
How to dilute formula milk for newborns. How to dilute infant formula

How to dilute formula milk for newborns.  How to dilute infant formula

The first months of a baby’s life are his adaptation to new conditions, and during this period he needs as much healthy diet. Everyone knows that there is nothing better than mother's milk, but sometimes situations arise when the use of infant formula is inevitable.

In order for a child to grow up healthy, it is necessary not only to choose the product itself correctly, but also to use it correctly. That is why it is important for every mother and father to know how to prepare formula for feeding.

How to prepare dishes for preparing baby formula

Adapted mixtures in which the correct proportions are observed useful substances, you can feed your baby from birth, but only after consulting a specialist. This is the basic rule. Before making the mixture, you should select the appropriate container. To do this you need to stock up:
  • bottle,
  • pacifier,
  • measuring spoon (available in each package of the mixture),
  • knife to remove excess mixture from the spoon.
You also need to prepare a couple of pans, in one of which water will be boiled, and in the other - dishes for preparing baby formula. A modern sterilizer can greatly facilitate and simplify this stage. Since feeding the baby with formula occurs using a bottle, you need to start with it. You cannot wash children's dishes with the same detergent as the rest. It is necessary to purchase a special detergent that contains natural ingredients that will not harm the child’s health. You can buy it online or in specialized stores. If you use dishwasher, after finishing its work, you should check the bottles for cleanliness, since often unwashed traces remain on them. After washing, rinse the container with bottled water so that no traces of tap water remain on it. Before preparing the formula for a newborn, the bottle must be sterilized. This can be done in two ways:
  • in a special sterilizer, if available;
  • by boiling in a closed pan.
This will kill dysentery pathogens and other bacteria.

Important information on the formula packaging

Do not ignore the instructions on the packaging of baby formula. Whatever the advice you read, first of all you need to study the manufacturer’s recommendations for preparing a specific composition. They indicate such important parameters as the water temperature for the mixture, proportions, and how the components should be mixed.

How to prepare formula for newborns: step-by-step instructions

Before preparing baby formula, wash your hands thoroughly and dry them with a clean towel. After this you need:
  • sterilize the dishes: thoroughly wash the bottle, cap with nipple, measuring spoon and, in general, all the dishes used for preparing the mixture with a special product, clean the narrow neck with a brush. Rinse the dishes, then boil for 5 minutes or process in a sterilizer, if available;
  • prepare a clean surface for preparing baby formula;
  • Take one of the saucepans and boil water in it for 5 minutes. Unless otherwise specified in the instructions, the water should be cooled to 40–50 ˚C. This is easy to do by simply leaving it for half an hour after boiling.
To prepare baby formula, use only boiled water, that is, one that boiled for at least 5 minutes. Even if it is not tap water, but bottled. You should not heat water in the microwave, as it warms up unevenly.
  • After this, you need to pour the required amount of boiled warm water into a pre-sterilized dry container. You cannot mix boiled water with water that has not been boiled in order to cool the liquid and reach its desired temperature. When pouring water, you should focus on the scale marks marked on the bottle itself.
  • How to dilute baby formula: add the required amount of powder to a bottle already filled with water. This way you can easily maintain the required proportions. The mixture must be added with a measuring spoon; it should be poured evenly and to the edges, but without a slide.
  • If a mound has formed, remove the excess using a previously prepared clean knife.
  • After adding baby formula powder, close the cap on the bottle and actively shake it from side to side for half a minute to obtain a homogeneous suspension. Stir the mixture until it is completely dissolved.
Ready-to-use infant formula should be at human body temperature, that is, from 35 to 37 degrees. If the feeding formula is too hot, it should be cooled by placing the bottle in a container of cold water.

How to reheat pre-prepared mixture

None of the manufacturers recommend storing mixtures, since there is a risk of developing pathogenic microflora. However, if such a need arises - the formula for the child was prepared in advance, and the bottle was stored in the refrigerator - it must be properly warmed before feeding. To do this you should:
  • take out the bottle immediately before feeding, and not in advance;
  • heat the baby formula by placing the bottle in a pan or other container with hot water so that it covers it below the edge, that is, the neck;
To ensure uniform heating of the mixture, you should periodically shake or rotate the bottle itself. The time spent warming up should not exceed 15 minutes. To check whether the mixture heated before feeding has reached the desired temperature, drop it on the inside of your wrist. It should correspond to body temperature, that is, not burn. If the mixture turns out to be too hot, it should be cooled as described above.

