
Biochemical hair curling. Bioperm for long hair: pros and cons of the procedure, how to do it at home. Pros and cons of bio-curls with large curls

Biochemical hair curling.  Bioperm for long hair: pros and cons of the procedure, how to do it at home.  Pros and cons of bio-curls with large curls

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The bio-hair curling service in the Naturel Studio beauty salon is highlighted in a special category of favorite procedures for clients and performers. We have prepared material that reveals the basic principles of harmless curl creation, which will help the reader find answers to the questions: is it worth doing a bio-perm, which of the many options to choose and, most importantly, where and who to entrust your precious hair to avoid disappointment.


Biochemical hair perm is the full name of the technology that instantly replaced the usual permanent hair from the list of popular procedures for quick transformation. So why is the method, which has the word “chemistry” in its name, characterized as a natural, one might say, almost natural method of curling curls?
The whole secret lies in the use of various means.
. Chemistry uses components harmful to hair such as hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and thioglycolic acid.
. The BIO method is based on the use of a useful curling ingredient - cysteamine hydrochloride. Despite the scary chemical name, this component is an analogue of the amino acid cysteine, the leading component in the construction of human hair protein.
It’s so complicated, but if you look at it in detail, it’s quite simple to distinguish between two areas of salon services for curling any type of hair.

Our video bio perm on boomerangs

Advantages of biowave

In addition to its action as close as possible to nature, biowave has additional advantages:
. thin and lifeless hair will gain strength and volume
. scanty strands will receive much-needed volume
. greasy hair will become normal for a long time, and the frequency of hair washing will be reduced by at least half
. Daily styling will turn from an hour-long ritual into a pleasant five-minute task: there will be no need to use a hairdryer, curling iron and flat iron, and styling will require a minimum of tools and manipulations.
Is it worth mentioning that a bioperm literally transforms a lady, adding charm, femininity and elegance to her. A well-groomed appearance evokes thoughts of a bohemian nature, and luxurious grace goes ahead of its owner, opening up the most wonderful prospects for her.

Our video of bio-hair curling "Spiral"

Bioperm procedure

You can see how a session takes place in one of our beauty salons in Moscow in this video.
Despite the variety of biowaves, the procedure is carried out approximately according to the same scenario:
. The first step is a preliminary consultation. Let us remind you that no self-respecting hairstylist will begin curling without a lengthy personal conversation with the client. In this conversation, not only the issues of choosing the shape of the curl and the type of procedure are resolved, but the hair itself and the health of its owner are carefully studied, contraindications are excluded or identified, and the optimal method and means for bio-curling are selected.
. Next, depending on the chosen technology, a safe perm ritual is carried out. Taking the chosen shape, the curl is saturated with amino acid, which will further support the health of the hair and give it vitality and shine.
. Rinsing out the curl-fixing product is usually done using various hair-healthy products designed to cover the hair scales and protect the hairstyle from harmful environmental influences.
. The last stage is professional styling, which allows the client to receive advice from the specialist on the possibilities of styling his new hairstyle.

If you just want more root volume without styling! Watch a video about the BOUFFANT procedure

You can find out more about BOUFFANT

Types of curls

Today, the master has all the tools in his arsenal to create the most incredible curls presented on the pages of glossy magazines - from light natural waves to African curls.
The steepness of the curl directly depends on the hardness and diameter of the accessory used in the procedure:
. for a light effect curly hair large soft stylers and twists are used;
. for more pronounced curls, medium curlers and boomerangs are selected;
. African fish are created using small hard bobbins.

Soft large curls

Now this type of curls can be called the most popular. Naturalness is back in fashion, and we create truly chic soft large curls using boomerangs and twists that add a touch of chaos to the look, and soft curlers that organize the hairstyle.

Well-groomed naturalness is a goal that only a master of the highest class can achieve.

How to choose the perfect curl

Every lady in her imagination tries on her favorite image from a magazine or photo on the Internet. In the world of dreams, any type of perm is ideally suited to the appearance, character and mood of the dreamer. However, reality makes its own adjustments, and often you have to take into account factors such as health and hair type, physical parameters and laws, facial shape and hairstyle.
You shouldn’t bother comparing all these factors yourself. Only really can handle such a task to an experienced master. We list just a few recommendations that will help, before consulting with a specialist, suggest the right direction in choosing an image:
. The softer the hair, the more susceptible it is to the law of universal gravitation: the most perky curls unwind under its pressure, leaving only a light wave on the hair instead of elastic springs. However, using a tight curl will help you outwit this physical parameter and create a delicate curly look on very soft hair.
. Large curls can only be maintained on normal and thick hair: ideally, this is coarse Asian hair.
. Reducing the length of your hair and adding a layered structure to your haircut increases your chances of achieving long-lasting, strong curls.

Haircut before or after biowave

Ladies who have undergone a perm procedure at least once in their lives will probably remember that the hairstyle was shaped after the curling procedure. This was due to the damaging effect of the permanent on the ends of the hair. This approach was also advisable because the curl turned out to be really steep and strong, and stretching when cutting did not lead to its deformation.
New technologies dictate their own rules: today the procedure is the opposite of the previously established one - a haircut is done before the bio-perm session. And there are at least three reasons for this:
. the quality of the hairstyle and the accuracy of the shape will be better in this case;
. new curls need some care and peace - do not disturb them in the first days after the procedure;
. The gentle bio-composition not only does not spoil the hair, but also strengthens it, so the ends of the hair remain intact, especially after cutting with hot scissors.

