
Design classes in 1st junior group. Lesson notes, OOD. Construction in the first junior group “Staircase. Elements of play and learning in design classes

Design classes in 1st junior group.  Lesson notes, OOD.  Construction in the first junior group “Staircase.  Elements of play and learning in design classes

Summary of a design lesson in the first junior group

"Building houses"

Subject: "Building houses"

Goal: Teach children

Program content:

Educational objectives:Introduce children to simple techniquesdesign, details and their names. Give children an idea of ​​the size of figures (large, small), shape (circle, square), colors (blue, red, yellow, green). Introduce children to the elements fromwhich the house consists of (walls, floor, roof, windows and doors), their location in space (above, below, in front). Learn build house in a given sequence. Find out in which houses people and toys live, and in which animals live.

Developmental tasks: Develop attention, thinking, fine motor skills, imagination

Educational tasks: To cultivate a desire to help the nesting dolls, to build a house for them. Instill a sense of beauty - the house should be beautiful.

Let's activate the dictionary: porch.

Materials and equipment: matryoshka, bear, pictures houses for animals and insects, pictures depicting city streets - for demonstration,wooden constructor, small nesting dolls or any other figures - handouts.

Preliminary work: We look at photographs of city streets with children. We talk about the fact that there are houses: wooden or brick, one-story or multi-story, that they are all different. We encourage children to love their city, walk around it, and look at the world around us.

Progress of the lesson:

Place chairs in a semicircle on the carpet in advance. Class Let's start with a round dance game. Children are standing on the carpet.

Knock and knock - knocking is heard everywhere(knock fist on fist)

We are building a house, a big house (we show the roof of the house with our palms above our heads)

And with a porch and a chimney,(put your palms together)

There's smoke coming from the chimney,(we show smoke with lip movements)

There is a lock on the door, who could open it?(hands locked)

They pulled, twisted,(we perform hand movements according to the words)

They knocked and opened it. We open the gate, come all the way here(we spread our palms to the sides).

Educator: How wonderfulwe got a house. Let's sit on the chairs and see who came to us. The children sit down, and the teacher places a chair and table in front of them. There is a knock. The teacher approaches the door from behind which Mishka appears. He greets the children and gets to know them.

Bear (teacher) : Hello guys! I have a problem. I have girlfriends - nesting dolls.

They don't have houses and I need your help. I prepared houses for them, but for some reason they don’t want to live in them. The bear shows pictures depicting: holes, hollows, nests, dens, anthills, aquariums.

The children answer the bear why the nesting dolls refuse to live in them. They are discussing who could live in these houses.

Educator: Well, children, did the bear help the nesting dolls?

Children: No.

Bear: Well, I can’t do it alone. Will you help mebuild houses for the nesting dolls?

Children: Yes

Children place chairs at tables and return to the carpet. A moment of playfulness passes on the carpet:

We woke up with the sun,

stretched and smiled.

Hold your hands tightly

I'll smile to myself

I'll smile at you

I smile all day long

I'm not too lazy to smile!

Children sit at tables where they are waiting constructor . The teacher draws the children's attention to what it is made of.(wooden) . What's in the constructor There are both small and large details. That the parts are different colors.

Children begin to build houses.

Educator: Well done, soon we will have a whole street with houses. Matryoshka dolls inthey will live in houses, visit each other.

Educator: Working dayconstruction workers are over. Did everything work out as planned? What are you thinking? What happened?(listen to the children's answers)

We are looking at houses , we admire them. We invite the nesting dolls, let them live in houses

Let the children play with their buildings , if there is a possibility for this. Can be supplementedbuildings with trees, cars, and other characters, wooden figures from the tabletop theater.

After the game, the children collect constructor . The teacher praises them. And he suggests having a little fun with your fingers:

Let's invite the fingers.

Little finger - What are you planning? build?

Nameless - What will we be made of? build ?

Medium – What do we need for this?

Index - How will we build ?

Big - What will happen?

What kind of house will you get?

We played 1-2 times.

Teddy bear and nesting dolls: thank the children and say goodbye to them. Well done, goodbye!

Self-analysis of the implementation of GCD for design in the first junior group

Subject: "Building houses"

Goal: Teach children connect parts on a plane, placing them horizontally or vertically.

What went well: The children showed great interest in this type of activity, actively answered the teacher’s questions, explained why nesting dolls refuse to live in holes and hollows, and played an outdoor game. They carried out their construction diligently. They played out their buildings in independent play activities. The activity evoked a lot of joyful emotions and a good mood among the children.

There were no difficulties during the organization and conduct of the lesson.

