Personal life

How similar can a couple be? There is no love at first sight. People just like people who are like them. Be ready for the main meeting

How similar can a couple be?  There is no love at first sight.  People just like people who are like them.  Be ready for the main meeting

Elena Kudryavtseva. Based on materials from foreign press.

At first, this scandalous story was whispered in the palaces. Then wandering storytellers sang about her in city squares. Finally, five centuries later it was written down - and since then the whole world has learned about the love that suddenly broke out between the son of the king of Troy, Paris, and the wife of the king of Sparta, Helen, and which caused a long war between their states. This is the oldest case of love at first sight known to us in literature. What does modern science think about this psychological phenomenon?

Like to like

When people meet for the first time, the first thing they pay attention to is each other's faces. It is our facial features that determine our uniqueness.

But what exactly is it about a face that can make it hypnotically attractive? A nose, two eyes, eyebrows, lips - is this enough to make us want to forever connect our lives with their bearer? And if enough, what features should these facial features have?

It is surprising that in many loving couples the partners are similar to each other - these are the results of several studies. The last in this series were made at the University of Venezuela in 2004 by Liliana Alvarez and Klaus Jaffe. They photographed 36 randomly selected married couples, then cut each photo in half, mixed the halves and asked randomly selected volunteers to look at the photographs and “reconstruct” the families. Moreover, the experiment was carried out in a double-blind manner - neither the laboratory assistants who processed the results of the experiment nor its participants knew the correct answers. And it turned out that the subjects correctly assembled married couples twice as often as if they had shuffled the halves of the photographs purely by chance. This applied to both beautiful and ordinary faces. Even when only eyes or only lips were cut out of photographs, subjects successfully found people who were similar to each other and related by family ties. In short, physical similarity turned out to be an important factor in the emergence of love and family.

In another study, photographs of strangers were specially digitally adjusted: they were slightly adjusted so that the facial features or oval of the face became somewhat similar to the faces of the participants in the experiment. The latter, unaware of the purpose of the experiment, were asked to choose from a stack of photographs the faces that they found most attractive. In most cases, subjects liked portraits that looked like themselves.

Of course, scientists took into account the fact that many couples who live together for a long time gradually acquire the same facial expressions, gestures, intonations, and hence the similarity appears. And studies confirm that over the years, spouses become similar. But other works also revealed an amazing similarity between young lovers who did not have time to live as a family.

Another support for the theory “like is drawn to like” was given by the English portraitist Susie Malin in her book “Love at First Sight” (by the way, a Russian translation was also published). Intrigued by the similarity of partners in some “star marriages”, such as Elvis and Priscilla Presley, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, the author of the book created photo montages where half of the woman’s face is on the left, and the man’s on the right, and the result looks quite convincing.

The tragedy of the ugly duckling

In 1873, British naturalist D. Spalding, observing newly hatched chicks, noticed that they began to follow the first moving object they saw after birth. The German zoologist O. Heinroth noted the same behavior in goslings and suggested that the gosling's first glance at the goose leaves an indelible mark on its memory.

This “imprinting theory” has been confirmed by many years of observation. Thus, the Austrian biologist K. Lorenz, studying the behavior of ducks and gray geese, became convinced that a trace in their memory appears quickly, soon after hatching, and becomes indelible. Deprived of the opportunity to see its mother, the gosling will mistake both a person and an inanimate object, such as a red ball, for her.

This property of birds is sometimes used to help them survive. Chicks of a rare species are hatched in an incubator and a human is presented as the “mother”. Having learned to follow him everywhere, they will later fly behind a motorized hang glider, on which the object of their affection will lead them along the migration path inherent in this species. This has been done more than once with rare species of geese and cranes (see “Science and Life” No. 6, 1997 and No.).

Later, biologists also found in birds the area of ​​the brain in which the parental trace is imprinted. This phenomenon has been found in mice, guinea pigs, cows, sheep, and zebras. It may also exist in dogs and monkeys.

Lorenz added to the memory of the image of parents and the theory of sexual imprinting. Nature has arranged it in such a way that, upon reaching sexual maturity, an animal selects a partner similar to its parent. In a normal situation this is par for the course. But if in childhood an animal did not see individuals of its own species in its environment, then it begins to look for a completely unsuitable pair. It’s sad, but the persecuted baby swan from Andersen’s fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling” in reality, having become an adult swan, would have looked for not a flock of swans, but ducks, similar to the bird that did not love him, but hatched him.

Impression forever

Recent studies confirm what observant people have long noticed: we choose a partner who is similar in appearance not only to us, but also to our parent of the opposite sex, especially with regard to hair and eye color. The last work of this kind was published in 2008 by Hungarian psychologists. The age of our parents also influences our choice: girls born to middle-aged parents look for a man with an elderly face, boys born to an aging mother are often attracted to older women.

