
Documents for registering marriage with a foreign citizen. Marriage with a foreigner: what documents are needed and how it is concluded

Documents for registering marriage with a foreign citizen.  Marriage with a foreigner: what documents are needed and how it is concluded

Have you mutually fallen in love with a foreigner and are planning a future together? What documents will a foreign citizen need to register a marriage in Russia? What difficulties might you encounter? How to submit correctly, collect the necessary documents and submit an application? We will answer these questions in our article.

In Russia, legal marriage is controlled Family Code and is carried out in accordance with Russian legislation. In addition, foreign citizens will have to document that the future marriage also complies with all laws and regulations adopted in his country.

For example, in some countries there is an age limit for people getting married and this figure is different from Russian laws; confirmation of the local commune, diaspora, written consent of parents, etc. is required.

If a foreigner has dual citizenship(Russian and other countries) confirmation of these possible restrictions is no longer necessary. If he has several citizenships and does not have Russian citizenship, then he decides for himself which state’s laws to follow.

Consider the situation when a foreigner has no citizenship in any country. If you have permanent residence (permanent residence) in the Russian Federation, the marriage is regulated by Russian laws and all possible restrictions are lifted.

In the case of the absence of any citizenship and the presence of permanent residence in another country, as well as the presence of restrictions on marriage in a given country, attention is paid to them, and it will be necessary to document that there are no obstacles.

Very important point, which women who marry men from Africa or the Middle East need to pay attention to. If, according to the laws of the country, a man who marries a citizen Russian Federation, polygamy is allowed, and a Russian citizen is not the first wife, then such a marriage union not considered legitimate in the Russian Federation.

Required documents for a foreign citizen

Along with the application for marriage, a foreign citizen should submit to the registry office the documents necessary for marriage. Here is a detailed list of all necessary documents:

  1. Passport and its copy
  2. Confirmation from the embassy of his country (see paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2) that the citizen has no obstacles to marriage
  3. Visa or residence permit - to prove the legality of a foreign citizen’s presence in Russia. This does not apply to citizens of a number of visa-free countries.
  4. If a foreign citizen has already been previously married, he will need to present a certificate of divorce from that marriage.
  5. Certificate from place of residence
  6. Receipt for payment of state duty.

A prerequisite is that all documents must be translated into Russian, certified by a notary and have a special mark (apostille). For citizens of the republics former USSR an apostille is not needed.

Submitting an application to the registry office for marriage with a foreigner

After you have collected all the necessary documents, you can safely go to the registry office and submit an application for marriage registration.

The application must be submitted at least 1 month before the scheduled wedding date. In practice, it is better to submit an application 2-3 months in advance. In some cases, the period may be significantly reduced. All the details about the deadlines: when is the best time to submit an application, what are the reasons for reducing the waiting period?

Here you can look. There you can download a blank application form and fill it out in advance at home in a relaxed atmosphere.

If a foreign citizen does not speak Russian, then he must fill out the application in his native language. At the same time, it is imperative to translate the document into Russian and have the translation and signature notarized. In addition, you will have to invite a professional translator during the application process and marriage registration. The translator must have documents confirming his qualifications.

The application procedure is described in detail in this article -. From this article you will learn about how and where this procedure takes place, what restrictions there are for newlyweds and what to do if one of the future newlyweds cannot appear at the registry office on time.

In addition, you will have to choose in what setting you want to register your marriage: .

Before submitting your application, you should definitely find out more about the rules for concluding a marriage in the country with a citizen of whom you are planning a future. It is necessary to study in detail information about possible restrictions in this country. This information is provided in full by the consulate of a foreign citizen.

Can you register a marriage with a foreigner in every registry office of the Russian Federation?

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, a marriage with a citizen of foreign origin cannot be registered in any wedding palace. This procedure can only be carried out in the central registry offices of the city. In Moscow, marriages with foreign citizens are registered in the Civil Registry Office No. 4.

Marriage is an official ceremony that is held to register the desire of two people to build a future together. In most cases, marriage registration is carried out between people of the same nationality, but there are exceptions.

There are no borders for love, and excellent transport links between countries contribute to the emergence of relationships between people of different nations and even religions. Today, marrying a foreigner is by no means considered a rarity and is becoming more and more common in the modern world.

Marriage registration between residents of the same country is carried out according to a clearly established procedure. First, people submit documents, fill out forms and pay state fees, and a month later they are officially signed. In this case, the marriage can take place with or without a solemn ceremony. Future newlyweds choose the nature of their wedding themselves.