How to take prepared baby formula on walks and trips

It should be remembered that for long walks or trips, manufacturers offer ready-made mixtures - you should not prepare them yourself in advance. However, if such a need arises, it must be prepared according to the instructions, and then be sure to cool it. You should not take hot formula with you for feeding. It should also be stored in a cool or at least cool place to prevent the growth of unnecessary bacteria. It is best to store the cooled mixture in the refrigerator at a temperature of 5 degrees, although sometimes the instructions for the product itself may specify a different temperature, so you should always check it.

Just before a walk or trip, take out a chilled bottle of formula and put it in your cooler bag. It should be warmed up immediately before feeding the baby. You can use the prepared mixture only for 24 hours, after which it is no longer worth feeding the baby with it. If you have to go for a walk, during which it will not be possible to keep the mixture chilled, you need to use a freshly prepared product. In this case, it is better to take the baby formula in powder form in a container that has been previously sterilized and prepare it on the spot according to the instructions.

Feeding a child is a very responsible process. And it all starts with choosing a mixture. What to feed a newborn or one-month-old baby? For babies in the first half of life, it should be highly adapted, that is, as similar as possible to.

This mixture is called a “starter” and will have a 1 on the packaging. For children over six months of age, “follow-up” formulas are intended, the composition of which meets the needs of the growing body.

They contain more protein, fats and microelements. The packages are marked with the number “2”.

If the child burps frequently and more than expected, an anti-reflux mixture will help. If food digestion is disrupted, fermented milk mixtures and mixtures containing beneficial bacteria will come to the rescue.

When choosing a mixture, it is advisable to consult a doctor. When purchasing a mixture, you need to pay attention to the expiration date and integrity of the packaging.

There are also mixtures that contain special components that have a specific therapeutic effect. So, if someone in the family suffers from allergies, it is advisable to start with a hypoallergenic mixture.

Specially prepared dishes

Bottles that are used for feeding must be washed with a brush and sterilized in advance. This can be done by boiling them for 5 - 10 minutes or using a special sterilizer. The bottle in which the mixture is diluted must be dry.

The pacifier should be selected with the expectation that the mixture will flow out of it not in a stream, but drop by drop. This will ensure active sucking, and not just swallowing of the pouring mixture. Which is important for the development of the maxillofacial apparatus.

Diet and routine

This is a very important point. The baby receives his food on demand. How many times does a child need to eat on IV? The schedule depends on age. So, a newborn eats 7 - 9 times a day, a child 2 - 5 months old - 6 - 7 times, a six-month-old child needs to eat 5 - 6 times a day.

To do this, you first need to determine daily volume food. How much a baby should eat depends on his weight and age. So, up to two months, a child needs a volume of food in the amount of 1 - 5 of his body weight, at 2 - 4 months - 1 - 6, at 4 - 6 months 1 - 7 of his body weight, over six months - 1 - 8.

For example, a 1 month old baby weighs 4.5 kilograms, then he needs 900 milliliters of formula per day. It must be remembered that this volume should not exceed 1 liter.

To determine the volume of mixture required for one feeding, divide the daily amount by the required number of feedings. This will be 100 - 130 milliliters of the mixture.

It happens that a child eats a little less or more. A slight run-up is possible. Systematic overfeeding or underfeeding should not be allowed. For a child, this is fraught with obesity or...

The volumetric method described above is the simplest and most convenient to use. If necessary or if there are problems with weight, the doctor can calculate the volume of a certain mixture for a particular child using the caloric method and taking into account the age-related needs for proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

How to prepare the mixture?

Only boiled water should be used. The volume of water required for one feeding at a temperature of 50˚C is poured into the bottle and the prescribed amount of mixture is poured (indicated in detail on the packaging). Everything is thoroughly shaken and mixed.

How to feed formula?

How to feed a child correctly? Before feeding, you need to make sure that the prepared mixture is at the optimal temperature. To do this, drop it on your wrist (on the palmar surface). Its temperature should not be felt by the skin.

Wash your hands with soap. Find a comfortable position. Special pillows will help with this, using which you can comfortably position both yourself and the child. In this case, feeding will become a pleasant relaxation for the nursing mother and a source of necessary tactile contact for the baby.

Therefore, it is better to take it in your arms. If your baby is prone to excessive spitting, it is best to hold him upright. In other cases - semi-vertical.

