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Research work "Why the New Year's tree is decorated." Why is the Christmas tree decorated for the New Year? Why is it the Christmas tree that is decorated for Christmas?

Research work

Another New Year is approaching, so... happy holiday We are separated by a few hours. It's time to prepare a gala dinner and decorate your home! But why do they decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year, what is this tradition connected with?

…Imagine that you are in Bethlehem, about 2,000 years ago. The darkness of the night is dispelled by the light of a bright star that suddenly lights up in the sky. Wonderful, angelic voices are heard above the earth. In the distance, three majestic wise men appeared, hurrying to bring their gifts to a certain Baby...

Even the trees will bow to him

Why do they decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year? This question is often asked not only by children, but also by adults. Not everyone knows that the tradition of decorating this tree is closely connected with the birth of Jesus Christ.

The Christmas tree is the main attribute of the New Year holiday

According to one ancient legend, not only people and animals nearby, but even trees and other plants hastened to greet the Savior who was born. They all wanted to bring their fruits, flowers and the finest aromas as gifts to the Baby. Spruce arrived from the cold north, but she modestly remained aside, not wanting to enter the cave.

Everyone present was perplexed why El did not want to get closer to the newborn Jesus. Elka replied that she had nothing that could be given to the baby as a gift, and that she was afraid of scaring him or injuring him with a sharp needle. Then each of the plants handed over part of its fruits to Spruce, bright colors and nuts. Seeing the kind, elegant Spruce, the baby smiled. At that very moment, the Star of Bethlehem shone even brighter over the top of the tree.

There is another version of this tale. According to it, the arrogant Palm and Olive did not let the Christmas tree pass to the Baby, laughing at its unsightly appearance, sticky resin and sharp needles. Modest Yel did not object; she was saddened, but remained at the entrance to the cave. Then the angels took pity on the Christmas tree and decorated its branches with heavenly stars. In such an outfit the tree was not ashamed to appear to the Savior!

Belief in forest spirits

Our ancestors deified nature; they endowed plants with intelligence and supernatural power. It was believed that the spirits of the forest were capable of destroying a person they did not like. And, on the contrary, they rewarded some people with treasures for certain merits.

In order to appease the forest spirits, it was necessary to decorate the spruce tree, which has been a symbol of life since ancient times, and decorated it with all kinds of fruits and treats.

New Year tree in Russia

The custom of installing a decorated Christmas tree in the house comes from southern Germany. In Russia, the very first Christmas tree was decorated and installed for the New Year by order of Peter I (this happened on January 1, 1700). The Tsar ordered to “light fires, launch rockets and decorate the capital with coniferous branches - spruce, pine and juniper.”

The Bolsheviks, who came to power after the 1917 revolution, considered the New Year a “relic of the bourgeois past” and even tried to ban the holiday. However, the people loved the celebration very much, so in 1935 the holiday was returned. It is believed that the rehabilitation of the holiday and its attributes (Christmas tree) began with a small note in the newspaper Pravda, published on December 28, 1935.

And it's also a talisman!

It is believed that on New Year's Day, your deepest dreams and desires come true. However New Year's Eve beneficial not only for people.

After midnight, evil spirits appear on earth to make fun of people and inflict all sorts of minor mischief on them. Evil spirits can ruin the housewife's cooking or steal something not particularly valuable, but useful.

In order to ward off such unwanted “guests” from your home, it was necessary to decorate your home with bright shiny objects that could... Sequins, tinsel and, of course, elegant Christmas tree had to hold evil spirits at a respectful distance from the house.

Tired of winter and blizzard wind outside? In this case, we recommend that you read the article " "! It will help you remember that the winter cold does not last forever, and sooner or later it will definitely be replaced by a spring drop.

A spruce or pine tree decorated with shiny toys, tinsel and glowing lights is a special symbol of the New Year, many long-awaited gifts and happy changes in life. This tradition is spread all over the world and it doesn’t matter that in Africa the role of the New Year’s beauty is given to a palm tree or tree-like juniper, and to Australia the tree is delivered by plane and the needles are covered with a thick layer of varnish for preservation. And every inhabitant of the planet is interested in why it is customary to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year, and what is the pedigree of this custom.

Why is the Christmas tree decorated for the New Year?

Previously, it was believed that spirits lived in the branches of spruce trees, and by decorating the tree they tried to appease them

There are many legends underlying the tradition of decorating the New Year's tree. Some of them go back to the time of the birth of Jesus Christ, when all the plants came to look at the baby and brought him their fruits as gifts. The Christmas tree, which traveled from the most northern latitudes, was late for the bride and could not make its way to the cradle, and besides, she did not have a gift for the newborn.

