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What should you do to prevent your hair from getting tangled? What to do if your hair gets tangled? Mask for weak and dry hair

What should you do to prevent your hair from getting tangled?  What to do if your hair gets tangled?  Mask for weak and dry hair

Beautiful healthy hair is a luxurious gift for every girl. After all, men often look back with bated breath after a young lady with smooth shiny hair, and women cast sidelong glances at the beauty with envy. However, few people know that such beauty is achieved through daily work. A daily problem for many women with long hair is frizz and dullness. What causes unruly curls and how to deal with it, what to do if your hair gets tangled?

Why do girls' hair get tangled and difficult to comb, and tangles appear on their heads?

Most often, young ladies with naturally curly hair suffer from this problem.

Dry curls are prone to tangling due to their structure.

But young ladies with straight hair often face this problem.

There are factors that influence hair tangling:

  • insufficient content of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • perm;
  • frequent painting with cheap ammonia-based paints;
  • excessive use of hair dryers, straighteners and curlers;
  • frequent washing of hair with tap chlorinated water;
  • stress and unhealthy lifestyle.

All this leads to the fact that the hair shaft changes its structure. Hair consists of keratin, covered with a layer of scales. In a healthy shaft, the scales fit tightly to each other, which is why the hair surface looks shiny and perfectly combed.

U damaged hair the scales are deflected from the shaft in different directions, which contributes to tangling of the hair. Thus, dry and damaged hair is more prone to tangling.

Very often the structure of curls deteriorates after a trip to the sea. Being under the scorching sun for a long time without a hat, as well as salty sea water, greatly dries out the hair.

Extreme conditions have a detrimental effect on hair: frost, rain, wind, heat. Therefore, you should wear a hat according to the weather: a wide-brimmed hat in summer, and a warm hat in winter.

If the hair is severely damaged, then it should be cut and then begin to properly care for it.

Video: several ways to make your hair smooth and manageable

You will learn how to get rid of tangles on your head and what to do to stop your hair from tangling after watching our video.

Proper care at home

To keep your hair beautiful and silky, you should use a hair dryer and straightener less often

Before you begin to deal with this problem, it is necessary to eliminate all factors that lead to confusion:

  1. Start eating right. You need to include more fruits, vegetables, and seafood in your diet. It's also a good idea to take a good multivitamin.
  2. Wash your hair no more often than every 3 days and only boiled water.
  3. If circumstances permit, dry your hair naturally: in the air at room temperature.
  4. Do not comb wet hair! This leads to their loss and disruption of the integrity of the rod.
  5. Use only professional paints in the salon of good masters.
  6. Comb your hair 2 times a day for at least 10-15 minutes. This has a good effect on blood flow to the head, which helps nourish the bulbs.
  7. Do not overuse tight elastic bands, do not braid complex hairstyles, and do not walk around with loose hair every day. Everything needs to be done in moderation.
  8. At night, braid a light braid. There is no need to leave long, loose hair overnight so as not to wake up in the morning with a “cuckoo’s nest” on your head.
  9. Healthy sleep and exclusion bad habits. This rule is relevant for almost everyone who dreams of being beautiful. After all, skin and hair are the litmus test of our health and mental balance.
  10. And finally, to have smooth and manageable hair, you need to use special shampoos and conditioners, as well as make masks at home.

How to properly comb very tangled curls after washing

curls begin to tangle if combed wet

The beauty of curls depends 20% on a complete diet; by 50 – from proper care on hair and by 30% - from proper combing.

First you need to choose the right comb. This item must be made from natural materials. The best choice is a wooden comb, which will gently care for natural matter without injuring your head.

Tangled curls should not be combed massage brush, and a comb with rare teeth!

