
How to wash a bottle after formula. How to wash baby bottles: instructions and products. Preparing for sterilization

How to wash a bottle after formula.  How to wash baby bottles: instructions and products.  Preparing for sterilization

Every time after finishing feeding, the used bottle and pacifier should be washed and sterilized. A certain sequence of actions matters...

First of all, we thoroughly rinse the bottle and pacifier with warm water - you can do this in a splash of tap water. Next, we wash the bottle and pacifier in hot soapy water. You need to wash the bottle both outside and inside; We use a special brush - a brush. You can’t limit yourself to rinsing the bottle; It is absolutely unacceptable for even a small amount of milk formula to remain on the walls of the bottle. Having finished washing the bottle, we take up the nipple. It must be washed by hand - also outside and inside; To make it easier to wash the inner surface, the pacifier can be turned out. White milky deposits should not remain anywhere on the nipple, since this deposit is an excellent breeding ground for various pathogenic bacteria. The nipple holes also require cleaning. These holes are easy to clean if you strongly squeeze the tip of the nipple from the sides - the holes seem to turn out. A wooden toothpick will also help clean the holes in the nipple; however, the toothpick must be brand new, unused for its intended purpose. After cleaning each hole, we wash off the soapy water and remaining formula from the nipple. This completes the washing.

Now we are preparing for sterilization: we place a small towel (you can use a diaper) at the bottom of a pan of a suitable container: we place bottles and nipples on this towel; The bottles must lie on their sides, and the nipples - as necessary. Next, we pour cold water into the pan; the amount of water should be such that the bottles are covered with it; We also pay attention to filling bottles and nipples with water - there should be no air bubbles anywhere.

Cover with a lid and place the pan on the fire. As soon as the water in the pan boils, we can consider sterilization started. In total, sterilization (boiling) of bottles and nipples should last from 5 to 10 minutes - no less, no more.

After the boiling is completed, we pour the water out of the pan - and we do this with the lid closed. Also, without removing the lid from the pan, wait for the bottles and nipples to cool down; you should not force this process in any way - pour cold water over the pan or place it in the refrigerator for some time, cover it with ice, etc.; we just have to sterilize dishes and pacifiers in a timely manner so that the need for another bottle or pacifier does not push us. So, wait until the pan cools to room temperature. After this we can remove the contents of the pan. We carefully place all the bottles that we have sterilized on a towel with their necks down. We place the nipples on a sterile saucer and cover them with a sterile glass or a sterile jar. If we remove bottles from the pan by hand, then the nipples should be removed with sterile tweezers.

Who has in his family small child, he is no doubt familiar with feeding bottles, pacifiers, diapers, pacifiers and probably knows how and with what to wash baby bottles and other objects surrounding the baby. Absolutely all young parents need such knowledge, because wrong actions regarding cleaning children's household items can not only damage the things themselves, but also lead to a negative reaction from the child's body. The thing is that a newborn baby has not yet had time to fully develop its immune system, and this makes it more susceptible to bacteria that are found on improperly treated surfaces.

Important! When purchasing plastic baby bottles, make sure the plastic does not contain the chemical BPA. It is very toxic and can lead to serious health problems for the baby. Many countries have already banned the production and sale of children's items containing this chemical. Unfortunately, our country is not included in this list yet. Therefore, parents need to be more vigilant when buying children's products.