Marriage with a foreigner in Russia follows a similar procedure, with the exception of some nuances that can be quite significant. In our country, marriage registration is carried out in accordance with the Family Code based on the norms of current legislation. Therefore, in order to legitimize relations with foreign citizens, it is necessary to submit a special document stating that the ceremony will take place in accordance with the laws and traditions that are accepted in his native state. In addition, the following rules must be observed:

Fulfilling these requirements makes it possible to marry a foreigner in Russia at the official level. At the same time, the list of required documents may vary depending on the procedures, laws, traditions and religion of the foreign spouse’s native state. can be downloaded here.

List of required documents for marriage registration and their execution

Today, marriages between Russians and citizens of other countries do not surprise anyone. At the same time, to legalize them one has to go through a rather long path, consisting of many bureaucratic conventions and nuances. One of them is documents for marriage with a foreigner, which must be submitted to the civil registration authority. They look like this:

The absence of at least one of these documents makes marriage impossible.

Moreover, all certificates, certificates and other papers must contain a translation into Russian, which is certified by a notary and marked with an apostille.

Citizens of former Soviet republics can submit documents without a special mark.

The main reasons for refusal to conduct a marriage ceremony and their characteristics

The collected and completed package of documents is submitted to the registry office at least a month before the planned wedding. However, it is better to rent it for two months ahead of schedule. This precaution is due to the fact that in the process of reviewing the documentation, additional questions may arise that require time to clarify. Often, when processing it, registry offices issue a negative verdict and do not allow marriages with foreigners.
The reasons for obtaining such decisions can be varied:

  • the foreign groom is legally married, which was registered in his home country;
  • close or distant relationship between the spouses;
  • officially confirmed incapacity of one of the spouses;
  • the age of one of the spouses does not meet the necessary requirements for marriage;
  • the groom is from a country where polygamy is legalized (if a Russian woman is the first wife, then registration of marriage with a foreigner is allowed);
  • violation of the rights of a foreign groom as part of the registration of a marriage union.

Important! Registration of marriages within the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with current legislation. However, the foreign groom does not obey him, since he is a citizen of another state, which has its own legal norms and requirements. At the same time, compliance with his legal rights is a prerequisite for registering a marriage.

Registration of marriage with a citizen of a foreign country is possible only if all traditions are observed and national characteristics, which are inherent in his mentality. To coordinate all issues and clarify the nuances, before submitting documents to the registration authority, you need to contact the embassy of the state from which you are from. future husband. Its representatives will be happy to explain all the features of the ceremony and draw up detailed instructions for its implementation.

Where to register a marriage: dividing foreigners into categories and applying to the registry office

Registering a marriage with a foreigner in Russia is quite difficult. This is not only about preparing an extensive package of documents and agreeing on a large number of national issues. The place where the marriage is registered plays a huge role, since not every registry office has the right to take on such responsibility.
In addition, a marriage with a foreigner must be concluded with the direct participation of the embassy of the country of which he is a representative. Based on this, the best solution The purpose of the wedding is to hold a wedding in Moscow, since it is in the capital that most foreign diplomatic missions are located.

Certain rules apply to persons with a different citizenship. Depending on the foreigner’s homeland, he falls into one of two categories:

  • Category 1 - for citizens from former Soviet republics that are now part of the CIS;
  • Category 2 - for all other foreign citizens, including residents of the Baltic states.

Persons belonging to the first category have the right to register a marriage in any registry office in our country. For other citizens who are included in the second subgroup, there is only one option - registration in the central wedding palace No. 4, located on Butyrskaya Street. All other institutions cannot legalize such marriages because they do not have the legal authority to conduct the ceremony.

We also invite you to read as much as possible.

Another option for a wedding is to contact the diplomatic mission of the groom’s home country. In this case, the ritual is carried out in full accordance with its orders and laws.

In addition, to legalize such a marriage in our country, it is necessary to obtain a marriage permit with a foreigner, which is issued by authorized organizations after a thorough double-check of all documents.

Legal basis of family life: Family Code and marriage contract

At the end of the ceremony, the marriage is considered registered. From this moment it begins completely new life, implying the fulfillment of certain duties and the presence of specific rights. The legislation of the Russian Federation has a clear definition that best characterizes the legal framework of spouses.