Turn the bottle upside down so that the mixture completely fills the nipple and neck, and the air rushes to the bottom. This will prevent the baby from swallowing air and developing colic.

It is necessary to ensure that the mixture drips from the nipple and does not flow. Over time, nipples wear out and need to be replaced.

If there is a ready-made mixture left

According to the rules, the mixture remaining after feeding must be poured out. But it can still be stored for a little while. For one to two hours and no more than half a day in the refrigerator. Before feeding this mixture, it must be heated to an acceptable temperature.

Additional soldering

The child's artificial nutrition must be supplemented with liquid - water, weak infusions of rose hips and tea (not the regular one that you and I drink every day, but children's herbal tea).

In the heat and in a room with dry air, the amount drunk should be increased by 50 - 100 ml. It is also worth monitoring the child’s health.

Formula-fed babies begin to introduce complementary foods earlier than infants. From 4 - 4.5 months they begin to be given porridge, from 5 months.

How do you know if formula is not suitable for your baby?

Often it is not possible to select a mixture the first time. What will indicate this?

  • indigestion;

If after eating the child spits up a lot and or diarrhea or constipation begins, the formula is not suitable. When there are violations, but they are minor, it can be left for a week. If nothing changes during this time, the diet needs to be changed;

  • allergic manifestations.

The very first sign of an allergy is a rash (dermatitis). These can be either individual elements or merging spots throughout the body.

Reactions to mixtures based on cow's milk. They can be replaced with mixtures based on protein hydroisolate and soy isolate or with mixtures prepared on the basis;

  • deficiency states.

The development of iron deficiency anemia, malnutrition, or another disease in a child associated with a lack of certain substances requires the selection of a special mixture with a therapeutic effect.

Complete and adequate nutrition is the key to the harmonious growth and development of your baby!

There is nothing healthier for a newborn baby than mother's milk. Due to circumstances, women resort to the use of artificial nutrition. Due to illness or simple shortage breast milk the baby has to be transferred to dry or liquid formulas based on cow's or. The properties of such nutrition cannot be compared with the benefits of breastfeeding. However, manufacturers are striving to bring the composition of artificial nutrition components closer to human milk. It is important for young parents to know how to dilute formula for newborns, because the proportional ratio of water and dry matter directly affects the health and well-being of the child.

When thinking about how to properly prepare the mixture, it is important to understand why modern pediatricians often focus the attention of parents on observing the rules of this daily process. If the mixture is too thin, infant will be malnourished. This will have serious consequences for his body. Possible problems problems that you will encounter if you feed the baby with a mixture in a lower concentration than prescribed by age are the following:

  • frequent waking up and problems sleeping;
  • lack of weight gain;
  • developmental delay;
  • avitaminosis;
  • rickets and other diseases.

In certain situations, parents deliberately increase the concentration of dry matter and try to give their baby a nutritious product, not paying attention to the recipe and cooking recommendations. By making the mixture thicker, parents also harm the little one. The concentrated mixture is more difficult for the fragile stomach of a newborn to digest. Overfeeding often provokes:

  • colic;
  • regurgitation;
  • problems with stool;
  • metabolic failures;
  • appearance overweight, and as a result, disruptions in work internal organs and musculoskeletal system.

Compliance with proportions and recommendations is a necessary condition for the baby’s health. You should not be negligent about the recommendations on the packaging. They are developed by manufacturers and pediatricians taking into account the needs of the child’s body in accordance with age characteristics. If the mother complies with the preparation requirements, but the baby continues to express anxiety during food consumption or after feeding, it is better to consult a doctor. The doctor will individually calculate the portion for the child.

Detailed cooking instructions

Buy only high quality milk formula for your baby. Trust trusted, well-known manufacturers. The products “Nutrilon”, “Nestozhen”, “Nutrilak”, “Malyutka”, “Nan”, “Similac Premium” and “Bellakt” have proven themselves to be excellent. Special attention Parents deserve the shelf life of the product and the features of its storage. When purchasing a new product, make sure that .