  1. Immediately after feeding, rinse the bottle in the sink:
    • Even if you don't have time to wash more thoroughly, just rinse the dish. This will prevent dried milk and dirt from accumulating on the sides and bottom of the bottle.
    • Use hot water to rinse. This will make rinsing more effective.
  2. To make the washing process most effective, you need to know what is the best way to wash baby bottles. When buying a feeding bottle, immediately purchase the following products:
    • A brush for washing baby dishes and a special brush for washing the rubber pacifier. Some bottles are difficult to clean near the bottom and in the neck area; a brush will help with this. Nipple brushes have the ability to collect bacteria from their surfaces.
    • A product designed specifically for washing baby bottles. It differs from regular dishwashing detergent in that it is more gentle and mild. It is hypoallergenic, non-toxic and, equally important, does not leave soap residue on the surfaces of the container after rinsing in hot or cold water.
  3. To eliminate the possibility of foreign bacteria and chemicals coming into contact with baby dishes, it is recommended to wash the sink itself before washing it.
  4. For better effect use a stiff sponge, baking soda or other natural disinfectant.
  5. After cleaning the sink, fill it with hot water as hot as possible and soap.
  6. Before washing feeding bottles, they must be completely disassembled. Each part - bottle, nipple, ring, cap - is washed separately.
  1. Submerge each part in hot, soapy water.
  2. Use a bottle brush and a pacifier brush, which can also be used to wash the ring.
  3. If the instructions for use of a feeding bottle say that it can be washed in dishwasher, then use this method, which will save you a lot of time.
  4. Place the bottle upside down on the top rack of the dishwasher, away from the heating elements.

Important! Today, baby goods stores can offer their customers a special basket for washing rings and pacifiers that are installed in the dishwasher.

  1. To get rid of soap residue on the surfaces of the bottle and its elements, after washing they should be thoroughly rinsed under running water at the highest possible temperature.
  2. Place all baby bottle parts on a drying rack.

Important! Dry the bottle in a well-ventilated area so that it dries completely quickly. Otherwise, fungus and mold may begin to develop on its surfaces.

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap before picking up a dry baby bottle and offering it to your baby.
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Bottle sterilization

This method is very effective in destroying all possible bacteria on the surfaces of children's dishes. If previously it was advised to sterilize a bottle after each use, now this process is considered not so necessary.

Important! Recent research from the medical community has shown that washing feeding bottles with hot, soapy water is sufficient to clean them. The main condition remains the purity of the water and its suitability for drinking.

And, nevertheless, there is no way to do without sterilization in the following cases:

  • Before using dishes for a newborn for the first time, immediately after purchase.
  • After each wash of the bottle with water from a well or borehole.
  • After a child's illness.
  • After long time use.

Electric and microwave sterilizers

The principle of sterilization in these devices is the treatment of dishes with steam at a temperature of +100 C. Steam at such a high temperature kills all bacteria and microbes on the surfaces of the bottle. To use these devices correctly:

  • The electric sterilizer should be filled with a small amount of water. Place the rings, nipples and bottles inside at some distance from each other. Sterilization takes approximately 10 minutes.
  • With a microwave sterilizer, the actions are essentially the same. After placing all items that require sterilization, place the device in the microwave. Set the microwave to full power and turn it on for 4-8 minutes.

Important! The operating time of a microwave oven depends solely on the power of the device itself.

Sterilization in a steamer

A steamer is a fairly common item in the kitchen of a young housewife. With it you can not only prepare healthy and tasty food, but also, if necessary, sterilize children's dishes. For this:

  1. Pour water into the bottom compartment of the steamer.
  2. Place the bottles neck down.
  3. Other elements of the baby bottle can be placed in the upper part of the steamer.
  4. Turn on the device in the “cooking” mode for a period of 5 to 15 minutes.
  5. Wait for the steamer to turn off and cool down.

After this, children's dishes can be used for their intended purpose.

Sterilization in a multicooker

It is very easy to sterilize in a multicooker:

  1. Pour 1 liter of water into the main container of the multicooker.
  2. Place all baby utensils that require sterilization on the steaming rack.
  3. Turn on the “steam” mode, setting the time to 7-10 minutes.

Microwave sterilization

  1. To carry out this process in a microwave oven, it is better to use special bags or additional containers with a lid.
  2. Children's dishes are placed in a container or bag and filled with cold water.
  3. After 7-8 minutes of microwave operation, the baby bottle will be sterilized.


Mothers, grandmothers and their predecessors were not familiar with either microwave ovens or sterilizers in their youth. And yet they are no worse modern mothers took care of their children. Today, a large number of young parents use the old and proven method of sterilization - boiling.

This is done very simply:

  1. Pour in large saucepan water and bring it to a boil.
  2. Place all parts of the feeding bottle into the boiling liquid.
  3. Cover the pan with a lid and boil the items - at least 3 minutes.

