
How to wash plastic windows without streaks quickly. How to wash windows correctly and quickly? Proper care and cleaning of plastic windows

How to wash plastic windows without streaks quickly.  How to wash windows correctly and quickly?  Proper care and cleaning of plastic windows

Some do not even realize that there may be some problems with washing windows. Nowadays, almost every minute on TV there is an advertisement with new detergents. But our grandmothers have long known the secret of crystal clear glasses.

Why invent problems for yourself if their solution has already been invented a long time ago. Today we will also share with you a few secrets on how to properly wash windows without streaks.

What do you need to clean windows?

First you need to prepare everything so as not to run from room to room for the missing elements.

What do you need:

  1. Sponge with hard side for better removal of dirt.
  2. Detergent (purchased or for a folk recipe, which will be described below).
  3. Wiper.
  4. Dry fabric that absorbs moisture well.
  5. Water tank.

Wash preparation

What to do before washing:

  1. Release the window sill and open access.
  2. Place all the necessary items within reach.
  3. Pour some water into a container.

Advice! It is better to wash in cloudy weather. The sun's rays will definitely leave stains on the glass when it dries.

How to choose a detergent?

Certain types of windows and their frames require different types of cleaning products.

Wooden with painting

Would need:

  1. Liquid detergent.
  2. Ammonia solution (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water).


Would need:

  1. Soft washcloth.
  2. Liquid detergent.

Advice! Do not use abrasive cleaners that will harm the plastic.

Folk remedy for this type of windows:

  1. 3 tbsp grind the chalk.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. water.
  3. Wipe the glass with this mixture.
  4. Let dry.
  5. Rub with newspapers.

Advice! Be sure to pay attention to the composition of the detergent, as many products contain components that cause an allergic reaction.

Step by step instructions

First you need to wash the frame:

  1. Dirt cleaning:
    1. soak the sponge in the cleaning solution.
    2. wet the glass.
    3. Wipe the glass and frame joints with more force.
  2. Wipe dry with glass cleaner, cloth or newspaper.
  3. Make smooth horizontal movements at an angle of 30 degrees.

Advice! If you use a windshield wiper, wipe the rubber part with a cloth after each pass to avoid streaks.

Important! Remember the safety rules so as not to damage the window and not get hurt.

People's secrets

Method 1

Would need:

  • cotton swab;
  • toothpick;
  • sponge;
  • napkin;
  • linen rag;
  • warm water;
  • vinegar.

What to do:

  1. Use a toothpick and a cotton swab to clean all the joints.
  2. Soak a sponge in soapy water.
  3. Wash the frame and wipe it with a rag.
  4. Make a vinegar solution (2 tablespoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water).
  5. Dampen a linen cloth.
  6. Wash windows.
  7. Wipe dry with a newspaper or cloth.

Method 2

Would need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. starch;
  • blue;
  • 100 ml. ammonia;
  • 100 ml. white vinegar;
  • 4 l. warm water;
  • paper.

What to do:

  1. Mix everything in a bottle.
  2. Spray onto glass.
  3. Wash off with water.
  4. Wipe off with paper.

Method 3

Would need:

  • potato;
  • warm water;
  • napkin.

What to do:

  1. Cut potatoes.
  2. Rub glass.
  3. Rinse with water.
  4. Wipe with a napkin.

Features of washing metal-plastic structures

To thoroughly wash metal-plastic windows, you need to pay attention to some features for caring for this type of device:

  1. Sprayed and coated windows should be washed in the same way as regular windows.
  2. Metal fittings must be lubricated with machine oil.
  3. The rubber seal must be coated with silicone grease.

Basic care methods

In addition to washing, there are a few more tips that will allow you to keep your windows clean for a long time:

  1. After washing, rub the window with vinegar, the smell of which will drive away insects.
  2. In case of frost, use a solution (2 tbsp. table salt to 1 tbsp. water), which will not allow windows to freeze at low temperatures.
  3. Cracks are removed with colorless nail polish.
  4. To obtain a protective film, rub the window with a mixture (30 g of water, 70 g of glycerin, 2 drops of ammonia).


We also offer you a video that will allow you to better familiarize yourself with the basic methods and rules for window care:

Clean windows means a well-groomed and bright house. Do you want to learn how to wash windows to perfect cleanliness without spending too much time and effort on it? We will tell you how to solve this problem at home. For each task, we will describe the necessary materials, detergents and give some important tips to keep in mind.

Necessary materials

If you do not use special cleaning wipes, then you will need to wash:

  • a sponge or rag made of coarse linen (you can choose microfiber or nylon);
  • a bucket or basin in which there will be a washing solution;
  • the cleaning agent or solution itself;
  • cleaning absorbent cloth;
  • you can also use a special scraper with silicone nozzle to remove excess moisture.

A wide variety of tools can be used to clean windows. Folk remedies are the most economical option, since you can find everything you need in your kitchen.

They are not always effective against heavy dirt and difficult stains (primer, cement, soot, glue, etc.), but they do an excellent job with dust and dirt, as well as various stains (from insects, rain, etc.).

Most Popular Tools

Popular among housewives are:

  • Ammonia will wash plastic windows without leaving streaks. It will also perfectly remove the nicotine film from the frames. Take 100 ml of ammonia (you can use alcohol with flavoring) and dissolve in a bucket of cold water. You cannot do without unpleasant odors in the apartment, therefore, after washing the windows, the room must be well ventilated.
  • Windows can be perfectly washed using ordinary 9% table vinegar. Use 4 tbsp. l. vinegar and 2 liters of cold water. Vinegar will not only clean windows to a shine. Thanks to the pungent odor, it perfectly protects the house from insects penetrating from the street.

