
Game program "Christmas fun". Scenario of the competition program "Christmas gatherings Scenario of a children's holiday Christmas with a game program

Game program

Azova Larisa Mikhailovna
Position: educator
Educational institution: state institution of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra "Social - rehabilitation center for minors" Bereginya "
Locality: Pionerskiy Sovetskiy District Tyumen Region Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra
Material name: methodical development
Topic: educational game program "Christmas gatherings"
Date of publication: 23.01.2017
Section: preschool education

state institution of Khanty - Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra "Social rehabilitation center for minors" Bereginya "Prepared by educator Azova LM Stationary department. p. Pionersky

expanding knowledge of minors about Orthodox holidays, their names and origins.
1. To broaden the horizons of pupils about Orthodox holidays, their names and origins. 2. Develop cognitive activity, attention, logic of thinking, communication skills and social contacts. 3. To educate the foundations of moral behavior; to introduce to Russian traditions.
tokens - snowflakes, layout with newborn Jesus Christ, angels. Pictures with two snowmen for the game "Find 10 different". Pictures with snowflakes for the game "Find the same snowflakes". Circles: large - 5 pcs., Medium - 5 pcs., Small circles - 5 pcs. for the Make a Snowman competition. Candles - 7 pieces. 4 mugs, ring, 2 towels. 7 deep plates - for divination. Basket for the game "Frozen". Prediction table.

digital camera, phonogram with Christmas songs.
Date: 06
.01. 2017 year.
Time spending:
playroom of the stationary department.
3-16 years old.

KTD "Birth of Jesus Christ" production of a model. KTD "Angels" master class. Viewing Orthodox magazines with Christmas pictures. Listening to Christmas children's songs. Educational lesson - the game "Christmas". Drawing competition "Christmas". Application "Christmas
Christ ". Games "Find 10 different", "Find the same mittens", "Find a pair of boots", "Collect a snowman from circles of different sizes."
The course of the event.

Hello girls, boys and dear guests! Tell me, what holidays have passed, what holiday is coming up? (Children's answers).
That's right, new year, christmas old new year, baptism of the Lord! What is Christmas? (Children's answers). The Feast of the Nativity of Christ is the brightest and most joyful day for many people. It was on this day that the son of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born to the Virgin Mary. The first time Christmas was celebrated in Russia in 988. Preparing for the holiday thoroughly, a few days before Christmas all work stopped: it was believed that otherwise the year would pass in hard work, without rest. Strict fasting begins 6 weeks before the start of the holiday. People with wealth were revered as a duty these days to help the poor. They set up almshouses and prisons and gave alms. On Christmas Eve - Christmas Eve - food was not allowed until the appearance of the first star, which marks the birth of the Savior of the world. When this Christmas star rose in the sky, everyone hurried to the festive table. On the eve of Christmas and on the day of the holiday, they dressed in everything new, and even changed several times so that they would be updated all year round. Christmastide begins on January 8 and lasts 12 days before Epiphany. According to ancient belief, on Christmastide, the newborn God wanders the earth and sends out generous gifts; what you ask for in prayer, you will receive. It was believed that at this time the most cherished desires were fulfilled. Christmastide was accompanied by its own customs and ceremonies - Christmastide festivities, Christmas carols, generosity, fortune-telling at Christmas, Old New
year and Baptism. Christmastide was a time of rest, games, entertainment, festivities for children and adults. - So we will play with you now!
The game "Christmas riddles".
There is a great celebration in the middle of winter. Great holiday - ... (Christ's Christmas)! Everyone is waiting for him - from babies to dads and mothers, and all smart people are in a hurry to the service ... (to the temple). Here it is festive, light, incense smells pleasantly, Before the icons burn ... (lamps). And, fluffing up the green needles, Christmas flaunts ... (Christmas trees). So that the evening passes with prayer, All people in the temple light ... (candles). And everyone happily listens to the festive service, and after that Merry Christmas to each other ... (congratulations). Here, triumph and mystery emanates from everywhere, and the heart stops in anticipation ... (miracle). After all, the miracle of all the most wonderful on this day came true - On earth was born ... (Jesus Christ).
Now let's start the Christmas contests!

Competition "Find the same snowflakes".
Contestants must find two identical snowflakes in a minute. Participants who are the first to complete the task win.

Competition "Make a Snowman".
Contestants must make a snowman in a minute. Participants who are the first to complete the task win.

Competition "Find 10 Differences".
Contestants must find 10 differences in the pictures in a minute. Participants who are the first to complete the task win.
The game "Frozen".
For the game, you will need to prepare leaves on which you need to write parts of the body, for example, lips, hand, leg, ear, little finger on the left hand, nose. These leaves are rolled and folded into a basket. The first participant of the game comes out. The rest of the participants take turns taking leaves from the basket and joining each other with the indicated body parts. Thus, the participants freeze to each other.

