
How to marry a jarl in Skyrim. About weddings, partners and divorces (Console commands). Video walkthrough - Where to find a wife in Skyrim

How to marry a jarl in Skyrim.  About weddings, partners and divorces (Console commands).  Video walkthrough - Where to find a wife in Skyrim

How to make an offer?

How to make an offer?
There are several ways to obtain the Amulet of Mara. The easiest one is to go to the Temple of Mara in Riften and buy one from Maramal for 200 Septims. However, these amulets can be found randomly during travel or for sale from merchants. One of the amulets can be obtained during the quest “Book of Love”, and it will go to the main character upon completion of the task.

The main character will not be able to propose marriage to anyone without first talking to Maramal, even if he already has Mara's amulet. Maramala can be found in the Temple of Mara, but the first meeting with him will take place in the Bee and Sting tavern.

When the main character speaks to a character available for marriage, he may notice the amulet. In order for this to become possible, it is necessary to complete some assignment for this character. If a character is available for marriage, the Radiant AI system may not allow you to marry him, even if his order has been completed. Therefore, just in case, it is better to select a “backup” candidate.

You can ask the candidate: “Do you like me?” He/she will answer, but will also ask the main character's opinion. If the protagonist agrees, preparations for marriage can begin. To do this, you will have to return to the temple of Mary and organize the ceremony, talking with Maramal again. After waiting 24 hours, you can leave the temple, and then wait until the entry “Attend your own wedding” appears in the quest log. Now you can return to the temple, and the wedding will begin.

Marriage ceremony

Marriage ceremony
Maramal opens the wedding ceremony with the words: “And here is our beautiful bride / our happy groom. Let's start the ceremony. Mara gave life to all things and since then has been looking after us as if we were her own children. Her love for us taught us to love each other. Her love showed us that a life lived alone is not a life at all. We gather here today, under the loving gaze of Mara, to witness the eternal union of two souls. May they be inseparable in this life and in the next, in wealth and poverty, in joy and sorrow. Do you agree to link your lives together out of love - now and forever?”

The potential spouse of the main character will answer: “Yes. Now and Forever". Maramal will ask the same question to the protagonist, to which you can choose one of two answer options:

"Yes. Now and forever” - Maramal will continue the ceremony with the words: “By the power given to me by Mara, the goddess of love, I declare you spouses. I present you both with these rings, blessed by the grace of Mara. May they keep you in your life together.”
“Stop the wedding! I don’t want to get married!” - Maramal will be surprised and say: “Do you want to leave your mate? Get out of the temple." If you try to talk to a rejected candidate, he or she will only say, “Get out of my sight,” or some other remark to that effect. Temple priests and ceremony guests will be much more succinct, saying simply “Get out of here” or “Go away.”
If the ceremony is completed as expected, the guests will congratulate the newlyweds. Before leaving the temple, the hero must talk with his spouse, discussing the conditions of cohabitation. The other half will talk about it themselves, saying something like: “Finally, we are married. Perhaps we should decide where to live? If you want, we can live with me.” You have to make a choice between the protagonist’s house and the home of the newly made spouse. This is not important, because in the future you can move to another house.

After the wedding, the protagonist's spouse opens a trading post. Now the main character can ask the other half about the amount he managed to gain by trading. The next day you can already receive a daily income of 100 septims. In addition, if the spouse moved into the main character’s house, then there will always be a merchant at hand with whom you can trade various goods. However, trading with your other half does not affect your daily income - it will still be 100 coins.

If the main character abandoned a potential spouse at the altar, then he or she can be talked to later at their usual place of residence. Upon meeting, he/she will express extreme outrage at the protagonist's behavior, uttering a phrase like "What do you want? There is nothing to talk about!" There are two possible responses to this remark:

“It was a mistake. Maybe we can start all over again?” - the abandoned candidate will forgive the hero, giving him a second chance at marriage. After this, you need to talk again with Maramal, who will forgive the main character and agree to a repeat ceremony. You can repeat the entire process several times until you are confident in the correctness of your choice, or choose the option presented below.
“Why did you get the idea that I love you?” - after these words, the protagonist will no longer be able to marry this character. Also, the abandoned candidate will begin to despise the main character. However, there remains the possibility of marrying another suitable character.