  • Starch can also be used to clean stained windows. Prepare the following solution: 2 tbsp. l. dissolve starch in 2 liters of water. Starch should be well mixed. Wash the window with the resulting mixture with a sponge or a piece of cloth.
  • Potato. If there are many dried stains on the window, the window should be wiped with half a potato, and then simply remove the remaining dirt with a dry microfiber cloth. Stains and dirt will be removed. Then wash with clean water or water with vinegar to a shine.

If you wipe the glass with potatoes, and then just walk with a regular rag, then the resulting starch film on the window will help protect it from fogging. This method can also be used for machine glasses.

  • Chalk in powder form. 3 art. l. such a powder must be diluted in a glass of water or vodka. The resulting thick paste is rubbed on the surface of the window and left to dry. After we remove the chalk from the surface with a napkin or microfiber. Vodka in the resulting paste will perfectly degrease and wash the window without streaks.
  • Onion. Fly stains can be removed from fiberglass with half an onion. Then it remains only to rinse the surface with water and wipe with a dry cloth.
  • Salt will allow you to clean the window of dirt no worse than special tools. A few tablespoons of salt must be diluted in a glass of water and wipe the window with a microfiber solution.

  • Glycerol. To clean a window and protect it from further contamination, you can use regular glycerin from a pharmacy mixed with liquid soap. Glycerin can also be diluted with water (100 grams of glycerin and 50 grams of water) and ammonia (a small amount). A film is formed on the surface of the window, which will protect the window from scratches and dirt.
  • Kerosene. To achieve the shine of windows, you can use kerosene. A tablespoon of kerosene should be diluted in 3 liters of water.
  • Nylon pantyhose can be used to clean windows instead of special microfiber cloths. Among other things, they will allow you to achieve the shine of the glass.

  • The window can be washed with a solution of potassium permanganate, and blue, which gives the glass a bluish tint. It is important not to overdo it with the powder so that the solution is light, translucent in color.
  • Windscreen wipers. Modern supermarkets offer a variety of special glass cleaners. They are available in the form of sprays that are distributed over the entire surface of the window using a dispenser, a powder that must be dissolved in water, gels and pastes that are applied to the window with a rag or sponge.

How to wash glass?

If you want to clean glass quickly and effortlessly and avoid streaks, use a few tips:

  • First, wipe the window with a sponge to shake off the dust.
  • Walk on the surface of the glass with a cloth soaked in a special solution (you can use the folk remedies listed above, or special sprays, powders, gels, pastes, wipes for cleaning glass). If the apartment has large panoramic windows or you wash balcony windows, then you can use a special spray gun.

Window glass on the balcony is best washed with a double-sided mop with a sponge and a scraper. First, wipe the window with a sponge, and then remove the remaining water with a scraper with a silicone nozzle.

  • Further, the agent is removed from the glass surface with a special rubber scraper. For large windows, choose wide scrapers. Move from top to bottom, slightly turning the scraper to the side.
  • Then the glass needs to be polished. The last step is especially important if you want your windows to be streak-free and shiny. Wipe the glass dry with a crumpled newspaper (you can also use a piece of suede, nylon stockings or tights, a special napkin).

Now let's talk about strong remedies that will allow you to get rid of dried spots and dirt at home:

  • Pour 4 liters of warm water into a bucket and add 100 ml of ammonia and white vinegar, pour a small amount of blue and 2 tbsp. l. starch. The resulting solution must be applied to the window with a rag or spray gun, then wipe the window with a napkin or sponge. A solution with ammonia also perfectly cleans glass from glue.
  • Black spots from insects can be removed from the surface by wiping the contaminated areas with half of the bulb. This method will help to clean the window from stains without much effort.
  • If you need to clean the window after a fire and remove the soot, then first remove the remaining soot with a broom or a dry rag. After that, wash the window with water and a cleaning agent (either a special glass cleaning spray or a bathroom cleaner will do). Plastic windows can be washed from soot with chemical alcohol, thinner, gasoline and other alcohol-containing products.

  • You can clean plastic glass from foil or glue after installation using a solvent or ammonia. You can also use dishwashing detergent. It must be applied to a sponge and lathered well. Then apply the resulting foam to the surface of the window and wait 10 minutes. Then rinse with plain water and wash the window with a regular detergent to get rid of streaks.
  • If you want windows to shine, then a solution of 2 tbsp is perfect for this. l. vinegar diluted in a bucket of water. Windows will be washed without streaks and with the desired shine.

Take note: in order to properly wipe stains on the glass without damaging the surface and leaving no streaks, it is better to wash the windows in a circular motion top down.

Wash glass only in dry weather and out of direct sunlight, as this will cause the cleaner to dry quickly on the window surface, leaving heavy streaks.

How to wash the window sill and frame?

If your house has wooden frames and a window sill, then it is better to wash them with liquid soap or dishwashing detergent diluted in a bucket of water. Harsh abrasive products can damage the paint and are not recommended for cleaning such windows. Soda is also not recommended for washing wooden window sills and frames. Do not forget to treat the metal fittings with oil after washing the frame.

Plastic frames and window sill. To wash the frame and window sill, you can use:

  • ordinary sponge or rag;
  • toothbrush to remove dirt from the cracks;
  • hard brushes are great for rough window sills;
  • melamine sponge for heavily soiled plastic surfaces. The melamine sponge releases foam upon contact with water. No additional cleaning agents are required. However, melamine is toxic, so it must be used with caution and only on surfaces that do not come into contact with food.

It is better not to use a metal scraper to avoid scratching the surface. For light dirt on plastic, it is better to use liquid or laundry soap. Dilute the soap in a bucket of water and wash the frame with a regular rag. As an alternative to soap, you can use another alcohol-based cleaner. It is better to do without solvents and alkalis.

If you are faced with the task of not only washing the window sill and frame, but also removing more complex stains from the surface, then special tools will help you here.