Important! This sterilization method is most suitable for glass bottles. If plastic bottle does not include the above harmful component– bisphenol-A, then it can also be treated in this way.

Cold water sterilization

This process can be carried out using cold water and a special drug that has antiseptic properties. IN in this case To wash baby bottles to get the sterilization effect, you need products such as Milton or Bebe Comfort. They are sold in pharmacies. According to instructions?

  1. They are dissolved in cold water and children's dishes are placed in the solution.
  2. After half an hour, remove the dishes from the solution and rinse thoroughly boiled water.

Important! This method protects children's dishes well from germs without damaging them.

Important! It is best to place the brush in a sealed zip bag. This way you will protect it from external bacteria that you don’t need.

How to proceed:

  • If you have bottle cleaner and a brush, you can wash baby dishes in any sink.

Important! Remember the rules on how to wash newborn bottles. Follow them strictly, even if you are far from home.

  • When traveling, disposable sterile bottle inserts will come in handy. With their help, you can get by with one bottle throughout your trip and wash it only once a day, for example, in the evening.

Important! The inserts must be changed after each baby's meal.

  • Find out if your overnight stays and stops have microwave ovens. If available, take a portable microwave sterilizer with you on your trip.
  • If a microwave is not available to you or for other reasons you cannot use a sterilizer, then you can get by with an ordinary kettle of water. Pour boiling water over all washed parts of the baby bottle.
  • After washing, lay the bottle and its elements on a clean towel to dry.

Important! Use this towel for these purposes only.

When taking care of your baby's health, be sure to take care of the cleanliness of the objects that surround him. This is especially true for children's dishes, which a child uses in the first months of life. If you approach this issue correctly, then washing baby bottles will not take you much time and effort, and the baby will be protected from unnecessary microorganisms.

How to properly sterilize feeding bottles: rules and tips

If the child is on artificial feeding, it is important to ensure safety and follow feeding rules. Pediatricians recommend that you thoroughly wash and sterilize your newborn’s bottle before each new feeding! In this article we will look at how to do this correctly.

How to prepare dishes for sterilization

Before sterilization, the bottle is thoroughly washed and any remaining milk mixture is removed from the inside. The mixture remaining in the container must not be left, stored or used at the next feeding! To clean the bottle use regular soda or children's hypoallergenic detergents.

It is important to choose the right detergents so that the newborn does not develop allergies. Today the market offers a large selection brands similar products, however, not all of them are safe. Therefore, carefully study the composition, consult with your pediatrician and read reviews from other parents.

Japanese brands have been in greatest demand lately, but they are expensive. Yes, and finding such funds is difficult. Choose products without a strong odor that meet GOST requirements. The composition should not include synthetic dyes, fragrances and dangerous chemical compounds (parabens, sulfates, phosphates, etc.). Such funds may contain herbal remedies and glycerin. At the same time, they should be washed off well from dishes at any water temperature.

A good remedy Baking soda will be used to wash your child's dishes. Apply the powder to the sponge and feel free to wash the bottle! Then rinse the container thoroughly. Baking soda is safe for a newborn, and it will easily remove even old stubborn stains. At the end of washing, rinse the container thoroughly in running water.

To rinse the bottle to the very bottom and remove any residue, use a special brush or brush. Don't forget to remove and treat the pacifier! If you use a dishwasher, always wash a newborn's dishes separately from those of an adult and choose mild, safe detergents. The optimal temperature for washing in this case is 80 degrees.

Sterilization methods

  • Boiling is the traditional and most affordable way to sterilize bottles and pacifiers. Place several bottles in a separate pan of boiling water and leave to boil for at least 5-7 minutes. Then remove the dishes and place them on a dry, clean towel. The bottle can be used for feeding after it has cooled down.
  • Microwave oven is a modern and convenient way. The bottles are placed in a saucepan, filled with water and tightly closed with a lid. For sterilization in the microwave, 6-7 minutes are enough.
  • Use of antiseptic tablets – cold method sterilization. It is characterized by ease of use and high quality disinfection of children's dishes, but it will require more time. Antiseptics effectively eliminate harmful bacteria. In addition, this method guarantees that the products will not deteriorate under the influence of high temperatures. To prepare the solution, one tablet is placed in a pan of cold water, and then the dishes are lowered into it. Items need to be sterilized under a closed lid for half an hour. After which the bottle is rinsed in boiled water.

