put it on the table.
The older ones try to guess the object by touch, take it out and put it on the table.

2. Conversation

— How can you call all these objects in one word?
- Why do we need it?
For children (3-4 years old) they name a specific item and ask what we need it for.

3. Lesson “Feed Masha”

— The doll Masha came to visit us. And as is customary, guests must be treated to something.
— Let's prepare lunch for our guest. What do we need for this? (Pot, ladle, frying pan) The utensils that we need for cooking are called kitchen utensils.
- Let's feed Masha our lunch. What will we take for this? (Deep plate, shallow plate, fork, spoon) The dishes from which we eat are called tableware, and what we use is called cutlery.
- Well, after lunch you can give Masha some delicious tea. Take the dishes that we need for this (teapot, saucer, cup, teaspoon). It's called a tea room.

4. Physical education lesson “Here is a big glass teapot”

5. Lesson “What is it stored in?”

Illustrations are posted on the board.
Children (5-7 years old) say the answer themselves.
An adult helps the younger ones.
— Sugar (in a sugar bowl)
- Salt
- Pepper
- Oil
- Bread
- Candies
- Sauce
— Tureen

6. Lesson “What dishes are made of”

An adult places plates (salad bowls) on the table.
- How are all these objects similar? (form, purpose)
- What is the difference? (color, material of manufacture)
— Dishes are made from different materials.

Tell me the name of the dishes made from:
(Older children name it themselves, younger children with the help of an adult)
— If you drop a glass plate, what happens to it?
— If you drop a spoon on the floor, what happens to it?

7. Activity “Collect the fragments”

Children are given pictures of objects cut into several parts.
We need to collect pictures.
“I wasn’t careful today and broke several objects.” Collect the pictures and find out what was broken.

8. K. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief”

- Let’s remember the fairy tale “Fedorino’s grief.”
- What happened to Fedora?
- Why did the dishes run away from her?
— How should you care for plates, forks, and spoons?

9. Summary of the lesson

— Today we talked about dishes, that they are very important and necessary in our lives. We found out that it can be a tea room, a kitchen room, or a dining room. They make it out of various materials, so it comes in glass, porcelain, wood, and metal. Some materials make it strong, while others make it fragile and can be broken. The dishes must be handled very carefully, washed and put back in their places.

Video lesson “Dishes”

Card index

didactic games and exercises on the topic "Utensils"
(senior group)

Development of visual attention, ability to correlate colors.
Activation of the dictionary on the topic.
Development of fine motor skills of the fingers.
The teacher invites the children to choose from the utensils placed on the table those that are needed for tea drinking. The children’s task is to set the table for tea with a blue napkin (the dishes are chosen of blue color), work with other colors is carried out similarly.

Development of auditory attention.
Formation of logical thinking and phrasal speech.
The teacher says that mother is very tired, invites the children to help her wash and dry the dishes, and clarifies which dishes are washed (dirty) and which ones are dried (wet). Then the teacher calls: WET PLATE, the children answer: WE WILL WIPE UP; teacher - DIRTY PAN, children - WE WILL WASH, etc.
Development of visual attention and memory.
Activation of the dictionary on the topic.
Practical use of a simple sentence.
On the table in front of the children are cards with pictures of dishes or doll dishes (up to 5 items). The teacher examines and names it together with the children. Then he invites the children to close their eyes - to “rest”, and removes one object. When children open their eyes, they name which dish “broke.” You can put away unbreakable dishes, drawing the attention of children to the fact that this item cannot be broken.
Activation of the dictionary on the topic.
Formation of the diminutive form of nouns in the singular.
Game "Three Bears":
Three bears came to the kitchenware store. Children are sellers. They offer the bears dishes according to their size, and tell why the little bear needs a plate, and the big bear needs a plate.
Game situation “What’s in the bag?”
- Guys, today there is something interesting for you in a wonderful bag. Lower the handle and take it out. Pot, kettle, frying pan, plate, spoon, cup, knife. All these items can be called in one word - dishes.