Plastic frames and window sills turn yellow over time. White plastic can be achieved in the following ways:

  • Soda. To get rid of yellowness and stubborn stains on the windowsill, soda is perfect. To prepare the solution, use a small amount of soda diluted in water. The solution must be soft so as not to damage the plastic surface. If there are old stains on the surface of the plastic, then you can use soda and 9% vinegar. First, it is necessary to pour soda on the contaminated places, and then walk on the surface with a sponge soaked in vinegar. Stains will be removed and the white surface will be effectively cleaned. Then we wash the frames and the window sill with an ordinary rag and cold water.

Vinegar is corrosive to skin and has a strong odor, so clean with gloves and ventilate the area after cleaning.

  • Powder for whites Great for whitening plastic. The powder must be diluted in a small amount of hot water (to get a thick mixture). The resulting paste must be applied to the surface, if necessary, leave to act for 10-15 minutes, then wipe with a hard sponge and rinse with plenty of warm water. After that, wipe the plastic surface dry with a paper towel or towel. Instead of powder white linen you can use white chalk, powdered, pieces of remnants or tooth powder. The algorithm of actions will be the same.

Chalk and tooth powder are more gentle abrasives, so stains are dealt with more delicately.

  • Special funds. To wash plastic from stubborn stains and rust, numerous special cleaning products from the store will quickly and easily help. Powdered and aggressive detergents must be used with care so as not to damage the surface of the plastic. Laminated plastic can be washed with any means without fear. The cleaning spray usually needs to be applied and left for a few minutes on the surface. 15 minutes after applying the product, removing stains will not be difficult. The product must be thoroughly rinsed off the surface. If necessary, the room can be ventilated.
  • Also, to remove grease stains from the windowsill, you can use kitchen degreasers. Domestos for the bathroom will help to wash significant dirt, rust and difficult stains. Apply the product to the surface, leave to act for 20 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with water.

When using aggressive toxic products (these include most strong stain removers), cleaning should be done only with the use of rubber gloves and a respirator to protect hands and respiratory tract. Ventilate the room at the end of work. After the window has dried, a little machine oil must be applied to the metal fittings, rubber compressor treat with silicone grease.

Be careful when using scouring powders (allowed for laminated plastics) and detergents containing gasoline, thinner or acid. All these agents destroy the surface of the plastic.

It can be quite difficult to clean the gap under the frame, which, as a rule, accumulates a lot of dirt and dust. You can use an old toothbrush to clean the gap. It not only thoroughly cleans the gap, penetrating into hard-to-reach places, but also has soft enough bristles so as not to damage the plastic.

How to clean after repair?

Dried stains from paint, primer, concrete contact, cement are not always removed with an ordinary damp cloth. Therefore, strong detergents are often required to clean the window sill and frame. To ensure that cleaning does not take too long, it is necessary to proceed in the correct order:

  1. Before cleaning, it is better to remove all plugs in order to wash the cracks in which a large amount of dirt accumulates after repair.
  2. Then brush off all the dust from the window sill, frames and panels with a brush or a piece of dry cloth.
  3. Remove stains with a stiff brush, not a rag. Stains from paint, glue or cement are removed using products containing abrasive substances. They are applied for 15-20 minutes, and then removed from the surface with plenty of water, you can add laundry soap.

To wash the primer, it must first be soaked. For this, alcohol or polyurethane foam is suitable. On the stain from the primer, you can apply its own solution and quickly wipe it with a dry rag. Then wash the surface with a damp cloth.

The primer can be soaked with wet rags. They need to be put on primer spots for a few minutes. And after removing with special tools and a sponge, it will not require much effort. It is better to use an abrasive sponge. It won't damage the plastic.

Instead of a sponge, you can use a special scraper, placing it at a slight angle to the surface. If there is still dirt left at the spot, it can be removed with a powder solution.

In the same way, you can try to remove cement stains with a dry scraper. Then wash off the remaining dirt with special means.

If you need to clean cement stains, it's best to wait until they dry before you start cleaning the window sill. The cement can first be carefully scraped off with a special scraper. Be careful not to damage the plastic surface. Then wash off the residue special means for cleaning surfaces from cement, primer, glue and other building materials. Such means include Dopomat, Hodrupa A, Szop(also removes rust).

Strong contamination from a plastic window sill can also be removed with a solvent (acetone, turpentine, ethyl acetate, alcohol). But they should be resorted to as a last resort, since there is a risk of damaging the surface of the plastic.

"Mister Muscle"- enough effective remedy, which must be simply applied to the surface of the glass and wiped with a sponge. Then clean the glass with clean water. The product will wash dirty window sills and frames to a shine.

Table vinegar - take a solution of high concentration vinegar. With it, you can remove complex stains from the primer, but you must work in a respirator or a mask. After cleaning, the surface must be wiped with a dry cloth or paper towel.

A special cement remover will help clean the concrete contact. However, it is best to first scrape the cement off the window surface with a scraper while the stain is dry. Only after removing the remnants of the stain with the tool.

Washing the mosquito net

In order for fresh clean air to enter the room in summer, and not dust and dirt from the street, wash the mosquito net in time. A darkened mosquito net is a signal for action.

All you need to clean the mesh is ammonia (or other chlorine-based cleaner), rubber gloves, a water hose, a tarp or cling film, a stiff brush, and a microfiber cloth, other absorbent cloths will work as well. It is better to wash the mesh from the hose with a gentle pressure of water.


  1. First, remove the mosquito nets from the windows and prepare them for cleaning. Place the mosquito net on a protective film or any other waterproof material (such as a tarp) so as not to damage during washing.
  2. Prepare a solution with water and ammonia in a ratio of 3: 1. Stir the solution only with rubber gloves to protect your skin.
  3. Use a low-pressure water jet to remove dirt from the window mesh. Don't forget to turn it over and wash it on the other side. This will wash off the accumulated dirt and dust.
  4. Take a stiff brush and dip into the solution. Start brushing the mesh from top to bottom. Try to rinse the brush in the solution as often as possible.
  5. Rinse the frame thoroughly with a jet of water.
  6. Next, rinse the mesh with clean water from the hose from top to bottom to wash away any remaining dirt. Check if there are any stains left on the grid. If necessary, rinse the mesh again with water from a hose.
  7. Shake off the remaining water on the net by lightly tapping the net on the ground.
  8. Wipe clean mesh with a dry absorbent cloth and leave to air dry.