All representatives of wildlife shared flowers, green leaves, nuts and fruits with the Christmas tree. And stars began to fall from the sky, which turned the small tree into a shining miracle, meaning joy in honor of the Nativity of Christ.

According to another legend, the German monk Saint Boniface, as proof of the powerlessness of the pagan gods, cut down a sacred oak tree. When the huge giant fell, it knocked down all the trees, and in its place a small fir tree appeared, as a symbol of the victory of Christianity over paganism. Subsequently, fir was replaced by spruce, on which believers hung apples, nuts and eggs so that fertility, harmony and well-being would not leave them.

Perhaps spruce branches symbolized eternal life for ancient people

When did they start decorating the Christmas tree in Europe?

A number of European peoples used a large log in Christmas rituals

The decorated Christmas tree first appeared on the main squares of German cities back in the 17th century. Until this time, the Germans, who considered the spruce a sacred tree that could influence their lives and prosperity, went into the forest to appease it. Colored scraps, gingerbread cookies, sweets and fruits were hung on spruce branches. Various rituals performed by townspeople at the forest beauty later became the prototype for the New Year's round dance.

Over time, the Germans transferred the custom of decorating a Christmas tree from the forest to city squares, and then to their homes. After the baptism of the Germans, the pagan tradition of bringing gifts to spruce acquired a Christian interpretation, and Catholic Christmas In homes, a forest beauty decorated with bows and candles became a mandatory attribute.

After Germany, the custom of placing a decorated coniferous tree in your home spread first across Europe, and then migrated overseas.

The appearance of the New Year tree in Russia

Peter I, seeking to bring European manners and traditions to Russia, with the introduction of the Julian calendar in 1699, issued a decree moving the New Year holiday to January 1. In this document, the tsar explained in detail to the Russians how to celebrate the holiday - launch fireworks and rockets, light fires, and decorate the gates with pine garlands. This tradition was observed until the death of Peter; after his death, Christmas trees were decorated only in the houses of St. Petersburg Germans and in drinking establishments.

The process of reviving New Year trees went on for quite a long time - only in the middle of the 19th century did they begin to decorate coniferous trees in their homes everywhere. This tradition was usually associated with the Nativity of Christ and at first the magnificent and beautiful Christmas trees installed only by wealthy people and representatives of the capital's nobility. But very quickly, residents of other cities and landowners’ estates began organizing Christmas celebrations for their children around a decorated Christmas tree.

Gifts for children could be found under the spruce tree

The “home” life of the forest beauty, decorated with glass toys, candles, beads and candies, did not last long - only one evening on Christmas Eve. The children, experiencing genuine delight at the sight of the brilliant spruce, had it at their complete disposal. The holiday of “plucking the Christmas tree” was coming for the children. As a result, sweets and toys were torn from the branches, the tree was completely destroyed and broken and was thrown out in the morning.

Slavic traditions in decoration

Decorating the Christmas tree depends only on the creativity of the person who is doing it.

The custom of decorating a New Year's tree is almost completely copied from the German model. Since ancient times, the Slavs have had a tradition of hanging colorful rags on any trees in their courtyard to appease good spirits and ask for prosperity.

Of all the representatives of the Russian forest, spruce was considered a sacred tree - it helped to call goodness into the house, to protect its inhabitants from disease and failure. At the same time spruce branches widely used in funeral rites, since the tree symbolizes eternal life.

Decorating a coniferous beauty on New Year's Day is a tribute to the ancient Slavic tradition. The more beautiful the tree is decorated, the happier its perfume and more good the owners of the house will receive.

If not a Christmas tree, then what to decorate?

You can use rain, tinsel, ribbons for decoration.

Not all people want to install a coniferous tree in their apartment for the New Year. This is due to various reasons:

  • lack of free space;
  • unsafe for young children;
  • reluctance to destroy a living spruce for the sake of a two-week holiday.

But tradition remains tradition, and the house must have a green plant, decorated New Year's toys. These can be indoor flowers:

  • boxwood - its crown lends itself well to pruning and a pyramidal shape is easily achieved. The small leaves resemble needles, and the sufficient height allows you to decorate the indoor tree with toys and tinsel;
  • cypress or thuja are ornamental plants that can replace a standard Christmas tree. Light green needles are beautiful in themselves, and a small amount of decorations will only emphasize the nobility and grace of these plants;
  • juniper - in addition to its natural splendor, this home shrub creates a special indoor microclimate. The peculiar pine aroma is an excellent way to create a calm, serene atmosphere and good healthy sleep;
  • asparagus - some types of this indoor flower can compete with the beauty and degree of fluffiness of the Christmas tree. Thin openwork branches of bright green color will look great next to miniature glass balls and tinsel.