D educational exercise “What is this?”
This is a saucepan. You can cook soup in it. This is a plate. You can put food in it. This is a spoon. You can use a spoon to scoop up food and put it in your mouth. This is a cup. You can pour tea into it and drink it. This is a knife. They can be used to cut bread. This is a frying pan. You can fry cutlets on it.
Didactic game“Place the food on plates”
- Look what products we have: green cucumbers, red apples, yellow pears, blue plums. You need to place these products on plates of the same color.
Applique and modeling “Tea set”
- There is a table in front of you (drawing).
- Show me where the plate, large napkin, and small napkins are on the table. How many large napkins? One large napkin. How many small napkins? Two small napkins. Take the boxes and see what's in them. Teapot and cups.
- How many cups? Two cups. How many teapots? One kettle. Place napkins, teapot and cups. There is only one kettle and it is large, so you put it on one large napkin. There are two cups and they are small, so you placed them on two small napkins. Now glue the teapot and cups.
- Now it would be nice to make bagels for tea. Take plasticine and roll it out into a thin sausage. Take it by the ends with both hands and wrap it into a ring. Connect the ends. It turned out to be a bagel. Place it on the plate and press down with your palm. Sprinkle poppy seeds on top and press with your finger. Make another bagel in the same way.
Didactic game “What’s missing?”
- There are dishes in front of you: a saucepan, a cup, a spoon, a plate. Remember them. Now I will cover the dishes with a handkerchief, and when I open it, something will be missing. What is missing?
Breathing exercise “Shoo, fly, fly away”
(Performed to the song of the same name).
- A fly flew in and landed on the dishes. - Shoo, fly, fly away! You have no business doing anything on our dishes. Blow on the fly to make it fly away. (Cut out drawings of flies are distributed to the children. The exercise is repeated several times).
Finger gymnastics “Helper”
Our Antoshka washes the dishes. (Rub your palms apart)
Washes fork, cup, spoon. (Extend your fingers from the fist, starting with the little finger)
I washed the saucer and glass. And he closed the tap tighter. (Imitating hand movement)
Game with clothespins “Fork”
- Here is a fork without tines. Make tines on the fork using clothespins.

Didactic game “Setting the table”
- In front of you in the picture dark spots- shadows. You need to place a suitable shaped dish on top of each shadow: plate, fork, knife, spoon.

Didactic game “Sorting dishes by size”
We washed the dishes clean. We didn’t forget to dry them: Cups and saucers stand in a row And sparkle in the sun.
- Make a pyramid of cups. Then stack the cups on top of each other.
Musical and rhythmic exercise “We are clinking dishes”
Children make sounds using various utensils to the song “We Clink the Dishes.”
Finger painting "Pan"
- Color the pan: put a fingerprint in the empty circles and paint over the stripes.
Reading the poem "Dishes"
Girl Irinka was putting things in order. Girl Irinka said to the doll: “The napkins should be in the napkin holder. There should be oil in the oil can. There should be some bread in the bread bin. What about salt? Well, of course, in a salt shaker!”
Bas-relief modeling “Decorate the cups”
The cups are new for Mitya. So that he can drink tea, milk and lemonade. We need to decorate the cups.
Pinch off pieces of plasticine and roll into balls. Apply to the cup and press.
Construction “We are waiting for guests”
- The nesting dolls are going to come visit us. The nesting dolls are small and it won’t be possible to seat them at our large table, so we need to make small tables and chairs for the nesting dolls. Take a cube, place it in front of you, and place a brick on top of the cube. Like this. The result is a table. Now let's make a chair. Place it near the table and place a brick behind it. Like this. (Vertical). The result is a chair with a back. And here are the nesting dolls! Have them sit on small chairs. And put the dishes on the table.
Examining plates made from various materials
- Here are the plates in front of you. Let's count them. One two three four. How many plates are there in total? Four plates. All plates are different. Here is a ceramic plate that is well known to everyone. Tap it with a spoon and listen to the sound you get. Here is a metal plate. Tap the spoon on it too. Here is a plastic plate. Tap it. But the plate is wooden. Knock on this plate too.
Didactic exercise “Tricky spoon”
- We will play with a spoon and name the dishes.