Now the clean and dry mosquito net can be returned to its place. It is better to wash it, after removing it from the window, so as not to stain yourself and the furniture around.

Do not mix ammonia and bleach to wash the mesh, the solution is toxic and very hazardous to health. In the summer, wipe the mesh with a damp cloth or remove dust and dirt with a vacuum cleaner at least once a week so that the seasonal cleaning of the meshes does not take too much effort and time.

How to wash outside?

Cleaning windows from the outside is quite a difficult task. If for those who live on the lower floors, this is not so difficult to do, then for residents of higher apartments, washing balcony windows from the outside is a real problem. However, there are several ways to make the process easier.

To get started, prepare all the necessary materials:

  • sponges (it is better to choose not too hard, so as not to damage the plastic or paint of wooden frames) and microfiber;
  • two buckets (for detergent and clean warm water);
  • a mop with a brush (or a double-sided mop with a brush and a scraper);
  • ladder;
  • scraper with a rubber nozzle, so as not to damage the window.

Do not use acid, alkali or other aggressive substances to clean windows. They destroy the protective film on the glass surface, which is a filter of direct ultraviolet rays. Alcohol-based products are more suitable. A soapy solution or a solution of ammonia (1 tablespoon per 2 liters of warm water) is also perfect for washing windows from the outside.

The safest thing to do is to simply remove the glass from the wooden frame or the plastic window from the grooves and calmly wash the windows of the house. If this is not possible, and you live on a high floor, it is better to turn to the services of special cleaning companies.

If you still decide to wash the windows from the outside on your own then try to be as safe as possible. Ask someone to insure you.

Operating procedure:

  • Use a double-sided mop for washing (one side is a sponge, the other is a brush). It is also better to use a mop with a handle, the length of which can be changed.
  • Wash the window with detergent using a mop with a sponge.
  • Remove excess moisture with a squeegee with a silicone nozzle (the other side of the mop).
  • Wrap a clean, dry cloth around the mop and dry the window surface to a shine.
  • Most often, windows are washed in the warm season, and in winter only from the inside.

But if you need to wash the balcony window at sub-zero temperatures outside, remove the frost, you can do it with a few tips:

  • It is better to wash the balcony window first from the inside, and then from the outside. Then external stains will be easier to notice and wash.
  • First wash the frames, and then proceed to wash the glass itself.
  • Dissolve in 1 liter of water 2 tbsp. l. salt. Apply the solution to the icy window with a mop. You will see how the ice begins to melt.
  • After making sure that the frost has completely disappeared, wipe the window with a dry cloth.


Often, window cleaning is accompanied by accidents. To avoid falls, poisoning and other troubles during cleaning, remember to follow the precautionary rules:

  • Do not wash windows while standing on a slippery surface. No need to stand on the windowsill.
  • If you are standing on a chair, armchair, or table - they must be stable, in no case should they sway or creak.
  • If you are washing the frame from the outside, make sure that someone secures you at this time.
  • Do not wash windows with coarse brushes, otherwise you will find inevitable scratches on the windows.
  • Do not use for washing plastic windows aggressive agents such as solvents or chlorine. They only corrode the protective layer on the PVC windows and lead to the yellowness of the plastic.
  • Never mix ammonia and bleach in a solution. This mixture is toxic and very harmful to health.

Using our tips, you can easily cope with any pollution on the windows. We wish you good luck!

Clean window panes in the apartment are the pride of a zealous hostess. Knowing how to properly wash windows and what to use for this, you can turn this element of general cleaning into an easy task. Cleaning windows after repair will also become much easier if you know what to use for this. Such information is also useful in order to make it easier and better to clean mirrors, cabinet doors and interior doors with glass inserts.

Stock up on everything you need

To quickly and well wash the windows in the apartment, in the rooms and on the balcony, you need to prepare just a few things:

  • container with water;
  • several sponges;
  • microfiber cloths or a scraper with a rubberized nozzle;
  • washing solution.

For glasses, there are special products that do not leave streaks: Cif, Mister Muscle, Clin and others. Non-aggressive household chemicals without acids and strong alkali are suitable for the profile. The plastic window sill and profile must be washed with products that have “for plastic” written on the label - Pemolux, Sanelit, Cif.

A handy windshield wiper is a key factor in making windows easier to clean. A model with a long handle will allow you to wash windows of any height without a stepladder. This is especially true in an apartment with high ceilings and on the balcony, where the windows can be up to the ceiling. If you purchase a two-sided model - with foam sponge and a rubber squeegee (a plastic scraper with a rubberized pad) - this will further simplify the washing process.

washing windows

The method of washing windows depends on the degree of their contamination. With a little dirt, this can be done quickly: just spray a detergent that does not leave streaks, and then wipe the glass with a microfiber cloth. The frame and window sill - plastic or wooden - just wipe with a clean, damp cloth. In other cases, you will have to spend a little more time.

How to wash windows without streaks in an apartment - step by step instructions.

  • Clear the window sill: remove flowerpots and other items.
  • Wash the frame with a cleaning solution, and then wipe it with a damp, clean sponge.
  • Spread the detergent on the glass with a sponge and wait a few minutes until the active ingredients break down the permanent bonds.
  • After that, wipe the surface with a damp, wet sponge or a foam wiper nozzle. Both the sponge and the nozzle should be washed periodically in clean water.
  • If a non-specialized glass cleaner was used as a detergent, then it is necessary to spray a solution with ammonia: 10 ml of ammonia per 200 ml of water.
  • Wipe dry with a cloth or rubber scraper.
  • Wipe the frame again - clean.
  • Wash the window sill in the same way as the frame.