Haircut with hot scissors our video

Biowave for different hair lengths

For the most determined, a change in image may include not only a bio-perm, but also a more dramatic change in hair length. Fortunately, today there are many options not only for shortening, but also for lengthening hairstyles.

Bioperm for long hair

A waist-length braid is an achievement. Especially when all this mop is healthy and shining. But over time, it also begins to evoke a desire to improve and change something. What about biowave?
. Yes! If you are ready to slightly adjust the shape of your hair, making it more convenient for curling: the ladder will not hide the beauty of your hair, but will allow you to reveal the full potential of curls along the entire length. The graduation done during the haircut releases the ends outward, and this helps to better emphasize the shape of the hairstyle with the help of curls.
. Yes! If it is a creative or local bio-perm, which will highlight the best in the existing image and hide the shortcomings of the hair or shape.
. No! If you want to curl the entire head evenly. And it’s not about the principles, but about the effect: under the influence of the law of universal gravitation, a natural straightening will occur from the roots to the center. An uneven wave will remain. And the curls at the ends will not save the situation. Believe me, it doesn't look pretty at all.
It is worth noting that, despite the typicality of the perm procedure on long hair, yet the master requires maximum energy and experience to create a truly cool result. Therefore, a bio-perm session on a luxurious head of hair lasts much longer and not every hairdressing specialist can do it.

Bioperm for medium hair

The average length of a hairstyle is an endless testing ground for any fantasy on the topic of bio-perms. The already mentioned law of universal gravitation, although not excluded in this case, does not dictate its conditions with the same force as on long hair.
Of course, a professional multi-level haircut will give the curls the greatest chic and completeness, so the advice about first changing the shape and character of the hairstyle remains valid for hair middle length. This is especially true for thick hair, which without preliminary graduation will look rough and ponderous when framed by curls.

Biowave for short hair

Dynamism short haircuts takes on different moods depending on the chosen size and location of the curls. Preference today is given to local and creative bio-curls, although solid curls on a skillfully executed bob will look no worse.

Features of biowave

Of course, not only haircut, hair length and type influence appearance and duration of operation of the biowave. The master always takes into account all factors that can reduce the quality and shorten the service life of curls.

Bioperm for natural hair

This the best option when the hairstyle is not overloaded with dye, keratin and is not weakened by perm. Working with such hair, especially if it does not have pronounced problems, is a pleasure.

Perm for bleached hair

Despite numerous advances in the beauty industry, bleaching remains a procedure that is detrimental to hair health. Of course, there are exceptions, for example, CHI coloring, but, as practice shows, ladies with lifeless hair tormented by lightening often come to our salon. Trying to somehow bring life back to helpless hair, they hope for a miracle in the form of a bio-perm.
If the case is not the most advanced, then we undertake hair restoration, using the most gentle compounds to create curls, but in most cases additional care and hair restoration are required.

Only a master can make a final decision on the possibility of bio-perming on bleached hair.

Bioperm for colored hair

Despite the compatibility of many types of biowave with dyeing, there are several rules that we recommend following:
. Do not apply bioperm to freshly dyed hair. Curl solution can alter the original color.
. Henna and basma on the hair will most likely not allow the bio-perm to achieve good results: the curls may not work out at all or some of them will be deformed. There can be 100% success, but the procedure is expensive enough to take the risk. We recommend growing the length without natural dye and after cutting, removing the henna-dyed ends of the hair, proceed to bio-perm.

you can choose one of our masters from their personal pages, where there are many photos of their works, as well as videos with their participation

Biowave and keratin straightening

Bioperms have an interesting relationship with keratin straightening:
. On hair that is smooth and saturated with keratin, curls either do not form at all or are done poorly, so this combination will not bring joy to the client.
. On the other hand, keratin straightening can remove unsuccessful or boring curls. Moreover, it will demonstrate its healing qualities, adding silkiness and shine to the hair.

Care after biowave

Briefly, tips for caring for curls can be divided into two sections.
Not recommended:
. Wet and wash your hair for two days after the biowave
. Use a brush-type comb
. Going to bed with wet hair
. Use elastic bands and hairpins for the first time
. Overheat your hair in the sun, in a bath, in a sauna
. Use regular hair masks
You should:
. Wash your hair in an upright position, tilting it slightly back
. Detangle wet hair using fingers or a wide-tooth comb
. Dry your hair without using a hot hairdryer, and after washing, gently pat it dry with a towel.
. Use styling products for curly and curled hair
. Visit salon treatments to strengthen and restore hairstyle

SPA program absolute happiness for hair our video

Hair styling after bio-perm

Styling curled hair is a complete pleasure. It will take no more than three minutes: separate the wet curls with your fingers, apply a styling product... that's it! More complex installation scenarios are just as simple and short:
. Wet hair effect. Apply mousse or gel to damp, unraveled curls.
. Natural beauty. The hair is styled using a diffuser, foam and varnish.
. Clear curls. Here, curlers of different shapes and materials are used, allowing you to “play” with biowaves in different ways.

Entrust your beauty to a truly experienced and reliable specialist.
. Before making a final decision, make sure that you do not fall under any of the contraindications to biowave.
. Take the time to do an allergy test before the procedure.
. Follow the hairdresser's advice on how to care for and style your curls.
. Use professional products For curly hair and avoid questionable brands.
. Visit a beauty salon and support new hairstyle trimming split ends and hair care treatments. Curls look great only on well-groomed and healthy hair.
. Respect your beauty and never put it at unnecessary risk.

Let the bioperm make your dreams come true and exceed your wildest expectations!

You can read about contraindications to biowave

Answers to questions about biowave hair

The work of our hair coloring experts

Bio-curling hair for medium hair is a miracle procedure that allows girls to get chic curls on for a long time. The before and after photos in our article show how it transforms hair, making it fuller and more attractive. If you are thinking about getting a bio-perm for your hair, be sure to read our article before doing so.

Biowave hair

What's happened

Biowave is a modern and gentle alternative to the well-known hair chemicals. It boasts that it does not contain aggressive components that terrify the hair. But the share of natural, harmless substances is 70%. As you can see, 30% remains for chemical components. Therefore, there is some harm to hair.

The main role in biowave is played by cysteamine. This is a synthetic acid that removes excess sulfur and improves hair structure. It is she who is responsible for the characteristic pungent odor of curls after the procedure. But at the same time, cysteamine is responsible for the well-groomed condition of hair.

Stylish curls - the result of bio-curling

Main advantages

  • The main advantage of biowave is that it can transform even thin, thin hair into voluminous, seductive hair. Yes, yes, the thickness and structure of your hair is not at all important to her - the bio-perm always copes with its mission with a 5+ rating.
  • Fashion trends for the 2019-2019 season dictate the popularity of natural curls. But if nature has not blessed you with curls, this is not a reason to spend an entire hour alone with a curling iron every morning. Biowave will give you attractive curls with a natural effect.
  • Let’s not lie and completely rule out the harm of the procedure. But still, if you compare it and the impact of regular ironing, curling irons, and styling, then the second will definitely outweigh.

Biowave - photos before and after the procedure

We know how often your mood can change. Today you suddenly want dizzying curls, and the very next day your soul demands perfectly smooth hair? Fortunately, biowave will withstand all women's whims. You can straighten your hair and get curls back immediately after washing your hair.

Bio-perm procedure - extra volume even for thin hair

  • You can sleep longer in the morning and then wake up with your hair done. Your loved one will definitely be delighted and will create a wonderful tradition of “breakfast in bed.”
  • The result of a biowave can please you for at least six months. The main thing is not to forget about hair care.
  • The procedure does not deprive girls of the opportunity to dye their hair. Therefore, if you decide to tint your roots or change the color of your hair, bio-perm will not be an obstacle to this.

Bioperm result

But there are also disadvantages

Like any beauty procedure, biowave has not only advantages, but also some annoying disadvantages.

  • If your hair reacts negatively to any chemical influences, then bio-perm will not be an exception. Strands can be distressing due to fragility, split ends and even loss.
  • The technology causes some harm to the hair structure. Many reviews from girls note that after the procedure, the hair becomes frizzy and porous.
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding, scalp diseases and inflammatory processes in the body are strict contraindications for bioperming.
  • For several weeks after the procedure, you will have to put up with the smell of cysteamine. Shampoos, perfumes, rosemary infusions have a weak effect and are practically powerless. It just takes time for the acid to completely wash out.
  • If you neglect hair care after the procedure, its condition will become deplorable within a month.

Proper care after the procedure is the key to healthy hair


The leader in economy is the classic biowave. It does not contain additional nutritional care - only components for creating curls.

Classic biowave

  • Angel Curls- a type of curling that allows you to create light and natural curls as in the photo. It contains keratin, lecithin and wheat proteins. Hairdressers often use this particular type for bleached or bleached hair.

Angel Curls

  • Italian Mossa characterized by the presence of amino acids in the composition, which are responsible for nutrition and restoration of hair after the procedure. This ensures that the hair remains in good condition after bio-perming.

Mossa biowave - photos before and after the procedure

  • Creation Japanese biowave dictated by the peculiarity of Asian hair - it is quite hard, thick and straight. If you recognize your hair in this description, this is the most suitable type of procedure for you.

Japanese biowave with large curls

  • Protein bioperm otherwise called silk. It ensures smoothing of hair scales and after that the curls look smooth and silky.

Protein perm

  • The essence root curl appears in the title. According to this technology, hair is curled only at the roots, which creates amazing volume.

Root hair curling

  • Spiral perm Best suited for creating bouncy curls. This effect looks original and is suitable for girls with expressive facial features. Spiral bio-curled hair looks best without bangs.

Spiral biowave

Features of biowave for medium hair

It is absolutely rightly believed that medium hair length is best suited for this procedure. Various before and after photos show that you can use it to create the most different images. What do you want – clear, bouncy curls or messy natural curls? A medium-length biowave is capable of any experimentation.

Bioperm for medium hair - before and after photos

As stylists note, the most popular today are fairly large curls.

Biowave large curls

Recently there has been another fashion trend: Girls love to do a bio-perm on medium hair with straight bangs. In this case, curls are created not from the roots, but closer to the ends.

Curls do not come from the roots, but from the middle of the hair

The result is an interesting image with an emphasis on naturalness. Girls are also experimenting with fashionable alternation of straight and curled locks.

Curl size

There are a few simple rules that will help you decide on the desired size of curls:

  • large curls are ideal for creating volume;
  • spiral curls are perfect for girls with an oblong face and hair length below the shoulders;
  • Afro curl is only appropriate with perfect shape faces.
  • soft natural waves are a godsend for girls with a round face;
  • For a triangular face, vertical curls of various shapes are optimal.

Curls of different sizes

Taking care of your hair after the procedure

How beautiful and well-groomed a bio-perm will be depends on how responsibly you approach hair care.