A decorated Christmas tree is a tradition that has become an integral part of the New Year holidays over many centuries. Manufacturing homemade toys, gluing garlands, buying new shiny balls - all this can be done with the whole family. And decorating a coniferous beauty is a real ritual, in which both adults and children take part with pleasure. Until the old New Year, the magnificent miracle Christmas tree will bring joy and delight, symbolizing the beginning of happy changes in life.

We all watched about “Christmas Trees” and, probably, many of you are wondering why Christmas trees, because in principle there is no talk about this beautiful tree. Let me clarify one thing: Christmas trees have become a symbol in Russia and around the world. I’ll tell you why exactly the Christmas tree later.

So, why the Christmas tree? The custom of decorating a Christmas tree was brought to Russia from Europe. This happened back in the 18th century, the first Christmas tree, like many other things (potatoes, navy), was decorated in Russia under Peter I. It so happened that people from ancient times believed that the soul of a deceased person moved into a tree. Souls can be both good and evil. That is why it is customary to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year in order to appease the spirit.

So, why the Christmas tree anyway? Spruce remains green throughout the year. Our ancestors believed that trees that all year round They remain green, these are the favorites of the Sun God. The Sun God was considered the main God in many cultures. Therefore, the choice settled on them.

As mentioned earlier, Peter I was the first to decide to introduce the custom, but the custom did not take root for almost 100 years. Only in 1852 did the first public Christmas tree appear in Russia. In the USSR, at first these trees were considered a bourgeois attribute and were banned (hard to believe!). But in 1935 the ban was lifted, and since 1949 January 1 was declared a day off.

By the way, at first Christmas trees were decorated with various fruits and other things: apples, nuts, cookies. Such decoration first appeared in Germany. After that they changed a lot. During the war, toys were made from cotton wool and other improvised materials. But then they began to be produced as a whole new market. The first glass Christmas ball was made in Thuringia (Saxony) in the 16th century. Serial production of Christmas tree decorations was also established there for the first time. Now you can find them for every taste and color. The squeak of fashion among Christmas tree decorations today is unbreakable fiberglass balls. Their range is expanding every year. Balloons are available in mirror, matte, “marble” and “snow-covered” - the most different colors. Unusual decorations - mirror mosaics and transparent figures: angels, umbrellas, shoes

Meshcheryakova Elena Nikolaevna
Kosova Valentina Nikolaevna
MBDOU kindergarten No. 22 “Smile”
Stary Oskol urban district

Target: Creating optimal conditions for the identification, formation and development of gifted children, their self-realization in accordance with age.


Project goal: Find out why the Christmas tree is decorated for the New Year?

Object of study: Christmas tree.

Subject of research: Decoration of the New Year tree.

Hypothesis: If the New Year tree were not decorated, the holiday would be uninteresting.

I set before myself tasks:

  1. Consider the history of decorating the New Year tree.
  2. Learn the technology of making a New Year's tree with your own hands.
  3. Summarize the results and draw conclusions.

Theoretical part

We all love the beautiful and fabulous custom of dressing up new year holidays Christmas tree This worldwide tradition has a very rich history, and without it it is hardly possible to imagine the celebration of the main winter holidays New and Christmas.

Why do we decorate the spruce tree? And how did this custom appear?

There are several legends that reveal the secret of decorating a Christmas tree, and not another tree.

Since our ancient ancestors believed in not only human life, but also natural life, deified trees, animals, many plants and other surrounding living creatures, worshiped many of them, they identified them with themselves.

According to one of the legends, It was Jesus Christ who chose spruce as a divine tree.

And it was all like this...

When a star shone over Bethlehem and the news spread throughout the world that the Son of God had been born, people from many countries of the world came to congratulate the Virgin Mary.

In addition to people, animals and trees rushed to offer congratulations. Everyone went into the cave to see the newborn and, in addition to congratulations, gave something to the baby and his mother. El also hurried to the cave with many.

Approaching the entrance, she did not enter, but remained on the sidelines. The rest of the trees came out of the cave and could not get enough of what they saw. Some of the trees approached Eli and asked why she did not go to give gifts to the Son of God. To which El gave them the answer that she was afraid to hurt the baby with her sharp needles or to scare her. Then all the trees rewarded this conifer with their gifts - apples, cherries, plums, nuts, flowers. Dressed in lovely jewelry, El hurried inside the cave. When she entered, Jesus Christ woke up and was surprised at the beauty of this tree. After which the Star of Bethlehem lit up just above the spruce, which overnight made it a symbol of the New Year.