To avoid streaks, you need to start washing from the bottom up. Another caveat - you can not allow the solution with detergent to dry on the window. Dried soap particles, rubbed with a dry cloth, form most of the stains. It is better to bleach a yellowed plastic window sill with a mixture of bleaching gel and hydrogen peroxide, but you should not rub it with abrasive sponges.

When using a window mop, the corners of the glass remain poorly rubbed. You need to wipe them manually, especially at the bottom, where all the water drains, with napkins or an ordinary cotton rag.

How to wash windows from the outside?

If the window sashes open inwards, then washing them is just as easy as the inside, but there is a situation when one of the sashes is deaf, that is, it does not open at all, or the sashes open outward. Especially often this situation occurs in an apartment on the balcony. Most often, windows open outward precisely on the balcony (to save space) and a blank profile is installed there - already in order to save money. In a private house, a stepladder can be a solution, but how to wash windows of this type from the outside in a high-rise apartment? Here, sponges and napkins are not suitable for washing, the only way out can be a telescopic wiper. Him long handle, which bends at the right angle and allows you to wash hard-to-reach places of deaf windows.

Another feature of washing windows outside occurs in an apartment on the ground floor, where sand and other contaminants get into. If the sand has dried, then you need to wash it carefully: you need to remember that this is an abrasive that can scratch the surface of the glass. As a result, it becomes cloudy and transmits less light. Such dried particles must never be removed with hard brushes or abrasive sponges. In this case, it is better to wash with a washing vacuum cleaner. However, if it is not there, you just need to arm yourself with patience, moisten the dirt with a cleaning solution and wait 10–15 minutes until they “wet” (while re-moistening the glass from time to time). Then the window is washed in the usual way.

How to clean glass after repair?

Features of cleaning windows after repair are to pick up a substance that can dissolve paint, whitewash or wallpaper paste. There are also questions about how to wash windows in rooms and on the balcony, if they have masking tape, dried plaster or putty mortar on them.

Here is a list of what will help keep the windows spotlessly clean after the repair in the apartment.

  • Drying oil will help to clean masking tape or adhesive traces from it, vegetable oil, turpentine, solvent R-5 or R-4. Solvent must not be used to clean the window sill and profile.
  • Ordinary adhesive tape is removed with isopropyl alcohol (can be used on a plastic frame) or with a special Sticker Remover.
  • Lime and chalk whitewash that has fallen on the window is washed off with Cif gel for shiny surfaces. The same tool can be used to clean the window sill.
  • Dried water-based acrylic paint (modern version whitewash) will be removed with white spirit or gasoline.
  • Acetone and "Solvent 646" will help wash the stains of enamel and nitro enamel.
  • Dried cement-based mortar left after repairs in the apartment can be removed with phosphoric acid or Atlas Szop. These substances must not be allowed to fall on the profile.
  • Wash "Macroflex" and "Solvent 646" will cope with the softening of the mounting foam that has fallen on the window. First you need to cut off the maximum possible layer, and then soften the residue with solvents and remove using a plastic spatula or scraper.

Grandma's ways

Previously, there were completely different ideas about how to properly wash windows. At that time, window mops, rubberized scrapers, and magical streak-removing agents did not exist. Everything had to be done with considerable effort and patience, it was impossible to quickly clean the windows. If you imagine how much effort our grandmothers spent to wash the glass in the entire apartment and on the balcony, then the modern arsenal is especially pleasing.

But there are situations when there is no household chemicals and the necessary devices, then it's time to remember folk methods.

  • A mixture of any detergent, vinegar, and water will get the stains off the glass and frame. Ratio: 70 ml of vinegar and 0.5 tsp washing powder for 500 ml of water.
  • Another mixture: 1 teaspoon of borax, ¼ teaspoon of soda, ¼ teaspoon of powder or grated laundry soap in 250 ml of hot water.
  • A weak saline solution was used to wash the windows, after which they wiped the glass with newspapers.
  • Ammonia (ammonia) from the arsenal of grandmothers moved into household chemicals. This is the most effective streak-free glass cleaner. It is diluted in a ratio of 10 ml to 200 ml of water.
  • A solution of water and glycerin was used to keep the glasses clean longer. It was especially important to apply it in hard-to-reach places - outside on the balcony and on the glass of blind windows.

What means to choose so that the windows in the apartment shine with cleanliness - household chemicals or folk methods - every housewife decides. The main thing is that the selected products correspond to the type of pollution and the window profile.

How to clean windows without streaks folk methods and special means.

Cleaning companies are very popular these days. They are famous for the impeccable quality of the services provided. Service workers will clean any surfaces from old dirt in the shortest possible time. Often they are assigned to wash windows.

Why do stains remain on windows after washing?

There are many reasons due to which cloudy spots and plaque are observed on the glasses after washing. Even if you do everything right, divorce is possible. This happens for reasons that may be beyond your control.

Causes of cloudy glasses:

  • Very hot and windy weather. Due to direct sunlight, moisture evaporates very quickly, which is the cause of stains. It is because of the high rate of evaporation of moisture that you should not wash windows in windy weather.
  • Incorrectly selected cleaning agents. That is, substances with abrasive particles often scratch the glass, which causes haze.
  • Wrong technique. All dust must first be removed. That is to carry out cleaning in several stages. Only after removing the layer of dust, the surface is washed using special tools.

How to wash plastic windows without streaks with folk remedies: a recipe

There are many home remedies for glass cleaning. The algorithm of work is approximately the same with the use of all substances. A solution is prepared and a sponge is dipped into it. After that, the surface is cleaned with a wet sponge. Next, the solution is washed off with water. Residual moisture is removed with a rubber scraper.

