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Where to find the Lover's Stone in Skyrim. "Skyrim": guardian signs. Location and bonuses of stones. Locations where to find Barenziah stones in Skyrim

Where to find the Lover's Stone in Skyrim.

In 2011, another continuation of the mega-popular game “The Elder Scrolls", and the fifth part was called "Skyrim". The game takes place in an already well-known universe, 200 years after the events of the fourth part.

The game world is huge, lively and diverse, the characters in it move around locations and go about their business. If you describe all the events that occur in the game, you will get a full-fledged book series. In this article I would like to dwell on one interesting artifact in the world. So, to replace the constellations already familiar to us from previous parts, appeared in the world Skyrim stones keepers.

Guardian stones are vertically standing stones scattered throughout Skyrim, when touched, the player receives additional bonuses for character development or endows him with a certain skill that can be useful in the game. In total, in the vastness of Skyrim you can find 13 stones.

During the game you can activate only one stone bonus, so if you activate a new one, the previous one is canceled. There is also an artifact called the Etherium Crown in the game, which allows the keeper to receive a bonus when touching the stone, while retaining the effect of the previous one, i.e. actually have two bonuses at once.

Also, if you find all the guardian stones in Skyrim, you will receive the “Guardian Stones” achievement and 30 points in “Steam”; if you find one stone, you will receive the “Blessed” achievement and 10 points.

Let's look at each of them.

You will find the first 3 stones without much difficulty, you will meet them at the very beginning of the game, these are:

War Stone - it gives a 20% advantage in the development of combat skills.

Mage Stone – you get a 20% increase in the speed of development of magical skills.

Thief Stone – your character will develop thief skills 20% faster.

You will have to look for the remaining 10 stones. On the Internet you can easily find a map with the locations of these artifacts, so we will look at their features:

Atronach Stone

– you are given a bonus to the total amount of mana, you are also given the ability to absorb part of the magical damage, but at the same time the speed of restoring your mana reserve is reduced.

Tower Stone

– you gain the ability to open a lock with Expert difficulty or easier once a day.

Snake Stone

– once a day you can hit your enemy with paralyzing poison, taking away 250 health units from him.

Horse Stone

– will be very interesting for owners of heavy armor, since the blessing allows you not to take into account its weight, and also gives a noticeable bonus to the weight of the items being carried.

Stone Lady

– you receive a 25% bonus to stamina and health recovery.

Lord's Stone

– grants the owner of the blessing a bonus to physical damage control (+50 units) and magical resistance (+25 units)

Lover's Stone

– inspires you to develop your abilities and gives +15% to the speed of their development.

Stone of Ritual

– once a day you can feel like a necromancer: you can resurrect defeated warriors around you for 3 minutes so that they fight on your side.

Shadow Stone

– once a day for exactly one minute you can become invisible.

Apprentice Stone

– your magic will be restored twice as fast, but at the same time you will receive twice as much damage from magical attacks.

If you are interested, you can listen to a whole lecture in the Hall of Elements about what the local scientific community thinks about guardian stones. Explore the untamed and interesting world"Skyrim", look for various artifacts and enjoy the colorful virtual world.

Skyrim guardian stones or constellation stones are a replacement for the constellations that we know from previous parts. Now constellation effects are not selected once and for all during character creation, but are activated using special stones.hraniteli-1.jpg” target=”_blank”>

The first 3 of these stones you will encounter during the quest “Before the Storm” (2nd quest of the main storyline), on the way to Riverwood - these are the warrior’s stone, the mage’s stone and the thief’s stone. When you activate any of them, a permanent effect will be imposed on you, speeding up the leveling of the corresponding skills by 20%

If you forgot which stone you activated, or just want to see what effect is on you, open the magic window -> permanent effects -> and find the name there starting with “Stone...”

By using a new stone, it will replace the effect of the old one. There are no restrictions on the number of effects changes, or time.

Table of all guardian stones, their properties and location




On the map

Warrior Stone

The Warrior Stone

Warrior skills are upgraded 20% faster.

Mage Stone

Mage skills are upgraded 20% faster.