Combing rules:

  1. Wash your hair and apply a nourishing conditioner. Dry your hair naturally. Dry, tangled curls should not be combed, so as not to pull them out by the roots.
  2. Apply a special product to your hair and wait 1-2 minutes. This spray softens the structure of the shaft, making combing less painful.
  3. Start combing slightly dampened hair with a wide-tooth comb.
  4. You should comb individual strands, starting from the bottom, and then the entire curl. To prevent the procedure from being painful, the curl should be held firmly in your hands. Gentle detangling will protect your hair from excessive hair loss.
  5. After untangling all the knots and tangles, apply a moisturizing mask to the strands for 20 minutes.
  6. Rinse your hair with warm boiled water and dry without a hairdryer.

The famous Scarlett O'Hara stroked her hair at least 100 times every day before going to bed to make it truly luxurious. Many people use this rule modern girls to always be irresistible!

What to do if your hair is very tangled - choosing cosmetic products

Smooth curls are the result of using properly selected cosmetics

Before you go to the store for shampoo, you should remember:

  1. Shampoo should be selected according to your hair type. N You can’t wash your hair with a cheap cosmetic product designed “for all types.” Thoughtless use of cosmetics can further aggravate the problem and create a new one: dandruff, seborrhea, brittle strands.
  2. Damaged dry curls need to be additionally moisturized. To do this, use special balms after washing. You should carefully read the composition of cosmetics on the packaging. High-quality balms contain mainly natural ingredients.
  3. If your curls often get tangled, you should purchase a special two-phase express conditioner. This product contains herbs and oils that restore damaged structure and makes combing easier.
  4. 1-2 times a week pamper your curls with masks: store-bought or homemade.

Small tricks at home will help correct the situation:

  • masks;
  • rinsing;
  • spraying with herbal infusions.

For the mask you need to prepare a cocktail of 20 g burdock oil and 1 egg yolk. Apply the prepared mixture and smooth it over the entire length of the hair, and then gently rub the “vitamin bomb” into the scalp. Wrap the treated hair under a plastic bag and cover with a towel on top. It is also worth trying masks with aloe, collected according to.

folk remedies will help make your hair silkier

After 60 minutes, rinse hair with shampoo and rinse with water acidified with apple cider vinegar. You can also rinse your hair with a lemon juice, in the proportion: 2 tablespoons of zest per 1 liter of water.

Irrigating your curls with herbal infusions also makes them smooth and manageable. so that they become smooth and silky? The moisturizing spray is prepared as follows:

  1. Brew chamomile and leave for an hour.
  2. Then the broth should be filtered and half a teaspoon of grape and apricot oil should be added.
  3. The resulting spray can be poured into a special spray bottle and irrigated with hair before each combing. After this, your hair will become as advertised: smooth and shiny!

Also, groups A and E will return natural beauty and health to your curls.

Radical methods of dealing with tangled hair

Thanks to lamination, hair becomes manageable and acquires a brilliant shine

There are also methods for restoring damaged hair, carried out with special devices in beauty salons:

  • shielding;
  • lamination;
  • cauterization.

It is impossible not to mention the keratin hair treatment procedure. as a result of which wavy and unruly strands become perfectly smooth.

Shielding to make hair easy to comb

The screening procedure involves coating natural matter with a special composition of soy proteins and amino acids. This creates a protective barrier against harmful environmental influences.

Lamination is one of the most popular methods in modern cosmetology, which smoothes unruly curls with the help of a special coating.

A thin film covering each hair makes it strong, dense and shiny.

hair lamination: photos before and after the procedure

Cauterization if the hair gets tangled at the back of the head

Cauterization restores the natural structure from the inside, thanks to active nutrition. As a result of the biological procedure, serum with minerals and vitamins penetrates into the depths of the shaft.

So, to prevent your hair from getting tangled, you need to comb it daily for 10 minutes, and also use good shampoos and masks that restore hair structure. Also no less effective are those based on burdock, olive or almond oil.

Regular combing will not only untangle unruly curls, but also relieve the scalp of dead cells, and will also provide massage and blood flow to the hair follicles.

By taking care of our appearance, our body will always respond with love.

