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The ideal solution for nail and hand care? This is a spa manicure. Incredible spa manicure effect Stages of spa manicure

The ideal solution for nail and hand care?  This is a spa manicure.  Incredible spa manicure effect Stages of spa manicure

Spa manicure and hand care can be done at home. This is not a difficult, but very pleasant procedure. It's a great idea to go to a salon and get a spa manicure so that your hands radiate health and beauty. This requires money and time. If your hands urgently require attention and care, then you can get by with home remedies.

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Spa manicure at home

For a spa manicure at home you will need

  • Nail brush
  • File
  • Cuticle softening cream
  • Nail oil
  • Orange or plastic nail stick
  • Peeling cream
  • Hand cream or lotion
  • Terry towels
  • Nail file

How to do a spa manicure at home

1. Wash your hands and especially your nails thoroughly with soap. Use a brush to wash.

2. Use a natural nail file to give your nails the desired shape and size. It is better to use a glass nail file. The advantages of a glass file over other types of nail files are obvious.

The file should be held at an angle to prevent splitting of the nail. The movements of the nail file must be correct. All movements should be directed from the corners to the center, this will help prevent splitting of the nail.

3. The next step is to apply a cream to soften the cuticle. Apply a drop of cuticle softening cream or liquid and massage each nail.

5. At this stage, you will need a special orange wood stick to carefully push back the cuticle. Push back the cuticles carefully so as not to cause pain or damage the skin.

6. Hand skin peeling. Exfoliation is necessary to remove the layer of dead skin cells. Peeling will help make your hand skin healthy and beautiful. You can take a ready-made scrub, or you can easily prepare a skin scrub at home.

Take the prepared scrub and massage your hands very carefully, working on each finger, and it is best to massage your hand with the scrub up to the elbow. You should get maximum pleasure from this process. Then the scrub should be washed off.

7. After scrubbing, apply your favorite moisturizer or lotion to the skin of your hands and nails, remove excess with a towel.

9. Typically, a spa manicure ends with polishing the nails to a shine with a special polishing file. Before polishing, you must wipe your nails dry. You can polish only in the longitudinal direction and avoid circular movements!

You should not polish your nails with a nail file more than once a week, as this can damage the nail plate.

At home, you can polish your nails with a piece of flannel, suede or fleece. Take a little chalk on a piece of such fabric and polish your nails until shiny in a longitudinal direction.

Among all complex species manicure, which involve a whole system of hand care, Spa manicure stands out for its special philosophy. In fact, this unique look is an entire ritual, subject to its own laws and traditions, in which aesthetic pleasure is no less important than the quality of care for the nail plate.

It is intended for those who want to prolong the youth of their hands, primarily for mature women who understand that it is the condition of the skin on their hands that largely reveals age.

One can rightly say about Spa manicure that it combines benefits and pleasure in a single harmonious philosophy of hand care. It is based on the use of products that contain liquid ceramides, which miraculously not only restore the elasticity and softness of the skin, but also have a cleansing, rejuvenating effect, complemented by deep regeneration.

But the main trump card of Spa manicure is the use of a large amount aromatic additives, in particular, methods and means of aromatherapy in all their splendor, which turn the manicure procedure into a full-fledged aromatherapy session, which has a general tonic and well-being effect. Renewal, freshness of emotions, relieving stress and fatigue are areas as important for this type of manicure as caring for the nail plate itself.

Spa manicure is based on a complex of products (masks, creams, wraps, lotions, bath salts) based on vitamin E and ceramides, aloe vera, essential oils for soft and deep peeling, moisturizing, nourishing, softening the skin.

In order to fully enjoy the elite type of manicure, it is better to trust the professionals. The point is not at all that it is impossible to do a spa manicure at home, it’s just that the pleasure that the procedure will bring in a beauty salon and during home procedures cannot be compared with each other - after all, you will have to work on it yourself!

Spa manicure, despite its isolation and individuality, can be very different. In general, there are three types of spa care - restorative, rejuvenating or whitening. A classic spa manicure is a complex of manicure, peeling, and massage. Depending on the natural remedies, which are the basis of the procedures and materials used, spa manicure can also be wine, chocolate, cranberry, egg, clay, etc. In order to achieve a qualitative improvement in the condition of the hands, it is necessary to undergo a system of procedures, which usually consists of 6 weekly sessions.