Competition for guests "Christmas Quiz".
1. What Christian holidays do you know? Christmas, Baptism, Meeting, Easter, Trinity. Pokrov, Nikolin's day, Ilyin's day. Annunciation, Palm Sunday, Assumption, etc. 2. What are the number of major Christian holidays? (Twelve). 3. What book is called the "superbook"? (Bible). 4. How many parts does the Bible consist of? (Of the two - Old Testament, New Testament).
5. What does the word "amen" mean? (True). 6. What does hallelujah mean? (Praise God.) 7. What is conscience? (The connection between the soul and the brain). 8. On what Christian holiday does winter meet with spring? (Presentation - February 15). 9. What is canon? (Rule, law). 10. What should be done before eating according to the Law of Moses? (It is necessary to undergo cleansing, that is, wash your hands). 11. What is the name of the festive church ringing made with one bell? (Blagovest). 12. When is Christmas celebrated? (January 7). 13. What is the name of the day before Christmas, January 6? (Christmas Eve). 14. What is the name of the Christmas star? (Bethlehem). 15. In which city was Jesus Christ born? (Bethlehem). 16. What was the name of the mother and father of Jesus Christ? (Joseph and Mary). 17. Who gave the name to Jesus Christ? (Archangel Gabriel). 18. What does the name Jesus mean? (Savior). 19. What does Christ mean? (Anointed One.) 20. What are the holidays between Christmas and Epiphany called? (Christmastide).
21. When is Epiphany celebrated? (January 19). 22. What is the name of Christmastide in Germany? (Holy evenings). 23. How are these days called in Belarus and Ukraine? (Christmas carols). 24. Why go to greet the first star on Christmas Eve, January 6? (It is believed that wishes will come true). 25. What dish is baked on Christmas Eve? (They bake juicy). 26. What is the most famous book by Nikolai Gogol about Christmas? ("Christmas Eve").
Not a single holiday in Russia could be compared with Christmastide in terms of the number of customs and rituals. There is a popular belief that New Year's and Christmas divinations always come true. It is on this holiday that a strange combination of Christian and pagan rites is observed. And to this day, at Christmas and the Old New Year, we have fortune-telling, carols, fancy dress, masks. Girls used mirrors, candles, wax, needles, thread, felt boots, and many more fortune-telling can be enumerated. We will also try to tell fortunes now.
"Divination by circles".
To find out what we have to do in 2017, they guess at the circles. We have 4 mugs on the table, in which salt, sugar, bread, and a ring. Salt is tears, troubles. Sugar is a sweet life. Bread is wealth in everything. The ring is marriage, marriage, companion or life partner. There are 4 seasons in a year. The mug is the time of year. You need to choose from mugs,
covered with a towel, one mug. We guess up to 4 times. This way you will find out what awaits you in each season. I invite those who wish to the table.
The most famous and widespread prediction is wax divination. It has come to us since ancient times and is still in great demand. There is an opinion that for accuracy and truthfulness it is necessary to take a wax candle. Light a candle and drip wax into the middle of the plate until a figure is formed. When the wax has cooled in water, take out the figure and examine the drawing on the figure. The figure is used to judge fate. If the figure has a lot of grains, or it looks like a curly tree, fate will give abundance in the New Year, etc.
"Fortune-telling on wax".
There are deep bowls of water on the table. There are candles near the plates. Those who want to tell fortunes, I invite to the table. You have wax figures - predictions. On the table you have a table with predictions. When looking at your wax figures, you can refer to the table for help. Do not discard wax figures. They are stored for a whole year. Our Christmas gatherings are over, but the holiday is just beginning. I wish you a Merry Christmas. I wish you health, happiness and all earthly blessings. Until next time!

Where to Celebrate Christmas?

Christmasconsidered a family holiday. However, it's okay if you celebrate it with your friends.

You can celebrate Christmas at home, in your apartment, or you can go to nature. It all depends on your imagination.

Traditionally, the main festive attribute is the Christmas tree. You can decorate the Christmas tree to your taste using toys purchased in a store or made with your own hands.

The star of Bethlehem must certainly be located at the top. Together with the children, decorate the tree with cardboard figurines of Bible stories.

This will not only allow you to plunge into history and creativity, but will also contribute to the creation of a strong friendly atmosphere in the family.

Fir branches can be used to make a variety of compositions using candles, Christmas tree decorations and flowers.

Balloons in various combinations, both as part of compositions and single ones, will allow creating a festive atmosphere in the house.