The gastrointestinal tract in children is imperfect. The microflora in the intestines is just being formed, so it is important to prevent bacteria and pathogenic microbes from entering the body. Preparing formula for feeding traditionally begins with preparing the dishes:

  • the bottle, nipple, and measuring spoon are thoroughly washed immediately after feeding;
  • It is possible to use special children's products; an economical option would be to use table soda;
  • pay special attention to hard-to-reach places and carvings;
  • to clean containers, use a brush and special brushes that will be used exclusively for children’s dishes;
  • the bottle and nipple are subject to mandatory sterilization. To do this, boil the accessories or use a sterilizer. When choosing the first method, the boiling container is used only for children's dishes;

You need to prepare the supplies in advance so as not to waste time processing them when a hungry baby asks to eat. Before cooking, mother washes her hands thoroughly with soap and also determines the ratio of water to powder.

Indicators and proportions different manufacturers approximately the same, because they are calculated according to the age and weight of the children. The standard is 1 scoop of powder per 30 milliliters of water. The one-time feeding rate is calculated by dividing daily volume food per number of feedings.

Recommendations for preparing the mixture
AgeNumber of measuring spoons per 1 feedingWater volume (ml)Number of feedings per day
From 0 to 2 weeks3 90 6–7
3–8 weeks4 120 6–7
2 months5 150 6
3–4 months6 180 5
5 months7 210 4–5
6 months7 210 3–4

The powder is placed in a bottle of water, rather than liquid being poured into a container with a dry workpiece. This will avoid lumps during the dissolution process.

After placing the components, the bottle is closed with a plastic separator, then with a nipple and a protective cap. Shake the contents vigorously until the components are completely mixed.

Don't forget to check the temperature of the liquid before feeding. To do this, place a few drops on the wrist area.

Several important rules for preparing and storing the mixture

There are recommendations regarding what kind of water is best to dilute the mixture. The powder should be diluted with bottled baby water. You don't need to boil it to make the mixture. The liquid is specially designed for feeding babies. If you can’t buy water and have to get it from other sources, be sure to boil it and cool it to room temperature before cooking.

The optimal water temperature in which to dilute baby food powder is 35–36 degrees.

It is very important to think about food preparation if you are going on the road with your baby. Always take water and powder in separate containers. They should only be mixed immediately before feeding. If you are going for a walk in the park, take a thermos bag with you to store prepared warm water. If traveling by train, heating bottled water for cooking is easy. You need to take boiling water made of titanium and put a bottle of water in it. When traveling by car, buy a portable heater that runs from a cigarette lighter.

Night feedings always raise a lot of questions for mothers. The main thing to remember is that you don’t need to do it in advance! It is convenient to prepare the supplies in advance so that you can quickly dilute the powder at night and feed the baby:

  • in the evening, measure out the required amount of dry powder;
  • prepare a sterile bottle, pour water into it;
  • try to keep the liquid warm by using a thermos or an electric heater.

Having prepared everything in advance, you will need a minimum of time to prepare baby food.

You can add dill water into the mixture for bloating in children after consultation with a doctor, who will also indicate the required dosage medicine and rules for its use. It's effective natural remedy from colic.

How long does diluted baby formula last?

Often mothers think about how long the formula can be stored, especially if the baby does not eat enough of the prepared portion. Experts note that diluted powder cannot stand for a long time, even in the refrigerator. The recommended storage time is no more than 2–3 hours. Liquid is an excellent environment for the development of microorganisms, so it is better not to skimp, but after feeding, pour out the remainder by rinsing and boiling the bottle.

If you notice that your child is not eating the required amount regularly, try preparing an incomplete portion. This is especially true for children mixed feeding. Perhaps mother's milk is enough for the baby.

It is worth noting that today there is an alternative artificial feeding in the form of donor milk banks. Of course, this type of nutrition will not meet all the urgent requirements of the child, because only the mother’s body produces a nutrient fluid that has unique property transformation taking into account the needs of her baby. However, this is a great option due to the fact that human milk in terms of the composition of the main elements, it is still closer to a child than the food (albeit adapted) intended for feeding calves.

The right choice and preparation of formula for feeding your baby is the key good health, mood and growth. There is a large selection of baby food products. The formulas closely match the composition of mother's milk and are safe for children. But infants may not eat even the highest quality and most expensive formula if it is not prepared correctly. Let's look at how to prepare baby formula so that your baby will love it and bring health benefits.