Important! The rights and obligations of persons entering into marriage are regulated by the legislative framework of the state within which the spouses plan to reside.

If the Russian Federation is chosen as the country for further residence, then the married couple is subject to Russian legislation. Moreover, such norms are relevant to all residents of the country, even those with foreign citizenship and temporarily residing on its territory.

Divorce with a foreigner is carried out according to the standard procedure specified in the Family Code of the Russian Federation. According to it, there are 2 types of division of property that was acquired through joint efforts. They look like this:

  • contractual type is established subject to actual availability marriage contract, concluded between the spouses and notarized (it also officially describes all legal aspects family life and the responsibilities of each spouse);
  • the joint type is registered in the absence of any additional documents (in this case, all acquired property is common).

When a child appears in a family, he is considered a citizen of the state in which he was born or based on an agreement between his parents. As a result, a little person may be Russian on his mother’s side, a foreigner on his father’s side, or have dual citizenship of both spouses. If a marriage with a foreigner is divorced, according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the child remains in the care of the mother.

The optimal option for protecting your rights and guaranteeing clear regulation of responsibilities is the conclusion of a full-fledged marriage contract. Its registration makes it possible to determine the rights in advance, discuss all controversial issues and resolve related issues that may subsequently provoke the termination of the marriage relationship. It acquires particular importance when the relationship is fictitious, implying the imminent dissolution of the marriage.

  1. Marriage with foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out in compliance with the form and procedure for registering marriage, determined by the RF IC and the Federal Law “On Acts of Civil Status”.
  2. The conditions for concluding a marriage on the territory of the Russian Federation are determined for each person entering into marriage by the legislation of the state of which the person is a citizen at the time of marriage, and for stateless citizens - by the legislation of the state in which this person has permanent residence.
    If a person, along with the citizenship of a foreign state, has citizenship of the Russian Federation, then the legislation of the Russian Federation applies to the conditions for concluding a marriage.
    If a person has citizenship of several foreign states, at the person’s choice - the legislation of one of them (Article 156 of the RF IC).
  3. A mandatory condition for marriage on the territory of the Russian Federation is compliance with the requirements of Art. 14 of the RF IC regarding circumstances preventing marriage.
  4. When accepting documents from foreign citizens and stateless persons, you must also be guided by the letter of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 1997 N 09-15-222-97 “On the procedure for processing documents drawn up by the competent authorities of foreign states for submission to organizations and institutions Russian Federation”, which contains lists of countries party to the Hague Convention, states with which Russia has concluded agreements on legal assistance and legal relations in civil, family and criminal cases, and a list of states parties to the Minsk Convention.
  5. When submitting an application for marriage, a foreign citizen presents his passport with a photocopy of it to the registry office. The information contained in the passport must be translated into Russian, the accuracy of the translation is certified by the consulate (embassy) of the state of which the person entering into marriage is a citizen (or the country of permanent residence for a stateless person). The authenticity of the official's signature and seal on the translation is confirmed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  6. When applying for marriage registration, a foreign citizen must provide a document (certificate, certificate) issued by the competent authority or consulate (embassy) of the state of which he is a citizen, confirming that he is not married and has no obstacles to marriage. The certificate must be certified in accordance with international treaties and translated into Russian. The translation is certified by a notary.
  7. Foreign citizens who were previously in a registered marriage must present to the registry office a document confirming the termination of the previous marriage (court decision on divorce, death certificate). The document, in accordance with international treaties, must be legalized or have an apostille affixed to it, translated into Russian and notarized.
  8. If citizens of countries included in the list of states with which the Russian Federation has concluded agreements on legal assistance and legal relations in civil, family and criminal cases apply for marriage, then a notarized translation into Russian of all documents necessary for registration is sufficient, so how the provisions of treaties and conventions concluded with these countries cancel legalization.
  9. For a foreign citizen who permanently resides on the territory of the Russian Federation and has a residence permit issued by the competent authorities of the Russian Federation as an identification document, the rules and regulations for registering marriage are applied, as well as for a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  10. Registration of marriage of citizens of the Russian Federation with citizens of the CIS in the civil registry office is carried out in accordance with Art. 24-30 Federal Law “On Acts of Civil Status” and Art. 10-15, 156-158 of the RF IC, as well as the Convention on Legal Assistance and Legal Relations in Civil, Family and Criminal Cases (Minsk, 1993). In this case, an identification document of the citizen is required (and if there is no information about the citizen in Russian in the passport, a notarized translation into Russian) and a certificate of marital status confirming that the citizen is currently married and there are no obstacles to marriage does not have. The requirements regarding the provision of a certificate of marital status do not apply to citizens whose passports contain information about their marital status. It should also be taken into account that a marriage registration stamp and a note indicating the need to replace a passport due to a change of surname are not affixed to the passports of foreign citizens. An exception is the Republic of Belarus, the consular department of whose embassy made a written request to affix the specified stamp on the “Other Marks” pages of the passport.
  11. Citizens traveling abroad to obtain information confirming their marital status must contact the OVIR at their place of residence, which makes a corresponding entry in the foreign passport based on the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