  • An electric steam sterilizer is a modern and convenient technology that provides high-quality disinfection of newborn dishes and protects items from deformation. You just need to put the bottle in the device, fill it with water and turn on the desired mode. The steam sterilizer can hold up to six items at a time, and the sterilization time takes about 10 minutes.
  • A steamer will allow you to sterilize a newborn’s dishes in 5-15 minutes. To do this, water is poured into the lower compartment of the device. Bottles are placed with the neck down, and jars, nipples and spoons are put away at the top. For sterilization, select the “cooking” mode. Remove the dishes when the steamer has cooled down a little.
  • The multicooker is also suitable for sterilization. The procedure is very easy to carry out. Bottles and other accessories are placed on a special grid, a liter of water is poured into the bowl of the device and the “steam” mode is turned on. In this case, it takes 8-10 minutes to sterilize the dishes.

Sterilize dishes and nipples for each feeding! In this case, it is better to sterilize pacifiers and bottles separately. Before the procedure, be sure to wash the container and remove leftover food using a brush, sponge and safe means. Rinse each item thoroughly.

Please note that not every bottle can be boiled multiple times. Thus, plastic products become deformed after several procedures. But many mothers choose plastic, as it is a light, convenient and safe bottle for a newborn. If you choose such a material, choose high-quality food-grade plastic and use the cold sterilization method.

Glass bottles can withstand repeated boiling, so they will last longer. However, they weigh heavier. In addition, the products can easily break. Read more about each material and how to choose the right bottle for a newborn at the link

Wash the bottle immediately after feeding or boil several beforehand. Remember that you need to prepare the formula for a newborn immediately before feeding. This way, sterilized feeding utensils will be at hand!

How to wash baby bottles?

This question worries many parents today. To some, washing seems like a tedious, boring activity that they can completely do without. However, this manipulation cannot be skipped. Its absence can affect the child's health. If you need to know how to wash baby bottles, consult your doctor for advice. He will give all the necessary recommendations. A foster nurse visiting the baby can also help in this matter.

What is the best way to wash baby bottles?

The main rule is to do this immediately after feeding. It is very important to keep the dishes clean; newborns are susceptible to various infections.

After purchasing a bottle, sterilize it. This action does not have to be performed after every meal; it will be enough to wash with soap and rinse. The main task is to thoroughly wash baby bottles and pacifiers with a brush and pour boiling water over them.

How to wash baby bottles:

  • baby soap;
  • soda solution;
  • boiling;
  • sterilization;
  • baby detergents;
  • under running water.

Some parents, on the advice of their grandmothers, wash the dishes folk remedies. Thus, they fight against bacteria that can settle there. When it comes to figuring out how to wash baby bottles, housewives resort to mustard powder, soda, and lemon.

Older generation absolutely deny the use of other detergents. However, there is a whole list of ways.

This should be done after each feeding. First, the dishes are freed from food residues. If necessary, use a brush if mold has formed in the baby bottle. In such cases, wash with soap and warm liquid.

How to wash baby bottles:

  1. pay attention to the bottom. If a dirty baby formula bottle has been sitting for a while, there will be deposits that need to be soaked off;
  2. when you have a product for washing baby bottles at home, you can use it for soaking;
  3. Having thoroughly washed and rinsed the dishes, wipe them dry with a towel specially designed for this purpose;
  4. Baby bottles and pacifiers can be washed in the dishwasher. However, it is recommended to avoid this method if the mother is in doubt about which baby bottle cleaner to choose. Conventional detergents for such partings can cause allergies.

Many parents, having raised a child, have not determined what the best remedy for washing baby bottles, because they never used anything. Each detergent contains chlorine, phosphates and other substances in varying quantities. harmful to the body baby substance. In order not to harm the baby, they washed the containers with folk remedies, rinsing them under running water.

