
Introduction The problem of improving education in the internal affairs bodies of educational work includes

Introduction The problem of improving education in the internal affairs bodies of educational work includes

Education always wore and is concrete-historical, it is closely related to the socio-economic, political, spiritual and moral and cultural state of society. The effectiveness of education in the Revival of Democratic Russia, solving large-scale national objectives of the Company's updates is determined not only to how it ensures the assimilation by the person of original cultural values \u200b\u200band social experience, but also the willingness and preparedness of citizens to conscious activity. Ultimately, the most important result of education is a person's willingness to self-education and self-development. Active comprehensively developed personality is the main resource for the further development of society, the state and its apparatus - internal affairs bodies.

The creation of an effective pedagogical system for the education of employees of the internal affairs bodies has acquired a decisive nature and has become a priority direction of state personnel policy. This is primarily due to the challenges facing the internal affairs authorities in a turning point, which has been experiencing Russia today. In art. 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation Our state is defined as legal and in order to actually become such a personnel of personnel should be immaculate, without which it is impossible to expect well-being in other areas of its functioning.

Under educational work The internal affairs bodies are understood as the purposeful activities of managers, personnel and educational devices, public institutions for the formation of high professional, civil and moral and psychological qualities, an increase in the level of common culture, mobilizing them on the effective performance of operational tasks.

In a common-leading understanding, education is a systemic target activity of the state and society, their institutions and institutions, administrative, industrial, public organizations and individuals to facilitate citizens in their social (political, legal, moral, cultural, etc.) personal growth in The interests of themselves and society (Stolyarenko A.M.).

Education (educational impact) on police officers is carried out in specially created organizations (OU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation) and in organizations involved in it with the performance of their official functions (WD). Thus, it can be said that education is a permanent process that continues the entire period of the employee service.

In modern science, the concept of "upbringing" has several values. It is considered as: 1) as a function of human society to transmit new generations of previously accumulated values: knowledge, morality, work experience, 2) This term is called the social formation of the personality. In this case, it means all the formation of space (school, family pedagogy, medium influence, the impact of friendly environment, social institutions, media, etc.); 3) managing the learning personality development process. From here, a number of derivatives are formed: "Educational Process", "Educational Work", "Methods of Education", "Means and Forms of Education".

In the activities of ATS officers, the focused process of formation and improving the most important social and professionally important qualities of the individual as a citizen of society and carrier of universal values \u200b\u200bis understood: spiritual, worldview, patriotic, humane, behavioral, moral, legal, cultural, labor, etc. Working with law enforcement officers is also a process, formation and improving their social qualities, professional improvement, sometimes the formation of new professionally important qualities.

The peculiarities of the process of education of police officers include:

Specific focus of education;

Implementation during the education of moral and psychological preparation for action under services;

The object of education is adults who have already established views and habits;

Education of the police officers carry out direct supervisors endowed with great rights and powers;

Education proceeds constantly in a team that has a special organization, the authorized relationship, a kind of life.

Education - multifactor process. It is necessary to take into account and use objective and subjective factors affecting the formation and development of the personality of the employee (see Fig. 2).

Compliance of subjective factors with objective conditions in which the personality person is being formed, helps to successfully solve the tasks of education. Multifactility, as a feature of the educational process, is that, firstly, self-education is a powerful factor for the impact on the individual, and secondly, the influence of the employee has the influence of other factors that are important in organizing and conducting educational work.

The following groups of factors affecting the education process are distinguished:

1. Macrochean factors (society) - through socio-economic relations; through ideology, morality, right; through the media.

2. Microcredits (family, service team, friends ...) through relationships; through public opinion; through group moods; through traditions, customs

3. Activity (through content; through conditions; through organization)

4. Education (self-education)

5.Biological factor (heredity factor) Deposit, inclinations

Fig. 2. Factors affecting the formation and development of the person.

It is necessary to create a relatively manageable "educational environment" representing a combination of microfactors - The nearest environment, the conditions of life and staff services. These factors may have a conscious impact in order to change their change and providing positive impact on the socialization of employees. Only, taking into account the impact of these factors, the system of social education of employees in Gorrhiorgan internal affairs becomes a holistic system.

Factors Microcredits It can be submitted in the form of certain characteristics of service conditions, including:

1) the level of organization of the service in the Gorrhivorgan of the Interior;

2) the socio-economic position of employees, the level of their monetary content;

3) the level of logistics of operational activities;

4) the level of information, computer and legal support of the activities of the Gorrhivorgan of the Interior;

5) the system of stimulating and promoting employees;

6) the state of the moral and psychological climate in the service team;

7) the level of organization of cultural and leisure and sports fields;

8) the nature of relations with local governments;

9) Legal and social security levels of employees.

With a favorable state or positive change in these microfactors (the characteristics of the "educational environment"), more favorable conditions are created for the development and self-realization of the personality of Gorriorgangan, the formation of professionally significant and moral qualities is accelerated and, ultimately, the efficiency of work activity increases.

The upbringing of employees of the internal affairs bodies is carried out on the basis of the provisions of the Constitution, the Laws of the Russian Federation, the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, the decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Charters, orders, directives and other regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Priority targets Educational work are:

- the formation of the employees of the internal affairs bodies of a complex of civil, moral, spiritual and other professional and significant qualities of the individuals caused by the needs and features of operational activities;

- achieving a high degree of motivational readiness of personnel to the unconditional and qualitative performance of operational tasks, reliability and manageability in all conditions of the situation; the formation and maintenance of a healthy, stable moral and psychological state of personnel;

- Preparation of employees who can successfully solve the tasks of law enforcement activities in strict observance of official discipline and legality, norms of professional ethics, ensuring guarantees for the protection of human rights and citizen.

The goals of educational work are achieved and implemented by solving the following tasks:

- formation of the state-legal worldview of employees of the internal affairs bodies based on statehood, patriotism, fidelity of the oath, fulfillment of the norms of the Codex of the Private and the superior composition of the internal affairs bodies;

-Mobilization of the personnel of the internal affairs bodies on the successful solution of operational and official tasks, strengthening the legality and official discipline;

- a differentiated approach in organizing and conducting educational work with various categories of personnel, primarily the professional formation and formation and formation of the personality of young employees of the internal affairs bodies;

-The participation of respect for history, culture, language, traditions of the peoples of the Russian Federation;

- development of the employees of the system of moral beliefs, value orientations, needs and motives of professional activity;

- Employees of the employees of the internal affairs of the professional qualities necessary for the conscious fulfillment of official debt, including in extreme conditions;

- the formation of a healthy moral and psychological climate in the teams of internal affairs bodies;

- Using the possibilities of public organizations of the internal affairs bodies in the field of educational work with the personnel;

- the culture of professional behavior and communication with people;

- the formation of the psychological sustainability of personnel to moral, mental and physical exertion in the process of performing official duties;

- Formation and support of a positive public opinion on the activities of the internal affairs bodies, an increase in the authority and prestige of the profession of employee of the internal affairs bodies, etc.

The current system of educational work with the personnel of the internal affairs bodies has a current structure - a certain set of elements and connections between them

The structure of educational work includes:

1) Subjects of education, which include managers, a staff of work with personnel, mentors, public formation of the internal affairs body;

2) goals and objectives of educational work;

4) means of educational work;

5) forms of educational work;

6) methods of educational work;

7) the object of educational impact - the personality of the employee of the internal affairs body, individual categories of employees, a service team as a whole;

8) The results of the educational impact - the formation of the necessary professional and moral and moral qualities of individuals and value orientations, as well as the results of the operational and official activity of the team.

Subjecteducation in the ATS are the leaders of all categories, as well as the teams of divisions and services, various public formations. Subjects of educational work in the Gorrhivorgan of the Interior are carried out a targeted educational impact on the personality of the employee in the following directions:

- the formation of a state-legal worldview;

- Professional and moral education;

- legal education;

- the formation of readiness and ability to resist the penetration into official groups of manifestations of nationalism, xenophobia, political and religious extremism;

- Patriotic upbringing;

- Aesthetic upbringing.

Specific In the activities of the head of the Internal Affairs authority, it is that the tasks of education of personnel, he must solve in close connection with the solution of the tasks of law enforcement activity flowing often in a complex operational situation with a shortage of time.

Educational activities are possible only in the presence of interaction between educators and educate, establishment of mutual understanding between them, consistent with the goals of education. One of the important conditions for the correct educational relationship between the educator and educational is the accounting of the characteristics of the educational facility. Specific education for the objectification is that it is both the subject (subject to active work on its improvement).

The pedagogical impact of educators on educated involves a purposeful organization of activities, communication, systematic and planned development of intellectual, emotional and volitional spheres. Three are distinguished as the main functions of the interaction of educators and educate

1. The developing function is to develop the personality of educated in the process of interaction with the educator.

2. Educational - in the implementation of the goals of education regarding the person and the team, which includes a person.

3. The organizational comes down to the appropriate construction of activities and communicate raising, so these processes become the means of targeted formation of collectives and their members.

The education process is carried out by direct (directly) and indirect impact, based on the principles defined by methods, techniques and means, in the appropriate forms.

A pedagogically competent organized system of education for all its specificity in a stressful practical body contributes to solving the tasks facing the ATS. Creating it really does not require any supernatural "effort and mainly depends on the responsibility, the businesslike and pedagogical professionalism of its main subjects.

An important term of the success of the activities of the head of the internal affairs bodies is the knowledge of the principles of education and the ability to realize their requirements in practice. The principles of education are scientifically based pedagogical provisions, reflecting its patterns and expressing requirements for the content, methodology and organization of the education process. The principles reflect the advanced socio-pedagogical ideas, norms, goals and values \u200b\u200bof professional upbringing. Principles as common fundamental provisions are equivalent, among them there are no major and secondary. Therefore, they require complexity when used in the educational process.

Internal affairs bodies are one of the main subjects of internal security management or, expressing otherwise, police activities. During the historical development of the society, the arsenal of means of providing internal security has been enriched, the police activities became more complicated.

The formation of modern-type societies with large cities, the growth of social contradictions demanded to organize the management of internal security on new foundations. In Russia, as in many countries, the organizational system intended for this was the name of the system of internal affairs bodies. For more than two centuries, it has changed seriously, although she kept some continuity.

In Russia, the concept of "internal affairs" covers the protection of all and each of the threats created by criminal and other unlawful encroachments, and applies to the areas of providing personal, physical, property safety of citizens, public, fire, road, partly state and environmental, and also Some other types of personality security, society and state

Law enforcement agencies are a system of government agencies and armed parts for the protection of public order established in the state.

In accordance with state educational standards of higher and secondary special education since 1997, a special discipline "History of internal affairs bodies" is taught in universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. It is based on the scientific study of the internal affairs bodies, which has a long history and has become the most intense in recent decades through the efforts of such scientists as R. S. Mulukaev, A. Ya. Malygin, A. V. Borisov, V. F. Nekrasov and others ., What led to the formation of a special field of scientific research in the framework of historical and legal science.

In a number of other generalistic and historical and legal disciplines in the system of legal education, the History of Internal Affairs Authorities is intended to solve the tasks of promoting the ideological, moral formation of the personality of the future employee of the internal affairs bodies. At the same time, it occupies a special place, since its main goal is to create information, methodological conditions for familiarizing students with the history of the formation and development of the sphere of social activities in which they have to be implemented as specialists.

The history of the internal affairs bodies is logically interrelated with other subjects taught in the IUCI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and first of all with the theory and history of the state and law. The inclusion of this course in the curriculum is due to the fact that the organization of effective criminal control is impossible without taking into account the historical experience in the fight against offenses. By providing special historical and legal training, it is designed to also draw up the appropriate basis for the perception of other academic disciplines.

In the broadest sense, the subject of the course the history of the ATS is the organization of the fight against crime and sewn public order throughout the existence of our state.

In this regard, it should be noted that the concept of "internal affairs authorities" can not be considered identical to the content of the course. Criminal control bodies existed before the creation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the OVD system, the main task of which was the implementation of general government, and the police, justice, state security bodies were occupied by the fight against crime. That is, at different times, this struggle was carried out in various forms and in various ways, and its evolution can be divided into the following periods (there are other periodicals in the literature, but the following corresponds to the structure of our course):

  1. 9 - NEP.15 centuries. "Traditionalism."

The time of strong traditions of the Dob State Stage: the domination of mythological ideas in the organization of the forensic-follow-up process (the principle of Talion, Ordalia), collective responsibility for the crime, the official recognition of blood revenge.

  1. 15 - NCH 18 centuries. "Zemstvo-ordinal."

The creation of special bodies of judicial and investigative functions - orders. In places, protective functions are carried out by organs and officials (luminous huts, heads), chosen by the population of "Earth".