Near the road going southwest from Riverwood.

Thief Stone

Thief skills are upgraded 20% faster.

Near the road going southwest from Riverwood.

Lover's Stone

All skills grow 15% faster.

In the northeast of Markarth, just north of the Kolskeggr mine.

Apprentice Stone

The Apprentice Stone

Magic is restored twice as fast, but the vulnerability to magic is doubled (attention! you will die from magic once or twice. The only use of this property is pumping up recovery and armor on weak monsters - that is, you are beaten by 2-3 wolves, and you yourself just heal - here x2 mana regen will really help you pump up quickly).

Halfway between Morthal and Solitude, north of Fort Snowhawk.

Atronach Stone

The Atronach Stone

50 magicka, 50% spell absorption, magicka recovery slowed by 50%.

From the south of Windhelm, near the Black Ford (Darkwater Crossing)

Stone Lady

Health and stamina are restored 25% faster.

North of Falkreath, south of Ilinalta Depths.

Lord's Stone

50 damage resistance, 25% magic resistance.

East of Morthal and southwest of Dawnstar.

Horse Stone

100 to the carried weight, the worn armor weighs nothing.

West of Solitude, north of Wolfskull Cave.

Stone of Ritual

The Ritual Stone

By using the ability, all dead people near you will become your zombies for 200s. Can be used once a day.

East of Whiterun.

Snake Stone

The Serpent Stone

Paralyzes the enemy for 5 seconds and deals 25 damage. Apply once a day.

East of Winterhold, on the shallows.

Shadow Stone

The Shadow Stone

After using the ability, you become invisible for 60 seconds. Apply once a day.

South of Riften, next to Nightingale Hall.

Tower Stone

Once a day allows you to open one expert-level lock.

Halfway between Dawnstar and Winterhold.




On the map

If you have played previous games in the series, you probably remember that at the beginning you were always given the opportunity to select a constellation (analogous to the “zodiac signs”) from the list in which your character was born. They gave some bonuses for the entire game.

In Skyrim, things are a little different. There is no list at the beginning of the game, and you need to look for signs throughout Skyrim yourself. But now you can change them at any time!

You simply find a stone, activate it, read the description and, if you like it better than your current one, agree to a replacement. You can only have one sign at a time.

To simplify the search, I marked all the constellation stones on the map:

Guardian stones

Guardian stones are three stones standing next to each other that give a 20% bonus to the growth rate of skills in one of three categories:

  • Warrior Sign(Two-Handed, One-Handed, Blocking, Shooting, Smithing, Heavy Armor)
  • Mark of the Mage(Enchantment, destruction, illusion, sorcery, alteration, restoration)
  • Mark of the Thief(Light Armor, Stealth, Lockpicking, Pickpocketing, Speech, Alchemy)

Guardian stones can be found at the very beginning of the game, right along the road from Helgen to Riverwood.

Lover's Stone

An alternative to guardian stones. Instead of accelerating the learning of skills in one category, all 18 skills receive a bonus. However, instead of 20%, it is 15%. If you use skills of not one, but at least two categories, the Lover's Sign will be preferable.

Apprentice Stone

Doubles your magicka recovery speed! However, at the same time you become twice as vulnerable to enemy spells. The Sign of the Apprentice can only be used by magicians, and only by those who have fully gained resistance and reflection of magic.

Atronach Stone

The amount of magic increased by 50 units. 50% spell absorption. Magicka recovery rate reduced by 50%. An excellent choice for warriors and thieves, because the armor does not protect against spells and dragon fire. The magic bonus will be useful for one-time use of spells, and the recovery speed for warriors and thieves does not matter. And for a magician who has maxed out the acceleration of magic recovery and reducing the cost of spells from his favorite school of magic, 50% spell absorption will be very useful.

Tower Stone

Once a day you can unlock a lock at Expert level or lower. It looks like this: when you select a lock, a dialog menu will appear: open the lock yourself or using the Tower Sign.