Is it possible to pour boiling water into a baby bottle? Yes, if they are glass or plastic, but do not contain BPA. An old method of sterilization is also to dip the container in boiling water and keep it there for a while. You can wash baby bottles with boiling water and then leave them to dry.

Brush for cleaning baby bottles

It has been proven in practice that this item Easily cleans children's dishes from deposits and dirt accumulated in them.

There are the following types of brushes:

  • brush with a foam tip. It cleans delicately and does not scratch. The handle contains a button for its extension;
  • brushes from Dr. Brown`s combine a combination of bristles and sponges. There is absolutely no risk of damaging the inner surface. The base has a suction cup for easy storage;
  • brush for washing nipples and bottles with sponge. Easily removes food debris from inside;
  • “2in1” brushes are designed for washing bottles and nipples. The bristles have antibacterial treatment;
  • The CHICCO brush is multifunctional. In addition to its main activity, it can be freely converted into forceps that grip the bottle after sterilization.

How to choose a brush for washing baby bottles? Pay attention to the length of the container; your hand should not get inside. Width is also important. For narrow dishes, choose a thin baby bottle brush. The shape of the product matters. If the container is curved, then it is better to wash baby bottles with a curved brush.

What is the lifespan of baby bottles? If everything is in order with the container, it does not need to be changed. First of all, this statement applies to glassware. When it is in excellent condition, it will last a long time. It is recommended to change Avent bottles once a year. If a crack appears on the container, it must be replaced immediately. The shelf life of baby bottles is determined by their wear and tear, and they begin to release toxic substances.

It is very important to wash baby bottles properly. This is the first dish for a baby, where bacteria can grow in the milk environment and harm the health of the baby.

How to sterilize baby bottles at home?

When bottle-feeding, mothers use baby bottles.

To avoid infecting the baby with intestinal infections, women disinfect containers.

Young mothers are faced with such a problem for the first time.

They are searching various ways how to sterilize baby bottles at home and keep your baby healthy.

Why are bottles sterilized?

Even after thorough washing, milk formula remains in the dishes. They accumulate in the place where the nipple is attached, where the thread is located.

Leftover food becomes pathogenic microflora, that is, a source of proliferation of pathogens various infections: fungi and bacteria. In the first months of a newborn’s life, microorganisms pose a particular danger to his health.

  • not enough strong immunity;
  • susceptible flora of the stomach and intestines;
  • When bottle-fed, the child's body is more susceptible to infections.

Pediatricians insist on mandatory sterilization of utensils for infants. You can disinfect feeding supplies without a sterilizer, but using boiling water or household appliances.

The main thing is to know how to properly carry out the cleansing process.

Preparing for sterilization

Before sterilizing baby bottles at home, they are washed using baking soda or products household chemicals, which are intended for the care of children's dishes.

Pay attention to cleaning the bottom and the area where the nipple connects to the container. You can wash feeding utensils in the dishwasher, but separately from adult dishes.

The device makes caring for your baby easier.

The bottles are placed in a special compartment of the sterilizer. After a certain pasteurization time, the removal of microorganisms is completed.

The dishes are used for feeding a newborn immediately after cooling or when needed. It remains clean in the sterilizer compartment.

Release different kinds devices depending on the processing method: steam, ultraviolet, chemical.

Sterilizers that destroy up to 99.9% of microorganisms by treating with water steam have become widespread.

Using a steamer

An excellent replacement for a sterilizer is a steamer. The device is filled with water, and bottles are placed in the block, neck down.

For pasteurization, it is sufficient to use the standard mode (“cooking”). Sterilization time in a double boiler is 10-15 minutes.

Microwave sterilization

Before sterilizing bottles in the microwave, place them in a separate container.

A spacious room is suitable for this purpose. plastic dishes. After installation, pour water into it and close the container with a lid.

For sterilization, 5-7 minutes of operation of the device in standard mode is sufficient.

To process children's dishes, it is strictly forbidden to place them on the microwave tray!

Using a multicooker

Another instruction on how to sterilize bottles in a slow cooker at home:

  1. Place containers on the steam grate.
  2. The bowl is filled with 1 liter of water.

In the “steam” mode, after 10 minutes of processing, the dishes become absolutely clean.