  1. 18 -Anch.19 centuries. "Policeman".

The establishment of a regular police, the creation of a legal framework for their activities, the organization of police agencies, on the scale of the country.

  1. 19 - NAK.20 centuries. "Ministry of the Interior".

Units to combat crime are part of the local administration, and the Central Police Institution is part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

  1. 1917 -1993 Soviet.

The fight against crime is carried out on the basis of Marxist-Leninist ideas.

From 1991-1993 "Transition".

The transition from the "Soviet" to the "liberal" model of the organization of the fight against crime.

As part of the Organization of Procedure Protection, it is studied and providing its bodies.

Thus, in the subject of the course also includes institutions specifically designed to configure crime, primarily the police and the police. In addition, in the field of study are, organs, which largely include the protection of law and order:

  1. Protection authorities of state security, exploration and counterintelligence (secret order, gendarmerie).
  2. Justice authorities (courts and prosecutors).
  3. Financial authorities (tax police, customs).

It is clear that the history of these institutions is considered by itself, but only inspired, since they are involved in the protection of public order and the fight against criminal crime.

The concept of combating crime is inextricably linked with the concept of legality. In this regard, the course considers the basic legal institutions, legal acts that define the concept of a crime, methods of protection against them, determining the status of protective structures.

By defining the subject, we turn to the course study methods:

Like any other educational discipline, the history of the ATS has certain methods, that is, ways to know the studied phenomena. There are general (universal) methods, that is, used in all scientific disciplines and private, that is special.

The general method is a method of materialistic dialectic.

When studying the course, it is manifested in the fact that the fight against crime is considered as a phenomenon that:

First, determined by the nature of man, the living conditions of society.

Secondly, it is closely related to many social phenomena, the same activities, the same departments in different situations can seriously differ about each other.

Third, as all social processes, the fight against crime has a certain dynamics, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the police, constantly changing something.

Special general scientific methods are used in the study:

Comparative, suggests a comparison of the practice of combating crime at different times and in different conditions. As a result of the comparison, it is possible to approach an objective question. For example, "the conclusion about a significant increase in crime in the Russian Federation and its qualitative change is also based on the comparison of the number of crimes committed and the analysis of the crime structure."

Sociological, consists in studying the subject on the basis of actual data. Includes such methods as an analysis of statistical data and relevant documents, population surveys, mathematical and statistical methods of material processing. Widely applied in law enforcement. Its use allows us to find out the degree of efficiency of protective structures, their adequacy of emerging issues, the feasibility of certain events.

The formal legal, lies in comparison of police practices with the requirements of legality, state policy and is not linked to other social phenomena: economy, politics, morality. This method with the greatest base can be called special.

The logical method includes means and methods of logical study and explanation of the subject and based on the forms of thinking and laws of formal logic. The use of a logical method allows to analyze the structure of the police and its activities with current views of the logically consistent, and therefore effective principles.

Designating the course methods, we turn to its tasks:

  1. Examine the experience of organizing crime control, provide an opportunity to assess the existing errors and achievements in this work. Get acquainted with the means and methods used in the practical activities of the police.
  2. On a specific historical, legal material, to obtain an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is due to the current form of organization of the fight against crime, the structure of the militia, internal affairs bodies.
  3. To form the ability of an independent objective, analytical assessment of the prospects for the development of law enforcement agencies at present.

When studying the subject, the History of the ATS should be borne in mind that there is no separate textbook throughout this course, but for each partition there is an appropriate literature.

Upon period from 9 to 18 centuries. You can call the publication: Sizikov M.I. "Police history of Russia (1718-1917)." Vol. 1. The formation and development of the general regular police in Russia XVIII century. - M., 1992.

Mulukaev R.S. "Police in Russia (IX century - beginning. XX century)". - bottom. Novgorod, 1993.

Vlasov V.I., Goncharov N.F. "The organization of the search for criminals in Russia in the IX-XX centuries. (Historical and Legal Research). " Monograph in 2 parts. Ch. I. Domodedovo, - 1997.

The period from the XIX century. According to the 80s of the XX century. Lights in books, published specifically for educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation:

Police and Police of Russia: Pages of history / A.V. Borisov, A.N.Dugin, A.Ya. Malygin et al. - M., 1995.

Organs and troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Brief historical essay. M., 1996.

Rybnikova V.V., Aleksushin G.V. The history of law enforcement agencies of the Fatherland. Tutorial. M.: 2008.

In addition, in all sections of the course, you can attract the subject and materials of textbooks on the history of the state and law containing information on the structure of the struggle of crime bodies, the legal framework for their activities. Nevertheless, the total volume of literature on the course is not quite large. This increases the importance of independent work of trainees with lecture material, preparation for seminar classes.

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

The topic "Formation of professional traditions and their role in the education of the personnel of the internal affairs bodies"


Education is a fundamental pedagogical phenomenon in society and the life of every person. It is the process of forming the most important qualities of a person as a citizen of society and carrier of universal values. The result of the upbringing is the pupil of man.

In art. 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation Our state is defined as legal. In the formation of the legal state, an important place belongs to the internal affairs bodies that are fighting against offenses and crime.

Whatever the state actually has become legal, the lifting of personnel should be immaculate, without which it is impossible to count on well-being in other areas of its functioning and life of society.

You can identify another number of circumstances that give up the education of employees decisive, priority:

Strengthening the flow of law enforcement frames, their rejuvenation, the influx for the service is less prepared for her young people;

The complication of the tasks of strengthening the legality and law enforcement in the conditions of a market economy, the low level of legal culture and the advisability of the population, the emergence of new sophisticated types of crime and professionalization of crime, increasing loads and extremality in work;

Unfavorable influence on many employees of a sharp decline in public morality, culture, education of the population, the dissemination of business psychology ("all for money"), hidden or frank bribery ("thanks", giving bribes) and extortion for many professions, activities and action, in including at different levels of civil service;

the purposeful impact of the crime on employees to decline them to immoral assignments and professional betrayal;

Penetration into law enforcement agencies of criminal-oriented persons and representatives of organized crime;

In fact, a low level of educational level of a certain part of employees, manifested not only in the unscrupulous performance of their debt and duties, but also in the shortcomings of relations with citizens, respect for their rights, responding to statements allowed by violations of official discipline, drunkenness, unworthy behavior in everyday life and , offenses of the mercenary orientation, etc.

Professional activity always imposes a fingerprint on a person engaged in her. It causes changes in his psychology, educational, education and development of certain qualities. Employees are changing influenced by law enforcement, contacts with different people, a total atmosphere in the working team. Changes are positive, but there are also unwanted changes - decline in interest, diligence, conscientiousness, and sometimes harmful, referred to as professional deformation. At a certain part of law enforcement officers, the latter acquires a dangerous nature, often acting by the cause of violations of legality, power abuse and official position.

Therefore, it is simply necessary to practice the upbringing of employees, proceeding constantly, competently and with all categories, from the beginning to the end of their service.

The main direction of work with the personnel of the internal affairs bodies is the formation of scientific worldviews, education of high consciousness, integrity, legality, humanism and justice, ensuring deep understanding and conscious support of state policy. A modern police officer must be widely educated, high-cultural person with deep professional knowledge and skills in the field of sociology, politics, rights, economics, ethics, psychology and pedagogy. Only under these conditions, it can successfully fulfill the task set before him, act as a guarantor of social justice.

According to the guidelines, personal responsibility for the organization, conducting and effectiveness of educational work is assigned to the heads and deputies for personnel and educational work.

The leading role in the upbringing of internal affairs officers, two thirds of which are young people, play traditions and rituals conducted in the internal affairs bodies.

Traditions always enshrine what is achieved in public and personal life, they are powerful means of stabilization of the established public relations, play the role of social mechanisms for the transfer of new generations of relations of older generations, reproduces these relationships in the life of young generations, become a kind of keepers of the achievements of the past.

Especially relevant in our time, the statement of F. E. Dzerzhinsky addresses the securityists of the past years, which can and should be the slogan of employees of all law enforcement agencies: "... a cheekyman can only be a man with a hot heart, cold head and clean hands."

Over the past few decades, many new traditions, rituals, ceremonies, which have been widespread in many areas and the republics of the Russian Federation have emerged.

Among them are the solemn rituals of taking oath, the presentation of the awards and the assignment of the titles, the wires to the well-deserved rest and others.

The development of these traditions and rituals is not yet completed, a lot of time will need to fully comply with the needs and requests of our contemporaries, which will contribute to the formation of new relations between people on the basis of legality, humanism, justice, loyalty to their debt, civil liability.

professional Ethics Ethics Psychology

1. The system of traditions and rituals in the internal affairs bodies, their essence and meaning

In his relationship, people always adhered to certain rules that arose in the process of social development as methods of communication between people.

These norms and rules of behavior were reflected in the traditions, customs, rituals. Sometimes these concepts are identified, so it is necessary to consider the concepts of traditions, customs and determine their ratio with the concept of ritual.

In society constantly changes generations. Each older generation leaves for future not only material values, achieving science and culture, as well as customs, norms of behavior, rules of interaction between people and teams. Many customs, as a relay, are transmitted from generation to generation, they become a steady nature, become unwritten by the law of society, its traditions. The word tradition comes from Latin - (Traditio), which means transmission, narration.

In dictionaries and literature, many definitions are given the concept of "tradition." For example: "Traditions are the historical existing customs and norms of behavior, which go out of generation, accumulate and become moral rules for certain persons, social groups, classes, peoples." Considering this definition, the relationship between the concepts "tradition" and "customs" should be understood. Currently, we are witnessing the widespread concept of "tradition" in all areas public Life. They enjoy when it comes to sustainable, repeating sides, properties, relationships, social reality phenomena. The use of a mass scale "Tradition" will noticeably displaces the concept of "custom" from our lexicon. This is not explained by the fashion, but objective historical circumstances. The fact is that during the historical development of society, the scope of customs is narrowed, and the tradition of tradition becomes wider. In addition, when they say that every custom is with the tradition, but not every tradition - custom, should be borne in mind another circumstance: customs are not able to change, it is structurally reinsured to enriched with new components as quickly as tradition. Thus, the relationship so that the semantic load "Custom" increasingly assumes the deeper and capacious concept of "tradition".

So, the terms "tradition" and "custom" are connected with each other attitude of identity and differences. Their coincidences lies in the fact that both serve as an expression of a common, repeating, mass, and the other means the norm, the rule, the action of which is not ensured by the social authority of the government, which is typical for state laws.

The term "tradition" compared to "custom" is more versatile, suitable for all cases, which for one or another no reasons does not apply to the concept of "custom".

As we found out, traditions are historically established and transmitted from generation into generation of the customs and norms of human behavior. These norms, developing, can become moral laws not only for individuals, but also for entire collectives, classes, peoples. Historically, the traditions have the power of unwritten laws. Essentially, all the spheres of the spiritual life of society are characterized by elements of tradition.

Together with all positive, which is achieved by the previous generation, the younger generation, based on the imitation of the eldest and respect for their life experience, assimilates the established traditions.

The continuity of generations is the pattern of development of society. This is a bilateral process, in which the vocation of the elders - to transfer the young change all the best that has been accumulated over many years of struggle and labor, to educate high moral qualities, a sense of citizenship, the ability to make the interests of the Motherland excellence, willingness with weapons in the hands of protecting their Fatherland. The duty of youth is worthy and carefully to treat the fact that they are conquered by the elders, deeply master the essence of transformations carried out in our country, to be able to increase it in everyday weekdays.

In the literature, mainly three main groups of traditions are considered: revolutionary, combat or military-patriotic and labor. However, there are also other traditions in society: professional, family-household, national, sports, traditions of art, literature, etc. These traditions - historically established customs and moral rules that have become the norm of the Russian people in military and peacetime, actively encouraging Their exemplary to fulfill their duty, honestly and in good faith to serve their people, homeland.

The most visibous and effective traditions are manifested during the period of shocks, a sharp transition to new economic relations, in emergency situations In combat atmosphere and labor weekdays.

The traditions of the internal affairs bodies are inseparable from the traditions of the Russian people. They arose and developed in the course of the historical development of society, in the process of strengthening the social system and law enforcement. These are moral rules and customs that encourage employees to be honest and selflessly fulfill their official debt.

The traditions of the internal affairs bodies can be defined as a totality, or as a system of requirements, norms that expresses the principles of organization and activities of bodies leading the fight against crime and guarding law and order.

The source of these traditions are the public and state system, patriotism and internationalism.