How to perform a Spa manicure

In general, a spa manicure consists of two stages - cleansing (including peeling and nail preparation) and moisturizing, nourishing and protecting (restoration, smoothing, softening, saturation, prevention).

  • The procedure begins with removing the old varnish, after which the procedure of shaping and adjusting with a fine-grained cardboard or rubber nail file is carried out on dry nails.
  • Next, the cuticle is softened using special means with partial removal and deep softening, after which it is removed using the European or classical method.
  • After this stage, a superficial peel is carried out, which prepares the skin for deep peeling by exfoliating rough skin cells.
  • The deep peeling product promotes the healing of small cracks, nourishes and softens the epidermis. It is applied with circular massage movements, restoring the elasticity and smoothness of the skin.
  • Depending on the skin condition, a spa manicure may also include paraffin therapy, baths and wraps before massage and deep moisturizing.
  • At the end of the manicure, the nail is polished and coated with healing and strengthening compounds.
  • The Spa manicure is completed with a relaxing comprehensive hand massage, which consolidates the overall therapeutic effect and further allows you to experience the anti-stress benefits of the procedure.

About the advantages of this type comprehensive care Needless to say: this is a luxurious procedure that allows you to bring any hands into perfect condition, a procedure filled with unique emotions and sophistication.

Spa manicure belongs to the most elite types of manicure, which allows you to escape from everyday life, but with all its unique philosophy and ritualism, it does not exclude high quality peeling, moisturizing, softening and nutrition, which literally transform the skin of your hands. The only drawback is the duration of the procedure - you will have to spend at least 2 hours on it.

A spa manicure is an excellent way to care for your hands and nails. But what’s important is that it’s a great way to relax and get positive emotions.

According to reviews from women who regularly undergo this cosmetic procedure, it is no longer possible to refuse it.

So what is a spa manicure and how does it differ from a regular manicure?

Spa manicure is a whole range of procedures for hands and nails. The procedure is quite lengthy and usually lasts about two hours. You can get real pleasure and excellent results in the salon by leaving your hands to the care of a professional. In each salon, each master has his own “signature” oils and herbs, aromas and other secrets.

However, not everyone can afford this expensive procedure. Moreover, there will be little practical benefit from a one-time procedure. Therefore, it makes sense to learn how to do a spa manicure yourself, at home. At the same time, you will be able to delight and rejuvenate the skin of your hands not only for yourself, but also for your family and friends.

To understand how to properly and professionally do a spa manicure, it is better to visit nice salon . And in the future, it is quite possible to improve the information received, “customize” the procedure for yourself, selecting suitable ingredients and creams.

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How is a spa manicure done?

First you need to think about what kind of container will be used. There are special baths on sale, even with hydromassage and special heating. But any deep dish will do.

You also need to purchase:

  • sea ​​salt for preparing the solution;
  • natural hand scrub;
  • custom-fitted hand mask;
  • massage oil (or fatty cream);
  • individually selected nourishing, softening or moisturizing cream (selected according to the condition of the skin of the hands);
  • cosmetic wax;
  • manicure set for trim manicure or a device for unedged;
  • disposable cosmetic wipes or towels.

A standard manicure begins with trimming your nails. The nails are filed with a file and the remnants of the old varnish are removed.

The fingertips are placed in a container of water and held for about five minutes.

Then the hands are dried, the cuticles are carefully pushed back and dead skin particles are removed. Next, a base coat, polish, and top coat are applied to the nails. Similar procedures will be performed during a spa manicure, with the exception of a few steps.

  • Not only manicures are performed, but also skin care up to the elbows using scrubs, masks, creams, paraffin therapy and massage.
  • As a result, both hands and nails look healthier than with a regular manicure, and this result lasts longer.
  • There is also a spa pedicure. Average person takes between 8,000 and 10,000 steps a day, so taking care of your feet is just as important as taking care of your hands.
  • During a spa pedicure, feet are immersed in a mixture of essential oils to soften the skin and prevent calluses. Himalayan salt or another scrub can be used to exfoliate your feet. Intensive moisturizing lotion and relaxing massage help your feet relax and improve blood circulation.