An integral attribute Christmas are candles. This custom owes its origin to the Jews, who set a candle in the center of a wreath of laurel branches and lit it on Christmas Eve. Today wax candles are being replaced by electric ones.

In Catholic countries, Christmas manger, figures of Mary, magi, shepherds, animals that surrounded the infant's manger are used as an element of the festive decoration.

Scenario for Christmas and carols

Christmas it is not customary to celebrate in a large company, because this is a family holiday. However, if you have a large and friendly family or your closest friends have come to visit, then the simple scenario that we offer in this article will surely help you make Christmas not just a pleasant evening in the circle of your closest people, will give this holiday charm and sincerity.

In Russia, Christmas began to be celebrated after the introduction of Christianity - in the 10th century. It happened at a time when the ancient Slavs celebrated their many-day holiday - Kolyada. This is where the tradition of carols or praises came to us. And if in cities this tradition has practically disappeared, then in the countryside they still sing carols, because this is another reason to arrange a kind of masquerade, and you can earn money. Carols are usually celebrated not on Christmas itself (this holiday has always been celebrated with the family), but on Svyatki.

Christmastide began on Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve (December 24 according to the old style or January 6 in the new style), and lasted two weeks until Epiphany (January 6 and January 19, respectively). New Year (January 1 and 14), as it were, divided the Christmastide into two halves. The time from the feast of the Nativity of Christ to the New Year was called "Holy Evenings" or Bright Christmastide, and from New Years to Epiphany - "Terrible evenings". The evenings were called “holy” because on those days Christmas was celebrated, and “Terrible” (Holy Week) because it was believed that these days evil spirits walk around the world.

On Christmas itself, it is customary to play a small performance on a biblical theme ... Therefore, you need to prepare for the holiday in advance. If for some reason the plot of Christian Christmas doesn't suit you, it doesn't matter. You can put on a performance on a winter or New Year theme. It is not necessary to prepare complex costumes for the performance, it is quite possible to get by with some old things, sheets, tablecloths, etc., which are enough in any home. Perhaps the play will need musical accompaniment and simple decorations. This also needs to be taken care of in advance.

If the tree stood in your house before Christmas, then you can “update” its outfit with the children. Let it be homemade toys, paper lanterns and garlands, the main thing is that the feeling of a holiday lives in the house. Children can also be told a story about why the Christmas tree is decorated for the New Year and Christmas. The story is as follows: a long time ago, when God still lived on earth, and not in heaven, different trees came to him in turn, and he presented them all with fruits: an apple tree - apples, plums - plums, cherries - cherries. One spruce stood aside. And then God commanded for her modesty to decorate the spruce with sweets, fruits, toys and garlands every year.

After the performance, everyone is invited to the table. For tea, you can serve surprise cookies. Inside each cookie is a fortune note. The papers must be wrapped in food foil. Predictions must be good, kind, for example:

If you don’t shed tears

There will be a whole load of money.

Your destiny is not so simple

Career growth awaits you.

Oh miracle, fate will prepare a surprise

Pack your bags, go on a cruise.

It remains to wait, just a little,

Soon joy will peep into your house.

A sharp turn is waiting for you soon

Big love awaits you this year.

After tea, you can play.

Christmas Games

"Gifts of the Magi"

All those present in turn put their hand into the bag, which contains all kinds of souvenirs and sweets, and try to guess what kind of object is in his hand; then the item is taken out of the bag. If the participant guessed correctly, then he takes this thing for himself.

"Smoking room".

Traditional Christmas game. Previously, the "smoking room" was a torch, now it has been replaced by a Bengal candle. The game is as follows: all participants stand in a circle. One of the participants lights a sparkler and says aloud:

Smoking room, smoking room,

The legs are long

The belly is short.

Don't you die, smoking room,

Don't make me dance

Don't make me dance

Kiss the whole conversation.

After that, he passes the "smoking room" to the next player, who also repeats these words. The player loses if the "smoking room" in his hands goes out. This person is doing a fant.

The best way to end the holiday is to watch some kind movie with the whole family.

For young people, you can offer more active entertainment - carols, which have already been mentioned above. In the past, the time from Christmas to Epiphany in village life stood out with a special spiritual uplift and was solemn, festive and cheerful. The people said: "Winter for frosts, and a man for the holidays." Christmastide was considered a youth holiday. Gathered evenings, gatherings, noisy and merrily held games with mummers. Young people at this time "joked", and everything that "lay badly" became a "participant" in the pampering.

Preparations for the rounds began in a few days. Costumes and masks were prepared in advance. The traditional characters of the mummers were a wolf, a goat, Baba Yaga. Usually the Slavs went with a large home-made star made of paper, "an arshin in size, with different embellishments and illuminated by candles." She symbolized the star that rose over Bethlehem when Christ was born.

We propose to revive this glorious tradition, especially since it is not at all difficult to do it. Of course, if you go into every apartment without warning in a discharged crowd, then most likely they simply won't open the door for you. Therefore, it is better to warn the people to whom you plan to come to carol in advance. This can be done orally, or you can simply post a notice at the entrance to the entrance.

Here are some texts from traditional carols:

Kolyada, kolyada,

Give me some pie

Or a slice of bread

Or half a dollar money,

Or a chicken with a crest,

Cockerel with a comb,

Or hay shred,

Or a pitchfork to the side!


Another day of Christmas!

Who will serve the pie

Tom's belly yard!

Who will not give a pie

Tom gray mare

Yes, the grave is torn off!


Eve of Christmas!

Auntie kind,

Butter pie

Don't cut, don't break

Serve quickly!

Two, three,

We've been standing for a long time

Yes, we will not stand!

The stove is firing,

I want a pie!

You, master, do not weary

Give it soon!

And how is the current frost

Doesn't tell me to stand for a long time

Orders to submit soon:

Or pies from the oven,

Either a penny of money,

Or a cabbage pot!

God bless you

Full yard of bellies!

And into the stable of horses,

In the calf shed,

To the hut of the guys

And bake kittens!

Greet the Magi,

Meet the holy

It's Christmas time

Let's start the celebration!

The star goes with us

Sings the prayer:

Christmas is yours

Christ our God ...

Little lad

He sat down on a sheaf.

Plays a pipe

Kolyada amuses.


Give me a dumpling

A spoonful of porridge

Sausage ring.

This is not enough

Give me a piece of bacon.

Take it out soon

Do not freeze children!

The sparrow flies

Twirls his tail.

And you people know

Cover the tables

Receive guests,

Meet Christmas!

A little boy

Sat down on a glass

A glass is crumb!

Give me a ruble!

And one more traditionally Christmastime entertainment is fortune-telling. As a rule, young unmarried girls are guessing. The most amazing thing is that, according to church laws, fortune-telling is a great sin, but fortune-telling is allowed on Christmastide. In general, fortune-telling is a dangerous game, there is always a risk of meeting with evil spirits. During Christmas time, the risk is much less: "Christ was born, and all the evil spirits set their tail between them, spinning uselessly, cannot harm ...". This opinion of one of the literary characters is probably worth listening to.

Divination for Christmas

Fortune telling on wax

For this divination, you will need a candle and a bowl of cold water. The candle is lit, and each participant in the fortune-telling in turn pours the melted wax into a bowl of water. By the formed figures, you can guess your future. Much in this fortune-telling depends on the imagination of the participants, but some figures have a special meaning:

Many small drops of wax in a bowl - for money;

The fan is always associated with work; as a rule, such a figure predicts difficulties in the service, friction in the team;

Grapes are always a very good sign, predicting love, friendship, luck, prosperity in the house;

Mushroom - vitality, longevity;

Dragon - the fulfillment of hopes, the completion of labor, sometimes the birth of a child;

Bell - wait for news; if the bell is crooked, then bad news; if there are many bells, then disturbing news;

A leaf of a tree - envy, intrigue from others;

Monkey is a false friend, pretense, ambiguous situation;

Apple - wisdom, health; if the apple is crooked, it is a temptation that should not be resisted;

The egg is the beginning of something new.

Fortune telling on dice

For fortune-telling, you need two dice. The participant rolls the dice. If a double falls out, then he gets a prediction. You can roll the dice six times. If for six throws a double has never dropped out, it means that the time of fortune-telling for this participant has not yet come, and fate does not want him to look into the future. The value of the duplicates:

Two units - failure in business;

Two deuces - quarrels with friends and loved ones;

Two triplets - travel, new acquaintances;

Two fours - success in business;

Two fives - material well-being;

Two sixes is a great love.

Fortune telling on a scarf

For fortune telling, you will need a square scarf or scarf. Fortune-telling tests the relationship of a particular person to a fortuneteller. To do this, the fortuneteller clutches four corners of the scarf in his hand and invites this person, the relationship with whom he is important, to choose any corner of the scarf. After that, the fortuneteller himself also chooses the corner of the scarf. If the neighboring corners of the scarf are selected, then the relationship will be successful, the opposite - there may be problems in the relationship.

Fortune telling on the fence

This fortune-telling takes place on the street. It determines whether the fortuneteller will marry in the New Year. It is necessary to find some kind of fence with longitudinal rods (the main thing is that the fence is not continuous), it can be anything: wood, iron. The fortuneteller stands facing the fence and squeezes his eyes shut. Then, at random, he grabs some of the rods with his hands, then opens his eyes and counts the rods. If there are an odd number of rods, then this year the fortuneteller will not marry, and if there is an even - to go to him soon down the aisle.