Studying the instructions compiled by the manufacturer of food for little ones will allow you to make the mixture correctly. What to pay attention to when reading the manual:

  1. Is the food suitable for the age and characteristics of the child (allergies, prematurity, etc.).
  2. It should be clarified how many grams of the product are needed for a baby at his age.
  3. Recommended water temperature.
  4. How to store an opened package, and how long the box can be opened. For control, write on the package when it was opened. This is necessary in case you have to postpone feeding from this container and then return to it. Many parents, when traveling or moving, leave an opened package at home, and then cannot remember when they opened it.
  5. The proportions of the mixture and water are usually 1 scoop per 30 milliliters.

But still, the first step to proper feeding is choosing a product. Here is a list of the most popular infant formulas:

  1. Nanny is produced with goat's milk in New Zealand. Goat milk has a number of advantages compared to cow milk and is suitable for babies with individual taste preferences and is easily digestible.
  2. Nutrilak is a product enriched with valuable substances and amino acids. Used for anemia, accelerates growth and development, suitable for weakened children.
  3. Nan, Nestozhen - products from Nestle. They are of high quality, contain prebiotics, Omega 3. Ensure the full development of the child.
  4. Nutrilon is a whole group of products for children: premature, with nutritional problems, allergic manifestations and healthy.
  5. Malyutka - formulas are distinguished by their low price and excellent quality, loved by many generations of infants and their mothers.

The product is chosen on the advice of a pediatrician, based on the taste of the baby and the capabilities of the parents.

Preparing formula for a newborn

If you need to organize nutrition for a newborn, you need to prepare the product especially carefully. The baby is completely unprepared to face an aggressive external environment - you need to maintain sterility and carefully monitor the cleanliness of your hands, dishes, and water.

Key points for preparing the mixture:

  1. You need to start preparing the milk by washing your hands with soap.
  2. Feeding utensils are sterilized in advance. You should always keep a few clean bottles and pacifiers in stock, and not sterilize them when the baby is already screaming from hunger.
  3. The product should be prepared immediately before feeding. Pour water heated to the required temperature (36-38 °) into a clean bottle (ideally, you need to warm it up 2-3 ° higher, since the liquid will cool down upon contact with the bottle and powder). You can heat water directly in the feeding container.
  4. The measuring spoon should not be wet. We take a full spoon without a slide and add it to the water. Cover with nipple and shake thoroughly to ensure all the powder is dissolved.
  5. An important point is to check the temperature of the milk received before feeding. From the nipple, without touching your hand, drip the mixture onto your wrist or at the bend of your elbow. The right mixture leaves a pleasant warmth.

The cooking process will quickly become familiar and will not cause difficulties. Let us note what food manufacturers and pediatricians do not recommend doing:

  1. Pour the powder into very hot water (if not indicated in the instructions), and then cool to the desired parameters. Nutrients in milk are destroyed when exposed to high temperatures. Moreover, you cannot cook the powder.
  2. Change proportions. Dilute below the recommended concentration - the baby will be hungry. If there is too much powder, digestive disorders are possible - regurgitation, colic.
  3. You should not independently calculate nutritional standards based on age, weight or other indicators. Necessary for kids The volumes of the mixture are well calculated by pediatricians based on scientific data and many years of practice.
  4. Change mixtures frequently. The baby's digestive tract is not yet ready for a regular change of foods. To change food, if necessary, you need to choose a time when the child is healthy, cheerful and cheerful. You should also consult your doctor to decide the right product. All companies produce a large assortment nutrition that meets different needs and health conditions.

A few more tips to help mothers. A good help in preparing and maintaining sterility will be special devices - a sterilizer and a warmer. They will make life much easier for mothers, especially if the baby is completely bottle-fed.

Important: strictly following the preparation instructions on the packaging will provide the baby with milk that is as close in composition as mother’s milk, will protect against diseases, and ensure growth and development.

How to sterilize a bottle

Before sterilization begins, all baby dishes must be thoroughly cleaned of milk residues. It is better to do this right away so that the mixture does not dry out. Wash dishes using special detergents for babies.

Do not wash bottles and nipples with dishwashing detergents. Plastic dishes convenient and safe, glass - easy to wash, durable, easier to sterilize.

Main methods:

  1. Boiling water. The bottles are filled with water and placed on the stove. Boiling time – 8-10 minutes.
  2. Electric sterilizer for children's dishes. A good option for caring mothers who have the means to purchase.
  3. Microwave oven with steamer. A convenient option, especially if you already have it on the farm.
  4. Special means - solutions, tablets. This method is good in the absence of electricity and the possibility of boiling. The product is dissolved in water and the dishes are immersed for 30-60 minutes.