Benefits of Marriage

Benefits of Marriage
Once a day, the spouse will prepare a home-cooked meal, the consumption of which will speed up the recovery of health, strength and magic by 25% for 600 seconds.
Spouses who are companions can still follow the main character at his request, and you can exchange equipment and other items with them. Moreover, as spouses, they will prepare home-cooked meals even when they are far from home.
A spouse may sometimes give something as a gift.
The spouse will open a store generating an income of 100 septims per day.
If the spouse accompanies the protagonist as a companion, then you can trade right on the road.
If the character was a merchant before marriage, then he or she will have for sale the same goods that were in stock before marriage. If the character was not a merchant, then he or she will trade all sorts of things and some of the things that are in their inventory.
You should not worry that your spouse will sell someone the things given to them for safekeeping. Like other merchants in the game, they only really trade with the player character.
The assortment of spouse's goods is random and, apparently, is updated once a day (along with the daily income that can be claimed from the other half).
The spouse will not give any discounts to the protagonist - the price level still depends on the skill of eloquence of the protagonist.
Sleeping (even for just one hour) next to your significant other grants the temporary Love's Embrace ability - all skills grow 15% faster for 8 hours. It is worth noting that this bonus can be obtained even when using a bed that does not belong to the main character, including in dungeons and other locations, provided that there are no enemies nearby. Thus, this ability takes on special value if the spouse is a companion.
This effect is cumulative with the effects of the Mage, Warrior and Thief signs.
This effect will not take effect if the character is under the influence of the Lover's Sign. To preserve the effect of the Lover's sign, you can use the DG ethereal crown. If the crown is removed before the character goes to bed and then put back on, any effect about it will stack with the effect of Love's Embrace.
This effect will not work if the main character is a werewolf.


The Dawnguard add-on has the ability to turn your spouse into a vampire. This is part of the Volkihar clan quest called "The Gift".

Technically, this will not make the other half a vampire - he/she will still be detectable with the Detect Life spell and he/she will not use Vampiric Drain. The eyes will not emit an orange glow, and no other signs of vampirism will appear.


At the beginning of the game, you may not have enough money to buy a home, so it makes sense to marry a character who owns decent property and live in his house until the hero can afford to buy his own.

If the spouse has his own home, then you can move there. Items that are left in this location will not disappear. If the main character owns his own property, then you can choose one of these houses for joint living. However, it is impossible to live in empty empty houses, houses that are rewards for completing quests or that belong to factions that the main character belongs to. You can live together only in those houses that the protagonist purchased for money. If the Hearthfire add-on is installed, you can live in one of the built estates if they have a bed for your spouse.

Real estate owned by a spouse can be both residential and commercial, or can perform both functions simultaneously. Ownership can include the entire house, one room in it, or even a room in a tavern (which does not actually belong to the other half). If the spouse lives in his own home, then their daily routine will be the same as before the wedding. He/she will go to the same places and do the same things. If the spouse settles in the main character's house, then they will never leave there, unless, of course, they are companions. It is worth noting that the spouse's move will take some time, and he/she will not immediately appear at the protagonist's house, as he/she will actually make the entire transition from one house to another.

If the main character is a friend of a character, then usually he can sleep in his house and take some cheap things from there without it being considered stealing. However, you cannot take expensive items - this will already be considered a crime. After marriage, you can freely take even quite expensive things from your spouse’s house. The main thing is that the item costs less than 500 septims. If the spouse lives in the main character's house, then his/her own home is usually closed. To get there, you need to move there and get a key.

A spouse's property may be as little as one bed. For example, Dravinia the Carver's home will be the Wooden Lace Tavern, where she only has a bed in a small room, which she shares with other characters living there, even after she gets married. None of the chests and other containers in the small room and other areas of the tavern belong to her. Considering that you can sleep in her bed, and without marrying her, but just doing her a favor, getting married to her may not be so profitable for a prudent groom.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if other characters lived in the spouse’s home before the wedding, after moving there they will not go anywhere and will live in the same place. If a spouse is a merchant, but another character lives in his/her shop and can fill in during absence or death, then the spouse will not be able to trade there as long as that character is alive.