Overview and folk remedies:

  • Dissolve 5 tablespoons of starch or crushed chalk in 3000 ml of water
  • In 2.5 liters of water, add 4 tablespoons of laundry soap shavings
  • 120 g of lime is dissolved in 3 liters of water
  • 3 tablespoons of tooth powder are added to 2500 ml of water and stirred

How to wash plastic windows with vinegar: a recipe

Vinegar is a 9 or 6% acid solution that successfully dissolves all grease and old stains from glass surfaces.


  • Pour 240 ml of water and 55 ml of ordinary vinegar into a saucepan. Add 5 ml of dishwashing detergent and stir
  • Pour the solution into a spray bottle and shake. Remove dust with a dry towel or brush
  • Now, using a spray bottle, apply the product on the glass. Next, using soft tissue Clean the surface in a circular motion
  • Then use a rubber scraper. It is necessary to carry out processing from top to bottom, as if removing the remnants of the solution

How to wash plastic windows with ammonia: a recipe

IN professional tools ammonia is often introduced. It helps to remove even old dirt.


  • Dissolve 5 ml of ammonia in 5000 ml of warm water
  • After that, wipe dust and dirt from the glasses with a dry cloth.
  • Wash the profiles and window sill with plain warm soapy water
  • After that, start cleaning the glass. To do this, immerse a sponge in a solution of ammonia
  • Wipe the windows with it in a circular direction
  • Next, use dry paper towels to remove any remaining moisture from top to bottom.

How to wash plastic windows with a newspaper: a recipe

The newspaper, even our grandmothers used to wash windows. The main advantage of the newspaper is that it leaves almost no streaks.


  • Use a dry brush to sweep dust off glass and window frames.
  • Then soak a cloth in water and rinse the frames, using dishwashing liquid if necessary
  • Next, soak the sponge in window cleaner or one of the solutions listed in the folk methods section.
  • Wipe the surface with a damp sponge
  • After that, take a newspaper and crumple it, dry the glass in a circular motion
  • After that, take a clean newspaper and wipe the window from top to bottom.

How to wash windows without streaks with products from the store?

Alcohol, ammonia and bluing are specially introduced into professional window cleaners. All these additives allow you to achieve good results with minimal effort. It is necessary to wash the frames with soap and water, and wipe the dust off the glass. After that, the agent is applied from the sprayer and wiped with a paper towel.

Funds overview:

  • Mister Muscle. There are many options that allow you to quickly cope with even very dirty glasses. There are both foaming substances and liquids with ammonia.
  • clean. The product is sold in spray bottles. Contains alcohol and dyes. Also organic solvents to help remove dirt.
  • Sarma. As part of the product ammonia and detergents. Works great on greasy stains and insect marks.

What rag, napkin to wipe, wipe, wash windows so that there are no streaks?

First you need to choose the right fabric. Microfiber and napkins with a minimum amount of lint are perfect. Now on sale you can find special rags for cleaning windows.

Features of window cleaning wipes:

  • The package usually sells 2 wipes. They differ in weaving
  • Soak a microfiber cloth in plain water and wash off any dirt and debris
  • The peculiarity of the fabric is that it absorbs all debris and dirt.
  • Works well on smudges and insect marks
  • After that, a second napkin is taken, it is distinguished by a high content of terry
  • This cloth wipes the glass dry
  • Also on sale are sponges for washing glasses, they also collect debris and dust well.

How to buy a rag, a napkin on Aliexpress for washing windows without streaks: links to the catalog

In household chemical stores, such wipes are not cheap. This is due to the fact that goods are brought from abroad. Accordingly, you can save money by using the Aliexpress website. a huge selection of napkins and brushes for washing glasses.

Napkin for washing windows and mirrors from Aliexpress

How to properly and quickly wash windows without streaks in winter?

In winter, window cleaning is very rare. Most of the time it's warmer. Can't wash windows hard frost. So, all the liquid that you apply will freeze.


  • Dissolve salt in water. It is necessary to prepare a warm solution in which 500 ml of water and 50 g of salt
  • This liquid can wipe the glass from the outside. It helps to defrost ice.
  • Next, apply a special liquid. It can be purchased at an auto chemical store.
  • After that, quickly wipe it off with a microfiber sponge.
  • Start cleaning from the inside
  • To do this, prepare a solution of 10 parts of alcohol and 1 part of glycerin
  • With this solution, rub the inside surface and polish to a shine with a microfiber sponge.

Cleaning windows is easy. Stock up on glass sponges and special cleaning solutions.

VIDEO: My windows quickly

A good hostess lives in a particular house or not, it's easy to find out. Just look at the windows, and everything will become clear. An exemplary housewife will not allow them to be dusty and dirty. She will make every effort and make sure that they will always shine with purity. But, unfortunately, sometimes stains remain on the windows. How to wash windows so that they are perfectly clean? We'll tell you all the secrets right now.


After a long winter, all housewives think that it is time to wash the windows. Someone immediately gets down to business, while someone postpones this difficult task until later. Be that as it may, sooner or later you will still have to wash the windows and restore them to a radiant look.

Anything that seems complicated can actually be simple. The main thing is to know exactly all the secrets, rules and follow them exactly.

To get started, prepare everything you need. You will need a large sponge. It should be large enough to fit comfortably in the palm of your hand. Choose a sponge with a firm, hard side. It will come in handy if there are stains on the windows. For example, dirt, rain marks and “surprises” from birds.

In addition, you will need rags, preferably two. Give preference to those fabrics that will not leave lint on the glass after washing. Now in stores there is a large selection of rags that are designed specifically for washing windows. But still it is recommended to give preference to a product made of microfiber.

In stores, you can often find special brushes for cleaning windows. On the one hand, they are equipped with a sponge, and on the other, with a silicone scraper. Such a brush will also come in handy, especially when you need to wash windows from the side of the street, which is not easy to reach.