Tambov regional state budgetary educational institution "Znamenskaya boarding schoolfor students with disabilities "

Scenario of the competition program

"Christmas get-togethers"

Educator - Yuyukina A.N.


Scenario of the competition program "Christmas gatherings"

Goals and objectives:

- to expand the knowledge of students about Orthodox holidays, their names and origins.

- develop memory, thinking, fine motor skills of the fingers.

- to educate the basics of moral behavior in students, to introduce children to Russian traditions.

Course of the lesson:

Hello dear friends! Tell me, what holidays have passed, ----------- what holiday is coming up? (children's answers)

That's right, new year, christmas old new year, ------------- the baptism of the Lord!

What is Christmas? (children's answers)

The Feast of the Nativity of Christ is the brightest and most joyful day for many people. It was on this day that the son of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born to the Virgin Mary. Christmas is celebrated exactly 9 months after another church holiday - the Annunciation (April 7), when an angel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced the good news that she would give birth to the Son of God.

The first time Christmas was celebrated in Russia in 988. It is on this holiday that a strange combination of Christian and pagan rites is observed. And to this day, at Christmas and the Old New Year, we have fortune-telling, carols, fancy dress, masks.

Preparing for the holiday thoroughly, a few days before Christmas all work stopped: it was believed that otherwise the year would pass in hard work, without rest. Strict fasting begins 6 weeks before the start of the holiday. People with wealth were revered as a duty these days to help the poor. They set up almshouses and prisons and gave alms.

On Christmas Eve - Christmas Eve - food was not allowed until the appearance of the first star, which marks the birth of the Savior of the world. When this Christmas star rose in the sky, everyone hurried to the festive table.

On the eve of Christmas and on the day of the holiday, they dressed in everything new, and even changed several times so that they would be updated all year round. Christmastide begins on January 8 and lasts 12 days before Epiphany. According to ancient belief, on Christmastide, the newborn God wanders the earth and sends out generous gifts; what you ask for in prayer, you will receive. It was believed that at this time the most cherished desires were fulfilled. Christmastide was accompanied by its own customs and rituals - Christmastide festivities, Christmas carols, generosity, fortune telling at Christmas, Old New Year and Epiphany. Christmastide was a time of rest, games, entertainment, festivities.

- So we will play with you now!

Warm up. Christmas riddles.

There is a great celebration in the middle of winter.

Great holiday - ... (Christ's Christmas)!

Everyone is waiting for him - from babies to dads and mothers, and all smart people are in a hurry to the service ... (to the temple).

Here it is festive, light, incense smells pleasantly, Before the icons burn ... (lamps).

And, fluffing up the green needles, the Christmas trees flaunt ... (Christmas trees).

So that the evening passes with prayer, All people in the temple light ... (candles).

And everyone happily listens to the festive service, and after that Merry Christmas to each other ... (congratulations).

Here, triumph and mystery blows from everywhere And my heart stops in anticipation ... (miracle).

After all, the miracle of all the most wonderful on this day came true - On earth was born ... (Jesus Christ).

The warm-up is over, it's time for games!

  1. Contest "Christmas trees are"

The players I will call tall should put their hands up; low - lower arms and net to squat; thin - make a circle already; wide - make the circle wider. Now let's play. The task of the leader is to confuse the children as much as possible.

For the competition, you will need to prepare leaflets on which you need to write parts of the body, for example, lips, hand, leg, ear, little finger on the left hand, nose. These leaves are folded into a box or hat so that you cannot see what is written on the leaflet.

Two participants come out, each takes one piece of paper, they must join each other with the indicated body parts. Thus, the two participants freeze to each other. The next participant approaches them, he and one of the first players take one piece of paper, freeze to each other. Another participant comes up and so on. It turns out to be a very funny chain. Don't forget to photograph her.

  1. Game "Hold the Snowflake"

The game develops agility and endurance

The teacher gives each child a small ball of cotton wool, which he designates as a "snowflake." Then the children loosen their lumps, and at the command of the presenter, throw them up and begin to blow, so as to keep their "snowflakes" in the air for as long as possible. The winner is the player who was the last to keep his “snowflake” in the air.

  1. Game "collect a snowman"

The game develops intelligence and dexterity.

For this game, the following figures are prepared in advance: a hat, a nose-carrot, a broom and circles of different diameters.

This game is a double game, that is, 2 players take part in it. Further, at the command of the leader, each of the players begins to collect his own "snowman". The player who collects his figurine first becomes the winner.

  1. Game "In warm mittens"

For this game, a bag of toys and mittens are prepared in advance. The child receives thick mittens, which he puts on, and only then puts his hands in a bag with toys. His task is to determine by touch what he got.

