Weight loss

"Fat" Kate Upton refuses to go hungry. Model Kate Upton and her trainer talk about how to turn a plump woman into a slender beauty Lucky in love

Almost every man with bated breath admired the beauty of Kate UPTON's body, captured on the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit magazine. The honor of gracing the cover of this magazine for the second time fell to the busty beauty; such recognition is worthy of the crown of a model’s career.

But nevertheless, in the world of models, Kate’s feminine lines were called “pig-like.” fat" and expressed the opinion that she looks ugly.

In addition to exciting pictures in a bikini in the Arctic ice, Upton starred for Sports Illustrated in another project - “Body Art”, in this project Kate appeared to the world completely naked! Except for a few touches of paint that served as swimsuits. But a couple of brushstrokes did not hide the model’s mouth-watering charms.

But still, Kate’s beauty did not conquer everyone. Recently, the standard of modern fashion has been the “hanger” models walking along the catwalk, thin as sticks. At the sight of Upton’s natural, non-silicone breasts and her feminine belly, fashion trendsetters wrinkled their noses in disgust and called Kate a “fat pig.” David Kirsch, the trainer of many Hollywood stars, who “sculpted” the beauty of the figures of Heidi Klum and Karolina Kurkova, immediately stood up in defense of his protégé. He trains Upton and creates her figure.

I posted all the photos of Kate in the swimsuit from Sports Illustrated” on his Facebook page, Kirsch said in an interview New York Magazine, - And there were people who said in the comments: “Oh, she’s fat, she’s fat!” I told them, “Listen guys, everyone is entitled to their opinion and I know I'm biased, but I'd rather have a healthy body than one that looks too skinny.”

Kirsha said that when he started working with Kate, he decided to preserve the femininity of her figure and not make her skinny, like many other models.

Quite the opposite - he preserved the femininity of her bulges:

I love the curves of her body. “She is the quintessential American girl,” he assures, “She is fresh, sunny and natural, and not too thin. She got a little more flesh from nature and I love her curvy hips.
Kirsch put Kate on a detox diet and suggested boxing and kickboxing. According to the mentor, Kate exercised for 2–2.5 hours every day for four weeks.

Kate Upton is one of the most sought-after modern models, having found her niche somewhere in the middle between the skinny Victoria's Secret and her plump plus-size colleagues. The other day, her trainer told how the 24-year-old American stays in shape. “Lenta.ru” “I studied the girl’s Instagram account and was convinced: it’s also about proper nutrition.

Sports and forms

As a child, Upton lived in Michigan and then in Florida. The future ward of the IMG Models agency has always loved physical activity, from an early age she was involved in equestrian sports, winning several cups.

The fashion business did not immediately accept Kate because of her curvy figure: in the 2000s, when she began to conquer the fashion Olympus, models with a different body type were popular. Nevertheless, she was noticed, and in 2008, Upton signed her first significant contract - with the Elite Model Management agency.

Real fame came to the blonde a little later: in 2011, her photo in a swimsuit appeared in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue under the “Rookie of the Year” section. The publication is considered an ideal launching pad for models dreaming of worldwide fame, and Upton spent three months preparing for the shoot.

Trainer Justin Gelband brought the girl's figure into ideal condition, tormenting her with circuit training - optimal for those who want not only to lose weight and increase endurance, but also to gain sculpted muscles.

First a treadmill to warm up, then some kickboxing and jump rope, and finally free weight exercises. Every day the exercises proposed by the trainer were new so that the model would not get bored and her muscles would not have the opportunity to get used to the monotonous load. Kate also followed a diet based on her blood type - Justin believes in this method.

Either at work or in the gym

Five years later, the result of the work was obvious: now Upton is already difficult to classify as plus-size, although previously she looked very organically among the “big-boned” models.

Photo: Planet Photos / Globallookpress.com

Kate's new personal trainer, Ben Bruno, says that of all his clients, she is the most driven and tireless.

@kateupton supersets heavy landmine reverse lunges with some equally impressive dance moves. Strong! 💪💃

The American spends all her time in the gym, free from work and shared leisure time with her fiance Justin Verlander - from an hour to two a day, five times a week. A fitness instructor puts Upton through circuit training to improve her endurance.

Working off that #napavalley trip! 🍷🍷🍷#earningmywine @benbrunotraining

Kate without sugar

“Her progress has been amazing,” admits Ben Bruno. He also notes that Kate is very disciplined in matters of nutrition: said to reduce the amount of sugar, done.

#TBT Happy St Patty's #stpattys #stpatricksday #green #throwback

The only thing that the model categorically does not eat is red meat, but she tries to compensate for this with other protein products (proteins are necessary for those who want to make their muscles more prominent).

There has always been a buzz around the name Kate Upton, but nothing compares in scale to the campaign against the “fat” model that unfolded last summer. It all started with a blogger's post on SkinnyGossip.com, which described Kate's figure as "fat, vulgar, bordering on pornographic":

Yes, she is simply huge! There is no waist, fat boobs hang, the physique is terrible - it resembles some kind of piece of lard. Is this what American women are now striving for? Lazy, oily look? Have we really become so fat that we look up to people like Kate? Sorry, but: ugh!

The reaction to this post followed immediately: some began to defend Upton’s figure, while others accused the author of a pro-anorexic approach. Soon we got a response from Upton!

I'm not going to starve myself to be thin. I want to enjoy life, but without food and feeling unwell, this is somehow not very possible.”

It's nice to know that, despite the wild popularity of the model, she still finds time to protect herself from incomprehensible attacks.

What do you think about Kate's figure? Is she really that fat?

By the way, regardless of your opinion about her figure, you cannot deny her performance!! Just look at what the model went to for her favorite Sports Illustrated in the Arctic: shooting in a bikini at a temperature of -35 ̊C is no joke!

But there was still a scandal. Photos of Kate Upton without Photoshop from that same photo shoot have leaked online. See for yourself, the designer did a good job processing the pictures for the magazine: