
Until what age do children get free travel? Rules for transporting children in a car and public transport

Until what age do children get free travel?  Rules for transporting children in a car and public transport

Most of us use public transport at least periodically. Directions to public transport– one of the components of the life of members of civil society. And therefore it is regulated by the Civil Code Russian Federation. Everyone knows that the law provides for the right to discounted travel for children. But it turned out that citizens and passengers do not understand very well how exactly their duties and rights are formulated. Conflicts often arise in transport between passengers with children and conductors or drivers.

In these discussions of rights and responsibilities, both sides may have different interpretations of the question of up to what age is the right to an unpaid trip, whether an unpaid child has the right to sit separately, whether an adult can seat all the children traveling with him on his lap and not pay for them . Let's consider what is written in the law about this: how it is carried out free pass for minors on public transport in 2017.

According to Article 786 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates the contract for the carriage of passengers by public transport, every adult passenger using transport has the right to unpaid or reduced-price transportation for children. Types of public transport include city trolleybuses, buses, metro and trams. This article of the Civil Code only mentions the right to benefits when traveling for passengers with children.

Considers the possibilities of travel benefits in more detail the federal law No. 259-FZ, approved in November 2007. Article 21 of this law stipulates the right to an unpaid ride on public transport on urban and suburban routes for children under 7 years of age.

Everyone knows about the right to free travel for children under seven years of age. But parents need to remember that:

  • free travel is carried out without providing the child with a separate seat. This means that a child traveling on public transport without paying does not have the right to occupy a separate seat. Parents or accompanying children are required to hold the child on their lap;
  • this applies to one child. The right to unpaid travel extends to one child under seven years of age, accompanied by one adult. If more children under the age of seven are traveling accompanied by an adult, then the opportunity to transport a child without providing a seat can only be used for one. This restriction is related to the safety of transportation - the child must travel while sitting;
  • right to payment benefits. If a child's travel without a separate seat on the transport is prohibited, parents or accompanying persons have the right to transport two children under twelve years of age with a discount on payment - the fare is set at no more than 50% of the established full fare;
  • supporting documents. The conductor's or driver's request to present a document confirming the child's right to travel for free - a birth certificate - is legal. The legality of this requirement is noted by the same 21st article of the Federal Law of the Transport Charter. Therefore, you should not be indignant at the legal demands of the conductor or controller - the passenger must have with him documents confirming the child’s right to free travel. And teaching a child to lie, hiding his age, is also wrong from an educational point of view;
  • The child, not the parent, has the right not to pay for travel. Whoever a child under seven years of age travels with, he or she enjoys the right not to pay for the trip;
  • preschoolers and children under seven years of age are different concepts. Children under 7 years of age have the right to travel free of charge. The fact that they have already started school or not yet does not matter;
  • What do you mean no older than seven years? A child becomes over seven years old even the day after his birthday: he is already seven years and one day old. The last date for which the right to free travel is valid is the child’s seventh birthday.

Socially vulnerable citizens - disabled people, large families, orphans have the right to additional support from the state. Children from large families have benefits for travel on public transport, including city minibuses, upon presentation of the appropriate documents. Orphans and disabled children also have preferential travel. Travel benefits remain from the moment of registration until the age of eighteen for disabled people.

Children who have lost their breadwinner have the right to reduce their travel expenses until they reach adulthood. If they are students, then the period of using the benefit is extended to 23 years. The same applies to orphans.

Parents know that free travel for children of a certain age is guaranteed by the state.

However, there is often confusion about how to prove this to the controller. Some people consider the requirement to present documents to be unlawful. Others are confident that they can take up free space for their young child. Other cases of distortion of the legislation in their favor by both parents and carriers have been noted.

Let's figure out what acts establish benefits for children on public transport. Who can use them in 2019?

Legislative framework

The basis for free travel for children is laid down in Article 786 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Its paragraph 3 reads:

Clause 3, Article 786 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

"3. The passenger has the right, in the manner prescribed by the relevant transport charter or code: to transport children with him free of charge or on other preferential terms; take with you free of charge hand luggage within established standards; check in luggage for transportation for a fee according to the tariff.”