Another legend says that the spruce was not allowed into the cave to the newborn Son of God by the proud Palm and Olive. They only began to mock the thorns and sticky resin of the tree. But one of the angels overheard the trees' conversation. Taking pity on Elya, he dressed her up with many small, brightly shining stars. And at that very moment the spruce tree began to shine throughout Bethlehem. When she entered the cave, Jesus Christ stretched out his little hands to her. After this incident, it was the Christmas tree that became the divine tree and the main attribute of the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Besides divine retellings and legends There is also a more mundane one. Residents European countries They claim that Martin Luther introduced the custom of decorating the Christmas tree. According to the story, on Christmas night he was hurrying home through the forest and saw a star in the sky that suddenly descended onto the top of the spruce tree. To please his family, he brought home a Christmas tree. Relatives happily decorated the tree with ribbons, candles, and bows. Because of this incident, many people adopted the tradition, and so it spread throughout the world. No matter what the legends say, you cannot hide the obvious. The spruce is the central character of the New Year celebration.

In the 17th century, the custom developed of attaching the Christmas tree upside down to the ceiling - as a symbol of the ladder from heaven, lowered to earth at Christmas. The Christmas tree was hung with apples, gingerbread and other sweets - in memory of the sweetness of heavenly life.

The historical date was also recorded when the tree was first decorated as a symbol of the coming of the new year. At the beginning of the 19th century in Germany On the eve of the holidays, many people brought home a Christmas tree and decorated it with flowers (real and paper), sweets, apples, waffles, and ribbons. After which this custom was picked up by residents of neighboring countries. Later, decorating the Christmas tree became a worldwide tradition.

Is it true, decree of Peter I on the eve of 1700, confirming the transfer of the New Year to January 1, also read: “On large streets, near elaborate houses, in front of the gates, place some decorations from trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper.” But we haven’t talked about the Christmas tree as a home decoration yet. The Germans living in Russia observed their customs, but the Russians were in no hurry to adopt them.

To Russia The custom of decorating the Christmas tree came a little later. The first written confirmation is recorded in the literature. It says that the Christmas tree began to be decorated starting with the decree of Nicholas I. It was during this period that Russia became interested in German traditions, from where it took this one. After all these processes, the coniferous tree remained the main precursor of the New Year. But not every year the tree was decorated for the Christmas holidays.

In the first half of the twentieth century in Russia, the Bolshevik authorities banned the celebration of New Year and Christmas celebrations. The custom of decorating the Christmas tree has also temporarily fallen into oblivion.

Only in the middle of the twentieth century, with the repeal of the law, the tradition returned to the country and successfully exists to this day.

Legends tell many things, but one thing remains inseparable - the tree is a symbol of the New Year. It fills the house with an unforgettable aroma, magic, and fabulousness. Today it is no longer decorated with candies and nuts, but with colorful toys, streamers, ribbons, tinsel, and a star is placed on the top.

Such a difficult path had to be overcome by the “lush New Year's beauty" Today it is no longer possible to imagine the New Year without a tree, because it is under it that Santa Claus leaves gifts, and it is she who, with her bright lights and lanterns, creates the atmosphere of the New Year holidays.

Practical work

After learning a lot about the New Year tree, I decided to make a Christmas tree with my own hands and decorate it.

For this I took 4 plastic cups, multi-colored markers.

  • On the first cup I drew a trunk.
  • On the second glass I drew branches.
  • On the third glass I drew toys.
  • I drew a garland on the fourth glass.

I got a miracle Christmas tree.


For myself, I made the following conclusions:

  1. Germany was the first to decorate the Christmas tree.
  2. You can make a Christmas tree with your own hands.
  3. My hypothesis was completely confirmed. If not for this wonderful tradition, the New Year would not be so colorful and cheerful.

Germany was the first to decorate the Christmas tree. According to legend, we should be grateful to Martin Luther, an outstanding German reformer, for the emergence of this tradition. On Christmas Eve in 1513, as legend has it, he returned home and admired the star-strewn sky. It seemed as if they were sparkling on the tree branches. Having reached home, Martin Luther decided to reproduce what he had seen, so he put a small Christmas tree on the table, decorated it with candles and a star, which he placed on the top as a reminder of the Star of Bethlehem, which indicated the path to the birthplace of Jesus in the Bible.

It is widely known that in Central Europe in the 16th century there was a tradition of decorating a small beech tree with pears, plums and apples, which had previously been boiled in honey, as well as hazelnuts. On Christmas Eve, a beech tree decorated in this way was placed in the center of the festive table.