Features of marriage in the Hearthfire fashion

Features of marriage in The Elder Scrolls V: Hearthfire
If the hero has children, then he will not be able to live with them with his significant other if there is no children's room in his/her house.
After marriage, the children will move to where the hero’s spouse will live, even if they previously lived in different houses.
When a wife/husband moves to a new place, the children will move with her/him.
In the dialogue with your wife/husband, a line will appear with a question about the health of the children.
If the hero has children in a city different from the city of residence of the spouse, he/she will move in with the children.

Characters available for marriage


Shavi - can be found at the docks near Windhelm.

Muiri - "Witch's Tincture", Markarth. It is necessary to complete her task from the Dark Brotherhood.

High Elves
Tari - "Shining Clothes", Solitude

Viola Giordano - Windhelm.
Gilfrey - Pie Sawmill.
Camilla Valeria - Riverwood. You must complete the quest to find the golden claw.
Carlotta Valentia - Whiterun.
Riya - Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. It is necessary to complete all the tasks of the Companions.
Senna - Temple of Dibella, Markarth.

Grelha - Riften.
Isolde - Whiterun. You need to bring her a mammoth tusk.
Iona is your home "Honeypot", Riften.
Yordis the Swordmaiden is your High Spire home, Solitude.
Lydia - your home "House of Warm Winds", Whiterun.
Mjoll Lioness - Riften. It is necessary to find her weapon.
Nyada Stonehand - Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. It is necessary to complete all the tasks of the Companions.
Orla - Temple of Dibella, Markarth.
Sulga – Shora Stone, Rift. Her task must be completed.
Temba Broad Hand - Ivarstead, Rift.
Utgerd the Unbroken is a tavern in Whiterun. You need to defeat her in a fist fight.
Aela the Huntress - Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. It is necessary to complete all the tasks of the Companions.
Eiri - Anga Village.

Borgak Steelheart - Mor Kazgur. It is necessary to provide a dowry or to persuade.
Gorza gra-Bagol - Markarth.

Anwen - Temple of Dibella, Markar.

Dark Elves
Avruza Sareti – Sareti Farm, Rift.
Brelina Marion - College of Winterhold.
Jenassa - "Drunken Hunter", Whiterun. You need to hire her.
Dravinia the Carver - Kin Grove.


Derkitus is a mine in Black Brod.
Well-Knows the Swamps - at the docks near Windhelm.

Kosnach – “Anthill”, Markarth.
Octave Sun - Yvette Sun's home, Solitude.
Omlagh - "Anthill", Markarth.
Perth - Soljund's Lair.
Enitah - Kartwasten.

Quintus Naval - "White Flask", Windhelm.
Marcurio - Bee and Sting tavern, Riften. You need to hire him.
Pavon Attius – Kolskeggr Mine.
Sorex Vinius – “The Laughing Rat”, Solitude.

Angrenor Awarded - Hearth and Candle Tavern, Windhelm.
Argis Bastion is your "Vlindrel Hall" home in Markarth.
Balimund - "Burnt Hammer", Riften.
Belrand - "The Laughing Rat", Solitude. You need to hire him.
Benor - Morthal.
Vilkas - Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. It is necessary to complete all the tasks of the Companions.
Wilhelm - Vailmere Tavern, Ivarstead.
Vorstag - tavern Silver Blood", Markarth.
Igrod the Younger - Morthal.
Calder is your "Hjerim" home in Windhelm.
Onmund - College of Winterhold.
Roggy Beard Knot – Grove Kin.
Stenvar - Hearth and Candle Tavern, Windhelm. You need to hire him.
Torvar - Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. It is necessary to complete all the tasks of the Companions.
Farkas - Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. It is necessary to complete all the tasks of the Companions.
Filnyar - Shor's Stone.
Eric the Terrible Assassin - Rorikstead.

Gat gro-Shargak – Kolskeggr Mine.
Gorbash Iron Hand - Dushnik-Yal.
Mot gro-Bagol - Understone Fortress, Markarth.

Dark Elves
Atys - Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. It is necessary to complete all the tasks of the Companions.
Revin Sadri - Sadri's Used Goods, Windhelm.
Romlin Dreth - Riften.
Sondas Drenim - Black Ford.

