
How to remove rough skin on the feet. Rough skin of the heels: how to clean and remove the rough layer. Causes of rough skin

How to remove rough skin on the feet.  Rough skin of the heels: how to clean and remove the rough layer.  Causes of rough skin

Many girls and women cannot boast of soft and tender heels to the touch. Someone does not pay attention to this, and someone is trying to solve this problem. Today we will find out how to get rid of rough skin on the heels at home.

Home care for rough heels

If you decide to get rid of rough skin on the heels, then you should tune in to a long process of dealing with this problem. Procedures should be carried out weekly, and if possible, then 2 times in 7 days. They consist of the following.


This is a prerequisite for removing rough skin. This item includes all kinds of foot baths. Below we give the recipes for their preparation. Note that the water in them should be approximately 37-40 degrees Celsius, and the procedure should take 20 minutes.

Removal of rough skin layers

For this purpose, you should use a pumice stone or a brush with natural bristles. Note that it is impossible to use a special metal brush, and even more so, it is impossible to cut the skin with a blade, otherwise you may get hurt, and then a sore will appear on the heel, which will heal for a long time and cause you discomfort while walking. This procedure should be carried out immediately after the bath. First you need to wipe your feet dry, and then treat the heels with a pumice stone or brush.


After you have removed the top layers of rough skin, a moisturizer should be applied to the heels. This will be the final step in softening the epidermis.


In between the removal of rough skin, it is recommended to perform these procedures. They will help make the skin soft and tender. You can perform them 2 times a week when you do not plan to remove the coarsened epidermis. The recipes for these procedures can be found below.

How to get rid of rough skin on the heels: regularly use foot baths, use softening or exfoliating masks and be sure to treat the feet with a special brush or pumice stone

Folk remedies for rough skin on the heels

If you are wondering how to get rid of rough skin on the heels with folk methods, then below you will find recipes for how to do this.

Baths for heels

Bath with soda


  1. Soda - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Water - 1 liter.

Take the indicated amount of warm water and dilute soda in it. After that, pour the composition into a small basin and immerse your legs in it. Keep them like this for 20 minutes, periodically adding hot water when you feel it cools down. This bath is considered one of the most effective in the fight against rough skin on the heels. Soda softens the epidermis quickly enough and penetrates deep inside, which allows you to remove a fairly large amount of it in 1 procedure.

Bath with milk

  1. Milk - 500 ml.
  2. Water - 1 liter.

Heat the milk in the usual way so that it becomes hot, but do not bring it to a boil. After that, dilute the soap in it and add warm water. Next, pour the composition into the basin and immerse the feet in it. Keep them like this for 15 minutes, after which you can wipe them and treat with pumice.

Bath with chamomile


  1. Chamomile - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Water - 1 liter.

Instead of chamomile, you can brew St. John's wort, calendula or sage. All these herbs have a positive effect on the epidermis, making it tender and soft. Pour the plant with boiling water, put it on the fire and bring the broth to a boil. Then remove it from the stove and leave for 15 minutes. After this, strain the product, pour into a bowl and keep the feet in it for 20 minutes.

Sea salt bath

You will need:

  1. Sea salt - 0.5 cups.
  2. crushed baby soap- 1 tablespoon.
  3. Water - 1 liter.

Place sea salt and soap into boiling water. Stir the product well and wait a while until it becomes warm. After that, pour it into a bowl and keep your feet in it for 20 minutes.

Heel masks

Mask with yolk

  1. Chicken yolk - 1 pc.
  2. Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.
  3. Olive oil - 1 teaspoon.

Beat the yolk well so that foam appears on it. After that, mix it with warm oil, preheating it in a water bath, and with lemon juice. Put the mask on your feet and warm them. Wait 20 minutes, then rinse your feet with warm water and treat them with a nourishing cream.

Olive oil mask


  1. Olive oil - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Honey - 1 tablespoon.

Combine honey and olive oil and put them in a water bath. Hold the product until it becomes warm. After that, treat your feet with it, insulate them and leave for 20 minutes. When the time is up, rinse them with warm water.

From our article, you learned how to get rid of rough skin on the heels at home. Note that these methods will be effective only if they are used regularly. If you decide to perform only a few procedures, then they are unlikely to help you. We have already said that this is a long process and if you regularly follow all the recommendations, you will achieve the desired result.

In pursuit of beauty, many women suffer various not very pleasant, and sometimes very serious consequences. The desire to become more slender, tall, long-legged pushes women and girls to wear shoes that are very high heels sometimes not very comfortable. The frequent wearing of uncomfortable shoes that are tight or crushing leads to a number of different problems, one of these problems can be attributed to corns and calluses on the feet. If you encounter such a problem, then you should immediately begin to deal with it before it turns into something more serious!

Symptoms and signs of corns

Usually corns are formed where friction and pressure on a certain area of ​​the foot occurs most of all, this friction mainly occurs when wearing tight shoes. But this is by no means the main cause of corns. Poor circulation, flat feet, sweaty feet, excess weight and many other factors can also cause uneven distribution of the load on the foot, and as a result, the appearance of calluses and rough skin on the feet.

Calluses are an area of ​​thick, rough skin yellow color most often they form on the fingers and heels. They can be uncomfortable when walking, and if you do not carry out any procedures to remove them, then they are unlikely to disappear on their own.

Many people and not only women are concerned about the question: how to get rid of corns? To begin with, we should find out the cause of these rough areas on the legs. We advise you to first of all contact a dermatologist to find out the causes of the occurrence and prescribe the correct treatment for this scourge.

If the problem is only cosmetic in nature, then it can be dealt with at home, without the help of a dermatologist or cosmetologist. To do this, in our time, there are many different means and tools.

The main ways to remove corns and corns

The procedure for removing calluses and corns is taking place today different ways: delete using modern means and technology or folk remedies. But it should be understood that it will not work to remove the problem in one day, therefore, it is necessary to patiently and regularly carry out procedures to remove coarsened skin areas, and after removal, carry out preventive procedures in order to avoid their reappearance.

  • There is a special keratolytic cream that softens hardened areas of the skin, which allows them to be painlessly removed. This procedure can be carried out at home. This procedure should be carried out as follows: it is necessary to apply the cream on the problem area of ​​the foot, then seal this area with a plaster and leave it for a long time, it is best to leave it overnight. After the required time has passed, you should wash off the remnants of the cream and rub the area with a pumice stone or a special device for removing corns and corns. In order for corns or corns to disappear, it is necessary to repeat this procedure several times.
  • Pharmacies sell a special patch to remove hardened skin tissues and calluses, it is also used at home. It allows you to get rid of corns or corns without any extra effort. In order to remove a corn or callus, you need to stick it on the problem area of ​​the foot and wear it for several days.
  • Removal of keratinized areas of the skin of the feet can be very conveniently and quickly performed using a special manicure machine for grinding. This device is used in beauty salons, it is also ideal for home use.
  • The laser method of removing seals of the skin of the feet is gaining more and more popularity. Calluses and calluses are destroyed under the influence of laser beam This method is very fast and painless. However, this method is not intended for use at home, since this procedure must be performed by a specialist who knows all the rules of use and the principle of operation of the laser device.
  • Another very popular method of removing seals and calluses on the feet is removal with liquid nitrogen, or scientifically, cryodestruction. With the help of liquid nitrogen, dead skin cells are burned, which leads to their death and a new layer of skin appears in their place. This method is carried out only in beauty salons and only by a specialist.
  • In very serious advanced cases, a surgical method is used to remove seals.

This list can be supplemented and supplemented, because there are still a lot of different folk ways to remove corns and calluses. For example, it is very useful to steam your legs in herbs, this will help you not only soften the seals, but also help you relax the muscles of the legs, have a positive effect on the whole body, because, as you know, our health lies in the state of our legs: there are millions of nerve endings that affect on our body as a whole.

The most popular solutions for steaming the legs that have a beneficial effect on the skin of the legs:

  • Saline solutions
  • Apple cider vinegar, of course, diluted with water
  • Herbal decoctions of chamomile, sage and other equally useful herbs
  • Lemon or apple juice
  • Solutions of soda with iodine, etc.

Prevention of the formation of corns on the legs

So that corns and calluses do not occur in your life, you need to carefully care for your feet, take regular baths, treat your feet with pumice, use softening creams, and do pedicures. But that's not all, it is important to pay attention to the shoes you wear, they should not be smaller than your actual foot size, should be made of quality materials, try to wear high heels less often, but also flat shoes the sole also does not benefit our feet, here you need to find a middle ground.

By performing all these simple, and sometimes very pleasant procedures, you will help your legs stay healthy and beautiful!

Alexey Tatarinov

Rough skin on the heels is a problem that even those who constantly maintain a pedicure and care for their skin face. What is the reason and how to get rid of rough skin on the heels, because of which you have to give up open shoes? How to restore the former beauty and softness?

Causes of rough skin on the heels

The problem of rough heels occurs over time in both men and women. The skin on the legs becomes rough and cracks appear on the heels for the following reasons:

  • Dry skin.
  • Improper blood flow.
  • Age-related changes in the body.
  • Disorders in the endocrine system.
  • Lack of vitamins E, A.
  • Shoes with high heels.
  • Uncomfortable shoes that restrict the foot.
  • Wrong pedicure.
  • Fungal diseases. They strike not only nail plates, but also the entire skin of the feet.

With age, the skin becomes more dry and rough, requires careful care. Faced with this problem, despite careful foot care, visit a doctor to rule out the presence of serious diseases.

When the heels are rough, painful cracks form on them, perhaps this is a symptom of a number of diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • psoriasis;
  • malfunctions of the endocrine or genitourinary system;
  • eczema.

In some cases, dry skin on the heels is a consequence of the abuse of antibacterial soap, which has a pronounced drying effect, wearing tight shoes made of artificial materials in which the leg "does not breathe."

Excess weight and a lifestyle that forces you to spend most of the day on your feet, leads to increased stress on the feet, as a result of which the skin on them coarsens. Dry air also contributes to the fact that the skin of the body becomes dry.

How to get rid of rough heels

When serious diseases are discovered, first direct efforts to combat them. The doctor will recommend suitable methods of treatment, prescribe remedies for external or internal use that alleviate the unpleasant condition.

How to restore softness to heels?

If everything is in perfect order with health, the doctor did not find the internal causes of rough skin, try to deal with this problem using the usual home methods and careful care.

No cream and no emollient will solve the problem of dry heels if they have a rough layer of skin on them. It must be removed and nourishing creams should be given access to a thin layer of the epidermis. Get rid of dry growths with a pumice stone or nail files. Before proceeding with the procedure, the heels must be prepared, softened. For this, baths are made, options:

  • Dissolve in hot water baking soda and salt. For 1 liter - one tablespoon.
  • Make a decoction of chamomile and salt: it is better to take the sea without dyes. Pour a glass of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. pharmaceutical chamomile, leave for 25 minutes. Strain, dilute in 1 liter of hot water, add 1 tbsp. l. salt.
  • Carry out the procedure with liquid soap and starch. 1 st. l. per liter of boiling water.
  1. The water must be hot. The duration of the procedure is at least 30 minutes. If the water gets cold, add boiling water. Baths like this good way boost immunity.
  2. After steaming, rub your heels with a pumice stone. Rough skin will come off easily. Instead of a pumice stone, you can put salt on a washcloth and rub it on the area on your leg. Be careful not to scratch your skin with salt.

Electric rough skin removers do not require heel preparation. You don't need to steam them.

If there is no time for baths, and the rough layer of the epidermis is small, just apply a fat cream on the heels half an hour before taking a shower. Then rub with a coarse washcloth.

Try applying depilatory cream to your feet two or three nights in a row, letting it soak in for ten minutes. Treat problem areas with a file slightly moistened with water.

The top dry layer will begin to roll. Continue processing until the feet become smooth. Lubricate with nourishing or fat cream and put cotton socks on top. Already after the first such procedure, you will notice an excellent effect.

Simple folk remedies for rough heels

At home, it will not be difficult to treat rough skin on the heels if you know simple and effective recipes.

Paraffin, wax and salicylic acid

  1. Warm up paraffin, salicylic acid and wax, taken in equal parts.
  2. Mix.
  3. Cool down a bit.
  4. Apply with a cotton swab to the heels.
  5. Let dry.
  6. Apply 2 more layers.
  7. Wrap the treated area with cling film or bandage, leave in this form for a day.
  8. Dip your feet in a bowl of warm water, after adding a little soda and soap.
  9. Rub problem areas with a pumice stone.
  10. Wash feet.
  11. Apply any moisturizer.

apple compress

Green apple has an excellent softening effect, it is used as a compress:

  1. Grind the fruit on a grater.
  2. Attach to heels.
  3. Wrap cling film on top.
  4. Put on socks.
  5. Remove the compress after 4 hours.
  6. Rub the heels with a pumice stone, rinse, apply cream.

Repeat the procedure 3-4 times.

Herbal baths

St. John's wort bath will help from cracks, inflammation:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. mix with the same amount of nettle.
  2. Pour 1 l. hot water.
  3. Immerse your feet in slightly cooled water.
  4. Keep until cool.

Herbal baths with the addition of hops, yarrow and chamomile will help heal cracked heels, helping to renew rough skin.

Be healthy!


The main causes and description of common diseases

The causes of rough skin on the legs are varied. This may be a consequence external factors(non-compliance with hygiene, lack of proper care, excessive load on the feet, etc.), and the result of internal pathologies. The most commonly diagnosed and contact allergic dermatitis. Men aged 25-45 suffer more. All possible reasons dry dermis on the feet are discussed below.

Cause Peculiarities
Shoes The constant wearing of uncomfortable shoes (high heels, tight, made of non-natural materials) is one of the most common causes of rough skin on the feet. .

Metabolic processes in tissues are disturbed, nutrients in the right amount cease to enter the cells, the dermis dries up and coarsens.

Lack of care The skin of the feet, like any other part of the body, needs daily care, which includes not only hygiene, but also cleansing with scrubs, baths with medicinal plants, nutrition with creams. In the absence of care, rough skin appears on the feet, cracks and corns, which means that there is a risk of contracting a fungus and other infectious diseases.
Dry skin This condition of the dermis is inherited. With proper care, roughening of the skin can be avoided. But, in the absence of nutrition, the skin begins to dry out. The process is aggravated by wearing inappropriate shoes.
Walking without shoes Walking barefoot in itself is useful, but when performing it on a hard and uneven surface, it is necessary to take care of the skin of the legs after training.
Psoriasis One of the skin diseases characterized by:

edema of the legs;


Rash of papular type;

Dryness of the skin with the formation of cracks;

The appearance of bright red areas at the site of the lesion;

sensation of neuralgia when walking;

Violations in the tissues of the nails, etc.

Fungus - one of the most common skin diseases. The causes of the disease are:

non-observance of hygiene;

a long stay in the water;

Constant wearing of tight and closed shoes;

· high temperatures at the location of the patient.

One of the types of fungal infections is characterized by:

itching and burning;

strong peeling;

Reddening of the feet

the appearance of ulcers, cracks and blisters.

Allergy In appearance, the atopic reaction on the feet resembles a fungus, but, in addition to dry skin with blistering formations, it can be observed:

dryness of the skin;

burning sensation;

· redness;

violation of the chair;

Rash on palms

temperature, etc.

Diabetes Impaired blood circulation and nerve damage leads to poor wound healing and loss of sensation. Any cracks in the skin of the feet turn into ulcers. The patient may not even immediately notice the pathological process (dulling of nerve endings). Often the disease is accompanied by an infection, which can lead to amputation of the limbs.
Obesity With impaired metabolism, coarsened skin on the feet is a common occurrence.
Vitamin and mineral deficiency (fasting or dieting) The nutrition of skin cells is not enough, so it dries, cracks appear. If there is no additional care (or, conversely, traumatic exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the dermis occurs), then the area of ​​the coarsened dermis thickens even more.
Worms The skin on the feet has coarsened - a consequence of a lack of vitamins A, E and B in the body due to the presence of helminths. Other signs of illness:

disruption of the digestive tract;

· migraine;

weakness and chronic fatigue;

a violation of appetite;

· joint pain;

· insomnia;

Manifestations of skin allergies in people prone to atopic reactions.

Violation of the digestive tract Any such pathology is reflected in appearance person. The condition of hair, skin and nails worsens. Dry dermis on the legs is a lack of nutrients in the patient's body due to an illness.

Rough skin on the feet photo

Preventive actions

Preventive measures to maintain healthy foot skin:

  • wearing comfortable shoes (alternate shoes with and without heels, refuse uneven insoles and boots made of materials that do not allow air to pass through);
  • usage nourishing cream for legs every evening before going to bed, enhancing the effectiveness of the product with cotton socks;
  • increased immunity with vitamin complexes;
  • scrubbing dermis 2 times a week;
  • do not use a razor to cut keratinized skin;
  • do not wear someone else's shoes.

Treatment of rough skin on the legs is indicated only for fungal infections and psoriasis. For this, antifungal and antihistamine drugs are used, which are selected by the attending physician, based on the clinical picture and the pathogen. An allergic reaction goes away when the irritant is eliminated. To relieve symptoms, Bepanten and Panthenol are indicated.