About a century later, in Switzerland and Germany, not only deciduous trees, but also conifers appeared at Christmas feasts. The main requirement that was placed on them concerned size. The tree had to be miniature. At first, it was customary to hang small Christmas trees decorated with apples and candies from the ceiling, and only over time the tradition of installing a large tree in the living room arose.

From the 18th to the 19th centuries, the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree spread beyond Germany and took root in England, Denmark, Holland, the Czech Republic and Austria. Thanks to the development of emigration, immigrants from Germany taught Americans how to decorate Christmas trees. At first, fruits, candles and various sweets were used for this, but over time the custom arose of decorating Christmas trees with toys made of cardboard, cotton wool and wax, and subsequently glass.

New Year trees came to Russia thanks to Peter the Great. He, while still a very young man, was visiting his friends in Germany, where he saw a strange tree decorated with candies and apples, and received very pleasant impressions from this sight. After Peter ascended the throne, funny Christmas trees similar to those seen in Europe appeared in Russia. On the central streets and near the houses of noble people, decorations from coniferous trees and their branches.

Over time, when Peter the Great passed away, everyone forgot about the newfangled custom. The tree became a popular Christmas attribute only a century later. In 1817, Princess Charlotte appeared at the Russian court and became the wife of Prince Nikolai Pavlovich. On her initiative, a tradition arose in Russia to decorate with bouquets of spruce branches. New Year's table. In 1819, the first holiday tree, which Nikolai Pavlovich installed under the influence of his wife, and 1852 was the year the first decorated Christmas tree was publicly displayed. She appeared in the premises of the Ekaterininsky (later Moskovsky) station in St. Petersburg. After this, there was a surge in the popularity of Christmas trees. Rich Russians began to order expensive European jewelry and hold holiday parties for children.

Christmas card, 19th century

The New Year tree perfectly reflected Christian tenets. The fruits, sweets and toys with which she was decorated were a symbol of the gifts brought to the newborn Jesus. The candles served as a reminder of how the site of the Holy Family was illuminated. In addition, on the top of the spruce there was a star, which served as a symbol Star of Bethlehem, who appeared in heaven at the moment of the birth of Christ and showed the Magi the way to him. All this contributed to the transformation of the tree into a Christmas symbol.

First world war- a period of refusal to decorate the Christmas tree, as from an enemy tradition that came from hostile Germany. Nicholas II introduced a ban on it, which was lifted after October Revolution. The public New Year tree of the Soviet era was first installed on December 31, 1917 on the territory of the Mikhailovsky Artillery School in St. Petersburg.

The next ban on the use of a decorated Christmas tree as a holiday symbol came in 1926, when this tradition was called anti-Soviet by the Central Committee of the Communist Party. Active anti-religious work was carried out, within the framework of which it was, in particular, forbidden to celebrate Christmas. Therefore, the use of any Christmas attributes was out of the question.

However, by 1935, the holiday tree was experiencing a revival again. On December 28, an article appeared in the Pravda newspaper about organizing the installation of a New Year tree for children. This proposal came from Postyshev, the second secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, and received the support of Stalin.

On the eve of 1938, a 15-meter New Year tree, decorated with 10 thousand toys, was installed in the House of Unions, which became the central element of the children's holiday party. Since then, such events have become traditional and the main Christmas tree of the country was considered to be the tree in the House of Unions. Since 1976, this title has passed to the Christmas tree installed in the Kremlin. Originally a symbol of Christmas, the decorated Christmas tree gradually turned into a New Year's attribute. The tradition of decorating the Christmas tree with fruits and sweets has also gradually transformed. Christmas toys became a reflection of the era. They depicted pioneers blowing horns and portraits of members of the Politburo, and during the Second World War, toys with weapons, paratroopers and orderly dogs appeared. Later, military-themed pictures were replaced by snowflakes with a hammer and sickle, airplanes and cars depicted on them. In Khrushchev’s times, corn cobs, tractors and hockey players appeared on Christmas trees, and after some time - fairy tale characters and everything related to space.

Postcard from USSR times with New Year tree | depositphotos - nadi555

There are many different styles of Christmas tree decorations available today. Traditional option– decorate the New Year’s tree using colored glass toys, tinsel and electric garlands. In the last century, there has been a transition from natural Christmas trees to artificial ones, which sometimes very realistically imitate living trees. Some of them are stylized and do not involve the use of additional decorations. There is also a fashion for certain color solutions Christmas tree decor. The tree can be blue, red, gold, silver or any other color. Conciseness and minimalism are in fashion. Garlands with lights are invariably used to decorate the New Year tree, however, these are often not electric light bulbs, but LEDs.

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