You will also need a convenient container for water, such as a wide basin or bucket. Don't forget newspapers. Yes, yes, don't be surprised! Despite the fact that the twenty-first century is outside the window and there are many window cleaners, newspapers will still come in handy.

Before you start washing, you should clean the window sill of everything that may interfere. These are flower pots, vases and other little things that are usually on the windowsills.

Types of pollution

In order to know exactly how best to wash windows, you first need to decide on the type of pollution. If you just want to clean the glass from dirt and dust, then this can be done easily with a regular window cleaner or just plain water.

If serious pollution remains after the repair, then stains of this type will not be easy to get rid of. In addition, it is difficult to get rid of stubborn stains and yellowness, which often spoil perfect look white frames.

If your house has wooden frames, then yellowed spots can be painted over. If you decide to paint wooden frames, then be sure to remember that you need to do this as carefully as possible so that later you do not have to wash paint stains from glass. Before you start painting, be sure to use a film to protect the glass.

In addition, after repair, especially if there was no protective film, the glass acquires other pollution. For example, a primer or cement, which will also have to be cleaned from the glass surface.

By the way, in order for the windows to get less dirty and not fog up in the cold season, glycerin will help you, which, after application, forms an invisible film and thereby protects the glass.

What is better to use?

At home, you can quickly and effectively clean windows in an apartment using various means. You can buy special liquids in the store and use them, or you can use folk remedies that are in the house of each of you.

Plastic windows are much easier to clean even from dirt after installation than a product with wooden frames. The white window sill also needs a special approach.

The choice of means and devices depends on the degree of contamination and on which of these means will be in your home. You can use vinegar, salt, starch, ammonia, chalk, commercial window cleaner spray, or gel. Let's consider each of the options in more detail.


Each hostess herself chooses when and how often she needs to wash windows. Someone monthly wipes the glass from the outside, and someone decides to do such cleaning twice a year. Be that as it may, windows need to be washed so that it is clean and light in the house.

Folk remedies are always good because they do not cause allergies, are safe and environmentally friendly. The tools at hand, which are in every kitchen and in every home first aid kit, make it easy to clean a soiled surface and give it a clean shine.

Surely in your house there is a regular dining room vinegar. Many are accustomed to eating dumplings with vinegar, while others use it as a detergent. In addition, you will need starch, which is often used in baking or as the main ingredient in making delicious homemade jelly.

Take a comfortable basin, pour a liter of water into it. Dissolve one tablespoon of starch in water. Can be used with both potato and corn starch. There is no fundamental difference in this.

After dissolving the starch, add table vinegar - 100 g, no more. Remember that this should not be a strong 70% essence, but the usual 9% that you eat. Next, you can add a teaspoon of regular medical alcohol.

Stir the mixture thoroughly. The tool can be applied to glass with a sponge or filled with a spray bottle, which will be much more practical. Do not forget that you should only work with gloves so as not to harm the skin of your hands.

This tool perfectly copes not only with dust and dirt, but also easily removes other contaminants. The main secret of this tool is that it contains starch, which, among other things, gives shine to glasses and does not leave streaks on the surface.

Another tool can be easily prepared using the same table vinegar. Only this time it's even easier. All you need is vinegar (mind the percentages) and warm water. Add one tablespoon of vinegar to a glass of water. It is best to mix everything in a spray bottle, so it will be easier to apply the liquid to the glass. This simple tool will help you easily clean the surface.

In the same liquid, you can add a little (a couple of drops) dishwashing detergents. This will help get rid of small points of fat that appear on the glass in the kitchen after cooking. Especially if your kitchen does not have an extractor hood, then the windows probably need a more thorough cleaning. And such a mixture will help get rid of grease stains, give the glass a shine of purity.

Canteen vinegar combined with baking soda- this is perhaps the most traditional recipe for homemade cleaner, which is also suitable for windows. Such a tool will help not only rid the glass of dust or dirt, it is able to cope with serious pollution. For example, this tool perfectly removes traces of felt-tip pens or markers. To prepare the solution, take one and a half liters of warm water, add three tablespoons of vinegar and two to three teaspoons of regular baking soda.

If for some reason there is no vinegar in the house, then this is not a problem. There are many other tools that can be used to easily clean glass. For example, vinegar can quite realistically be replaced with citric acid or fresh lemon juice.

For a glass of water you will need a tablespoon of powder citric acid. The water must be warm so that the citric acid crystals can completely dissolve. This tool is perfect for both ordinary windows and double-glazed windows. Liquid with citric acid perfectly removes dirt, does not leave streaks, besides, after that the house will be filled with a pleasant, barely perceptible aroma of lemon.

In addition, you can prepare your own concentrate for future use, which can be stored for a long time and will do an excellent job of cleaning windows. For this you will need a glass jar. Next, you will need a peel from fresh lemons. After baking, many housewives have a peel with the peel removed and squeezed juice, which they simply throw away. It is from it that you can prepare a concentrate for washing windows.

So, there should be enough lemon peel to fill a half-liter jar by two-thirds. The rest of the free space in the jar must be filled with table vinegar. Then close the lid and put it in a dark place for a week, and even better for two. After that, you will receive a fragrant concentrate that can be diluted in water and used as a glass cleaner.

By the way, with this tool it will be possible to wash not only windows, but also, for example, tiles in the kitchen or in the bathroom. This cleanser works great and smells great. In addition, it is completely safe, unlike purchased chemicals.

There is another tool that our grandmothers actively used, is ammonia. One tablespoon of ammonia should be added to a liter of warm water. The only negative of it is that it all smells not very pleasant and sharp. Therefore, if you use this particular tool, do not forget to immediately open the windows and thoroughly ventilate the room after the procedure.

With liquid soap or regular bar You can also make a great window cleaner. For half a liter of water, you will need about one teaspoon of liquid soap. Shake the mixture thoroughly until foam forms, then you can proceed to clean and wash the contaminated surface.