Proper care is the key to healthy hair after bio-perm

Note! If you neglect this stage altogether, then your hair runs the risk of quickly turning into a “loofah.”

Biowave - before and after photos

  • After visiting the salon, postpone washing your hair and using a hair dryer for 2-3 days.
  • Now the best hair comb will be a wooden comb with rare teeth.
  • Carefully study the composition of the shampoo. If you find silicone in the ingredient list, then this product is right for you.
  • After the procedure, it is better to minimize the use of a hair dryer. If this is not possible, then set the air temperature to low.
  • Make friends with nourishing and restorative masks. Your hair will thank you for a home spa with caring treatments at least once a week.
  • It is better to postpone various chemical effects (for example, dyeing or highlighting) for 2 weeks after curling.

Bio-curling - increases volume, eliminates daily styling

Bio-curling hair for medium hair will allow you to create small or large curls that will delight you for many months. Don't forget to take care of your hair, and then the result of the procedure will be truly magnificent. We wish you good luck in your beauty experiments!

Stylists have many techniques that always work flawlessly. One such trick is the combination beige colour and rose or yellow gold jewelry. This combo will look as expensive and aristocratic as possible if the clothes are presented in a matte texture.

All women dream of having luxurious wavy hair, especially if it is thin and lacks volume. Previously, only chemistry saved such situations; today there are a large number of options for modifying hair.

One of the popular methods is moss bio-curling; the technique is considered the safest. The effect of its implementation can be seen in the photo on the Internet; the strands become wavy, smooth and silky. The procedure has some contraindications; it requires the use of chemicals.

Biowave is modern method, the main feature of which is the absence of harsh chemical components in the composition of the used cosmetics, 60% of all ingredients are of natural origin. The cosmetics used are not completely natural, but the concentration of synthetic substances is much lower than when performing a perm.

Cysteamine is the main component used in curling curls; the substance is a synthetic acid with properties similar to cysteine. This compound helps improve the condition of the hair, removes excess sulfur from the structure; a side effect is an unpleasant odor.

Types of procedure

beauty salons use a variety of perm techniques; there are several classifications.
Varieties according to active composition:

  • silk perm - the product contains silk proteins, after application the curls gain elasticity and shine, the procedure has a mild effect, is recommended for girls with bleached and colored strands, and is also used for correction;
  • Japanese bio perm - the composition includes protein cocktails and essential amino acids, most often it is a mixture of collagen and synthetic components, recommended for long thick strands, correction is required after five months;
  • Italian mossa bio-curl - provides strong hold, styling is suitable for short hair, cascade and bob haircuts.

Classification according to the effect of moss bio-curling hair:

Angel curls - soft waves and curls, ideal for blondes, the strands take on a well-groomed appearance, the woman looks like an angel;

Large biological perm - looks ideal when applied to healthy, undyed strands; the disadvantages include the rapid disintegration of the hairstyle;

Hollywood wave - natural curls are ideal for thick or medium-thick strands;

Hollywood wave

Vertical curling - strands are wound onto special bobbins in a spiral in a vertical direction relative to the head, the curls look great, do not intertwine, ideal for long hair, the larger the diameter of the bobbins, the more expressive the curl looks;

Vertical curl

Spiral curling - hair is wound on curlers in a standard way, from the ends to the ends in a spiral, the curlers are positioned horizontally relative to the head, the procedure is ideal for short and medium curls, special styling products and a diffuser are required to achieve the desired effect;

Spiral perm

Carving is the ability to give your curls additional volume and airiness, the effect will last for several months, the curls are wound on curlers of different diameters, after which they acquire a natural and natural look, to prolong the effect, varnishes, gels, mousses are required, styling is necessary after each hair wash;


Afrostyle - gives super volume to the hair, is in demand among young people.


Required funds

The procedure requires special kits, shampoo, bio-curling products, masks or balm to restore curls, oil for ends, it is very important to choose the right product.

The most popular means:

  • – active components cysteamine and vitamin B5, consists half of synthetic substances, a strong hold product, suitable for long and short curls, has many advantages, suitable for owners of voluminous hair, has a positive effect on unruly strands;
  • Biowave mossa Green Light– provides an average degree of fixation, the effect is also achieved due to cysteamine, the composition is enriched with mineral compounds and seaweed, the product is excellent for colored strands;
  • Bioperm mossa from Green Light Studio Bio Permanent– this composition is unpopular among consumers; the composition may contain ammonia derivatives that are harmful to hair and have aggressive properties;

Procedure for hair of different lengths

The procedure for moss hair bio-curling and other varieties, its procedure differs depending on the length of the curls.

For large curls

  • cleansing the hair with a special deep shampoo, the product completely washes out skin secretions and dust from the scales;
  • division of strands into several sectors (temporal parts, crown, back of the head);
  • curling curlers from the back of the head, the volume and tension of the curls should be the same;
  • twisting the curlers away from the face - provides a natural effect, the tension is as strong as possible;
  • treatment of hair with a structuring agent, the action time should not exceed 20 minutes;
  • styling according to the shape of the haircut, drying the strands from top to bottom.

After the mossa bio-perm, it is not recommended to wash your hair for three days, tie it with elastic bands and braid it, during which time the mixture will finish its effect.

For short hair

On short hair It is recommended to make small curls, they last much longer and give volume to the hair. When carrying out the procedure, high-hold compounds (mostly Italian) and special papillots are used.