Parents will have to choose one of the options so that the baby receives food from sterile containers.

What water is best to dilute formula for newborns?

Baby food manufacturers have taken care of special water for preparing formulas. It differs from the usual one:

  • high degree of purification from dirt and microbes;
  • content of minerals, oxygen and other useful components.

Do I need to boil special baby water? Manufacturers claim that there is no such need. However folk wisdom and many years of experience, they advise you to play it safe. Most mothers prefer to pass this water through a filter, or even better, boil it.

When using regular tap water, filter it and then boil it. Long or repeated boiling is not recommended, as the water loses all its beneficial substances.

Note: Distilled water is not used to feed children.

How to properly feed your baby diluted formula

The mixture is prepared 5-10 minutes before feeding. It should disperse well in the water. There is no need to keep the finished milk longer. If the bottle has cooled down, you can keep it in hot water.

The hole in the nipple should allow the mixture to drip through so that the baby does not choke on the stream. The baby is fed by placing it on the hand, making sure that the head does not tip back.

The baby must eat the entire recommended portion; a remainder of a fifth of the norm is allowed. If your baby continues to suck after the formula is gone, you don't want him to swallow air. The bottle is taken away, a pacifier is given, or a toy is distracted.

The remainder of the prepared mixture cannot be stored for the next feeding. It is not recommended to keep the milk in the refrigerator and reuse it.

How to feed at night

Night feedings need to be properly organized so that the mother can rest well. There is no need to prepare the milk formula the night before.

You need to measure water into a sterile bottle and prepare the powder in the required quantity.

If there is a heater, water is kept in it. To avoid heating the water, you can use a thermos. In the absence of these useful devices, the liquid will have to be heated.

After feeding, it is better to immediately immerse all dishes in water to make it easier to wash in the morning.

How to feed while traveling

Most children make their first journeys in infancy. For the trip, you need to stock up on the right amount of food, sterile utensils, and pacifiers, so as not to increase the baby’s stress from losing his native cradle with bad food.

The basic rule when feeding is to prepare the mixture before use. Therefore, grab water and keep the reconstitution powder in a clean, sealed bag.

You can take a thermos bag on the road, or use a heater from the cigarette lighter when traveling in a car. On the train, you can heat the water using titanium. On long journeys, many people come to the rescue with ready-made water for preparing baby food.

To help travelers, they sell ready-made diluted mixtures in sterile containers. Whether to trust such a product is up to the parents to decide.

How to store for later feeding of the baby

Opened baby food packages are usually not stored for long - about 3 weeks. In this case, the recommended conditions should be observed - humidity, temperature. Otherwise, the powder will absorb moisture, odors, and turn into a lumpy mass.

The prepared milk should be given to the baby within 2 hours. Better - immediately after mixing. It is prohibited to leave leftover formula until the next feeding. You cannot make a supply of product for a baby and store it in the refrigerator, simply heating it as needed.

Breast milk - better food for children. But they very rarely succeed in getting by with only them. Most mothers are forced to feed their babies formula. On baby food Many strong, healthy children grew up. Infant formula is a reliable and proven way for many generations to ensure full growth and development for the baby.

In order for your baby to grow healthy and feel good, it is important not only to choose the right milk formula, but also to use it correctly. In the first months of life, the child’s body goes through a period of adaptation to extrauterine conditions; throughout the first year, the baby grows and develops intensively. Everything that surrounds the baby from birth should contribute to his development and be as useful and safe as possible. That is why, when preparing infant formula, it is necessary to strictly observe hygiene rules, recommendations for handling the product and take into account storage conditions.

To prepare the mixture, use only boiled water - it must be boiled vigorously for at least 5 minutes. Bottled water is not sterile and should also be boiled before use. Do not heat water in a microwave oven.

Cool boiled water to the temperature recommended by the manufacturer and dilute the mixture according to the instructions. To measure the formula, use only the measuring spoon included in the package. If you diluted the formula for more than one feeding, it should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-4°C and used within 24 hours. After starting feeding, a portion of the formula should be used within an hour, since diluted infant formula is an excellent environment for the proliferation of microorganisms. After an hour, the rest of the mixture should be poured out. Often, a newborn baby can fall asleep right during feeding - don’t worry if this happens to your baby. Just lightly stroke your baby's cheek or nose and if he wakes up, continue feeding.
Powdered infant formulas are not sterile after opening the package. Use the product in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of your doctor.
When opening a package of dry infant formula containing healthy fats Omega-3, Omega-6, a slight fishy smell is possible - this is normal, because such fatty acid are also contained in fish oil, the benefits of which we have known since childhood. This smell disappears and is not felt in the diluted mixture.
Do not cook or heat the mixture in the microwave. In microwave ovens, food is heated unevenly, so some of the mixture may be too hot for the baby.