Snake Stone

Once a day, you can paralyze an enemy for 5 seconds, and he will receive 25 points of damage. Look for the Sign of the Serpent in the magic menu in the talents section. It is activated by the "shout" key (Z by default).

Horse Stone

The Horse Sign will give you an additional 100 units of carrying capacity. Also, the weight of the armor does not give any movement penalties. Can be useful if you wear heavy armor and have not yet leveled up the Hard Training perk.

Stone Lady

Health and stamina are restored 25% faster. May be useful for warriors and thieves.

Lord's Stone

Grants 50 damage resistance and 25% magic resistance. Useful for magicians, because robes cannot withstand blows at all.

Stone of Ritual

Once a day, you can revive all the bodies in a certain radius around you so that they protect you. Look for the Ritual Sign in the magic menu in the talents section. It is activated by the "shout" key (Z by default).

Shadow Stone

Once a day you can become invisible for 60 seconds. Look for the Mark of the Shadow in the magic menu in the talents section. It is activated by the "shout" key (Z by default). Wouldn't it be easier to use a spell or potions?

standing stones (Standing Stones)- magical stones that can be found in different corners Skyrim. In total there are 13 stones corresponding to a certain constellation. Each of the stones can give some effect, and only one can be used at a time. However, you can change the effect at any time by activating another magic stone.

Guardian stones are the first of the groups magic stones which you may encounter in the game. There will be three of them: the Mage's Stone, the Thief's Stone and the Warrior's Stone. They will be located near the exit of their cave at the very beginning game scenario. Your companion will prompt you to activate one of them at will.

The Apprentice StoneOn an island in the swamp, north of Fort Snowhawk, west/northwest of Morthal
  • Magic regeneration +100%
  • Vulnerability to magic +100%
Mark of the Apprentice doubles your magical energy and its regeneration rate, but makes you twice as susceptible to spells
The Atronach StoneSouth of Windhelm, in the southern part of the hot springs zone, north of Mistwatch.
  • Magic +50 points
  • Spell absorption 50%
  • Magicka regeneration is 50% slower
Mark of the Atronach allows you to absorb some of the magical energy from enemy spells and gives you more of it, but slows down its recovery
The Lady StoneIn a lake, on an island, north of Falkreath
  • Health regeneration 25% faster
  • Stamina regeneration 25% faster
The Lady's Sign allows you to recover health and stamina faster
The Lord StoneEast of Morthal, next to the Sanctuary of Mehrunes Dagon
  • Armor class +50
  • Magic Resistance 25%
Those under the sign of the Lord are more resistant to both magic and physical damage
The Lover StoneEast of Markarth, north of Kolskeggr MineLearn all skills 15% fasterThe Lover's mark allows you to learn all skills a little faster, but not as fast as the Thief, Warrior or Mage marks
The Mage StoneSouthwest of Riverwood, one of the Guardian StonesLearn magic skills 20% fasterThe Mage Mark allows you to learn magical skills faster
The Ritual StoneEast of WhiterunRaise all the dead once a day to fight for youOnce per day, the Ritual sign allows you to temporarily resurrect nearby corpses to protect you
The Serpent StoneEast of Winterhold, on an islandParalyzes the target for 5 sec and damages health to the target 25 pointsMark of the Serpent allows you to paralyze and poison a target once per day
The Shadow StoneSouth of Riften, next to Nightingale HallInvisibility for 60 seconds once a dayMark of the Shadow allows you to cast invisibility once per day
The Steed StoneNorthwest of Solitude, near the Iron Shelter
  • Wearing armor does not affect speed
  • Carryable weight +100
  • Equipment / Clothes are weightless
The Horse Mark allows you to carry more items and armor will not affect your speed
The Thief StoneSouthwest of

To feel like a king, you just need to know where to find the Barenziah stones in Skyrim, namely all 24 of them, then put them back into the crown, and enjoy the most difficult-to-find artifact in the entire game! But you can start the quest to collect all the fragments only when you find one of stones of Barenziah, and then the quest Look Under Every Stone will automatically begin.