If you want to say thank you somehow, you can put money on:
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Hi all. I’m making my debut on this site, so don’t judge too harshly))) So, it’s a whole epic about marriage! Of all of them, I liked Mjoll the Lioness. He offered his hand and heart, and, oddly enough, she agreed. Interesting fact: With the nude patch installed, after the wedding, Mjol sold me the armor she had been wearing since the beginning of the game (that’s exactly what she sold). That is, when roaming around the expanses of Skyrim together, she wore what I would give her, and walked around the house in complete negligence, which undoubtedly pleased the eye. So, we would have lived happily ever after if it weren’t for her brother. He got up, you bastard. Wherever we moved, and then I already owned property in Whiterun, Makarth and Riften, he manically pursued us, and drove a wedge into our unshakable relationship. At that moment the thought of divorce came to me. But since technically the game does not provide for this, I had to put the question bluntly and sinful thoughts appeared to say goodbye to my wife more radically. Let me immediately note that all attempts were even! At first, not wanting to take it upon myself and attack openly, I decided to introduce my beloved to parachuting without giving out the appropriate equipment. But no matter how much I insisted, my other half refused to not only jump (fall), but generally come close to the start site, that is, near the cliff located. Even from Tuum she deftly dodged and jumped to the side. Then it was decided to take more radical measures. To my surprise, neither the attacks of dragons, marauders nor other robbers, nor my own attacks led to the desired result, and the decreasing life bar was miraculously restored.. Although previous companions from, for example, an accidentally released “Ice Storm” or “Fire ball" were trying to save the sweet soul. It’s difficult to say what this is connected with. Either a bug in the game, or the intent of the developers. After unsuccessful attempts to deal with my wife, by the will of my hands, my missus’ brother suddenly died; he was poisoned by the blow of a Daedric sword in the family estate of Riften. At this time, the wife was engaged in housekeeping and increasing family budget in Makarta, and apparently didn’t find out about my brother’s death, because upon my return, she didn’t ask me any unnecessary questions. The question of getting rid of the second half remained open. By the way, for some reason I didn’t think to use the quest “Call of Boethiah”, it involves killing a companion, but remembering the immortality of the wife, some doubts remain. Although I had to try. But I preferred to appeal to the great Google and came across this site where smart people everything has already been thought out and prepared. And all divorce proceedings is issued via the console. This is how our happy marriage, and I took as my wife Yordis the Sword Maiden, who really fell in love with me with her attractive appearance and gentle voice, and also because she doesn’t have a maniac brother who would follow us everywhere. By the way, the feature with selling armor was successfully repeated.))))

“Skyrim” is the most famous gaming universe, in which, in addition to bloody battles with monsters and exploration of the vast world, there is also a romantic component. To prevent the protagonist from feeling lonely, the player can always pick up for him suitable pair. But it often happens that during long wanderings the gamer finds another character more suitable for this role. How then? Of course, you can use the popular method and simply kill your soulmate, but special mods have been created for supporters of more humane methods. Divorce in Skyrim is not as difficult as it might seem.

Marriage in the game

Marriage has become one of the integral components of the gameplay. Each player is looking for a suitable spouse to whom his hero will offer his hand and heart. There are simply a huge number of such candidate characters in the game. Big world project opens up a huge field for their search. Tie the knot in this popular game quite simple: just have a special accessory - the amulet of Mary. Having put it on, you need to talk with the character you are interested in and win his favor. To make friends with your future husband or wife, you need to complete several quests that they offer, or provide some kind of service. After this, you can propose and go to the priest. Unfortunately, the game does not warn that it is impossible to break sacred bonds in it, so the question of how to get a divorce in Skyrim arises among gamers very often.

Why do players get married?

A natural question may arise: why bother with unnecessary actions and get married in this game project? The fact is that marriage guarantees a number of bonuses:

  1. A spouse can start trading in own store and thereby bring passive income to the player. Every day you can get 100 coins. They can also be withdrawn once a month, when a larger amount has accumulated. In addition, in a “home” store you can sell unnecessary items and sometimes buy something at lower prices.
  2. Once a day, your significant other prepares a homemade lunch, the effect of which accelerates the regeneration of mana and health, which is very useful before a battle with a serious enemy.
  3. After spending the night in the marital bed, the hero receives a bonus to the restoration of all parameters, which is valid for 8 hours.

How to get a divorce in Skyrim - the main method

So, you have decided that divorce cannot be avoided. Where to start this process? First of all, in the root folder of the game you need to create a simple text file with a .txt extension. We call it by any name, for example divorce, right-click on it and open it using notepad. Then enter the sequence of commands in it:

  • removefac 51596 ;
  • player.removefac c6472;
  • resetquest 74793;
  • resetquest 21382;
  • setstage 74793 10.