Boiling accessories

The method our grandmothers used is time-tested.

Bottles are placed in a pan of water and placed on the stove. After the liquid boils, after 5-7 minutes the dishes become disinfected.

In a saucepan with a lid closed, the bottles remain clean.

At the right time, they are removed from the sterile environment and used for feeding.

Cleaning dishes using antiseptics

Moms can use the method of disinfection using antiseptics.

  • Tablets are purchased at a pharmacy.
  • They are dissolved in water according to the attached instructions.
  • Bottles and nipples are placed in the solution. Soaking time is 30-40 minutes.

The prepared sterilization solution is stored for no more than a day. It is convenient to disinfect bottles on a trip when there are no household appliances at hand.

After the disinfection process, rinse feeding equipment thoroughly with clean boiled water.

Which sterilization method is better?

Practice has shown that the effectiveness of all methods is the same. The difference is in the time and effort involved.

  • When parents are very busy a good helper will become household appliances.
  • Boiling is a simple and accessible method for everyone.
  • A gentle way to treat a bottle is with an antiseptic solution.
How often should utensils be sterilized?

Women often wonder whether they need to sterilize bottles before each feeding of their baby. An invisible film from the milk mixture remains on the container even after thorough washing.

To grow healthy child There should be no exceptions to the rules - every time before feeding the adaptive mixture, the bottle is sterilized!

Young mothers are also concerned about the question: at what age should baby bottles be sterilized? Pediatricians believe that up to six months, and when the child reaches six months, it is enough to pour boiling water over the containers after thorough washing.

When a child reaches one year of age, his body’s immune system begins to produce its own antibodies, and until that time it is better to play it safe.

On Internet forums, Russian women hold different opinions, based on own experience caring for a daughter or son:

  • “We boiled the dishes for up to five months (we had to feed them additionally), after which we simply doused them with boiling water and washed them with soda every 2 days.”
  • “We are one year and three months old, I still sterilize them, throw them in a saucepan, boil the water and turn them off.”
  • “I always just poured boiling water on it, I don’t see the point of trying too hard. Friends wash under the tap.
  • “We are 7 months old, but I still boil bottles, pacifiers, and dishes for the baby. It takes little time, but you can rest assured about the baby’s health.”

When it comes to sterilizing a bottle for a newborn, adhere to the authoritative opinion of doctors. There should be no trifles in caring for a child, and even more so in caring for health. Babies' tummies cannot fight off infection.

Therefore, be sure to sterilize bottles using a convenient method. Let feeding be healthy and safe!

This procedure may seem boring. However, it is very necessary. Babies have not yet developed defense mechanisms. They are easily susceptible to microbial action. Therefore, the dishes from which children eat must be absolutely clean.

How to wash a baby bottle?

How to clean plaque from baby bottles? Some people visit baby supply stores and buy special brushes there. In their opinion, a brush plus hot liquid is enough to make children's dishes shine. Some mothers boil it or buy a product specially designed for this purpose.

You can wash baby bottles from plaque as follows:

  • Wash immediately after use. Don't leave this work for later;
  • rinse under running hot water. The cleansing will be much better;
  • Prepare all necessary cleaning materials in advance;
  • the sink in which you wash children's dishes should always be absolutely clean;
  • Wash the bottle disassembled. Pay attention to each element;
  • Dry thoroughly and only then collect.

All steps are quite simple. By adhering to them, you can prevent the formation of plaque or easily deal with it.

How to whiten baby bottles? Some mothers complain about the appearance of a yellow coating from boiling. The container loses its color. You can try to get rid of yellowness by using regular soda plus a brush. Rub thoroughly, then rinse. If this manipulation does not help, the baby bottle has turned yellow thoroughly, the yellowness does not disappear, boil it in water with the addition of citric acid. The scale should dissolve. After this procedure, be sure to rinse the dishes to remove the acid.

How to clean baby bottles?

For cleaning you will need:

  • a brush for washing baby bottles, which helps to wash the bottom and side walls from bacteria located there;
  • dishwashing liquid that acts as a disinfectant for baby bottles;
  • this product is soft, harmless, leaving no traces;
  • You can wash a baby bottle of milk deposits by boiling it.