The Russian police have its own, established traditions that encourage police workers to exemplary fulfillment of official debt, honest and conscientious service to the people, to the all-time strengthening of law and order, strict observance of legality and official discipline. They have the power of unwritten, but at the same time unreasonable law and are protected by the public opinion of police teams, supported by the authority of senior comrades - the veterans of the police and the police.

Recent years were years of further improvement of police activities. This has found an expression, primarily in the process of strengthening personnel, in increasing their professional, general education and cultural level.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe moral experience embodied in honor, the debt and professional dignity of the Russian police officer will be incomplete, if we consider these important concepts of non-government-historical experience in Russian police. Given this experience, it is possible to assert with confidence that at all times there was a problem of the moral qualities of a policeman, the objective need to transfer the moral experience of mature professionals with young personnel. This issue is as many centuries as there is a police.

Even in Dopererovsky times, traditions were laid in relation to the public service (sovereign, as they said then) to counteract crimes, on the protection of public order, as the "good" case, worthy, honorable, important for all citizens. Until those who came from the west, the words "Police" this service was called in Russian - the detention center. For the first time, this term appeared in the "Agolais about the Gradovsky Deanity" of 1649, this term appeared as a denoting deservedness, public order - as a goal of the service of the service called by the police subsequently. There were also the requirements for the qualities of officials. The obligation said about the duties and behavior of those who were supposed to provide "common calm" (climbing head, lattice cradle, street watchman, Sagittarius): "... in all the streets and on the allests a day and night to walk and take care of it, so that in the streets and alleys battle and robbery ... and other persuasion ... was not "

The requirement for any employee of civil service, including the ranks of the police, the progressive reformer Peter first expressed in the tank and the concise formula: "Honor - in the service of Fatherland."

Compevant examples of attention to the moral appearance, honor and dignity of the ordinary and the superior composition of the Russian police.

In the police of pre-revolutionary Russia, wide walking had adapted for the lower ranks pocket according to the format of the "letter of the modern city" - a directory, assistant, mentor. It contained an introduction and 60 articles.

The young, novice police worker had the opportunity in a free minute calmly and thoroughly read this extremely useful "small police encyclopedia". A fairly complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe so-called "letter" gives at least four articles on the rules, the norms of official behavior of police, moral standards, standards, standards, and prohibition standards. These are Articles 27, 28, 40 and 41.

Duties of a policeman. 1) Exactly and unquestioning to fulfill the legitimate orders of his boss. 2) politely and respectfully to the public, trying as accurately as possible and definitely answer all the questions, emitting always readiness to provide legitimate assistance. 3) At the first opportunity to convey the boss on all noticeable, heard and seen. 4) Always say only the truth and, acting as a witness, do not comprehend anything and add nothing. 5) have a notebook and pencil with them, which to record all those related to coming and phenomena, which will have to testify in court. 6) It is not true - this is the most serious hula for a police officer. 7) In case of insecurity - whether to perform someone's requirement about arrest, invite all interested in the site, where the issue is resolved by an officer. 8) If necessary, act independently: to do everything soon, vigorously and decisively, otherwise assistance may be superfluous.

The duties of the police are issuable the same as in the service: to warn and detect crimes in all possible ways, and all the time remembering the dignity of their profession and goals, to be guardious of the interests of society.

The misdemeanor of the police officer is reduced to the following forms: 1) drunkenness in service and off-service. 2) disobedience to the elders. 3) non-fulfillment of ordinary rules and statutes. 4) Needness to the older. 5) unnecessary intervention. 6) Extra rudeness to the arrested. 7) ignorance and faded words. 8) the message to the private person on the received orders or incident and position of the case. 9) Consciousness of information that may affect the damage to the service. 10) Otchitch from the post or negligent attitude towards it. 11) Understanding if you need to immediately arrest an attacker. 12) chatter and talk in service. 13) Receive remuneration without a report on that. 14) unauthorized rallet from the site. 15) Quarrels with comrades. 16) Incorrect performance of official duties. 17) Forget to record the necessary names and addresses and details in a criminal case or case. 18) Disappointing the help of the disease or in case of accident. 19) borrow money and leaving the elders. 20) misdemeanor causeing official harm.

Protocols. Compiled in the site is not otherwise, as in the presence of the accused. The testimony of all witnesses and participants are listened to patience. Witnesses and viewers of the incident can not be detained on a par with the culprit - this will take the hunt to promote the police and restore their violated rights. In particular, it is necessary to be careful in affairs concerning the actions of the police itself, in order not to show the shadows of addiction. In general, the duty officer to the row should be remembered that it is responsible for the honor of police uniform and the legality of police actions. Access politely and explicitly to provide immediate assistance.

After reading the position of the "bookpoint" obviously, despite the old-fashioned style of the presentation, in its content they sound absolutely modern.

This is a relatively late document, dated 1915, has its own, no less interesting, predecessors in the form of agencies, charters, guidelines for police ranks. And in each of them there is a gradually developed system of rules for the behavior of police, moral norms of its activities, attitudes towards debt, honor, their vocational dignity and dignity of Russian citizens.

The high moral qualities of the personnel of the police with particular force were manifested in the years of the Great Patriotic War. Under Moscow and Leningrad, Stalingrad and Novorossiysk, near the walls of Odessa, Kiev, Sevastopol, Tula - everywhere, on the fronts and in the deep rear of the occupants bravely fought with the enemies of the division, shelves, battalions of internal troops, police officers. Many fighters and commanders of these formations are awarded the highest military differences. For fighting feats at the front and in the rear of 270 thousand law enforcement soldiers were awarded orders and medals, among them about 70 heroes of the Soviet Union and complete cavaliers of the Order of Glory. For the valor and courage shown during the war, the police of Moscow and Leningrad are awarded the orders of the Red Banner.

At the end of the war, the Soviet people began to restore the destroyed national economy. During this period of time, when the operational situation in the country was seriously aggravated, the militia authorities needed to solve complex tasks for the protection of public order and the fight against crime so that our people could safely work and relax. But, despite all the difficulties, the police officers honestly and conscientiously carried their difficult service, remembering the covenants of senior generations, sacredly observing progressive traditions, constantly strengthening them and developing them.

Life at every step gives us examples of the heroic, dedicated execution of official debt by police officers. The government highly appreciates heroism, exposure and composure, manifested by law and order soldiers. Only over the past decade for the courage and dedication, manifested in the performance of official duties, thousands of OVD employees were awarded orders and medals, new heroes of Russia appeared.

Internal affairs bodies are multinational in its composition. They are completed from representatives of all nationalities, and not national belonging, and the business qualities of the employee are a decisive condition for accepting work and promotion.

One of the main traditions of police officers is the faithfulness of the oath, courage and heroism in the performance of official debt. These moral requirements are concentrated in the oath. In the 20s 30 years, employees were engraved on the handles of employees: "Do not remove without need, do not invest without glory." These words can be considered the motto for all weapons.

Each employee of the internal affairs bodies should firmly remember: weapons are handed over to him not to ownership and not in uncontrolled possession, but only to solve strictly defined tasks, to protect the interests of citizens and combat crime. Weapons are not a toy, the ownership of them does not expand the rights of the employee, but imposes responsibility and high responsibility on it.

Impunity in a small misconduct creates dangerous changes in consciousness, corrupts man, he morally descends, and finally makes a serious violation. This will not happen if the whole team, all colleagues will be in a friendly companion to misconduct and principled in assessing the actions of the defendant employee.

Other glorious traditions are collectivism, partnership, mutual revenue when performing service tasks. These traditions were formed and passed from generation to generation by our people. "A man without friends that the tree without the roots", "the killer himself, and the comrade will cut out," this is said about this in folk proverbs.

Solidarity, a friendly mutual manner, a feeling of elbow, the readiness for self-sacrifice in the name of a common cause - these qualities are always, from the first days of the creation of the working and peasant militia, distinguished employees of the internal affairs bodies.

The wonderful tradition of the internal affairs bodies is the strictest observance of legality, respect for the rights and dignity of citizens.

The essence of the legality in strict compliance and conscientious execution of laws by all government agencies, public organizations, officials that should be taken care of the protection of the rights and interests of citizens of Russia, as well as the duties of each citizen to strictly comply with the laws and established rules, actively participate in maintaining and strengthening law enforcement.

The police officer, being an official, endowed with special state-powerful powers and speaks on behalf of the state. Consequently, he must know well and understand the laws, decisions of the Government of Russia, instructions and other guidance documents. He must be able to properly apply regulations, act within the rights and powers granted to him.

The most important of the traditions of the Russian police is patriotism, selfless devotion to the Motherland. To be devoted to his homeland means for police officers to fulfill their official debt, exceeding the interests of the people, do not spare their lives in the struggle for strengthening the rule of law in the country.

Thus, the main traditions of the internal affairs bodies are:

unlimited devotion and love for their homeland, depreciation;

close contact with the people, deep respect for man;

strong observance of legality;

professional vigilance and discipline in the performance of their official debt, love for their work, striving for the improvement of knowledge and skills;

patriotism and internationalism; Scientific approach to phenomena of public life.

Ritual (from Latin words - ritual) - component Rite, historically established form of complex symbolic behavior, an ordered system of action.

Thus, the ritual in relation to the tradition, custom, rite and ceremonial can be defined as peculiar ceremonial ceremonial, strictly regulated, enshrined in the laws traditional actions and norms of human behavior.

Rituals originated on the basis of work and public relations of primitive society, organically connecting dances, music, songs. The first rituals satisfied certain needs of people in self-expression, the transfer of feelings and experiences. Ancient rituals rightly consider one of the forms of primitive art, a specific form of aesthetic development of reality.

Each of the ancient rituals is a combination of ceremonies - solemn and solemn and mourning processions, solemn receptions and rites - traditional actions related to the implementation of certain public acts, traditional games, entertainment. The fulfillment of rituals dictated by the power of public opinion.

Each subsequent socio-economic formation had its rituals who were allegedly improved and developed.

In modern conditions, rituals emotionally express the meaning, the content of tradition related to the most important events in society.

In the internal affairs bodies, rituals were widely used. They are implemented in the form of conditional and symbolic actions, strictly regulated first by the usual and public opinion, and then by laws and regulatory documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. For example, the ritual of taking the oath and the burial of the employee is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Police", the Regulations on the service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and regulatory documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. These rituals seem to record the solemnity of the moment of the moment and express the internal sense, the content of traditions related to the most important events in the life and activities of the internal affairs bodies.

Rituals are divided into the following types:






Consider in more detail the specifics of official rituals in the internal affairs bodies. They cover the scope of official relations and disclose the essence of the police service in the fight against crime and caused its causes.

The adoption of the oath, the presentation of government awards, the solemn honoring of those who distinguished themselves, the burial of those killed in the performance of official debt - in the sublime, emotional form of these rituals materialize the traditions of the dedication of employees of the homeland, mutual assistance and revenue in extreme conditions.

Dedication to the police officer, presentation of the tablet weapons, the pursuit, a special form of clothing, laying the wreaths, solemn construction and marches, building, divorce, divorce and change of the guard, presentation of the service certificate, honoring veterans, retirement, burial employee, etc. reveal The relationship of everyday life of employees with the terms of operational activities, educate professionalism, conscientious attitude to service, honesty, courage, decency and conscious attitude towards their official debt.

All of them are filled with ideological content, patriotic meaning and possess great educational force.

Being interrelated, each of these groups has its own specific orientation and scope of influence on public and personal life. The group of military-patriotic holidays also includes the Day of the ATS officer, annually celebrated on November 10. This holiday lies as if at the junction of two groups - nationwide and professional holidays. He, on the one hand, is the rites and rituals of a special group of people whose professional is to protect and protect the legitimate rights of Russian citizens from criminal encroachments, in this sense he adjoins professional rites. On the other hand, some police rituals acquire social and political importance, held in the days of public and public holidays.

The originality of rituals as an element of spiritual culture is that their content is manifested in symbolic form. This becomes possible thanks to the use of characters characteristic of each ritual and attributes.

As symbols, an emotionally painted word, an expressive gesture, a socially significant subject, a memorial structure can be.

The symbol is a conditional sign, an image that encompasses important social information about a historical event or public phenomenon, about his meaning, idea and ideals.

The symbols used in rituals can be attributed: state flags, coat of arms, anthem of Russia, flags, coat of arms, and hymns of the republics that are part of Russia, CIS, foreign countries, memorial structures, historical monuments, banners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, MUV, ATC, including including honorary, portraits, emblems, etc.

Ritual attributes include: transparencies, slogans, posters, badges and orders on uniform clothing, patrol machines, oath text, statutes, flowers, etc.

Symbols and attributes of rituals awakens at employees deep aesthetic experiences, awareness of beauty, hill. Beauty is calling for activity, violates the everydayness of thoughts and feelings, prepares the soil to create the spirit of the new, harmonic state of the spirit at a higher level of social content.

Thus, the continuous development and improvement of rituals is a complex process of continuous change in both the form and their traditional content generated by indigenous changes occurring in the internal affairs bodies.

Traditions and rituals as a factor of patriotic education in the system of internal affairs

The educational impact of traditions is that they help their personnel to know the glorious path passed by the police, to imbued with respect for difficult and honorary service in the bodies. The propaganda of traditions helps to realize the importance of the police to build a legal society in our country and, ultimately, improves the quality of the work of the internal affairs bodies.

That is why the upbringing of police officers on progressive traditions is one of the important tasks of the heads of the internal affairs bodies. This work should be constantly conducted and improved, while it is necessary to use the variety of forms, methods and means of education of personnel on progressive traditions. Completely approaching the organization of all this work.

Prerequisites for the effective impact of progressive traditions on the process of the formation of the personality of employees of the internal affairs bodies are:

unity of organizational and educational work;

election of the most effective forms and methods of education on traditions, differentiated approach to them;

development of individual forms of work;

accounting for new social life phenomena;

improving forms and methods of patriotic education;

choosing and focused on major efforts in the most important sites, the ability to find the main direction in organizing this work.

In order to further improve the role of traditions in educational work with the personnel of the police, the increase in the methodological skills of educators is necessary:

clearly formulate the content of the traditions of the internal affairs organs, their psychological impact on the personnel in the process of conducting educational work;

organize an educational process so that the exploits of older generations serve as a beacon in the education of new generations of employees.

To do this, consider the situation, the tasks facing the personnel in this moment, take into account the conditions for their use; Actively use educational possibilities of police rituals. Systematically generalize, develop, improve and widely popularize the positive experience of traditional and emerging new rituals.

Effectiveness of education on traditions can serve as a variety of forms and methods. Among them:

a) Forms and methods of emotionally sensual impact. They are characterized by solemnity, ceremoniality, musical and colorful decoration, poetic, imagery. These include: parades, rallies, meetings, processions, reviews, contests, excursions, festivals, theatrical submissions, visual information, solemn award, meetings with veterans;

b) Forms and methods of rational impact: public readings, conferences, lectures, lecturers, conversations, reports, publications in the media, etc.

The main forms of education on traditions are:

studying the history of police and operational search units in which employees serve;

excursions in places of combat fame with the laying of wreaths to monuments and monuments;

visiting museums, including local history;

last Visitors of the movie, video and subsequent discussion;

celebration of the Day of the OVD employee;

meetings with veterans of the internal affairs bodies;

the creation of museums, halls and rooms of combat fame of the internal affairs bodies;

solemn taking oath and the presentation of weapons employees; Solemn vents for well-deserved rest;


Days of the memory of the fallen on the battle post;

conducting Spartakiad, dedicated to the memory of employees;

patronage over the families of dead employees;

presentation of the premiums of the Council of Veterans with young employees who have achieved the best indicators in official activities;

conducting individual classes in the training system of personnel training, participation in the organization of competitions of professional skills;

participation in the lessons of courage and other educational events held for young employees;

search work on the design of the memory of the memory, the development of projects for the exposition of museums, combat glory rooms.

Currently, employees maintain, retain and multiply the following positive traditions:

a) personal relationship with the heroic past of the Fatherland, with the memory of the heroes-employees who died on combat posts. The involvement of employees, in turn, is implemented by:

collection of funds among employees to open the Memorials of Glory, Obeliskov, Monuments, Steel, as well as labor participation in their construction and reconstruction.

supports in the appropriate form and order of burial sites, fences, monuments on the graves of the dead comrades. Active participation in this work takes the personnel of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region

moral and material support of families of dead employees. In the Central Bank of St. Petersburg, the MOSCOW MOSCOW, etc. A lot of families of employees who died in the performance of official duties were put into account. All of them constantly turn out to be moral support and social assistance: one-time and insurance benefits are paid, pensions are appointed. The families of the dead, having minors of children, monthly subsidies from charity funds are issued, free tickets to theaters are awarded, there are practical assistance in solving domestic problems, treatment and recreation of children, the direction of adolescents in the educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, their employment. In this regard, in response, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which, in response to the proposal of the GUVD St. Petersburg, the Leningrad and Moscow regions, was consolidated by the right of non-competitive admission of children of employees who died or injured, in all educational institutions of the internal affairs bodies system;

participation in search expeditions on the search for remains and the establishment of missing Soviet soldiers during the war.

b) the provision of mutual assistance and support for comrades in the service that fell into an extreme situation.

c) manifestation of humanism. Over the years, the personnel of the Pskov region in the Pskov region is charming for children's homes and boarding schools.

On the concept of "ritual" it is necessary to stop more and give the characteristic of rituals that exist in the internal affairs bodies.

"Under the ritual it is customary to understand the historical type of tradition, which transmitted from generation into generation, implemented in the forces of conditional and symbolic actions, is strictly regulated first by the usual and public opinion, and then laws. Rituals express the internal meaning, the content of traditions related to the most important The events in the life of this society personify certain social relations and the existing social order. "

The rituals of the internal affairs organs embody the noble ideals of courage, durability and heroism, the unity of high goals, for which the police officers are struggling to shoulder with all the people. They cover the scope of educational and everyday work. These rituals briefly brings up high moral and psychological qualities, which are extremely necessary for service in the internal affairs bodies.

The rituals of the internal affairs bodies are a kind of spectacle, a massive-theatrical representation. Labor and combat traditions embodied in rituals, not only convince, but also generate an unprecedented tide of energy, cause an extraordinary inspiration, because they are clothed in a bright individual shape, perceived as direct reliable facts. In the process of performing rituals, thanks to the traditions embodied in them, there is an active education of personnel.

The continuous development and improvement of rituals is a complex process of continuous change, both forms and their traditional content, generated by indigenous changes occurring in the internal affairs bodies.

Traditions live and enriched with new experience. One of the conditions for the formation of positive customs and traditions is that the ritual, the ritual side of the tradition should be carefully thought out to the smallest details.

In the accomplishments of today's days, the fruits of the heroic work of all generations of fighters for the victory of a new social system are clearly visible. Felight of progressive traditions is a characteristic feature of employees of the internal affairs bodies. Devotion of official debt, patriotism and internationalism, ideological conviction, active life position, high culture and education, conscientious attitude to the fulfillment of official duties, following the norms of the Code of honor are the mandatory qualities of employees of the internal affairs bodies.

The effectiveness of the effects of traditions on the process of forming the personality of an employee depends on both their content, emotional orientation, and from the organization of all educational work. The ability to properly organize the daily work of each body and the division to organize the daily work of each body and the division, create a healthy moral and psychological climate in the team. It is very important to maintain the traditions in which the spirit of cohesion, partnership and mutual assistance, mutual respect and demands are expressed. In this case, traditions cover their influence of all team members, affect the process of forming their interests, views and feelings.

Public practice shows that the formation of a person's personality on the most important traditions The people are successfully implemented only under the condition of combining and coordinate all forces and means, to continuously search for ways to improve this work, taking into account the requirements of time. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the organization of educational work has always been the maximum initiative, creativity and responsibility, they passed in a high ideological and organizational level. To do this, it is advisable to every leader to systematically analyze work on the promotion of the best traditions of the internal affairs bodies, to fully achieve its high level of efficiency. For this purpose, it follows:

actively and deeply study advanced experience;

promote the traditions of education of employees on the examples of heroism and courage;

carry out this work constantly and purposefully;

search and implement new, advanced forms and methods for this work;

election of the main direction and focus on the most important areas of work;

take into account the new phenomena of social life and the tasks facing employees at the moment.

Education on the traditions of personnel should be solved by integrated use of various forms and funds, it should be achieved that all major traditions of internal affairs bodies are inherent solemnation, emotionality, attractiveness. This will help find all new and new adherents of good traditions, will contribute to their spread and strengthening. The heroic past of the people, the internal affairs bodies always remain an inexhaustible source of further improvement of educational work with the personnel. It should be focused on that every employee will understand the essence and importance of progressive traditions, imbued with deep respect for them, sought to follow the example of heroes, realized his role and responsibility in the increase in older generation cases. Practice of pedagogy Over the past decades has developed its theory and system of measures aimed at the continuity of educational impact on the identity. This theory has been tested and proved its vitality and necessity. In the internal affairs bodies serve people of a wide age range with the already established worldview, views, behavior standards. Therefore, the educational process with this category of personnel has its own characteristics. Pechas characteristic of adult pedagogy. Experience shows that one of the most effective directions of the upbringing of an adult is the impact on its feelings with the help of a special type of emotional experiences wearing a distinct and expressed subject character of differ in comparative resistance. In this sense, the senses are associated with the presentation or idea of \u200b\u200bsome facility - concrete or generalized (love for the Motherland). The most common types of emotional impact on the personality are rituals that arise on the basis of people's experience, nominating an aesthetic, clearly - sensual side. In such a way, the educational impact of police rituals and traditions is that they personify the service in the internal affairs bodies, dedication, self-sacrifice and courage when performing their debt to the homeland and the people.


Many significant dates and events are noted in the divisions of the internal affairs bodies. Life and practice sets all new and new tasks of reorganization of our life, the development of perfect forms of rituals. New traditions, rituals and holidays become an active driving force, argue the norms of morality, enrich our culture. Interested, gaze on the life of our organizations, public formations The personnel will allow to see the bottlenecks, variables, create conditions for the manifestation of the initiative will help on a fundamentally new basis to rally the team, dispose of the habit of doing business in the old age. Well organized, informal, memorable festivities, introducing new, bright colors, raise the mood, they split people. Therefore, the improvement of the organization and holding of professional holidays, rituals in the police teams is one of the most important areas in working with personnel of the internal affairs bodies for the education of police officers, the formation and further growth of their moral culture.

Our traditions and rituals contribute to the further strengthening and development of conscious discipline and the organization of all members of our society, education in the hard modern conditions of a highly developed sense of responsibility and public debt. The main thing in Ritual is awareness of debt and responsibility to its people, a team and all society. In each new ritual, feelings experienced to their homeland are reflected, love for their native land.

The process of creating every ritual or holiday is complex and long. Success in this business is accompanied by the staff of the personnel apparatus that seek to understand and comprehend the subtleties of ritual formation, they can attract talented organizers and specialists to this activity, do not regret neither forces or the time.

In the service and everyday life, the ordinary and the beginning of the internal affairs bodies of Russia are guided by the ethical standards and moral obligations of the Code of honor, one of which is storage and multiplying the best official traditions of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: patriotism, partnership and mutual assistance, courage and selflessness, nobility and self-sacrifice, Luckiness to human needs and grief, loyalty to debt, skill and professionalism. "


1. Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law of November 30, 2011 No. 342 FZ "On the service in the internal affairs bodies and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation."

Typical Code of Ethics and Service Conduct of civil servants (approved by the decision of the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation to counter corruption of December 23, 2010. Protocol No. 21).

The oath of the employee of the internal affairs of the Russian Federation.

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary. Ed. 2nd, recreation. and add. - M.: Large Russian Encyclopedia, 1998

Lutskin V. V., Reznichenko G. I., Rituals in the Russian police: Educational - methodical manual. - SPb.: St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2004.

Kukushin V.M., Your Professional Ethics Moscow 1994

Ivanov P. V., Lutskin V. V. Education of employees on the traditions of the internal affairs bodies: Tutorial, SPb, St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2002.

The role of educational work in the system of working with frames. Subjects and objects of education in the ATS. Plans reflecting personnel and educational work in the ATS and their main content. The participation of the head of the ATS in the planning of educational work and its conduct.


Successful fulfillment by the internal affairs by them, the improvement of operational and official activity is directly related to the formation of high professional and moral qualities, the strengthening of the moral and psychological climate, discipline and legality in official groups. This, in turn, requires an increase in the level of educational work with a person, allocating priorities in the system of education of personnel, improving the organizational and staff structure of educational devices and ensure their optimal financing.

At the same time, in modern conditions, the measures taken by educational impact, the forms of their implementation are often not fully consistent with the requirements, are not adequate to the realities of life, the needs of the operational situation, the qualitative composition of personnel. College of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at a meeting on December 23, 1998, having considered the state of working with personnel in the personnel policy system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia noted that so far, personnel work has not become a priority for the heads of all levels of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and identified the main directions, paths and methods of its Improving the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. In modern conditions, the General Directorate of Personnel and Personnel Policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia significant efforts to reform the personnel education system, the establishment of social and psychological work in the internal affairs bodies, the improvement of the regulatory framework for the organization of this activity.