Order of conduct

  • washing the curls with a special composition; if this condition is not met, the composition will only affect the cleaned part;
  • dividing hair into zones, curling curlers, bangs are not curled;
  • treatment of the head with a rigid fixation agent, the duration of action should not exceed 20 minutes;
  • washing off the composition without unwinding the curlers;
  • applying the neutralizer for a few minutes;
  • styling curls, drying.

For medium and long curls

The procedure is considered the most complex and lengthy; the root zone is located close to the roots, which affects the volume, so the effect does not last long. When processing long, thick curls, it is recommended to use Japanese-made formulations, which have a mild effect and do not overload the strands with artificial components. Moss hair bio-curling technology long curls carried out in the same way as processing short and medium ones.

Secrets of professional masters:

  • dyed and bleached curls are more pliable, but need a soft touch;
  • products containing algae additives and protein mixtures allow you to achieve the most optimal effect;
  • To curl long hair, it is recommended to use curlers with a diameter of 1.5 cm, this allows you to achieve the most natural effect.


Biowave has the following advantages:

  • relative safety - the procedure is not 100% safe, but the effect on curls after treatment is much less than from daily styling using an iron or curling iron;
  • possibility of straightening strands - curls can be smoothed out at any time using a straightener;
  • no harmful effects on curls - biological products have virtually no effect on the structure of curls, the shape of the curls returns after each subsequent wash;
  • drying effect - any means dries the skin at the roots, as a result, the curls become less dirty, the greasy roots are invisible even after five days;
  • long-lasting effect - with proper care, the result of the procedure will last for at least 6 months;
  • Possibility of coloring - the roots and the entire length can be periodically tinted, which is impossible after a perm.


The procedure has the following disadvantages:

  • hair loss, split ends - the procedure is not suitable for everyone, the only way get rid of the effect - get a haircut;
  • the structure of the strands becomes more porous - the curls begin to fluff, and when tangles appear, they can only be cut off;
  • unpleasant smell from the head - the smell persists for several days, it is almost impossible to get rid of it, it completely disappears only after the cysteamine is completely washed out.


Any biological perm, incl. Moss hair bio-curling is not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • weakened, oily, dry strands;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • menstrual cycle;
  • allergic reactions to individual components;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • extended curls.

How long does mossa and other types of biowave last?

The effect of moss bio-curling hair lasts for three months, after which it begins to gradually decrease; proper care will help prolong it.

Helpful Tips:

  • A quick recovery after moss hair bio-perm is impossible; the process occurs gradually. In the first week, deep-acting masks should be avoided; in the second week, silicone mixtures can be added in small quantities.
  • It is recommended to wash your hair exclusively in the bathroom; when washing in a vertical position, the curls are stretched, making it difficult to return them to their previous state.
  • When combing, it is recommended to use a balm and a comb with widely spaced teeth; the strands should be washed weekly with colorless henna.
  • Application will help improve the condition of curls special products for painted or damaged hair.
  • When drying with a diffuser, the curls should be slightly lifted, so they will become more voluminous and elastic.
  • Six months after moss hair bio-perm, a keratin mask or lamination will help to finally restore the strands, after which the curls will become smooth and silky.


One of the most safe procedures It is considered a biological perm, when it is carried out, predominantly natural ingredients are used that do not cause harm to the curls. There are several types of procedures for different types of strands; Italian mossa hair perm is suitable for short haircuts.

All varieties, incl. Moss hair bio-curling has contraindications and disadvantages; before doing it, it is recommended to consult a specialist. The effect of the procedure can reach 6 months; for three days it is not recommended to wet your hair, tie it with elastic bands or braid it.

One of the common procedures that allows you to create beautiful and healthy curls is bio-perm. It has a number of advantages over perm, it does not damage the hair and transforms a girl’s appearance. Step by step guide on bio-curling at home will help you create a neat hairstyle without harming your curls.

What is biowave

Bioperming is a procedure for creating curls on hair that does not use aggressive chemicals. For work, the stylist uses special formulations that contain more than 60% natural ingredients. It cannot be said that bioperm consists entirely of natural substances, but the share of chemicals here is much less than with chemical perm of strands.

The active component is cysteine ​​protein - it replaces all aggressive elements that can harm the hair - making it dull, dry and lifeless. At the end of the procedure, the curled strands look beautiful, shiny and healthy. At first glance, you might think that your hair is naturally curly.

Biochemical perm uses curling irons of various diameters to achieve a natural curl effect. Small curls are curled with bobbins, medium-sized curls with boomerangs, and large curls are made with voluminous curlers. The composition for bio-curling plays an important role in the final result: the preparations are often enriched with vitamins and useful minerals, which additionally nourish the hair.

Benefits of biochemical perm

Those who love temporary changes in appearance should know more about the advantages of biochemical perm:

  • temporary effect from 3 to 9 months: if the girl doesn’t like the new curls, after a while you can return to your old hairstyle;
  • absence of components that damage hair: bio-curling products do not contain ammonia and thioglycolic acid, so the curling will not cause harm, but on the contrary, it will be gentle and strengthening;
  • versatility: girls with hair of any length can undergo this procedure;
  • a solution for those whose hair is too fluffy: biochemical perm perfectly corrects the hairstyle and allows you to forget about styling for a long time.

The procedure is perfect for those with oily and combination skin scalp, since curling products slightly dry out the roots and epidermis. Another undoubted advantage is that you can dye your hair in the area of ​​growing roots, whereas this is not recommended with perm.

Bio-curling products

If you decide to do your own bioperm at home, you need to figure out what products are in demand. The preparations do not contain hydrogen peroxide, which damages hair, but there are useful additives: amino acids, keratin, plant extracts and silk proteins. The products allow you not only to form beautiful curls, but also to restore damaged areas of the strands.