  1. New Clothes Competition (Christmas Competition)

This competition can be held in celebration of Christmas. The presenter says that it is customary to celebrate Christmas in new clothes. Then the participants are given some kind of funny clothes prepared in advance (for someone a couple of sizes larger, for someone on the contrary). And the participants should put on these clothes on themselves in the shortest possible time. Whoever puts on faster and looks funnier than everyone else wins.

    Competition "Composing Poems" For this competition it is necessary to prepare the first three lines on a Christmas theme: "Merry Christmas, I wish you happiness, all your dreams come true ..." and so on. Participants are asked to finish the poem.

  1. Sour cream game

The game can be played at any holiday, the number of participants is 2-4 people. You need two plastic cans of sour cream or something similar, two scarves or ropes and a crowd (as usual). A competition is being arranged (with a prize) - who will eat sour cream faster with his hands tied behind. An indescribable sight!

  1. Patterns on glass

At the signal of the leader, the participant runs to the sheet and draws snowflakes with closed eyes. The game continues while the New Year's song is playing. The winner is the one who painted more snowflakes on his "glass".

  1. Game "Surprise"

The guests stand or sit in a circle and begin to pass a large box to the music. As soon as the presenter stops the music, the guest who has the box leaves. The box is again started in a circle, and so on, until there is one winner left.

Educator: Well done boys! They showed their skill. What else do you think needs to be done for Christmas? (You can dress up in mummers and walk the streets. You need to visit and have fun. You need to give each other gifts and guess)

  1. Fun for Christmas "Guessing by the boxes" (fun for Christmas)

This entertainment is held at Christmas. Various items are put into matchboxes: a bus ticket, apple seeds, vitamin, a coin, a piece of cloth, a fish hook, a ring, a wheel from a toy car.

Each subject will be a prediction.

If you come across a bus ticket, then a journey awaits you this year. If the seeds are from an apple, then you will grow a good harvest in the garden, if the vitamin, then you will have excellent health. If you have a coin, you will be rich, and if you have a piece of fabric, then you will have many new outfits. If you have a fish hook, then you will catch your goldfish. If the ring, then marriage awaits you. And if you come across a wheel from a car, then you will be on the road all year or buy a new car.

Final part .

Educator: Thank you all. Happiness, health, more joy, good luck and fun.

The purpose of the event is to preserve the national cultural heritage, folk Russian traditions and customs, to stimulate the creativity and initiative of the child. With such an organization of students' leisure, favorable conditions are created for rallying the children's team, meeting the need for communication.



MOAU DOD "Center for Children's Creativity"

Game program

"Christmas carols"

Compiled by: Grishanova Nadezhda Valerievna

Goals and objectives:

  1. Preservation of national cultural heritage, folk traditions and customs;
  2. Stimulating creativity and initiative;
  3. Strengthening interpersonal relationships;
  4. Meeting the needs for communication;
  5. Creation of favorable conditions for rallying the children's team;
  6. Entertainment, organization of leisure time for pupils.

Decoration (on the wall): - event title;

The image of a Russian hut, stars, snowflakes.

Equipment: - the owner's costume (vest, hat, felt boots);

Hostess costume - skirt, scarf;

Pliers - 3 pcs.;

Peas or beans - for the Host's Choice competition;

3 blue markers;

3 A4 sheets, fixed on the wall - for the contest "Choice of the hostess";

2 A4 sheets for scoring and summing up;

Costumes for mummers;

Cards with texts of old Russian Christmas carols (Appendix 1);

Snowflakes for the contest "Help Santa Claus" (40 pcs.);


Cards with tasks for the competition "Valenok" (Appendix 1);

Cards with numbers for the "Queue" competition;

Training: divide the participants of the event into two groups (place the chairs of gray and black colors against the opposite walls, the pupils on chairs of different colors are members of different teams).

Characters: host, hostess, host.

Leading: Hello guys.

Do you know what caroling is? (Children's answers).

At what time did the carollers go around the courtyards with songs? (Children's answers).

In ancient times, on the eve of Christmas caroling was the main occupation of young people. A group of carolers, dressed in rags and masks, walked around the courtyards singing carols - special songs.

Why did they sing carols? (Children's answers).

Our ancestors believed that during the winter solstice, what is sung in the song will come true. Therefore, the carolers praised the owners of the house, they wished them health, happiness and wealth, and they asked for a treat for themselves, bacon, pies, eggs were taken out of their houses.

And in our time, children and even adults continue this tradition.

How many of you were caroling during the New Years?(Children's answers).

Do you know carol songs? (Children's answers).

Good. And for whom are we going to sing carols? I suggest you choose the owner and owner of this hut (on the wall).