I know firsthand what tangled hair is? Since childhood I have curly hair and for me, combing my hair was worse than any punishment. I remember how they once took me to my grandmother and I spent three days with the same hairstyle, she did not insist on combing my hair (she felt sorry for it), and I came up with various reasons not to do this. But when I arrived home, my mother spent the whole evening combing her hair, putting oil on it (sunflower oil, in my opinion), in order to somehow comb it before washing it. Now I’ve learned to deal with this problem myself, so I’m sharing what helps me.

Common causes of tangled hair

I've heard the opinion that hair gets tangled from not proper nutrition, I will say that this is nonsense. Yes, hair health depends on nutrition, but this has no effect on tangling, believe me, I have been following proper nutrition all my life, I don’t eat unhealthy foods, but my hair still gets tangled. But when it comes to care, it’s worth thinking about. Many people say that the problem of tangling hair can be solved with the help of short haircut, but this option is not for me and besides, I’m not looking for easy ways.

  • if the hair is very curly from birth, then it is naturally prone to tangling and this can be helped with the help of properly selected care products;
  • hair may become tangled due to dry and brittle hair ends, which can be caused by a lack of vitamins and microelements, frequent use of styling products and devices, or incorrectly selected cosmetics hair care;
  • Frequent exposure to the sun without a hat or exposure to the cold in winter can lead to tangling of hair;
  • accumulated hair can also lead to tangling of hair static electricity- fluffy light hair attracts to each other and gets tangled, and then combing it is a real problem.

How to solve the problem of tangled hair?

Regular haircut

I always try to trim the ends of my hair every two to three months. Do not cut off five centimeters, but one or two. Previously, I also practiced home haircuts with flagella. She took a strand of hair, twisted it into a bundle, sat in front of the window, took scissors and cut off all the split ends, but here it is important that the scissors were sharp and intended for cutting hair. I will say this, it’s long and tedious, I was so lost for about a year and decided that it was better to go to the master once every three months.

Be sure to comb your hair before washing your hair

My mother also taught me to comb my hair before washing, I do it automatically, every time before washing my hair I thoroughly comb my hair and do a light massage, sometimes I can add a few more drops of essential oil (bey, orange, mint, rosemary). This makes the process of combing your hair much easier after washing, the hair is not so tangled and easier to style. And do not comb wet hair, immediately after washing, first gently wring out and pat dry your hair with a towel (without rubbing or curling it).

Choose a high-quality and safe hair comb

I can say with confidence that this is the very first and most important point to start with. Why is it important to choose not only a high-quality, but also a safe hair comb? Because many combs injure your hair when combing. For example, a low-quality wooden comb can cause great harm to your hair; the burrs that form on the comb injure the hair shaft and it can break off in length, split and become frizzy. Therefore, a properly selected comb solves half of your hair problems, and the other half is solved by properly selected hair products. The highest quality combs are considered to be brushes made of natural or partially natural bristles, also wooden and famous Tangle Teezer. You should only use clean combs, which should preferably be washed once a week with a mild shampoo. I have a bunch of different combs (with natural bristles, wooden, with ionic), but I put them all aside and now I only use the Tangle Teezer, for me it is both the best comb and the best massager for the scalp.

Braid your hair in a loose braid at night - this will protect it from tangling and damage.

Choose the right and necessary hair cosmetics

I think everyone knows that shampoo is selected according to the type of scalp, and balm and conditioner according to the type of hair. How to choose the right shampoo for normal, dry and oily hair, you can read in this one. It is advisable to have several shampoos in your arsenal (neutral, for frequent use; acidic shampoo with a low pH level of up to 6 - it is well suited for damaged hair; and one alkaline shampoo (pH greater than 7) for deep cleansing of the scalp and hair.

Do not wash all your hair with shampoo, just lather the roots, and when you rinse the shampoo from your head, it will flow down your hair and wash the length of your hair.

Our credo in caring for long hair: moisturize, nourish and restore. After each hair wash, be sure to apply conditioner, and once a week or more often apply a hair mask. It is better to choose masks from professional series; they take a little time to work and give good results.

Leave-in creams and sprays

Leave-in products: oils, serums, creams, fluids, crystals are a mandatory step in caring for tangled hair. Today many manufacturers have special means to detangle hair or make combing easier.

Always use a heat protectant (cream, spray or oil that prevents your hair from overheating) before using styling tools. In all professional brands hair cosmetics, there are thermal protectants, they can be rinsed off or indelible.

Homemade cosmetics against tangled hair

  1. Natural base oils. There is a huge selection of basic hair oils, which you can read about in the article
    and each of these oils has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair length, for example: argan, avocado, coconut, jojoba, flaxseed, broccoli. And at the same time, you don’t need to come up with complex recipes, just heat the oil in a water bath and apply it warm to the length of your hair, moving away from the roots, warm it and hold it for as long as possible. When I was a child, my mother used to apply oil to my hair to make it easier to comb.
  2. Rinsing hair with acidified water. Also, the recipe is from childhood, but it still works, you need to take 2 tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice per liter of water and at the end, after all the procedures (washing your hair), rinse your hair with this acidified infusion.

There are also a number of homemade masks for dry, porous hair that also help cope with hair detangling; you can read about them in the article.

Salon treatments for tangled hair

Salons are also keeping up with the problem of tangling hair. There are many special procedures that help cope with the problem of tangled hair for quite a long time. for a long time, but over time this problem still returns. Read reviews before doing these procedures.

  1. Hair keratinization
  2. Glazing hair
  3. Hair lamination
  4. Biolamination of hair
  5. Hair shielding
  6. Hair polishing
  7. Cauterization of hair
  8. Haircut with hot scissors

Almost any salon treatments have a positive effect on the condition of the hair, but not everyone can afford their cost.

Hair is a woman’s real pride, one of her main advantages.

However, when they get tangled and form tangles, it is very difficult to be proud of them.

And the most annoying thing is that you not only cannot afford beautiful hairstyle, bring it into good shape, but in addition you tear out hair when combing.

Well, isn't it time to take decisive action and get rid of this problem?

Most often, those with long hair have to deal with tangled hair.

And this problem is faced both with loose hair and during morning combing. What could be the reason?

Why does my hair get tangled?

Firstly, this trouble bothers those whose hair is weakened at the ends, split ends, and whose hairs are thin and dry. When you let it down, your hair almost immediately gets into small tangles and tangles.

The second reason is the strong electrification of the hair, as a result of which fluffy hairs are attracted and then intertwined with each other.

There are a number of other factors that can cause your hair to begin to tangle. The list is quite impressive, but if your hair is very tangled, it means that something is wrong with your health. So, the problem occurs in the following cases:

- under constant stress;

- in case of deficiency of vitamins necessary for the body;

- if you adhere to an incorrect and unbalanced diet;

- if you have bad habits;

— if you dry out your hair (this happens due to frequent use of curling irons and hair dryers);

- you use detergents with aggressive substances;

— often dye your hair or perm it;

- due to exposure of hair to too cold or hot air (for example, do not wear a hat in cold weather);

- if you have naturally curly hair;

- due to the influence of chlorinated and hard water.

These and other circumstances cause the condition of your hair to deteriorate, drying it out and injuring it, but it is precisely thin and dry hair that is most prone to tangling.

My hair is tangled, what to do?

Any external problem should be treated from the inside, and not disguised.

It is important that you reconsider some aspects in your life: start eating right, take more vitamins and, of course, get enough sleep.

It is also necessary to undergo a whole range of various procedures, namely:

1. Make yourself new hairstyle, short. Do you feel that you are not yet ready for such a radical decision? Okay, then start at least trimming your split ends. Hair begins to tangle, usually from the bottom, since the weakened ends of the hair often cling to clothing, intertwine and then form tangles. And is it worth preserving damaged hair? It is better to trim off the weak ends and then the treatment of the rest of the hair will be much more effective.