Close your eyes, come on, guess which plate the spoon is knocking on.

Didactic game “Cut into two halves”
Using plastic knives, children “cut” vegetables into halves (secured with Velcro).
- How many parts did you cut your product into? Let's count: one, two. You cut it into two halves.
Modeling salt dough “Pancakes in a frying pan”
- Roll out the dough straight into a thick sausage. Cut the sausage into pieces with a knife. Squeeze each piece between your index and thumb, attach to the pan and press.
Exercise “Cooking lunch”
- There are dishes in front of you: a saucepan and a frying pan. Take the food, put it in a pot or pan and put it on the stove.
Didactic exercise “Folding napkins”
- Let's beautifully fold the napkins into a glass.

Program content:

— Strengthen children’s knowledge about dishes.

— Learn to name and distinguish dishes, compose a descriptive story according to plan.

— Build sentences correctly and answer questions fully.

- Develop memory, attention, fine motor skills.

- Develop the ability to listen carefully short stories their comrades on the topic.

- Create a desire to help mom (grandmother) in the kitchen.


Development of all components of oral speech, practical knowledge of speech norms.


Primary ideas about healthy way life.

Physical Culture.

Physical education lesson “I am a grumpy teapot”, finger gymnastics “Dishes”, visual gymnastics in verse.


Didactic game cut-out pictures “Assemble the dishes.”


Solving problems that develop speech:

Game "Compare"

Game "Fourth wheel"

Game "What are the dishes made of"

Game “Each product in its own dish”

Reading fiction.

Work by K.I. Chukovsky "Fedorino's grief". Meet the author (portrait). Guessing riddles on the topic.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Pencil shading.


Toy dishes, objects of real dishes, cut-out pictures of “dishes”, silhouettes of cups for shading, chest, pencils, fairy tale character Fedora (doll), portrait of K.I. Chukovsky.

Vocabulary work: sugar bowl, candy bowl, porcelain bowl, kitchen bowl, tea bowl.

Preliminary work: examining dishes during meals, on duty, reading fairy tales by K. Chukovsky “The Tsokotukha Fly”, “Fedorino’s Mountain”, Russian folk tale“The Fox and the Jug,” guessing and learning riddles about dishes, games: “What’s in what?” (word formation), “On the contrary” (selection of antonym words), “The fourth odd one”, etc.

Educator: Guys, I suggest you finger gymnastics.

One two three four,

(alternating clapping hands and hitting fists against each other)

We washed the dishes:

(one palm slides over the other in a circle)

Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon

And a big ladle.

(bend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb)

We just broke the cup,

The ladle also fell apart,

The teapot's nose is broken.

We broke the spoon a little.

(extend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb)

This is how we helped mom!

(bump your fists together, clap your hands).

Educator: Guys, now you need to solve the riddles.

1. It has a trunk, not an elephant, it bows to the cups. (kettle)

2. It is necessary for us, because we eat food from it, deep and shallow, its name is... (with a plate)

3. In our kitchen we cook porridge, potatoes, broths, soups, pasta... (pot)

4. She is always honored in the kitchen, frying and baking, we can’t prepare food in the kitchen without... (frying pan)

5. She was created only for bread, she takes care of it... (bread box)

6. We take her by the hand, we drink tea, coffee from her... (cup)

7. I don’t eat myself, but I feed people... (spoon)

8. Made of glass, intended for tea, juice, milk... (glasses)

9. Has 4 teeth, appears at the table every day, but doesn’t eat anything. (fork)

10. New dishes, but all with holes... (colander)

Educator: Well done, you solved all the riddles. Guys, what can I call in one word all these objects about which all my riddles were?

Children: Dishes.

Educator: That's right, all the riddles are about dishes! Our journey will be to the country of "Dishes". Let's remember what kind of dishes there are.