Benefits of spa manicure:

  • Prevents the appearance of wrinkles on the hands.
  • Rubbing the cream and massage increases blood circulation in the hands, which is beneficial for the skin.
  • Prevention of nail damage: fragility, brittleness, etc.
  • Increases flexibility and elasticity of the wrists and hands.
  • Nails become strong and beautiful, taking on a natural and natural look.
  • Using waxes, oils, cleansing and exfoliating creams nourishes and improves the texture of the skin and nails.
  • Spas are usually very relaxing and you enjoy the experience.
  • A luxury spa will help you recover from deep chemical peeling and laser resurfacing.

Disadvantages of spa:

  • While spa prices can vary greatly, this service costs more than a regular manicure.
  • Many people find it difficult to find the time to complete a nail treatment, as even the shortest session typically lasts 50 minutes.
  • Spa is not a panacea skin diseases that require non-surgical treatment methods. A spa manicure can renew your skin, but it is not enough to reduce blemishes or scars.

Technology for performing a spa manicure at home and the benefits of a paraffin bath

You can perform a magnificent spa manicure yourself at home. Listed below are the tools you will need and the steps required to complete this procedure.

What you will need: a set of tools (scissors, nail file, polishing block, manicure brush, cuticle stick); nail polish remover; cotton balls; base and top layer; nail polish; cuticle oil; olive oil, salt or sugar; hand cream; water container and towel.

Spa manicure steps:

  • Place your hands on a dry towel.
  • Use nail polish remover to remove old nail polish, if any. Next, take a bowl large enough for both of your hands and fill it with warm water. Adding a little moisturizing soap or oil will help clean and soothe your hands and prepare you for the next steps. If your hands have cracks or peeling, be careful as some essential oils for nails and hands may sting the damaged skin.
  • Place your nails in water for 5 minutes or so. Watch TV or listen to music to pass the time. Remember that the time of your spa manicure at home is dedicated to you, and try to relax as much as possible.
  • Take a clean manicure brush and gently brush under and around your nails to remove dirt and dead skin. Dry your hands with a towel. Trim your nails and give them the desired shape. Use a nail file to file your nails. The movements of the file should always be in the same direction to avoid damaging the nails. Use a buffing block to buff your nails. Act carefully, in one direction.
  • Take an orange stick and push back the cuticle. Don't trim your cuticles because they protect your nails from bacteria and infections.
  • Remove hangnails from the sides of your nails.
  • Apply cuticle oil to each nail and rub in lightly. Leave on for 30-60 seconds to soak your nails in moisture. If you don't have cuticle oil, use coconut or olive oil.
  • It's time for peeling. There is no need to buy an expensive composition. You can make your own by mixing olive oil with salt or sugar, or lemon juice with sugar and olive oil. Rub the mixture on your hands for a minute and rinse.
  • Take the cream and massage your hands with it. They will be moisturized and baby soft. Don't forget your elbows.
  • Remove excess cream with cotton balls.
  • Apply a base coat or hardening polish to your nails.
  • Apply varnish of the chosen color. The best way to use it, start from the nail bed and work your way up. To be on the safe side, apply Vaseline around your nails so that excess polish can be easily removed.
  • Wait 10 minutes before using top coat. If you're impatient, there are several ways to make your nails dry faster. You can dip your nails in ice water and hold for 2-3 minutes (painful, but effective), hold your hands near a fan, or blow on them with a hair dryer set to cold air.

It is important to know

Show your nails the same love you give your face and protect them with gloves when you wash dishes. If your nails are slow to grow, taking a vitamin supplement with biotin may help.

For home hand care, in addition to a spa manicure at home, you can do paraffin baths. When paraffin melts, its heat is transferred to the hands, which leads to increased blood flow. This is an effective heat transfer process, so paraffin therapy is considered useful not only for softening the skin and improving nail growth, but also for reducing pain and stiffness from osteoarthritis, injury and inflammation.

Paraffin wax, used in spa treatments, acts as an emollient that helps lock moisture into the skin. The warmth from a paraffin bath has a relaxing effect, helping to calm down and relieve stress.

How to prepare paraffin for hands:

  • Place 1.5 kg of food grade paraffin in a container. If desired, add 12-15 drops of your favorite essential oil. Warm up in a steam bath.
  • Remove the container from the heat when the wax has completely melted. Pour the wax into a plastic container.
  • Massage your fingers with a few drops olive oil, making sure that it also gets into the spaces between the fingers.
  • Check the temperature of the wax. When it reaches 51ºC, proceed to the next step.
  • Dip your palm into paraffin.
  • Lift your wax hand after a few seconds as a layer of wax forms on the skin. When the shine disappears, the wax has dried. Dip your hand into paraffin several times to form several layers (5-6).
  • Place your hand inside a plastic file or plastic bag.
  • Wrap your hand in a thick towel.
  • Wait 10-15 minutes, then remove the towel.
  • Remove the plastic bag and then remove the wax with a soft cloth.
  • Apply moisturizer to your fingers and hand skin.
  • Repeat all the above procedures with the other hand.