2. Nourish and moisturize your curls. Your hair care arsenal must include high-quality shampoos, masks and sprays based on natural ingredients.

3. After each shampooing, use conditioner or balm - this will make your hair easier to comb.

4. Make it a rule to regularly carry out procedures with nourishing masks, oils for hair and scalp. Rub burdock or castor oil for half an hour before washing your hair, use masks made from various fermented milk products. You can add it to your shampoo essential oil orange, etc. Products such as egg white, henna, honey and many others also perfectly nourish hair.

5. Once every 7 days, use a special shampoo to detangle your hair, and before going to bed, braid it.

6. Get yourself a good comb from natural materials, with long and sparse teeth. Please note that your new comb should not become electrified, so choose a comb with an antistatic effect (do not waste your time on this and be careful). If you sleep on bed linen or wear clothes made of synthetic materials, then discard them during the treatment period.

7. Using special fixing accessories when styling your hair, periodically change both the methods and places of their attachment.

Also, until the problem of hair tangling is solved, it is better to just braid it and hide it in your hair.

If you prefer to walk with your hair down, then it is recommended to give up this habit (also temporarily).

Sometimes the problem is so complex that the hair collects in one large tangle that is completely impossible to comb. In such a situation, independent actions lead to practically nothing, so it makes sense to seek help from a specialist.

Salon methods of struggle

The beauty industry offers many different methods to get rid of tangles and tangled strands, but before using them, it would be wiser to first consult with experienced hairdressers, and perhaps even a trichologist.

In addition, salon techniques are quite expensive, and this cannot be ignored.

If we list the most popular methods of treating tangled hair, then these include:

1. . This procedure involves covering the hairs with a special useful composition from organic amino acids, as well as soy proteins. It helps create a protective barrier for the hair, so that no external irritants injure it;

The heroine of the novel Gone with the Wind, Scarlett O'Hara, combed her hair every day before going to bed, running the comb through it a hundred times. The charming rogue knew well that this simple procedure would make her curls a hundred times more beautiful. After all long hair Although it is an adornment for any woman, it is a very troublesome adornment that requires constant care. At the same time, the longer the hair, the more it splits, falls out and mercilessly gets tangled, tangled and tangled. What other recipes for taming the “obstinate” did the unrivaled Scarlet forget to mention?

Causes of the tangled phenomenon: why hair gets tangled

Vitamin deficiency, unbalanced diet, frequent coloring, perm, daily use Hair dryers and improper care equally have an impact on hair losing its beauty. But the cause of unruly and tangled hair is primarily due to a violation of the structure of the curls.

It has long been known that the shaft of each hair consists of soft keratin, on top of which is “put on” a cover of several layers of transparent scales (the so-called cuticle). With healthy hair, these scales adhere tightly to each other, as a result of which the curls look shiny and are easy to comb. But if the hair is weakened for one reason or another, and the integrity of the cuticles is damaged, then the scales rise at different angles, tangling the hair.

Another reason for the confusing phenomenon is the congenital arrangement of hair follicles in a chaotic order.

Unraveling tangles in hair

Essential products for tangled hair - shampoo and conditioner

Quite often, the problem of unruly hair is caused by the wrong choice of hair care products. As a rule, long hair tends to be oily at the roots and dry at the ends of the curls. Therefore, to ensure silky smoothness to your hair, you need to use shampoo oily skin scalp and dry hair, e.g. Kerastase Bain Divalent Balancing Shampoo.

For hair extensions, which also cause a lot of “tangled” troubles, opt for a non-concentrated shampoo for normal hair with neutral pH balance.

If your hair is very tangled, be sure to use conditioner, as it contains substances that smooth out keratin scales sticking out to the sides. Pay attention to conditioners “for unruly hair, with an antistatic effect and a maximum degree of moisture.”