Subtleties of understanding legislation

The right not to pay is subject to restrictions and obligations of the parties.

Parents and accompanying persons should understand some nuances.

  1. A seat will not be provided to a minor passenger who has not paid for the fare. This means that an adult must sit him on his lap.
  2. One adult can accompany only one child. If two minor passengers are traveling with their mother, then they need separate place. According to the rules, children are required to travel while sitting. This means you must purchase a ticket.
  3. If the vehicle does not provide transportation for children without a separate seat, you will have to buy a ticket. An adult has the right to bring with him two children under twelve years of age. Each ticket will cost 50% of the full price.
  4. The benefit is given to the child, not the mother. No matter who the child travels with, he does not pay for travel.
Children ride the metro without paying until they reach the age of seven. Accompaniment by an adult is required. Each person can carry only one minor passenger with them.

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Control and responsibility

Disputes and grievances sometimes arise due to the conductor’s requirement to prove the child’s benefits.

  1. Adults consider them unlawful, since “everyone knows about the benefit.” However, in this case they are wrong. Art. 21 of the Transport Charter places the duty on the conductor to check the rights of beneficiaries. Therefore, he must ensure that the child is under seven years of age. This is confirmed by the date of birth on the certificate.
  2. A number of issues concern the issue in regulations regarding the age of travelers. Thus, the phrase “up to seven years” is perceived incorrectly by some. It literally limits the day you cancel free rides to your birthday. As soon as a child turns seven, he is required to purchase a ticket.
  3. The legislation says nothing about schoolchildren and preschoolers. After all, at six years old, a child can attend any educational institution. The benefit is assigned to him based on the principle of age, not educational institution.
Accompanying persons are required to have the original document of the child with them. It should be presented upon the first request of the supervisory employee.

Water transport

By analogy, preferences also apply to sea (river) vessels. Children up to seven years of age travel within the Russian Federation without payment.

The condition is limited to occupying one seat with an accompanying adult. In addition, if there is more than one child, then they also need to purchase a ticket. The “one adult - one child” rule also works here.

There are discounts for children under twelve years of age on intercity transportation. Their travel will cost 50% of the total cost. In this case, everyone will receive a separate seat. There is no need to take them on your lap.

Fringe benefits

Free travel around the city is reserved for some socially vulnerable categories of citizens. Their travel is paid for by the budget.

These include:

  1. Orphans and children deprived of parental care.
  2. Disabled children.
  3. Pupils of large families.
  4. Young people who have lost their breadwinner.

The first two categories apply to a specialized service to obtain status. They are given a document confirming their membership in a preferential category. They have the right not to pay for tickets on the subway, buses, and so on until they reach adulthood. If a young person studies full-time at a university, it is extended to twenty-three years.

The benefit is valid only if there is a document confirming the category.

Air travel without payment

Benefits for children whom parents take with them on a flight are significantly limited by age. So, only the youngest can travel without spending on a ticket. These are children under two years old. Those accompanying them are required to hold them in their arms without taking up additional space.

If there are two or more children per adult, then it is necessary to purchase a ticket for the seat. The baby must sit. The ticket price is reduced by half.

Discount flight tickets are available for young people under twelve years of age. The size is determined by the carrier.

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Traveling by bus requires certain costs and hassle. And traveling with children, in addition to everything else, also requires responsibility.

In order not to encounter serious problems at the time of departure and not to spend extra money on transporting a child, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with all the rules and benefits that apply to children.

In 2019, there is no single instruction that regulates the rules for traveling for children. Each type of transport has certain benefits. Therefore, the relevant question is up to what age a child’s bus ticket is valid.

To understand this, it is necessary to provide for all possible nuances. Then parents can easily travel by bus with their children for free or at a discount.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that according to Russian laws, children have the right to free travel or with a 50% discount in the following transport:

  1. Buses.
  2. Air Transport.
  3. Railway transport.

Discounts and benefits for children apply to all types of public transport without exception.

But parents who take children on a trip should know that free travel can only be provided for one child. Only a discount will be provided for the second and subsequent children.

If two adults and two children go on a trip, you can get free general tickets. They are distributed to one child and one adult.

This is precisely where the savings on tickets lie, but in this case the children must be in their parents’ place for the entire trip.

How much a bus ticket costs will mainly depend on the age of the children. Therefore, if students pay the full fare, then children can qualify for significant discounts.

The cost of a child's ticket is regulated by the internal policies of the regions of Russia and is based on the tariff, which includes the following:

  • fuel cost;
  • expenses for paying wages to personnel;
  • payment of taxes;
  • public transport maintenance costs.

Child ticket a bus within the city costs from 25 to 35 rubles per trip. In suburban and intercity directions, the cost of a ticket directly depends on the mileage.

In any case, it is important to take into account that the discount ticket price is sold with a 50% discount. And parents have the right to transport their children free of charge until they reach a certain age.

The possibility of free travel is provided for in Article 786 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with this regulatory act, passengers have the right:

  1. Transports children up to a certain age for free or on preferential terms.
  2. Transport hand luggage free of charge, without violating established standards.
  3. Transfer your luggage for transportation for a fee at the established rate.

The law establishes that the child is given the right to benefits or free travel.

Every parent should find out up to what age a child’s ticket is valid in Russia. On buses, certain benefits are provided for specialized children's travel.

This discount is provided only on the condition that relevant documents are presented that confirm the grounds.

In many cases, you only need to submit a certificate from educational institution. The age at which a child's bus ticket is valid depends on certain circumstances.

The main criterion for free travel on public transport in Russia is age and the absence of the need to provide such a passenger with a separate sitting or lying seat.

Age restrictions include children from 2 to 7 years old, depending on the type of transport:

If there is a need for a separate seat for a child under 5 years old in intercity transport and up to 7 years old in suburban directions and urban public transport, then you can count on a 50% discount.

If the child is older than the specified age, then travel tickets must be paid at full price without privileges.

In accordance with Russian legislation, in 2019 there is no need to issue a separate ticket for free bus travel.

You just need to have a document with you that confirms the age of the child who is eligible for the benefit or discount.

When boarding a child on a bus, you must provide documentary evidence of his age. This is the only way to qualify for free bus travel.

You can prepare this document:

  1. When registering electronically, please indicate the passport details of the accompanying person.
  2. Before the trip itself, at the ticket office of a bus station or other institution. In this case, you must first present an electronic or paper ticket for the accompanying person.

It is important to take into account that according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, for one adult ticket, one child ticket is provided free of charge.

If there is a need to issue a larger number of discounted tickets, you must provide travel documentation for other accompanying persons. Otherwise, you will have to buy a ticket with a seat at the current rates for children from 5 to 10 years old.

When planning a trip with minor children, you need to check or complete all the necessary documentation:

Documentation must be prepared depending on the specific situation.

When traveling with a child, it is extremely important to take into account all possible nuances. When purchasing tickets, you do not need to buy tickets for children near the bus doors.

After receiving your ticket, you must immediately check the correctness of the information specified in it in order to minimize the risks of misunderstandings during boarding.

In addition, you should take into account that when traveling long-distance or internationally, it is better to take tickets in both directions.

Thus, you can significantly save your own money. There are many features and nuances when issuing children's tickets.

Thus, a passenger can exercise his right to carry a child under 5 years of age free of charge, but only if he sits in the parent’s seat.

If there is a need for a seat for a baby, a ticket can be purchased with a 50% discount. A child aged 5 to 12 years can also buy a child ticket.

For a child over 12 years of age, the bus fare will be charged at the full rate.. The age of the child is determined on the day of the trip.

Daily modern man significant distances are covered in land transport. The state guarantees free travel for children up to a certain age. Travel benefits for children depend on various aspects related to your children and the vehicle route. To enjoy all possible benefits and save money, carefully read this article.

Up to what age is free travel for children?