The most popular formulations for biochemical perm:

  1. Twisty- Italian drug of a new generation with a natural formula. The manufacturer Rica positions this product as unique composition with plant extracts and cysteine. This component is a derivative of sheep wool protein, which is similar in formula to human hair. The advantage of Twisty is the presence of panthenol, keratin and collagen in the composition. The cost of biowave is from 726 rubles.
  2. Mossa- a product of Italian origin that can be used for curling at home. Contains proteins, bamboo and hair vitamins. It gives a long-lasting effect of up to six months, and also makes it possible to carry out other hairdressing procedures - coloring, highlighting. The cost of the product is from 1800 rubles.
  3. ISO Option– a drug with a patented formula that does not contain thioglycol. The peculiarity of the product is that it cannot be left on the hair, because after 20 minutes the action stops. The composition uses the component ISO-amine, which is similar to the protein cysteine. Price per set – from 1300 rubles.

A neutralizer is always included with a bioperm - a special composition that stops the action of the product and helps dissolve its residues. Also, a stabilizer is sometimes added to the kit - a drug that fixes the effect of curls on the hair.

How to do a bio-perm step by step at home

To carry out the biowave procedure yourself at home, you need to prepare the tools. To do this you will need plastic or wooden curlers of the required size, 2 foam sponges, glass mixing bowl, plastic comb, gloves, towel, plastic cap and shoulder cape.

A complex for bio-curling is also required, which should include a special shampoo. Do not forget about possible allergic reactions: before using the product, you need to apply a little bio-perm to the skin on your wrist, wait 15 minutes and rinse off: if there is no redness, then the composition is safe. The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Using shampoo. A product for deep hair cleaning will help penetrate into the roots and thoroughly wash away impurities, lifting the scales of the strands, making them more sensitive to bio-curling. Wet strands need to be blotted with a towel and a little mixture applied.
  2. Hair curling. Moisturized hair must be divided into zones: frontal, lateral, temporal, parietal and occipital. When choosing one strand, you need to wind it onto a bobbin, and the strand should be thicker than the curling material. All strands are wound in the same direction with the same tension.
  3. Use of the drug. When the curling is finished, you need to take a sponge and thoroughly moisten the hair with the composition so that the liquid begins to drain from it. After this, you need to put on a cap.
  4. The final stage. After the required time for curling has passed, you need to remove one bobbin and check the result. If you are satisfied with it, you can wash off your hair without unwinding the curlers. Then apply the neutralizer and unwind the bobbins.

Apply the remaining neutralizer to loose hair, then rinse the product after 7 minutes. At the end, use a leave-in conditioner - the bio-perm is ready.

How long does a biowave last?

Before deciding to change their hairstyle, many women want to know how long a biochemical perm lasts. As mentioned above, this effect can last from 3 to 9 months, but there are factors that influence the duration:

  • hair structure;
  • condition of the strands;
  • the size of the resulting curl;
  • quality of hair care.

If the hair was initially brittle and dry, then the biowave may not last long. Therefore, it is better to cure the strands and then perform the procedure yourself. Masters note that the finer the resulting curl, the longer the curl effect will last.

Before performing the procedure, not every girl remembers her hormonal background, the presence of menstruation and other diseases, which also affect the duration of the effect. Failure to follow the rules of hair care after the procedure also increases the chances of short-term changes.

Hair care

After the biowave procedure at home, you must adhere to the following care rules:

  • use a special shampoo after curling - such compositions moisturize the hair, increase volume at the roots, and prevent curls from unwinding;
  • When drying, use the delicate mode on a hairdryer;
  • do not blow dry your hair until it is completely dry;
  • use combs with rubberized teeth - avoid metal and wooden utensils;
  • The teeth of the comb should be wide and of medium hardness;
  • Start combing from the ends.


The natural composition of biowaves does not damage the hair, but has a number of contraindications:

  • allergy to the constituent components;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • stressful state;
  • menstruation;
  • taking antibiotics and hormones.

Stylists claim that biochemical perm will not harm the strands, but, on the contrary, will make them elastic and shiny. Compliance with all the nuances and rules of applying the product will give you a beautiful and long-lasting curl effect.

Photos of biowaves

Bio-curling hair is a popular trend that allows you to look natural, with excellent styling of strands in large curls, and at the same time maintain the health of your hair and its natural beauty. The technique refers to natural ways to shape your hair.

The biozazivka method allows you to create completely different looks, from romantic and classic with curls and waves to daring and “naturally careless”, suitable for any style of clothing and makeup.

Bioperm is the procedure for forming curls or ringlets using chemical compounds containing as fixatives more than half of the components similar to the natural components of human hair.

Most biochemical preparations use a synthesized substance similar to natural cysteine, which is found in various cells of the body and maintains the structure of proteins.

When the perm is done correctly and quality materials are used, a voluminous hairstyle, curls of the desired shape, but without the negative effect of drying the hair and reducing its elasticity, a healthy shine is also maintained.

Differences from perm

The distinctive features of a biopermanent from a simple perm are:

  • the absence in the compositions for the procedure of such harmful substances as thioglycogelic acid, ammonia and perhydrol, known for their negative effects on both hair and scalp;
  • the ability to dye your hair 2-3 weeks after the procedure and avoid an untidy hairstyle with hair of a different color grown at the roots;
  • freedom in choosing styling from highly structured curls to soft curls and almost smooth hair.