In case the future spouses or one of the spouses are citizens of another country.

First, let's consider those cases when registering a marriage on the territory of the Russian Federation is not allowed. So it is impossible to get married on the territory of the Russian Federation

  • between persons, one of whom is already registered as married;
  • between relatives in direct and descending lines (these are parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren), full and half relatives who have a common father or mother;
  • between adoptive parents and adopted children;
  • between persons when at least one of them is incapacitated due to a mental disorder.

Secondly, we note that the procedure for concluding a marriage on the territory of the Russian Federation is determined on the basis of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

Here are some of the most important provisions of this law that you should know when getting married:

  1. The procedure for marriage is regulated on the basis of Russian legislation, even if both future spouses are citizens of another country. And, therefore, all norms of family legislation of the Russian Federation are applicable to them.
  2. Marriages on the territory of the Russian Federation are considered registered if they are concluded in the civil registry office. Therefore, marriages concluded according to religious rites have no legal force.
  3. There is a certain list of documents that must be provided for marriage. These are, first of all, documents proving the identity of those entering into marriage (for example, a passport), as well as certificates from the place of residence of a foreign citizen and documents confirming the absence of obstacles to marriage.

Please note that all documents submitted to the registry office must be translated into Russian and legalized (have an apostille) . In this case, the accuracy of the translation is confirmed by the consulate or embassy of the country of which the person entering into marriage is a citizen. Also, the accuracy of the translation can be certified by a notary or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

If one or both of those entering into marriage were previously married, then it is necessary to provide a certificate of dissolution of the previous union, translated and certified as described in the previous paragraph.

It is worth saying that Russia signed the Convention on Legal Assistance and Legal Relations in Civil, Family and Criminal Matters of January 22, 1993 (within the CIS). According to this Convention, documents that were produced and certified in the territory of one of these countries do not require additional legalization (certification) in the territory of the other. In this case, you will only need a notarized translation of the required documents.

It is also worth noting that in the country of which your future spouse is a citizen, there may be restrictions on marrying a foreigner. Most often, military personnel, holders of state secrets, and convicts are subject to such restrictions. There are also options for religious restrictions. If any of the above restrictions exist, the marriage can be concluded on the territory of Russia, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, but will not be recognized in another country.

In Russia, one of the future spouses can apply for marriage if he has the written will of the other. Such a statement must be translated into Russian and notarized.

Article 156 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation establishes the following norms:

  • If those entering into marriage are citizens of foreign states, then the laws of the state of which they are citizens are applied to each of them.
  • If one of those entering into marriage is a citizen of the Russian Federation, then the legislation of the Russian Federation is applied to the marriage procedure.
  • If those entering into marriage have multiple citizenships, they are given the right to choose which country's legislation will apply.

Marriage to a foreigner is the dream of many Russian women, and in recent decades, men as well. The state does not interfere with registration, but provides additional requirements for marriages with citizens of other countries. Their observance is a guarantor of recognition of the marriage both on the territory of Russia and in the native state of the foreign spouse.

How is marriage with foreigners regulated in Russia?

The conclusion of marriages between Russians is regulated by the country's family legislation. If we are talking about marriage with a foreigner, then the legal norms of several states apply. The registration procedure itself is subject to the laws of Russia. The procedure and deadlines for filing an application, marriage ceremony, and documentary evidence of the creation of a new family are established by the provisions of the Law “On Acts of Civil Status” (hereinafter referred to as the law) and the Family Code (hereinafter referred to as the RF IC). For each spouse, the norms adopted in their home country apply (Article 156 of the RF IC). For example, the age established in different countries for marriage. However, the laws of a foreign state should not come into serious conflict with Russian legislation. Thus, in Russia it is impossible to enter into marriage unions between any persons under the following circumstances:

  • one of the future spouses is already married;
  • incapacity due to mental illness (disorder) has been established in relation to one of the future spouses;
  • persons wishing to enter into a union are close relatives, siblings or half-brothers;
  • persons wishing to marry are the adoptive parent and the adopted child.