1. Host Choice Competition

I will ask winter riddles for boys, who will give the correct answer - they are allowed to participate in the competition, the winner of which will be the owner of the house.

Riddles for boys:

1. They are beaten, rolled, dragged all winter. (Felt boots)

2. The runners are running with their socks up. (Skiing)

3. In the round window the glass is broken during the day, inserted in the evening. (Ice hole)

Before you are three contenders for the role of the owner of the house.

Pliers are given to each participant, and peas or beans are scattered on the floor in front of them. At the command of the host, the players begin to pick the peas with pliers. The winner is the one with the most peas. The winner is appointed as the owner of the house, dresses up in a suit and sits down near the house.

2. Competition "Choice of the hostess"

Riddles for girls:

1. Planks and legs run along the path. (Skiing)

2. Two sisters, two braids

Of fine sheep's wool.
How to walk - so wear
So that five and five are not freezing. (Mittens)

3. Not an easy man:

Appears in winter

And disappears in the spring

Because it melts quickly. (Snowman)

Each participant receives a marker. In one minute, the girls must draw snowflakes on an A4 sheet fixed on the wall. The winner is the participant who managed to draw the most snowflakes. The winner of the competition becomes the mistress of the house, dresses up in a suit. At this time, the presenter invites the children to remember carols.

3. Competition "Good evening"

Leading: When the carolers came to the owners, they greeted and sang the following words "Good evening, good evening, good people, we have come, good people, we have come!" The owners let the mummers go home and then the carolers sang carols for them. Our competition is called "Good evening"

The team members take turns singing carols. The team with the most songs wins. Each pupil who performed the carol receives a prize - a candy. The hosts give points to the teams on the sheets for summing up, for each carol performed - 3 points.

4. Contest "The carol has arrived"

Leading: Guys, we said that the carolers went dressed up.

Several members leave the team, dress up in costumes, sing carols according to the written text. For a carol - 5 points (Appendix 1).

5. Contest "Help Santa Claus"

The presenter says that in the coming year there was not enough snow in the city, and since, due to a misunderstanding, a certain amount of snow flew into this hall, he asks volunteers to help Santa Claus.

Volunteers stand one after another at the start line.

There is a chair against the opposite wall with a certain number of snowflakes on it. Participants in turn run to the chair, take one snowflake, pass it to the owner with the hostess, who are at the start line. The first team to complete the task becomes the winner and receives 10 pointsfor the invaluable contribution to the cause of Santa Claus,the losing team earns 5 points because also worked hard.

7. Contest "Queue"

The teams line up one after the other. Each participant receives a card with a number. The number of cards corresponds to the number of players in one team. At the command of the leader, the participants in the game must line up in order of numbers.

6. The game "Valenok"

Leading: Do you know that in the old days, for the winter holidays, you must guess? Such fortune-telling was very common: The girl threw a felt boot through the gate, went out into the street and looked in which direction the felt boot fell with the toe, where the boot was pointing from that side and the groom would be.

I suggest the first team to stand in a circle. The presenter turns his back to the center of the circle, throws the felt boot into the center, the player pointed to by the boot of the boot goes outside the circle, so you need to choose three members from each team.

Each participant should draw out an assignment sheet, read the assignment aloud and complete it. If a player finds it difficult to complete a task, a friend from his team can help him.

See tasks (Appendix 1).

7. The game "Ears are frozen"

All the players are carols, stand in a circle. The presenter explains that it's freezing outside, and while the carolers walked around the courtyards, they froze, who will warm them if not themselves. Players move one after another. The host says: "Our right hand is frozen." After that, each participant takes his neighbor by the right hand and continues to move in a circle.

“Our left leg is frozen”;

"... ears";

"... elbows";

"... sides";

"... right shoulder";

"... cheeks";

"... the right little finger";

"... left knee";

"... heels."

9. Game "Lunokhod"

All players stand in a circle. One participant, squatting down, begins to walk around the circle, repeating "I am a lunar rover pi-pi one ...". If someone laughs, he should squat down and follow the first competitors, repeating the "callsign". Each laughing participant joins the "moon rovers". The last participant brings 5 \u200b\u200bpoints to his team.

Leading: You had a lot of fun today, sang a lot of carols, wished the owners well, health, and happiness. For this, the Hostess and the Boss want to treat everyone with sweets.

The owner and hostess treat the children with sweets.

And we, the teachers and the administration, as the owners of the Center for Children's Creativity, would also like to give you - our guests - gifts (prizes).

Appendix 1

Old Russian carols

1) The carriage came

On the eve of Christmas.

Generate, God, wheat

To the bull and to the heifer,

On a black lamb.

And the mistress - blinka,

And the owner - the son.