After this, do not forget to save the document. Now you can enter the game directly and use the [Ё] or [~] button to call up the console. Approaching your current husband or wife and clicking on the character with the mouse, you need to enter the command bat divorce. Have you asked about how to get a divorce in Skyrim? The procedure is completed!


A day after the divorce is completed, it comes into force, and the character becomes single again. If you have your eye on a new soul mate, you can get married again or enjoy the life of a bachelor for a while. New groom or is the bride already ready? Now you know how to get a divorce in Skyrim, and you can no longer be afraid of hasty decisions. To conduct a repeat ceremony, you need to buy Mara’s amulet from the priest and begin courting the chosen character. Perhaps this time your chosen one will be someone extraordinary. Don’t be afraid to experiment, because it’s not that difficult to find a divorce mod for the Skyrim project.

In Skyrim, you have the opportunity to marry NPCs, regardless of your race or gender. In order to start a family, you must complete the quest "The Bonds of Matrimony", which involves talking with Maramal about marriage. Wear the Amulet of Mara, which will let other NPCs know that you are free, find another An NPC who is also not averse to marrying you, whose disposition towards you is extremely high, having given his consent, you will have to appear at your own wedding. After the ceremony, if you talk to your new partner, you can figure out where you will live. If you own a property, your significant other can move there with you. Also, if your spouse owns the property, you can move in with her/him. Your significant other will also slightly delight you with new benefits after marriage, such as preparing home-cooked meals.

Development progress

There are several ways to obtain the Amulet of Mara. The first is to find it by chance, or buy it from one of the merchants. There is reason to believe that one of Mara's amulets is located in Windy Peak, and another is in a tent near the so-called shipwreck: Hel's Caprice. You can also visit the Temple of Mara in Riften and for only 200 gold, you can buy it from Maramal (most often found in the Bee and Sting tavern). Additionally, by talking to the priest at the Temple of Mara, you can complete a romance quest. Upon completion of all tasks, you will finally be rewarded with the Amulet of Mara.
However, it is important to note that you will not be able to marry anyone or anyone until you talk to Maramal about marriage. Even if you received the amulet, after completing the quest, you will still have to talk to him. For example, you will not be able to marry Isolde of Vaitarn until you speak with Maramal. It should be noted that Maramal is most often found in the Bee and Sting tavern than in the temple.
After you equip the amulet, NPCs may notice it. In order for the marriage option to become available, you must fulfill their requests, if, of course, there are any. Please note that even if a character behaves predisposed to marriage, the Radiant AI system may not allow you to have a wedding even if all objectives are completed. In this case, it is best to have a couple of spare candidates.
Ask them if they like you. They will probably give a positive answer, in which case they will ask what you think of them. If you say yes, you can have a wedding. In order to complete the task, you need to go to the Temple of Mara in Riften and organize an event. It's worth noting here that if you decide you may have chosen the wrong person, say so at the ceremony. Afterwards, you need to talk to your soulmate (who will be waiting for you at the entrance to the Temple of Mara). Immediately after you say “Yes, I agree,” be sure to talk to your significant other before he or she leaves the temple to choose a place where you will live together. There is a possibility of losing your partner or life partner if you do not stop him or her during this time. Since we have time (have you already managed to catch up with him/her?), talk about moving to new house, this can be either your home or your significant other’s home.
After your significant other has arrived at YOUR home, you can ask her about income that will constantly replenish your budget. After each day, collect daily savings equal to 100 gold from your spouse (regardless of the house in which he or she lives). After moving into your house (you can't move into your partner's house), your partner has the opportunity to buy and sell things. However, the income your spouse receives from trading does not in any way affect the 100 gold.

Benefits of a wedding

Half of the hero will cook homemade food for you once a day, which increases health, stamina and mana regeneration for X amount of time.
Note that this is a unique line of dialogue for each couple when it comes to food, but the product itself will always be the same.
If you sell cooked food to your significant other, don't expect him or her to cook for you again!
Your spouse can also accompany you, and you can exchange items of equipment and various things.
You can make a companion out of any NPC just by entering the command “addtofaction 5C84D 0” in the console, after first selecting the target. This will give your significant other PotentialFollowerFaction and add the corresponding line of dialogue to her or him as a companion. (Note: This does not work with Shavi. Possibly due to the fact that the required voice acting is not assigned to Argonians.) If you decide to use the command above, remember that your soulmate does not have the much-needed immortality tag, and will almost always die when inflicting fatal damage.
Sometimes, your significant other will delight you with gifts.
Your soulmate “somewhere” will open a store and bring in an income of 100 gold per day.
If your significant other accompanies you, he or she will buy and sell goods from you.
If your significant other was originally a merchant, then he or she will sell the same goods; if not, he or she will trade different goods.
The half's inventory is varied in items and is updated once a day (along with the amount of money that is given to you)
Your soul mate still doesn’t give you discounts, because when married to you, prices depend on eloquence and perks.
Sleeping next to your significant other gives you the "Lover's Comfort" bonus for 8 hours.
Does not stack with a similar effect provided by the Lover's Stone.
This effect does not stack with the Mage, Warrior and Thief stones.


If your significant other has property, you can move in with them. The things you leave inside the house will not disappear. If you buy a house, your spouse may move in with you instead. Your significant other cannot live in the house that you received during the quest or upon completion of the faction; the house must be purchased in one of the cities. The property of your spouses can be either a shop, a residential building, or a combination of both. That is, it can be either a whole house, a small shop, or a room in the house. If you got married and you don’t have a place to live, you and your significant other will find yourself homeless, and you will be able to see your spouse in the same place where you usually met them.
Please note that if you live in your significant other's shop, he or she will no longer be able to sell items. If your spouse lives in their own home, they will live the same way as before, visiting different places and doing the same things as before. If your significant other lives in your house, she will never leave it again, unless, of course, you ask her to accompany you.
If you do a favor for someone, you can usually use that person's bed, or take the cheapest items. However, if you take their more expensive items, it will be considered theft, and the items placed in their chests will become the property of the owner. Once you've gotten married, no matter where you decide to live, things you take from your spouse's home and entryway bins will no longer be considered theft.
If you have just started the game and do not have enough money to buy a house, you can marry a person who has property at his disposal and use it accordingly. The table below shows the property that they own. At least the bed definitely belongs to your significant other.

NPC for marriage.

Please note: all information provided here corresponds to the Official Skyrim Game Guide.
The gaps have yet to be filled in, but most of them mean no or no.
At your disposal are 2 tables that display all possible life partners, their races, where they can be found, what house they have at their disposal, whether they can be your companion, what they can teach you and what they trade.




  • At the time of the game's release, there were no Khajiit or Basmer characters (aka Wood Elves) that the player could marry. (without using the console command on PC versions of the game).
  • If your significant other dies, you cannot get married again. However, using the console you can restart the quest and bypass this limitation:
  • Remove the Amulet of Mara from inventory.
  • Enter the following code into the console: setstatge RelationshipMarriage 10
  • Buy the Amulet of Mary from Maramal and complete the quest - put on the amulet, find your love, agree to the marriage, and have a wedding.
  • Maramal will tell you that “you need to come tomorrow, any time from dawn to dusk.” Technically this is not true; if you ask him to officiate a wedding at 1 am, he will officiate it at 11 am on the same day. Just wait a couple of hours (T) until Maramal begins his ceremonial speech.
  • On PC, many characters cannot be married, and you have to resort to the console command addtofaction 19809 1. To increase their predisposition towards you, use setrelationshiprank player 4. Your future spouse will now have a corresponding line in the dialog box.
  • Applying what is described above could potentially lead to an error if you use it on quest characters, Khajiit/Bosmer races. The reason for this is that the scripts are not designed for characters like Esbern to create a marriage with them, and some characters simply die during the course of completing tasks.
  • If you're not sure what property your potential partner owns, you can track where he or she sleeps. If they always sleep in the same bed, then it belongs to them. Next, check whether the chests and objects around are glowing red (that is, whether they can be taken without stealing) Next, earn trust, or complete the quest of your soul mate. After that, check the drawers and things next to the bed again. If they no longer glow red, then these things belong to your soul mate. If things still remain red, check their indicator after the wedding. If nothing has changed, then only the bed (if your significant other actually sleeps in it) is the character’s property. If only within one room, things stop glowing red - that means only the room. Also, it is worth paying attention to the fact that if your other half divided property with someone, then perhaps it did not belong to her.


  • Well-Knows -Bolota has a bad habit of not giving out assignments. He can also simply disappear, often not appearing until you marry someone else. Possible way To prevent this, get to Windhelm immediately after finishing the introductory part.
  • Sometimes, NPCs will disappear after leaving the Temple of Mara. In this case, you can find your soul mate in the same place where you met her for the first time, you can talk to her in order to decide where to live. But it also happens that it seems that your soulmate has completely disappeared from the game, in such cases you need to load an earlier save and decide where you will live until he or she leaves the temple.
  • If your significant other lives with you, Lover's Calm may not be activated after sleep. To fix this, ask your partner to return to his house, rest there to restore the effect, then return back. Everything is working! So-called candidates who stay in taverns before marriage actually cannot spend the night in them, but if you pay for the room rental, the Lover's Peace effect will still be obtained.
  • If you kill a business partner, then in the future your other half, having become a merchant himself, will not be able to have dialogue lines regarding marriage. In particular, this is characteristic of Camila Valeria.
Translator: Mikezar

Skyrim is a harsh place, but even there they hold wedding ceremonies. Where to find a wife in Skyrim, why should a character marry, because the Dovahkiin has no time to look after his wife, right? However, in Skyrim everything is not the same as everywhere else. Life is very short, therefore, according to the priest of Mara (goddess of love), there is no time to look after a girl, therefore you can simply buy an amulet of Mary and get married with someone who also wears the same amulet and who likes the character.

People in Skyrim usually like good heroes, like our Dovahkiin, therefore, the character’s choice of bride/groom is quite large. However, the developers did not take one thing into account. A male character can propose and marry other men, and the same bug affects girls.

How and where to find a wife in Skyrim - how to get married, how to choose a wife / husband

The amulet can be purchased at Temple of Mara (located in Riften), as well as buy from random merchants or find in chests during adventures. After the character puts on the amulet, some people whom the main character helped will have a new dialogue window appear. Having selected the desired dialogue, you can make a proposal and begin wedding ceremony. If both parties agree, then you need to go to the temple of the goddess of love Mara and talk to the priest and start the wedding.

However, during the wedding, you can abandon your partner, after which the wedding guests, the bride and the priests will begin to despise the main character and insult him/her in every possible way. And if everything goes smoothly, then you can already discuss with your lover where you will live. It can be done in any of the main character's houses, and if not, then you can live with your husband/wife. However, you can move at any time, just by talking about it with “your soulmate.”

How to get married in Skyrim - pros and cons

After the wedding, when they already have a place to live, the husband/wife opens a shop that brings benefits, and the spouses will share the benefits among themselves. You can also pick up home-cooked food from your spouse every day, which is a great help during adventures. Some companions the character married can still follow and help in battle. After all, what could be better than being together all the time and covering each other’s backs.


1. Everyday home-cooked food that's not bad heals and will be very useful when traveling through harsh regions.
2. Spouses share a share of the store among themselves, and sometimes it’s a lot of money if the character for a long time I didn’t visit my other half.
3. If you have Dlc Hearthfire, then after the wedding the player will have a full-fledged family. New dialogues will appear.
4. If you sleep next to your spouse at night, the character will receive an effect that lasts 8 hours. All skills grow 15% faster and stack with any guardian stone.


1. If cancel wedding and then not taking a second chance and not marrying the same person, then this person will begin to despise the player, just like the priests.

Video walkthrough - Where to find a wife in Skyrim

After a while you can use your share from the store save up for a whole house, buy or build this very house and move there. Also, if the character is a vampire, then through the task you can turn your spouse into a vampire and live together forever and even death will not separate you.

Sometimes bandits kidnap a spouse, vampires too, and the main character has to save him/her. Therefore, marriage is not only an interesting experience in Skyrim, but also interesting quests and huge benefits. With representatives of some races, marriage is impossible at all, even using the console. Namely with the Khajiit and the Bosmer. If your spouse dies, then, unfortunately, you won’t be able to get married again. Unless using console commands. If you turn your spouse into a blade, then the opportunity to move will still remain. Now you know how and where you can find a husband/wife in the amazing game Skyrim!