Article 786 of the Civil Code confirms the right of every parent to free travel for children on public transport. Detailed information about transportation rules is specified in another regulatory document: No. 259-FZ (21 articles). Please note that regardless of the transport where you want to receive the benefit, you must have a birth certificate with you to confirm the age of the baby.

In public transport

To find out up to how many years travel on the metro is free, the legislation (Resolution No. 259 Federal Law) clearly states that up to 7 full years. This rule applies to all municipal transport, both urban and suburban. Remember that in the case of free metro travel for children, they are not entitled to their own seat, but must sit on your lap. In order for children to travel on the metro free of charge, it is necessary to provide an appropriate document confirming the child’s age. There are no restrictions on the number of children.

If you need to travel in a transport where you must sit in a separate seat, then another rule comes into force: you are allowed to carry 2 children under 12 years of age, paying half the ticket price for each. Please note that a child's intercity bus ticket may cost more than 50% of the full price. This is due to the fact that the discount does not apply to some tax fees (depending on the route and conditions of transportation).

In railway transport

One child under 5 years of age can travel free of charge by rail. The baby is not provided with a separate seat. Please note that if two parents are traveling, two children can travel for free. It is possible to transport citizens aged 5 to 10 years in a separate seat, with payment of a reduced child fare. The tariff is set separately and depends on the conditions (car type: coupe, reserved seat, SV), direction (travel abroad or within the country), etc. In general cases, the discount is up to 65%. A birth certificate is required to apply for a discount.

If children have already started school, parents can take advantage of the 50% discount provided to all students in general education institutions (no more than 10 years old). To apply for a discount, you must take a student certificate. The benefit applies to all types of railway transport (electric trains, electric trains) operating on the territory of the Russian Federation.

By water transport

Article 181 (second paragraph) of the Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation states that children under 12 years of age are transported on water transport with a 50% discount (a separate seat is not provided). A special fare is provided not only within the country, but also to all foreign destinations, but with a smaller discount percentage on the ticket. On long-distance ships, the baby may be provided with a separate seat; check with the company selling the tickets for more details.

In airplane

When flying abroad, regardless of destination, children must have their own foreign passports (age does not matter). All airlines provide free travel to persons under 2 years of age, but without a separate seat. If children are transported without parents, the cost of air tickets must be checked independently; it differs significantly.

For children aged 2 to 12 years there is a general discount system. If you are transporting one child and a separate seat is not allocated - free of charge. In the case where there are 2 or more children (large families), each of the children, not counting the first, is given a separate seat, the parent pays only 50% of the ticket price. At the same time, the little citizen receives all the privileges of a full-fledged passenger - he can carry up to 20 kg of luggage, he will be fed if a meal is planned during the flight. In the Russian Federation, control over the conditions of children's flights is recorded in Article 106 (clause 2) of the Air Code.

Discounts for schoolchildren on bus travel

The discount on bus travel for schoolchildren is regulated by Federal law. It is impossible to talk about a specific price reduction that will apply in all regions of the country. This is due to the fact that each district independently sets the amount of benefits. In most cases, they fluctuate around 50% of the total ticket price.

Please note that this discount is only available for intracity transport (trolleybuses, buses, trams) owned by the state. To receive a discount, you must issue a student card (travel card), which is valid for one year, after which it must be renewed. Some regions of the Russian Federation also provide great benefits for travel on buses; check directly on the regional websites of transport services.

Children's tickets for socially vulnerable categories of citizens

To obtain free travel in transport for vulnerable categories of citizens (orphans, disabled children), it is necessary to contact the social protection authorities. The benefit is valid from the moment of registration until the age of majority. You will need the following documents:

  • certificate confirming disability;
  • passport or birth certificate;
  • document confirming the identity of the parent or guardian.

The discount is provided for all types of transport, except taxis and road transport. This includes both public and private transport (minibus taxi). Not only the socially vulnerable, but also one accompanying person (parents, guardians, social service employees) has the right to free travel. To receive the benefit, show the conductor a document confirming your disability and the accompanying person’s passport.