If you decide to prepare a soap solution using bar soap, then grate it first so that it dissolves better and faster in water.


Despite the fact that everyone is trying their best to protect the windows during repairs, the glass still gets its "portion" of pollution. There are stains from paint, plaster, mounting foam, etc. Washing this off with a damp sponge or rag, of course, is not realistic. Moreover, traditional home or commercial products are also unlikely to help you with this.

Contaminants after repair should never be scraped off with a kitchen knife or a construction spatula. First, you can seriously injure yourself. Secondly, the surface of the glass will be damaged. That's why it is best to purchase a special scraper for glass. In any hardware store in your city, sellers will be happy to help you choose it. Believe that it will still be useful to you not only after the repair, so it would be very reasonable to purchase it.

Before you start washing windows after repair, thoroughly clean the frames and window sills from fine dust, dirt and other particles. This can be done with a conventional vacuum cleaner.

If during the repair you protected the glass with a conventional film, then remove it before proceeding with the cleaning work. To make the film easier to remove, it should be slightly moistened with warm water.

Thoroughly dampen any dirt with a sponge. You may need to do this a few times to get them well hydrated. Then carefully remove the dirt with the scraper mentioned above. After all serious dirt has been removed, wash the windows in any way and means that are familiar to you.

Keep in mind for the future that if during the repair any of the building mixtures got on the surface of the glass, frame or window sill, it is better to wipe it off immediately with a damp cloth. Then, after it is completely dry, you will have to make an effort to get rid of such strong pollution.

It is especially important to immediately get rid of fragments of mounting foam, which dries quickly and sticks strongly to the surface.

  • stains from plaster and primer should be soaked with hot water, and then removed with a scraper;
  • first, if possible, the mounting foam must be scraped off with a scraper, and only then soaked with warm water or a special agent, for example, a solvent;

  • paint stains are easy to "revive" with a regular hair dryer. Just heat the stain strongly, the paint will gradually melt and it will be easy to wash off;
  • if small splashes of paint remain on the glass, they can be easily removed with cotton swab, a cotton pad and nail polish remover that every fashionista has;
  • if masking or ordinary tape does not leave the glass surface, then thoroughly moisten it with water using a sponge;
  • if there are traces of adhesive tape on the glass, they can be easily removed with a soap solution or nail polish remover.

My glass

Each housewife, in addition to wanting to clean the windows from dust and dirt, strives to ensure that there are no stains on the glass surface and that they shine in the sun.

Sometimes, after thorough cleaning, there are noticeable stains. This happens due to several factors:

  • if the detergent you applied dries quickly, for example, from the wind or the hot sun, then stains will definitely remain. Therefore, choose a non-windy day for washing. It is best to do this windows early in the morning or in the evening when it is not too hot.

  • stains remain if you did not previously clean the surface from a layer of dust, but began to wash it immediately with a detergent. Be sure to clean the glass from dust with an ordinary damp cloth, and only then wash it with any means.
  • then, the rag during the washing process is too dirty, it can also cause streaks on the glass. Apply detergent with one rag, then remove residue with another clean rag, and dry the surface with a third. Then there will be no divorce.

To avoid divorce, heed the following tips:

  • first you need to wash the frame, and then the glass itself;
  • you need to wash the glass from top to bottom;
  • when wiping the glass surface and drying it, change napkins more often;
  • The final step in window cleaning should be glass polishing. This can be done in the usual way, which was used by our mothers and grandmothers, that is, with the help of ordinary old newspapers or papers. Pay attention to the fact that newspaper paint is resistant, otherwise stains will remain;

  • it is best to polish the glass with a newspaper when it is slightly damp, then it is guaranteed that there will be no streaks and particles of pile on the glass. As soon as the newspaper becomes wet, replace it with a dry one;
  • old newspapers can be replaced toilet paper or nylon pantyhose;
  • get rid of stains, even if the glass is already completely dry and you see stains the next day, a cloth napkin will help. For example, it could be waffle towel, which is in the closet of every housewife, or a microfiber cloth. To remove streaks, you need to apply a little window cleaner directly on the napkin, and not on the glass.

We clean the frame and window sill

Window frames also lose their ideal shape over time. appearance. At high or sub-zero temperatures, the paint that covers the frames deteriorates. Plastic products also lose their appearance, yellow spots appear on their surface.

Before you start washing the frame and window sill, remember the following. Never use as a wood frame cleaner. baking soda. This powder can only do harm, as there is a high probability that the paint will be damaged. Soda easily removes dirt, but with it the first layer of enamel. As a result, the frame will look shabby.

If you have wooden frames, it is best to clean them with soapy water. To do this, you will need a comfortable deep basin, warm water and soap. Of course, it is best to use liquid soap, as it does not need to be dissolved in water. It can be replaced with the gel you wash dishes with.

After making a soap solution, simply moisten a sponge in it and carefully rub the surface of the frame and window sill. Do not use hard sponges, otherwise the paint will be damaged, scratched or even its top layer will come off.

For a plastic frame, regular baking soda works great, as it will quickly remove any dirt. The main thing is not to simply apply the powder itself to the surface, otherwise you risk leaving scratches on the frame. Dilute the baking soda with a little water. The result should be a homogeneous thick slurry that can be applied to the surface with a sponge.

If plastic double-glazed windows are installed in your house, then remember that the frames should not be cleaned with various powder products. They will only damage the surface of the frame and leave deep scratches on it.

If you decide to choose a purchased product, then pay attention to the fact that it should not contain a solvent or any acid. Such products effectively cope with pollution, but still spoil the surface. As a rule, after using such products, the plastic frame can even change its color - it can show through dark spots that won't come out. It is better to give preference to an alcohol-based product.

Also, the usual soap solution, which we talked about above, is perfect for plastic. Perhaps this is the most effective and harmless means for cleaning both wooden and plastic frames.