The essence of the task is to collect all the stones (24 pieces), find the precious Barenziah's crown and connect them together. These unusual and gems decorated the crown worn by the queen Mournhold. The Stones of Barenziah were scattered all over Skyrim, and finding them without a map is quite difficult and will take a lot of time, so below there will be a map of where all the lost parts of the crown are located so that you can easily find them without any problems. However, some stones can be found by completing quests, that is, they will lie in locations locked with keys.

Locations where to find Barenziah stones in Skyrim

In this list you will find out the location of all the stones (24 pieces) from the task Look under each stone.

  1. One of the most easily accessible stones of Barenziah is the one that lies in Dragon's Reach, very easy to find, it is located in the jarl's room.
  2. Another one is located again in Whiterun, in the chambers of the leader of the Saratniks- Kodlak. Again, you can just go and take the stone without any quests.
  3. The next one is in Whiterun, this time in hall of the dead. You just need to go down into the catacombs, kill the skeletons there (not necessary) and pick up the stone that lies on the left, on the grave.
  4. Next comes Solitude, our own home called " High spire". However, in order to pick up this stone you need to buy a house in the city.
  5. One of Barenziah's 24 stones is again in Solitude, in Blue Palace. We must go to the earl's room and pick up the stone.
  6. Then go to the ship " Picky Sload". The stone lies on the table in the captain's room.
  7. Afterwards you need to go to Markarth and go to treasury. Go forward and find a room on the left. There will be Barenziah's stone next to the bed.
  8. Afterwards we go to Archmage's chambers. To go there, you must first join the College of Mages of Winterhold and complete a couple of quests, since at the beginning the door that leads to the archmage’s chambers is locked with a key and you cannot enter there without a console.
  9. The next Barenziah Stone can be found during the quest "Difficult Answers", located in Dwemer Museum, which is in Markarth.
  10. The next stone can be found during the quest " Remnants of former glory", near the word wall in the Old Lady's Rock location.
  11. Then we go to Windhelm, go to the clan house " Shattered Shield“, we go up to the second floor and pick up the item we need.
  12. Another easily accessible item awaits you in court magician's room named Wunferth, who is in Windhelm.
  13. Another Barenziah stone that is very easy to get is located in the fortress Mistvale, in the Jarl's chambers.
  14. Next you need to take the quest " I gave my word - keep it"and go to the Black Briar residence, there are stairs in the main hall, go up and find the stone that lies on the table.
  15. The next stone is in Astrid's room, in the hideout of the dark brotherhood.
  16. To search for the next crown fragment, you should go to the ruins " Ansilvund". He is in the room where Lu'a dies at your hands.
  17. The next one is in the ruins called " Abode of Rannveig“, you need to go down to the very bottom and look for the stone there, it lies on the table.
  18. Let's go to the cave " Stone Creek"and go straight to the alchemist's room (located on the left) and take what you need.
  19. Next we take the quest “ Library books“, which is issued at the College of Winterhold and we go to the Fellglow fortress, is located in the alchemist’s laboratory.
  20. In a location called " Divided Gorge» Barenziah's next stone is located, near the wall of words.
  21. Taking on the quest called " Arondil's Diaries“You need to go to a place called “Ingvild”. The stone lies in the room, which is located behind the throne room.
  22. IN Khoba cave there is another pebble, you need to find a room where there is an alchemical laboratory and there find the stone that lies on the shelf.
  23. In Elenwen's chambers, in Thalmor embassy there is another pebble. You can get to the embassy while completing the quest “Diplomatic Immunity”.
  24. And Barenziah's last stone is in Sosnovaya outpost. In the outpost there is a room with draugr, and behind it is a door. Behind the door there is a shelf on which lies your last crown fragment.

Skyrim - Map of the location of all the Barenziah stones

Barenziah's crown can easily be called the most unique, or even legendary, in the entire game. After all, it takes many players about 40 game hours. Therefore, this article will give you the best possible focus when trying to find all the stones.

Video Skyrim - Places where the Barenziah stones are located on the map

Well, now you know where and how you can quickly find all 24 Barenziah stones in the most iconic game - Skyrim. Luck with searching.