A set of spa treatments for nails in a salon with professional products

A home spa manicure can be a pleasant occasional procedure, but regular hand care is best left to professionals. Spa nail treatments in the salon will return shine and attractiveness to dull and split nails, and massage will allow the skin to visually rejuvenate. In addition, the master at the salon will tell you how to keep your fingernails and toenails looking beautiful.

It is worth noting

There is no uniform regulation for spa manicures. There is only general recommendations, which the masters adhere to.

The technique of performing spa procedures in the salon includes the following steps:

  1. Studying the condition of the client's hands, feet and nails. Discussion of the desired type of nails.
  2. Cleaning and preparing nails. To do this, use a special spray, for example SpaRitual Visionary Cleanser Sanitizer. It can be sprayed not only on hands and feet, but also on tools for added protection.
  3. Removing old nail polish.
  4. “Soak” your hands or feet in a bath of warm water for 5 minutes. Some salons add pleasantly smelling oils or sea salt to the bath.
  5. Pushing back the cuticle or carefully trimming it.
  6. Using a scrub mask for hands and nails. In a complex of spa nail treatments in the salon, a cream scrub from Domix is ​​often used - Russian manufacturer professional cosmetics. The product contains lanolin, which helps moisturize the skin, and lemon extract, which heals cuts and cracks. After applying the scrub mask, the master performs a gentle massage of the arms or legs for 3 minutes, thereby helping to improve blood circulation.
  7. Apply a moisturizing lotion to hands, nails and cuticles. After application, massage the skin until the product is completely absorbed.
  8. Polish your nails until they shine to remove uneven surfaces.
  9. Remove scrub and lotion residue by spraying the spray on your nails and cleaning them with a cotton swab.
  10. Applying base coat to nails. It is advisable to use professional compositions, such as CND Stickey. This product will not only improve the adhesion of the polish to the nail, but will also prevent yellowing of the nails.
  11. Applying colored nail polish. The CND line of varnishes includes a super-resistant Vinylux coating, which is a hybrid of shellac and regular varnish. This varnish lasts for at least a week without chipping or cracking and does not require drying in a UV lamp. If your salon doesn't stock Vinylux polish, you can purchase some before booking your spa manicure.
  12. Applying topcoat to nails. It is best that the base, main varnish and topcoat are from the same manufacturer. For example, if CND products were used, the topcoat could be Weekly Top Coat.
  13. After this, the complex of spa nail treatments in the salon is considered complete.

There are different variations of nail spas. Thus, Japanese spa manicure is recommended to be performed after removing gel or acrylic nails when natural nails are weakened, thinned and require intensive care.

In Japanese spa manicure, much attention is paid to massage using natural ingredients (salts, herbs). It is made with heated or cold fragrant bags. This improves blood flow to the nails, and the pleasant smell has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

A very pleasant and “tasty” procedure is chocolate hand wrap. With its help, toxins are removed, skin tone and elasticity are increased, and microcirculation is enhanced.

  • First, the hands and nails are peeled to remove dead skin particles and allow the chocolate to penetrate deeper into the treated surface.
  • Then a warm mass of chocolate is applied to your hands and left for 20-30 minutes.
  • After completing the procedure, moisturizer is applied to your hands.
  • As a result, the skin acquires a pleasant smell and softness, and nails grow better and become stronger, thanks to the beneficial substances contained in chocolate.

Many women find one of the best spa treatments for brittle nails with a large number of hangnails and cracked, dry skin, consider a hot manicure using heated oil or cream.

  • It has no contraindications.
  • The warm consistency of the cream or oil improves blood circulation in the hands, and beneficial substances penetrate the skin faster and deeper.
  • With regular use of hot manicure, fine wrinkles disappear, and nails become shiny and healthy.

Relaxing spa manicure with lavender:

  • A manicurist gives a client a relaxing hand massage.
  • Then applies peeling, which contains salt and lavender.
  • This type of spa is suitable for those who often have to perform handmade. After a relaxing manicure, your hands are relaxed and your mood improves.