How to descale baby bottles? Its formation is affected by the hardness of the water. Try boiling in twice boiled liquid. Calcium and other compounds should already be destroyed by the time of washing.

This method successfully helps remove plaque from baby plastic bottles. Another option is to purchase a sterilizer. If used correctly, no scale will form.

How to clean tea from a baby bottle? There is a lot of advice on this action. If you are looking for an inexpensive way, you can choose from the following options

Methods to combat tea plaque:

  • pour a little cereal, soda into a container, pour water. Close tightly and shake. Open, rinse;
  • It is possible to clean baby bottles using a brush or soda solution;
  • hot liquid, washcloth.

Nuk, a baby bottle cleaner, is also used for this purpose. Cleans off residues of any origin perfectly. Eliminates unpleasant odors. Removes milky deposits from dishes that have been left dirty all night. A couple of movements are enough to make everything shine.

How to remove odor from a baby bottle?

Very often, if you do not wash it in time, you can get a persistent unpleasant odor. It is difficult to get rid of it, but quite possible. Treatment of baby bottles can be done in several ways. However, they all boil down to boiling. In many cases, baking soda helps. An odor may appear when dishes are for a long time sterilized and then stopped doing it. Any contamination or odor can be easily removed if you eliminate them at the first sign of manifestation.

Baby bottles must be washed very carefully: babies’ bodies are very susceptible to pathogenic bacteria formed in leftover food, and chemicals should not enter the baby’s body.

Although some pediatricians are against frequent sterilization of baby utensils, none of them denies that feeding bottles need to be kept perfectly clean.

The baby's dishes need to be washed in a certain order:

  • Immediately after feeding, the bottle is disassembled and rinsed with the hottest possible water, removing plaque and remaining milk or porridge. After that, if you don’t have free time, you can leave it in the sink. If the dishes are too dirty, they are filled with soda solution.
  • Next, wash it thoroughly with a brush or brush, Special attention paying attention to the thread and the bottom. The pacifier, ring and removable handles are also rubbed with a special small brush.
  • Then rinse the bottle well with hot water.
  • After washing, place it on a clean towel in a well-ventilated place to dry completely. The drying process also needs to be monitored, because poorly dried dishes can also harbor bacteria.

If the appropriate permission is given on the dishes themselves, then they can be washed in the dishwasher using baby detergent. However, it is still better to clean the nipples by hand.

Can I use detergents?

When washing, it is allowed to use detergents, namely:

  • baby dishwashing detergent;
  • baby soap;
  • laundry soap.

Some conservative parents do not use detergents when using baking soda, mustard powder or table salt.

However modern means for washing children's dishes contain a minimum amount harmful substances, which cannot be said about conventional detergents.

Bottle sterilization

Sterilization is a set of measures aimed at the complete destruction of all types of microorganisms.

Until recently, it was believed that newborn bottles should be sterilized before each use, and by 6 months the frequency of sterilizations could be reduced.

However, modern pediatricians say that it is necessary to sterilize a child’s dishes only before the first use or after a long break in use.

Sterilization is carried out using:

  • boiling;
  • steam treatment;
  • special sterilizer;
  • multicookers or steamers;
  • microwave;
  • special means (tablets, solutions).

To sterilize by boiling, place baby dishes in a pan of filtered water and boil for 5-7 minutes. Then it is taken out with tongs, laid out on a clean towel and allowed to dry thoroughly.

Rubber nipples quickly deteriorate after such sterilization; silicone nipples are more durable in this regard.

Sometimes the bottles are held above the steam rising from a kettle or saucepan. Some parents pour water into the bowl of a multicooker or steamer, and place the dishes in a special compartment above the bowl. This method is considered more gentle than boiling.

If sterilization is carried out regularly, then it is more advisable to purchase a special sterilizer.

Water is poured into it, and several bottles are placed into the container at once.

To sterilize, some parents immerse the dishes in a glass bowl of water and microwave them for a few minutes.

There are also special reusable bags on sale where water is poured and bottles are placed. After this, the bag is sealed and placed in the microwave.