What is even more interesting is that girls adopted between the ages of two and eight, who loved their adoptive fathers very much, often find a groom similar to their adoptive father.

It is quite possible that the person who made the strongest visual impression on you in childhood, without knowing it at all, prescribed the image of your future chosen one for you.

Similar, but very different

So, sudden falling in love can be explained by the subconscious impression of the person you met for the first time as related, dear simply by his appearance. But recently, geneticists have discovered an additional mechanism, hidden even deeper in the subconscious - the perception of the properties of the most important genes that determine the biological individuality of each of us.

These three groups of genes, called the histocompatibility complex, are assembled on the sixth chromosome in humans. They are responsible for the immune properties of our cells and tissues, including ensuring the destruction of microbes and viruses that have entered the body, as well as the rejection of transplanted foreign organs.

Brazilian geneticists have recently shown that the best and most durable family pairings are formed by people with the greatest differences in the histocompatibility complex. In addition, pregnancy is easier if this complex is very different between mother and father. Scientists compared the properties of histocompatibility genes in 90 familial and 152 randomly selected control pairs. It turned out that histocompatibility genes in married couples differ significantly more than the average among the population. It turns out that we specifically select a partner with very different immune properties. This ability could have arisen as a result of evolution so that the offspring of a couple would receive the most diverse immunity genes and be protected from the maximum number of different pathogens. The more diverse the genes received from parents, the healthier the child.

But how do future partners find out about the degree of difference in their genes, don’t they do a genetic analysis? The fact is that the smell of a person also depends on these “immune” genes, which we do not seem to perceive (but is easily detected, for example, by dogs). However, people also feel it, but only on a subconscious level, and, as Swedish biologists showed back in 1995, a woman is more often drawn to a man whose smell is very different from her own.

So not only similarities, but also differences are important for falling in love to occur.

But can strict science take into account all the factors? It happens that people seem to be thrown towards each other: the cases of Vladimir Vysotsky and Marina Vladi, Sergei Yesenin and Isadora Duncan... Like Bulgakov in “The Master and Margarita”: “Love jumped out in front of us, like a killer jumps out of the ground in an alley, and hit us both at once!”

Love must always remain a mystery. And this is good.

The vast majority of men in the process of choosing a mate, first of all, pay attention to the external data of the woman- this is a fact with which hardly anyone will argue. However, for many years, many researchers could not confidently say that in the appearance of a lady, her potential partner plays a priority role: breasts, legs, build or hair color. It is obvious that every man has his own point of view on this issue. However, French researchers came to an unexpected result: Often a man chooses the one who looks like him.

Scientists have proven the criteria by which men choose women for themselves

Scientists from the Institute of Evolutionary Sciences /Montpellier/ asked their respondents to select from the proposed images those that they considered most attractive. Of course, the results were heterogeneous, but with all this we can talk about the presence of a certain pattern: almost 40 percent of the subjects selected photographs of women with the same eye color, hair, and lip thickness as theirs. For some men, even the same dimple on the chin as theirs played a role, reports Le Figaro.

Later, researchers studied the appearance of lovers from one hundred and fifteen couples with fairly long-term established relationships. The criterion was also the presence of at least one child. Thus, a connection was established: partners with similar facial features made up the majority.

However, the researchers emphasize that The key factor is not considered to be any specific facial features, but general similarity. “Basically, we are attracted to people who are similar to us,” explains Jeanne Beauvais, the author of the study. - This has already been proven, in particular, with regard to social connections: we often pair up with someone from our social stratum. The importance of the face has never been mentioned in studies.” “Perhaps you attracted your own passion with a sense of humor, or passion for sports, or a sensual voice... However, could you imagine that he was also looking for his own appearance in you?” - Inopressa quoted the author of the article in Le Figaro, Pauline Freur.

However, this principle does not work in the opposite direction.“It can also be assumed that women are also attracted to faces similar to themselves,” suggest French researchers. “But previous studies show that appearance is much more important for men than for women. The latter still pay more attention to social affiliation and personal qualities.”

But it’s not worth reducing men’s preferences only to the selection of their “mirror image”

The preferences of both men and women have a complex nature in choosing a partner. The choice is determined by social, hormonal and genetic factors.

When choosing a woman, representatives of the stronger half of humanity attach great importance to her appearance. Based on a survey by the British television channel "BBC", this factor ranks 2nd in men's preferences. It is worth noting that intelligence was still in first place.

Money and social status increase a man's chances of taking the place of a woman's permanent partner. Evolutionary psychologists say that this is inherent in nature: a potential father must take care of future offspring.

Various studies prove the proverb - “A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar.” Men in modern society are looking for a passion with similar life attitudes and social proximity, that is, with a similar level of intelligence and education.