It is worth noting

Any type of spa manicure has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and nails.

Time for a spa manicure: the best time to take care of your nails

The most common time to get a spa manicure is in the evening. Many clients find a spa to be a great way to relax and unwind after a busy day. Also, massage and bath with aromatic additives are useful for people who have difficulty falling asleep.

Try a spa in different time. You may be pleasantly surprised and “experimentally” determine the time that best suits you.

Spa nail treatments take from 50 minutes to 2 hours. The duration of the procedures depends on the hard work and imagination of the master, as well as the condition of the client’s skin and nails. For example, if a client’s hands hurt due to arthritis, the master may offer a paraffin bath. And this adds at least 30 minutes to the spa manicure time.

Spa nail treatments are recommended to be done at least once a month. This is the case if your nails do not require special care due to illness or other reason. Otherwise, the specialist in the salon will recommend you best time for spa manicure.

Nail care is not only about beautiful manicure, but also in carrying out special procedures for nails that help them look beautiful and healthy. Carrying out procedures at home, girls know that there are many ways to care for their nails, from oils to baths and additional caring procedures. Read on to learn how a spa manicure is done and what tools are needed for it.

Of course, a spa manicure is done in a salon, and a master of his craft will do it quickly and correctly, but the cost of a home spa manicure is much cheaper, and the plus is that you don’t need to adjust to someone else’s schedule, since a home manicure can be done at any convenient time.

What is a spa manicure?

Spa manicure is a procedure in which several procedures are performed to care for nails and hand skin. When performing a spa manicure, no scissors are required, as it involves unedged manicure using a nail file. This procedure is suitable for all girls, regardless of the type of nails, but it is more necessary for girls who have weak nails, dry hand skin and problematic cuticles. The selection of natural components for a spa procedure is carried out according to individual indicators; before the procedure, it is necessary to assess the condition of the hands and nails, and then select the components for the spa procedure based on the condition of the skin and nails.

In addition to the fact that the products help improve the condition of nails, soften the skin and nourish it with useful substances, some ingredients have a peeling effect on the skin. Therefore, after a spa treatment, your nails and skin will look healthy and beautiful. The spa procedure is carried out not according to certain rules, but based on the condition of the skin of the hands and nails. So, girls can combine the necessary components for the procedure on their own; if a spa massage is carried out at home, the masters do this in the salon, since they select special ingredients for the bath and moisturizing the hands based on the condition of the nails and skin.

Spa manicure: execution technology

In order to perform a spa manicure procedure, you need to know the description of each step. For example, to begin with, the nails and skin are cleaned, dried, after which the cuticle must be removed with a special means, but it must be softened, and when separated from the skin, it must not be torn. After removing the cuticle, it is necessary to soak your hands in a special liquid. Next, with the help of peeling, the cuticle is exfoliated and the skin is renewed, while the scrub applied afterwards moisturizes and softens the skin, as well as the base of the skin near the nail where the cuticle grows.

At the final stage of the spa procedure, a hand massage is performed, which will certainly relieve fatigue and swelling, and with the help of a special cream or lotion, the skin and nails receive useful, emollient substances. It is better if the massage is carried out by another person, because it is more convenient and pleasant, but otherwise you can do the massage yourself, first on one hand, then on the other.

Reviews about spa manicure and technology for its implementation

“Nail care has always been important for me, because throughout my youth I had problems with my nails, I couldn’t grow them. I carried out various baths and procedures, bought creams, products that help my nails grow well. But only after I learned about spa manicure, my nails became long and my skin became very soft.

First I had the procedure done in the salon, the master did everything correctly, the massage was very pleasant, and after the procedure my mood even improved. But over time I decided that I could buy special means and get a spa manicure at home, but there was a problem with the massage; I couldn’t give myself the same massage as in the salon. My friend and I decided to carry out the procedure together and massage each other, and I will say that we saved a lot of money on this, and the quality and result are no worse than a salon manicure."

“I was looking for a manicure option that would suit my nails and dry skin, I found a photo on one site beautiful nails and hands, the girl described that she achieved such an effect from a spa manicure. I immediately decided to carry out the procedure myself, and since then I have been doing spa manicures and spa pedicures every week, my nails are healthy, my skin has become soft, and the cuticle is practically not growing. I found my version of the perfect manicure, and you don’t need to spend a lot of money for it.”

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