Only dishes that do not contain metal parts can be sterilized in the microwave.

Sometimes, in the absence of the possibility of boiling or using a sterilizer, microwave or multicooker, parents use special solutions and tablets. Pour water into a bowl, dissolve the product and immerse the bottles for half an hour.

How to wash baby bottles when traveling?

When preparing to travel with your baby, you need to place the pacifier brush, brush and detergent in sealed bags.

It is best to wash baby bottles in potable water.

In the absence of such, you can do this under running water, after washing the sink.

Since the quality of the water used is unknown, the dishes must be sterilized after such washing.

If this is not possible, you need to rinse it with as hot water as possible.

When traveling, special aseptic tablets are also useful, which can sterilize children’s dishes in cold water in half an hour.

For those who like to travel, special sterile inserts for the bottle have been created: they are removed after each feeding, but the container itself remains clean.

Thus, parents should approach the issue of cleanliness of children's dishes with all responsibility. The baby’s immature immune system may not be able to cope with bacteria that appears in a poorly washed feeding bottle.

Video on the topic

Infant feeding utensils must be disinfected after each use. This prevents the child from developing disorders and serious digestive problems. It is important to choose the right product. Natural liquid formulations effectively and absolutely safely sterilize the inside of the bottle and nipple. They do not contain chemicals and are made from environmentally friendly components. Experts from the Daughters-Sons online store will tell you how to properly wash baby bottles and pacifiers and what safe detergents to pay attention to.

How to wash baby bottles

Modern liquids based on natural extracts easily wash away dried residues of milk, mixture, puree or porridge, even in cold water. The foam composition is completely washed off from the surface.

The bottle cleaner from the Pigeon brand has proven itself to be excellent. It is based on food grade sucrose ester, which is not at all dangerous if accidentally ingested by a baby. Parents even wash fruits and vegetables with bioactive ingredients.

How to wash baby bottles and pacifiers:

  • products based on vegetable oil;
  • compositions with citrus essential oils;
  • products based on sucrose ester;
  • substances with medicinal chamomile extract.

Products for daily care Children's dishes are carefully tested. Practice shows that such products do not cause allergies, do not dry out mother’s hands and have a 100% antimicrobial effect.

Table 1. Features of the most popular detergents for washing children's dishes
Brand Peculiarities Detergent component
Aqa Baby Used from the first days of a newborn's life. It is very easy to wash off the residue in cold water. Collection of herbal extracts. Liquid based on purified artesian water.
Pigeon It is successfully used for high-quality washing of various products intended for feeding babies from birth. Bioactive ester of food sucrose. Does not harm the gastrointestinal tract.
Nuk With biological active substances. Quickly cleans children's accessories and dishes from food debris. Made using safe plant materials.
BioMio You can wash both sippy cups and food. Gently affects the skin of the hands. Has a pleasant smell. Based on edible essential oil of mandarin.
"Umka" Completely washes off in any water. Has a good antibacterial effect. Leaves mom's hands tender. Contains an antibacterial extract of plant origin.


What is the best way to wash baby bottles?

Mothers who are prone to allergic reactions use detergents with anti-allergenic and antimicrobial effects to wash their children's dishes. For example, the Sodasan brand offers Sensitive for parents who are allergic to unnatural ingredients. The natural extracts included in these products kill germs that are dangerous to children.

When asked whether baby bottles can be washed with soda, qualified experts give a negative answer.

Expert opinion

It was news to many parents that we do not recommend using soda for washing. If you are a follower traditional methods, you can use this product, but be aware that it will not provide the desired effect. Soda can only be used to clean the sippy cup from food. However, this food supplement does not destroy bacteria dangerous to the health of the baby, no matter how much soda you use. You can only clean dishes from germs using a special disinfectant liquid.

Specialist of the online store “Daughters and Sons”
Antonova Ekaterina


You can safely and effectively clean sippy cups, bottles and pacifiers using products designed for cleaning baby dishes. These formulations include only natural bioactive components - essential oils, sucrose, extracts. Such substances are absolutely harmless. Baking soda cleans but does not disinfect containers.