Women rely on smell when choosing a partner

The Bremen study demonstrated that although women prefer more settled men, yet money plays less of a role when choosing young partners. And the more prosperous and equal the society, the less different the criteria for choosing a partner between men and women.

Scientists have found that men find women attractive if they have a proportionate face and body. Appearance, from the point of view of evolutionary studies, speaks of health and suitability for procreation; a symmetrical face or breasts indicate a woman’s fertility. Women themselves do not pay as much attention to the appearance of men, although they also consider symmetrical faces attractive and beautiful.

Various studies have shown women like tall men with a strong body. In addition, women prefer men without a visible waist, but the triangular type of male figure is in greatest demand among them.

It should be noted that When choosing a partner, girls may unconsciously be guided by his smell. Scientists asked female test subjects to select men's T-shirts that suited them based on smell after wearing them for three days. It turned out that women prefer the smells of those men who are genetically more different from them.

There is a belief that after years married life husband and wife are acquiring more and more common features. Of course, it's nice to know that you really found your soulmate, and someday you will even smile the same, but it still seems like a myth. We decided to find out whether it is true that spouses become similar, or is this a general misconception? It turns out that scientists have already expressed at least 5 reasons that explain the upcoming changes - details in our article. Have you and your husband ever been told that you look alike?)

It's all about the parents

They say that a man often chooses a wife who reminds him of his own mother - both in character and similar traits. Scientists have confirmed that this is indeed the case: often both women and men are looking for a life partner who will be similar to the parent of the opposite sex. First of all, this is reflected in the shade of the hair and eye color. This also affects their appearance, since with age children become more like their parents.

Time spent together

Psychologist Robert Zanjonc conducted an interesting experiment and compared photographs of married couples on their wedding day and about 25 years later. life together. After this time, the husband and wife, as they say, are “identical in appearance.” The conclusion that experts made is that a similar appearance appears in connection with the same lived experience - be it happy moments or sorrows. Emotional condition affects our appearance - additional wrinkles, an open smile or drooping corners of the eyes, a frown or, conversely, a smile in the eyes. Frankly speaking, in old age, married couples will even have wrinkles in similar places.

We shouldn't stand out!

Scientists also claim that there is another trend in choosing partners - so that the other half has similar facial features and other similar external characteristics. Dark people also prefer dark-skinned people, short people of the same height, blondes prefer fair ones, and so on.

One immune system for two

Not long ago, scientists discovered that people for a long time living together have similar immunity. This is due to general habits, sports hobbies, diet and so on. Therefore, weak immunity, or vice versa, active and healthy image life, can make spouses even more similar over time.

You are my reflection!

And finally, psychologists say that partners often move very similarly - they scratch their noses, stand in similar poses, raise their eyebrows in the same way when they are surprised. Take a closer look at how you behave with your loved one, and you may also find similar actions.

People say that if a husband and wife are similar, this promises a lot of happiness for the couple.

About 5 years ago, I took photos of myself and my husband (in which the face is clearly visible from the front), folded the photo of Soya and him in half and attached our photos together. And what was my surprise!!! We have similar facial features!!! Nose, eyebrow line, lips...

And very often people I know, neighbors on the street, when we visit my parents, mistake my husband for my brother. They really confuse them. I have a 7 year difference with my brother (he is older than me) and a 2.5 year difference with my husband, everyone knows my brother almost from birth, but nevertheless they confuse him))

And several of my new friends, who did not know my parents, even thought that my father was not my father, but my husband’s father. And my husband’s father is my father)) That’s what the girls later confessed to me after our wedding)

To begin with, why is this so?

In short.

From a psychological point of view, common traits indicate commonality of personalities.

turns out, folk wisdom, as always, is right, which is confirmed by modern scientists.

Moreover, certain benefits are provided by the similarity of even some features.

Look what I found, read and compare :)))

If a husband and wife are similar, they can take on any business together and everything will work out.

True, this only works if the couple lives in harmony, mutual understanding and without betrayal for at least three years.

If husband and wife have similar noses, they will succeed in fundamental creativity. For example, construction.

So, if your partner has a nose like yours, you can safely build dachas and country cottages for yourself, make repairs in the house - everything will work out. But you must also put your hands to work.

If husband and wife have similar eyes- this is a great sign. Everything in this couple will go as they planned. Wedding. the birth of a child, travel, housing issues and everything, everything, everything.

If husband and wife have similar fingers or even hands, - this couple is guaranteed material well-being. Especially if the husband and wife go into business together. Profits can be sky-high.

If husband and wife have similar lips- both can have excellent careers.

If husband and wife have similar face shapes- they are guaranteed the most beautiful and harmonious intimate life.