Treatment of obstinate tangled hair

Hair that is often tangled does not look very attractive - dull color, dry split ends, knots on the hairs that are sometimes impossible to untangle or comb. Therefore, in addition to basic care, your poor curls need medications that will “patch up” their protruding scales, restoring the hair’s integrity and healthy shine. All kinds of therapeutic masks, balms, serums can easily cope with tangled hair. Take note:

  • Care milk for double restoration of weakened hair by thermally sealing the scales Kerastase Ciment Thermique.
  • Strengthening repair concentrate for weakened, colored or curled hair Kerastase Concentre Vita-Ciment.
  • Hair fiber filler serum for very damaged hair L"Oreal Professionnel Fiberceutic Hair Filling Serum for very damaged hair.

Homemade mask for tangled hair

Don't underestimate home remedies. A mixture of two egg yolks and 1 tsp perfectly strengthens, moisturizes and detangles tangled hair. oil (olive, burdock, castor, almond, jojoba, avocado or tea tree). To prepare the mask, beat the yolks, add lemon juice and oil. Apply the resulting mixture to wet hair, rubbing into the scalp. After this, wrap your head in a terry towel and keep the mask on for 30 minutes. After the time has passed, the hair should be rinsed thoroughly. To eliminate egg odor and give your hair a healthy shine, you can rinse it with apple cider vinegar diluted in water.

This egg “shampoo” gives hair shine, silkiness and volume, prevents hair loss, dandruff formation, and eliminates electrification and tangling of hair. For medicinal purposes, make a mask once a week, and for preventive purposes - once a month.

Home egg mask can be successfully alternated with intensive softening mask for thick, curly and unruly hair Kerastase Oleo-Curl Intense.

An indispensable assistant - a comb for hair that gets tangled

The beauty and health of our hair depends 20% on our diet, 30% on proper care of our curls, and 50% on the brushes and combs we use to comb our hair. Therefore, if you select them incorrectly, even the most shiny hair may fade, and the thickest ones may thin out. For hair that gets very tangled, the choice of comb is especially important. After all, sometimes not only the hair has to be untangled, but also the comb itself has to be “untangled” from captivity.

Combs and brushes made from natural materials are considered the most useful, hygienic and easy to deal with the most tangled hair. They gently massage the scalp and take care of the hair without damaging its structure. Ideal for hair that constantly gets tangled, a wooden brush with tufts of bristles at the base is ideal. For example, a rosewood brush with natural bristles Comair Palisander Wooden Brush 7000182.

Silicone and rubber combs of the new generation have also proven themselves well - they are practical, durable, do not electrify curls, and can easily deal with tangled hair.

And finally: when combing your hair, do not forget about the Scarlett O'Hara method. After all, combing a hundred times not only detangles your curls, but also cleanses the scalp of dead cells and sebum, provides a light massage, which improves hair nutrition and accelerates its growth.

Needless to say, beautiful, long and shiny curls are a pride and part of the image of many representatives of the fair sex; vibrant and healthy hair can attract attention and help a person look younger and brighter.

But the longer the curls, the more problems they create for their owner, the constant struggle with tangled hairs is especially infuriating, sometimes it is simply impossible to separate the gathered knots, at such a moment there is only one desire - to cut everything off and please yourself with a short haircut.

But why deprive yourself of such beauty if the problem can be dealt with using less drastic methods; literally a few days will pass and you will instantly feel the result.

Why does my hair get so tangled?

The main problem of many girls is the inability to properly care for their own hair; not every lady knows even the simplest, but nevertheless very effective rule: you need to comb your hair, the more, the better.

No, of course, each of us runs a brush through our hair every day to bring it into decent condition, but not everyone knows that this process should last more than a couple of minutes in front of the mirror.

Remember the famous novel “Gone with the Wind”, where the main character was not lazy to comb her hair a hundred times every day before going to bed; she knew for sure that from such a procedure they would be a hundred times more beautiful, stronger and healthier every day.