Only in recent years in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the following fundamental documents in this area are adopted: Directive No. 1 from. June 19, 1996 "On urgent measures to establish work with a person in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia"; The concept of the development of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (1996), the concept of educational work with cadets and listeners of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (1996), the concept of personnel policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (1998).

The last document identifies a specific program for the activities of the heads of all links, personnel and educational devices, denoted the priority directions of educational work and in the greatest monthly forms of its conduct.

1.1. The concept of educational work

The processes of transformation that occur today in the political, economic, social and spiritual life of Russia have a significant impact on the content of state personnel policy.

Personnel policy is, on the one hand, an integral part of the general policy of the state, due to goals, objectives, principles, nature, directions, forms and methods of working with personnel, requirements for personnel in specific historical conditions, and on the other - the most important means of external and Internal policies, economic, political and cultural transformations, strengthening the rule of law.

The purpose of state personnel policy is to implement the general policies of the state by organizing the activities of the staff of all areas of public administration (education, medicine, armed forces, law enforcement). The latter necessitates the staffing of all spheres highly qualified, well in professional plan prepared by specialists.

The conceptual apparatus, which makes it possible to consider the problems associated with state personnel policy, has two main components: personnel - as a socio-economic phenomenon, including permanent (staff) composition of workers, i.e. Food-born citizens who are in labor relations with government agencies, enterprises with various organizational and legal forms of ownership, having some professional training and possessing special knowledge, labor skills in chosen activities, as well as politics - the art of government management, activities related to public interest In any area of \u200b\u200bthe country's vital activity.

State personnel policy is based on certain principles, i.e. The main theoretical ideas that reflect the patterns of the development of society and the state and determine the elected direction of the activities of subjects of government.

In the scientific literature, the principles of state personnel policy are systematized. So, in their number Professor of the Academy of Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia L.M. Kolodkin includes:

The scientific and realism of personnel policy;

Systematicity and complexity of solutions of personnel problems;

Universal and multi-level personnel policy;

The prospect of personnel policy and the accounting of remote social consequences in its change;

Democratic and accounting of the view of the team in solving personnel problems;

Flexibility and innovation in working with personnel, accounting for historical domestic experience and foreign practice;

Social partnership and equal access to public service;

Spirituality and humanism in personnel policy;

Legal and social protection of personnel.

Personnel policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is a sectoral modification of state personnel policy and is intended to determine paths and methods for improving the system of working with personnel, developing the prospects for the development of the staff of the ministry.

The goal of the personnel policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the period up to 2005 is the formation of a highly professional, stable, optimally balanced personnel corps of the internal affairs bodies, in the greatest mergery, relevant modern and projected social and political, economic, criminogenic and other conditions that can effectively solve the tasks assigned to Ministry, society and state.

As noted in the concept of personnel policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the achievement of the above objective is ensured by solving the following tasks:

Consistent implementation of a single personnel policy in the ministry;

Organization of work with personnel on the basis of the use of scientific achievements, advanced domestic and foreign experience;

Improving management of work with personnel on the basis of modern scientific and analytical and information support;

Development of the regulatory legal framework in the field of working with personnel;

Determination of scientifically based regulations of personnel support of the internal affairs bodies;

Improving the efficiency of using the personnel potential of the internal affairs bodies;

Ensuring the implementation of social rights and guarantees of employees of the internal affairs bodies;

The transition to a new model of law enforcement agencies, characterized by the orientation to the ministry to society and citizens;

Improving educational work with a person.

In the internal affairs bodies, personnel policy is carried out in the following areas:

Improving human resources management in bodies and departments of internal affairs;

Picking by qualified and competent personnel, increasing the efficiency of its use;

Development modern system preparation, retraining and advanced training;

Development of the psychological service of the internal affairs bodies;

Reforming a system to strengthen the spiritual and moral basis of the service in the internal affairs bodies.

The latter necessitates the need to form the personality of an employee of the internal affairs bodies in an inseparable connection with the tasks assigned to the state to the internal affairs bodies. The main one is the implementation of the Constitutional Regulations on the recognition, compliance and protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens.

Unfortunately, radical transformations that occurred and occurring in our country have violated the usual behavioral mechanisms: stereotypes and behavior schemes that have developed traditions and norms that have previously existed in society have been destroyed. As a result, an ideological vacuum appeared. All combined and gave rise to conflict situations At various levels: political, interethnic, labor, family and others who have soaked with constant mistakes in politics, economics and other spheres of public life. At the same time, no need to forget the lessons of history: in society any transformations can be successful only when they are based on the traditions of the people. Thus, the assimilation of state-patriotic values \u200b\u200bby employees of the internal affairs bodies is a necessary factor for proper performance of official duties, as the main requirements for civil servants are: professionalism, competence, responsibility for decisions, loyalty to the Constitution and Fatherland.

In modern conditions, when the state appeals to the values \u200b\u200bof the Russian spirituality, the feeling of national pride, patriotism, as ever the need for active educational "work among employees of the internal affairs bodies. It is she who will help to solve one of the most important issues facing law enforcement agencies today: to form The positive image of the employee of the internal affairs bodies, correctly understanding the essence of the transformation of civil society, its values \u200b\u200band ready to stand on the protection of state interests.

Educational work in the internal affairs bodies is the targeted activity of the heads of all ranks, employees of personnel and educational devices, public institutions for the formation of high civil, moral and psychological and professional qualities, mobilizing it on "Successful performance of operational tasks, strengthening legality and official discipline.

The relevance and significance of educational work with the personnel, the need for its indigenous improvement today is called:

1. Reducing the level of moral and psychological condition of personnel, which manifests itself in the growth of disorders of discipline and legality. The number of employees involved in liability for violation of legality has increased almost one and a half times in the past five years, and for disorders of discipline - almost doubled. Special concern causes the facts of committing serious crimes, including group, mercenary orientation. There are not isolated cases of betrayal of the interests of the service, the abuse of official position. Still, the level of drunkenness among personnel remains high.

2. Lost professionalism and decline in the overall culture of employees. The number of complaints and applications for their rudeness, rudeness, inattentive attitude towards citizens are not reduced. There are often cases of insulting and humiliation of people who have applied for help in the police. A number of employees do not know how to behave in public places, in communicating with citizens.

3. A drop in the company's ranking and prestige in the internal affairs bodies, the confidence of the population to their work. According to the data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, on average, 39% of the population is not satisfied with the work of the internal affairs bodies and believe that they are not able to ensure the rule of law and personal safety of citizens.

4. increased physical, moral and psychological loads, intensified pressure on employees by unlawful elements. All this is aggravated by political and economic instability in the country, the exacerbation of the criminogenic environment, which in turn caused losses from part of confidence in the need and usefulness of their labor, apathy, indifference to the results of official activity. As a result, the outflow of qualified personnel and the erosion of the professional core in leading services does not stop. Negative influence There is a reduction in the database of personnel selection, deterioration of the qualitative composition of the newly adopted persons.

5. Suspension at the places of local administration and legislative assemblies established by the legislation of social guarantees, benefits and compensation to personnel. Systematic delays in the payment of monetary content, especially employees contained at the expense of the local budget.

The administration of different levels practically does not provide free accommodation in the internal affairs bodies. The number of sections for housing is increasing, and the possibility of loans to its construction or acquisitions provided by the current legal acts is reduced. The permanent fact is the late payment of insurance amounts and amounts to reimburse the damage caused to employees in view of the notions from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for these purposes. As an increase in the number of criminal encroachments in relation to employees of the internal affairs bodies, the decisions taken by the courts to persons who committed them are inadequate to unlawful actions. The evidence of the testimony of employees of the internal affairs bodies in the courts, especially on the facts of action in the conditions of professional risk, while simultaneously increasing the number of lawsuits to employees on compensation for moral damage.

6. Reducing the effectiveness of information and psychological and pedagogical support of the operational work of employees. Educational devices do not fully work with the personnel, since in recent years, with a numerical growth of personnel in the internal affairs bodies, more than 40%, the educational apparatus decreased by two thirds compared to its previous composition, its structure has been violated, the organizational Methodological management of the activities of Gorzhalinorganov, services and units of internal affairs in matters of education, socio-legal protection and moral and psychological training of employees and the level of professionalism of a significant part of the governing staff, especially appointed, employees of educational and personnel apparatus in the field of work with the personnel not in Full extent complies with the requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The moral and psychological unpreparedness of the part of employees to action in extreme conditions, confusion, emotional breakdowns, inability to overcome difficulties in everyday service activities adversely affect the quality of the performance of operational and service tasks, lead to death, wounds and injuries of employees and determine the urgent need for cardinal improvement of the organization and Work with the personnel of the internal affairs bodies. The specific program of educational activities of managers of all degrees of educational and personnel apparatus staff for the near future is determined by the concept of personnel policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Directive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 1 dated June 19, 1996.

1.2. The role of educational work in the system of working with frames

The leading place in organizing educational work in the system of internal affairs of the Russian Federation and coordination of the actions of the entities of education belongs to the main management of the personnel and personnel policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which directly solves this task to managing educational work. Similar functions on the scale of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The GUVD, ATC, ATTDT is assigned to departments (branches) on working with a person (educational work), which are members of the personnel (departments) of personnel.

In the Gorzhalinorgans of the internal affairs, managers and direct organizers of the focused educational work with a personnel are bosses of bodies and their deputies for personnel. The subjects of educational work also include managers of services and divisions, employees of the personnel apparatus, mentors, public organizations and bodies of public amateur activities in force in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

In working with the personnel of the internal affairs bodies, a special role belongs to educational apparatuses, for "It is the organizers of the educational process that the link between the heads, commanders and subordinates, coming to the mind and the heart of each employee and the military personnel of the state significance of the tasks set before them, mobilize the personnel on The execution of orders of senior bosses, instill professionalism, strengthen the cohesion and moral and psychological attitude of the teams.

Fedorov V.I. On the roles and objectives of the heads of apparatus for working with the personnel of the internal affairs bodies and the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in modern conditions.

1.3. Subjects and Education Objects in ATS

In the hierarchy of the system of educational devices, the primary role is made by the management of the educational work of the Main Directorate of Personnel and Personnel Policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which structurally includes departments:

Educational work;

Psychological work;

Propaganda and socio-state training;


Social work.

In operational submission of management are also:

Central Museum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

Cultural Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

Studio artists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.V. Veresmangin;

Central Library of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

Club of veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The main target plants of the management of educational work GUK and the CP Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are:

Development and implementation in practice of measures to mobilize the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the implementation of public policy in the fight against crime, ensuring law and order and legality;

The formation of moral installations of employees of internal affairs bodies, focused on strict compliance with the Constitution, the Laws of the Russian Federation, loyalty to the oath;

Ensuring the moral and psychological sustainability of personnel, an increase in its common and professional culture;

Organizational activities on the implementation of legislatively established socio-legal guarantees of the personnel of the internal affairs bodies, families of the dead employees and veterans of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Based on these targets, the management of educational work solves the following tasks:

1. Analyzes the moral and psychological state of personnel, compliance with the discipline and legality in the bodies and divisions of the internal affairs. Together with the services of the Ministry, participates in the development and implementation of the concept of educational work in the internal affairs bodies and other software documents in the field of work with the personnel. Regularly prepares and directs reviews about the state of legality and discipline among the personnel of the internal affairs bodies, etc.

2. Exercises on this issue the information and analytical services of the management of bodies and units of the internal affairs, the preparation of documents and materials into the authorities of the state and management of the Russian Federation, interested instances, the media, public organizations.

3. Organizes work on state and legal informs of the personnel of the internal affairs bodies, the methodological support of social and state training of employees, lecture propaganda, registration of visual agitation in the divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Develops forms and methods to counteract the penetration into service teams of elements of extremism, nationalism and religious fanaticism, attempts to split service teams on the interethnic and interfaith bases. Annually accounts for instructions on the organization and conduct of social and state training and approximate subjects of classes, directs methodological development to the place.

4. Provides popularization of the heroic of the service in the internal affairs bodies, the propaganda of selfless actions of personnel, using the possibilities of museums, the palaces of culture, clubs, studios, centers and other cultural systems of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,

5. Interacts with film studios, creative unions, media, sociological centers and analytical services, public associations on strengthening authority and increase the prestige of the profession of employee of the internal affairs bodies. Exercises the publication of materials to the filed by the problem.

6. Provides regular development and publication of educational materials, recommendations for various directions of educational work, organizes retraining and advanced training of individual categories of educational staff. It provides on this issue methodological assistance to the heads of the internal affairs bodies.

7. Participates in the development and examination of the regulatory framework for the provision of social and legal protection of personnel, interacts with government agencies and interested instances, public organizations when considering issues related to the protection of legitimate rights and interests of employees, teams of internal affairs bodies, participates in The development of targeted social development programs of the internal affairs bodies, promotes the creation of the material and technical base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to solve social problems of personnel.

8. Organizes the provision of legal and social guarantees to the families of the dead and affected employees, disabled and veterans of the internal affairs bodies. To this end, uses the possibilities of professional and veteran organizations, public unions and funds. Provides assistance in organizing such activities.

9. Methodological work on the organization of individual educational work, the development of mentoring, activities of public amateurness of the internal affairs bodies, the development of recommendations for the conservation and development of the traditions of the internal affairs bodies.

10. Organizes the psychological support of the activities of the personnel of the internal affairs bodies, analyzes the causes and conditions for the incidence of suicide, inadequate behavior of employees in extreme conditions and abnormal situations. As part of this task, the Office is developing proposals for the formation of a healthy moral and psychological climate in service teams of bodies and units, guidelines for the psychological preparation of personnel for action in ordinary and extreme conditions; organizes the provision of psychological assistance and support to employees after staying in non-standard situations, as well as members of their families; provides methodological assistance in organizing psychological support for special operations; prepares techniques for the prevention of professional deformation, emotional and psychological breakdowns, the development of psychological stability skills in solving operational and service tasks; Organizes training, retraining and advanced training of practical psychologists in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

11. He summarizes and distributes positive experiences with the personnel of the bodies and departments in the field, conducts nationwide and regional meetings, working meetings, scientific conferences and seminars for improving this work.

12. Carries out verification of the state of work with a personnel in the bodies and divisions of the internal affairs, educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia during inspections, control and targeted checks.

At the same time, in the practical activities of the educational work, there are a number of unused opportunities to improve the effectiveness of the educational process. In the leading documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia underlined the importance:

Improving the effectiveness of working with the personal part of the leaders of the main link of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - Gorryalinorganov internal affairs; tightening control and increasing responsibility for working with personnel; providing personal example of managers, organizing training their theory and practice of educational work; the introduction of best practices;

Strengthening the influence of the main departments and managements of the central office of the Ministry, sectoral services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Central Department of Internal Affairs, Department of Internal Affairs, WTCV in solving issues of organizing work with a person in places; Overcoming part of the heads of structural units underestimates the importance of educational work with people as the most important factor in improving the efficiency of operational and official activities of the internal affairs bodies;

Improvement of the organization and style of work of personnel and educational devices, their interaction with other divisions, own security service; raising the level of professionalism of educational staff; excluding cases of unjustified movements of them on equivalent positions in other services; bringing the organizational structure and number of these devices in accordance with the functions and tasks assigned to them; formation of psychological service in organs and departments of the internal affairs;

Strengthening attention to the activities of deputy chiefs (commanders) on personnel, directly responsible for organizing educational work: ensuring their preparation and retraining, advanced training; preventing cases of imposing duties that are not directly related to the entrusted area of \u200b\u200bactivity;

Activation of the work of positively proven bodies of public ammonium - courts of honor, officer meetings, veterans councils, female Soviets etc. And the use of their capabilities in the professional and moral education of personnel, strengthening the moral and psychological climate in service teams.

In the link of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Directorate of the Russian Federation, the Internal Affairs Directorate for transport and regime objects is entrusted to the departments, a personnel (educational work), members of the personnel (departments) of the relevant devices of the internal affairs bodies.

The staffing number and organizational and staff structure of these departments (offices) are determined taking into account model models and within the regulations and limits of the number established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Most of them have created units (separations, groups), similar to the fact that there are in the management of the educational work of the GUKIKP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The activities of departments (offices) on working with the personnel (educational work) volume and multifacene and are similar to what was considered above. Therefore, we will dwell on the greatest formations of their activities.

2. Planning for educational work in the internal affairs bodies

2.1. The role of planning in organizing educational work in

Educational devices are developing and rendered for consideration of the colleges of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Internal Affairs Program, promising plans of measures to enhance educational work with the personnel.

The promising program for implementing the concept of personnel policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is approved in the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Moscow, the Department of Internal Affairs of Saratov, Kursk, Lipetsk regions and other subjects of the Federation. In the Department of Internal Affairs of the Magadan region at the same time there is a specialized program "Improvement of a moral and psychological climate in official groups, raising the role and responsibility of the leadership of all levels in the strengthening of discipline and legality among personnel"; In the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Voronezh region - "A comprehensive program to strengthen discipline and legality for 1999-2000."

In the Ulyanovsk region, along with a promising work plan with the personnel of the Department of Internal Affairs, the preparation of annual work plans in the leading services is practiced. Such plans include: identifying employees responsible for organizing work with personnel, analysis of its effectiveness; the creation of its own certification commissions designed to unload the central certification commission from solving insignificant issues; Conducting in departments, departments and services of own "personnel days" and other events.

At the initiative of the educational apparatus and personnel departments for consideration by collegiums, operational meetings are made in the greatest seasonemezza issues of work with the personnel, preparation for which is often implemented in cooperation with other interested services of ministries and offices. At the meetings of the Boards are discussed, as a rule, in the greatest meretic problems: "On the practice of using educational work rooms, rituals and traditions of the internal affairs bodies in working with the personnel" (GUVD of Moscow), "On the Complex of Events aimed at Saving and Strengthening psychological and physical health of employees of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Belgorod region "; "On the work carried out with employees requiring increased attention and control" (ATC of the Voronezh region); "On the state of the interaction of the internal affairs bodies of the Saratov region with veteran organizations and measures for their prospective development"; "On violations of discipline, strengthening the legality among personnel and measures to prevent them" (Internal Affairs of the Ivanovo region) and others.

2.2. Types of plans reflecting personnel and educational

works in the ATS and their content

Much attention in many MIA. The GUVD, ATC, PTTT is given to the regulatory and information and methodological support of educational activities in the internal affairs bodies. Almost everywhere developed and approved by the relevant leaders of the Regulations on the Departments (offices) on working with the personnel (educational work) and their structural units.

The most important regulatory document regulating the organization of work with a person who determines the main directions, priority forms and methods of educational work, the participation of various categories of management, the plan of the implementation of the Collegium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 1998, who approved the concept of personnel policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russia for the near future, the requirements of the Directive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 1 dated June 19, 1996

A significant place in the activities of educational devices occupies the preparation of guidelines for the organizers and participants of the educational process, which in their scientific level can be divided into two groups.

The first group includes recommendations prepared by departments (offices) of educational work in conjunction with researchers, faculty of scientific and educational institutions. They are the result of the scientific development of a specific practical problem of organizing work with the personnel and in their content are, as a rule, significant and scientific documents, the introduction of which in the practice of internal affairs bodies leads to positive results.

The second group is an independent generalization of the educational devices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the ATC of the accumulated experience in the field and on this basis the issuance of practical recommendations to the subjects of the educational process. Themes of such recommendations are very multifaceted:

The rights of managers in material stimulation and material restriction of employees of the internal affairs bodies;

Organization of work with the personnel in order to counter various forms of extremism;

Forms and methods of individual educational work with various categories of personnel;

The organization of mentoring in the internal affairs bodies;

Clearance of visual agitation, educational work rooms;

Organization of work of vessels;

Prevention of suicides;

Organization of educational work with employees of high-risk groups;

Improvement of the heroic-patriotic education of the personally-first composition;

Organization of legal protection of employees;

Organization of educational work with a person in the conditions of carrying service on an enhanced version;

Psychological preparation of personnel for the performance of official-operational tasks in extreme conditions.

Much attention to the departments (branches) on working with personnel pay the development and publication of information materials for both employees and educators' leaders. In some MIA, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Department of Internal Affairs published in the form of memos, in others - in the form of information bulletins for working with personnel (educational work), in third - collections of regulatory documents, individual brochures, practical recommendations.

So, in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Murmansk region published a memo to the employee attracted to the protection of public order during the election period. In the Department of Internal Affairs of the Magadan region uses a small format memo. "The use of physical force, special means and firearms", "Militia and citizens' right." In the Central Bank of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, information and methodological materials are published annually for heads of public training teams. In the Department of Internal Affairs of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Orenburg, Kostroma, Murmansk, Arkhangelsk and a number of other areas, information bulletins for working with personnel periodically publish. In a number of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Department of Internal Affairs, collections of regulatory acts on social protection of employees of the internal affairs bodies, recommendations on psychological support of official activity, brochures, memos about the culture of behavior and conversion of citizens and other information and methodical materials.

Educational devices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Department of Internal Affairs practiced the preparations of reviews and analytical information in various areas of work with the personnel. They outlines a fairly wide range of issues and problems of this activity, for example; on the state of transport discipline among personnel; On the legal protection of personnel; On the results of the study of public opinion on the activities of the police, the moral and psychological climate in the service teams; on the organization of work with young employees; About the actions of employees in extreme conditions, etc.

It is necessary to note this type of information and analytical document, which covers the positive experience of educational work among personnel. In places, the subject of study, generalizations and implementation of excellence are the most common evaluum problems of education of personnel, in particular: only in 1999, the positive experience of the Deputy Commander Omon on the personnel of the police lieutenant colonel V.S. was generalized in the Lipetsk region. Rulev, in the ATC of the Voronezh region - the experience of the psychologist Ostrogogsky Groved A.I. Helped, in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Chita region, the work of the Council of Mentors of the Ingodin ROVD, in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Murmansk region - the work of fevents.

An important activity of educational devices is their participation in integrated inspections of bodies and units of internal affairs, conducting control and targeted audits of the state of work with the personnel, fulfilling the requirements of departmental acts. During the inspections, employees of educational devices provide practical and methodological assistance to verifiable managers, conduct instructive seminars and showing classes, participate in the development of plans to eliminate the shortcomings and implementing proposals for improving educational work. In addition, the positive experience of educating the personnel, the strengthening of the discipline and the moral and psychological climate in the collectives is revealed and summarizes.

Integrated inspection of Gorrhivorgans and units conducted in 1999 in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Voronezh Region made it possible to study the leadership style, professional level, organizational skills of authorities and divisions, assess the role of deputy heads of personnel authorities in the service and operational activities of the internal affairs bodies in the new conditions. According to the results of inspecting, specific recommendations were given.

Another actual activities of educational devices are their participation in the preparation of consolidated detachments sent to the "hot spots" of Russia. As a rule, it includes: I

Selection of persons sent to the zone of extreme conditions, according to special techniques, including psychological testing, followed by the issuance of recommendations (psychological passports) commander of detachments for a purposeful individual educational work;

Training sent, which, as a rule, is conducted stationary in the training centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Department of Internal Affairs, WvTT on a specially developed program, the use of military-educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense in a number of opportunities. For communities are developed and issued on the hands of special memos for action in an emergency, all of them are supplied with topographic maps of the emergency area;

Unconditional provision of personnel of consolidated detachments; Located monetary and broad contentment, means of individual protection, and families established by the state with benefits and compensation, and on returning it is financial assistance, including at the expense of sponsors;

Maintaining a permanent connection between the detachments of the * E zone of emergency, and commodent authorities and units, as well as relatives of employees. As a rule, for subjective lighting in the mass media of the combat task, consolidated units, as well as informing families of employees to the zone of special conditions, representatives of the press centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, ATC are sent;

The provision of moral and psychological support of personnel * during the service period in special conditions. In this regard, the delegations of delegations in the "Hot Points" are the most memorable form to present the state awards to distinguished fighters, the transfer of parcels of native and loved ones, humanitarian aid from colleagues, video recordings with the appeal of parents, wives, children, colleagues. According to commoded, such meetings have a positive impact on the strengthening of the moral and psychological state of personnel. That is how the fighters of the consolidated dedication of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Bryansk region arrived in 1999 in the combat zone in the North Caucasus of the head of office V.A. Fezunova.

It is necessary to keep in mind that the moral and psychological state of the community largely depends on their emotional attitude. Therefore, the Altai Territory, Bryansk, Yaroslavl regions, where solemn rituals are held at the Department of Internal Affairs, where solemn rituals are held in connection with the Wires and Meeting Participants in hostilities in the zones of armed conflicts.

The effectiveness of the educational process in the bodies and units of the internal affairs directly depends on a number of circumstances. On the one hand, a significant reserve for improving the activities of educational devices is to bring their organizational and staff structure and in accordance with the tasks and the amount of activity entrusted to them. The above-mentioned problem is solved by introducing into practice the experience of private security and state fire service, creating educational and personnel apparatus (branches, groups) in the largest mercury divisions, introducing deputy heads of departments of the departments of criminal police, police of public security by personnel.

On the other hand, in a number of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Department of Internal Affairs received new forms of work, activating the activities of educational devices that increase the level and state of working with the personnel. Thus, in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Educational Work among Gorrhiorganov, the Department of Educational Works among the Gorrhiorganov, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, has been established, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (based on a special position) bEST ORGANIZATION Works with personnel among Gorrhivorganov, Building divisions, fire units.

In the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ulyanovsk region in the teams of internal affairs bodies use such a form of educational work as "personnel days". With their preparation and conduct a number of organizational issues were resolved. First, their legal status is established in the system forms of work with frames. Secondly, carrying out such events began to be planned for a quarter with a mandatory preliminary verification of the issue issued for discussion or hearing. Thirdly, their holding in the groups of bodies and divisions was carried out under the strict control of employees of personnel and educational devices of the Department of Internal Affairs and in their active participation.

Simultaneously in the arsenal of organizational activities to enhance educational work still continue to be tested by the time of form and methods, including such as hearing reports of employees of educational devices at operational meetings, the next and extraordinary certification of them.

In the organization of educational work, sociological research was widely extended to study the personal opinion of HRVD employees, building departments that allow us to identify factors that adversely affect the state of service training and discipline, the formation of a healthy moral and psychological climate in the collectives. Research results are subsequently used in the preparation of materials at meetings of colleges, operational meetings.

During 1998-1999 In the Trans-Baikal WTVTT, a comprehensive study of personnel was carried out. The result of this work was considered at the meeting of the board, where a promising plan for improving the moral and psychological climate in organs and units was adopted.

These are the main directions of activity of educational devices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, ATC, PTTT and in the greatest commercial forms of their work.

2.3. Participation of the head of the ATS in the planning of educational

work and its conduct

In any case, success is predetermined by people, their professional preparedness, the ability and desire to work efficiently, strictly carry out the functional duties assigned to them.

In this regard, the head of the internal affairs body, in order to increase the productivity of operational-work activities, it is necessary, first of all, to establish a system of working with the personnel, to improve the vocational qualities of employees, the strengthening of discipline and legality.

The Directive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 1 dated June 19, 1996, about the fundamental improvement in work with the personnel, prescribes the leadership of the internal affairs bodies of the internal affairs bodies, crime. Special attention is paid "in the state of working with a person in the main link of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - Gorzhalinorgans of the Interior.

Sociological studies have shown that any experienced leader 60-70% of time spends on working with people. At the same time, only one of five leaders has high educational qualities.

The main methods of the educational impact of the head for the individual, the team is: first, the word (the ability to brightly, convincingly, is argued and emotionally to bring the idea, task, information); Secondly, the ability to combine with practical implementation in practice, i.e. in business; Third, a personal example of the head in all spheres of its activities - the service, compliance with the requirements of the discipline and legality, the norms of professional ethics, disciplinary practice, care for subordinates, etc.

The most expensive form for the identity of the educator's personality is following;

a) the presence of certain theoretical knowledge in the field of pedagogy, the psychology of the personality and the team, social psychology, knowledge of the effective forms and methods of collective and individual work with employees;

b) the ability to practically organize an educational process in the service team;

c) high moral culture to establish personal informal relations with subordinates and members of their families, the permission of interpersonal contradictions and conflicts;

d) the ability to make the right educational conclusions from the developing relationships in the collective of the body, the division.

Responsibility for the state of work with personnel, compliance with the discipline and legality by the personnel of Gorzhalinorgan internal affairs is entrusted to the head. His direct service is the organization and conduct of work with the personnel, participation in raising subordinates.

The leading role of the Organizer of all work with the personnel belongs to the first head of the internal affairs body. The chief solves the tasks related to the education of personnel through the deputy for personnel, the personnel and educational apparatus, managers of services and divisions. In working with the personnel, it also relies on public associations of employees operating in the internal affairs body.

The participation of the head in the upbringing of subordinates is carried out in three main areas: the organization of direct educational work and personal participation in it, concern for subordinates, the creation of a healthy moral and psychological climate in the team.

The algorithm of activity of the head of the internal affairs body on the organization of a targeted educational process includes:

Analysis of the moral and psychological climate in the team, the state of discipline and legality among employees and the adoption of exhaustive measures to strengthen them, including systematic planning of this work;

Ensuring the participation of all managers of services and divisions in raising subordinates by determining priority tasks at a particular time stage; putting them before subordinate managers; Organizations of their teaching methods of educational read, the basics of pedagogy and psychology; monitoring the status and efficiency of working with personnel; regularly hearing reports of lower heads and commanders at operational meetings;

The organization of individual educational work with a personnel with the help of targeted leadership and control over its subordinate leaders, as well as personal participation in it, primarily with its deputies, supervisors of services and units;

The use of mentoring in the professional and moral formation of the personality of a young employee. The head of the internal affairs body, together with his deputy personnel, must consolidate the order for each young employee of the mentor, to organize their training, monitor their work, to hear reports of mentors, to encourage the best of them for effective activities to prepare a new replenishment;

Taking measures to create a system of compliance with the staff of discipline and legality. This is one of the most important tasks of the head of any level of management, for which, in accordance with the requirements of departmental regulations, their personal responsibility is provided;

Implementation of suspended and reasonable disciplinary practice. The right to encourage and punish subordinates is an effective educational agent in the hands of the chief. Promotion contributes to the development of activity, initiatives of employees, stimulates their confidence in their forces, and recovery - increases the responsibility of subordinates for the results of official activity, compliance with the procedure and discipline. Types of promotions and disciplinary recovers, the procedure for their application, the rights and responsibility of the heads for the application of encouragements and imposition of penalties are governed by the Regulations on the service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and the instructions for its use. The head of the Internal Affairs authority is not only obliged to be guided by these requirements, but also to ensure their strict compliance with subordinate heads of services and units. He is given the right to cancel, to mitigate the recovery announced by the following leaders, or impose more severe recovery within its competence; - organization of personnel of personnel on the internal and foreign policy of the state, the trends in the development of the socio-political and socio-economic situation in the country of changes in the current legislation, new legal and departmental regulations, the state of operational activities and personal participation in it; - Planning and holding various educational events. The head of the internal affairs body takes care of creating the conditions of them, promotes the introduction of new, effective forms of educational work. The most important educational importance is also involved in the conduct of solemn rituals, competitions of professional skills, in various cultural and sports and recreational events. At the formation of high professional and moral qualities, professional training has been providing a positive impact, for the organization of which the head of the internal affairs is responsible. The order for the internal affairs body is determined by the procedure for organizing and conducting classes on current official, physical and combat training, the schedule of classes, forms and methods of briefing team leaders, control over occupation, performance of employees are approved. The first leader, as a rule, taking a personal part in the conduct of classes with employees enrolled in the reserve of personnel on nomination, with young employees. Special attention in all this appeals to increasing the effectiveness of the educational impact of all types of classes;

The implementation of interaction with public organizations and public amateur bodies - the courts of honor, the advice of mentors, veterans, trade union organizations, various associations (participants in the elimination of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, organizational players, etc.). The latter with the debt interaction system make a significant contribution to the education of personnel.

It must be borne in mind that in accordance with the current regulatory acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the head of the body sends the activities of courts of honor, tips of mentors. He approves their work plans, aims the efforts of these formations to strengthen the discipline to upbringing employees, an increase in their professional skills. Initially informs the asset of the public about the tasks facing the team and the moral and psychological climate in it. Promoting in carrying out activities (ensuring the personnel of the personnel, the provision of premises, transport, etc.), takes into account their opinion in working with a person.

The most important activity of the head of the internal affairs authority, which directly affects the effectiveness of educational work, is concern for frames. This directional includes primarily ensuring the social and legal protection of the personnel. Particular attention is paid to employees who have become disabled in wound when performing official tasks, as well as the families of the dead employees. It should be taken into account that in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia N 426 -1996, the demand from those leaders who do not pay due attention to this issue are strengthened.

In its daily practical activities, the head of the body takes all measures to create the necessary conditions for the labor and life of employees: the construction and repair of office space, the opening of the rest rooms for the duty officer, the functioning of sports halls and tires or leases, organization of ensuring the full amount of personnel by all See satisfaction, in accordance with legislation, contributes to the provision of housing staff, implementation in full social benefits, guarantees and compensation.

This activity also covers the creation of the necessary conditions for the advanced training of personnel, staff in the evening and correspondence educational institutions.

No less educational charge is carried and decisions taken by the head of the personnel authority: the movement of employees in service, nominate them to higher positions, inclusion in the reserve for nomination, representation to the assignment of the next special ranks with them by the substantiation of their delay, conducting certification of personnel.

The head of the head of the creation of a healthy moral and psychological climate in the team includes seven main directions:

1. The establishment of the right official relations, in which the completeness of the manifestation of the three status of each employee is ensured;

Civil - the observance of his personal rights, public dignity guaranteed by the Constitution and the laws of the Russian Federation;

Official - clear regulation of the rights and obligations of an employee, using it in accordance with the qualifications, a fair assessment of business and personal qualifications, because in practice, which is not a factory assessment system, the less workers develop the energy of the day of the day and the more spend it on the "approach" to boss;

Personal - ensuring recognition in the team, satisfaction with its informal relations in the team.

2. Formation of public opinion, which is similar to a regulator of the behavior of people is used by the head as a means of eliminating backward and harmful to the common cause of group and individual views and sentiment.

3. Creation of positive emotional psychological mood in the team.

Personal mood of employees, as a rule, depend on: Definitions before each of them, the nearest and long-term prospects in official activities, satisfy the urgent interests and needs, clear organization of the service, creating an atmosphere of benevolence and mutual support; The lack of rudeness, tactlessness, rudeness in interpersonal relationships.

In this regard, it is always necessary to remember that, filed sociological studies, for each minute of conflict due to the richness and non -actic behavior of the head, there are 20 minutes of subsequent experiences in each subordinate, during which, naturally, no work is laid.

4. Formation and development of traditions that, according to A.S. Makarenko, are for the team with social glue, bonding it into one.

5. Stimulation and motivation of work.

6. Personal example, which is manifested in compliance with laws, organized and discipline. He must combine businesslike and demanding with attentive and mental communication.

To master the art of communication, with people, the head must be respected by the personal dignity of subordinates, to know the features of their character and temperament, be restrained, patient, attentive and tactful, to have versatile interests and high professionalism. Subordinates appreciate the simplicity of communion of the head, but do not forgive the primitive and simplified approach to themselves.

7. Support in educational work on public associations of employees.

In the creation of a healthy moral and psychological climate in a team, the organization of legal assistance to employees involved in responsibility for action in the performance of official duties or affected during service is important.

All the work with the person in the internal affairs body, the boss holds, relying on the aid of his deputy on personnel, which, by virtue of his official status, is intended to work professionally, the organization and conduct of educational work with employees. The approximate list of the main functional duties of the Deputy Head of Persons in the field of educational work was determined by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 420-1993. These include:

Analysis of high-quality personnel and a comprehensive study of them in practice;

Organization of training personnel and its own participation in classes;.

Organization of certification of personnel;

Analysis of the state of discipline and legality, preparation of proposals for their strengthening;

Taking measures to realize the rights and guarantees of social protection of personnel;

Organization and conduct of educational, cultural and educational and fitness work among employees;

Knowledge of needs and determination of measures to improve the living conditions and activities of personnel on the basis of the study of requests and sentiment of employees;

Establishing and strengthening relations with public associations, labor collectives, media;

Consideration of letters, complaints and statements on the activities and behavior of employees, the admission of subordinates, as well as citizens on issues relating to work with personnel, and the adoption of measures to eliminate the identified deficiencies.

His work on the formation of high professional and moral qualities, mobilizing them on improving the effectiveness of operational work, strengthening the moral and psychological climate, the discipline and legality among the personnel of the deputy head of personnel is planning in a special section of the work plan of the body as a whole. In it, along with measures to improve the qualitative composition of personnel, improving the selection of candidates for the service, consolidation of personnel, improving their professional skills, the formation of a reserve for nomination and organizing work with it includes specific measures to fulfill the management documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for working with the personnel; organization and conduct of individual educational work, mentoring; strengthening discipline and legality among personnel; state-legal informing and conducting classes in the social and state training system; Organization of professional-moral 1 of heroic-patriotic education; ensuring cultural leisure and the development of physical education and health work among personnel; cooperation with public. Ensuring the social and legal protection of employees and members of their families.

In the work on the fulfillment of planned activities, the deputy head of personnel is based primarily on the commanding staff, which has in its submission of employees, mentors, managers of public amateur bodies and publicization, which, with a full basis, can be called the pedagogical team of Gorzhalinorgan. The deputy provides them with help, seeks unity, consistency and continuity in educational work. Teachs them (especially the junior principal) of the practice of organizing various activities, the use of individual forms and methods of individual cultural and educational and sports work, instills the teachers responsible for the entrusted business, leads them by self-education and self-development.

The focus of its activities, the Deputy Head of the Internal Affairs authority on personnel pays to managers of services and divisions. It is from their daily activities to raise subordinates, the effectiveness of the solution of operational and official tasks, the state of the moral and psychological climate, the level of discipline and legality among the personnel are largely dependent.

a) the definition of the goals and objectives of educational work for each service leader, divisions, development and bringing to them clear criteria for assessing the level of educational work in the division;

b) analysis of the lifetime of various categories of personnel, employees of individual services and divisions, identifying the causes of the emergence and ways to overcome miscalculations in educational work;

c) planning educational work with the governing form;

d) instructing the heads of services and units on the organization, and conducting educational work with subordinates, providing them with the necessary methodological and practical assistance, creating the necessary conditions that ensure their successful educational activities;

e) the organization and implementation of the leadership of the methodology for conducting educational work, the basics of pedagogy and psychology, an increase in their pedagogical skills;

(e) Organization of the exchange of experience of the heads and commanders for training and education subordinates, the study and dissemination of the positive experience of this activity;

g) bringing to the heads of information about the state of affairs in the team, the requirements of the steering documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on educational work, conducting interviews with this category of officials by their knowledge and implementation;

i) implementation of systematic control over the educational work of the heads of services and units (especially individual), the organization of hearing reports of managers with subordinates, at operational meetings under the head of the internal affairs authority, keeping accounting for the results of this activity;

k) making proposals to the head of the authority for the validity of the disciplinary practice of the governing staff.

Means and forms of educational work that can be used by the management team and units are very diverse. Among them can be allocated:

Conducting in a variety of individual educational work with subordinates. At the same time, special attention is paid to persons prone to misconduct, having omissions in official activities, young employees;

Careful selection of mentors, instructors, assisting in the upbringing and training of young employees, control over this work;

Systematic control over the activities of subordinates and optimal use of disciplinary measures of impact on them;

Conducting classes in the system of socio-state training;

Speech with lectures, conversations, reports on various issues of official activity, the strengthening of discipline and legality, compliance with the vocational and moral norms of the Code of Code;

Assisting subordinates in solving a variety of issues of official and social activities, ensuring the necessary working conditions and life.

The priority direction of improving operational work, strengthening discipline and legality in the internal affairs bodies is the training of managers of all levels of forms and methods of education of employees, organizing work with the personnel.

In the fields in the internal affairs bodies, a number of areas and forms of management of the governing staff corresponding to the realities of the modern period were held, the requirements of the Guidelines of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Among them, first of all, it is possible to name the organization of the work of permanent seminars of the leadership on the issues of education of subordinates, organizing their socio-legal protection, strengthening the moral and psychological climate in the teams. Such seminars (schools) are referred to in different ways and cover various categories of management (including deputy heads of internal affairs bodies). Their main purpose is to train listeners to the greatest trees, methods and methods of education of employees, familiarize with scientific recommendations and positive experience in this area.

Only during the year in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Voronezh region, leaders of 5-7 services are trained in such seminars, in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Vladimir region - up to 20 one-time seminars with various categories of managers (from bodies of bodies to junior commanders of the Terminal Units), during which issues are dealt with detail individually - Active work, moral and psychological training, socio-legal protection of employees. In the Department of Internal Affairs of the Chukotka Autonomous District, by virtue of regional specifics, semi-annual educational and methodological fees of the governing line of the internal affairs are organized. At the end of the fees, the listeners pass tests and regulations on combat, official and physical preparation, the results of which directly affect the establishment of the sizes of official salary for these persons. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Komi leaders are trained directly in the authority, institution, division of the internal affairs. For this purpose, workgroups are formed from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to exit and conduct in places of instructive and methodological classes with managers, including those in mastering effective methods of education of personnel. The efforts of the leadership of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ulyanovsk Region are sent to the introduction of the "Education Education" system. At the same time, the main attention is paid to the training of secondary links - the heads of departments, guard, posts, commander of the system divisions, as well as an asset of public associations of employees of the internal affairs bodies.

An important form of work aimed at learning managers to educate subordinates is the internship of newly appointed executives of bodies (institutions) and their deputies for personnel in the departments (departments) on working with the personnel (educational work) of personnel apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, ATC, ATC.

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Department of Internal Affairs introduced the procedure for admission to personal computer exams for newly appointed by the head of the Internal Affairs to the knowledge of the regulatory and legal acts in working with the personnel, forms and methods of education of employees, in other such tests are accepted not only from individuals, Interesting, but also periodically from the entire leading composition.

The effective direction of working with leaders is to increase their role and responsibility for the level of education subordinates in the team. Organizational activities to solve this issue are implemented through:

a) introducing into the functional responsibilities of managers of all levels of provisions on personal participation and responsibility for the state of educational work among subordinates.

In almost all the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Department of Internal Affairs, the Department of Activities and the refinement are entered into job descriptions and the functional responsibilities of the governing lineup of all levels. Thus, in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Krasnoyarsk Territory several changed the criteria for assessing the activities of the authority of the authority (institution). The manager did not put a large number of disciplinary penalties in the subordinate collective in the event that violations were identified by the authority by the authority, adequate misconduct measures of impact and with all this were not allowed among the personnel of emergencies due to the fault of employees, as well as the number of rough Disciplinary disorders, including cases of drunkenness;

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patriotic education employee

1. Civil and patriotic education of ATS officers

The need for civil and patriotic education is due to the fact that the younger generation is not always distinguished by a steady social position. Crisis phenomena undergoing in our society directly affect the spiritual and legal education of the younger generation.

Improving the development of civilian-patriotic qualities of the individual should focus on the interests of modern youth. Only then this idea can become a force that encourages the guys to take and love Fatherland.

Under the patriotic education of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a part of the general educational process is meant, which is a systematic activity on the formation of a personnel of patriotic consciousness, feelings of loyalty to their fatherland, readiness to conscientiously and selflessly fulfill their duty to protect the interests of the state, citizens' rights. These qualities are professionally necessary for the modern employee of the internal affairs bodies. The shortcomings of the training of personnel, which caused numerous violations of the official discipline, legality, official crimes, is recognized today with one of the most significant problems that hinder the efficiency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The fundamental efforts of the heads of the internal affairs bodies, educational devices are directed to the fundamental improvement of the personnel education system.

This work is increasingly actively included with veteran organizations. Thus, the seminar of an asset of the public organization of veterans of the internal affairs bodies on the topic "Patriotic education of young employees of the internal affairs bodies on the topic" Patriotic education of young employees of the internal affairs bodies "allowed coordinating the plans of veterans and managers of the internal affairs of the capital, to intensify their interaction in educational work. With the advice of veterans, a lecture group of 300 people was created. 1200 veterans are involved in practical work, assistance in the prevention and disclosure of crimes, professional and moral education of young employees. A large historical and educational work is conducted by veterans on the basis of museums and corners of the history of the internal affairs bodies, club institutions and units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They in most regions have become a base for organizing events patriotic directionwhere measures are systematically held on commemorative dates of Russian history, lectures, meetings. The best practical experience in the use of the Museum of Internal Affairs of the Orenburg region for patriotic education is approved for distribution in all veteran organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Current centers of patriotic education can be called cultural centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Tatarstan, the GUVD in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, Samara, and others.

Such mass forms of patriotic education, like settling, reviews, festivals have proven well. Thus, with the active participation of the Regional Council of Veterans of the internal affairs and internal troops in the Kaliningrad region, the annual plates of young employees were traditionally held. Another annual review of the primary organizations of veterans of the internal affairs bodies, charitable action "Day of Memory" and a number of other events. With the participation of the Council of Veterans of the internal affairs bodies and the internal troops of the Chuvash Republic, the Institute of Culture was created for employees of the internal affairs bodies. Looking for artistic amateurcies with the participation of veterans was successful in the police department in the Kurgan region. Veterans and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Dagestan take part in the festival "Salute Victory", a number of cultural and sporting events of patriotic orientation.

As objects of work on patriotic education, the advice of veterans consider not only the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, but also the student youth. All-Russian fame received stages of patriotic associations based on the lyceum of militia in the GUVD in the Perm region. Veteran organizations are actively working in Moscow Colleges of Militia, St. Petersburg and Novocherkassky Sumorovsky schools, school law grades. The veteran organization of the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is challenged over a number of Moscow schools.

2. Requirements for the subject of educational work

Subjects of the education system of internal affairs bodies and educational work in ATC are: society, state institutions and institutions, local governments; media; various public organizations; families and close relatives of police officers; leaders of all degrees (both direct and direct supervisors of the subordinate personnel); Deputy heads of personnel; Personnel apparatus (and directly educational organs); headquarters, services, other controls; military and labor collectives; Practical psychologists, mentors, public amateur bodies. An important role in the upbringing belongs to the official team. Speaking as a leading entity of upbringing, the state establishes federal educational standards, supports various forms of education, education and development. From the foregoing it follows that education is the targeted activities of the Company, the states, their institutions and institutions, as well as individual educators for the formation of a citizen (employee), which meets the needs of time and prompting a person to self-improvement. Education is a complex, multifaceted, dialectically developing process. Educational work in the internal affairs bodies is the targeted activity of the heads of all ranks, personnel and educational devices, public institutions for the formation of high civil, moral and psychological and professional qualities, mobilizing them on the successful performance of operational tasks, strengthening the legality and official discipline . Understanding the role and place of all participants in the educational process, interrelated elements of the educational system helps the leading personnel. It is more accurate to identify the functions and objectives of the subjects, assess their capabilities. Figuratively speaking, the head of the ATS and his deputy for personnel should constantly remember that it is they control this system "include all its elements" and can have a very tangible effect on the consciousness and behavior of personnel, subject to the right use of educational A variety of forms and methods. One of the main criteria in the educational process is the pedagogical technology of educational work, under which the complex of forms, methods, techniques and means of targeted educational influences and interactions of officials that take into account the patterns and principles of education of police officers and guaranteeing the effective functioning of the education system as a whole are understood.

The main constant requirements imposed on the teacher are:

Love for pedagogical activities;

The presence of deep special knowledge according to the subject matter;

Wide overall erudition;

Pedagogical intuition;

Highly developed intelligence;

High level of general culture and morality;

Professional possession of various methods of training and education.


1. Methods of conducting educational work with the personnel of the internal affairs bodies / V.M. Burykin, V.M. Shamarov. M., 2002.

2. Applied Legal Pedagogy: Tutorial. / Ed. V.Ya. Kikotya and A.M. Stolyarenko. M., 2008.

3. Basics of organizing educational work with personnel in the internal affairs bodies: Tutorial / under total. ed. Dokt. Teacher. sciences, dock. jurid Sciences, prof. V.Ya. Kicker. - M.: COOKR MVD RF, 2009.

4. Legal pedagogy: Textbook / Ed. V.Ya. Kikotya and A.M. Stolyarenko. M., 2004.

5. Bakirov G. Personnel Management Training. M., 2004.

6. Bordovskaya N.V., Rean A.A. Pedagogy. St. Petersburg, 2001.

7. Kovrov A. Personnel loyalty. M., 2004.

8. Maryn M.I., Budanov A.V., Borisova S.E. Prevention of professional deformation of the personality of the employee of the internal affairs body. M., 2004.

9.Snow the educational work in the ATS: album of the schemes. Zhevlakovich S.S., Tikhomirov S.N., Tsvetkov V.L. M., 2003.

10. Fundamentals of work on strengthening official discipline and legality in the internal affairs bodies: Tutorial / under total. ed. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences VL. Kubashko. - M., CACRO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2008.

11. Pedagogy in the activities of the head of the internal affairs body. / Ed. I.V. Gorlinsky. M., 2002.

12. Sokolova E.N. Moral and psychological training of law enforcement officers. Pedagogical aspect. Ed. V.Ya. Kicker. M., 2005.

13. Batyshev A.S. Practical pedagogy for a novice teacher. MJ., 2003.

14. Bordovskaya N.V., Rean A.A. Pedagogy. St. Petersburg, 2010.

15. Improving the work on the professional and moral education of the personnel of the internal affairs bodies: a collection of materials of the All-Russian meeting of the authorities, divisions, institutions of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation / under total. ed. Dokt. Teacher. sciences, dock. jurid Sciences, prof. V.Ya. Kicker. - M.: COOKR MVD of Russia, 2008.

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