- What is the name of the container from which we drink tea? (Teaware).

- Which one do we eat from? (Dining room).

— What is the name of the vessel in which you cook? (Cookware).

There are such different types of dishes. Now listen to the poem that I will read to you, it’s called

“What are the dishes for?”

If there were no dishes, we would have had a very bad time.

We would immediately turn from people into savages:

They would take the meat with their hands, tear it with their teeth,

They would drink water in a river, or in a dirty stream.

Fortunately, various utensils help us everywhere:

They put food on it, eat and drink from it.

They store food in it: cheese and butter, bread and fruits...

Hundreds of dishes are prepared in it - boiled, fried and baked!

What a helper she is!

Educator: Guys, do you remember the fairy tale in which all the dishes ran away from the mistress?

- What is it called? (Fedorino's grief).

-Who wrote this fairy tale? (K.I. Chukovsky - show a portrait of the writer).

- Why did all the dishes run away? (children's answers).

Educator: That's right, because she didn't take care of her dishes, didn't wash them. You hear a rustling sound, someone sighs. A! So Fedora Egorovna came to us today. And while the dishes ran away from Fedora, offended by her, they broke and split into pieces. Let us help Fedora and collect all her dishes. You have cut pictures on your tables. You collect them and you will get a whole picture - some kind of dishware. And then you tell us about it.

Game "Collect the dishes"

Children name their collected picture. I collected the cup (kettle…)

Educator: Well done! This is how many dishes we collected.

Now let you look carefully at your pictures, and we will compare them. You will answer my questions.

Game "Compare"

Children take turns in pairs as they sit at tables and make comparisons.

1. How is a saucepan different from a frying pan? (The saucepan is tall and has two handles, and the frying pan is low, wide, and has one handle).

2. How is a jug different from a bottle? (The jug has a handle).

3. What do they eat from a deep plate? (They eat cabbage soup, borscht, soup from a deep plate).

4. What do you eat from a small plate? (They eat from a small plate…….).

5. What is the difference between a teaspoon and a tablespoon? (A teaspoon is shorter and not as deep).

6. Why can't a spoon do the job of a fork? (The spoon does not have teeth like a fork, the spoon is round).

Educator: Well done. Did you like comparing objects? Let's play some more, come out here on the carpet with me, stand in a circle. Guys, do you remember what different dishes Fedora had? Let us tell you what types of dishes are available and what they are made from.

A game is played with a ball in a circle, the children, receiving the ball in turn, answer.

Game “What are the dishes made of?”

Spoon made of wood – wooden…

Porcelain cup – porcelain…

Crystal vase – crystal

Metal grater – metal

Glass decanter – glass

Plastic oiler – plastic

Cast iron frying pan - cast iron

Clay bowl - clay

Steel knife - steel

And now all children are turning into grumpy teapots.

Physical education lesson: “I’m a grumpy teapot”

I'm a grumpy teapot, a busybody, a madman (steps in place)

I expose my belly to everyone (hands on the belt, body turns)

I boil tea, bubble and shout: (claps hands)

- Hey, people, I want to drink tea with you. (jumping in place)

Children are invited to sit on chairs placed here on the carpet in a semicircle. Guys, we remembered how different dishes are. In general, where are the dishes stored? In the kitchen. And different products are stored in such different dishes.

Game “Each product in its own dish”

Put butter... (into the oil can).

Add sugar... (into the sugar bowl).

Let's pour milk... (to the milk jug).

We have salt in... (in the salt shaker).

Pepper … (in a pepper shaker).

The bread was placed in... (into the bread bin).

Fruits … (in a vase).

Crackers... (into the cracker).

The juice was poured... (into a jug).

Herring in... (to the herring).

We have sweets for tea in... (in the candy bowl).

Educator: Well done. Well, now it’s time to help Grandma Fedora arrange the dishes in the kitchen on the shelves. I’ll tell you now how Fedora herself did it, and you can tell me whether it’s right or wrong. Or she's got something wrong.

Game "Fourth wheel"

Find an extra item and explain why it is extra. And so, I say.

Saucepan, bread box, frying pan, kettle (food is not prepared in the bread bin).

Cup, glass, mug, fork (the fork is not intended for drinking).

Spoon, fork, knife, pan (a saucepan is not a cutlery).

Kettle, samovar, cup, frying pan (the frying pan is not a tea utensil).

Vegetable cutter, mixer, meat grinder, plate (they eat from a plate).

Educator: Well done!

Visual gymnastics in verse.

One - left, two - right, three - up, four - down.

Now we look in a circle to see the world better.

We'll see better soon, check it out now!

Educator: Guys, Fedora came to us with a chest. Do you want to find out, see what lies in Fedor’s chest? The teacher invites 3-4 people to the chest in turn. They take out the contents of the chest and talk about it, describe it. The teacher starts the game (gives a sample description).

- name of the dishware

- what is it made of?

- how to use it

1. This is a small cup, it is red. It has a handle, a bottom, and walls. It is made of porcelain. They drink tea from it.

2. plate

4. frying pan

Educator: Well done, you spoke correctly and in detail about the dishes. Guys, how did “Fedorino’s grief” end? Yes, she has improved.

I won't, I won't

I will offend the dishes

I will, I will, I will do the dishes

And love and respect!

How do you help your mother at home? (children's answers). But what a surprise, guys, Fedora has prepared for you. Let's all sit down at the tables. Look, these are cups, they will remain as a keepsake for you. Just let's make them beautiful first. You will take a pencil and hatch (a sample is set) either from left to right, or from top to bottom. Children take a pencil and work. Finished works are displayed on the board. The children say thank you to Fedora.

Integration of areas: cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

Goal: Systematize and expand children’s knowledge about dishes.



  1. Activate vocabulary on the topic "Dishes" ;
  2. Expand your understanding of tableware, its purpose, details and parts, materials from which it is made;
  3. To develop the ability to classify utensils according to their purpose (kitchen, tea room, dining room);
  4. Introduce children to types of crafts, their characteristic features, with people's professions;
  5. Improve the skill of agreeing adjectives with nouns; Practice the formation and correct use of nouns using the suffix -nits-.
  6. Strengthen the ability to correctly use nouns with the suffix –nits (sugar bowl, bread bowl, sugar bowl)
  7. Strengthen the ability to work with plan diagrams and mnemonic tracks.
  8. Encourage to expressively and emotionally convey the character of music when playing on sounding objects.


  1. Continue to develop coherent speech;
  2. Promote the development of cognitive and speech activity;
  3. Develop auditory attention;
  4. Develop logical thinking.


  1. Cultivate interest in crafts, instill love and respect for work;
  2. Build skills, interaction, independence, initiative.

Preliminary work: Familiarization with symbols (by pictograms), learning to work using mnemonic tracks, examining parts and pieces of dishes. With the help of children and parents, organize a mini-exhibition of utensils made from different materials in the group.

Equipment: Screen, projector, laptop, magnetic easel, 2 typeset canvases, pictures "Dishes" , pictograms, dishes for the orchestra.

1. Org. moment Communication exercise

Questions for children.

Surprise moment

Working with the plan

Questions for children.

Drawing up answer diagrams Voss: I came here today

Hello my friends,

Hello sun and earth,

It's me… (children take turns calling themselves by name)


Voss: Guys, we have guests today, let’s say hello to them.

Children: Hello!

Vosp: Guys, do you like to visit?

Song: Dear friends are visiting,

(I have to tell you)

They go without a doubt

By invitation only!

I received an invitation in the mail today, shall we open it?

(the teacher shows the envelope with invitations and reads)

Guys, we live far, far away in a fairytale forest, we invite you to visit us for a family holiday.

You come to visit us,

smile, have fun!

To get to us, friends,

I will advise you

Walk along the path towards us,

Don't go astray!

Luntik and his family.

(The teacher offers to visit Luntik according to plan, the children complete tasks and find themselves in a fairy-tale forest)

On the screen is an excerpt from mf "Luntik "Dishes"

Question: Guys, in order to organize a holiday, Luntik needs to set the table, but some of the dishes were broken, and some remained dirty. How can we help Luntik in this situation?

Children: You can buy dishes in a store, make them yourself, ask your neighbors, or go to a workshop.

Vos: Well done, we will depict your answers schematically so that we don’t forget anything.

(Answer patterns are displayed on the board)

Vos: suggests choosing the answer option that best answers the question “How can we help our friends?”

Children: You can buy it in the store.

Vos: Yes, that's right, but guys, where do the dishes on the store shelves come from?

Children offer possible answers.

2. Main part Watch video

Conversation "City of masters"

Physical exercise.

Exercise "In the shop"

Working with riddle diagrams


"Good bad"

(additional task) Question: Do you want to know how dishes appear and who makes them, then I suggest you watch the video "City of masters"

(a video is shown on the screen "City of masters" )

Vocal: Did you like the video, was it interesting? And tell me, please. What was the pot made from?

Children: Made from clay. Do you know what they call the person who did this work? This is a potter, he is engaged in pottery, on a pottery wheel he produces different dishes, this is an ancient profession.

What kind of dishes are made from clay? (clay – say clearly in chorus, show pictogram).

Question: What did the master sharpen the beautiful plate from?

Children: Made of wood.

Voss: What do you call a person who worked with wood? These are guys, a turner, he sharpens various utensils on a special lathe. To make wooden dishes beautiful, they are painted by craftsmen. Different regions have their own styles of painting: Khokhloma, Gorodets painting. All these works are called craft. These crafts were very popular in ancient times.

What kind of utensils are made from wood? (Wooden - speak clearly in chorus, show pictogram)

Question: Guys, do you still know the materials from which dishes are made?

Children: Glass, Plastic, Metal. (pictograms)

Vop: That's right.

Let's play a game with you "The dishes got lost" (Music game)

Scream: You guys are great

Vosp-l: And now, knowing where the dishes come from, we can go to the store.

Exercise "In the shop"

The typesetting canvas depicts a display case with dishes:

1st shelf for tea utensils, 2nd shelf for dining, 3rd shelf for kitchen.

Vocal: You have come to "Shop" , to the department where tableware is sold. List what dishes are on the top shelf.

Children: Teapot, cup, saucer, sugar bowl

Question: That's right, what are these dishes for? (to drink tea) What's her name? Teaware. Repeat this name.

Question: Now list the names of the dishes that are on the second shelf

Children: plates, tureen, bread bowl, salt shaker

Vocal: That's right, this utensil is the table during lunch. It is called tableware. Repeat what it's called.

Question: And finally, name the dishes that are on the bottom shelf.


Question: Guys, they buy dishes in the store, but instead of money from us interesting riddles. Our store is also self-service. You solve the riddle and buy a piece of utensils.

All adults work as cashiers in the store. Please come and explain your choice.

We put the dishes on a tray, we will give them to Luntik for the holiday.

And so guys, we are great, we completed the task, guessed all the riddles. Please tell me what kind of dishes are used for receiving guests.

Children: Dining room.

Vosp: Guys, I suggest you play a game with Luntik "Good bad" we will talk about tableware, why it "Fine" and why tableware "Badly"

(the teacher records the children’s answers schematically on the board)

So, guys, what can we tell Luntik about the dishes so that they will always be there? "good" .

Children: You need to take care of the dishes, wash them properly, and store them.

Vocal: No matter what the dishes are "bad" (broken, dirty)?

Children: You need to handle it carefully and carefully.

3. Conclude

body part Reflection Reflection: Guys, look at our answer chart, tell me, were we able to help Luntik?

Voss: Were we in the workshop?

Children: There were

Vocal: Were we in the store?

Children: There were

Question: Now can we make the dishes ourselves?

Children: we can.

Voss: Well, then let's give Luntik some dishes and a musical gift!