The listed circumstances, unlike the age of consent, cannot be reviewed or changed. Thus, if polygamy is allowed in a man’s homeland, this does not mean that he can officially marry a second time in Russia.

Russian laws do not prohibit marriages with citizens of other countries

Procedure for registering a marriage with a foreign citizen in Russia

The procedure for concluding a marriage union and its form are determined for both parties by the laws of the Russian state. The procedure for registering a marriage with a foreigner is not much different from the usual one. First of all, future spouses need to submit a joint application to the registry office. This can also be done through the portal of state (municipal) services, multifunctional centers of state (municipal) services. If it is not possible to draw up a joint application, then a separate document can be submitted from the absent person. The signature on a separate application is certified by a notary. On the appointed day, they must appear at the union ceremony with passports and necessary documents. Registration of marriage unions is carried out no earlier than one month from the date of receipt of the application. At the request of the couple, the ceremony can be solemn. After its completion, the newlyweds are issued a certificate confirming the marriage. All documents are prepared in Russian.

Documents for international marriages: list and conditions of legalization

Despite the application to marriages with foreigners general rules registration, they have some features. To register a marital relationship between Russians, you need to submit to the registry office an application, a receipt for payment of the state fee, passports and documents on the termination of previous ones (if any). For a foreigner, the list of documents required for marriage is wider. Additionally you are required to provide:

  • a document from another state confirming the right to marry;
  • a document (visa, residence permit) certifying the legal right to stay in Russia.

Since the marriage will take place in Russia, all documents provided by foreign persons must be translated into Russian.

  • This also applies to the application for registration. If a foreigner does not speak Russian, he fills it out in his native language, then provides a translation. This translation, like the document itself, must undergo a certain certification procedure. Depending on the nature of the relationship between countries, documents can be certified in several ways:
  • certification of the translation by a notary for the former countries of the Union participating in the Minsk Convention (1993);
  • issuing an apostille for countries that have signed the Hague Convention (1961):

consular certification for other countries.

Why do you need an apostille?

When registering marriages on Russian territory, local laws apply. All documents must be prepared in Russian. Within the country, the marriage certificate issued to the spouses has indisputable legal force. However, for its recognition by other states, a certification procedure is necessary. Therefore, if spouses are going to present a document in another state, then it is necessary to put an apostille on it, i.e. printing of the established form. Various authorities have the authority to affix an apostille. In relation to marriage certificates, such a body will be the Civil Registry Office. An apostille is affixed only to original documents. The service is paid, so you will need to pay a state fee.

The nuances of marriages with foreigners If you want to enter into an international union, you should take into account some of the nuances of their registration in Russia

. If one of the future spouses has citizenship of the CIS countries, then you can submit an application to any registry office. In other cases, you will have to contact the central branches of the city.

Persons entering into a marriage decide independently the question of what surname they will continue to live under. If the spouses chose a foreign surname or made a double one, then one of them or both will have to change all the main documents. These include passports, driver's licenses, insurance certificates, and medical insurance. Legal registration of relations in Russia is also possible between two foreigners . Russian legislation does not contain a prohibition in this regard. In this case, you can submit an application to the registry office or enter into a marriage at the consulate of your native state. If the future spouses are citizens different states

, then they agree on where to register it.

Many Russians, especially women, dream of marrying a foreigner. Such a union provides a lot interesting opportunities, including learning another language, culture, traveling abroad. But the international union promises not only joy. Due to the difference in traditions, not in all countries a marriage officially registered in Russia is considered legal and correct. And this entails difficulties in communicating with the spouse’s relatives and serious problems during divorce. Most often, difficulties in such unions arise when there is a desire to divorce, when the question of property and raising children arises. Especially if after the wedding in Russia the spouses moved to another country. Very often in such situations, a foreign spouse tries to leave his other half without property, the opportunity to return with a child born abroad to his homeland, or even without communication with him.

Russian legislation allows both marriages of Russians with foreigners and unions between foreigners on the territory of the country. Wanting to join international marriage, it is important to remember the peculiarities of its conclusion (design). In addition, you should familiarize yourself with the traditions, rules of conclusion and other provisions of the family law of the home country of the future spouse.

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