The science of physiognomy determines precisely by character traits what kind of person he is and what his prospects are in life. In a couple, these qualities become many times stronger because they resonate.

Esotericists add: if husband and wife are similar, their energies resonate, creating a single strong energy field.

There will always be children of similar parents successful individuals and leaders.

So, if a husband and wife are like brother and sister, their child will at least be a director.

Even if you don’t have anything in common with your husband, don’t be upset)

If you live, as people say, “in perfect harmony,” you will soon be alike and become truly ideal partners.

Scientists even have a name for this phenomenon - “marital mimicry.”

And the conclusion, you see, is curious.

It turns out that there are a lot of benefits in marriage, marital fidelity and the ability to understand each other... And those who ignore their marriage lose

Something to think about...

The world is full of similar people who are not connected by blood ties. How is it possible that two people, born and raised in different parts of the world, look like two peas in a pod? Is there a clear scientific explanation for this phenomenon?

People who are similar to each other and are not relatives - is this possible? It turns out yes. A French photographer once had a wonderful idea. He found and captured on film similar people who were not related by any blood ties. His name is Francois Brunelle. It took him about twelve years to realize his idea. The photographer tracked people with eerily similar features around the world and helped them find their doppelgängers. Some photos of similar people from the work of Francois Brunelle are presented in this article. Carefully study the proposed images and compare how many similarities there are between complete strangers who are not related by blood.

Every person in this world has 7 doubles

They say that every person in this world has at least seven very similar people. One can easily agree that this assumption is quite frightening and unnatural. It is hardly possible to find two exact copies on our planet, identical as two drops of water. Even blood twins have features that, at least slightly, make it possible for those around them to distinguish them, not to mention a stranger who lives on the other side of the Earth.

Not the same, but, nevertheless, incredibly similar people still exist, and not as rarely as it might seem. They live in different cities, countries, continents, lead a completely different way of life. They do not have common genes, they differ in language and culture, but their similarity really cannot be denied.

Same appearance - same character?

We all know that there are similar people. Is this purely a superficial resemblance? Can a person and his counterpart from another country have the same character traits and type of activity? It would be strange and surprising at the same time. In fact, it happens in different ways. For example, there once lived in Rome an emperor named Maximin (early 4th century AD), and so, looking at his bust, you can see in his features the dictator from the 20th century, familiar to everyone - Adolf Hitler. These similar people not only had the same facial features, but both were dictators in their time, and both died ignominiously.

It is quite difficult to answer this question; modern science does not have exact answers, there are only guesses. One of the most likely versions is the one that explains the external resemblance completely strangers identical genetic structure. For a reason that is unclear to date, similar people have exactly the same DNA.

These twins are also called biogenic. This means that their genetic material is the same, but their biological parents are different. It happens that people can be similar and live in different places at the same time and be the same age. Some may be separated by years, centuries, or even entire millennia. Natural diversity, it turns out, is not limitless, there are billions of people in the world, and there is always a chance random coincidence genetic sets.

Secret relationship

Scientists believe it is quite possible that similar people are very, very distant relatives. By resorting to basic mathematical analysis, one can make the following calculations: the average citizen, after eight generations, will be the descendant of 256 relatives who, one way or another, are related by blood ties. If we imagine that 40, 50 or more generations have passed, the relatives will number in the millions. And no one knows where the genetic material will coincide and in what generation.

In card jargon, genes are shuffled like cards in a deck, but at a certain moment the same “hands” appear with minimal probability. Then doubles are born, people who are as similar to each other as two peas in a pod. Perhaps nature has its own plans for this, its own secret goals.

Search for doubles on the Internet

Today, on the World Wide Web, there are many sites with which you can find an exact copy of yourself among show business stars, great emperors and historically significant leaders using photographs. They are also looking for their doubles among the most ordinary people of their different cities and states. You just need to upload your photo in a certain format, and after a while the search engines will be able to find for you a couple of twins, or at least people who will be very similar to you.

Such sites are quite popular, because it is actually interesting to know, and even more so to see, your double. It's like meeting yourself in a parallel world. Before the advent of the Internet, this was almost impossible to do, but now there are a lot of active search opportunities, and why not take advantage of them?

Miracles, and that's all

Doppelgangers are a phenomenon that is interesting in itself. People are more or less accustomed to the similarity of blood twins and granddaughters and their great-grandmothers, but to meet a person who is exactly like another person who is not a relative, and even lives thousands of kilometers away, this is more interesting.

Who knows, maybe in the future scientists will figure out how to use this quirk of nature. It is likely that the similarity of genomes can open up incredible prospects in such a field of medicine as transplantology. As biologists assure, the chance of an exact match of genetic sets infinitely approaches zero. However, partial copying of genes is quite normal occurrence, which proves that all of humanity is one big family.