Happy holiday to you

The owner with the hostess!

2) A carriage came -

Open the gate!

Lord, gentlemen,
Lord's wife,
Open the doors
And give us a gift!
Pie, roll
Or something else!

Be healthy!

3) Auntie kind,
Give me some goodies.
Christmas Eve,
Serve, don't break
Give it all in one piece.
Do not give me cakes -
Let's break the windows.
Do not serve the pie -
Let's take the cow by the horns!

4) You, master, do not weary,
Give it soon!
And how is the current frost
Doesn't tell me to stand for a long time
Tells you to serve soon.
God bless you
Full yard of bellies!
And into the stable of horses,
In the calf shed,
To the hut of the guys
And bake kittens!

Tasks for the competition "Valenok"

Sing a song about the New Year;

Tell a poem about winter;

Perform the dance of a frozen bunny;

Sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” in the style of “rap”;

To say ten compliments to Tatyana Valentinovna;

Scratching your head ... (to a player from the opposing team).

Participants take turns approaching the presenter and take out a note from the bag. it indicates one of the signs of winter or winter holidays. For example, snow, skis, sledges, Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, snowman and so on. Without words, only with gestures, the participant must explain to the others what is written in his note. The winner is the one whose riddle was guessed faster.

make a wish

All players are invited to write their name on one piece of paper, and their wish on the other. Names are put in one hat, comic desires in another. Then the presenter takes turns taking out a piece of paper from the first and second hats and reads the prediction aloud to the participant. The winner is the one who gets his own desire.

Merry Solokhi

Let's remember the good old Christmas fairy tale and arrange a Solokh competition. Two contestants take part at the same time. You will need a computer chair on wheels and a broom. At the command "start" our Solokhi only with the help of a broom should reach the goal faster than the others. For beauty and fun, you can tie headscarves to Solokham. The fastest and most agile witch is awarded a prize, but not a devil in a sack.

Looking for a Christmas treat

Christmas is a wonderful holiday when all loved ones get together and each of them deserves special attention and a gift. For this competition, the person in charge of the celebration must prepare a treat for each guest, such as Christmas gingerbread or a cookie with the name of each guest in icing. Treats are hiding around the room, in different corners of it. At the beginning of the competition, it is announced that you need to find a Christmas treat with your name, and whoever completes the task first will win. There is also a rule: if you find something that is not your own, you don’t need to tell anyone about it, just let it lie in the same place. Whoever is the first to find his gingerbread or cookie will also receive a prize.

There was an angel here

For this competition, you need to stock up on feathers (from a pillow or buy at any craft jewelry store). Feathers are laid out in various parts of the room. At the start command, all participants begin to collect the feathers of the "angel". Who of the participants can collect more than the rest of the feathers in one minute, he will win and receive a prize, for example, a keychain with an angel for luck.

It must be snowing on Christmas

Christmas is a holiday of miracles and goodness, and it is so joyful when it snows outside the window on this day, it is so beautiful when sparkling snowflakes swirl in the air. But in order for the snow to become more, each participant must draw an even and beautiful snowflake, but this will not be easy, because before starting drawing, the participants will spin in their dance. So, the participants stand in a circle and, at the command of the leader, begin to revolve around themselves until the leader stops them. As soon as the presenter says: everything! - participants run to their leaves, take pencils and draw snowflakes (on the whole sheet). The participant who draws a snowflake (4 crossed sticks) faster and smoother will win and receive a prize.

Christmas steam train

Guests are divided into two equal teams. Team members line up. Each of the participants receives a spoon, and the first participants are given a bowl of kutya (in the same amount). At the start command, the first participants take a spoonful of kutya and eat, after which they pass the bowl to the second participants, the second also take full spoons and eat, and then pass it to the third and so on until the last participants. The last participants will have to finish everything to the end and quickly run around their team, standing in front of the first participants and showing the leader an empty bowl. The first team to do it wins and will be recognized as the fastest and most agile Christmas train.

Collect snowflakes in a snowdrift

Each participant is given a plastic bottle and the same number of pre-cut snowflakes. At the command of the presenter, the participants begin to shove one snowflake into the bottle. Who of the guests will collect all the snowflakes in a snowdrift faster than the others, that is, put them in a plastic bottle, he won.

Who else was born on this day?

The presenter takes turns reading out versions of celebrities from various fields and fields of activity, among which there is a person who was lucky enough to be born on this bright and joyful day - January 7, for example: Who was born on this day?
A) Christian Dior
B) Gianni Versace
C) Christian Louboutin (the correct answer is c) or
A) John Travolta
B) Jimm Carrey
C) Nicolas Cage (the correct answer is c).
The guest who first raises his hand and answers correctly gets a point, and a prize is awarded for the highest number of points.