Discounts on river, air, water and rail transport are available for disabled children. If they go for treatment, travel there and back is free, but only within the country. In other cases, benefits are set individually - 50 percent or less. For international flights, discounts are calculated individually, depending on the carrier company. From 1.10 to 15.05, vulnerable categories of citizens can take advantage of a 50% discount when traveling around the country, the rest of the time - only once (this implies a round trip route).


Every parent must know the rules for children traveling on public transport. Possession of this information will allow young passengers to travel or drive around the city without problems, and will also provide the opportunity for legitimate savings. In the article you will find out up to what age free travel on transport is provided for children, when a minor is allowed to travel alone, and what documents must be taken on the trip.

Children can travel around the city free of charge by bus (trolleybus, tram, metro) if they are under 7 years old and do not sit in a separate seat. Those over seven years old use public transport at full price. Children's travel on commuter buses is also paid.

Children traveling between cities, or traveling from region to region, can travel without payment until the age of five. They must sit next to the accompanying person or on his lap. People over 5 and under 12 years old can buy a child ticket (half the price of an adult ticket).

Traveling children on the train

  • An adult citizen can carry one child under 5 years of age without paying for a ticket. In this case, the baby is placed in the arms of an accompanying person. A child seated in a separate seat must have a child ticket.
  • Passengers under 12 years of age also have the right to pay half the fare.

Child on a plane

A person traveling by plane can carry one child under two years of age free of charge in his arms throughout Russia. Passengers under two years of age fly abroad on a ticket that costs 10% of the full price. For other children under 2 years old flying with a passenger, you must purchase a child ticket. Passengers under 12 years of age are also entitled to a child ticket with a personal seat.

Water transport

Free transportation of children within the country by water transport occurs up to 5 years of age. At the same time, additional restrictions on the minimum age of tourists may be introduced on tourist routes. A child ticket is available for passengers under 12 years of age (with a personal seat). Children's life jackets are required on passenger transport on water.

Accompanying children in transport

  • Travel standards for urban public transport do not regulate the minimum age of passengers traveling unaccompanied.
  • Travel of children under the age of obtaining a passport on intercity and interregional buses requires mandatory accompaniment. A child under the specified age may travel unaccompanied if he is sent to a general education institution. The same rules apply to the travel of children on trains and domestic water transport.
  • Accompanying children under five years of age on the plane is mandatory. Unaccompanied children - passengers from 5 to 12 years old, can travel alone. The carrier company assumes responsibility for their flight. Citizens over 12 years of age can use air transportation services unaccompanied.
  • Any adult capable citizen can be an accompanying person.

Required documents

  1. Traveling children on public transport around the city, on intercity buses, short- and long-distance trains around the country with their parents requires a birth certificate to determine the right of a small passenger to free or discounted travel. Age is determined on the date of travel.
  2. If a child under 14 years of age is traveling with an accompanying person, he must have a power of attorney from his parents, which is certified by a notary.
  3. A child on public transport leaving his homeland unaccompanied must have a foreign passport, a document certified by a notary with the consent of one of the parents (indicating the length of stay and the list of countries), and a certified translation of the consent.
  • Assess whether your child is ready to travel independently on public transport, what is his degree of responsibility, and how attentive to the environment he is. If a child is absent-minded, quickly gets lost, is shy or afraid to approach people, then perhaps it is worth holding off on his independent journey.
  • Tell him about the rules of behavior in the transport he is going to use.
  • The child must know who he can turn to during a trip in threatening circumstances (feeling bad, having inappropriate neighbors).
  • The traveler must understand that when getting off at intermediate stations you need to be careful and not move far from the vehicle.
  • If the journey is long and the child gets hungry, then take care of supplying him with provisions. A dining car or a roadside shop is not the best option child nutrition. Do not give him perishable foods as a “snack”. An upset stomach while traveling is not the most pleasant thing that can happen.
  • If your child gets sick and a trip is unavoidable, take anti-nausea and vomiting pills.

Good luck on the roads to you and your children!