Some types of bio-perm preparations can be used on colored, highlighted, thin and damaged hair and are recommended in combination with treatment (keratin prosthetics, nano-restoration, “hot haircut”).

Pros and cons of the method

Biochemical perm, like any other method of drug treatment of hair, has its positive and negative sides.

The “advantages” of this method include:

The “disadvantages” of the biopermanent are:

  • unpleasant odor from hair for 2-3 weeks (not when using Keuna, Lanza products);
  • temporary (up to 2 months) disruption of scalp moisture, which adversely affects the condition of dry hair in the absence of intensive care;
  • some drugs can wash out the coloring pigment from the hair.

Contraindications to biowave

Carrying out the procedure at home should be treated with caution, as the method has a number of contraindications for use.

Important! You cannot do a bioperm during pregnancy, breastfeeding and menstruation. This is due to the fact that hormonal levels during such periods can affect the result of the procedure unpredictably.

Biochemical perm is contraindicated for people with dry, brittle and severely damaged hair along the entire length, as well as for people who already have chemicals on at least part of their hair.

You cannot use the biopermanent if you have an individual intolerance to the components (the test for an allergic reaction is carried out in the same way as for hair coloring).

If 2 weeks have not passed since dyeing or highlighting, then bio-perm will lead to hair damage. You cannot apply biopermanent hair extensions.

Types of biowave

There are several types of biowaves, which are distinguished by the composition of the preparations used, the effect of the procedure, the shape of the resulting curls, the intensity of the effect, and the place of application (over the entire length, at the roots, at the ends of the hair).

Classic biowave

The procedure can be carried out in a salon or at home using professional cosmetics, for example, the following series:

Silk or protein

Bio-curling of hair (large curls look especially impressive and attractive) can be done using products with keratin and silk proteins, which not only further protects hair from damage, but also improves its appearance due to its characteristic silky shine.

Dutch-made products (Keruna, KIS) and American CHI IONIC products (available in salons) are suitable for this procedure, allowing you to preserve the hair structure and form clearly defined curls.

Light bio-perm

Bio-curling hair (large curls thanks to this method are soft and natural) lasts 3-4 months if it is performed using gentle means:

A similar procedure can be carried out successfully at home.

According to hairdressers and stylists, a light biochemical perm is the basis for styling and allows you to give thin hair additional volume.

Biowave with a healing effect

Procedures of this type are carried out in salons by professional hairdressers and are recommended for people with colored, highlighted, damaged hair.

Products used:

  • Paul Michell Exothermic wave (USA) with oil activator,
  • Trioform save (France),
  • Hydrowave (France)
  • Texture forming ISO (Japan).

In the direction of curling the curls

Bio-curling of hair (large curls and small ones) can be done vertically (American perm), in which the hair is wound perpendicular to the parting using long curlers (bobbins).


The strands are also twisted in a checkerboard pattern, also from the parting, this method is called “brickwork”. Curling with rollers of different diameters with alternation for hairstyles for short hair (bob, bob) is popular.

The classic option is a “rectangular” perm, in which the surface of the head is divided into equal areas: temples, crown, and back of the head, as with a regular perm.

Curlers for curling large curls

Bio-curling of hair (large curls are obtained only when using curlers or bobbins of large diameter) is done using special tools.

To create wavy curls, choose “boomerangs”; curling is done in a rectangular or checkerboard pattern. If you need to get large “Hollywood” curls, use large-diameter curlers (from 3 cm).

In professional salons, curlers from Olivia Garden (USA) are popular, which, using various techniques curls form both large spiral curls and lush natural curls, as well as a lot of other creative curl options (structured, clearly defined, barely noticeable, natural).

Long bobbins are also used for large curls, since with gentle curling they do not produce small curls.

Required tools and materials

To perform a biowave, you will need to prepare special materials and tools. Initially, you need to choose a bio-perm kit. As a rule, it contains 2 or 3 components different manufacturers(curling composition, stabilizer, neutralizer, activator, caring lotion (oil, conditioner)).

An exception to the rule is the Selective Professional series product for single-phase curling in the form of a spray, consisting of one component.

The kit will also contain instructions for the correct procedure, and disposable gloves may be included. If there are no gloves, then they must be purchased along with a cape and a special cap.

If you choose Estel, you will need a towel to “wrap” your head with the applied composition and curlers. You need to prepare the curlers selected in advance.

What is needed for the procedure is a plastic comb with wide teeth, a container for mixing the composition (plastic or ceramic), 2 or 3 foam sponges for applying the components.

You will need shampoo to deeply cleanse your hair before the procedure. It is better if these are professional products from Revlon Professional, Londa or Wella. When using regular shampoo, you will have to rinse your hair twice.

How to make a bio-perm for short hair

Before starting the procedure, thoroughly wash your hair and dry it with a towel so that water does not drip from the ends of the hair.

Next, strands of hair are wound on curlers of the selected diameter, starting from the bottom point of the back of the head, following one of the schemes described earlier, based on the desired result. The curls are wound in the direction away from the face.

The bio-curling composition is evenly applied to the prepared hair with a sponge and left for the effect of the drug to begin.

The exposure time varies depending on the instructions and can be from 15 to 30 minutes. Sometimes additional wrapping in a towel or simply putting on a special cap is required.

To check whether the composition is working, you can untwist a curl at the back of your head. If the structure of the strand has changed, you can apply a neutralizer. In some cases (if required by the instructions), the hair is washed before applying the neutralizer.

After exposure to the neutralizer (usually 5 minutes), the hair is washed with water without using shampoo, without removing the curlers.