Don’t be lazy to spend time on your curls, this way you will provide a beneficial massage to your scalp and at the same time prevent your hair from tangling.

What to do if your hair gets very tangled? First you need to get rid of all possible reasons, which can cause such an unpleasant, but very common, phenomenon.

The beauty, strength and health of our hair directly depends on what you eat, because it is through food that our body receives all the necessary substances for the normal functioning of the body. As you know, each hair has a special composition: soft keratin, which is the shaft, is covered with a kind of “film” on top.

This coating consists of microscopic scales, which, when the hair is in good and healthy condition, fit tightly to each other, and outwardly look smooth, well-groomed and, accordingly, are easy to comb.

If the hairs, for some reason, are weakened and damaged, then the scales lose their elasticity and cease to fit tightly to the surface of the shaft, rising at different angles, they cling to each other, tangling the unfortunate curls.

The structure of curls can be disrupted due to frequent dyeing, constant use of hair lamination procedures, deficiency of vitamins and important micro- or macroelements, improper or insufficient care can also cause constant tangling.

If all of the above problems have nothing to do with you, and your hair is still wildly tangled, then perhaps the problem is the innate chaotic arrangement of the hair follicles.

How to help your unhappy hair?

Now that all the “whys” have become clear, I would like to figure out how to get rid of such an unpleasant “confused” phenomenon. The very first thing you need to pay attention to is your own ends; perhaps they are severely split and overdried, in which case you will need the help of a hairdresser.

No, of course, you won’t have to cut off your hair completely, but it’s still better to cut off the diseased and weakened ends; they interfere with normal combing of your hair, and therefore worsen the condition of your hair as a whole.

Girls with long curls Often the problem is: oily roots and incredibly dry ends, which makes it difficult to find the right shampoo. In such cases perfect solution– this is for oily hair and dry ends, which, however, is quite difficult to find on sale.

But there is another solution - shampoo for oily hair, and after it apply a moisturizing and nourishing conditioner to the ends of the hair, which will delicately care for it and facilitate the combing process.

We must not forget about hair masks; they, like no other means, can improve their condition, saturate it with vitamins, resist hair loss and make combing easier.

Store-bought masks also need to be selected in accordance with your hair type; you can treat “tired” hairs with the help of balms and fillers, which will not only put the scales in place, but also restore the internal fibers of the hair, fill it with vitamins and minerals.

You shouldn’t write off effective folk remedies; they, no worse than store-bought ones, can improve the condition of weakened hair, and natural ingredients perfectly straighten and moisturize very tangled hairs.

Various oils are good for strengthening, providing general care and detangling hair, especially for these purposes castor, olive, almond, jojoba oil, or. For example, this simple recipe for a homemade mask: mixes two yolks, a teaspoon of any oil and a teaspoon of honey.

Apply the mixture to the scalp and distribute through the hair, wrap the head in a plastic bag and terry towel. We walk in this form for 30-40 minutes, after which we thoroughly rinse our hair, and to eliminate the smell of egg, the curls can be rinsed in apple cider vinegar diluted with water.

If you carry out this procedure weekly, you will quickly notice the result: shiny, smooth and pleasant-to-touch curls that are much easier to comb.

Choosing a comb and learning to comb your hair

The beauty of our curls depends half on the brush you choose for combing; if you choose them incorrectly, then even the most beautiful and manageable hair can be turned into a dull and lifeless sheaf. This is especially felt when the hair is already very tangled, then an incorrectly chosen one will have to be untangled from the hair nets almost every day.

It is believed that the safest and healthiest are brushes and combs made from natural materials, such as wooden combs. The new generation of rubber and silicone brushes, which can easily cope with tangled hair, have performed well.

To make it easier to comb your hair, always start from the ends and gradually work your way up, all curls can be divided into sections, each combed separately. If you come across very tangled knots along the way, you can spray them with special sprays for thin and tangled hair, so the process will go much faster and safer for your own hair.