Topic: “Help the bunny make a house”

Program content:

· Teach children to build a house from bricks, place them vertically at a short distance from each other, and then tightly apply a brick lying horizontally on the long narrow side to them on one side.

· Introduce children to a new construction part - a prism. Together with the children, examine it: point at the corners with your finger, run your palm along the edges.

· Prepare children to identify the main parts of a building (house, walls, roof, window).

· Develop a desire to communicate. Teach game actions.

Vocabulary work.

Activation of nouns: bunny, house, wall, roof, corner, brick, window, sun, ribbons.

Adjectives: big, small, even, smooth, sharp, cozy, beautiful, durable.

Prepositions: in, on, under.

Material: 3 blue bricks (large and small builder), prism (red), soft toy (big bunny), small bunnies for playing with.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the group and crying is heard.

Educator: Listen, children, who is crying here? Let's go look (they find the bunny).

Teacher: Olenka, ask: “Why are you crying, little bunny?”

Bunny: “I had a problem, a strong wind rose and broke my house in which I live.”

Educator: Children, how to help the bunny?

Children: Build a new house. (the teacher suggests repeating what the children will build)

Educator: Don’t cry, little bunny, we will build you a new house. We will build the house from blue bricks. What will we build the house from? (made of bricks)

Educator: Yura, please give me red bricks. Thank you.

Educator: Guys, look, I’m placing the brick on the short, narrow side. Like this. And the other brick is a little further. These are the walls. Tell me, Olya, what is this? (walls) (choral and individual speaking)

The teacher takes the prism and shows it to the children. “What kind of brick is this? Look guys, it looks like a roof. Run your palm over it. This is the roof. Find the corners on the roof (gesture with fingers). So what do we have here? (roof - choral answers). Smart kids! To make the bunny comfortable in the house, we will put the roof like this.

Educator: But where will our bunny look?

Children: Out the window.

Educator: Let's put another brick on the long, narrow side. Like this. This is a window. So you, bunny, now have a beautiful house with blue walls, a red roof and a window. (playing out) And now, kids, build a house for the bunny, he wants to come to visit everyone.

Children build, and the teacher explains and helps individually (playing out).

Whose is this, whose is this

New brick house?

These are children building a house,

So that bunnies can live in it.

The bunny comes to visit every house.

(Crying again)

Educator: Who else is crying there? Let's look, children (children find little bunnies).

Educator: Lena, ask why the bunnies cry?

Bunnies: We're cold.

Educator: Let us also build houses for them, only from small bricks (children build at tables).

The teacher gives an assessment on behalf of the bunny to each child. “What a wonderful house Olya has turned out to be, the walls are even. Yura's roof is strong, the rain won't get the bunny wet. These are the houses that turned out to be comfortable, durable, and cozy.”

Educator: The bunny and the bunnies are very happy that you helped them out of trouble, so they want to treat you (treating them with apples).

Joint play activities between the teacher and children.

Program content.

1. Ensuring children’s holistic perception of the picture.

2. Development of visual perception, spatial thinking.

3. Improving the skill of working according to a given scheme.

4. Formation of the ability to answer questions about the picture (development of dialogic speech).

5. Increased speech activity.

Visual material.

Painting by O.R. Hoffman “We are building a house”, a large truck with blocks, a diagram for building a house from blocks, a bear toy.

Methodological techniques.

1. Display of the painting “We are building a house” by O.R. Hoffman.

2. Demonstration by the teacher accompanied by a song.

3. Independent work of children with explanation.

4. Acting out.

Preliminary work.

1. The arrival of the bear toy.

2. Examination of the painting “We are building a house” by O.R. Hoffman.

3. Physical education minute.

4. Reading the poem “Building a House” by O.R. Hoffman.

5. Playing with cubes on the carpet.

6. Playing off the building.

Literature used

1. Paramonova L. A. “Children’s creative design” - M.: Publishing house “Karapuz”, 1993.

2. “The role of plot construction in the mental education of a child of the second year of life” // preschool education. – 2005-№9

3. Education and training of children of primary preschool age: a book for kindergarten teachers / T.L. Bogina, T.T. Kazakova, E.A. Timofeeva and others; Edited by G.N. Todina, E.G. Tiyushnaya. – M.: Education, 1987.

4. Familiarization with the surroundings. Our kindergarten is a series of demonstration pictures with methodological recommendations for teaching preschoolers storytelling. Educational visual aid author - compiler N.V. Nishcheva, artist O.R. Goffman. St. Petersburg “Childhood – Press”.

Progress of the lesson.

A bear appears from under the gazebo.

Educator: Oh, guys, look who climbed under the gazebo there. Whose brown coat is this? Let's see. Who is this?

Children: Bear.

Educator: Exactly a bear. Let's say hello to him.

Children: Hello bear.

Bear: Hello.

Educator: Bear, why did you climb under the gazebo?

Bear: I decided to play hide and seek with you.

Educator: Our guys also love to play and look at pictures.

Bear: I also like to look at paintings.

Educator: Then sit down with us, little bear. Guys, sit down on the chairs too.

Today we will look at the painting “We are building a house.” Who do you see on it?

What are they doing?

They are building a house.

Kids in kindergarten built a house out of blocks. What kind of house did they get?





What kind of roof does the house have?

Right. The house has a blue roof. How many windows are there in the house?

Two windows.

Right. The house has two windows and one door. What a beautiful house! The house turns out so beautiful because

The children build it together. Everyone works together. Let's look at how children build a house. Look at the boy in blue overalls and a white shirt. He brought the blocks in a big truck. The boy is sitting on the floor. He will probably be unloading the cubes now.

What is the boy doing in striped shorts and a colorful shirt? Where is he sitting?

On the floor.

What color is his crane?


Dice, what color does it raise?

Well done! A blond boy sits on the floor. He has a red crane. He picks up the blue cube. Now look at the girl. What is she doing?

She is standing behind the house.

What's in her hands?

She has a teddy bear.

Where does she want to put the bear?

To the house.

The bear will live in the house.

Fine! A curly-haired girl in a smart dress and a striped bow stands behind the house and wants to put a big brown bear cub in the house. What is the boy in the striped trousers doing?

What is he carrying?


What's in the truck?

Right. A boy in red trousers is driving a truck. The truck has a black cab and yellow body.

What do you see in the picture on the left?

There is a closet there.

There are games in the closet.

What about the children?

There's a window there.

There is a flower on the window.

Look how cozy the kids' group is. Bright, spacious. There is a picture hanging on the wall, and elegant curtains on the window. Good for children in kindergarten.

Educator: Now, guys, let’s rest a little and remember the exercise:

Physical education minute:

“What a beautiful house!”

One, two, three, four, five.

(Children stand facing in a circle, hands on their belts, turn left and right).

Let's build and play.

(Perform squats rhythmically.)

We are building a big, tall house.

(Stand on tiptoes and stretch your arms up).

We are installing windows and roofing.

(Perform jumping in place).

What a beautiful house!

(They extend their arms forward with an index gesture.)

The little bear will live in it.

(They squat).

Educator: Now, guys, let's go to the mat.

Look what a truck arrived for us! He's big and beautiful. What color is it?

The truck has a red body and a blue cab.

And what kind of wheels?

Of course the wheels are black. Let's count them.

One, two, three, four.

Four wheels.

What did the truck bring us?

What cubes?

Big ones.

Right. The cubes are big. They are bright and colorful. What color are they?



Let's build a tall house out of cubes.

Look at the diagram. Which cubes should you take first?


Right. Let's take and place three red cubes on the carpet. Which dice will we put on the red ones?

How many are there?

Right. Place two blue cubes on top of the red ones.

Which dice will you place on blue?


How many are there?

Also two.

Well done! Place two green cubes on top of the blue ones.

Look at the picture. What color turret will you put on the very top?

Yellow turret.

Great! Finish your work.

What have we done?

We built a house.

What kind of house did we get?




Educator: Let's ask the bear if he liked the house.

Bear: I really liked how cozy and big my house is. Thank you guys for the house. Now I will live in it.

Educator: To make the house stronger, let’s read the poem “Building a House”:

We are building a house - Om - Om,

Five of us - Om - Om,

Here's the window, here's the roof...

From - from - from, from - from - from.

Red cube, blue cube

Take us by car.

Take us by car.

The cube is red, the cube is blue.

The house grows - from - from.

The cat sees - from - from.

Here's the roof, and here's the pipe -

Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba.

Educator: And now, guys. Let's say goodbye to the bear. Mishka is tired and wants to rest in his new house. Say goodbye to the bear.

Design lesson in junior group 1

Topic: “Guys, help the bunny make a house”

Program content:

  • Teach children to build a house from bricks, place them vertically at a short distance from each other, and then tightly apply a brick lying horizontally on the long narrow side to them on one side.
  • Introduce children to a new construction part - a prism. Explore it with your children: point at the corners with your finger. Run your palm along the edges.
  • Prepare children to identify the main parts of a building (house, walls, roof, window).
  • Develop a desire to communicate. Teach game actions.

Vocabulary work.

Activation of nouns: bunny, house, wall, roof, corner, brick, window, sun, ribbons.

Adjectives: big, small, even, smooth, sharp, cozy, beautiful. Lasting.