Some bio-perm kits may contain a protective or conditioning element. This is an enveloping preparation that is applied before curling.

After washing, the hair is styled in the form of the chosen hairstyle using styling products, the strands are not combed. You can use a hair dryer with a diffuser attachment.

Bioperm for medium length hair

Hair of medium length curls similarly to short hair, but it is worth considering that it is better suited to such hairstyles American system curls or curls of different diameters.

Forming curls will require a lot of time and care. When winding strands on curlers, they should not be overtightened; it is better to leave them a little loose, otherwise the hair may be damaged at the roots and begin to fall out.

Photo of hair after bio-curling large curls

The procedure should be carried out independently only if you have some experience. But it’s better to trust a professional and not take risks.

For coarse and straight hair of medium length, hairdressers recommend using Japanese products.

For long strands

Biopermanent treatment for long and super-long hair is not recommended to be made at home. This is a long and painstaking procedure that requires a high level of professional skill.

However, the long hair length gives scope for creativity of stylists and allows the use of creative curling (for example, only at the ends of the hair), as well as the increasingly popular “Angel Curls” curling option with light fluffy curls.

Bio-curling hair on long strands will look natural if you use curlers or bobbins with a diameter of at least 1.5 cm to get large curls.

Japanese bioperm

Several series of preparations for bio-perms with strong hold have been developed in Japan. A distinctive feature of compositions from the land of the rising sun is their ability to act gently but effectively on the coarsest and straightest hair of the Asian type.

Products from Japan are recommended for working with long strands, as they contain natural ingredients from herbs, algae and keratin. Without overloading the hair with “chemicals,” Japanese preparations create additional moisture for the hair and a natural look for the hairstyle.

Thanks to the presence of substances such as collagen, betaine, lecithin, wheat and silk proteins in biopermanent kits, perms can be done on thin, volumeless hair and even improve the condition of the hair.

  • Texture forming ISO;
  • Goldwell “Evolution” (co-production with the USA);
  • Haronico SPA'T 7;
  • Tocosme (Feladyca series).

A positive feature of the Japanese bioperm is its smooth descent from the hair (no need to cut the ends of the strands).

When caring for hair after such a procedure, it is important to use special means(shampoos and conditioners with a medium degree of moisture). It is not recommended to do a Japanese perm on hair colored with henna and henna-based dyes.

Hair care after the procedure

After the procedure, the hair should not be washed or wet for 2-3 days. Washing your hair under a hot shower with high pressure will shorten the life of biological products.

Coloring is not recommended earlier than after 2 weeks. You should also not comb wet hair and you should give preference to natural drying. If you need to dry your hair with a hairdryer, use a diffuser attachment.

For subsequent care and wellness, masks and balms for curly hair, and shampoos labeled “for curly hair” are well suited.

Masks with keratin and even Garnier products for damaged hair restore hair well. From professional cosmetics Products from Keuna (Holland) and Shwarzkopf (Germany) do an excellent job.

Kapous Smooth and Curly will help you style your hair with a bio-curl effectively. When laying, you should avoid combing with fine combs or massage brushes, metal combs.

It is allowed to straighten the hair when styling, and even smooth it before the next wash. But the effect of additional volume will be noticeable on straightened hair.

How long does the result last?

Depending on the products and care used, the result can last from 7 weeks (light perm) to 9 months (strong hold). When hair grows back, you can repeat the procedure for smooth roots no earlier than after 4 months.

If you cut your regrown hair with a curl, you can again get the curling effect of short curls.

Precautionary measures

As mentioned earlier, there is a danger of allergic reactions to the components of the biopermanent product.

Before the procedure, you need to apply a sample of the composition to the elbow and wait 15 minutes.

If it occurs severe redness and itching is a sign of allergies. It is not recommended to use the composition in this case.

New generation products are mostly hypoallergenic and do not contain harmful substances.

Cost of biowave in salons in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

Depending on the type of procedure and region, prices for biowaves vary as follows.

Type of procedure Region Price
Moscowfrom 2000 rub.
For long hair from 4500 rub.
Premium class from 6000 rub.
Biowave for short hairSaint Petersburgfrom 2900 rub.
For long hair from 4500 rub.
Premium class from 6000 rub.
Biowave for short hairNizhny Novgorodfrom 1800 rub.
For long hair from 3500 rub.
Premium class from 4800 rub.
Biowave for short hairEkaterinburgfrom 600 rub.
For long hair from 1700 rub.
Premium class from 2700 rub.
Biowave for short hairKrasnodarfrom 1300 rub.
For long hair from 2000 rub.
Premium class from 4000 rub.
Biowave for short hairKhabarovskfrom 1300 rub.
For long hair from 3800 rub.
Premium class from 4500 rub.

Practicality and style

With proper care, the biopremanent retains the shape of the curls for a long time and does not spoil the hair structure, which gives it an advantage over conventional perms and long-term styling.

Since 1999, when the first products for biochemical perm appeared, many professional cosmetics have been developed that allow the procedure to be carried out not only in the salon, but also at home quite effectively.

Moreover, prices for biopermanent kits vary from 290 rubles. up to 13,000 rub. However, it is better to entrust curling for long and medium hair to a specialist from a salon, as it requires long and painstaking work.

Bio-curling of hair, performed with high quality, taking into account individual characteristics and the requirements of the instructions for the preparations, will allow you to preserve beautiful large curls for up to 9 months, create an individual hairstyle and make hair care easier.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video about bio-curling hair

What is biowave hair: