
How to pack for the sea. What to take with you on a trip. Luggage VS. hand luggage

How to pack for the sea.  What to take with you on a trip.  Luggage VS.  hand luggage

You can go to the sea and sunbathe for two weeks, or you can go hiking, or on a sea cruise, or to a ski resort. If you correctly determine the genre, you can give up unnecessary things in advance.

  • Do not take books or a laptop with you if you plan to have an active holiday. Better put an extra pair of sneakers.
  • Sometimes you just want to take it evening dress(“What if it comes in handy?”). Stop yourself right now. On a cruise or in a Michelin-starred hotel restaurant, these outfits will be appropriate, but in other cases, there is a 99% chance that dresses and tuxedos will never make it out of your suitcase.
  • We also often take swimwear in reserve, but it’s better to spend three minutes and estimate the chances of swimming. If you are not going to the sea, find out if the hotel has a swimming pool. If not, post your swimming trunks/swimsuits. If you're going on a hike, also pack a swimsuit. No, no “what if...”, better take another thermos.


The weather forecast is an assistant when packing. He, of course, often makes mistakes, but he suggests the general trend correctly. If there's rain in the forecast, pack an umbrella rather than another pair of sandals. If cold weather is expected, take a second sweatshirt instead of another swimsuit.

When the weather forecast doesn’t tell you anything, it’s better to take something that is more difficult or more expensive to buy locally.

Luggage VS. hand luggage

A lot about packing depends on how much space you have. With a large suitcase and a limit of 30 kg per person, you can swagger with several pairs of shoes or two or three dresses. But if you need to put your belongings in a cabin-size bag (and you don’t plan to overpay for the excess), then you will have to approach the list of things especially carefully.

Write everything down in advance, come back to the list every few days and cross off what you don’t need. Believe me, if you start working with the list at least a week before your trip, by the time you pack your suitcase you will have a set of everything you need.

Read our article to decide which luggage is best to take with you.

Categories of things

All luggage is divided into several categories, which can be ranked in order of importance. For example, you can’t fly anywhere without documents. Without medications, you can fly away, but without some it will be difficult or downright dangerous. Of course, you can get by without comfortable shoes, but you can forget about comfort. You can also cope without suitable clothes, but you will have to buy something - and this is an extra expense. You can have a great rest without gadgets, but you hardly want to stay for two weeks without a smartphone or camera.

We suggest collecting things, following from item to item, from category to category. This way you won’t forget anything and get rid of unnecessary pre-vacation fuss.


  • Passport (useful to make a copy)
  • Bank cards
  • Insurance
  • Tickets
  • Hotel reservation
  • International driving license (if you plan to rent a car)
  • Cash (if you are carrying a large amount, it is better to divide it and pack it in different places)


  • Medicines on which your life and health depend
  • Painkillers
  • Antipyretics
  • Remedies for poisoning and upset stomach
  • Antiseptics and bactericidal patches
  • Antihistamines


Never, we conjure, never take it on a trip new shoes!

  • A pair of outdoor shoes (in addition to the ones you will wear on the flight)
  • Slippers
  • Flip-flops


  • Underwear (bring plenty, but don’t overdo it: hotels usually have laundries, and apartments have washing machines)
  • T-shirts, shirts, dresses - one for every two days
  • Pants and/or skirts - one pair/piece for every 3–4 days
  • Swimsuit or swimming trunks (if swimming is possible)

Cosmetics and personal care products

All the care products that you cannot do without are not sold everywhere or are expensive. The rest can be bought on the spot or use what is provided at the hotels. But if you don’t want to spend money and take risks, don’t forget to put:

  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrush
  • Shampoo
  • Soap
  • Washcloth
  • Wet wipes
  • Cotton pads
  • Razor


  • Phone (download maps in advance)
  • Camera
  • Tablet
  • Laptop
  • Charging device
  • Headphones

Applications to help

If you want to make your life as easy as possible, install a list-making app on your smartphone. Here are a few of the most convenient ones.

A long-awaited vacation always begins with packing your suitcase. It seems very easy, but some questions may arise during the process. To easily and quickly pack your suitcase at sea, the main thing is to make a list of necessary things in advance.

Where to start packing your suitcase

When planning a vacation at sea, it is important to consider several points:

  • climatic features (early sunset, cool evenings, abundance of insects, etc.);
  • number of family members;
  • the health status of all family members;
  • transport (plane, train, car);
  • vacation style (beach and relaxed, “savage”, active, etc.).

When the main issues have been thought through and taken into account, you can begin to compile a list of things and documents. You can make a list in advance so that you can add items to it without rushing. It is convenient to use special applications or simply write everything down in a Word file on your computer.

Advice! Synchronizing smartphones or accounts allows you to compile and adjust the list collectively, i.e. the whole family online.

How to pack a suitcase at sea

Essential things are a passport, money and other documents. As a rule, they are not placed in a suitcase, but left close (in a bag, briefcase or backpack). The following categories of things are placed in a suitcase:

  • cloth;
  • shoes;
  • cosmetics;
  • medicines;
  • Sports Equipment;
  • household and hygiene supplies;
  • gadgets, wires, chargers, etc.;
  • copies of documents, tickets, vouchers;
  • some amount of money.

Advice! It's best to leave fragile items at home. A broken item will be unusable and may also damage nearby items.

Algorithm for packing a suitcase:

  1. First of all, at the bottom of the suitcase you need to place flat and bulky things - photocopies, shoes, equipment (for example, fins), books.
  2. Wires are laid out around the perimeter of the suitcase so they don’t get tangled up and take up extra space.
  3. You can put rolled up socks, underwear, a swimsuit, medicines (with airtight lids) in your shoes - this will save space.
  4. It is convenient to pack medicines and cosmetics in a cosmetic bag or textile bag.
  5. It is best to roll all your clothes - things will not get wrinkled and will take up as little space as possible. These rolls are placed vertically or horizontally between large items that are already in the suitcase.

Packing a suitcase for the sea: a list of things to take

Each family has its own list of things - unique and inimitable. But the basic principles are always the same.

For a man:

  • comfortable shoes (flip-flops, sneakers/sneakers);
  • swimming trunks;
  • shorts;
  • 2-3 T-shirts;
  • jeans;
  • windbreaker\sweatshirt;
  • headdress;
  • linen.

For woman

  • comfortable shoes (flip-flops/flat sandals, sneakers/sneakers);
  • swimsuit;
  • shorts;
  • skirt;
  • 2-3 T-shirts/T-shirts;
  • jeans;
  • sweatshirt\windbreaker\jeans\jacket;
  • 1-2 dress\sundress;
  • headdress;
  • linen.

Advice! It is better to take 2 swimsuits so that you can always change into dry ones.

For a child:

The list of baby items varies greatly depending on age. If a child under two years old needs a lot of diapers and quite a few clothes. Older children need more changes of clothes, because they are active and can accidentally stain or tear things. Sample list things for the child:

  • comfortable and ventilated shoes;
  • headdress;
  • shorts;
  • T-shirts in light shades;
  • swimsuit or swimming trunks:
  • elegant dress for a girl or a shirt with short sleeve for boy;
  • jeans with a sweatshirt or tracksuit;
  • linen.

Important! Elegant and casual wear should be light, convenient and comfortable (from full skirts, flounces and synthetic fabrics are best avoided!).

How to pack your suitcase for vacation

When making your list and packing your suitcase, it's important to keep the key points in mind. If you can do without some things, then documents, money and medicine are necessary!

Documents and money

The amount you need to take varies depending on the style of holiday, duration and planned expenses. However, the rule is always the same - divide the amount of cash into several parts and store them in different places. Everyone knows that things happen when you travel, so it’s worth being on the safe side.

Advice! It is better to keep some of the money on a plastic card - just in case.

Documents must include a passport and tickets. Perhaps the rights and birth certificates of all children will come in handy. Make photocopies and upload scans to any cloud storage. Even if all documents are lost, the embassy or police department will be able to print out all photocopies, which will greatly facilitate the situation.


A seaside holiday involves spending time mainly on the beach. Therefore, you definitely need to take a swimsuit (preferably 2). It can be difficult to find your way around the place right away, so purchasing swimsuit It’s better to study in your hometown. You also need to take some kind of cape or tunic - it will protect you from the sun during hot hours, and you can also wear it to the nearest bar or shop.


It is important to protect your head and hair from the sun. You can choose any headdress - from a bandana to a wide-brimmed hat.

Advice! It is better to purchase a straw hat locally - it may not survive transportation.


Shoes should be light, comfortable, ventilated and compact. On vacation by the sea, sandals (shales, sandals) without heels and platforms will come in handy. You will have to walk a lot on sand, so the more convenient it is to remove and shake out your shoes, the better. Sneakers or sneakers will also come in handy - for flights, trips and active sports. Evening shoes are taken at will, and based on your lifestyle.


Many women actively use accessories in Everyday life. However, on vacation you can afford to get by with the minimum. For example, wrist watch and you can safely leave the belts at home. A Sunglasses- they will definitely come in handy.


Any cosmetical tools should go well with hot climates. From means such as Foundation and non-waterproof mascara is better to avoid. In general, on vacation you can afford not to use decorative cosmetics. It is important to use sunscreen and lip balm with UV protection. It is better to take these products with you so that you can use them from the first minutes in the sun.


It is worth considering what equipment is actually needed. There is no need to take both a laptop and a tablet at the same time. The same applies to photo and video equipment. Most modern smartphones shoot both photos and videos in high resolution. Therefore, this will be quite enough for a non-professional photographer.


Stock up medicines needed “for all occasions.” The following categories of medications must be included:

  • painkiller;
  • to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • from burns;
  • for cuts;
  • with sprains;
  • antipyretic;
  • from a cold.

Important! When traveling with small children, medications should be selected according to the age of the young traveler.


All bottles must be securely packaged and placed in luggage. It may be better to transfer some of the funds into smaller containers to reduce the overall weight of the suitcase.


It is better to leave your expensive and favorite jewelry at home so that you can relax on vacation and not worry about their safety. But, everyone must decide this moment independently, based on their habits.

How to save on suitcase weight

Every air carrier has a baggage weight limit. In order not to pay extra for overweight, you should consciously approach the collection process. Firstly, you need to take only the essentials with you. Secondly, many things, such as a hairdryer, towels and bathrobes are provided directly at the hotels - you can ask your tour operator about this. Thirdly, it is better to pour shampoos, gels and other products into small bottles so that you can take exactly as much as will be used.

Which suitcase or bag to choose for your trip?

Regardless of the capacity and cost of a luggage bag, it should be durable, light and bright. In order not to confuse your suitcase with someone else’s during the flight, it is better to somehow distinguish it. You can use colored film instead of clear film, or simply tape a piece of colored paper over the film. If you are planning a flight, you will have a suitcase on wheels the best solution. And when traveling by car or train, a regular one will do. roomy bag.

What to take with you to the sea if you are traveling by train

In addition to standard leisure items, traveling by train involves a long journey. Therefore, it is important to stock up on books, music and games. This is especially important when children travel. They find it difficult to sit still, so a few small new toys, as well as coloring books, Board games can greatly help out parents and neighbors in the compartment.

How to pack hand luggage on a plane?

You can bring a limited list of things on board the plane. Specific categories and nuances can be found on the airline’s website or at the ticket office when purchasing a ticket. As a rule, you take in hand luggage:

  • documentation;
  • book\magazine;
  • phone\player;
  • headphones;
  • antibacterial wipes;
  • medications if necessary;
  • glasses if necessary;
  • inflatable pillow;
  • hygiene products.

What products to take on the road

When traveling by plane, lunch is usually included in the ticket price. But when traveling by train or car, you should plan your meals in advance. On the road, take food and dishes that do not spoil, for example:

  • crackers;
  • vegetables;
  • powdered puree and pasta for cooking with boiling water;
  • caramel, marmalade, etc.


A trip to the sea is an exciting journey. To make your vacation go well, you should calmly and thoughtfully make a list of things. Then the suitcase will be light, and all your things will be necessary. And, most importantly, take a good mood from home along with your passports and tickets!

I go on vacation several times a year, so I know how to pack a suitcase for the sea. Your vacation will be just perfect if you don’t forget anything. Now I will help you with this not an easy task to yours cruise managed. Read carefully.

What to put in your suitcase when going to sea

If you are not just used to swimming in the sea, but doing something more interesting, then the following things will definitely come in handy. So:

  • swimming mask or goggles;
  • special tube so that you can breathe underwater;
  • flippers;
  • life vest.

You may not see the rich underwater world in the waters of the Black Sea, but on the Red Sea you definitely cannot do without the above things.

Even if you are a good swimmer, then It's better to take a vest. In the water, your leg can cramp, which will lead to terrible panic. And the vest will help you calmly wait out this unpleasant moment. If you want to cut it, great, attach it to your swimsuit small pin. You can prick the skin on your leg a little, then the cramp will go away faster.

I would advise in advance purchase a liquid that you will spray on your mask before diving. This can help you avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon as fogging. From my own experience, I know how inconvenient it is to constantly rise to the surface to wipe the inside of the mask.

Worth it in advance take care of the “aquashoes”. They represent themselves special rubber slippers, in which you can walk on pebbles without fear. But the most important thing is that they will protect your feet from sea ​​urchins. Stepping on their needles with your bare foot is, to put it mildly, very unpleasant.

What else to put in your suitcase

I have already heard many times from friends that they forget to take very banal things with them. So double-check that you have the following in your suitcase:

  • toothbrush;
  • thread and needle;
  • spare memory cards for electronic devices;
  • additional charging.

It's best to take an old toothbrush with you., to leave her at the resort without pity, and not take her back home.

Thread and needle will be needed, if you urgently need to sew something up. Oddly enough, such situations often happen while traveling. Some hotels give out such things for free, but it’s better to play it safe and take them with you from home.

The memory card is where your photos and videos will be stored With sea ​​holiday. It happens that they stop working for no apparent reason, so it is better to have spare ones so as not to be left without memories.

If your phone charger breaks, then you will need to spend time looking for a new one. Why complicate your life. Just take not one, but two. They won't add weight to you anyway.

The long-awaited summer has begun. Many are planning a trip or are already ready to go to the warm seas, that is, it’s time to pack their bags for vacation.

During this period, our stylists’ work traditionally increases; clients ask for help in drawing up and purchasing a universal vacation package summer wardrobe. You can use them too.

There are already two videos on the topic of packing for vacation, and the number of views is steadily growing: a story about and a video about the example of Tatyana’s own suitcase.

For many, holiday fees are literally stressful situation:

  • What do you need to take?
  • How not to take too much and not pay extra for additional weight?

Below are collected useful recommendations by composition vacation capsule, we're talking about the clothes, shoes and accessories in your suitcase. By following these tips, you'll have a great time packing with plenty of room for sunscreen and your camera.

Before packing you need to think about purpose and travel plan, the choice of things depends on this.

The most popular type of vacation in the summer is the beach with occasional outings to nearby attractions; it’s hot to do this in the summer). Therefore it is summer wardrobe for a holiday at sea for 10-14 days is discussed here.

Making lists to prepare for anything - useful thing. And we here will be happy to do it for you. You just need to check the boxes next to those items that are already in the closet, and then buy the ones missing from the list. Is this how you go grocery shopping?

So, the list:


  • shorts-pants (skirts)
  • T-shirts
  • dresses
  • swimsuits-beachwear
  • something up
  • for excursions
  • beach
  • to a restaurant and for a walk in the evening
  • Accessories
  • bags
  • hats
  • decorations


There is a recommendation here, almost a rule: for each bottom you need to take three tops. For obvious reasons, T-shirts and T-shirts, when worn in hot weather, quickly become in a state of “needs to be washed.”
Even for a regular wardrobe, this works: if you rarely change your top or wear very similar items on top, it will look like you're wearing the same thing even if the bottom changes.

Pants and shorts (skirts)

Take shorts from thin fabrics, preferably colored ones, it’s easier to choose a top for them. We put a maximum of two shorts in a suitcase.

Not every girl is ready to show off in shorts in the very first days, until the tan fades).
The most comfortable trousers in summer are wide, possibly with elastic: culottes, joggers, palazzos.

Second pair of jeans. They will come in handy on cool evenings, as well as on flights.
We take basic light or white ones; in the summer, torn and holey ones are the most appropriate.

It’s no coincidence that skirts are in brackets; most likely you won’t need them, but lovers can take one that’s not short.


Following the rule described above, your summer vacation wardrobe should have 5-6 pieces. They don't take up much space.

T-shirts in linen style, with an American armhole in any color, even black. T-shirts are basic white, with slogans or striped - at your discretion.

Shirt dress and sundress. The first option is irreplaceable stylish thing, with the addition of accessories, it will turn from a swimsuit cover-up into a dress for the evening.

Sundress - dress with with open hands, maybe a slip dress for walking to a cafe and also for walking to the sea.


Detailed article about the most fashionable swimsuits, and her reading ratings are off the charts. Let’s just repeat that you need at least two swimsuits: a one-piece and a bikini, and more than three are already superfluous).

Something up

If it’s a cool evening, it will again come in handy on the plane, it’s often cool there. Denim shirt or jacket, cardigan.

So, we collected the clothes. And this, believe me, is all you need!


Three pairs is the required minimum.
Closed shoes are needed, you will fly in them, you will eat in them on excursions. Ideal - white fabric sneakers or sneakers made of lightweight modern materials.

Slides - shoes for the beach and day trips to cafes, restaurants, shops, where there is no dress code.

Flat sandals are more comfortable. For young ladies who cannot live without heels, the platform is suitable.

You can take an extra pair of clothes “for going out” if you are planning parties and going to an expensive restaurant.


On the road and on excursions, there is nothing more convenient than a backpack. But you are unlikely to walk with him along the promenade in the evenings. That’s why we put a comfortable, bright crossbody in our suitcase.

Well Beach bag needed. The most fashionable is straw or straw-like materials. The last option, by the way, is more convenient. It won't get wrinkled in the suitcase.


After sunscreen the most necessary things. We recommend a wide-brimmed hat, as in the previous photo, or a boater - fashionable, feminine, sexy, the face is additionally protected. Again the question: how to carry straw in a suitcase, it can get wrinkled and break. Choose from similar materials or purchase from the resort.

For those who don’t like hats, although there are few of them, a scarf is an option to cover their heads, or a cap for sporty girls.


They always make the look complete; at sea, take various bracelets and chains, combine them, wear them on your wrists and ankles.

A cool option is a temporary tattoo on any part of the body and any size.

Don't forget the trendy sunglasses.

So, our guide is a plan on how to assemble a simple functional summer basic wardrobe and place it in a small suitcase. A similar one can be assembled in your favorite style, maybe more sea, or maybe more safari.

If you didn’t put something in your suitcase, buy it on the spot; resort shopping is a separate and necessary item in your vacation plan.

Have a wonderful summer and vivid impressions!

You are always welcome at