Prepositions: in, on. Under.

Material: 3 blue bricks (large and small builder), prism (red), soft toy (big bunny), small bunnies to play with.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the group and crying is heard.

Educator: Listen, children, who is crying here? Shall we go and look? (find a bunny)

Educator: Olenka. Ask: “Why are you crying, little bunny?”

Bunny: “I had a problem, a strong wind rose and broke my house in which I live.”

Educator: Children, how to help the bunny?

Children: Build a new house. (the teacher suggests repeating what the children will build.).

Educator: Don’t cry, little bunny, we will build you a new house. We will build the house from blue bricks. What will we build the house from? (made of bricks).

Educator: Yura, please give me red bricks. Thank you.

Educator: Guys, look, I’m putting a brick on the short one. The narrow side. Like this. And the other brick is a little further. These are the walls. Tell me, Olya, what is this? (walls) (choral and individual speaking).

The teacher takes the prism and shows it to the children. “What kind of brick is this? Look guys, it looks like a roof. Run your palm over it. This is the roof. Find the corners on the roof (gesture with fingers). So what do we have here? (roof - choral answers). Smart kids! To make the bunny comfortable in the house, we will put the roof like this.

Educator: Let's put another brick on the long, narrow side. Like this. This is a window. So you, bunny, now have a beautiful house with blue walls, a red roof and a window. (playing out). And now, kids, build a house for the bunny, he wants to visit everyone.

Children build, and the teacher explains and helps individually (playing out).

Whose is this, whose is this

New brick house?

These are children building a house,

So that bunnies can live in it.

The bunny comes to visit every house.

(Crying again)

Educator: Who else is crying there? Let's look, children (children find little bunnies).

Educator: Lena, ask why the bunnies cry?

Bunnies: We're cold.

Educator: Let us also build houses for them, only from small bricks (children build at tables).

The teacher gives an assessment on behalf of the bunny to each child. “What a wonderful house Olya has turned out to be, the walls are even. Yura's roof is strong, the rain won't get the bunny wet. These are the houses that turned out to be comfortable, durable, and cozy.”

Educator: The bunny and the bunnies are very happy that you helped them out of trouble, so they want to treat you (treating them with apples).

Joint play activities between the teacher and children.

Summary of a design lesson in the first junior group.

"Fence for kids"

* Learn to build a simple structure (fence) as shown by an adult, placing bricks with the short narrow side, one next to the other.

*Name the details of the building material - bricks.

*Develop the ability to name colors correctly.

*Develop interest in design and attention.

Materials: handout - bricks of two colors. Demonstration - a house, figurines of little goats from a tabletop theater.

Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale "The Wolf and the 7 Little Goats"

Educational areas: cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic, speech, physical education.

Progress of the lesson.


Guys, my mother goat called me today and said that she went into the forest again, and the little goats were left alone in the hut, they are very scared, let's go visit them. The path is very far, so we will not walk, but take the train.

The outdoor game "Train" is played, "on the way" we sing a song

The locomotive is moving, the locomotive is chugging, chugging

Three pipes and a hundred wheels I'll fly like a bird

Three pipes and a hundred wheels Chu, chu, chu, Chu, chu, chu.chu

He took the kids for a ride in the trailers

And the carriages creak

And the wheels are knocking

And the wheels are knocking

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

We stop at the table on which there is a toy crowbar.

Here we are. Look, this is a goat's house, but the little goats are not visible, where are they?

The children's answers: they hid, they were afraid of the wolf.


That’s right, that’s why they don’t go out into the yard for a walk, how can we help them? Let's build a fence around the house.

Sit down at the table, look, there is building material in front of you, these are bricks, let's look at them. Look, a brick has a wide side and a narrow side, a long side and a short side. Look how beautiful the bricks are, they are all different colors (name the color of the bricks)

Now I will teach you how to build a fence, look.

To make the fence high, we place one brick with the narrow short side, then we place the other brick with the same narrow side side by side, we place them evenly, towards each other, so that there are no gaps, so that the wolf cannot get into the yard.

Help me build a fence. (children build together with the teacher)

This is how we got the fence. Tall, the wolf will not be able to get over it, strong, the kids will not be afraid to follow him now. Let's call the little goats (the children call, the teacher puts up the little goat figures near the house).

The little goats say thank you. You and I have worked hard, now let's relax and play a game.

Like our kids

Feet are knocking merrily, top, top, top, top

Tired legs and clapping hands

Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap

And then the little goats dance side by side (crouch)

So, so,, so

And how do they start running to catch up with the evil wolf (running in place)

Children say goodbye to baby corals.