What utensils will be needed to prepare the mixture?

Bottle, nipple, cap, measuring spoon, knife for removing excess mixture from the spoon. Two pans: in one you will boil the dishes, in the other - water for preparing the mixture. There are also convenient modern sterilizers and heaters that you can use when preparing the mixture.

Preparing a portion for one feeding

1. Wash your hands with soap and dry them with a clean towel. Thoroughly wash the bottle, nipple, cap, measuring spoon and all utensils that will be used in preparing the formula. This is best done using special means for children's dishes - it is more gentle. Be careful when washing baby dishes in the dishwasher: due to the narrow neck, the bottle often remains unwashed, despite the fact that bottles from most manufacturers are dishwasher safe. For washing bottles, special brushes are provided, with which you can thoroughly rinse the bottle.

2. Rinse all dishes to remove detergent and boil them for 5 minutes.3. To prepare the mixture, prepare a clean surface.4. In a separate saucepan, boil water on high for 5 minutes. Unless otherwise indicated in the instructions, you should cool the water to at least 70°C; to do this, you should leave the water for no more than 30 minutes after boiling.5. Pour the required amount of warm, pre-boiled water into a sterilized bottle. Remember that you should not mix boiled and unboiled water to achieve the desired temperature.6. Fill the included measuring spoon with the mixture, then remove excess mixture (“heaps”) using the blade of a clean knife.7. Add the mixture to a bottle of water. Typically, you should add 1 scoop for every 30 ml - however, please check the instructions as scoops come in different sizes. You should add the dry mixture to a bottle of water, and not vice versa.

8. Stir until completely dissolved. To feed, the mixture must have a human body temperature, that is, 35-37°C - check the temperature of the mixture and feed the baby. If the mixture is too hot, you can quickly cool it by placing the bottle in a container of cold water.9. Sit comfortably, hug your baby, and while feeding formula, do not lose physical and eye contact with him. Prepare a napkin in advance in case there is excess formula, and after feeding, carry the baby in a column so that he burps the air that entered the stomach during feeding. Pour out the remainder of the formula left in the bottle that the child has not eaten within an hour.

How to properly warm up formula bottles?

If you have prepared several servings of formula for feeding your baby in advance, and the bottle with the formula has just come out of the refrigerator, it is important not only to warm up the formula, but also to do it correctly. So here's how to do it:

  • Remove the bottle of formula from the refrigerator immediately before feeding.
  • Warm the mixture by placing the bottle with the mixture in a container of hot water so that the water level is below the rim of the bottle. To ensure that the mixture heats up evenly, you should periodically shake or rotate the bottle, and the heating time should not exceed 15 minutes.
  • Check the temperature of the mixture by dropping a little on inner side wrists. The mixture should not be too hot; it must be cooled to human body temperature – 35-37°C.

How to take pre-prepared baby formula with you on trips and walks?

The first step is to cool the prepared mixture. During a trip or walk, it should be stored in a cool place - this will help prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria.

  • Prepare the mixture as you usually do, cool it and place it in the refrigerator (at a temperature no higher than 5°C, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions).
  • Remove the mixture from the refrigerator immediately before leaving home and place it in a special cooler bag.
  • Once there, you can put the formula bottles back in the refrigerator or warm them up and use them for feeding.
  • Remember that the mixture must be used within 24 hours.
If the planned trip or walk lasts more than two hours, you may not be able to keep bottles of formula cold - in this case, you must use freshly prepared formula for feeding. Plan this in advance and take with you the required amount of dry mixture in a clean, sterilized container. Prepare the mixture using boiled water - the water temperature should not be lower than 70°C (unless otherwise indicated in the instructions).

By following the rules of hygiene and handling formula for your baby, you will provide him with comfortable conditions for healthy growth and development!

Materials used in preparing this article:

  1. How to properly prepare formula for bottle feeding at home. World Health Organization, 2007
  2. Safe preparation, storage and handling of powdered infant formula - Guidelines. World Health Organization, 2007